KV-1: guide. KV-1 tank in World of Tanks: reviews, guides, weak points and penetration zones

Fans of Soviet equipment in World of Tanks very often choose those tanks that are familiar to them in real life. After all, almost no one has heard of some models, but others are known throughout the world. How could anyone not have heard of the T-34? And there is hardly anyone who has never seen a mention of Klim Voroshilov’s tank. By the way, this is what we will talk about further, or to be more precise, about the KV-1. The guide will tell you about the main advantages and disadvantages of this model, why it is worth choosing for the game, and will also dwell in detail on all the improvements and characteristics that they provide. As a result, you will know absolutely all the necessary information to properly upgrade your tank, as well as choose the right tactics depending on the situation.

Tank guns

As everyone knows very well, the gun is one of the most important components of any tank, including the KV-1. The guide will tell you what kind of gun this vehicle was initially equipped with, as well as those with which you can modify this tank. So, first you get the 76mm ZiS-5 gun, which has good penetration, especially on the sides (up to 10 centimeters), as well as impressive damage. However, this is all good only in the initial stages, because later you will hardly be able to limit yourself to this weapon. With a good rate of fire, relatively fast aiming and not very heavy weight, the disadvantage of this weapon is serious dispersion. Therefore, you should consider choosing one of three other guns: Project 413, U-11 or F-30.

The first weapon is light, it has a better rate of fire, minimal dispersion, short aiming and low weight, but both penetration and damage leave much to be desired. The second one can attract with incredibly high penetration and damage rates, but at the same time its rate of fire is five times lower than the previous one, and the dispersion, aiming and weight indicators are the worst among the others. Therefore, it is recommended to go with the third option - with very good penetration and damage, the gun has a high rate of fire and not too much spread. True, in terms of weight and mixing it is not much different from the previous one. Thus, you have various options for equipping your KV-1 tank. The guide, however, will tell you far more than just about weapons.

Tower improvement

Among the turrets, this tank does not have much choice, as is the case with guns. You are given a sample LKZ, which you can eventually replace with ChTZ. How can the second turret strengthen the KV-1 tank? The guide was created so that you can find out before you start playing. So, the first tower has 20 millimeters less frontal armor and 35 millimeters less side and rear armor. The turning speed and viewing radius are the same, but the weight of the second one is slightly higher, but it is really worth it, since increasing the armor for this vehicle is very important. The KV-1 tank has a very low visibility rating, so you will have to learn to live with this if you decide to choose this model.

Three engines for KV-1

In terms of engines, the KV-1 has three options to choose from, but, in fact, you only have to choose between two. The fact is that between the factory engine and the first modification there is only a difference of fifty horsepower. It is better to equip the KV-1 tank with the V2-K engine, since it simultaneously increases power by fifty horsepower and reduces the likelihood of a fire by five percent. Naturally, these are not the highest indicators, but in emergency situations even they can be important. In the game World of Tanks, the KV-1 is one of the most beloved tanks, despite its shortcomings. The not-so-high penetration power and low viewing angle have already been discussed. It remains only to mention the low maneuverability, which can only be slightly corrected by improving the chassis.

KV-1S - Soviet Tier V TT

The main highlight of the KV-1S is its weapon with huge damage per shot. The dynamic engine allows the tank to develop high speed. The hull is poorly armored, the turret is protected a little better, but this is clearly not enough for a heavy tank.

KV-1S is a Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War. The abbreviation KV means “Klim Voroshilov” - the official name of serial Soviet heavy tanks produced in 1940-1943. The 1C index means a “fast” modification of the first production model.

The KV-1S was developed in May-July 1942 in connection with complaints from Red Army commanders about the low mobility and reliability of the original version of the KV-1 heavy tank. In order to reduce the total weight of the tank, its dimensions were slightly reduced and the side armor was weakened.

As a result of these measures, the average and maximum speed of the tank increased, and together with the introduction of a new gearbox, it was possible to slightly increase the overall reliability of the vehicle when used by the troops.

