AMX 13 105 - French light tank tier 10 WoT

Very soon, light tanks of each nation will evolve to level 10. Currently, the top tanks are at the testing stage, but you can get acquainted with the vehicles being introduced into the game now. So, we meet: AMX 13 105, a new tier 10 tank of the French development branch. The new “French” resembles its predecessors, but let’s not forget that this is a fundamentally new car, with unique characteristics and capabilities. To understand all the intricacies, we bring to your attention a guide to the AMX 13 105.

  1. Historical facts AMX 13 105
  2. Performance characteristics of AMX 13 105
  3. Reservation AMX 13 105
  4. Selecting equipment and crew perks for the AMX 13 105
  5. Tactics for playing on AMX 13 105
  6. Review of the tier 10 light tank AMX 13 105
  7. Video AMX 13 105

Historical facts AMX 13 105

A number of other vehicles for various purposes were developed on the chassis of the French post-war tank AMX-13. Among them was the AMX-13 105 self-propelled howitzer, the first prototype of which was built in 1950, and two years later serial self-propelled guns of this type began to enter service with the French army. This vehicle had an open conning tower, which housed a 105-mm Mk.61 type gun with a muzzle brake, developed in 1950. There was also a 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine gun in the wheelhouse. Later modifications used a modernized Mk.62 howitzer mounted in a rotating turret, the main disadvantage of which was the very slow speed of pointing the gun in the horizontal plane. These versions of the vehicle also featured an additional machine gun for self-defense against enemy infantry. The ammunition included armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation shells. These self-propelled guns were exported to several countries. The main buyer was the Netherlands, where machine gun armament was replaced with models of its own caliber.


The layout of the tank has several features. First of all, this is the use of the so-called swinging tower. Unlike conventional towers, the swinging one consists of two parts: the lower one, connected to the tower support, and the upper one, mounted on the lower one on axles in such a way that it can rotate relative to the latter in the vertical plane at a certain angle. The gun is rigidly connected to the upper swinging part of the turret. Vertical aiming is carried out by rotating the upper part of the tower, and horizontal aiming is carried out by rotating the lower part. The use of such a design makes it easier to solve the problem of automating weapon loading and makes it possible to reduce the size of the turret. In particular, in the AMX-13 tank, two revolver-type automatic loader magazines are mounted in the upper swinging part of the turret. The use of an automatic loader made it possible to reduce the tank crew to 3 people. The tank commander is located on the left side of the turret, the gunner on the right side, and the driver in the hull, in the control compartment.

The engine and transmission compartment of the tank is located in the front of the hull. In the front part there is also a control compartment shifted to the left side. The front location of the transmission determines the front position of the drive wheels.

Hull and armor[edit]

The armor protection of the tank is bulletproof, but the frontal parts of the welded steel hull and welded-cast turret can, under certain conditions, withstand the impact of small-caliber gun shells. The equivalent protective thickness of these parts is about 40 mm. The side parts of the hull and turret have a thickness of 20-25 mm, the stern - 15 mm, the roof of the turret and hull - 10 mm.

Reservation AMX-13/90
Armor typecast and rolled
Body forehead (top)30 mm / 45°
Body forehead (middle)50 mm / 0°
Body forehead (bottom)20 mm
Hull side20 mm / 0°
Hull stern (top)15 mm / 0°
Hull stern (bottom)15 mm / 42°
Bottom10 mm
Housing roof10 mm
Tower forehead30 mm / 45°
Gun mask40 mm
Tower side20 mm / 0 – 14°
Tower stern20 mm / 0°
Tower roof10 - 20 mm

Additional armor has been developed for the tank, similar to that used on the American M113 armored personnel carrier. Its total mass is 650 kg, with each block weighing no more than 50 kg so that it can be installed or replaced by the crew using portable tools. Additional armor is attached to the front and sides of the turret, as well as to the bow of the hull. This provides protection against 20 mm armor-piercing shells from a range of over 100 m in a sector of about 180°.


AMX-13 with a 90 mm cannon.
The main armament of the standard French AMX-13 tank is a 90-mm rifled gun mounted in the FL-10 turret. Initially, the FL-10 turret was equipped with a 75 mm cannon. In total, a little over 2,000 turrets with a 75 mm cannon were produced. The 90 mm gun has a muzzle brake and a heat-insulating casing. Five types of ammunition can be used for firing: feathered armor-piercing sabot (APFSDS), with ready-made lethal elements (canister), high-explosive (HE), cumulative (HEAT) and smoke. The total ammunition load is 32 rounds, of which 21 are placed in the turret (12 rounds in the automatic loader magazines) and 11 in the hull. For a 7.5 or 7.62 mm machine gun coaxial with a cannon and an anti-aircraft machine gun of the same caliber, there are 3,600 rounds of ammunition (in belts of 200 pieces each).

