Characteristics of the Pioneer pistol - an aerosol device for self-defense

History of creation

Since 2016, Tula has been producing an original means of civil self-defense - the Pioneer aerosol pistol. The weapon, developed as an alternative to pepper spray, is effective in defense against both intruders and aggressive animals, allowing you to neutralize the aggressor in a couple of seconds.

has long earned a reputation as a good manufacturer of effective self-defense products. But the gas pistol is a unique development. It is multifunctional, productive, and yet completely easy to use. In 2022, the Pioneer underwent modernization - it acquired a laser pointer (LCC).

Since 2022, the manufacturer does not work directly with individuals. But you can order products from the seller, who acts as a direct representative. His official website is The seller provides favorable purchase conditions and a 2-year warranty.

Description of injury

“Pioneer” is a self-defense device with an impact trigger and self-cocking. The body is made of durable plastic, and the trigger is made of metal. The compact size makes the pistol convenient for use by both men and women. The thickness of the “Pioneer” is only 2.2 cm, which allows you to carry it with you unnoticed.

The unique design of the pistol lies in the presence of 2 vertically positioned barrels and an additional clip hidden in the recess of the handle. This ensures continued self-defense after the main clip is used up.

The shot is fired by pressing the trigger and the trigger located under the barrel. There is no safety lock, therefore, to eliminate the possibility of an accidental shot, the trigger moves tightly, and the trigger is closed with a protective guard. The trigger mechanism is reliable, the probability of misfires is low.

To make self-defense effective, the developers made the Pioneer as similar as possible to a real traumatic pistol.

“Pioneer” really looks brutal, and is even equipped with a front sight. This may seem strange: a pepper gun is not a weapon that needs a scope. But if you consider that the shot range reaches almost 5 m, the front sight no longer seems like an unnecessary element of equipment.

Is it technically possible to remake it?

By and large, there is nothing impossible in re-equipping an aerosol. There are even modernized versions on sale, originally designed for rubber bullets, such as the “Premier-Universal” and others. The imagination of home-grown “specialists” knows no limits - Dobryn barrels are bored out to accommodate a larger traumatic cartridge, Pioneer clips are screwed to the barrel so that they do not fly out during a more powerful shot. However, to properly carry out such a manipulation, you will need advanced level tools and technical knowledge.

Often, already converted aerosols are sold on the Internet. Here you need to realize that all responsibility for such a pistol lies solely with the buyer. Altering Dobrynya and any other structurally different devices for injury is a crime, and it is you who will have to answer to law enforcement agencies if such a device is discovered during a search or inspection.

And if circumstances develop such that you use your weapon in a real skirmish, and traces of such use remain on your opponent, you will face a real criminal sentence, and not a suspended sentence or a fine. This is how the state works - if a citizen who has no credentials or connections deceives him and the deception is discovered, then the punishment is inevitable and severe.

Technical characteristics of "Pioneer"

The main advantage of the Pioneer is that it is a multifunctional pistol, allowing the use of cartridges for various purposes without changing the design of the device.

The Pioneer aerosol pistol belongs to the category of lightweight pocket self-defense products. The cartridges are inserted using the barrel clip method. To load the weapon, you just need to connect the clip to the barrel. A click will indicate that these elements are fixed and the pistol is ready to fire.

The top cartridge is activated first, then the bottom one. To reload a weapon, you need to remove the clip. If self-defense time is running out, you can shorten the reload time by simply inserting a loaded one from the handle instead of the used clip.

Let's look at the technical characteristics of the Pioneer pistol.

length13.5 cm
height13.2 cm
width2.2 cm
weight157 g
number of cartridges that can be held4 (2 in the main clip, 2 in the additional one)
types of cartridgesBAM OS 18×51 mm; BAM 13×50 mm; noise cartridge "Thunder", light cartridge "Hunter's Signal"
effective shot distanceup to 4 m
maximum shot distanceup to 5 m
trigger pull force50 N
compressibility of the emitted jet250 mm

“Modernized” aerosols – are they dangerous?

In addition to the risk of reporting to law enforcement agencies, converting aerosols to a traumatic cartridge may be associated with other risks.

  • The gun may simply break. The main reasons for the failure of magazine devices such as “Pioneer” or “Premier” are the breakdown of the cam mechanism, the clip lock, and periodically the magazine itself can rupture. The “Dobrynya” mechanism wears out extremely quickly due to the bullet mass unintended by the design. A traumatic cartridge can turn the carriage and firing pin and break the feed spring.
  • Insufficient detonation power. "Premiers" use a lower detonation voltage than electric triggers, and "Dobrynya" and "Pioneer" are equipped with a structurally different striker. All this leads to the fact that the rubber bullet does not fly out, but simply “falls out” of the barrel, without bringing any effect.
  • Barrel rupture due to excessive pyrocharge power. Of course, the barrel of the aerosol can is designed for lower loads, and not a single “Kulibin” is immune from such a nuisance. And this is not just a completely damaged device, but also the possibility of severely injuring your hands and face from fragments of plastic and metal.

