How to save money and not spend it on all sorts of junk. New French premiumized ST level IX AMX 30 1er prot. Iron Dragoon is already in Wot BLITZ

Today, the computer game World of Tanks remains one of the most popular multiplayer projects in the world, as well as the only high-end tank simulator ever to hit the market. Naturally, before this game there were other attempts, but all of them were very far from even a good level - let alone an excellent one. “World of Tanks” changed this - the developers collected in their project everything that people wanted: short session battles, maximum proximity to reality, a variety of combat units, and most importantly - complete control over the tank. You are the commander, the shooter, and the technician, you decide what equipment to install on the tank, what team to select and much more, and all this affects your performance in battle. Of course, the choice of the tank itself also has a very strong influence, and each combat vehicle has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will talk about the French medium tank AMX-30 B, which is one of the best in the French branch, as well as one of the most mobile medium tanks in the game. You will be able to find out what equipment is available for it, what its combat performance is, you will understand the advantages and disadvantages of this model and you will be able to decide whether this tank is right for you. Will the AMX-30 become your new favorite car in the game?

Research and leveling

It’s immediately worth noting that the AMX-30 B is the main combat model that is actually used. But at the same time it is not basic. To get this tank in the game, you will first need to acquire the AMX 30 1er prototype, which is a much weaker version. And when leveling up this tank, you will be able to explore the main version. Please note that this tank is premium - this means that the article will not describe what guns, turrets, engines, etc. it may have, like most basic tanks that you can upgrade. This model comes straight out of the box in perfect configuration and cannot be improved upon. This is called "elite state", so if you get this tank, then you can forget about the worries that plague many gamers and calmly focus directly on the gameplay.

Conclusions and review of the AMX 30 1er prototype

Positive aspects: • good speed - 65 / 23 (km/h); • excellent turret rotation speed - 41.71 (°/s); • excellent viewing range - 380.00 (m); • excellent damage per min. — 1900 / 1900 / 2533 (units) • penetration of the armor of the top gun — 170 / 248 / 45 (mm); • high gun aiming speed - 2.30 (c); • convenient gun declination angles – (-8°… +20°).

Negative aspects: • extremely weak armor of the tank - 80/ 40/ 30 (mm) and hull - 80/ 30/ 30 (mm); • machine modules often catch fire; • the combat stowage of shells and non-flammable modules is often damaged; • a very weak weapon in the standard kit; • extremely low chassis turning speed of 35.46 (°/s).

This tank is not for beginners, since the vehicle requires constant accuracy in the game and awareness of the cards, and correctly analyze the situation in the battle. Professionals in their field who were able to find a common language with the AMX 30 1er prototype show outstanding performance at the end of the battle. Whatever one may say, the AMX 30 tank is a gateway to the last vehicle in this branch. Not every player will leave this tank model in their hangar after opening the AMX 30V Tank, but it’s up to you.


So, what components does the AMX-30 tank have? The guide will tell you about each element separately so that you can consider all the components in detail, identify strengths and weaknesses, and also begin to form a tactical approach in your head. Naturally, the article will later describe the advantages, disadvantages, and basic tactics for this tank, but you need to understand that the guide is just a base for you. Reading this article will not make you a master of this model, but you can use this material to help you achieve success on your own. The first thing we will talk about is the tank turret. It’s worth starting with her booking - it, unfortunately, is far from ideal. The thickness of the frontal layer is 80 millimeters, but the boron and stern are twice as vulnerable - the armor layer there is 40 and 30 millimeters, respectively. Fortunately, the tower rotates quite quickly - 38 degrees per second. Another impressive advantage is its viewing range, which is 410 meters. Naturally, the turret is not all that the AMX-30 tank consists of. The guide will tell you about the other components.

AMX 30 B in WoT

AMX 30 B in WoT is a unique French medium tank of an alternative branch in the game. It is unique in that it does not have a drum at level 10, and this is very rare for French TOPs :).

Interesting on the topic:Content:
  • Leopard I in WoT (ST level 10)
  • AMX CDC in WoT (level 8 premium)
  • T-55A in WoT (tank according to LBZ level 9)
  • STB1 in WoT (promotional ST level 10)
  • Tank M60 in WoT (promotional ST level 10)
  • Object 907 in WoT (promotional ST level 10)
  • T-62A in WoT (ST level 10)
  • E-50M in WoT (ST level 10)
  • Main characteristics
  • Research and leveling
  • Firepower
  • Mobility
  • Booking
  • Crew
  • Modules and equipment
  • conclusions

AMX 30 is a French main battle tank (MBT) created by GIAT (now Nexter). The first five vehicles were delivered to the French army in August 1966.