It was distinguished by an unusual design using the so-called “swinging tower”. This turret was designed specifically to introduce mechanized loading of the gun, like a semi-automatic one. On both sides of the turret niche behind the gun breech there are two drum-type magazines with 6 shells each. The recoil force rotates the magazine and releases the next projectile, which rolls onto the tray, the axis of which coincides with the axis of the gun barrel. Then the projectile is sent automatically into the barrel, the bolt is closed and the shot is fired. Such a device provides a rate of fire of 10-12 rounds per minute and allows you to exclude the loader from the crew. Having consumed its ammunition, an essentially unarmed tank must leave the battlefield and go away to reload its magazines. They are filled through hatches in the roof of the tower. The elevation angle of the gun is limited by the aft niche of the turret resting on the hull roof and is equal to 13°.

The gunner and tank commander can fire from the cannon and coaxial machine gun. Hydraulic guidance drives with manual override for emergency situations. The maximum horizontal transfer speeds are 30° and vertical – 5° per second. Elevation angles: +12.5°; decrease -5°. There is no weapon stabilizer. The commander is provided with all-round visibility. For this purpose, 8 prismatic observation devices are installed at the base of its hatch. It also uses the L961 telescopic sight with variable 1.5x and 6x magnification. The L862 gunner's sight has a 7.5-fold magnification; the latter uses two prism devices for orientation.

Engine and transmission[edit]

The basis of the power plant is a liquid-cooled 8-cylinder petrol engine 8Gxb with a power of 250 hp. With. It provides a specific power of 16.7 hp. s./t. The transmission is mechanical with manual control, has 5 forward gears and 1 reverse gear.

The mobility indicators of the AMX-13 tank are at the level characteristic of second-generation main tanks. The maximum speed of the tank is 60 km/h, the fuel range (fuel tank capacity is 480 l) is 350 - 400 km.

In 1979, at an exhibition of military equipment in Satori, a model of a tank with a diesel engine was presented. This car had a maximum speed of 64 km/h, fuel consumption on average 1 l/km, which increased the fuel range to 500 km. As a replacement for the gasoline engine, a 4-cylinder diesel “Poillot” 520 4LCS25 with a power of 265 hp was considered. With. and a General Motors diesel with a capacity of 280 hp. With. In 1983, a 6-cylinder diesel engine 6F 11SRY with a power of 280 hp was proposed for this purpose. With.


The rotation mechanism is differential type. The tank has a torsion bar suspension; hydraulic shock absorbers are used on the first and last suspension units. The chassis contains 5 single-pitch rubber-coated support rollers and three (in some cases two) support rollers on each side. The last caterpillars rest only on their inner part. The drive wheels are located at the front, the guide wheels with track tensioning mechanisms are located at the rear. The 350 mm wide steel tracks with open metal joints contain 85 tracks each. If necessary, asphalt rubber shoes can be installed on them.

The vehicle can overcome ditches up to 1.6 m wide, a vertical wall 0.65 m high, a ford 0.6 m deep (the use of equipment for deep fording is not provided), a rise of 31°, and move along a slope up to 31° steep.

Performance characteristics of AMX 13 105

Let's start with the basic characteristics. The safety margin of the AMX 13 105 is 1,400 units , which is noticeably lower than that of other top-end fireflies introduced into the game. There are no complaints about the overview of the tank: 415 meters in the basic configuration is quite a decent figure

Despite its external vulnerability, the AMX 13 105 has a squat silhouette. As a result, the tank has a fairly decent stealth rating, and it’s very difficult to hit a moving firefly.

If we talk about speed indicators, the car has a good maximum speed and acceptable dynamics. However, the turning speed of the chassis leaves much to be desired, so it will be problematic for the “French” to turn the clumsy heavy weights.

For unknown reasons, all tier 10 light tanks are equipped with 105mm guns. However, the characteristics of the guns still differ. In particular, the AMX 13 105 is equipped with a gun with a drum loading mechanism. A cassette of 3 shells , reloading inside the drum is only 2.7 seconds . The full recharge time is 27 seconds , which looks very impressive.

