How to draw the St. George ribbon with a pencil: step-by-step master classes for children for Victory Day

May 9, 2022 is a special day for every Russian. On this date we celebrate a great, solemn and at the same time sad holiday - Victory Day. At a heavy price, the soldiers won back the peaceful sky above our heads. Time flies tirelessly, and perhaps we are the last generation that will be able to hear directly about this terrible time directly from the lips of participants in the Great Patriotic War. There are very few veterans left these days, and we must instill in our children respect for these heroes.

That is why in schools they paint pictures dedicated to the great victory and make greeting cards. In this article you will learn how to draw the St. George's ribbon with a pencil step by step. Children's drawings are always filled with emotions and empathy. And even those who do not have special talent will be able to cope with creative work with the help of step-by-step instructions.

Drawing templates for May 9 that can be printed for free will help you.

Wave ribbon with carnations: pencil master class for beginners

Every time, war heroes are given red carnations. They symbolize the blood shed in memory of those killed in these terrible years, as well as the scarlet banner of the Soviet army. Let's put these famous symbols on paper. To do this, you only need pencils, a canvas and a little imagination. Let's get creative!

  1. Draw a square in the middle, its sides should be slightly rounded. From the top corner we draw a loop and draw the edge of our symbol, and also make the other side.
  2. Draw a stem that is slightly tilted to the right. Don't forget to add a beveled tip at the bottom of the composition. We add a couple of leaves and a cup on top. Using uneven strokes we depict an oval. The edge should look like a fringe.
  3. For the St. George ribbon, we fill in the stripes with a black marker, there are usually three of them, and fill the rest with an orange tone. We shade the greenery with a green pencil, and the bud with a red shade.
  4. Next, we will work out the details with a thin helium pen. Let's use it to mark the uneven petals of the carnation, starting from the center and moving in a spiral.

This is how we quickly and easily created a beautiful illustration that can be given to a veteran, and the gift can also be supplemented with a beautiful poem for May 9th.

St. George ribbon with star

A scarlet star will shine in the center of the next illustration. It symbolizes courage and the great victory over fascism. Absolutely anyone can handle this job. You can draw it on A4 format, as shown in the lesson, or you can fold the sheet in half, then you will get a wonderful postcard. Arm yourself with everything you need and let's start creating!

  1. First, let's make a sketch. To make the star even, we recommend taking a round object and tracing it exactly in the center of the canvas. Along the diameter of the circle we place five notches at the same distance from each other. Mark the center and connect the points to it. In the resulting slices we put marks in the middle and combine all the ends. Draw honestly and don't use a ruler.
  2. We outline the width of the tape and designate parallel arcs. Having stepped back a little, we make a bend at the top in the opposite direction. We lower the straight line down, so we should get a rectangle. We make the edges of our symbol triangular. We write on the element the inscription: “May 9”, you can write other variations of words, for example, “Victory Day”. To ensure that the letters are even, outline their scales in advance. We divide the entire element into five stripes, and draw them along the entire perimeter, including on the folds.
  3. We draw smooth stems and leaves to the side; it is better to make them smaller towards the bottom. Use an eraser to erase everything that is not needed. We use a black felt-tip pen to outline all the contours in the picture. We fill the St. George ribbon with the corresponding black and orange shades.
  4. Let's color the edges of the star with different pigments or tools. For example, one part with a red felt-tip pen and the other with a pencil. This will create a shadow in our drawing. We will outline the inscription several times to highlight it. We divide the leaves on the branches in half, filling one side with dark green and the other with a light green color. This way the masterpiece will sparkle with bright colors.

Finishing touches and everything is ready! Give this card to your grandparents, they will definitely be happy with such a sign of attention!

What other design options are there?

  • A simple drawing for Victory Day, following step by step, you will get a lovely bouquet of carnations with a ribbon:
  • In the next master class you will learn how to depict a memorable composition with the Order of Victory. The work is perfect for an art lesson at school:
  • On Victory Day, it is customary to give veterans and relatives beautiful crafts. In this step-by-step master class you will learn how to make a postcard in the shape of a cocked hat letter. This is very symbolic, because such letters from the front are kept with special love:

How to draw a five-pointed star step by step using a ruler and compass - instructions with photos

The red five-pointed star is another constant symbol of Victory Day. Most often, her image is used as decoration for greeting posters. To draw the correct five-pointed star, you must use a ruler and compass. Find out exactly how to do this from our master class, in which we invite you to master drawing a three-dimensional five-pointed star with a pencil.

