"Matilda" is a British Army tank. Tank "Matilda IV" - World of Tanks guide

World of Tanks is a game in which each model is unique, so you won't be able to pick a random tank, jump into it and start winning. All machines require a special approach, appropriate tactics of action under different conditions, as well as improvements, without which you are unlikely to succeed. Naturally, it is irrational to consider all tanks in one article, so here you will only see a detailed analysis of one model belonging to the British branch and called “Matilda”. This tank belongs to the medium class and is on the fourth level. You will learn from the article what its advantages are, as well as why mobility is its main disadvantage.

Tank guns

"Matilda" is a tank that has a very good selection of weapons. Even stock weapons cannot be called weak, because initially your model is given a good gun with lateral penetration of 100 millimeters, as well as frontal damage of 175 units. Thus, already with such characteristics it is possible to develop strategies that can then be used in battle. However, you should note that this gun has an incredibly low rate of fire, rather unpleasant spread, and is not the fastest to aim. So you shouldn't consider going stock, especially when the options are so good. Both guns that you are asked to install instead can be considered excellent. Each of them has good penetration, but their damage, of course, is far from the highest. But the rate of fire is almost twice as high, the spread is smaller, and the aiming is faster. In general, you can choose which model you like best and which one will be better for your Matilda tank. A tank, of course, consists of more than just a gun, so it’s worth paying attention to other aspects.


What can you say about the stock Matilda turret? The tank has a pretty good initial turret, which has 75mm armor on all sides. It rotates at a speed of 34 degrees per second and also has a 330-meter field of view. You have the opportunity to change the tower to a more advanced one, but in reality there is practically no point in this. The turret's armor remains the same, as does the traverse speed. The only thing that increases is the overview. But pay attention to how much it grows - by only ten meters, that is, from 330 to 340 meters. It is unlikely that there will be a situation in the game in which these ten meters would play an important role for you. Therefore, work on improvements in more important areas first before moving on to the tower. Naturally, if you have a Matilda 4 tank, which belongs to the Soviet branch and is a prize, then you will have completely different concerns, but now we are talking specifically about the British Matilda model.

History of changes:

Update 0.2

  • A new tank Matilda II has been introduced into the game.


  • Balancing the premium Matilda tank.
  • The settings for the battle levels of the premium tank Matilda have been changed.

Update 0.7.0

  • Transfer to a new booking system (16 groups + screens).

Update 0.7.3

  • Tank durability increased from 400 to 488.
  • Communication range of radio station WS No. 19R reduced from 650 m to 570 m.

Update 0.8.2

  • In the Russian localization, the name of the Lend-Lease tank of the Soviet branch will now be written in Cyrillic “Matilda IV”.

Update 0.8.6

  • Profitability increased by 29%.


In World of Tank, the Matilda initially has a fairly passable engine, which, however, compared to other models for medium tanks, is mediocre, if not bad. Its power is only 174 horsepower, but the probability of fire is quite high - 15 percent. Unfortunately, by changing the engine you will not reduce the likelihood of a fire, but you can increase the number of horsepower to 190, which is quite normal. And everything would be fine if the tanks moved only on the engine. But they also have a chassis, which is the most problematic for the Matilda model. The tank, the guide to which you are now reading, is extremely clumsy precisely because of this element.


Not a single review of the Matilda tank would be complete without mentioning its chassis, because it quite significantly lowers the rating of this vehicle compared to other medium tanks of the fourth and closest levels. With a maximum load of just 27 tons, you get a swing speed of 34 degrees per second. Of course, an improved chassis does not solve all problems, but it helps to at least slightly increase the Matilda’s agility - you get two extra tons for the load, as well as a two percent increase in the turning speed of the tank itself. At the same time, it has a maximum speed of only 24 kilometers per hour, which is absolutely unacceptable given such agility. In general, you will need a lot of experience and skills to cope with the Matilda and not let her be one of the first to die in battle. If you have “Matilda” - 1 tank, then we can only sympathize with you. And also recommend buying another machine on which you can train and learn the basics of the game, since it will be very, very difficult to do this on this model.



