Anti-tank missile system 9K113 "Sturm-V".

Anti-tank complex 9P149 Sturm-S

The Shturm-S complex uses the 9M114 multi-purpose guided missile (see description of the 9M114 ATGM).
It is made according to the aerodynamic “duck” design. The main elements of the radio command control system are located in the tail compartment. At the rear end of the sustainer stage there was a source of infrared radiation detected by ground or helicopter semi-automatic control equipment, as well as a radio antenna. In the transport position, the tail compartment is covered by four wing consoles. The arched wings are rectangular in plan, when viewed from the front, they are curved in an arc towards each other, and are opened by a spring mechanism. The plane of the aerodynamic control surfaces is shifted by 45° relative to the planes of wing attachment and at 90° to the plane of the nozzle axes. To reduce the weight and dimensions of the rocket, the controls are made according to a single-channel design. The rocket uses a solid-fuel dual-mode propulsion engine, providing high flight speed (up to 530 m/s). Control commands from the on-board control system were transmitted to the front compartments via cables laid in a pipe running along the longitudinal axis of the rocket inside the combustion chamber of the main engine. The missile's armor penetration is up to 650 mm. In the aft part of the tube of the transport and launch container there was a starting accelerator - an accelerating engine, separated from the rocket upon completion of its operation. The 9M114 missile was delivered from the manufacturer and operated by the troops in a fiberglass transport and launch container (TPK). The design of the TPK ensures that the rocket rotates around its longitudinal axis during the launch process. TPK provides a 10-year warranty period for storing the missile. The missiles were delivered in a technological container - a closure measuring 1.93 x 0.33 x 0.73 m. During mass production, the missiles of the 9M114 family were repeatedly modernized in the direction of increasing combat effectiveness, launch range, increasing noise immunity, etc.

The Shturm-S can also be equipped with a 9M114F guided missile with a high-explosive warhead. This makes it possible to destroy enemy personnel and destroy long-term firing points and other engineering structures, including in mountainous areas. In connection with the advent of tanks with dynamic protection, designers have now created a new missile with a tandem warhead, the 9M114M, that is competitive on the world market. The upgraded missile has an increased flight range and is capable of reliably hitting tanks behind reactive armor.

The missile guidance system is semi-automatic, radio command, with an infrared tracking signal. Measuring the coordinates of the missile relative to the line of sight of the target is carried out by the direction finder of the guidance equipment. Direction finders for receiving the signal from the infrared emitter of the ATGM are built into the sighting devices of helicopter or ground guidance equipment. The high noise immunity of the Sturm complex is ensured by the narrow radiation pattern of the radio antennas and the relative short duration of the radiation cycle of the radio equipment, as well as the switching of five letter frequencies and two remotely controlled control signal codes. It also provides the possibility of simultaneous use of weapons by a group of ATGMs in a confined space. To prevent the direction finder from capturing the semi-automatic guidance equipment of an “alien” missile, the signal from the infrared emitter of the ATGM is generated in accordance with the frequency and code of the microwave pulses of the radio control commands arriving on board the missile.

When developing the ground version of the complex, we encountered our own difficulties. In particular, targeting was hampered by dust rising behind the flying missile. When the 9M114 flew near the surface of the earth, in addition to dust being sucked in by the engine jet, the impact of the shock wave on the ground also affected it. When launching from helicopters, this problem did not arise - the missile, aimed using the alignment method (“three points”), gradually descended, but mostly flew at fairly high altitudes. According to the results of research by TsAGI specialists, a dust trail could have formed during the flight of an ATGM at an altitude of less than 6 m. To reduce the effect of suction, the engine thrust was reduced to the level required during the cruising phase. The rocket's acceleration took place in the area where the launch engine was operating - a detachable accelerator that operated mainly inside the transport and launch container. The rocket's exit speed from the TPK is 55 m/s. In addition, a special “Dust” mode was introduced in the rocket’s ground control system (see.

). When this mode is implemented, the missile flies at an altitude of more than 6 meters for most of the trajectory and only reaches the line of sight at a distance of 500 - 700 m from the target. This allows the operator, regardless of weather conditions and the operation of the rocket engines, to always see the target object. At the maximum firing range, the accuracy of the ATGM control system, the Shturm-S self-propelled ATGM, does not exceed 0.6 arc minutes. This allows you to fire at any small armored targets, low-flying helicopters, including in hovering and approaching mode. The maximum altitude for hitting air targets (launch at sea level) is 3000 meters.