Compared to the KV-1, the armament remained the same, but the effectiveness of its use increased - the tank commander’s position was equipped with an observation turret, which improved visibility of the battlefield.

  • Gun - 122 mm howitzer S-41
  • Tower - KV-122 mod. 1944
  • Chassis - KV-1S arr. 1943
  • Engine - V-2IS
  • Walkie-talkie - 10RK

Basic Balance weight: 14.4 Price: 410,000 kr Durability: 620 HP View: 320 m.
Communication: 325 m.

Armament Ammunition: 114 pcs. Damage: 110 / 110 / 156 HP Penetration: 86 / 102 / 38 mm. Reload: 4.2 sec. Accuracy: 0.46 Aiming time: 2.3 GN speed: 28 °/s

HV angles: -5…+25°

Reservation Case: 75 / 60 / 60 mm.

Tower: 82 / 75 / 75 mm.

Mobility Power: 500 hp Speed: 43 / 11 km/h. Agility: 28 °/s

Soil resistance: 1.3 / 1.5 / 2.5

Basic Balance weight: 14.4 Price: 410,000 kr Durability: 660 HP View: 340 m.

Communication: 440 m.

Armament Ammunition: 60 pcs. Damage: 450 / 370 HP Penetration: 61 / 140 mm. Cooldown: 11.6 sec. Accuracy: 0.58 Aiming time: 2.9 GN speed: 28 °/s

HV angles: -5…+20°

Reservation Case: 75 / 60 / 60 mm.

Tower: 82 / 82 / 82 mm.

Mobility Power: 600 hp Speed: 43 / 11 km/h. Agility: 30 °/s

Soil resistance: 1.2 / 1.3 / 2.3

  • High alpha damage
  • Speed ​​and maneuverability like a medium tank
  • Good gun declination angles
  • Frequent ricochets from the tower
  • Long reloading and alignment of the top gun
  • Poor accuracy
  • Weak hull armor
  • Prone to fire
  • Small ammunition

Crew skills and abilities

Driver mechanic
Radio operator


RammerReinforced aiming drivesImproved ventilation

The use of this equipment is dictated by the need to somehow smooth out the roughness of the top gun. First of all, we install the Rammer to speed up reloading. Next, you need to install Reinforced aiming drives so that after the tank stops or after a turn, the gun moves faster. In the third slot we install Improved ventilation, which will give a good increase to all the characteristics of the tank.


Small first aid kitSmall repair kitManual fire extinguisher

Speeding up gun reloading

100% crew + Rammer + Improved ventilation = 13.5 sec


Although the KV-1S belongs to the class of heavy tanks, it is not one. Rather, the KV-1S can be added to the ranks of light-heavy tanks. Therefore, it is not intended for tanking. Let your more armored allies do this. The KV-1S is mainly used as a damage dealer, that is, its main task is to deal damage without receiving it in return. Shoot and roll away is the most suitable tactic for him.



Chassis and maneuverability issues

It cannot be said that in World of Tanks the KV-1 is the strongest representative of its class. However, if you have the proper skills, as well as an understanding of how this machine functions, then you can achieve considerable success with it. And the first step towards this will be replacing the original chassis. From this you will immediately receive a sea of ​​advantages: firstly, the maximum load will increase by eight tons, and secondly, the turning speed will increase, and it will do this by two degrees at once. However, this does not change the fact that 18 or 20 degrees per second is too low for such a tank, so you will have to be very careful in combat, always remembering that it is very difficult to turn in this vehicle. How to play the KV-1 under all such conditions? Naturally, in addition to the disadvantages, there are also advantages, but first you should consider replacing the radio in order to fully equip your car with the best equipment.

Kvasim or how to download the KV-1S

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Soviet heavy tank of the sixth level. It has good mobility and weapons, mediocre armor and a high fire hazard.

Predecessor of the heavy tank IS and the medium KV-13.

