The best sniper rifles in the world. Top 10: photos, description, characteristics

A sniper shot can not only physically destroy the enemy, but also sow panic in the ranks of fighters when necessary. Of course, the sniper’s physical training, his knowledge and experience, the ability to make the right decision, endurance - everything plays a vital role in battle. But no less important is what weapon is in the hands of the shooter. The best sniper rifles in the world (the top 10 will be presented below) make it possible to accurately hit a target located at a considerable distance from the shooter. What made these types of weapons famous, which allowed experts to choose the best of the best?

Let's just make one thing clear right away - it is simply impossible to arrange weapons in numerical order by popularity and demand! After all, each fighter has his own priorities, goals and objectives, for which he chooses his ideal rifle. Some people like the newest US Barrett, while others have gotten used to the old three-line gun over the years of service and shoot with it no worse than an overseas enemy. Therefore, we will not engage in compiling a rating with a clear hierarchy and prize places, but will simply consider the best sniper rifles in the world. Top 10, so to speak. Ten of the best...


The older sister of the legendary Val assault rifle, this rifle combines the advantages of sniper and assault weapons. Its target range is small, only half a kilometer. But this weapon can be disassembled into three parts, which makes it possible to carry it concealed. And it weighs less than 2.5 kilograms. And the muffler on it is quite serious, almost completely masking the sound of the shot. These advantages allowed Vintorez to become one of the top sniper rifles in the world.

Disadvantages of rifled weapons

There are many advantages to rifled hunting rifles, but there are also disadvantages. If you don’t take into account small-caliber weapons, then ammunition for rifled barrels is noticeably more expensive than for smooth-bore ones, and you can’t just shoot at cans and bottles.

Another disadvantage of rifled hunting rifles is their more complicated design. And where there are complex mechanisms, there is also low reliability. Such weapons are more finicky to maintain than smoothbore guns.

Nevertheless, rifled hunting weapons enjoy enviable popularity among professional hunters; they are sold in impressive quantities.

Calico M951S

The top 10 sniper rifles in the world could not do without the unique development of American gunsmiths - Calico M951S. Its destructive power is relatively small, as is the distance at which it can be effectively aimed. The main feature of this weapon is its huge capacity magazine. It is located above the fore-end, has a cylindrical shape and can hold up to 60 rounds.


When choosing a hunting rifle, you must take into account the above points. A weapon can be beautiful, reliable, convenient, but if it does not meet your primary requirements regarding hunting a specific animal or game, then there is no point in taking it, no matter what versatility the seller describes. You need to understand that every job requires its own tool.

Also, do not forget that a carbine is a shortened version of a rifle; it has its own distinctive characteristics. The latter, due to the long barrel, has a much greater chance of hitting the target at a distance of 200-300 meters. The carbine has a shorter barrel, and the kill rate at the same distance is noticeably lower.

But, judging by the reviews of experienced hunters, a good half of real encounters with prey take place in forest thickets, where the striking distance does not exceed 50 meters. So chasing the length of the barrel is not always beneficial. Sometimes it is much more practical to go with carabiners. Especially when you consider that Russia is mainly forests and snow. So you definitely need to take into account the scope of use of the weapon.

It is also worth paying attention to such an important part as ammunition, or rather their quality. No matter how good and expensive a rifle may be, if it is equipped with mediocre cartridges, then hunting will not be normal. Therefore, saving on ammunition is inappropriate here.

Accuracy International AW50

Developed in 2000, the Accuracy International AW50, like many of the world's best large-bore sniper rifles, is heavy and bulky. However, these inconveniences are more than offset by its enormous lethality, high shooting accuracy and excellent accuracy. A 12.7 caliber bullet, flying out of the barrel of this weapon at a speed of 925 m/s, is capable of hitting even lightly armored enemy vehicles.

Dragunov sniper rifle

The legendary SVD has been in demand for many years not only in its homeland, but also far beyond its borders. Without it, the list of “Best sniper rifles in the world” (top 10) would be incomplete. It is included in it due to its light weight, significant destructive power and almost a kilometer effective range. The standard magazine of this rifle holds 10 rounds of 7.62 caliber. The bullet leaves the barrel at a speed of about 830 m/s. In addition to standard optics, it can be equipped with any other compatible sights, including collimator and night sights.

It is this rifle that is in service with most branches of the Russian military and many other countries.

Other details

As mentioned above, carbines and rifles, due to their range, open 100% with an optical sight, but no matter what kind of optics is suitable here, you need to take into account some critical features of the weapon. Here we are talking about special receiving strips that allow you to attach additional equipment that makes aiming easier.

They come in three types:

  • "Dovetail".
  • Weaver plank.
  • Picatinny rail.

The Dovetail is 11mm wide, while the American version is 13mm wide. The first, European, is more common, and you can find a lot of optics options for it. Dovetail is not compatible with the other two types of grooves.

The Weaver and Picatinny rails are 21.2 mm wide, and sights are mounted noticeably more securely on them. Manufacturers are slowly abandoning the Dovetail and increasingly prefer the other two options.