The combat vehicle (BM) 9P149 ATGM "Sturm-S" (see photo review ) is based on the MT-LB multi-purpose amphibious light armored transporter-tractor. Its high thrust-to-weight ratio, the presence of a tracked propulsion system, and low specific ground pressure make it possible to effectively use the complex in various natural and climatic conditions, including deserts, mountainous areas and off-road conditions. Launcher layout (see.

) and other equipment allows the crew of a combat vehicle to fire from an open position, an engineered shelter, as well as from the water surface when the MT-LB is swimming (at a speed of up to 5 km/h). The low silhouette of the tractor (roof height does not exceed 1.8 m) and low center of gravity allow it to be used on steep slopes. On dry, turfed ground, the machine overcomes an incline of up to 35°, a roll of up to 25°, a ditch 2.5 m wide, and a vertical wall 0.8 m high.

The BM 9P149 is equipped with a system to protect the crew from the damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction. It includes a filter-ventilation unit, a chemical and radiation reconnaissance device, as well as housing sealing devices. In addition, the Shturm-S anti-tank complex has communications equipment with a range of up to 40 km and night vision devices.

The launcher (PU) of the Shturm-S ATGM is automatically reloadable, aimed in two planes. The abandonment of launchers with multiple guides was determined by the ability to ensure rapid reloading of a relatively lightweight installation with low moments of inertia, carried out in a time shorter than the duration of the missile’s flight to a target, which is usually located at a long range. For the Shturm-S complex, it was possible to ensure a combat rate of fire of 3 - 4 rounds per minute. In the stowed position, the launcher is retracted inside the body, where it is located

(special rotating drum and gearbox). Twelve launch containers with missiles are installed on the drum supports. When firing, the launcher captures the container and is automatically transferred to the firing position. The time from the moment the firing button is pressed until the missile exits the transport and launch container is one second. After the shot, the used container is thrown aside, and a new TPK is automatically captured from the ammunition rack and brought to the firing line.

An optical sighting device with a built-in tracking channel for the missile's infrared emitter is located on the roof of the vehicle on the left side. The task of the operator of the Shturm-S complex is to apply an aiming mark to the target and hold it there until the missile contacts the target. It provides shelling of targets moving at a flank speed of up to 60 km/h with a frontal speed of up to 80 km/h.

The high combat capabilities of the Sturm-S can be realized with the reliable operation of all its systems and the coordinated actions of the crew of the combat vehicle. For maintenance of the complex and carrying out routine checks, it includes inspection machines. To train combat crews and constantly maintain their high level, special training simulators and training mock-ups of missiles have been created. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently train personnel in a classroom environment without wasting motor resources and ammunition.


Manufacturer/main operator

  • Russia Russia[8]

Other operators[8]

  • Algeria Algeria
  • Angola Angola
  • Armenia Armenia - 27 “Sturm-S”, as of 2016[9]
  • Afghanistan Afghanistan
  • Belarus Belarus - a certain number (estimated 110 units [10]) "Sturm", as of 2016 [11]
  • Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • Hungary Hungary - a number of Sturm-Vs, as of 2016 [12]
  • Georgia Georgia - 754 9M114 missiles were delivered to Georgia from Kazakhstan in 2006[13]
  • Zaire Zaire
  • India India
  • Iraq Iraq - a number of "Assault", as of 2016 [14]
  • Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - a number of “Storm”, as of 2016[15]
  • Cuba Cuba
  • Kuwait Kuwait
  • Libya Libya
  • Moldova Moldova - a number of "Storm", as of 2016 [16]
  • Russia Russia - a certain amount at 9P149 as of 2016[17]
  • Syria Syria
  • Vietnam Vietnam
  • SR Romania SR Romania
  • Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
  • Sudan Sudan
  • Ukraine Ukraine - a certain number of "Storm", as of 2016 [18]
  • Montenegro Montenegro - a number of "Sturm", as of 2016 [19]
  • Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia
  • Ethiopia Ethiopia

General characteristics (AT-6A Spiral) [edit]

