Why is it too early to threaten Russia with hypersonic weapons?

Many years have passed since weapons first entered the armies of different countries of the world and law enforcement agencies, gaining a foothold there for a long time. The best pistols in Russia 2021 began their history in 1895, but then it was the development of foreign designers. It was at that moment that the Nagans entered the country. In 1905, already domestic engineer Sergei Prilutsky showed the first example of a self-loading type. For the first time, the official best pistol in Russia was invented in 1926 and it belonged to Korovin, hence the name TK. It was assembled in Tula and fired with 6.35 mm cartridges.

Makarova PM

The best pistol in Russia today and it has not given up this position since the Soviet Union. Under the leadership of designer Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov, it was developed in 1948 at the Izhevsk plant and entered mass production in 1951. At the same moment it was adopted by the army and issued to law enforcement officers. Such best pistols in Russia 2022 can truly be considered pride and a huge story. The action of the weapon was based on a free shutter, and locking occurs due to inert mass. Despite its compact size, it still has excellent accuracy. When firing a shot at a distance of 10 meters, the dispersion radius does not exceed 35 millimeters. The top Russian pistol has armed a huge number of countries, it sold like crazy and continues to be popular today.

  • Year of creation: 1948
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 161.5 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 315 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 8 rounds
  • Weight: 730 g

Stechkina APS

The automatic most powerful pistol in Russia 2021, which is widely popular and in demand. Under the leadership of Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin, the weapon was developed by 1948, and already in 1951 it entered mass production. Its main purpose was to arm officers, soldiers, crews of vehicles, ships, and sergeants. It soon became clear that it was also perfect for self-defense. Like many other Russian pistols for long; it was removed in 1958, but is still in service. Today it can be seen in new versions of Stechkin, no less cool.

  • Year of creation: 1948
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 225 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 340 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 20 rounds
  • Weight: 1020 g

Borei class submarines

Nuclear submarine cruisers of Russian design. The length is 170 meters, width - 13.5. The crew consists of 107 people, 55 of whom are officers. Displacement on the surface and underwater is 14,720 and 24,000 tons, respectively. Underwater, the ship reaches a speed of 29 knots. By comparison, the speed of surface combatants rarely exceeds 31 knots, and most have less. The body has a rubberized coating to absorb sonar waves, and there are also active means to prevent detection. To reduce noise, all units are installed on anti-vibration stands. The target search complex is superior in range to analogues installed on American Virginia-class boats. The submarine is equipped with six torpedo tubes. But its main armament is 16 Bulava ballistic missiles. They can be launched from an underwater position and deliver from 6 to 10 self-guided warheads with nuclear warheads to a distance of up to 9,300 kilometers.

Tula Tokarev TT

When remembering all the pistols in Russia 2022, we must not forget about the legendary TT, which absolutely everyone knows. The model was launched into production by Fedor Vasilyevich Tokarev in the 1930s, and over the entire period it was possible to create at least 1.8 million units. Thus, this weapon is already more than 90 years old and not so far from being a hundred years old. The channel locking design is exactly the same as the Browning. The most powerful self-loading pistol in Russia , it is very convenient. The design itself is simple, which is why it is so easy to maintain. The muzzle energy of the TT reaches 500 Joules, it is very penetrating. In terms of security, it cannot be called the best.

  • Year of creation: 1930
  • Caliber: 7.62 mm.
  • Length: 195 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 420 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 8 rounds
  • Weight: 854 g

MLRS "Tornado"

Not only nuclear weapons have colossal destructive power. Among non-nuclear weapons, there are those whose mere mention makes you seriously think that it is better not to start a war with the full use of modern weapons.

Read New Russian helicopters

MLRS "Tornado" is a multiple launch rocket system with 300mm caliber projectiles. The maximum firing range of such an installation is 120 km. Currently, the development of projectiles with an increased range of up to 200 km is underway. The number of projectile guides is 12. The affected area in one salvo is 700 thousand square meters (70 hectares). The installation fires a full salvo in 40 seconds, and reloads in 13 minutes.

The Tornado MLRS is the most powerful weapon among non-nuclear weapons; several salvos from a battery of such installations can destroy an entire city or enemy battlefield.

