Traditional onion: description, characteristics. Best models

The bow is the first precision ranged weapon invented by man. There is evidence that this amazing mechanism served our distant ancestors thousands of years ago. On the walls of ancient caves you can see scenes of war and hunting using primitive bows. This elegant small weapon has walked side by side with humanity throughout its history. We can safely say that the invention of the onion completely changed human life. Hunting became much easier, and wars took on a completely new character.


Perennial, herbaceous plant, root crop no more than 15 cm in diameter, green tubular leaves. It grows on almost all continents. With proper agricultural technology it produces a significant harvest. There are three varieties of onion vegetables - sweet, semi-sharp and spicy. Hot varieties of onions are distinguished by a high content of glycosides, essential oils and sugar, even more than in sweet varieties, but due to the bitter substances this is not felt.

Onions are indispensable in cooking and folk medicine

Proteins, vitamins, organic acids, pectins, mineral salts, enzymes, saponins, and the main wealth - phytoncides are stored in the onion pantry. These volatile substances, the natural immunity of plants, kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi. An onion with bare hands can clean a room where there are patients with typhus and cholera. Sore throat, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis bow their heads before the almighty onion.

On a note! Traditional medicine recommends: 500 g of onions, chopped in a meat grinder, pour 1 liter of water, add 50 g of honey and 100 g of sugar. Boil over low heat for about three hours, store the cooled medicine in the refrigerator, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

But this healing vegetable is indispensable in cooking; cuisines around the world use all types of onions to create familiar and exotic dishes. The aromatic vegetable is consumed raw, fried in oil, caramelized, added as a spicy seasoning, etc., etc.

Alexandre Dumas onion soup: you will need 1 kg of white onions, 1 liter of chicken broth, drained. butter 50 g, thyme sprig, baguette, hard cheese 200 g. Slowly caramelize the onion in butter, add half the broth and evaporate it a little. Add the herbs and the remaining broth, which is also partially evaporated. Pour the soup into a refractory mold, sprinkle with cheese, top with slices of toasted baguette and more cheese. Place in oven until slightly melted. The soup turns out so rich that a small portion is enough to keep you full all day.

For more information about the art of preparing real French soup, see Ilya Lazerson:

Secrets of making real onion soup

General requirements for agricultural technology

The plants are quite hardy and unpretentious, as they come from wild ancestors, and are light- and moisture-loving. The root system develops in the surface layer of soil, therefore, for active growth of leaf mass, regular watering and fertilizing, loosening the soil and eliminating weeds (especially in the initial stages) are necessary. Perennials can be planted in full sun or partial shade, in almost any type of soil that is neutral or slightly acidic. For onion plants, it is important to allocate areas with low groundwater levels and without stagnant moisture.

In risky farming areas, perennial green onions are often grown in high beds equipped with drip irrigation systems

These crops are propagated by seeds - “chernushki”, aerial bulbs - “bulbs” or sighting bulbs - “babies” obtained by dividing bushes . To provide themselves with a harvest of green leaves in the first season, experienced gardeners practice seedling cultivation. In open ground, the place for spring-summer sowing and planting is prepared in advance by adding 5-10 kg of mature organic matter (rotted manure or compost), 1 cup of wood ash, 1.5-2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1-1.5 tbsp. l. potassium salt per square meter. If necessary, the soil is alkalized by adding dolomite flour or ground limestone (from 200-500 g to 1 kg/m2 depending on the acidity level) and “lightened” by mixing with sand, high peat, sawdust or straw.

It is recommended to plant onions after green, legume, pumpkin or melon crops; in joint plantings with carrots or strawberries to repel pests.

Perennials are perfect for winter-spring forcing of greenery in greenhouses and at home.

Onion (Tatarka, sandy, tubular, winter, pipe)

Batun is a popular variety of perennial onion, a vegetable crop of the onion family, grown from seeds. It has different names: sandy, Tatarka, winter (for its excellent winter hardiness), and received the nickname fistula for its powerful tubular leaves. On the territory of the Russian Federation it grows wild in Siberia and the Far East. As a spicy vegetable, it is cultivated on all continents except Antarctica.

Batun is grown on all continents except Antarctica

Tatarka, also known as batun, is divided into three types:

  • Russian - with small, green feathers, spicy in taste.
  • Chinese - has wide, juicy stems with a spicy taste.
  • Japanese - thin leaves with a delicate, semi-sharp taste.

The batun is radically different from the onion one; it is grown for its green feathers. It has a well-developed root system and reaches a height of up to 70 cm.

Tube-leaves form throughout the summer, and its green shoots appear in early spring. The leaves gradually die off, and a thickened stem (false bulb) forms. In the second year of life, onions appear flowers in the shape of a spherical umbrella. Onion has a sharp, bright taste. Rich in sugar, protein, vitamins C, B, PP, various micro- and macroelements, phytoncides.