Picatinny optics can be installed on the Weaver, but, on the contrary, alas, this is not possible. Both rails allow you to adjust the sights in fairly wide ranges, so here you can use both collimator devices and powerful equipment for firing at long distances with equal success.

CheyTac m200 Intervention

The American-made CheyTac m200 Intervention sniper system also cannot boast of being particularly compact. But you can hit a target with this weapon at a distance of 2 kilometers! Among other things, the manufacturer equipped the rifle with an on-board computer that measures wind speed, humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure and makes the necessary adjustments when aiming. This weapon can definitely be awarded a prize for the greatest shooting accuracy at long distances when comparing the best rifles in the world. The top 10, meanwhile, continues with the next instance.

Small hoofed animal

Here we mean wolves, goats, roe deer, lynxes and gilt boars. Small-caliber rifles chambered for 5.6 mm are also suitable for catching this animal. The bullet in this case accelerates to three speeds of sound and has a flat ballistic flight path.

The optimal calibers would be .22 Hornet, 223 Rem and .243 Win. The choice of rifles chambered for these cartridges is also quite wide, so there should be no problems with purchasing and testing.

The best rifles for small-hoofed animals:

  1. CZ 527 Carbine (photo above).
  2. Carbine "Bars" (4-1).
  3. Remington 700 BDL.

Users speak very warmly about this weapon, noting its high reliability along with efficiency. The owners did not mention any serious problems associated with these rifles.

AMP Technical Services DSR-1

Initially, this weapon was developed for special forces. The rifle's profile is anti-terrorism operations, reconnaissance, sabotage work. That is why the developers paid such close attention to ergonomics, compactness, accuracy and the minimum possible weight. At the same time, the rifle has considerable destructive power. It uses a 7.62 caliber cartridge. This weapon has one more feature that allowed it to be included in the “Best Sniper Rifles in the World” rating. The photo clearly demonstrates that, in addition to the main magazine located in the bullpup system, there is another one in front of the handle. It does not feed cartridges into the grenade launcher; it is simply attached to a special receiver to speed up the replacement of magazines.

Features of the package

European brands are required to equip their products with both the whole product and the front sight. But American manufacturers simply ignore them. It's all about mentality for the most part. A good half of American hunters fire from a rest, calmly aim, and pull the trigger in full confidence that the target will be hit. The fact is that a significant territory of the United States is made up of huge plateaus and private lands, where game is not particularly shy. It is not at all necessary to drive it, but simply seeing it and leisurely concentrating on aiming is quite enough.

There is also a separate caste of rifles marked “Varmint”. Neither a front sight nor a rear sight is ever placed on them. This is due to the massive match barrels. It is possible to construct an aiming line on such rifles only with the help of optics. But weapons of this kind are initially positioned by the manufacturer as a tool for firing at long distances. And mostly from a bipod (from the rest) or in a prone position. So in this case, the rear sight and front sight will, naturally, be out of place.

Accuracy International AS50

Another rifle made in Great Britain was included in the “Best sniper rifles in the world (top 10)” rating. This is the Accuracy International AS50. A special feature of the weapon is the ability to quickly assemble and disassemble. A sniper can also quickly bring it to full combat readiness. This weapon provides high shooting accuracy even at long distances. For the convenience of the shooter, it is possible to use various body kits: optics, bipods, and additional accessories.

Rear sight and front sight

Quite a lot of hunters, especially inexperienced ones, classify a front sight with a full-length front sight as an anachronism, and rely only on an optical sight for everything. But this is a big mistake. Yes, optics significantly improve performance at long distances, but they greatly limit the viewing angle.

In this case, firing at a target that suddenly appears or is quickly moving away will become noticeably more difficult. Especially if the angular velocity of the production is too high. The only exception here can be collimator-type equipment.

So you shouldn’t discount the rear sight and front sight. Without them, you risk missing your prey right from under your nose, where optical sights are useless. If you analyze the catalogs of rifled weapons, where rifles and carbines are presented, you can see the following picture.

Barrett M82

Developed by an American amateur photographer, this unique system entered the world history of weapons. The name "Barrett" has become truly legendary. The M82 modification is in service in many countries around the world. This rifle is famous for the fact that a large-caliber cartridge, comparable to a machine gun, flies out of the barrel at a speed of almost 900 m/s and hits targets at a distance of about 2000 meters.

Types of weapons

First you need to decide on the classification of hunting weapons. It can be smooth-bore or rifled. The former are used mainly for hunting small game and fur-bearing animals. Such guns fire shot or buckshot. There are also pneumatic hunting rifles, but they are considered more of a sporting option, and one cannot count on any serious fishing here.

Smoothbore weapons perform well at short distances due to their good accuracy. The hardest thing to miss is. Shotguns are most often used by beginners and amateur hunters, and less often by professionals. A striking representative of this segment is the legendary IZH (MR)-27. This category will not be considered, attention will be focused on the next, more serious one.

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