What is the historical significance of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments?

The glory and pride of the Russian Army, its face is the 154th separate commandant’s Preobrazhensky Regiment. The personnel serving in Moscow perform not only the functions of guard of honor and participation in parades on Red Square, but also many combat missions, protecting the peaceful life and safety of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Let's talk about the glorious long history of the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard, about its restoration after disbandment and current activities.

Honor guard battalion of the Preobrazhensky Regiment in formation

Short story

The regiment was officially created at the end of 1979. However, most military historians believe that its history should be counted from 1944. Then in the NKVD division. Dzerzhinsky created a company of honor guard. Her main responsibility was to provide ceremonial events related to the visits of foreign leaders to the USSR.

Thus, one of the first such persons who admired the training and discipline of the PKK soldiers was British Prime Minister W. Churchill. In February 1948, the company became a separate 73rd rifle battalion, which already included three companies, with the assignment of a military unit number - 01904 (the current number of the modern Preobrazhensky Regiment).

Two months later, the battalion will be transformed into the 465th company, a separate one, consisting of 3 platoons. The part number was left the same. A year later, it became the basis for the creation of the 99th Commandant Battalion, consisting of 2 companies of about 300 people.

The next reorganization occurred in 1956, when a separate honor guard company and exemplary orchestra were added to the existing structure. Military unit 01904 was directly subordinated to the commandant of Moscow. Over time, the volume of tasks assigned to the unit has increased significantly. This led to the publication of a directive from the command of the USSR Ministry of Defense (December 3, 1979) on the creation of a separate 154th Commandant Regiment.

According to the provisions of the directive, the 154 OKP consisted of 2 battalions, an honor guard company, and a number of support units. The number of the military unit was left behind the regiment. The staff increased to 880 military personnel. The fleet of vehicles consisted of more than 100 units and several vehicles for transporting funeral carriages.

Redistribution of parts

In 1948, on February 6, the 73rd Rifle Battalion received the name military unit No. 01904, and the 465th Separate Rifle Company became a battalion reorganized in the spring of the same year. A subsequent name change occurred on November 3. Then it was renamed the Separate Commandant Company. The creation of the 99th Commandant Battalion was timed to coincide with April 10, 1979. It was formed in accordance with the instructions of the General Staff. The orchestra and the Honor Guard were formed in 1956 on the twenty-ninth of November. They were directly subordinate to the military commandant of the capital of the Russian Federation. In 1960, the honor guard of all types of troops received a special dress uniform.

Performing responsible and important tasks

The unit was awarded the battle flag at the end of June 1980. In the same year, it was involved in the Moscow Summer Olympic Games. Dressed in sports uniforms, the regiment's soldiers carried the Olympic flag at the opening and closing of the world sports festival. In 1981, servicemen of the regiment distinguished themselves while extinguishing fires. Some received the medal “For Courage in a Fire” for their initiative and resourcefulness.

Drill classes in the 154th Preobrazhensky Regiment

The 154th separate commandant also carried out the most important tasks related to burial and paying honors to the leadership of the USSR. Thus, the regiment's military personnel showed high training and a responsible approach to business at the funerals of L. I. Brezhnev, Yu. V. Andropov, K. U. Chernenko. Some of them took part in the burial of outstanding Soviet commanders and leaders of the country's Armed Forces: S.M. Budyonny; K.E. Voroshilov; G.K. Zhukov and others.

In May 1991, the honor guard company was increased, creating a 2-company battalion on its basis. The military personnel of the unit were also noted for the fact that since 1981, as part of a separate security battalion, they performed international duty on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan. Many of them were awarded government awards posthumously.

Getting a personal name

At the beginning of April 2013, the President of the Russian Federation issued a Decree on assigning 154 OKP an honorary name - Preobrazhensky. This was not done by chance, since its tasks traced the functions and traditions that were performed in Tsarist Russia by the famous and legendary Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment and the Semenovsky Regiment.

Directly in the text of the Decree of the President of Russia it is stated that the revival of Preobrazhensky was carried out “... in order to revive the glorious military historical traditions, as well as taking into account the merits of the regiment’s personnel.”

Birth of the Guard

The formation of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments is closely intertwined with the origins of the Russian Guard. Following modern trends in military affairs, Peter I understood that the heart of any army should be the guard - professional, well-trained and well-armed troops. This is exactly what the former “amusing regiments” became. Already in the first battle with the Swedes, the guards managed to distinguish themselves. In a fierce battle near Narva, Peter's troops held off the superior forces of the Swedes for more than three hours.

Peter I sought to highlight the guard and, with his decrees, gave it a special status. This is how the guardsmen began to have differences in their military uniforms. Many people know the legend about the red stockings of the guards, granted to them as an element of their uniform because they “stood knee-deep in blood” near Narva. Moreover, any guardsman is considered a rank, and since 1722, a full two ranks above the usual army rank. Also in the guard, double pay is being introduced for lower ranks and one and a half for officers.

Regiment structure

Almost from the moment of its founding, starting in 1944, the main units of the 154 OKPP were stationed in the buildings of the Lefortovo Barracks, built in the first half of the 19th century and originally belonging to the 3rd Imperial Cadet Corps.

The Preobrazhensky Regiment consists of the following units:

Semenovsky Regiment - what is it?

  • management, consisting of headquarters and a number of services;
  • engineering services;
  • 1st Battalion;
  • 2nd battalion;
  • honor guard battalion, consisting of two companies, 1st and 2nd;
  • support company, consisting of control and 5 platoons;
  • automobile company;
  • military garrison orchestra.