See even more ideas for drawings for May 9 here

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • red and black pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a five-pointed star:

  1. To begin, using a simple pencil and a compass, draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet.

  2. Then take a ruler and draw two straight lines through the center of the circle, dividing it into four equal sectors.

  3. Now we divide each sector in half by straight lines and get eight identical sectors.

  4. At the next stage, we will divide the two central lower sectors and the two upper lateral sectors with straight lines.

  5. Now we make marks, as shown in the photo below.

  6. From the upper center line we draw two straight lines to the lower marks.

  7. We also connect the two lower marks on the side sectors with a straight line.

  8. Using a black pencil, we connect the lines together, forming the base of our star.

  9. Draw a black outline of the lines inside the star.

  10. Now the finished workpiece needs to be painted red. Lightly shade the side edges of the star with a simple pencil to get a voluminous five-pointed star.

How to correctly draw a St. George's ribbon with a bow

Victory Day is coming soon! Since 2005, this beautiful, bright symbol has become one of the signs of this holiday, and over the 16 years of the event, more than 100 million have been distributed around the world! This two-color symbol for the Order of St. George appeared under Catherine II in the 18th century. Let's learn together how to draw this symbol of victory in the shape of a bow; later it can be redrawn on a postcard or any other craft!

You will need:

  • Paper
  • Orange and black markers
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser

Step-by-step plan for creating a drawing:

  1. To begin, we outline two triangular ends hanging down. They should connect in a round middle.
  2. Next we draw symmetrical side loops.
  3. We divide the elements into strips and erase everything unnecessary. Try not to use a ruler to guide your hand.
  4. Fill the bow with the appropriate shades; along the width of the element you should get four black stripes and three orange ones.

For better visibility of all the curves, we recommend placing a real bow in front of you. Then you will be able to convey all the folds with high accuracy.

St. George's ribbon - a symbol of military glory

Victory Day is coming soon, a big, bright holiday. But, unfortunately, as it approaches, some masters are again beginning to “play” with the St. George Ribbon - it’s hard to say otherwise.

I don’t like to reproach anyone, but in this case I just want to shout: How is this possible? How can you not know and understand the history of your own country to such an extent? Not appreciating symbols that are meaningful to her? How can you turn them into jewelry and even teach this to children?

The St. George ribbon is a symbol of military glory. And it doesn’t matter whether it was the St. George Ribbon in pre-revolutionary Russia, the Guards Ribbon in the Soviet Union or the St. George Ribbon in modern Russia. For more than two hundred years, this ribbon has been a symbol of military valor!

She never was and could never be a decoration. And brooches, etc., for the creation of which some craftsmen suggest using the St. George Ribbon, are just jewelry, and nothing more, with all due respect to these accessories and the craftsmen who make them.

I am not a great expert on the history of awards of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern Russia.

But here it is very briefly:

In 1769, Empress Catherine II established the Order of St. George - an award for officers of the Russian Army. It was supposed to be worn on a “silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes.” Subsequently, the name was assigned to it - St. George's Ribbon.

Awards worn on the St. George (Guards) ribbon:

The Order of St. George was established on November 26, 1769. Awarded to: officers of the army and navy. The basis for the award was military exploits.

Motto: "For service and courage."

During the solemn ceremony and consecration of the insignia of the order in the Winter Palace, the Empress placed on herself the insignia of the 1st degree order, indicating the significance of this award. And she was the only civilian to be awarded the Order of St. George.

St. George's Cross. The original name of the award was “Insignia of the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George.” It was established by Emperor Alexander I. The task is to encourage the courage of the lower ranks and celebrate them. Unlike all other soldier’s medals, the cross was awarded exclusively for a specific feat, for “this insignia is acquired only on the battlefield, during the siege and defense of fortresses, and on the waters in naval battles.”

This award could not only be received by a soldier. There is a known case of a general being awarded a soldier's award - Count Mikhail Miloradovich received the 4th degree St. George's Cross in a battle with the French in a soldier's ranks at the Battle of Leipzig.

The award began to be officially called the St. George's Cross in 1913, when the new statute of the “insignia of the Military Order” was approved.

The St. George Medal was established on August 10, 1913 instead of the medal “For Bravery”. This medal was awarded to lower ranks (private and non-commissioned officers) for military merits in peacetime and war, who were not according to the statute suitable for awarding the St. George Cross. Unlike the St. George Cross, the medal could also be issued to civilians who performed feats in battle against the enemy, precisely provided for by the statute of the St. George Cross and, in addition: “Which of the paramedics or orderlies, being in the battle line throughout the entire battle, is under strong and with real fire, showing extraordinary selflessness, he will provide assistance to the wounded or, in conditions of extreme difficulty, will carry out the wounded or killed.”