Yarygina "Rook"

Russian pistols 2021 have never stopped in production; “Rrach” is one of the newest models, adopted for service already in the 2000s. Designer Yarygin completed development in 2000, and 3 years later he was hired. The barrels are made at the Izhevsk plant. Today, the best pistols of Russia, Yarygin, have been accepted for service in the Armed Forces, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops. They entered the army so well that they even received interest from foreign countries. Despite such an early release, many modifications have been invented.

  • Year of creation: 2000
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 198 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 340 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 18 rounds
  • Weight: 950 g

The deadliest weapons in Russia

Command post exercises with the participation of the RS-24 Yars, photo of the Russian Ministry of Defense

Russia remains one of the main geopolitical opponents for the United States. At the same time, the emphasis of American military policy is increasingly shifting towards China. Despite this, as a country with enormous nuclear potential, Russia will not leave the Pentagon’s orbit in the foreseeable future.

It is Russian nuclear forces that are highlighted primarily by American journalists. Moreover, these forces are diverse and are not limited to ICBMs and their delivery vehicles. American journalists from the online publication 19FortyFive were greatly impressed by new Russian developments of strategic weapons, for example, the Poseidon nuclear torpedo. Also, traditionally, much attention is paid to domestic air defense systems, which are considered one of the best in the world.

Nuclear torpedo "Poseidon"

The Poseidon nuclear torpedo, the development of which in Russia was officially announced by President Vladimir Putin on March 1, 2022, is attracting the attention of the American military.
This Russian unmanned underwater vehicle is equipped with a nuclear power plant, which provides the torpedo with a huge range of action. The K-329 Belgorod nuclear submarine is being specially built to carry the new torpedo. The greatest threat is posed by nuclear torpedoes, which are equipped with a heavy nuclear warhead. At the same time, the Poseidon may not carry nuclear weapons on board, which is only one of the possible options for the torpedo. In the version with a nuclear warhead, the main task of the Poseidon is to deliver nuclear weapons to the coast of a potential enemy in order to destroy important military and civilian infrastructure.

Possible view of the Poseidon nuclear torpedo, frame from a video of the Russian Ministry of Defense

A nuclear explosion of such a torpedo entails inflicting guaranteed unacceptable damage on the enemy through the formation of vast zones of radioactive contamination, destruction of infrastructure and the formation of artificial tsunamis. Poseidon is the world's largest torpedo. The diameter of the device is 1.8 meters, length is about 20 meters, weight is up to 100 tons. All data is approximate, as information about the characteristics of the weapon remains secret.

In addition to cities on the coast, a nuclear torpedo can be used to destroy aircraft carrier strike groups (ACG). This distinguishes the new Russian development from its Soviet predecessors, for example, the T-15 project torpedo, which did not have means of targeting ships. The torpedo can also be used to attack enemy naval bases with the aim of destroying the fleet at their bases.

Anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph"

Americans pay special attention to Russian air defense systems, including the S-400 Triumph system.
This is not unusual, given that American combat doctrine involves large-scale air and missile strikes against enemy targets. In these conditions, the air defense system is especially important. The Russian S-400 complex is a further development of the successful S-300 project. The Americans recognize the high capabilities of the S-400 and the export potential of the complex, which has already been acquired by China, India and, even more importantly, Turkey. The purchase of a Russian air defense system by a NATO country spoiled relations between Ankara and Washington for a long time.

Training of S-400 crews in the Leningrad region, photo: Russian Ministry of Defense

The S-400 is a modern long- and medium-range air defense system that is capable of effectively hitting all types of modern aerospace attack weapons. Its capabilities are not limited to defeating only enemy helicopters and aircraft. The complex can effectively combat drones, cruise missiles, as well as ballistic missiles and even hypersonic targets.

The early warning radar included in the complex is capable of detecting targets such as “strategic aircraft” at a distance of up to 570 km. At the same time, the S-400 is equipped with a wide range of missiles. Currently, five missile indices have been officially disclosed that can be used together with the S-400 complex.

These missiles are capable of hitting air targets at a distance of 15 to 380 km and at altitudes of up to 30–35 km. At the same time, some missiles are able to hit air targets even at an altitude of 5 meters; in this indicator, the S-400 is seriously superior to the American Patriot air defense systems.