To summarize all of the above: it is possible to remake an aerosol can for trauma, but it is absolutely unprofitable. The risk of losing the device, getting injured, simply not getting the expected effectiveness of the shot, as well as legislation according to which home “gunsmiths” will hone their skills on their bunks are more than serious factors that make you think.

Of course, many appreciate the high effectiveness of traumatic weapons, and few will refuse a real traumatic weapon like “OSA” or “Cordon-M”.
Maybe it makes sense to go through all the bureaucratic circles of hell and get the coveted permit? And if not, instead of a bruise from a rubber bullet, the aggressor can receive a much more weighty argument - wild pain, tears, a suffocating cough and a feeling of helplessness for 30-40 minutes, from a completely ordinary, legal and safe “Pioneer”, “Dobrynya” or "Premiere"! Post Views: 1,344

Do I need permission?

You do not need a license to buy and carry a gas pistol. Any adult citizen who suspects that he or she may be in danger can possess a pistol. The gas used in the pistol has a slight negative effect on the body: it only irritates and burns the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, as a result of which the attacking subject loses interest in the victim.

The only condition for purchasing a pistol is that you must be of legal age. The seller will certainly ask about this item. Therefore, if the buyer looks young, he will have to show his passport. Or send a scanned copy of the passport page where your age is indicated, if the weapon was ordered from an online store.

Packaging and equipment

The Pioneer pistol is sold packaged. All items included in the kit are neatly packaged in an orange cardboard box with a gun pictured on it.

Opening the box you can see:

  • pistol in plastic wrap;
  • two clips;
  • adapters for chambers - 4 pieces;
  • accompanying documentation - passport, instructions for use.

Despite the fact that the Pioneer is an unlicensed weapon, you need to carry documents for it with you.


The great advantage of the Pioneer is its variety of ammunition. Ammo used:

  • pepper;
  • light and noise;
  • pepper-coloring;
  • even confetti for the celebration.

The cartridges are activated mechanically by means of a striker.

The gas can be sprayed indoors without fear, since its jet is directed. But even outdoors in windy weather, the gas reaches its target. The effectiveness of the gas jet is not affected by rain or smoke.

The main advantage of a pistol over a gas cartridge is that the concentration of the active substance in it is higher.

Pepper cartridges are intended for short-term deprivation of the aggressor's legal capacity. This time is enough for the potential victim to escape. The Pioneer uses BAM-OS.000 pepper cartridges of 2 calibers: 18x51 mm and 13x50 mm.

Exposure to gas is an unnecessary measure when the enemy is not so strong and terrible. For example, if the potential aggressor is a stray dog. You can stop an aggressive animal with a loud sound; for this, noise cartridges BAM-X.000 of 13x50 mm caliber or threaded ammunition “Thunder” are used. If the bandit is unlikely to be confused by the noise - he will quickly understand what is going on, then a sudden and sharp sound will certainly frighten the dog.

As for the “Hunter Signal” cartridges, they are used in the “Pioneer” with special mounts. In this case, the pistol turns into a flare gun, designed to send an SOS signal in an emergency.

Is it possible to convert a traumatic pistol into a combat pistol?

A traumatic pistol is the same firearm and has the same principle of operation as its combat counterpart. Additionally, it uses the same caliber, making it an almost exact replica of the Death Pistol. Accordingly, when asking such a question, people are more interested not so much in alteration, but in the use of a combat cartridge.

It’s worth taking as an example the IZH 79 pistol, which uses rubber bullets instead of regular bullets. The designer figured out how to protect citizens from criminal intent and made a barrel with tubercles, which allows the rubber bullet to shrink and exit freely. But with the use of a live cartridge, this becomes impossible. Most likely, the bullet will get stuck and rupture the barrel from the pressure of the powder gases, leaving the shooter without a pistol.

However, a combat pistol and a traumatic pistol do have a lot of similarities. To begin with, they are produced on the same assembly line, which makes the pistols relatives. They have the same magazines, trigger mechanism, safety, and they even disassemble in exactly the same way. The difference may be in the calibers of the pistols, since there are variations of the traumatic PM chambered for 10 millimeters. But there are also modernized magazines with 10-13 rounds. Otherwise, it's the same pistol, just with a different barrel.

The first Makarov pistols chambered for a rubber cartridge were even produced with the same metal, which made it an even easier object for conversion. Only after 2007 a new alloy was introduced, which makes the structure more fragile.