This machine weighed only 36 tons. The French sacrificed armor to increase the dynamics of the tank (as it seems to them). The designers considered the excessive armor to be too burdensome for the AMX 30 in the age of advanced anti-tank systems. They decided to create a fast, maneuverable and fairly low (2.28 meters) car.

The AMX 30 was armed with the 105 mm CN-105-FI gun, which had very interesting functionality. For example, it did not have an ejector and was covered with a heat-protective casing to increase shooting accuracy.

Main characteristics:
Balance weight100
Battle levels10 — 11
Durability (HP)1 900
View radius (m)410
Communication range (m)780
Weight (kg)36 000
Price (silver)6 100 000

The AMX 30V is almost a twin brother of the German Leopard 1, the difference between them is minimal, but, oddly enough, the Frenchman is worse in everything. It has excellent visibility and low weight, which has a good effect on its dynamics, but warns us against ramming.

1900 hit points is one of the smallest indicators in the game, this is probably due to its weight. Because of this amount of life and such weak armor, the AMX 30 will be an excellent target for enemy artillery and British TOP self-propelled guns, so to speak, a “one-to-one” machine.

Detailed Specifications:

Research and leveling:

To research the AMX 30 B you will need to gain 180,000 experience points on its predecessor, the AMX 30 prototype. Like all TOP tanks, the AMX 30 does not require module upgrades

Weapon:105mm mle. F1 (AMX 30 V) 105 mm L7A3 (Leopard 1)
Weapon level:1010
Caliber (mm)105105
Charging time (sec.)8.98.7
Rate of fire (rounds per minute)6.746.90
Aiming time (sec.)2.11.9
Armor penetration BP/KS/OF (mm)260 / 320 / 53268 / 330 / 53
AP/BP/HE projectile speed (m/s)1525 / 1000 / 7001478 / 1173 / 1173
Damage BB/BP/HP390 / 390 / 480390 / 390 / 480
Damage by modules150150
Damage per minute (DPM)2 6302 690
Gun declination angles (degrees)-8 +20-9 +20

Gun 105 mm mle. The F1 from the AMX 30 B has almost the same characteristics as the gun from the Leopard 1 L7A3 . Except for some positions where the French barrel is slightly inferior to the German one.

Overall the gun is very good, with excellent penetration and accuracy. With such a weapon it will be convenient to fire even on the move, of course, if your tank has the necessary modules and the crew has the necessary perks.

The basic AMX 30 sub-caliber projectile has a high initial flight speed, which means it will be easier to shoot at moving targets.

Tank:AMX 30 BLeopard 1
Power (hp)720830
Specific power (hp/t)20.220.9
Turning speed (degrees per second)4854
Maximum speed (km/h) forward/backward 65 / 23 65 / 23
Soil resistance hard/medium/soft 0.9/1.1/2.1 0.8/0.9/1.8

Here again I compare the AMX 30 B with the German Leopard 1. Although the German tank is heavier, it has better dynamics and maneuverability. All due to a more powerful engine. In fact, we will hardly feel the differences, but the Frenchman loses in these indicators.

  • Hull front/sides/stern - 80 / 35 / 30 mm;
  • Tower front/sides/stern - 80 / 40 / 30 mm.

Now it should become clear to us why the Frenchman is a little behind his brother, the whole point is that he is “better protected.”:) This is, of course, a joke, in reality we see only +10 mm in the front of the chassis and +28 in the front of the turret , such “crumbs” at the tenth level are simply ridiculous.

In terms of armor, the AMX 30 B remains 100% French, it is completely “cardboard”. Only the gun mantlet can be a small help, but otherwise we can only rely on large armor declination angles. It’s like the STB-1 doesn’t seem to have armor, and ricochets pop up at the most inopportune moment.


We should inherit the entire crew of the tank from the previous vehicle, there should be no problems here. The style of leveling it up can be very diverse, everything will depend on your game.