  • Length
    : 1625 mm (5.3 ft)
  • Wingspan
    : 360 mm (14 in)
  • Diameter
    : 130 mm (5.1 in)
  • Starting weight
    : 31.4 kg (69 lb)
  • Speed
    : 345 m/s (1,240 km/h; 770 mph; Mach 1.0)
  • Range
    : 400–5000 m (0.25–3.11 mi)
  • Guidance
    : radio command communication Semi-automatic command for line of sight
  • Warhead
    : 5.3 kg (12 lb) HEAT, 560-600 mm penetration vs RHA [6] [1]


  • Self-propelled "Phalanx" • "Bumblebee"
    Artillery "Centimeter" • "Daredevil"
    Aviation "Phalanga-N"
    Second generation
    Portable “Bassoon” • “Metis”/“Metis-M” • “Cornet”
    Self-propelled“Konkurs”/“Konkurs-M” • “Chrysanthemum” • “Sturm-S”
    Artillery “Kastet” • “Krasnopol” • “Gran” • “Kitolov”
    Aviation “Sturm-V” • “Attack-V” • “Whirlwind” • “Threat”
    Tank "Dragon" • Bastion • "Sheksna" • "Fable" • "Cobra" • "Reflex"/"Reflex-M" • "Invar"/"Invar-M" • "Svir"

    • “Arkan” • “Zenith” • “Rupture” • “Falcon-1”

    Third generation
    Portable "Autonomy" • "Kornet-MR"
    Self-propelled "Hermes" • "Cornet-LR"
    Artillery "Beta" • "Firn-1"
    Aviation "Hermes-A"

additional literature

  • Alexandrov S.
    “Assault” faster than sound (Russian) // Weapons: magazine. - 2007. - No. 09. - P. 16-19. — ISSN [ =&bf=4&b=&d=0&ys=&ye=&lng=&ft=&mt=&dt=&vol=&pt=&iss=&ps=&pe=&tr=&tro=&cc=UNION&i=1&v=tagged&s=0&ss=0&st=0&i18n=ru&rlf=&psz =20&bs=20&ce=hJfuypee8JzzufeGmImYYIpZKRJeeOeeWGJIZRrRRrdmtdeee88NJJJJpeeefTJ3peKJJ3UWWPtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzzvzzpy5zzjzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzztzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeyTjkDnyHzTuueKZePz9decyzzLzzzL*.c8.NzrGJJvufeeeeeJheeyzjeeeeJh*peeeeKJJJJJJJJJmjHvOJJJJJJJJfe eeieeeeSJJJJSJJJ3TeIJJJJ3..E.UEAcyhxD.eeeeeeuzzzLJJJJ5.e8JJJheeeeeeeeeeeeyeyeK3JJJJJJJJ*s7defeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSJJJJJJJZIJJzzz1..6LJJJJJJtJJZ4….EK*&deb ug=false 1728-9203].


  1. 123456
    [ ATGM attack]
  2. [ The Shturm-SM anti-tank complex has been put into service | Weekly "Military-Industrial Courier"]
  3. 12
    [ Anti-tank missile system Sturm-V] Website "Rocketry"
  4. 1 2 3
    Weapons of Russia, 2012
  5. [ The anti-tank complex "Sturm-SM" has been adopted by the Russian army.] Look (July 3, 2014). Retrieved July 4, 2014.
  6. [ Anti-tank complex 9P149 Sturm-S] (Russian). Information and news system “Rocketry”. Retrieved January 8, 2013. [ Archived from the original on January 11, 2013].
  7. [ Propulsion system] Website "Rocketry"
  8. 12
    ATGMs of the Ground Forces / ed. Dmitrieva G.N. - Kyiv: Archive-Press, 1997. - P. 26. - 26 p. — (Archive 500+). — 700 copies.
  9. Alexander Khramchikhin
    [ Outpost with questions] // Military-industrial courier: Newspaper. — 2016. — March 9 (No. 9(624)). — ISSN [ =&bf=4&b=&d=0&ys=&ye=&lng=&ft=&mt=&dt=&vol=&pt=&iss=&ps=&pe=&tr=&tro=&cc=UNION&i=1&v=tagged&s=0&ss=0&st=0&i18n=ru&rlf=&psz =20&bs=20&ce=hJfuypee8JzzufeGmImYYIpZKRJeeOeeWGJIZRrRRrdmtdeee88NJJJJpeeefTJ3peKJJ3UWWPtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzzvzzpy5zzjzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzztzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeyTjkDnyHzTuueKZePz9decyzzLzzzL*.c8.NzrGJJvufeeeeeJheeyzjeeeeJh*peeeeKJJJJJJJJJmjHvOJJJJJJJJfe eeieeeeSJJJJSJJJ3TeIJJJJ3..E.UEAcyhxD.eeeeeeuzzzLJJJJ5.e8JJJheeeeeeeeeeeeyeyeK3JJJJJJJJ*s7defeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSJJJJJJJZIJJzzz1..6LJJJJJJtJJZ4….EK*&deb ug=false 1729-3928].
  10. [ The end of a miracle | Weekly "Military-Industrial Courier"]
  11. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - pp. 182,183. — ISBN 9781857438352.
  12. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 108. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  13. [ 9M114 Report] (English). Retrieved February 29, 2012. [ Archived from the original on June 8, 2012].
  14. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 332. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  15. [ Stability license | Weekly "Military-Industrial Courier"]
  16. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 188. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  17. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 190. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  18. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 205. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  19. International Institute for Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis. - P. 121. - ISBN 9781857438352.