The Order of Glory was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of November 8, 1943. The Order of Glory is awarded to privates and sergeants of the Red Army, and in aviation, to persons with the rank of junior lieutenant, who have demonstrated glorious feats of bravery, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland.

The medal “For Victory over Germany” was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 9, 1945.

And in modern Russia:

The Order of St. George was restored on August 8, 2000 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Order of St. George is the highest military award of the Russian Federation, awarded to military personnel from among senior and senior officers for conducting military operations to defend the Fatherland during an attack by an external enemy, which ended in the complete defeat of the enemy, who became an example of military art, whose exploits serve as an example of valor and courage for all generations defenders of the Fatherland and who were awarded state awards of the Russian Federation for differences shown in combat operations.”

The St. George Cross was restored in the Russian award system by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces in March 1992. It is awarded to the rank and file of the Russian Army (soldiers and sailors), sergeants and petty officers, as well as warrant officers, midshipmen and junior officers. The basis for the award is the demonstrated bravery, courage and dedication in fulfilling military duty to defend one’s Fatherland, as well as in restoring and maintaining peace in the territories of other states as part of limited contingents of Russian troops.

And also, in the Russian Empire:

On April 11, 1878, an insignia was installed - St. George's ribbons on banners and standards with inscriptions of distinction for which the ribbons were awarded. These ribbons were received by the Nizhny Novgorod and Seversky Dragoon Regiments, which previously had all the St. George insignia.

In 1805, another collective award appeared - the Trumpets of St. George. They were made of silver, but unlike silver trumpets, which had previously been a reward in the Russian army, the St. George Cross was applied to the body of the trumpet, which increased their rank as an award. An inscription was often placed on the body of the pipe, telling what battle and in what year the regiment won the award.

In 1913, the St. George weapon was officially introduced. St. George's weapons meant swords, sabers, broadswords, checkers and dirks. The inscription “For bravery” was engraved on the hilt and a cross of the Order of St. George of a reduced size made of enamel was placed, and the lanyard for the weapon was made of the St. George ribbon. The Arms of St. George were awarded to generals, staff and chief officers “for outstanding military feats requiring undoubted self-sacrifice.”

In Soviet Union:

Since the autumn of 1941, units, formations and ships, for the courage and heroism of their personnel that they showed in defending the Fatherland, were awarded the honorary title “Guards”, “Guards”. In the navy, the guards badge was a plate covered with a black and orange ribbon.

Guards ribbon on the Guards naval flag of the destroyer "Gremyashchiy":

And sometimes we see how the St. George Ribbon is turned into decoration, for example, a brooch.

Don't do it yourself, don't teach it to your children! Do not insult the exploits of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the exploits of our contemporaries.

Just pin the St. George ribbon on your chest on Victory Day, tell your children about it - let them be proud of the history of their country and its symbols!

The tradition of wearing the St. George Ribbon, which is popular today, was born before the revolution in families of lower ranks: after the death of the St. George Knight, the eldest son could wear the ribbon on his chest. It was believed that a person who put the ribbon of his father or grandfather on his chest was filled with the meaning of the feat and would take on special responsibility.

But this is not at all the same as turning the St. George Ribbon into a brooch and wearing it as a decoration.

Let's cherish our history and not turn it into profanation! Otherwise, very soon we will associate the word “Motherland” only with mayonnaise, and “Conscience” with a payment card. And what kind of world will we live in then?

How to draw the original St. George's ribbon

In the next step-by-step lesson you will learn how to draw a sketch with the famous symbol of a great victory and a blossoming branch of an apple tree. Its primary colors signify the fire and smoke of war. And also the fact that people overcame difficulties and gave us a clear, peaceful sky above our heads.

Therefore, as a sign of respect, we will depict the following composition. For this you will need alcohol markers and liner. If you don't have these tools, you can use pencils and a black gel pen. We wish you success!

  • We sketch a folded ribbon with ends in the shape of triangles. In the center we mark the centers of the flowers with stamens and draw their rounded petals. We need to make their edges openwork, so we draw additional wavy lines inside the petals. Let's depict several protruding, not yet opened buds. Let's complement the composition with greenery.

  • We outline all the existing contours with a liner. We decorate the edges of the flowers and the bases of the buds with a light pink shade. Use a light gray color to highlight the shadows on the plants, and then apply a layer of pigment again. We use fuchsia to work on the accent areas on the apple blossoms and add a few spots.