  • “Combat Brotherhood” - it will be very useful to improve almost all the characteristics of the vehicle, except for its armor;
  • Camouflage - suitable for those who like to shoot from behind a bush or other cover;
  • Repair is for fans of active play who cannot stand with a broken track for extra seconds.

For myself, I will definitely choose this set:

  • Commander - light bulb, military brotherhood, repair, eagle eye;
  • Mechanical drive - repair, military brotherhood, smooth running, camouflage;
  • Gunner - repairs, military brotherhood, smooth rotation of the turret, camouflage;
  • Loader - repair, brotherhood, radio interception, camouflage.

This combination makes it a universal machine when fully upgraded, but it is designed for active play.

Modules and equipment:

You shouldn't have any problems with the modules. Be sure to take a rammer and aiming stabilizer, and you can experiment with the third place. Many people take coated optics or ventilation. Here again it all depends on your playing style. Optics for shooting from medium and long distances, and ventilation for active close and medium firefights.

  1. Remarkable mobility on the battlefield
  2. One of the most accurate weapons in the game
  3. Good disguise
  4. Great review
  5. Good elevation angles
  6. Ricochet Tower
  7. Diesel reduces the chance of fire
  1. Terrible booking
  2. Diesel does not allow the use of high-octane gasoline
  3. Vulnerable modules and crew members
  4. Quite poor stabilization of the gun on the move

The AMX 30 B can serve three very important roles in combat. So, the car should appeal to many tankers.

Sniper - the tank has a wonderful and accurate weapon, with good armor penetration and DPM. Tank camouflage and skillful use of cover in battle will help you take out enemies from long distances, without even getting noticed by your opponents.

Good speed will allow you to take the most convenient positions from which you can conduct excellent crossfire. And a review of 410 meters will prevent enemies from sneaking up on you unnoticed.

You don't have to stay in one place for the entire fight. After a little exposure in one place, you can quickly change positions and surprise enemies on the other side of the map. For such a game you will need to upgrade your disguise, and maybe even acquire a mask. mesh.

Attack Support - Although the AMX 30 B does not have sufficient armor (like the E 50M) or good declination angles (like the T-62A), it moves quite quickly and can deal a lot of damage. This tactic is very fun, but you need to use it carefully, otherwise you can simply be dismantled. Your task in battle is to break through the enemy’s flanks and inflict damage on them from the side or in the rear, when the enemy is distracted and does not expect your appearance.

Good gun declination angles will allow you to feel great in hilly terrain. While other vehicles need to show off their entire body, you can make do with just the turret. An accurate weapon and skillful use of auto-aim will make even the toughest enemies nervous.

Scout - the third task will appeal to true masters of stealth games. With its 410 mm visibility, and good camouflage, upgraded camouflage and excellent speed, the tank will be able to perform active and passive reconnaissance in the game.

Although our maximum speed is good, we should not forget that the AMX 30 B is a medium tank. Therefore, the role of a passive scout is more suitable for him. With the right set of equipment, you will be able to detect enemies even at the maximum detection range (455 meters).

Although the role of a scout in battle is very important, you should not upgrade your tank specifically for this task, because the vehicle loses most of its advantages, one of which is a very powerful and accurate weapon.

AMX 30 B is a universal medium tank in the game. He can fire at both long and close ranges, break through behind enemy lines, or be a good support for allies. As a last resort, you can serve as a scout in battle. In experienced hands, the AMX 30 B will be a very dangerous tank for enemies and a useful tank for allies.

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To learn how to play the AMX-30, you need to know what kind of gun is installed on this tank, and also figure out how best to use it. The weapon in this case is a 105 mm mle cannon. F1, which has very good performance for a medium tank. There are three types of shells for this weapon: sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation. The first ones are the main ones, they penetrate 260 millimeters of armor, while causing 390 units of damage. HEAT shells differ from sub-caliber shells in that they can only be purchased for gold - and when inflicting the same damage, they have a much higher penetration rate, 320 millimeters. Well, as for high-explosive fragmentation shells, which should be used to finish off tanks with pierced armor, they cause 480 units of damage, but are practically unable to penetrate armor - only 53 millimeters. If we consider the characteristics of the gun itself, the performance is very good. The rate of fire is 6.74 rounds per minute, the spread is generally tiny, 0.3 meters per hundred meters. And this gun takes 2.1 seconds to aim. This weapon makes the AMX-30 B tank very dangerous in battle, and if you combine these indicators with its speed and mobility, you get a wonderful vehicle.