Anti-aircraft missile and gun complex "Pantsir-S1"

The second air defense system that American journalists highlight is the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system, which has serious export potential.
The complex has been actively used in local conflicts in recent years around the world. The self-propelled complex has become a worthy successor to the traditions of the Shilka ZSU and the Tunguska ZRPK. The cannon armament of the complex consists of two 30-mm 2A38M anti-aircraft guns with 1,400 rounds of ammunition. Cannon armament allows you to hit air targets at a distance of 200–4,000 meters at an altitude of up to 3,000 meters. The missile armament consists of 12 missile defense systems, which are capable of hitting air targets at a distance of up to 20,000 meters and at an altitude of up to 15,000 meters. At the same time, the mobile complex can simultaneously fire at up to 4 targets.

ZRPK "Pantsir-S1", photo: https://roe.ru (Rosoboronexport)

"Pantsir-S1" is capable of hitting a wide range of air targets moving at a maximum speed of up to 1,000 m/s. A multi-channel short-range air defense missile system can hit air targets even while on the move. In practice, the complex can be used to organize air defense of military and administrative-industrial facilities and individual areas, as well as to protect troops on the march.

Additionally, it can be used to strengthen air defense groups when repelling massive attacks from various enemy air attack weapons, as well as for additional protection of long-range air defense systems, for example, the same S-400 and radar.

Mi-28NM attack helicopter

It is curious that American journalists highlight the Mi-28NM “Night Super Hunter” attack helicopter, and not the Ka-52 coaxial design, comparing the Mil helicopter with the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.
Mi-28NM helicopters are currently the most advanced in the Mi-28 line. They are able to effectively detect and engage targets at night. The Mi-28NM version is standardly equipped with a new over-the-barrel radar of the N025 type. In addition, the helicopter is equipped with a duplicate control system, thanks to which the navigator-weapon operator also had the opportunity to control the helicopter. Also, the Mi-28NM version boasts a modern complex for countering enemy air defense systems and the ability to control UAVs. At the beginning of 2022, new Russian helicopters were successfully tested in combat conditions in Syria.

Mi-28NE attack helicopter, photo: www.rhc.aero (Russian Helicopters)

Mi-28 helicopters can reach a maximum speed of up to 300 km/h, with a maximum flight range of 450 km. With external fuel tanks, the range can be increased to 1,087 km. The dynamic ceiling of the helicopter is 5,600 meters.

The Mi-28NM cannon armament is represented by a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon (250 rounds of ammunition). In addition, the helicopter can carry a variety of missile weapons on four suspension points. Including light multi-purpose guided missiles LMUR of the air-to-air and air-to-surface classes. The helicopter can also carry up to 16 Ataka-V ATGMs and S-8 and S-13 unguided aircraft missiles.

Strategic missile system RS-24 "Yars"

Among the ICBMs at the disposal of the Russian army, the Americans highlight the mobile version of the RS-24 Yars missile system.
The complex, the basis of which is a solid-fuel three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile with a multiple warhead, is also presented in a silo version. But it is the mobile version of the complex that is attracting the greatest interest all over the world. The US military does not have such strategic weapons in its arsenal.

Currently, the RS-24 Yars is the main component of the Strategic Missile Forces. Mobile versions of the complex can easily change their location and have high mobility and maneuverability, thanks to their placement on a specially created eight-axle chassis MZKT-79221. Thanks to this chassis, the Yars mobile ground-based missile system (GGRK) is able to move off-road.

Command post exercises with the participation of the RS-24 Yars PGRK, photo of the Russian Ministry of Defense

“Yars” in the name of the complex stands for “nuclear deterrent missile.”

The complex itself is a further development of the famous Topol-M complex. The RS-24 Yars missile is capable of hitting targets at a range of more than 10,000 km; the launch weight of the missile is estimated at 46 tons. Missiles of the Yars complex can be equipped with 3–6 warheads. In versions with 3–4 warheads, their power is 300 kt; in the version with 6 warheads, the power of each is reduced to 150 kt.