However, if you replace the barrel, it will be possible to turn a traumatic weapon into a combat weapon. True, the law will no longer be on the side of such an inventor and he will face serious imprisonment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews about the Pioneer pistol are overwhelmingly positive. Although this type of defensive weapon is not without its disadvantages.

Compact, light weight, easy to hold in handhigh cost compared to pepper spray
availability of a spare clipThe main clip holds only two rounds
weapon versatility
firing range up to 5 m
presence of front sight and laser sight
no need for a license to carry a weapon
Availability of adapters for different types of cartridges

Permission to carry and use an aerosol pistol

The safety of your own life and your loved ones in modern society comes first. Naturally, not every conflict can be resolved peacefully, and therefore the question arises about acquiring a means of self-defense. The first thing everyone does is start looking for information on the Internet about various devices where you can stumble upon an aerosol gun. Before purchasing, you should find out whether you need a permit to carry and use an aerosol gun or not. In this article we will examine this issue in detail and talk about the principle of operation of the device.

What is an aerosol gun?

The device itself reminds everyone of a familiar pistol, only of an unusual shape. Instead of conventional bullets, gas cartridges (BAM) are used, which are small in size but have excellent stopping properties. The composition of the substance in BAM is not capable of causing serious harm to the health of the attacker, much less life-threatening. The main task of this substance is to stop and disorient the attacker, for the safe retreat of the victim of the attack.

The principle of operation of this device is to release a certain portion of the irritant towards the attacker. This way you can shoot the solution towards the enemy and incapacitate him for a certain time. This time will be enough for you to leave the scene of the conflict or call the police.

Currently, you can find many different models of this Russian-made device. This is due to the fact that the law prohibits the sale and use of imported devices.

Do I need permission to carry and use the device?

Current legislation does not provide for the need for a permit to purchase and use aerosol pistols. The corresponding entry is on the third page of the passport of each aerosol device. The purchasing principle and conditions are similar to regular pepper spray. The buyer must be of legal age, which must be confirmed upon purchase by having a passport. You don’t have to be afraid of questions from law enforcement agencies regarding the aerosol device, because it is legally distributed and used throughout the Russian Federation.

Carrying such weapons is also not restricted by law, and therefore you can freely carry them in your bag or pocket. Naturally, to prevent unnecessary questions from others and police officers, we recommend carrying it in a bag.

Differences between an aerosol gun and a traumatic one

The differences between these two devices can be understood even by their name. The principle of the spray gun is to release pepper towards the attacker. While traumatic weapons are aimed at causing damage to an attacker. BAMs filled with irritants of various compositions are used as ammunition for aerosol pistols. At the same time, the traumatic pistol shoots rubber bullets.

The main difference between these two devices is the principle of stopping the attacker. An aerosol device simply disorients a person, while a traumatic pistol can cause serious injury, even death. Plus, a permit is required to purchase and use a traumatic pistol.

Rules for storage and use

The storage conditions of the device itself are not determined by anything. You have the right to store it in any place convenient for you. It is advisable to follow the recommendations specified in the technical documentation of the purchased device. The law does not provide any rules for storing the device.

As for gas cartridges (BAM), they should be stored under certain conditions specified in the recommendations. Since the canister is under pressure, it is explosive. Thus, it turns out that they should be stored away from children, open flames and away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.

Where to buy an aerosol gun?

Currently, there are many organizations involved in the production and sale of aerosol guns. On the self-defense market you can find many different models, which may differ from each other both visually and technically. It is worth noting that you can only find aerosol devices made in Russia, since the sale of imported products in this area is prohibited. This is due to differences in government standards around the world.

If you want to purchase a high-quality and reliable aerosol gun, then the Samozashita24 online store will be happy to help you with this. We have in stock the following models of aerosol devices:

  • Pioneer classic and with laser target designator (Laser designator)
  • Dobrynya
  • Premier 4 classic and with LCC (Laser target designator)
  • Premier

Each of the pistols presented is designed in accordance with current quality standards and have a high level of reliability. For additional information on the range and placing an order, you can contact us by phone listed on the website.

What is the price?

The easiest and most profitable way to buy a gas pistol is in an online store. But you need to be careful, there are many scammers on the Internet who create fake websites. Buy weapons only on the official website.

The main sign of a fake is low cost. The “Pioneer” aerosol pistol costs about 4,000 rubles on the official website, its modified version with a laser sight costs 5,000 rubles. If you find a product cheaper, do not rush to rejoice: it is highly likely to be a fake.

Also on the official website you can purchase sets of cartridges for various purposes and a holster for the Pioneer. The belt holster is sold in 3 variations: a regular one for 950 rubles, with a belt clip costs about 1000 rubles, and one that allows you to hide a weapon when worn for 550 rubles.