Lv.TowerArmor (mm)Rotation (deg/sec)Review (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
VMatilda IV75/75/75343503 5009 670

Compatible weapons:

Lv.gunPenetration (mm)Damage (HP)Rapid fire (rounds/min) Spread (m/100m)Mixing (c)BCWeight, kg)Price (credits)
V76 mm F-9686/102/38110/110/15616.150.411.71601 15534 020


Lv.EnginePower (hp)Fire probability (%)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
IIIAEC3274154004 220


Lv.ChassisMax. load (t) Turning speed (gr/sec)RminWeight, kg)Price (credits)
VMatilda II3135B/27 0009 380

Radio stations

Lv.Radio stationCommunication range (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
IXWS No. 19R 57011029 400


For many tanks, the radio station plays a particularly important role - especially if you are operating in a team and have an artillery crew available. So that he can fire at distant positions, and also so that your partners can quickly find the enemy, you need to illuminate his tanks, and then report these exposures to your comrades. And the radio station, which by default has a radius of 350 meters, is responsible for this part. The English Matilda tank is not a reconnaissance tank, it does not have great speed and increased agility - on the contrary, these are its weaknesses. Therefore, the radio is not a key component - you should only upgrade it if you have absolutely unnecessary money. The most powerful radio available for this tank has a communication range one hundred meters greater than the stock version.


  1. Crew commander (radio operator);
  2. Gunner;
  3. Driver mechanic;
  4. Charging.

Learning additional skills for the crew:

Standard crew for Active Actions:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members, except the commander, the “ Repair” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Repair” skill speeds up the repair of damaged modules, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank has been detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn the additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which will improve the level of proficiency in the specialty - be sure to learn it all at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the skill “Desperate” , which reduces the reload time when less than 10% strength remains.

Studying skills and abilities of crew members for defense:


For the first slot, we teach all crew members the “ Camouflage” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Camouflage” skill will reduce the overall visibility of the tank, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn an additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which improves the level of proficiency in the specialty, must be studied by everyone at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the skill “Desperate” , which reduces the reload time when less than 10% strength remains.

Leveling procedure

So, for each tank there is an approximately optimal order of pumping, which, of course, can be changed as you want. But it’s still better to listen to what they write in the guides, because they won’t wish you harm. The very first thing you need to upgrade in Matilda is the guns, and you can forget about the second one. The main thing is to upgrade the one that has a penetration of 145 millimeters; it will provide you with incredible firepower on the battlefield. The next in line should be the chassis, which will allow you to at least slightly compensate for the disgusting mobility of your tank, after which you can study the third gun and turret, and the remaining elements, such as the engine or radios, can not be upgraded at all - or upgraded when there is excess money or situational necessary.


Matilda is a direct counterpick for those heroes who are vulnerable to enemy initiation and do not have enough health points or the necessary escapes to survive. This includes most of the heroes who are in the roles of a shooter or a magician, who feel pretty bad when playing against Matilda.

Matilda is countered by those heroes who can calmly survive her procast with the help of skills, as well as those who themselves can kill her after her initiation. Mostly these are heroes in the role of fighters.

Mobile Legends Guides

Advantages of "Matilda"

If you decide to play as Matilda, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the advantages that it has in order to achieve the best results on this model. The first thing you should note is that it has good armor, especially considering that the tank is only level four. Good armor also comes with a fairly impressive margin of safety, which makes your tank quite “thick”. But at the same time, you are armed with an excellent weapon, capable of firing quickly and accurately with shells that eat up almost 200 millimeters of armor. On a separate note, your guns tilt very well, giving you good aiming ability. Well, we must not forget that your tank has better visibility than many similar models, so you should also take advantage of this.

Equipment, gear and ammunition:

List of equipment that can be installed on Matilda IV:

Equipment for the Matilda IV tank:

For the Active Action Rammer, Improved Ventilation, and Coated Optics equipment . On the first slot we install complex Rammer equipment, which increases the reload speed by 10% . On the second slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% . On the last slot we install complex equipment Coated optics, which increases the viewing radius by 10% .

For the Ambush Sniper , you need to install the equipment "Improved Ventilation", "Stereo Tube" and "Camouflage Net" . On the first slot we install complex equipment Improved ventilation, which increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5% On the second slot we install removable equipment Stereo Tube, which increases the viewing radius 3 seconds after stopping. On the last slot we install the removable equipment Camouflage Network, which reduces the visibility of a stationary tank after stopping after 3 seconds.