Mobility provides the complex with additional advantages. Such a complex is difficult to detect if it has left its location. The RS-24 Yars PGRK has a flight data recalculation system, which makes it possible to launch ICBMs from any point on the patrol route; there is no connection to any specific launch sites. At the same time, bringing the complex into combat position takes only a few minutes.


No less famous is the specimen called GSh-18, which appeared in the 00s at the Tula plant and 10 years later was finally adopted by the army, after tests and inspections. Today it can be called the best pistol in Russia 2021 and for good reason. The designers were Gryazev and Shipunov, which is why the barrel got its name, combining the first letters of the names of its inventors. In the 2000s, weapons were accepted into the Ministry of Justice, and a year later such pistols of Russia 2021 began to be used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today, experts and military personnel have recognized that the GSh-18 is capable of replacing the legendary Makarov in the army. Powerful pistols of Russia 2021 also includes it in its list.

  • Year of creation: 2000
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 183 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 550 m/s
  • Effective range: 100m
  • Magazine: 18 rounds
  • Weight: 470 g

Fifth generation fighter Su-57

In 2022, troops of the Eastern Military District will receive the first Su-57 fighters Anna Zvereva / Flickr

In 2022, the first multirole fighters of the fifth generation Su-57 will be received by the troops of the Eastern Military District (VVO). The commander of the Eastern Military District, Colonel General Alexander Chaiko, announced this during the final board meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The fifth generation fighter Su-57 is designed to destroy all types of ground, air and surface targets. The aircraft received a radio-absorbing coating and weapon compartments inside the fuselage, which makes the Su-57 stealth. The first production aircraft was handed over to the Russian Aerospace Forces in December 2022.

"Gyurza" SPS

Special units required Russian pistols of a more powerful configuration and performance. This is how “Gyurza”, developed under the leadership of Pyotr Serdyukov, appeared in 1996 and went into mass production. The idea was to quickly replace the APS in service, but this is still unrealistic to complete. First of all, it was necessary to make it the most powerful pistol in Russia, and the designers managed to increase the effective firing range to hundreds of meters, which is an excellent indicator compared to its competitors. A similar scheme was used with Walters and Beretta 92. Those included in the top Russian pistols could not become popular abroad, but perhaps it’s a matter of time. At the moment they are used only in Kyrgyzstan in one of the brigades.

  • Year of creation: 1996
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 200 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 435 m/s
  • Effective range: 100m
  • Magazine: 18 rounds
  • Weight: 900 g

Tank "Armata"

The T-14 Armata tank was created on the basis of the universal tracked platform of the same name. It is equipped with an uninhabited tower and numerous defenses. The manufacturer assures that it is impossible to penetrate the frontal metal-ceramic armor with existing anti-tank weapons. To protect more vulnerable areas, active armor with its own radar is used. It will be able to intercept even high-speed anti-tank shells, and the probability of being hit by grenade launchers will be no more than 5%. All this is thanks to metal plates fired towards approaching targets. Stealth technology reduces the detection radius of anti-tank systems by almost three times. The vehicle is intended to be used for missile and aircraft guidance. To do this, she has a radar, a drone with an autonomous radar, and global communications via the “army Internet.” At the moment, 20 pre-production copies of the T-14 have been created. The start of full-scale production and deliveries to the troops is planned for 2022.


The best pistols in Russia should not only be of high quality, but also comfortable. PSM is one of these, because it has compact dimensions, small dimensions, and therefore is used in serious military structures. The invention was put into production at the Izhevsk plant in 1972 and does not leave the assembly line to this day. Russian PSM pistols are convenient to use during operations, because they are ideal for concealed carry. It is used in a number of other state armies that were previously part of the USSR.

  • Year of creation: 1972
  • Caliber: 5.45 mm.
  • Length: 155 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 315 m/s
  • Effective range: 25 m
  • Magazine: 8 rounds
  • Weight: 460 g

BM-21 Grad

The BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system was created in the image and likeness of the legendary Katyusha, but time does not stand still, and the shells that the installation fires have become much more powerful and deadly, and the installations themselves have become more advanced.