In cooking, the entire stem or only the green part is used as a seasoning for first and second courses. Pies with egg and onion, mmm...

This type of onion has healing properties, like onions: improves digestion, increases immunity, normalizes metabolism, and fights worms. It should be remembered that people suffering from various gastrointestinal diseases should limit their consumption of batun.

Quiver for arrows

This invariable accessory for an archer is no less important than the bow itself. It should provide the most comfortable and fast shooting without restricting the owner’s movement. Basically, arrow quivers were attached to the shooter's belt or back. European archers carried about 50 arrows, while Asian archers carried only 30. The archer could carry both a shoulder and a waist quiver to store different types of arrows. They were usually placed there with the feathers facing up to make the process of removing the arrow as easy as possible.

Horse archers were recommended to carry at least two quivers. One with small and light arrows, and the other with large, heavy arrows. The quiver for arrows could have different shapes and lengths, which often depended on the physique of the archer.

Chives (chives or rezun, skoroda)

In European - chives, in Siberian - rezanets or rezun, in central Russia it is called skoroda, and in Ukraine - tribulka. It grows wild everywhere, from the southern steppes to the tundra. The bushes grow up to 60 cm, it is a perennial with tubular, thin leaves of light green color, a juicy, mildly spicy, salad variety of onion.

Chives, skoroda, rezun

The growing season begins as soon as the snow melts, tolerates frost well, and is a source of vitamin-rich greens in early spring. It grows in one place for about 5 years, gradually the plantings thicken and require replanting. Propagated by vegetative division and seeds.

Planting is done in autumn or early spring, shoots are friendly, appear within a week, chives grow quickly. A full-fledged competitor to the batun. Its leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, calcium and iron, saponins, phytoncides, and essential oils. As the chives grow, they still remain tender in taste. It can be canned, dried, salted, frozen.

Rezun in bloom

Skoroda is also a beautiful, decorative lilac-violet flower. Blooms vigorously from early spring to late autumn. Used to frame paths and low curbs.

The best green compositions

Today, decorative onions are widely used in landscape design. Low-growing species are ideal for creating group plantings. Peonies, roses, poppies, hostas, and geraniums grow well next to them; if you choose the right colors, you will get very beautiful modules. Typically, onion varieties are planted in the middle of the composition, then other plants cover their fading foliage with their foliage.

Ornamental onions are especially good in group plantings Source

Landscaping modules, which consist entirely of decorative bows, are called allarias. When such plantings bloom, they look great. But since the spicy plant has a persistent, specific smell, you won’t be able to admire allaria for a long time. That is why such elements are arranged inside the garden, away from walking alleys, where their beauty remains accessible to contemplation, and the aroma is quickly dissipated by a light breath of wind.

Giant allium as tall as a person Source

Slime onion (ferruginous, drooping)

Ferruginous, drooping, slime onion is the name of a low-growing perennial bush with flat, bright green, succulent leaves. The homeland of the wild plant is western and eastern Siberia, Altai. Slime onions have a faint garlic flavor. It contains few essential oils, so the taste is delicate and slightly spicy. It is more valued as an ornamental plant, blooms with purple balls, and is a valuable honey plant. As the bush grows, it thins out and the leaves droop, which is what earned it the second name drooping. When cut, a thick juice is released on the stems, which is why it gets its third nickname – slime.

Blooming slime onion

This early onion has a rich, healthy composition: high content of mono- and disaccharides, phytoncides, vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B12, B6), calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, etc.

It tolerates winter cold well, does not freeze out at a temperature of -35°C, and appears in the beds as soon as the ground thaws. With good care, it retains its yield for 4-5 years in one place, then it is replanted. Traditional medicine uses it as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Regular consumption helps the immune system cope with diseases faster and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Spring shoots of onion

For food, young, juicy leaves are often used as a seasoning for salads, hot dishes and snacks. When canning, it is added for piquancy, dried and frozen. However, in case of diseases of the digestive tract, especially during the period of escalation, the consumption of onions in all forms should be limited.

Modern models

Modern bows are much more convenient, accurate and powerful than traditional ones. They use high-tech materials, and the design of such weapons is somewhat different from older models. A modern sports bow is equipped with a pulley system that takes on most of the load from the string tension. This is especially felt when it is stretched to its maximum. Also, a modern bow has a sight, allowing for accurate shooting. Therefore, shooting from such a unit is more reminiscent of a firearm than a traditional bow.

