Training for initial weapon acquisition

The examination commission of ANO DPO “Development” includes an employee of the OLRR of the Russian Guard of Russia in Moscow.

The Certificate of Knowledge Test issued by our organization for the renewal of a weapons permit is accepted by all OLRR GU of the Russian Guard throughout the Russian Federation!

Testing knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons. Knowledge test certificate (to renew the permit after 5 years of owning a self-defense weapon):

Monday * acceptance of documents from 12:00 to 12:30

Friday * acceptance of documents from 12:00 to 12:30

The exam starts at 13:00

— The cost of conducting an inspection on the “Safe Handling of Weapons” course, with the issuance of a “Knowledge Test Certificate” is 4,500 rubles .

Citizens are received without prior appointment on the days and times indicated above.

* - if this day coincides with an official holiday or weekend, then citizens are not accepted.

Documents required to pass a knowledge test on the rules of safe handling of weapons and obtain a Knowledge Test Certificate (to renew a weapons permit):

— Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation and its copy (2-3 pages and registration).

— A valid weapons permit and a copy thereof.

If the weapons permit is expired, then a copy of the Medical Report f. 003-O/u and f. 002-О/у (medical certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of its issue)

— Photos 3x4 matte (color is not important) -2 pcs.

The exam is held in accordance with Order No. 661 of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2018 and consists of:

Theoretical part:

— The exam ticket consists of ten questions.

- Only one mistake is allowed.

— Only one attempt is allowed per exam day.

Practical exercises with weapons:

— Exercise No. 1 “Basic” — is performed using a pistol of limited destruction based on the Makarov PM MR-79-9TM pistol.

— Exercise No. 2 “Civilian short-barreled weapons” — is performed using a pistol of limited destruction based on the Makarov PM MR-79-9TM pistol.

—Exercise No. 3 “Civilian long-barreled firearms” is performed using a smooth-bore “pump-action” shotgun MP-135.

If you do not pass the test, then a retest (retake) is carried out on the basis of Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation No. 661 dated December 26, 2018 , no earlier than after 7 working days.

Re-taking the exam is FREE!

!If you require additional preparation before the exam “Testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons” to obtain a Knowledge Test Certificate, then you must arrive:

Monday * by 10:00

Friday * by 10:00

The teacher will provide you with a full-fledged preparation of the theoretical part of the course “Safe Handling of Weapons” and at the shooting range with fire training instructors you perform all the exercises with weapons that will be on the exam.

Exam on the same day.

— The cost of Additional training in the course “Safe Handling of Weapons” (theoretical and practical training) is 2,000 rubles.

Citizens are received without prior appointment on the days and times indicated above.

* - if this day coincides with an official holiday or weekend, then citizens are not accepted.

Payment for services is made on the spot, in cash (bank cards and online transfers are temporarily not accepted for technical reasons!)

Founding organizations

Department of Education business agencies provide training to improve understanding of gun safety. All non-profit institutions are licensed to provide services. Upon completion of the course, the graduate receives permission in the form of an official document. Examples of certificates and skill verification reports are posted on the official website.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to obtain permits in every training center in Moscow and the Moscow region. There are about 30 schools.

  1. NIGHT of additional professional education of the APVGO.
  2. School of special training "Vityaz".
  3. "Safety School"
  4. Shooting club "GRIDIN".

The cost of training depends on the location and starts from approximately 4,000 rubles . Details are presented on the official website.

Weapon permit price

The cost of obtaining a weapons license consists of several points: the state licensing fee, the cost of preparatory courses and the cost of issuing certificates if you went to a paid clinic.

The amount of the one-time government fee for obtaining a weapons permit varies depending on the type of weapon you need. Weapon license registration is paid for each unit purchased. When purchasing a weapon, you must also pay a fee. You can find out the current prices for your individual purposes by contacting the nearest licensing and permitting department (LRO).

Specialized schools

Moscow training centers offer those who wish to take a full course in weapons proficiency. It includes a program for preparing and studying standards for safe handling and obtaining qualifications (skills) for safe handling. As Stanislaw Lem said: “Everything that can be used as a weapon will be used as a weapon.” Every man (sometimes woman) needs to handle a tool like this.

The duration of the training procedure is one day . There are face-to-face forms during the day and evening (everyone can choose a convenient time for themselves). The academic subjects studied in the course and the duration of study are established in the curriculum. For example, in the discipline “ Fire training ” practice is worked out.