I would like to give some tips on pumping up this bender) Why a bender? Yes, because Kvass, in my opinion, is the only tank that, regardless of its position (in the top or *OP) - nips!) Yes, all the friends who play tanks, who have tanks of lvl 8-10 in their hangar, do not sell Kvass and are not going to) And so let's get started!


First of all, we must upgrade the chassis of the KV-1S Bis. It will increase the tank's carrying capacity and turning speed.

The second point is the KV-85 tower. It will increase visibility and add units of strength.

Thirdly, the 122 mm D2-5T gun. Yes, he may have a low reload speed, but this is compensated by colossal armor penetration and damage for his level and not only!

Fourthly, the V-2IS engine will add 100 hp.

Well, we end with the 10RK radio. It will increase the communication range to 440 meters.

Crew skills

1 2 3 4


Because Our magnificent weapon has a low reload speed, so first of all, install the Rammer in order to somehow speed up the reload. The second number should be Reinforced aiming drives, for quick aiming of the gun. And the third point: Improved ventilation is a simple and universal module that will happily improve all the performance of your tank! It can also be replaced with tanks containing carbon dioxide. On my own behalf, I would like to add that I used to ride without knowing what a Fire Extinguisher, Repair Kit and First Aid Kit are. But starting with the KV-1, we are faced with 2 of the most important problems - a fire in the engine and a downed hull. Believe me, these problems will remain on the KV-1S. Also, very often on the KV-1S, I personally have the driver mechanic disabled, as a result of which the turning speed of the turret and the tank itself slows down, so we bought a First Aid Kit, a Repair Kit and a Fire Extinguisher and let’s go get medals!


When you get off the KV-1 and sit on a stock KV-1S, don’t cry! Yes, while Kvass is stock, it is almost worse than the KV-1, but be patient! Under no circumstances should you sell a high explosive with a KV-1; you can ride with it on a Kvass for some time. And remember! If on the KV-1, being at the top, we were like a wall that was unbreakable for almost everyone, then Kvass is a little weaker in this regard. When playing this tank, you have to think and be cunning, have some kind of tactics. don’t forget to hide behind the houses and corpses of noobs who decided to go rush!

I hope you enjoy the guide) Good luck)

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For most Soviet tanks there is not much choice between different types of radios. Most often, the machine is equipped with a 10P device, which is capable of transmitting a signal over 360 meters, and it can be replaced with a 10PK device, whose transmission radius increases by eighty meters. This way you can act more as a team, which is very important for a machine like this. The KV-1 tank guide has already noted more than once that this model has its serious disadvantages, and you need to work as a team to cover them with the help of partners, and also turn their disadvantages into an advantage. Naturally, everything here depends on your skills, so practice acting not only solo, but also with other players, play combinations, develop tactical drawings, and then success will definitely await you.

The main advantages of the tank

In WoT, the KV-1 is “famous” for its shortcomings, so it is often taken only by those who have heard about this machine in reality. But in fact, this model is not so bad, because it has very serious and important advantages that will help both you in a single confrontation and the whole team. For example, it is worth immediately noting the thick armor, which not any weapon will penetrate. But the most serious advantage is the wide selection of weapons. You can choose a light and fast-firing gun with not the highest damage, or a 122 mm howitzer, which will fire rarely, but is incredibly powerful. There are four different weapons in total, each of which can be used in a particular situation. So, from a tactical point of view, the KV-1 is a very interesting model that is definitely worth paying attention to.

Summarizing all the shortcomings

A lot has already been said about the disadvantages of this tank, so all that remains is to summarize what can be found bad in the KV-1. The characteristics of speed and maneuverability are the main drawback of this tank. You will have to act in a group or very carefully so as not to be beaten by some nimble light tank that you simply cannot keep up with. Well, don’t forget that for tactical drawings the width of the range of weapons is very good, but the guns themselves, for the most part, do not have high armor penetration. Of course, they can easily cope with tanks of a lower class, but with the same heavy vehicles it will be more difficult.

Third place

Let's start with German tank destroyers. The players voted for it and, frankly speaking, there weren’t very many options there. Last month's vote drew very few participants, one of the lowest numbers this year.