Modern sporting bows are superior to their “ancestors” in everything. They shoot further and more accurately, an arrow fired from a new weapon flies much faster and has monstrous power. And it’s easier to learn to shoot with a modern bow. Fortunately, this did not displace traditional models, they simply occupied a different niche.

Multi-tiered (Egyptian, viviparous)

Multi-tiered onions have an original appearance: medium-sized onions in several levels sit on a green stem. It is grown for them and for its crispy greens. Egyptian, viviparous, walking, horned, tree-like, catawissa, whatever they call this native of Asia.

Viviparous onion

Undemanding in care, not afraid of harsh winters, resistant to diseases, with good yield - this onion has long occupied a place in garden beds. Grows well in areas with cold climates.

A distinctive feature is that it is not able to accumulate nitrates. It reproduces only by bulbs or by dividing the bush, as it does not produce seeds. Of the perennials, it is the first to begin to turn green in the beds; twenty days after germination it is ready for use.

Airy bulbs of Egyptian onions

Very prolific: in early spring, all summer and autumn, ready to share fresh greens. In addition to greens, both types of bulbs are suitable for food. It doesn’t last as long as onion, but it’s just as tasty and healthy.

Choosing the best onion varieties

To simplify the choice of onions, experienced gardeners recommend taking into account the growing season, favorable areas for growing, and the taste characteristics of the fruit.

According to ripening period

The division by ripening periods is conditional; when choosing a plant, you can focus on the growing season:

  • early varieties form a bulb 90-110 days after germination. Popular: red harrow, Karatalsky, Carmen, April batun;
  • for mid-season varieties, the growing season is 105-120 days. Famous types of onions are Shakespeare, Globe, Chalcedony, Baja Verde, Russian winter.
  • Late onions (Kaba, Jusai, Globo) ripen in 120-145 days after emergence.

See also Multi-tiered onions: cultivation and propagation

Red harrow

Depending on the growing region

Conventionally, onions can be divided into several groups that are better suited for planting in regions with certain climatic features.

In Kuban, you can start planting onions from mid-April. Plants with different ripening periods are planted: Centurion, Troy, Red Baron, Elan.

In the Moscow region, the suitable period for sowing onions is the end of April. Early and mid-ripening varieties Sturon, Hercules, and Orion are common.

In Siberia and the Urals, onions are planted in early May. One-year-old Siberian, Timiryazevsky, Stuttgarter are in demand.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Advice! In the southern regions, onions can be sown by seeds. Planting seedlings and sowing are acceptable options for growing vegetables in the middle zone and northern zones.

A selection of varieties to taste

Depending on the taste characteristics, the onions are divided into three types: spicy, semi-sharp, sweet:

  • Acute varieties include early ripening varieties. The bulbs are distinguished by their shelf life, as they are covered with several layers of dense peel. The fruits contain a large amount of essential oils, so they are very fragrant. Disadvantage: low yield;
  • semi-sharp onions have loose flesh. Productivity is higher than that of early spicy varieties. This species is mid-ripening - the fruits take longer to ripen;
  • Sweet varieties are distinguished by their high yield. Turnips are used to make salads. The downside is that onions don’t store well for long periods of time.

In the southern regions, sweet varieties are most often planted (names: Exhibition, Comet F1, Campillo). The climate of the middle zone and northern regions is suitable for growing acute and semi-acute varieties (Strigunovsky local, Sturon, Centurion F1).

Leeks (pearl)

Leeks or pearl onions are a type of perennial vegetable. A very useful garden crop, widespread everywhere. It is grown from seeds, has a long growing season, on average about 140 days, and for later ones - up to 250. Summer residents advise planting seeds in mid-summer; strong shoots will appear by autumn. Onions tolerate cold well and will produce a rich harvest next summer.


The Karantansky variety has been popular in Russia for a long time . Leeks are winter-hardy and have amazing culinary qualities. Compact when grown, it produces an impressive harvest from a small area. It is a fungicidal plant; it is planted so that its smell drives away harmful insects, and accordingly, it itself is resistant to diseases and pests.

The pearl variety has a delicate, slightly spicy taste and will not spoil delicious dishes with an onion smell. It can be safely added to the register of medicinal plants. The content of useful vitamins, microelements, salts, and biologically active substances is simply off the charts. Increased potassium content is a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.

Bouquet garni with leeks

Stores perfectly in the refrigerator; it can stay in a paper bag for several months without losing its usefulness. It is frozen, dried and pickled. In cooking, only the white part of the thick stem is usually used; the green stems are too tough. But they are also useful; cooks prepare such seasonings as bouquet garni , a bunch of dry herbs for soups. It gives an extraordinary taste and aroma to the dish. The ingredients are different: bay leaf, parsley, celery, rosemary, leek. Of course, it, like many types of onion vegetables, is not recommended for use during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Briefly about the main thing

We associate the word “onion” with the herb, and only botanists know all 900 of its ornamental varieties.