The BM-21 Grad is loaded with 122mm shells, there are 40 of them in the installation. The area of ​​destruction with one salvo is 0.15 square kilometers. The installation fires a full salvo in just 20 seconds, and on an area of ​​approximately 15 hectares, little survives. On the one hand, this is not so much, but it is worth considering two important points: firstly, the reload time is only 7 minutes and the standard ammunition load is 3 salvos, i.e. in about 20 minutes, one Grad installation can fire 4 full salvoes. Secondly, a battery can have several installations at once, which will fire a simultaneous salvo, which will increase the affected area several times

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PB silent

The top pistols in Russia must have included the silent PB, known to many army and reconnaissance groups. Developed in 1967 under the leadership of Deryagin, this copy was immediately put into service and today is valued at no less than 70 thousand rubles. The production continues to this day. The best pistol in Russia with a silencer included is perfectly balanced and has great durability. The attachment noticeably increases its length, almost doubling it, but this has never been a hindrance when using it.

  • Year of creation: 1967
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 310 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 290 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 8 rounds
  • Weight: 950 g

OTs-27 "Berdysh"

Stechkin made the best pistols in Russia for a long time, and many have reached this day. For example, the famous “Berdysh”, which entered service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2002. The weapon was made of steel, the barrel was quick-detachable, and this was done only so that its owner could change the caliber in a short period of time. The OTs-27 is capable of using 7.62 mm or 9 mm caliber cartridges. Such powerful pistols in Russia 2021 have a spacious magazine, several sight options and are easy to maintain.

  • Year of creation: 2002
  • Caliber: 9 and 7.62 mm.
  • Length: 200 mm.
  • Bullet speed: 320 m/s
  • Effective range: 50m
  • Magazine: 18 rounds
  • Weight: 930 g

Large landing ships of the Russian Navy project 775

Large landing ships, due to their shallow draft and flat bottom, can land infantry, equipment and cargo in unequipped areas of the coast - in particular, on the beaches. If the depth is too shallow to get close to the shore, they can open the front ramp even in the sea with waves up to 4 points. In these cases, amphibious equipment is deployed. The length of such vessels is 112.5 meters, the maximum width is 15. Equipment is loaded from the pier through the rear ramp, and disembarked through the front. The tank hold stretches along the entire length of the hull. There are several loading options - for example, 13 main medium tanks or 10 tanks and 340 people, and so on. In addition, 150 marines from the personnel constantly serve on the ship. The ship can fire at coastal fortifications using two 122-millimeter Grad rocket launchers with an ammunition load of 320 missiles. To combat surface ships there are 57-caliber automatic cannons, and against aircraft there is a six-barreled 30-caliber cannon.

Lebedev pistol PL-15

The best pistol in Russia today , which is actively being introduced into the country’s army. For the first time it could be seen at the Army 2016 forum, where the Kalashnikov concern presented it to everyone. When developing weapons, the experience of the largest companies is taken into account; the military should receive one of the best guns in the world. The most powerful pistol in Russia will also be reliable; according to representatives, it will turn out to be almost the best in terms of durability, and is also good in range. Owners will be able to use any powerful ammunition along with the submarine and rest assured that even severe northern frosts will not affect the bullet’s flight in any way. A spontaneous shot from it is simply impossible and the manufacturers have done everything possible for this. such best pistols in Russia 2021 in the future; you will especially like the cool modern design, which has no analogues.

  • Year of creation: 2016
  • Caliber: 9 mm.
  • Length: 205 mm.
  • Effective range: 100m
  • Magazine: 16 rounds
  • Weight: 800 g

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Anti-aircraft missile system "Gibka-S"

Anti-aircraft missile system "Gibka-S"

Photo: JSC NPO High-Precision Complexes

In 2022, air defense units will receive platoon sets of Gibka-S anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) for the first time. The head of the military air defense of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, noted that the new air defense system received reconnaissance equipment and an automatic control system. This allows the military to maintain round-the-clock watch and control fire in real time.

Also, Gibka-S became the first Russian self-propelled short- and ultra-short-range complex of the VSHORAD (Very Short-Range Air Defense) type. The air defense system can hit airplanes, helicopters, drones and cruise missiles that fly at a minimum altitude. "Gibka-S" uses ammunition from man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) "Igla", "Igla-S" and "Verba".

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