But the guys are great on this, they decided it was better not to vote at all and gave the opportunity to choose those who really intended to download the listed branches.

Let's start with the disadvantages that everyone will have to face when playing on this branch (I will take into account high levels 8+):

  • very weak dynamics and poor maneuverability;
  • Almost everyone can spin, the art always focuses, golds or land mines are often charged against you;
  • It’s difficult to decide the outcome of a battle alone; you need the cover of your allies so that the enemy doesn’t come from the flank or rear (because this is the direct road to the Hangar in 90% of cases).
  • It takes a long time to reload, so sometimes you wonder: take a chance and shoot or wait.

But the top of the branch has exceptional advantages for which you can endure:

  • large one-time damage. Anyone who doesn’t want to remove more than half of the enemy’s safety margin in one shot is the first to be captivated by this temptation.
  • reliable reservation with screens. At the top of the list or at medium range it is a very tough nut to crack, especially if there are no self-propelled guns in battle;
  • land mines. The large caliber of the gun with such an alpha allows you to indulge in high-explosive fragmentation shells.
  • on Jagdpanzer E 100 there is a beautiful 3D style "Panzerschiff"

    Jg.Pz.E 100 "Panzerschiff"

Another good reason to pump out German tank destroyers was the addition in the 5th season of the referral program of the premium Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 tank gun, which can be obtained completely free of charge .

Combat tactics

So, you already know about all the characteristics of this tank, about its guns and other equipment, about all its pros and cons. But what to do next? How to play the KV-1? Naturally, based on all this knowledge, you can easily develop your own strategy, but it’s still worth giving a couple of tips. For example, you should not try to defeat high-level opponents on your own, even if you yourself are already well leveled up - your armor, unfortunately, will not be able to compete in such a fight. You can also use this tank as a front line in a breakthrough, if the opponents are not too rich in heavy tanks, or as support. If your team has more powerful vehicles with thick armor, then you should stay behind and cover their rear, shooting those you can handle without problems, and you can leave the breakthrough to the front to other players.

Guide to the Tier 5 Soviet heavy tank KV-1 WoT

Good day everyone, aces.gg here! Today we will talk about one of the most armored tanks at its level, and we will talk about the Soviet fifth-tier heavy tank KV-1.

Brief information

The fifth level heavy tank KV-1 was once a stock version of the KV tank. But in one of the patches it was decided to split the KV into two vehicles, the KV-1 and KV-2. The KV-1, like the KV, remained at the fifth level, and the KV-2 was moved to the 6th level.

At the moment, the KV-1 can be opened using the fourth level medium tank T-28 for 13,500 experience, and its cost at the time of purchase will be 390,000 credits.


Pros and cons of the car.

Pros: • Good all-round armor for its level; • Small sizes; • Large selection of weapons.

Cons: • Weak dynamics; • Very poor visibility; • Very weak stock gun.

Let's talk about guns, and the KV-1 has four of them.

The first 76 mm ZiS-5 gun. Unfortunately, this is our stock gun, which has very weak penetration and very poor accuracy, but it is with it that we will have to open the first guns for a more or less comfortable game. Therefore, you will have to be patient. Or, open them for free experience, which will save you nerves and time.

The second gun is 57 mm Project 413. Compared to the previous gun, it has everything you need for a comfortable game, including accuracy and penetration, and with premium shells we are not afraid of any tank of the seventh level. The only negative is the low average damage per shot, which, coupled with our rate of fire, will force us to be in sight of the enemy all the time, and therefore expose ourselves to enemy shots.

The third gun is 122 mm U-11. It has 2 types of projectiles, land mines and cumulative ones. Land mines are practically useless projectiles at the moment; due to their low armor penetration and lack of versatility, they are only suitable for firing at tanks that have no armor at all. And cumulative projectiles with their penetration of 140 mm are excellent for destroying enemies, if you take into account the mechanics of the cumulative projectile and know how to use it.