They are able to bring a light airy openwork into the garden, decorate any lawn, rock garden, rock garden, and add extravagance and freshness to them.

Caring for decorative onions is not difficult: it is important to constantly loosen the soil, apply fertilizer four times during the growing season, and water only when the first signs of water deficiency appear.

It is easier to plant bulbs; sowing seeds will allow you to enjoy flowering only in the third or fifth year after planting.

In landscape design, decorative bows are used only for creating group plantings. Modules consisting entirely of similar plants are called allaria. They are rarely created in small areas: a persistent characteristic odor appears that interferes with enjoying nature.

Shallots (family, kushchevka, magpie)

In appearance, shallots are similar to onions, but shallots are round, and shallots have a head divided into slices, which is why they are called family or magpie . It ripens faster than onion and has a long, juicy feather. Asia and the Middle East are considered to be their homeland; now this is a very popular variety of onion, cultivated almost everywhere. The bush is grown by seeds or heads. In the first year of planting, it is used for greenery; after wintering, a large onion is obtained, divided into lobes.


The magpie is considered a dietary vegetable; the calorie content of the bulbs is only 70 kcal, and that of a green bunch is 18-20 kcal. But there are a lot of vitamins: PP, carotene, group of B vitamins in full. Mineral composition: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, etc. Cooks use greens and heads for a wide variety of dishes. It has a delicate, sweet, tangy taste. Shallots are very popular in French cuisine and are used as the basis for the famous French onion soup.

Fashionable looks featuring knitwear

Knitwear has become one of the trends in modern everyday fashion, as fashionable 2022-2023 looks made from knitwear are very comfortable, practical to wear, and affordable.

Current knitted looks can be made using one knitted element, or you can choose a knitted set in the form of a suit, for example, a sweater and skirt, pants and a sweatshirt, a knitted dress and a cardigan.

Inflated jackets, plush fur coats and loose-fitting coats are also suitable for knitted items.

Aging onion (puchu)

Aging onion or puchu is a wild odorous plant widely distributed in the South-East of Eurasia, Siberia, the Far East, and the Altai Territory. In Korea, it is specially grown as an agricultural crop, an improved variety, more delicate in taste. Juicy leaf feathers are edible only in spring; as they grow, they become coarser and become bitter, which is why it is called aging onion.

Aging onion, puchu

There are 4 types of puchu:

  • The European species is distinguished by long, straight feathers.
  • Transbaikalian grows as a powerful bush and with short leaves.
  • The Altai-Sayan species has short, straight leaves.
  • The Far Eastern species is distinguished by long, spiral-shaped leaves.

By the end of summer, onions acquire a specific prickly taste; in this form they are crushed and dried. Cooks bake these onions, fry them, prepare them as a seasoning, ferment them, salt them, but they still give preference to green onions.

Stylish set in suit style. Fashionable looks with suits

It probably won’t surprise anyone that fashionable looks with suits continue to be at the peak of popularity.

In the autumn-winter season, fashionistas will be able to transform themselves into stylish looks with checkered and striped suits, and in the spring-summer 2022-2023 period, feel free to give preference to suits that refresh your appearance in mint, yellow, blue, light gray, soft pink.

Fashionable styles of suits:

  • Wrap suits with trousers and jacket
  • Suits with double-breasted jacket and cropped trousers
  • Elegant suit style with skirt and jacket
  • Fashionable loose-fitting suits
  • Suits with vest and shorts

Oblique (vinegar, garlic, mountain garlic)

Vinegar, garlic onion, mountain garlic - all these are names of the same plant. Oblique onions grow wild in Altai, the Urals, throughout Siberia, and Central Asia.

At first glance, vinegar looks like garlic, only larger. It has a small oblong bulb about 3-4 cm, long, flat leaves 40 cm long and 2 cm wide. The leaves extend from the stem alternately, obliquely, like garlic. The oblique onion grows up to 150 cm, with a fragrant golden-colored flower at the top. Uksun is an early onion, one of the first to germinate, immediately after the snow melts.

Uksun is a wonderful honey plant

It is especially valued in the 2-3rd year of life, during this period the maximum amount of useful substances accumulates. Grown from seeds, not demanding on conditions. It has a bright garlic flavor and can easily replace this vegetable. An excellent seasoning for meat and main courses, suitable for freezing and drying.

Features of plants and their cultivation

We offer brief descriptions of some species to familiarize yourself with their main biological and economic characteristics.

Altai onion

Growing wild in the mountainous regions of Altai, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Mongolia and China. In places of natural distribution it is known as wild batun, Siberian wild, stone, mountain, Kurai, Mongolian, Sanchin, Sogono, etc.