How to play

The AMX 30 B has a heavily armored turret and is capable of playing off the terrain. However, do not forget that the hull will remain very vulnerable to enemy shells.

The gun has good stabilization, which, combined with decent speed and maneuverability, allows you to quickly change positions and end up exactly where the situation requires.

In terms of damage, the AMX 30 B has the highest damage per minute of any medium tank. He will be able to roll out, cause significant damage and drive back into cover.

This tank is designed for play at medium distances, as it has low accuracy and penetration of armor-piercing shells.


The AMX-30 tank, as you already understand, has high mobility - it achieves it thanks to a powerful engine and high-quality chassis. If we talk about the engine, the Hispano-Suiza HS 110 model, which is installed on this tank, pleases with all its performance. It has a power of 720 horsepower and allows the tank to accelerate to 65 kilometers per hour. Separately, it is worth looking at the level of its safety - the probability of a fire in this engine is only ten percent, which is significantly lower than that of many other engines installed in tanks in this game. So this aspect can also be considered a plus for the AMX-30 B tank. The guide has already mentioned the chassis of this model, so it’s worth moving on to consider it.


If you played on a tank that preceded this one (it was already discussed above), (AMX-30 - prototype), then you will very quickly notice how much better the chassis of version B is. While the base version of the prototype chassis had a turning speed of 34 degrees per second, which could only be improved to 36 degrees per second, Version B immediately offers you an incredible 48 degrees per second! This is one of the best turning speeds in the game, and is what gives this tank its incredible mobility. As for the load that this chassis can withstand, it has remained virtually unchanged compared to the prototype - now the tank can weigh up to 38 tons.

Efficiency in battle

Well, you've learned the basic equipment of the AMX-30, and now it's time to look at the combat tactics that you should use if you play this tank. The main distinguishing features of this model are weak armor combined with a powerful weapon, as well as high maneuverability. Thus, you should use this vehicle as a support tank - there is nothing you can do with your armor at the “edge of attack”. Use the accuracy of your gun one hundred percent, this is your main trump card in attacking actions. Take advantageous positions, fire aimed shots and immediately change your position so that you cannot be identified. After all, if others do not support you, and you meet head-on with some heavy tank, then you will have a hard time. Simply put, you need to use the speed and mobility of your tank to move from flank to flank, from one vantage point to another, use the accuracy and power of your gun for targeted shooting, and try to avoid direct contact with opponents to prevent them from taking advantage your main disadvantage is low booking.

Historical reference

After a long break in tank development due to the occupation during World War II, France quickly revived its tank building industry. In 1956, a joint Franco-German program began to create a main battle tank.

At first glance, the French concept seemed controversial: the designers decided to abandon heavy armor in favor of mobility and compact dimensions.

In fact, HEAT shells had developed by the end of the 50s to such an extent that the thickness of armor had lost its former importance. But it is more difficult for the enemy to destroy a fast and small tank.

The first prototype of the machine, designated AMX 30, was built in 1961. This vehicle was the lightest among the first generation of NATO main battle tanks.

The AMX 30 could reach speeds of up to 65 km/h on the highway. A 105 mm cannon was used as the main weapon. After testing and modifications that continued until 1965, the AMX 30 was adopted by the French army.


So, to fully understand this tank, we need to take a closer look at what has just been touched upon - its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you will be able to understand which aspects of your tank are weak and which are strong. Cover the necessary ones from enemies, use others in suitable situations. Simply put, World of Tanks is not a tank shooter, it's a full-fledged simulator in which you will have to think and plan a lot to succeed. So what are the main advantages of this machine? Firstly, its mobility - high movement speed and incredible turning speed make this tank one of the most mobile in the game. At the same time, the high viewing range and communications add even more advantages to the gamer who decides to control this model. And, of course, we cannot fail to mention the weapon, which penetrates armor very well, that is, it can hit even heavy tanks. Combined with high accuracy, this weapon turns into an analogue of a sniper rifle, and given the viewing range, you will be able to show incredible results if you correctly build your tactics on the battlefield.