And the last and most important gun is the 85 mm F-30. It has normal armor penetration for the basic projectile and good average one-time damage, as well as acceptable accuracy for its level.

To other parameters.

The number of strength points we have is 640 units, which is quite enough for a heavy tank of the fifth level. The armor of the tank is quite good; when positioned in a diamond formation, not a single tank up to the fifth level will be able to penetrate us; tanks with high-explosive guns do not count. The tank also has a very strong top turret. If we talk about dynamics, then the KV-1 lacks it. The tank reaches the 34 km/h stated in the performance characteristics very reluctantly, and only if the tank is driving from a mountain or on normal ground. Also, the tank, like many Soviet vehicles, has very poor visibility. Therefore, we will often snatch away from enemies who will shine on us from the bushes.

Skills and abilities of the KV-1 crew

A standard and good choice would be:

Commander - Sixth Sense, Repair, Brotherhood. Gunner - Repair, Smooth rotation of the turret Combat Brotherhood. Driver - Repair, Smooth ride, Combat brotherhood. Radio operator - Repair, Radio interception, Combat brotherhood. Loader - Repair, Non-contact ammo rack, Combat brotherhood.

Installation of modules on KV-1

Now we will talk about selecting modules for the tank. It is necessary to install a medium-caliber gun rammer, improved ventilation and reinforced aiming drives

KV-1 equipment

Here is another standard, namely: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and a hand-held fire extinguisher. I advise you to use premium equipment, which is quite expensive, but can significantly increase the survivability of your vehicle in battle. So feel free to equip your tank with a large repair kit, a large first aid kit and an automatic fire extinguisher or extra ration.

Tactics and use of the KV-1

The KV-1 can be considered a real heavy tank; its lack of dynamics is compensated by good all-round armor. Of course, our armor is unlikely to save us from some vehicles of the sixth and seventh levels, but for most vehicles of the fifth and lower levels we will be an impregnable fortress, especially if we use it correctly: play from the side or place the tank in a diamond shape. But in general, the tactics of playing the KV-1 largely depend on the choice of gun.

So, for example, if we choose the 57 mm Project 413 gun, then we turn our tank into a kind of premium Churchill 3. Having excellent armor penetration, accuracy and rate of fire, we will simply fill the enemy with shells, not allowing him to come to his senses. This gun also has very good premium cumulative shells. Their penetration of 189 mm will be enough for us for any tanks of the fifth to seventh levels, of course, if you know where to shoot. The best tactic for the KV-1 will be to push through directions with allied vehicles; due to our rate of fire, we can not only inflict damage on the enemy, but also try to knock down his tracks, as well as finish them off.

When choosing the F-30 85 mm gun, we can both push through directions and defend them. A good rate of fire, acceptable accuracy and good average damage per shot will make low-level enemies wonder whether it’s worth coming at us. But with higher level cars we will have to work a little harder. Although you can easily deal with them by shooting them at pressure points, while trying not to expose yourself to their shots.

And finally, by choosing the U-11 122 mm gun, we get the KV-1 with the highest single damage per shot. We can simply one-shot small and weakly armored vehicles or inflict huge damage. And we play against tanks with armor, targeting their weak points. But due to the accuracy of the weapon, we will not always be able to do this. The best tactic for us would be to shoot at enemies at medium and close distances.

Also, when playing on the KV-1, you should always remember about the enemy’s artillery; for them we are a tasty target due to our weak dynamics and clumsiness. Therefore, always try to be close to various types of shelters.

One more thing. Remember, never fly the KV-1 forward in open areas. Because poor visibility makes you an easy target for more sighted enemy vehicles. As a result, they can simply make you out without even getting caught in the light.

Bottom line

The KV-1 is a very good heavy tank at its level. Thanks to the large selection of weapons, it is always fun to play. It is great for inexperienced players, since often, thanks to its armor, it will forgive them mistakes. In general, the machine is very well balanced, and with proper play it can bring not only beautiful numbers of experience and credits gained, but also a lot of pleasure to its owner.

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