Wild Altai onions are becoming less common in nature and are listed in the Red Book of Russia

The plant is very frost-resistant (up to −45 ℃) and drought-resistant, practically not affected by diseases and pests. It has a powerful, well-developed root system, branches strongly and is one of the first to produce early greenery, which begins to grow immediately after the snow melts and continues until autumn frosts (up to −5 ℃). The leaves are tubular, green, with a bluish-bluish waxy coating, similar to the feathers of a batun, but somewhat shorter (up to 30 cm) and wider (up to 2.5 cm) in diameter. Their taste is pleasantly sharp and piquant, and the texture is tender and juicy, especially in cool temperatures and sufficient humidity. Cutting greenery can be done 2-4 times per season, the last time no later than mid-August. After each cutting, the plant is fed with nitrogen (spring and summer) and phosphorus-potassium (in August) fertilizers, and watered abundantly.

Altai onions, unlike most other perennial species, form rather large bulbs with a diameter of 1.5 to 5 cm of an elongated oval-ovoid shape. More often they grow singly at a depth of 10-15 cm, but in favorable conditions on loose fertile soils they can form nests of 7-15 pieces, which leads to an increase in the number of leaves to 20-30. The bulbs are well stored and are used primarily for propagation.

Flowering usually begins in early June and lasts about a month.

From the second year of the growing season, the plant throws out flower stalks up to 80-90 cm high, on which spherical umbrella inflorescences are formed. The flowers are small, pale, yellowish-greenish, with a strong aroma.

Aflatun onion

It belongs to the group of so-called “anzurs” - mountain onions that grow in Central Asia. All ansurs, namely: stalked (A. stipitatum), Suvorov (A. suvorovii), giant (A. qiganteum), aflatunsky (A. aflatunense), tall (A. elatum) and tallest (A. altissimum) are distinguished by very short growing season , which begins in early spring, immediately after the snow melts when the top layer of soil warms up to 1...4 ℃, and ends before the heat arrives. During these 2-3 months, the plants have time to bloom and produce ripened seeds.

Aflatun onion in nature grows mainly in meadows and walnut forests of the Central Tien Shan, and owes its name to the pass of the same name in the Chatkal ridge in Kyrgyzstan

The plant is valued primarily as an ornamental. It is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, looks very impressive during the flowering period, when powerful arrows up to 1-1.5 m high appear. Large and dense spherical inflorescences with a diameter of up to 10-15 cm consist of 250-300 star-shaped flowers of purple (less often pink) color. Flowering begins 2-4 years after sowing and lasts from late May to late June.

Early greens of vegetables are used for food, and bulbs of wild plants are used, although they are inedible and require long-term (up to a month) soaking and heat treatment, as they have a specific taste, reminiscent of radish or horseradish, and an unpleasant sulfurous odor. The round-conical bulb forms slowly, in 3-4 years it reaches 4-6 cm in diameter and after that it begins to divide. On the outside, it is covered with grayish-silver dry membranous scales, similar to paper. The leaves are bluish-green, belt-shaped or elliptical, up to 50 cm tall, flat and wide (outer up to 10 cm), with smooth edges, growing from the root or short false stem in rosettes of 6-8 pieces.

At the flowering stage, the tops of the leaves are already beginning to dry out, which negatively affects the decorative effect, so the lower part of the onion is often masked with other plants

Aflatuntsa flowers go well with other decorative crops in natural-style flower beds and stand well in a vase after cutting, including as dried flowers. Experienced gardeners, when growing this type of onion, use techniques similar to tulip farming techniques.

You can learn more about Aflatun onions from a video filmed in a specialized nursery in the Leningrad region:

Sweet onion

Known throughout the world as Chinese chives, jusai, branched or tuberose onions. It is found naturally in the mountains of Central Asia, Mongolia, Altai and southern Siberia. The plant is very frost-resistant (up to −45 ℃) and winters safely even under shallow snow, while it is quite thermophilic - the leaves begin to grow in the spring only after the onset of stable positive temperatures.

It grows wild on rocky slopes, hills and saline meadows, in the valleys of mountain rivers that dry up in the summer.

The plant has a powerful root system, prone to strong branching, due to which dense clumps are formed. The bulbs in the form of small cylindrical or conical thickenings are covered with dark brown mesh scales. The leaves are flat, green, up to 28 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide, tender and juicy, with a faint garlic aroma, growing until late autumn. In adult bushes, 3 cuttings are made per season - once every 20-30 days.

Not only the leaves are used for food, but also the fragrant star-shaped flowers, which are borne on shoots up to 80 cm high in loose bunched inflorescences. Flowering begins mainly after the 2nd year of growing season in mid-summer and lasts until frost. Each bulb produces 2-4 peduncles. Round black seeds, ripening in the second half of August, remain viable only for a year.