  • Fill the stamens with yellow. Fill the stems and leaves with a light green tone. Use a dark green felt-tip pen to mark the shadow areas. The floral composition is ready.

  • We shade the stripes of the St. George's ribbon with orange and black markers.

At the bottom of the illustration you can write warm or solemn words that will convey all the pride in the heroism of your ancestors and your reverent attitude towards them.

What you need to beautifully draw the St. George ribbon

Before work, you need to prepare all the materials, and also decide what exactly needs to be depicted. Next is the choice of pencil color. The symbol originally included orange, the color of fire, and black, the color of smoke. However, now you can notice products made in yellow shades. When creating, it is advisable not to depart from traditions and use orange and black colors.

The tool must be sharpened well. Materials needed for work:

  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • compass.

Advice! Since you will be using colored pencils when drawing, you should choose an old-style eraser with a pen-erasing side. It will allow you to easily remove unnecessary strokes.

How to draw a St. George ribbon with a wave step by step: a simple pencil drawing for the little ones

Now let's depict our victory symbol as a wave without additional decorative details. Let's look at the drawing of all the beautiful curves in detail. For clarity, you can put real fabric in front of you. After the contract master class, you will be able to supplement your drawings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War with such an attribute.

  1. First, let's create a sketch. To do this, place the sheet horizontally and use a medium-soft pencil to mark three rectangles superimposed on each other.
  2. At the ends of the elements we draw jagged edges. We draw smooth curves inside the figures.
  3. We are finalizing the folds in all blocks. Inside each part we depict five stripes at the same distance from each other. We erase all excess with an eraser.
  4. Let's move on to color design. First, highlight all the pencil lines with black pigment. Next, fill in the details with appropriate shades along the entire length. You can use any materials: felt-tip pens, markers, paints or pencils. We complete the illustration with highlights, which can be done using a white helium pen.

We hope everything worked out for you. The main thing to remember is that the main secret of success is repetition!

Useful tips

Even when working on the master class “How to draw a St. George’s ribbon with a pencil step by step,” children may have difficulties. Below are a few tips that will allow your child to complete the job easily, quickly and accurately:

  1. When outlining the outline of the drawing, do not press too hard on a simple pencil, otherwise it will be difficult to erase it later.
  2. You need to color from top to bottom. This way the child will not erase or smear the drawing with his hand.
  3. If you use acrylic tools when painting, you can use a wet brush to stretch the color to other areas. This method is especially relevant when creating a gradient.
  4. After the drawing is colored, it is advisable to highlight all the contours again. To do this, you can use a gel pen or a simple B8-B pencil.

Ribbon drawing in the form of a nine with carnations for beginners

Another original design option is the number nine in the form of a St. George ribbon. Next to such a composition you can write the name of the corresponding month, then your illustration will be simply irresistible!

Although at first glance the painting seems complicated, following detailed instructions, even the youngest artist can handle it. We will use multi-colored crayons for work, and a simple pencil will be suitable for the sketch. Ready? Then let's start:

  1. First, let's mark a big nine on the left side of the canvas. Our figure will be made from tape, so we draw another line duplicating the element and draw pointed ends.
  2. We depict three carnations, their stems should be located diagonally. From the cup we designate triangular petals with a carved edge. We add narrow paired leaves, draw them at the base of the bud and on the shoot itself. In the bottom plane of the sheet we write the word “May”. We make wide letters slightly at an angle.
  3. We designate the stripes on the number and color them red and black, respectively. Fill the background with yellow pigment, try to create a gradient where the most saturated shade is at the borders of the canvas, and translucent in the center.
  4. Use a green pencil to highlight all the greenery. Let's outline the petals in red, and then lightly shade the elements. To make the letters look brighter and stand out, we recommend outlining them with a scarlet marker.

Our masterpiece is ready! And we move on. Let's find out what other paintings dedicated to Victory Day will help decorate the holiday.

What else can you draw for Great Victory Day?

  • How to draw a sketch with felt-tip pens for May 9 easily and simply:

  • Absolutely anyone can draw the following illustration, because all you need is a notebook sheet and pencils. Let's draw the symbol of victory in the cells:
  • Video tutorial for those who want to learn how to depict the St. George ribbon with a red star:

How to draw the St. George ribbon with a pencil for May 9 - master class with photos

At first glance, it may seem that drawing a St. George's ribbon with a pencil by hand is quite difficult. But in fact, if you follow each step exactly, then even a person who does not have developed artistic skills can complete this drawing. A bright St. George ribbon can become both a decoration for a greeting card and the basis for a festive design dedicated to Victory Day.