Do you need a license for a pioneer?

The box contains a product passport.

  • The clip, designed for two cartridges, is supplemented with a spare version.
  • Each chamber can be equipped with an adapter, because the ammunition for the Pioneer has different dimensions. As a result, the kit includes 4 adapters.

The fact that it is possible to use several types of cartridges without prior modification of the design made the Pioneer pistol extremely popular. Based on this, we can talk about a wide range of weapons use. Citizens may be attacked not only by hooligans, but also by dogs.

  • Sometimes the use of traumatic weapons is not appropriate, since such shooting has a number of legal restrictions. You can use a pistol with pepper bullets immediately after assessing the dangerous situation. Pepper cartridges BAM-OS.000 18x51 mm, as well as BAM-OS.000 13x50 mm, allow you to temporarily incapacitate an enemy.
  • Sometimes direct gas exposure is not necessary. The sound effect of a shot itself can have a stopping effect. And if a person can determine that the sound is produced by special noise cartridges, then this will definitely scare away the dogs. The Pioneer pistol can use BAM-X.000 13x50 mm noise-action cartridges or “GROM” threaded cartridges.
  • The Pioneer is unique in that it combines the function of a rocket launcher. In emergency situations, issuing a light signal can save lives.


To get your bearings, you need to know the purchase price of the pistol, as well as its retail price.

Depending on the supplier’s desire to earn money, the device can vary in cost from 3,000 rubles to 4,000 rubles. You may come across an offer to buy a batch of pistols in bulk for 2,500 rubles; this price for wholesale is quite realistic.

The process of ordering goods through the online store is standard. First you need to choose the right model. To “postpone” it until a final decision is made, you must click the “add to cart” button.

If the decision is made, then click on the “place an order” link. For residents of the capital, delivery is usually done by their own couriers, and free of charge. By region, the goods will be delivered by any transport company you choose.

Pickup is also possible.

When purchasing a pistol at a gun store, you will not have any questions from the seller. The only exception is reaching the age of majority, which can be easily proven by presenting a passport. It is recommended to buy a Pioneer from an official seller because only a responsible supplier will provide all the relevant documents for the weapon.

RF and do not bear legal consequences for the owner who used this device correctly.

Pioneer: polymer double-barreled shotgun

What kind of unit is this? This is an aerosol gun that can use any ammunition available on the Russian market for aerosol devices.

Characteristics of the Pioneer device: Caliber: 18x51 (main) Cassette capacity: 2 BAMs (2 cartridges) Spare cassette in the handle (which is very convenient) Weight: 210 grams (With 4 BAMs) Effective range: 3 meters

Let's talk about its versatility.

And let’s start, perhaps, with the main function of this “pistol”: it “shoots” BAMs (Small-sized Aerosol Spray)

(from the YT channel PALADIN AVN) The versatility of the Pioneer also includes the use of pyrotechnic cartridges Grom, produced by the same company A+A:

But the designers also provided for the use of signal cartridges in their Pioneer “pistol,” which will be very useful for tourists and mushroom pickers:

Scare away dogs - Thunder is loaded in the false barrel. Give a signal if you get lost - there are 2 flares in the handle.

(-video from YT channel Sergey Deineka)

Plastic? Are you seriously?

Friends, I have heard many times that the material of manufacture speaks of the “toy-like” nature of this device.

Do you need a license for a pioneer?

Their basis is a powder charge or gas pressure force, which is located in special cylinders.

Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel Please note that pistols and revolvers are not an analogue of gas weapons with the ability to fire a rubber bullet.

Do I need a permit for a gas pistol?

It will not be possible to avoid a fine, because in such cases the law works 100 percent. Legal Note: Persons serving in the police or armed forces do not need to obtain a gas pistol license. They have the right to purchase weapons without having the appropriate permit.

Firstly, it is cheaper than gas pistols.

Secondly, you do not need to constantly carry a license with it, and if you are stopped on the street by police officers with an air gun, the authorities will not have any unnecessary questions.

Do you need a license for pioneers?

Without a license and permit, gun stores do not have the right to sell goods to you. The procedure for obtaining a license is similar to obtaining a permit for any other civilian weapon.

Do gas weapons require a permit: detailed answers

Need to know! Devices of this type are strictly prohibited from being used in certain cases. For example, if you are in a small and confined space.

Do I need a permit for gas weapons?

There are several types of pistols available to ordinary citizens of the country: gas, traumatic, pneumatic, hunting (smooth-bore and rifled). Externally identical guns may require completely different types of licenses to purchase and own.

Do I need a permit for a gas pistol?

You will need to do the following manipulations: Within a month, you should receive a response from the LRO.


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