Oblique bow

In nature, it is found in steppe areas and in open forests of mountainous regions of Central Asia, southern Western Siberia, and the Urals. Known under various names: vinegar, mountain or wild garlic, garlic onion and others. It is considered a relict species, existing since the pre-glacial period. Produces early greenery that actively grows immediately after the snow melts.

Onions are very similar to garlic both in appearance and in taste.

The herbaceous plant develops slowly, gradually forms a single oblong-ovate bulb up to 2-4 cm in diameter, covered with red-brown shells. It has a powerful, dense stem about 80 cm high (up to 1.5 m). The leaves begin to move away to the sides alternately (obliquely) from approximately the middle of the stem. They are flat (2-2.5 cm wide) and long (up to 40 cm), tapering towards the apex, with smooth edges. The inflorescence is umbellate, spherical. The flowers are golden-yellowish, fragrant. The seeds ripen in early August.

The maximum amount of useful and nutrients is contained in the leaves of 3-year-old plants, which can produce up to 1.5 kg of greenery per 1 m2. In the future, the plantation must be regularly thinned to prevent thickening, leading to shrinkage of foliage. Harvesting is carried out in the spring, cutting off up to 60-65% of the leaves. In one place, plantings remain productive for 6-8 years, but it is better to renew them every 3-4 years.

Red onion

It is a rare species that grows naturally in meadows and bush thickets of the Crimea, the Caucasus and northern Iran. Research conducted in 2015-2016 showed that in the conditions of the Moscow region the plant demonstrates high winter hardiness at the level of 87.5%.

Blushing onions perfectly combine high nutritional value and decorative value

Perennial seedlings grow slowly, by the end of the first year they form 3-4 leaves and a small ovoid bulb with leathery outer shells of a gray-brown color. In the second year, up to 8 leaves about 10-12 cm long grow, bolting is observed in only 50-60% of plants. Three-year-olds bloom en masse. The low (up to 40-60 cm) stem in the lower part is densely covered by the bases of the leaves by a third or half. The inflorescences are spherical (less often hemispherical), dense, consisting of numerous lilac-violet or dark pink flowers. The leaves are green with a bluish waxy coating, flat, 0.2-0.5 cm wide (in the “Sorcerer” variety up to 1.3-1.4 cm), 20-26 cm long, linear, grooved, smooth, sometimes rough edge. They reach technical ripeness 45 days from the start of regrowth. The harvest is harvested from the age of 3, 1-2 times per season. No more than 50% of the leaves are cut off so as not to weaken the plant too much, and from 1 m2 you get about 1.1-1.3 kg of fresh vitamin greens with a semi-sharp taste.

Multi-tiered onion

This species is also called viviparous, horned or Egyptian. It comes from Eastern Siberia and is surprising in that it does not produce seeds at all : instead of the usual inflorescences, aerial bulbs appear on the arrows, which are laid in “nests” of 2-8 pieces and germinate, forming the next tiers of greenery. During the season, the plant can expel 2-4 “floors”. It is characterized by very high frost resistance: the bulbs remain viable even after complete freezing.

From each “bulb” green leaves and a new stem grow

Fresh greens with a pleasantly pungent taste appear in early spring, immediately after the snow cover melts. You can remove it after 20-24 days and then throughout the season. The feathers are hollow, green, with a waxy coating, up to 30-45 cm long, 1.2-2.2 cm wide. The number and size of air bulbs vary greatly, on average their weight is 5-10 g. To obtain larger “bulbs” “The smallest ones are advised to be pinched. They are harvested after ripening, when the outer husk turns burgundy-violet. If you do not remove the bulbs in time, a new tier of green feathers will appear from them.

Aerial bulbs are used as planting material and also for food. According to experienced gardeners, they are best in canned form. They are marinated both separately and as part of various assorted vegetables such as “picks”.

You can learn more about the features of multi-tiered onions and their cultivation from the following video:

The yield of green cultivated varieties is up to 3-4 kg/m2 per season - 1.5-1.6 kg/m2 with each cut, and the “bulbs” are about 0.5-0.6 kg/m2.

Oshanin's bow

The natural distribution area of ​​the species covers the mountainous regions of Central Asia - the rocky slopes of the Pamirs, Altai, Tien Shan and Kugitang. It is considered the closest wild “relative” of onions . Both green feathers and medium-sized bulbs are used for food. The species is named in honor of Vasily Fedorovich Oshanin (1844-1917) - a scientist and traveler, explorer of Central Asia.