Main objectives of the training:

  • consideration of federal norms and acts according to which laws are adopted on the purchase, storage, and possession of weapons;
  • development of skill in shaping legal consequences;
  • comprehensive training before passing the final exam.

After the educational program at school, students take tests on their knowledge of regulations and rules. This tests the level of skill and understanding of handling firearms. The final exam includes theory and practice: a 10-question test and three exercises.

The procedure for acquiring weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation.

To purchase a weapon you need:

Medical examination (certificates).

— Medical report of a psychiatrist from the PND (psychoneurological dispensary at the place of registration);

— Medical report from a narcologist from the ND (drug treatment clinic at the place of registration);

— Medical report form 003-О/у about the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances in the body (narcological clinic at the place of registration);

— Medical report form 002-О/у (issued in any medical center, based on the above certificates, where there are forms of this form).

Complete the “Safe Handling of Weapons” course at our Training Center.

Receiving a Certificate of completion of the course and a knowledge test certificate for submission to the OLRR.

Required documents for training:

— Passport original and copy (first spread and registration page)

— Medical certificate form 002-О/у and a copy

— Medical certificate form 003-О/у and a copy

— 2 photos measuring 3/4 cm (on matte paper)

The training will take 5-6 hours.

Hunting license (for hunting weapons).

If you are applying for a license for a weapon of limited destruction (injury), then immediately proceed to the next point 4.

A hunting ticket can be obtained through the MFC or on the State Services website in your personal account by submitting an application for a Hunting ticket. This service is free. After a week you receive an unlimited Hunting Ticket.

Buy a gun safe.

Check the dimensions of your future weapon and purchase a safe of the appropriate size.

Submitting an application for a license and going to the OLRR.

Submit an application for a license to purchase weapons in your personal account on the State Services portal.

Pay the state fee for a license to purchase a weapon.

After this, you receive an invitation and on the appointed day you go to the OLRR, taking with you all the original documents received (passport, medical certificates, training documents, hunting license (for long-barreled hunting weapons), 3/4 cm matte photos, 2 pieces for each license).

You will receive an official request from the inspector, with which you go to the local police officer, who, in turn, will give you a mark stating that your safe meets all the requirements for storing weapons.

Obtaining a license to purchase weapons.

When you receive a message in your personal account on the State Services portal that the documents are ready, go to the OLRR and pick up your licenses.

A license to purchase weapons is issued for a period of six months, the validity period is indicated in it. You must complete your purchase before this date.

If you have not purchased a weapon within 6 months, your license will expire. It cannot be extended and is returned back to OLRR.

Purchased weapons are subject to mandatory registration with the OLRR within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase.

After registration, you will be issued a permit to store and carry weapons, which will be valid for 5 years.

Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ (as amended on August 2, 2019) “On Weapons”

Article 13. The right to purchase weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation

The right to purchase civilian firearms of limited destruction are citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21, citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 21, who have completed or are undergoing military service, as well as citizens serving in state paramilitary organizations and having military ranks, or special ranks or class ranks of justice. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 have the right to purchase gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled self-defense weapons, sports weapons, hunting weapons, signal weapons, bladed weapons intended for wearing with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation or the Cossack uniform.

Important information!!!

A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:

1) who have not reached the age established by this Federal Law;

2) who have not submitted a medical report on the absence of medical contraindications to the possession of weapons and a medical report on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body;

3) having an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or having an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon;

4) serving a sentence for a crime committed;

5) repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility within a year for committing an administrative offense encroaching on public order and public safety or the established management procedure, an administrative offense related to violation of hunting rules, or an administrative offense in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, or parts thereof containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, with the exception of administrative offenses related to the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances substances - until the end of the period during which the person is considered subject to administrative punishment;

6) without permanent residence;

7) who have not submitted to the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, or its territorial body, documents on completion of appropriate training and other documents specified in this Federal Law;

8) deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons;

9) registered with health care institutions for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction;

10) subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription, or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, before the end of the period during which the person is considered subject to administrative punishment.

You must have with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • 1 photo (3*4 cm);
  • medical reports (certificates): 1) in form 002-О/у; 2) according to form 003-O/u (urinalysis results).
  • certificate of no criminal record. (how to get a?)

Citizens who do not submit the originals of the above documents are not allowed to participate in training and final certification.

We will be grateful if you prepare copies of your passport (main spread and registration page) and certificates!

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