Armor penetration indicators are 234 mm for armor-piercing shells. This is quite enough to deal damage to heavily armored tanks. In addition, you can take into battle a couple of sub-caliber drums with armor penetration for a comfortable game. Good alpha and DPM are offset by low accuracy, poor stabilization and long convergence times. Therefore, effective shooting on the move is only possible at close ranges. The vertical guidance angles look quite acceptable. The light tank AMX 13 105 can lower the barrel by 8 degrees .

For the full performance characteristics of the AMX 13 105 light French tank, see the image below:

Combat use[edit]

  • Suez crisis (1956). During the battle for Rafah on November 1, Israeli armored forces lost 13 AMX-13 tanks. In the battle of Bir Rod Salem, Israeli AMX-13s shot down 30 Egyptian T-34s and 185 self-propelled guns and SU-100s.
  • Second Indo-Pakistani War (1965). Indian AMX-13s took part in the defeat of Pakistani M47 Pattons during the Battle of Asal-Uttar. During the final battles of the war, the Indians suffered heavy losses: a company of about 15 AMX-13 tanks was lost trying to stop the advance of a Pakistani regiment supported by M48 Patton tanks.
  • Six Day War (1967). In this war, Israel used AMX-13 light tanks. They had to face such formidable opponents as the T-54 and M47 medium tanks. On June 6, on the Sinai front, at dusk, a battalion of AMX-13 light tanks from the Aviram brigade found itself far ahead on the road to Ismail when it met two battalions of Egyptian T-54s. Several Israeli tanks and half-track armored personnel carriers were lost within minutes, although T-54s also suffered losses from flanking attacks. The AMX-13's 75mm cannon was virtually useless against the T-54's frontal armor. The Israeli tanks retreated. On the same day, on the Jordanian front, most of the 2nd Jordanian tank battalion in the Nablus area was sandwiched between two Israeli Roma tank battalions. During the battle, the Jordanian Patton battalion was practically destroyed; one of the AMX-13s destroyed 7 M48 tanks.
  • Civil war in Lebanon (1975 - 1990).
  • Alto Cenepa War (1995).
  • First Ivorian War (2002 - 2007).

Reservation AMX 13 105

In terms of booking, everything is quite expected. French “cardboard sides” have long become a household name in the random fields. The AMX 13 105 was no exception to this rule, so it can “boast” only 50 millimeters in the frontal projection of the tower. It is quite natural that dozens with heavy weapons will easily pierce the firefly even into the gun mantlet. There are no proper bevels or angles on the tower; therefore, the probability of a rebound is zero. At the front of the case you can find only 40 mm, which also does not look impressive.

The armor performance of the AMX 13 105 is no different from its smaller French counterparts.


Design work on the tank began in 1946 at a state-owned enterprise in Issy-les-Moulineaux. Two years later, a prototype was assembled. Production began in 1952 in the city of Rouen (ARE association). At one time, up to 45 cars were produced per month. In the early 1960s, production of the entire AMX-13 tank family was transferred as the Rouen facility was switched to production of the AMX-30 main tanks. The basic light tank chassis is used for several types of vehicles, including the AMX VCI mechanized infantry vehicle, the 105 mm self-propelled howitzer, the 155 mm Mk F3 self-propelled gun and the OSA twin self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, each of which has individual features in functional compartments (modules) .

Over the years, many improvements have been made to the design of the AMX-13 tank and other vehicles of this family. In 1964, during modernization, a 90 mm rifled gun was installed instead of the 75 mm. On some of the vehicles outside the turret, anti-tank guided missiles were placed. The most complete scope of modernization was, in particular, shown at the exhibition of military equipment in Satori in 1985. The standard tank of the latest releases is a vehicle with a new front hull, a new diesel engine, automatic transmission and hydropneumatic suspension.

announced that it could bring all previously produced cars to this standard.

AMX-13 tanks underwent armament modernization. The 75 mm gun was replaced by a 90 mm one. On some vehicles, 4 SS-11 ATGMs were installed on the frontal part of the turret. In the 70s, a modified turret with a 105 mm cannon and a laser rangefinder appeared on the AMX-13. The cannon's cumulative projectile has an initial speed of 800 m/s and penetrates 400 mm armor. The FL-10 turret and its modifications were also installed on other vehicles (in particular, Sherman tanks).

One of the most common light tanks in the world, the AMX-13 was delivered to 25 other countries and served as the basis for a variety of self-propelled guns 105 mm and 155 mm howitzers, 120 mm mortars, a self-propelled twin 30 mm anti-aircraft gun, an armored personnel carrier, a bridge layer and specialized cars By the early 2000s, it was still in service with a number of countries.