  • Inability to see the target at night with the BM 9P149 without the use of external illumination. This drawback has been eliminated in the Shturm-SM and Shturm-SME complexes. The 9K132 “Sturm-SM” complex, including the 9P149M combat vehicle and 9M120-1, 9M120-1F, 9M120-1F-1 missiles, was adopted by the Russian Federation Armed Forces by Decree No. 1186R dated June 30, 2014.
  • The presence on board the BM 9P149 and 9P149M of an optical direction finder for the missile transponder.


  • Supersonic flight speed both along the line of sight and along the trajectory above the line of sight;
  • Various types of warheads. BM 9P149M provides the ability to automatically charge a missile with a given type of warhead;
  • Noise-proof command radio link (CRL) control (millimeter wave);
  • The possibility of shooting on loess soils is provided by ensuring flight along a trajectory above the line of sight;
  • Rocket launch time is less than 1 s;
  • The buoyancy of the BM 9P149 and 9P149M and the ability to fire missiles afloat are ensured;
  • The 9M120-1, 9M120-1F, 9M120-1F-1 missiles have on board a KRL radio receiver and a laser-beam control channel receiver, which allows the use of these missiles with BMPT, BMPT-72, BMP-2M, AMS "Gibka-MA", KUV of ships and helicopters Ka-52, Mi-8 and Mi-28N, which have laser-beam control channel equipment in their sights. The maximum missile firing range is 6000 m.


Map with 9K114 operators in blue and former operators in red

Current operators[edit]

  • Algeria [7]
  • Armenia [ link needed
  • Azerbaijan is in reserve.
  • Belarus
  • Bulgaria
  • Brazil - installed on Mi-35 M attack helicopters
  • Chech republic
  • Cuba
  • Georgia
  • Iran - installed in Mi-17sh helicopters
  • Indonesia - installed on Mi-35 P attack helicopters
  • India
  • Kazakhstan [8]
  • Moldova - installed on Mi-17 V5 helicopters
  • North Korea
  • Peru
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Syria
  • Tajikistan
  • Ukraine[9] (Separatist forces fighting the Ukrainian army in the War in Donbass were also documented to have used these weapons.[9])

Former operators[edit]

  • Croatia (former user) [10]
  • Czechoslovakia (former user)
  • East Germany (former Mi-24P user)
  • Poland - pensioner. [eleven]
  • Soviet Union

Options [edit]

  • 9M114 Cocoon
    AT-6 Spiral
    Entered service in 1976.
    9M114V "Sturm-V"
    - air-to-ground version for helicopters.
  • 9M114 Sturm
    AT-6A Spiral
    HEAT warhead.
  • 9M114F
    Thermobaric warhead.
  • 9M114M1 "Sturm"
    AT-6B Spiral
    SACLOS, heavier 7.4 kg (16 lb) warhead, penetration 600–650 mm, increased range 6 km (3.7 mi). [1]
  • 9M114M2 Sturm
    AT-6C Spiral
    SACLOS, flight range increased by 7 km. [1]
  • 9K113M Sturm-VM
    AT-9 Spiral-2
    - see 9M120 Attack-V
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