A military police unit, a military traffic police unit, and an honor guard band are stationed on the territory of the regiment.

Taking the oath by recruits of the Preobrazhensky Regiment in the Hall of Military Glory on Poklonnaya Hill (Moscow)

During the entire existence of 154 OKPP, almost 35 thousand different activities were carried out. The regiment's military personnel were given a special honor - taking the oath in the hall of military glory of the museum on Poklonnaya Hill. They retire to the reserves at the Eternal Flame, at the Kremlin Wall. Moreover, upon dismissal, each person is personally given a personalized gift from the command of the Russian Defense Ministry and the Moscow city government.

Military town "Lefortovo"

Lefortovo was turned into a military town by Paul I - the Catherine Palace became the barracks. Brick Red Barracks were built, which gave the name to Krasnokazarmennaya Street. An army parade ground was created opposite the palace.

The current building was built in the late 1830s in the Empire style. It received a square shape and the length of each of its 4 sides was an impressive 120 meters. The building received its current appearance after restoration, which was completed in 2001. Then the walls of the building were painted in the original color, and they took on their original appearance - studies showed that this was exactly the color of the paint of the very first layer of plaster.

The barracks house is decorated with stucco and metal decor. The extended ornamental stripes under the cornice on the frieze consist of white slabs of two types: alternating metopes with relief emblems and triglyphs with the likeness of three columns. The portals of the western and eastern gates are decorated with beautiful stucco compositions with ancient military symbols (military fittings). At the end of the street - main - façade, under the canopy of the main entrance, is the heraldic monogram of Emperor Alexander II, whose name was given to the 3rd Moscow Cadet Corps in 1908.

Regimental tasks

According to the list of tasks facing the 154 OKPP, it follows that its military personnel perform guard and garrison duty. The list of tasks includes patrolling and escorting under investigation and convicted military personnel. The regiment participates in anti-terrorism activities. Provides a variety of activities for the Moscow garrison.

Duties include meeting and seeing off foreign delegations, and giving military honors at funerals. The unit’s responsibilities also include neutralizing explosive devices; for this purpose, the regiment has a demining group, with the exception of those that are homemade explosive devices (IEDs).

Features of selection

Taking into account the peculiarities of service, soldiers are selected in a special order for the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Future military personnel must have established physical characteristics. According to official data published in the media, it follows that the main requirements for military personnel of the regiment are as follows:

  • the height of a conscript soldier is in the range from 175 to 190 cm;
  • absence of a tattoo on the candidate’s body;
  • the weight/height ratio should be within normal medical indications;
  • vision is sharp, equal in both eyes;
  • hearing provides speech perception in a whisper at a distance of more than 6 m;
  • The candidate was raised in a prosperous full family.

Twin brothers who meet the above requirements are in a preferred position during selection.

Particularly welcome is the presence of continuity in the desire to devote oneself to service in the 154 OKPP. Persons who lived abroad before conscription or have relatives and friends living there are not considered for the 154th Regiment.

They must have no relatives who have convictions for state or serious crimes. Persons who have problems with law enforcement agencies cannot be accepted into the unit. And also those who are registered with psychoneurological, narcological, dermatovenerological and venereal diseases.

Transfer to the reserve of military personnel of the 154th separate commandant's Preobrazhensky regiment


Reviews about the Preobrazhensky Regiment are mostly positive. The majority note the absence of hazing and any prerequisites for it. Living conditions for military personnel are also assessed as exemplary:

Petrov Sergei: “I served in this unit, as they say, from “a” to “z” and I can say that the command of the unit is very good, and the life leaves the most pleasant impressions.”

Dmitry Khatkov: “I was eager to serve here and asked the officer several times: “Should I join the Honor Guard?” He told me: “That’s it, calm down. All will be". That's how I got there. I am very proud to serve here. And the parents are proud too. And what else - I took part in the Victory Parade this year!”

Dmitry Savchenko: “Serving is physically difficult, of course, but you get used to everything, it becomes easier. Serving is interesting. When you participate in events, the responsibility is very great. At such moments, of course, it’s scary, but you pull yourself together and do what is required of you.”

Birth of the Guard

The formation of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments is closely intertwined with the origins of the Russian Guard. Following modern trends in military affairs, Peter I understood that the heart of any army should be the guard - professional, well-trained and well-armed troops. This is exactly what the former “amusing regiments” became. Already in the first battle with the Swedes, the guards managed to distinguish themselves. In a fierce battle near Narva, Peter's troops held off the superior forces of the Swedes for more than three hours.

Peter I sought to highlight the guard and, with his decrees, gave it a special status. This is how the guardsmen began to have differences in their military uniforms. Many people know the legend about the red stockings of the guards, granted to them as an element of their uniform because they “stood knee-deep in blood” near Narva. Moreover, any guardsman is considered a rank, and since 1722, a full two ranks above the usual army rank. Also in the guard, double pay is being introduced for lower ranks and one and a half for officers.


The regiment also keeps up with modern trends. It has its own official website on the Internet. The latest news is available almost online. Pages on Odnoklassniki are very popular, bringing together not only current and former military personnel of the regiment, but also their relatives and friends.

Unit address: 111033, Moscow, 1st Krasnokursantsky pr-d, building 1⁄4, military unit 01904. Not far from the place of deployment of the regiment, at a distance of 1.5 km, there are the metro stations “Ilyicha Square”, “Aviamotornaya”, “ Kurskaya, Baumanskaya. Contacts of the unit are also freely available on the Internet.

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