Selecting equipment and crew perks for the AMX 13 105

According to the existing shortcomings, the most critical is the accuracy of the gun. Therefore, the equipment is selected in such a way that the tank can maximize its DPM. It should be taken into account that it is not possible to install a gun rammer on drum tanks. Therefore, “universal” slots can be filled with the following modules:

  1. Vertical guidance stabilizer – increases shooting accuracy while moving.
  2. Coated optics – we improve the viewing radius to maximum values.
  3. Ventilation – receives a slight increase in all characteristics.

However, ventilation can be replaced with reinforced aiming drives to reduce the gun aiming time. “aggressor” And use aggressive play to cause damage.

In addition, if you are used to performing the function of passive and active light
“luminary” , you can put a camouflage net and stereo pipes in the slot.
Only if you are very familiar with all the tactics of the right light and are trying to perform LBZ on LT 15. The AMX 13 105 crew consists of three tankers, so some members will have to learn additional specialties. Therefore, it is better to upgrade perks in the following sequence: When choosing combat consumables, there is no particular alternative, so before the battle we load the standard set. For better efficiency in combat and with the “improved ventilation” module installed, we recommend using strong coffee


Tactics for playing on AMX 13 105

How to play on AMX 13 105? First of all, you need to take into account that the “French” is a fairly powerful car with decent potential. Speed ​​indicators and a high camouflage coefficient indicate that the tank can be played using active or passive light.

In the first case, you need to loiter around the map, periodically diving into enemy territory. Here it is important to constantly be on the move, to skillfully use the folds of the terrain so as not to expose yourself to enemy shots.

In the second case, at the beginning of the battle you need to take a key point with a maximum viewing radius, and while standing in the position, highlight unwary opponents. Here you need to follow two rules: do not shoot and provide escape routes in advance.

In addition, the AMX 13 105 is armed with a drum gun with a powerful alpha. Therefore, you can confidently pick up wounded opponents, steadily replenishing your piggy bank with frags. Don't forget that 27 seconds after the cassette is discharged, the AMX 13 105 becomes especially vulnerable. It is important to take into account that the “Frenchman’s” maneuverability is very weak, so it will be very problematic to twist opponents alone.

Overall, the tank is quite interesting and opens up a number of new possibilities. The main thing is to control the mini-map and not expose yourself to tanks with high-explosive guns and artillery.


  • Argentina - 105 AMX-13, as of 2010.
  • Venezuela - 31 AMX-13, as of 2016.
  • India - 90 AMX-13s in storage, as of 2007.
  • Indonesia - 275 AMX-13, as of 2016.
  • Ivory Coast - 5 AMX-13s, as of 2016.
  • Morocco - 5 AMX-13, as of 2016.
  • Peru - 96 AMX-13s, as of 2016.
  • Singapore - about 350 AMX-13SM1, as of 2016.
  • Ecuador - 24 AMX-13, as of 2016.


  • France
  • Djibouti - 60 AMX-13/90, as of 2013.
  • Lebanon - 13 AMX-13/90, as of 2013.
  • Vietnam ( South Vietnam
    ) - as of 1968, a certain number of AMX-13V remained in service with the South Vietnamese army, but later, French-made equipment was replaced by American-made equipment.

Review of the tier 10 light tank AMX 13 105

Any car in the game has strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these features, you can build battle tactics to try to avoid constant losses and act more competently in battle.

So, the advantages of the AMX 13 105 include the following characteristics:

  • View radius.
  • Stealth factor.
  • Speed ​​and dynamics.
  • Alfastrike and DPM.
  • Armor penetration.
  • UVN.

The significant disadvantages include the following:

  • Relatively small amount of HP.
  • Lack of armor.
  • Poor maneuverability.
  • Low gun accuracy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, even when playing artillery you need to know the smallest features of your vehicle, because this is the only way to achieve really good results in battle. And for ease of perception, we will now highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the AMX 13 F3 AM World of Tanks

. Pros: • Low silhouette and small dimensions; • Excellent camouflage; • Good mobility; • Powerful one-time damage; • Decent penetration parameters; • Good accuracy; • Comfortable horizontal aiming angles. Cons: • Small margin of safety and visibility; • Very weak armor; • Poor rate of fire; • Long mixing; • Poor maneuverability; • Low projectile trajectory.

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