Airsoft hand grenade launcher RPG-26 - just like the real thing

Airsoft grenade launcher RPG-26

The RPG-26 combat grenade launcher is disposable, designed for a single shot. And then the used tube can be thrown away. But specialists from NPO AEG decided to use this part, which was still quite strong, to create an airsoft grenade launcher. And they did it well. In addition to the fiberglass tube with all the military markings, they also left the original strap and case back.


The device operates in the same way as its analogue, its trigger is made of steel, preparation for shooting and aiming also occur in the same way. Naturally, they differ in their “filling” - for airsoft, not combat, but special safe grenades are used. In this case, these are products from TAG Innovation.

The main structural difference between both products is the check. If in military weapons it works only once, then in airsoft it is reusable. Here it is intended to perform a completely different role - to fix the grenade inside the barrel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let us note the advantages of the RPG-26 hand grenade launcher for airsoft:

  • Full resemblance to combat anti-tank weapons, even the presence of branded labels. When wearing and shooting (especially), the product looks very impressive. And the fact that the preparation for the shot is exactly the same as that of the original RPG-26 allows you to feel like you are in a real battle.
  • Light weight of equipment - unlike under-barrel grenade launchers, this fiberglass device is used autonomously, it can be carried on the shoulder or attached to a backpack. And under-barrel models made of metal make the drive so heavy that you simply can’t feel your hands.
  • Simple, reliable design, no difficulty in use, convenient charging method (front).
  • Highly effective in conditions of large enemy concentrations.

Let's not ignore the disadvantages:

  • The device is not compact - the long tube can get in the way and hit your legs when running.
  • Consumables (grenades with launch casings) are quite expensive.

Photo of the RPG-26 airsoft grenade launcher


If the game simulates the work of special forces or army units, as well as mercenaries and armed gangs, then such a grenade launcher will be very useful. He will be able to add ambiance, making the battle more realistic and entertaining.

Grenade launchers for playing airsoft: types and technical parameters

Strategic and tactical developments alone are not enough to win the popular military sports game airsoft.
The diversity of each striker's arsenal, which increases the player's firepower, is the key to success. And the decision to buy an airsoft GP-25 or any other replica is not just a whim of the player, but an urgent need. Important!

The Airsoft-Station online store offers professional and novice players replica grenade launchers of various modifications from leading drive manufacturers. For detailed information, call the number listed on our website.


The tube-tube is closed on both sides with lids, the back of which (the original one) is solid. And in the front cover there is a round hole cut into which the charge is inserted. A belt is attached to special fastenings, which can be adjusted in length.

On the fuse post there is a sight (diopter), the front sight of which has two inscriptions: 50 meters are indicated by the number “5”, and 150 meters - by the number “15”. The trigger mechanism is metal, it is equipped with a pin lock.

Please note that upon purchase you only receive a grenade launcher with instructions for it. Starting devices (TAG sleeves), as well as gas for refilling, will have to be purchased separately.

The RPG 26 “Aglen” grenade launcher is a disposable hand-held grenade launcher, the main function of which on the battlefield is to destroy enemy tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as enemy infantry entrenched in light fortifications. The development of the grenade launcher has been carried out since 1980 at the Basalt Research and Production Enterprise under the leadership of V.S. Tokarev. The grenade launcher was put into service in 1985 and is still in service with the Russian army.

Its main difference from its predecessors is that it can be transferred from a combat position to a neutral one, and the process of transferring to a combat position has also been significantly accelerated, armor penetration and grenade flight speed have been improved. There is no recoil when firing from it.

The grenade is fired from the barrel using a special powder charge, which burns completely. After the grenade takes off, stabilizers are deployed at its end, which balance it in flight. When encountering any obstacle, the fuse is triggered. The target firing range is 250 m. After firing a shot, the grenade launcher cannot be used again.

The airsoft version of the RPG-26 “Aglen” is actually a real combat grenade launcher converted into airsoft “grenades”. Outwardly, it is no different from a real combat grenade launcher. Its device is as follows - it is a “container” (pipe), which performs the functions of a launcher, a firing mechanism, a sighting device, a belt and two covers that cover the container pipe on both sides (the back “blind” and the front with a hole for inserting grenades) . The body (container) of the grenade launcher itself is made of fiberglass and therefore weighs only 2.9 kg. Its length is 770 mm, it does not contain barrel extension systems. The trigger mechanism is provided with a pin (“reusable”; it cannot be pulled out, like on a real RPG, and is needed to secure the starting cartridge in the container). The RPG-26 has a diopter sight. The front sight has sighting marks with numbers 5 (corresponds to a firing range of 50 m), 15 (corresponds to a firing range of 150 m).

The grenade launcher fires “grenades” produced by TAG-innovation. To fire from it, you need to purchase (not included with the grenade launcher) a starting cartridge/s, gas (Green gas or Black gas) and the grenades themselves (Tags). To fire a shot, a Tag is inserted into the launcher sleeve, it is filled with gas, and then inserted into the grenade launcher itself. In order to insert it into the container, you need to pull the pin and carefully insert the charged starting cartridge into the pipe. The RPG-26 is traditionally fired from the shoulder. After installing the RPG-26 on the shoulder, it must be brought into firing position. To do this, you need to turn the front sight all the way up and raise the safety post all the way. After which you can aim and press the start button (red key) to fire a shot.