AMX 30 guide

Some WoT players call the tank a classic support on the battlefield. Since he has no armor, in the first echelons of the attack his chances of survival are zero. Of course, there is an option for using it as an anti-tank self-propelled gun, but this will not lead to anything good, since these are not its best qualities. This tank is designed to play in the second echelon of attack, firing at opponents and thereby providing cover for its allies. There is also a tactic of penetrating behind enemy lines if their rear is left without cover. With these actions and the manner of play, you will distract a certain amount of enemy equipment, and also inflict a decent amount of damage over the entire battle. Don't forget that the enemy's rear must be open.

There is an option when a decent number of artillery tanks attack on one of the flanks, it is possible to sneak to the rear and destroy the enemy’s artillery. Based on the high damage and armor penetration rates, you will easily be able to kill enemy vehicles, and if you fail in the attack, you will be able to instantly leave the hot spot of the battle, thereby regrouping with the remaining allies for defensive actions or a new blow to the enemy.

I’ll suggest another option for combat tactics: if the opposing team has artillery, then if possible, do not stop for a long time and try to be in the shadow of buildings or stones; this is suitable for urban-type tactics, but if the map has open terrain, then you must always be in move. Since self-propelled gun shots most often cause serious damage to you, and also disable various modules and crew.


Naturally, every tank has its drawbacks, and this model is not without them. A lot has already been said about one of the most important disadvantages - the armor of the tank leaves much to be desired. You will find it difficult to withstand direct hits from most guns, so you will definitely have to hide and attack from cover - your tank will not be suitable for a frontal attack. But there are also other minor drawbacks - for example, the commander's turret is quite large, so you will have a hard time taking cover behind hills or other territorial features. The command tower will be very easy to target. There is also a drawback that slightly reduces the overall performance of the vehicle - the crew is much more likely to be injured in this tank, and equipment is often damaged, which can prevent you from functioning at altitude in an emergency.


It is worth telling a little about the equipment that is installed on this tank. First of all, this is a rammer - this item reduces the reload time of your gun, which increases its rate of fire, making your tank more dangerous for the enemy. Then you need to install a vertical aiming stabilizer, as with its help you can reduce the time it takes to fully aim, and also reduces the dispersion of projectiles when shooting on the move, which will allow you to be more accurate in any conditions. And, of course, you need improved ventilation, as it will allow you to improve the performance of the tank due to various factors. That's all you need to know about the AMX-30 tank. Player reviews are the last point you should check to see what other gamers think about this machine.


An effective 105 mm gun - accurate, with a comfortable aiming time and high one-time damage for a medium tank. The AMX 30 B will be a formidable opponent in long-range fire duels. In addition, the weapon has good damage per minute - about 2630 units.

Armor penetration of the basic ammunition - sub-caliber shells with an armor penetration value of 260 millimeters are used as the basic ammunition - this is quite enough to inflict damage on level X opponents. Separately, it is worth mentioning the high flight speed of sub-caliber projectiles, which makes the AMX 30 B gun even more attractive.

Excellent visibility - 410 meters. One of the best visibility indicators in the game, higher only for the M48 Patton and M60. If you use this advantage wisely, there is every chance of deciding the outcome of the collision in your favor: early exposure of the enemy will give you the opportunity to start the battle on favorable terms and will help you realize the power of the 105 mm gun.

Comfortable vertical aiming angles are −8…+20 degrees. The tank is capable of firing from the reverse slopes of hills, thereby minimizing the time spent under enemy fire. Using folds of the terrain as cover can significantly increase the life of a tank in battle.

Mobility - the tank does not have the crazy dynamics of a racing car, but the available speed characteristics are quite enough for free movement around the map, depending on the development of the battle.

Reservations - the vehicle has very modest armor. The recipe for successful use of the AMX 30 B in conditions of limited armor is extremely simple: try not to expose yourself to enemy fire.


Most gamers rate this premium tank very highly, believing that it is very good in many aspects. People value it for its powerful and penetrating weapon, which is very helpful in attack, as well as for its ability to perform defensive functions - again, due to the weapon and high mobility. Many people are happy that, thanks to its high mobility, this tank makes it easy to capture key points. And, naturally, almost everyone singles out this model as ideal for sniper shooting from cover. As a result, it turns out that with the correct use of the positive aspects of this tank, thin armor ceases to be a disadvantage and is practically not mentioned in reviews.

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