A characteristic feature of the species is a swelling on the peduncle located below its middle

The ovoid bulbs reach a diameter of up to 2.5-4 cm and have leathery red-brown outer shells. The leaves, growing in numbers of 4-5, are tubular, narrowed towards the apex, straight, green with a bluish waxy coating. They reach 20-30 cm in length and 0.4-1.2 cm in width. On a high (up to 0.8-1 m) peduncle there is a spherical inflorescence consisting of numerous white flowers with green veins. The flower stalk is hollow with a pronounced swelling in the lower part (see photo). Young greenery grows soon after the snow melts; flowering in Western Siberia occurs in the second half of summer.


One of the most common and widely known types of perennial onions. In Russia and European countries it has been cultivated since the 15th-16th centuries as an ornamental, medicinal and food plant. It grows wild throughout the European part of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, and the Primorsky Territory. It has several botanical and many popular names: skoroda, rezanets, sibulet, sokh, sogan, halya, winter bush, Siberian, restaurant, etc.

As a perennial, chives are grown primarily for decorative purposes.

To obtain delicate spicy greens, which contain virtually no bitterness and are widely used in cooking, chives are grown in a one- or two-year crop, cutting 2-3 feathers per season. In the underground part, the plant forms up to 15-20 small false bulbs of an oblong shape, brownish-white or red-violet. Each bulb in the second year, and then annually throws out a flower arrow 50-60 cm high.

The false stem is surrounded by tubular thin (subulate), bright green leaves 25-45 cm long and 0.5-0.8 cm wide, flattened at the base. Bushes 3-4 years old can have up to 50-100 stems with leaves and apical spherical inflorescences. Flowering begins from the end of May - June and lasts until August. The flowers are narrowly bell-shaped, white, pink, lilac, pale purple or other shades.


A group of varieties of wild onions widespread in Russia, post-Soviet and European countries. In nature, it is more often found in shady deciduous and mixed forests, wet lowlands and floodplain meadows. Known as wild garlic or bear onion, levurda, chanzeli, flask and other names.

Small, flat, bright green leaves, similar in appearance to lily of the valley, appear in lush clumps in March - May, depending on climatic and weather conditions

All parts of the plant are used for food: leaves, stems and bulbs. The bulb is elongated, small, about 1-1.5 cm in diameter. The stem is triangular, up to 0.5 m high, and bears a spherical umbrella-shaped inflorescence consisting of numerous white flowers.

Leaves on high petioles grow in a minimal amount - 2 from each bulb (in pairs from the base of the stem), so they are cut selectively, only from the 3rd year of the growing season, in the spring before flowering. They have tender juicy pulp with a pleasant garlicky taste and a large supply of useful substances. The leaf blade reaches 5-7 cm in length and 3-5 cm in width. In varietal plants, thanks to the breeding work of domestic specialists, the leaf sizes are significantly increased, for example, in “Bear Cub” their length is 8-25 cm, and in the early ripening “Bear Delicacy” - 15 cm and the first harvest is carried out already 15 days after the start of regrowth .

Angular (angular, mouse garlic)

Angular, angular - wild-growing perennial onion. Distributed in Europe, Siberia, and northern Kazakhstan. Undemanding to conditions, resistant to disease and cold, loves sun and abundant moisture. The bulbs are 5-7 cm in diameter and have a conical shape, i.e. angularity. The oblong stem grows from 20 to 60 cm, linear, flat leaves grow in a bunch. In the second year, modest violet-lilac flowers appear. Propagated by seeds and bulbs.

The angular onion has bloomed

In mid-May, the first greens with a delicate, garlicky taste appear. A wonderful seasoning for meat, soups and salads. Valued for its impressive content of vitamin C, carotene, essential oil, phytoncides are responsible for the bactericidal properties of the plant. Improves digestion and prevents cancer.

general description

The concept of “decorative onion” unites varieties that, during flowering, produce beautiful lush inflorescences with a diameter of 4-7 cm. Their shape can be different: spherical or in the form of a hemisphere. In very rare cases, it becomes like an umbrella or a cylinder. Flowers always have six elements in the form of stars, bowls or bells.

The plant begins to bloom somewhere in June, this period lasts on average three weeks (it all depends on the chosen variety). The rest of the time, all varieties of this species are no different from edible onions: green leaves, similar to feathers, stretch upward from under the ground. Their height can reach 180 cm.

The foliage of the ornamental onion is the same as that of the regular edible species Source

Almost all types of decorative onions are unpretentious and easy to care for. They can withstand frosts, plants easily adapt to the lack of light, and they are also not afraid of the scorching sun. The only thing you need to do is protect the onions from the wind during flowering. The inflorescences are heavy, so they break easily.