You can learn how to beautifully tie a St. George's ribbon here

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • black and orange pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a St. George's ribbon:

  1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw two parallel lines. The distance between the lines should be approximately 5-7 cm. Then cross out both lines with two similar parallel diagonal straight lines. Clean the intersections with an eraser. Photo 1
  2. Let's draw a semi-oval on top. We will also connect parallel straight lines with short lines. photo 2
  3. Using a black pencil, draw lines inside the base and fill them with black every two to create characteristic stripes. Photo 3
  4. Fill in the remaining spaces between the black stripes with an orange pencil. Our St. George ribbon is ready! photo 4

Interesting craft ideas for May 9 can be found here

Victory symbol with a medal (order): drawing for advanced

The Order of the Patriotic War was the first award created during the Second World War. These were the awards given to real heroes who distinguished themselves during the difficult years of the war. Let's depict the order in our next picture. We will get a real postcard that can be presented to veterans, because it is thanks to them that we exist, our country and the clear sky above our heads.

Such a drawing can be painted over with colored pencils, watercolors, or even bright helium pens - all at your discretion.

To start drawing, prepare:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • watercolor paints
  • paper
  • tassels
  • water
  • black and white helium pen

Let's move on to the practical part:

  1. We divide the canvas in half and begin to draw a star, from which the St. George ribbon will go up. Now we enter a circle into the asterisk, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the figure. Inside there is another circle, and in it is the sign “Serb and Hammer”.
  2. In the space between the two circles we write “The Great Patriotic War.” Between the rays of the star we draw another one. In the lower plane of the sheet we outline branches with flowers.
  3. We trace all the contours with a pen. We start by drawing orange stripes, and use the same shade to mark the edge of the star. Fill the figure with red pigment, leaving white highlights in some places. On the back element of the order, highlight the gray metal folds.
  4. We paint the Serb and hammer in a beige tone. We highlight flowers with a red pigment, and greens with a dark green tint. We decorate the work with black splashes. Using a thin pen, we’ll leave some highlights and also draw in the saber and gun on the award.

You can write warm congratulations and wishes on the back of the canvas in red. Such a craft will not be left aside by May 9th. Be sure to try to paint a similar picture yourself.

Poems about war for primary school children - they can be read along with the presented gift.

Drawing the St. George ribbon on the window

This symbol is an integral part of the pattern for May 9 or February 23. With the help of step-by-step instructions, your winning symbol will turn out neat and bright. Such work can be safely hung on windows, but if you don’t want to bother with the drawing, then the blank can be printed in advance and only then painted: . For comfortable creativity, clean up your workspace and find good light. For drawing we will use a black felt-tip pen and multi-colored crayons.

Let's start drawing:

  1. We place the sheet horizontally and draw two parallel, diagonal lines using a ruler.
  2. In the same way, we draw two more straight lines, but change their slope in the opposite direction. Inside the intersection, erase the excess with an eraser.
  3. We connect the upper elements with an arc. Below we draw the sharp ends. We combine all parts of the drawing into one whole.
  4. We apply three black stripes to the fragment, and fill the rest with an orange tone.

Our picture is ready, you will definitely have a lot of fun during the drawing process!

Beautiful composition for May 9: a lesson for beginner children

The five-pointed star and St. George's ribbon represent the difficult path of soldiers and home front workers. Wall newspapers, posters and drawings are decorated with these attributes. Below you will learn how to draw an entire composition of symbols, and with the help of step-by-step instructions you will cope with this task perfectly and easily depict traditional elements at home.

  1. To begin, mark the middle and draw a five-pointed star. In the lower part, using smooth strokes, draw a ribbon with pointed ends. Next, we erase everything unnecessary and write an inscription dedicated to the celebration.
  2. In the background we begin to draw carnations, their buds look like round clouds. Use a black marker to highlight all borders.
  3. All that remains is to paint. We fill the figure with red pigment, making strokes in one direction for uniformity. Fill the buds of the plants, additionally highlighting the texture of the petals with a darker shade.
  4. Let's fill the stems with light green, marking the shadow on the left side. We paint the St. George ribbon in the appropriate color scheme. We recommend painting the inscription yellow so it will stand out. Use a white pen to add some accent spots.

The picture is ready. You will spend a little time on the work, but as a result you will get a wonderful illustration.

You will also find it useful : Congratulations on Victory Day in prose: official and sincere

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