Advantages and disadvantages of the RPG-26 “Aglen” , as well as user experience: After some experience in using this grenade launcher, I can highlight the following advantages: ➢ Lightness (light weight) - the fiberglass body makes it light. In contrast, an underbarrel grenade launcher, which is made of iron/steel, can be, despite its significantly smaller dimensions, heavier. And the most important thing is that the under-barrel grenade launcher is attached to the drive (automatic) and significantly makes it heavier. A heavy drive with an under-barrel grenade launcher puts a serious strain on your hands and, ultimately, takes away all the fun from the game. And the RPG-26 can be hung on your back (belt included) or attached to a backpack, so its weight is almost unnoticeable.

Easy to use - everything is quite simple, the most difficult thing is probably charging the starting cartridge with gas. After installing the starting cartridge in the grenade launcher, all that remains is to cock the safety rack, aim with the front sight and press the button. ➢ Surroundings and effectiveness in battle - we have all seen in movies or on videos on YouTube fighters firing RPGs at the enemy. With this device you can feel the whole ambience of firing from a grenade launcher. In addition, this is a fairly effective tool in airsoft games - these are grenades (Tag) flying at a distance of approximately 100 meters at the enemy. Among the disadvantages we can highlight: ➢ Dimensions - the only drawback of the RPG-26 itself can only be noted that it is still not very convenient to carry an almost meter-long pipe with you or on yourself. But as I said earlier, this is still the best alternative to an under-barrel grenade launcher. ➢ The cost of consumables is the high cost of the starting cartridge and grenades (Tag).

The RPG-26 “Aglen” airsoft grenade launcher was developed and produced by the AEG research and production association . The company specializes in products that are electro-pneumatic copies of real weapons used by special forces of the Russian Federation.

Posted by Medic in Reviews

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Principle of operation

First you need to prepare the grenade by loading it with gas. Green gas (or Black gas) is used for this purpose. The charge must first be inserted into the starting sleeve. Now we carefully put all this into the grenade launcher barrel from the front, for which we pull the pin.

As with military weapons, you need to shoot from the shoulder. We move the front sight to the upper position, and raise the safety post until it reaches the stop. This way the grenade launcher will be cocked into combat readiness. Having taken aim, we shoot by pressing the red button. As a result, the valve that releases the gas opens. He pushes the grenade out - it flies out of the barrel, exploding at a distance of more than 100 meters.

Airsoft grenade launchers

“Grenade launchers” produced by “Cyma”, “D-Boys”, “ASR” and other companies are designed to destroy enemy personnel from a distance of 20 - 40 meters. Some models are capable of “destroying” opponents at a distance of up to 70 meters. Before you buy an airsoft GP-30 or any other drive of this type, you should know that these replicas are conventionally divided not by the principle of operation, but by the type of charge used. In turn, charges for airsoft grenade launchers are presented by manufacturers in 2 versions.

  • The charge is “explosive”. The explosion occurs at the moment of contact with the target or after a specified time. A prominent representative of the “kick-out” drive is the GP-25 DiBoys.
  • Cartridge grenades (stationary charges). The striking element is made in the form of a traditional grenade, which is stuffed with balls and filled with green gas. When activated, the balls fly out of the “glass” under gas pressure, providing a large affected area.

The “grenade launchers,” in particular the aforementioned GP-30 and GP-25, are made of an aluminum alloy and ABS plastic. Designed for 40mm charges and adapted for TAG submunitions. Designed for installation on AK series drives.


Airsoft-Station offers a new product - airsoft revolver-type grenade launchers. The telescopic buttstock is adjustable in length and angle. The drum holds 6 grenades. Firing from a drum airsoft grenade launcher is reminiscent of volleys from an entire battery of shotguns. The charges do not leave the drum, but shoot the balls stuffed into them, covering a large area.


Technical characteristics of the RPG-26 airsoft grenade launcher:

CharacteristicsIndicatorsUnit measurements
Shoots at a distanceup to 170m
Aiming abilityup to 250m
Aimdioptric type
Grenade launcher weight2900G
Weight of one grenade1800G
Device length77cm
The grenade flies out with acceleration144m/s

Video review of the RPG-26 airsoft grenade launcher:

Features of the Aglen grenade launcher

In principle, this weapon model has all the characteristics that have already been indicated earlier. It should be noted that this grenade was first tested back in 1984. It was made on the basis of the old RPG 18 and RPG 22, but already had significant improvements. For example, the cover that opened the barrel was no longer made of metal, but of rubber or a petal membrane. This advantage made it possible to fire a shot without opening the lid.

Naturally, the armor-piercing power of the grenade was increased, as well as the firing efficiency of the weapon. The advantage of the RPG 26 “Aglen” is that to move the pipe into the firing position, you do not need to move it apart. In addition, the device is equipped with a security system. It does not allow the grenade to fly out spontaneously when the device is moved to the stowed position (if the projectile has not been used).

It should be noted that the presented unit is still successfully used in service with the Russian Army and is considered the main individual anti-tank weapon.

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