The inflorescences are heavy, the stems underneath them easily break from strong winds Source

Suvorov's bow (anzur, aflatun, giant)

Anzur onion is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. Has several types:

  • Suvorov's bow - named after the Russian commander. Legend says that on his orders, this particular bow was used in the Russian army, which saved many soldiers from scurvy and other diseases.
  • Giant.
  • Aflatunsky.
  • Mountain bow.

The vegetable crop has long, wide leaves, a thin, hard arrow, grows up to 150 cm, crowned with a large, bright purple inflorescence. The varieties of this onion differ only in the size of the bulbs and leaves.

Giant Mountain Bow

Only young leaves are suitable for eating; after a few weeks they turn yellow and become rough. The bulbs themselves are not consumed raw because of their specific smell. But when prepared in different ways, they become a valuable source of useful elements. For example, it contains 4-5 times more vitamin C than all other types of onion vegetables. Azure is called the brother of ginseng for its rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Anzura bulb

Traditional medicine treats such ailments as:

  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • colds, bronchitis;

Regular consumption improves vision. Excess of the product can cause allergies and even (God forbid) poisoning. Landscape designers love anzur for its bright appearance and are happy to use it as decoration in gardens and parks.

Beautiful and useful onion-anzur

Longbow in battle

Naturally, the longbow was not a purely English weapon, but it was in this country that this weapon reached perfection. In England, straight bows about two meters long were made, which could withstand a decent load, while in the rest of Europe, tools of this design rarely exceeded 1.5 meters. When trying to create large models, the strength of the structure was lost, and only the British managed to make a classic bow so that it was long and did not break.

In the 13th century in England, all free people were allowed to own a longbow and also learn to shoot from it. Of course, this decision of the king threatened his power, but it soon fully justified itself. When the Hundred Years' War between England and France began, the British had many trained archers ready to go into battle. Therefore, the British army did not experience a shortage of qualified shooters. Moreover, this state of affairs made it possible to select only the best archers into the army, which led to high efficiency.

Rocambole (Egyptian, Spanish, horse, elephant garlic)

So we got to billiards. Our rocambole is a variety of onion garlic that has become famous for its elephant size. It has an impressive stem 1.5-2 m tall, flat, long leaves 1-1.5 cm wide. Ripening time is from 100 to 120 days.

This is the largest onion or garlic, we find it difficult to define it. The head can grow up to 15 cm in diameter, provided that there are no more than three of them in the bulb. If there is only one head in the onion, then it reaches a weight of 400-500 g, why not a ball for ricocheting along several sides?

Giant Rockambole

Unlike garlic, it has a delicate, pleasant taste and aroma, while retaining all the significant advantages of its hot counterpart. Antiseptic and natural antibiotic, impressive vitamin composition, carotene and iron. It reproduces like garlic by cloves. Distributed throughout Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, it has long been used in medicine. The vegetable is perfectly stored for up to six months. In cooking, green stems and heads are used in salads, soups, meat, for canning, they are salted and pickled in seasonings.


Arrows, like the bow itself, evolved along with man, turning into the perfect murder weapon. At first they were primitive and created from the simplest materials. The tips of such arrows were made of wood, bone and even stone. The fletching also did not appear immediately, so it can be assumed that the ancient arrow for a traditional bow was heavy and unstable. Over time, tips made of bronze and then hard steel appeared.

The shape of arrowheads was also constantly improved. If at first arrows with flat or leaf-shaped tips predominated, then in later years their place was taken by more advanced faceted designs. Each archer carried several types of arrows for different purposes.


What can I say about garlic? Everyone knows him. The oldest vegetable crop contains volatile components - phytoncides, which instantly kill harmful bacteria and parasites. Garlic contains a rich complex of minerals, vitamins, saponins, and essential oil. One of the most popular ingredients in folk medicine, it is part of cleansing and rejuvenating products. The element allicin is used in oncological therapy; the components of garlic destroy cholesterol plaques and save against hypertension.

Garlic is an onion vegetable

There are generally no limits to garlic in cooking; all cuisines in the world are crazy about this vegetable. It is not stored as long as we would like; excessive humidity is contraindicated for it. It grows and is grown on all continents, in any climate, except the Far North itself, and there are countless types and varieties of this vegetable.

Women's looks with leather clothing

Leather clothing is one of the ongoing trends in seasonal fashion in 2022-2023, which is definitely worth trying for those who want to look impressive and irresistible.

For new looks, we recommend purchasing an A-line leather skirt, or a midi-length pencil skirt, high-waisted leather pants with frills or a belt, and a leather biker jacket, which is a must-have for the 2022-2023 demi-season period.

It is noteworthy that not only fashionable looks with black leather items are popular, but also clothes made of leather in beige, gray, brown, and emerald tones.

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