List of equipment that can be installed on Matilda IV:

The equipment should be equipped with a standard set of equipment: Small repair kit , Small first aid kit , Hand fire extinguisher . The fire extinguisher can be replaced with Lend-Lease oil , which will increase engine power by 5% . For tournaments or when there are a lot of credits, you can replace the fire extinguisher with Extra Ration 10% to all skills .


76 mm F-96 gun , we’ll take most of the armor-piercing shells, but against more armored enemies it’s worth taking a few cumulative premium shells, which will make the game easier. High-explosive fragmentation shells will be useful for us to shoot down the capture of the base and finish off opponents with a small margin of safety. The total ammunition load is 60


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Active actions:


Assembly of equipment, equipment and ammunition - Defense:


Disadvantages of the tank

But you shouldn’t think that “Matilda” is one big continuous plus; this model also has disadvantages. As you already understood, its biggest drawback is terrible mobility, which can be slightly compensated by a thick layer of armor and great survivability. It is also worth paying attention to your weapon - it, of course, has its advantages, described earlier, but there are also disadvantages - for example, very low power. That is, you will penetrate the armor very well, but it will be of no use, since you will inflict 50 units of damage to your enemy. Well, one more thing that you will have to constantly monitor is your stern, which has weaker armor than the rest of the tank. So, under no circumstances should you let your opponents fly behind you, and it won’t be easy to restrain them on such a clumsy tank.

TTX Matilda

First of all, I would like to say that we have at our disposal an excellent margin of safety by the standards of medium Tier 4 tanks, as well as a completely standard basic viewing range of 340 meters.

Particular attention should be paid to the survivability parameters, since the Matilda has characteristics

bookings are very interesting. As can be seen from the collage model, in the frontal projection there is a huge variety of armor thicknesses, but the strength of the armor plates does not fall below 75 millimeters, which is very serious, because even heavy classmates cannot boast of such armor.

Moreover, the British Matilda medium tank

in the forehead of the hull and turret it has a large number of bevels and slopes, that is, in many areas the armor exceeds 75 mm, and in some places the reduction even reaches 150 millimeters.

Our sides are also well protected, their thickness at right angles is 40 millimeters, and in addition to this, there is a huge 20 mm screen along each side. All this suggests that Matilda World of Tanks

By placing the side at a good angle, we can perfectly withstand a blow, and we are also perfectly protected from any enemy machine-gun weapons.

So, our reservation perfectly protects against classmates and lower-level equipment, but still equipment of the fifth and even more so the sixth level Matilda WoT

afraid, you need to behave carefully with such opponents, you can’t go out against them thoughtlessly.

However, having such serious security, we have to sacrifice something and we pay in full for our survival in driving characteristics. Maximum speed Matilda tank

I got a small one, our dynamics are completely disgusting and our maneuverability is also weak.

Action tactics

How can you use this tank most effectively? First of all, you should understand that alone you will act much less effectively than in a company. Firstly, you will be able to cover your comrades, because you will have a very impressive supply of both armor and strength, and your comrades will cover your stern. You will also remove armor and tank opponents, and your partners will be able to inflict serious damage through breakthroughs, thereby quickly and effectively defeating any enemy. “Matilda” can also be used well as a base guard, since it can very well keep any opponents at a long distance, firing densely from a rapid-fire cannon.

General tips for the game

Matilda prefers a mixed style of play. This is due to the fact that the hero is forced to wait for his ultimate to recharge and choose the right moment to initiate the battle. But she doesn’t stand still or just run around doing nothing, but directly pokes opponents through her first skill, moving away from the focus with her second skill.

As soon as her ultimate rolls back, Matilda begins to actively look for the right moment to rush into her opponents, choosing the most vulnerable target first.

The hero begins to fully reveal himself after receiving his main items, the combinations of which we have already discussed earlier. Then, with each item purchased, the hero only becomes stronger, either in damage or in defense. It all depends on what exactly you will be purchasing for the main assembly.

And if we talk about the stages of the game, then your path is the beginning and middle of the game. In the late game, you are no longer so strong and effective, and enemy heroes will, for the most part, be able to survive the damage from your cast.

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