This means of personal armor protection - NIB, is recognized as the most popular in service areas from military personnel to private security companies. To date, there are a large number of models from different brands, differing not only in structure and style, but also in the degree of protection. Today there are a variety of body armor on the market, particularly for children or animals. And for certain situations, manufacturers produce special protective suits made of Kevlar, almost identical to the classic three-piece suit. Or universal analogs that also protect against flooding. Before choosing where it is better to buy this option, you should read the review below, where the most popular models presented today are selected.

About it and its varieties

Its main purpose is to provide protection from bullets from pistols and machine guns; however, it also does a good job of holding back fragments of explosive devices or contact with piercing weapons. The best body armor should meet the following characteristics:

  • appropriate degree of protection in accordance with the classification;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • camouflage;
  • effectiveness of use.
  • high strength of matter;
  • thoughtfulness in improvement;
  • acceptable weight indicators.
  • availability of a testing certificate.

Such funds include 3 main elements.

  1. The case itself does not have any properties; its main functionality is to secure additional components and make it easy to put on. The components for such a cover are usually particularly durable fabrics that are resistant to fading and getting wet.
  2. The package already serves as the first defensive layer. It may consist of aramid fabric (Kevlar) or high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). The disadvantage of this material is that it poorly dampens the kinetic impulse transmitted along with the bullet.
  3. The next level is a special shield. Such small slabs cover only those organs that are responsible for vital functions, as in the proposed photo. They can be:
  • made from a synthetic compound UHMWPE - such plates do not have high performance, but are quite expensive, which is explained by their low weight;
  • steel plates, they provide good defense, but are quite heavy;
  • made of ceramics - has the best performance and permissible weight.

To minimize risk, the military version has a climatic shock-absorbing support - KAP. To ensure that the design fits the body as closely as possible, it is supplemented with a number of fasteners, often based on Velcro.

A little history

In 1984, they first started talking about standardizing armored clothing. The Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union developed “General technical requirements for personal protective equipment.” At that time, these requirements were not widespread in the country; they were valid only within the department’s walls.

Toward the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, marked by high popularity for body armor. This was facilitated by the unfavorable situation in the country. A lot of people began to think about their safety.

This circumstance gave a good impetus to the development of standardization of armor protection. But this did not make it possible to come to a common decision; the norms and procedures depended entirely on affiliation with the department. But a single target set of norms and rules was required.

And then the first State standard for armored clothing was presented to everyone - GOST R 50744-95. Together with him, they created a certification system for personal protection products. A special certificate of conformity was issued based on test reports.

Until the beginning of the 2000s, the main body armor in the Russian army was the 6B5 product. It had several modifications. In 1999, the 6B13 body armor vest was adopted. Later it became the most common in the army.

What are the levels of protection and their descriptions?

Class is the first thing you need to pay attention to. The higher it is, the greater the reliability. According to the standards of the Russian GOST (which is recognized as more stringent and therefore the best), modern certified options have the following classifications:

  1. Characterized by relative lightness in the range of 1.5-2.5 kg, it can save you from piercing weapons, as well as charges fired from a pistol.
  2. The weight limit varies from 3 to 5 kg, the model can be worn under outerwear, it successfully reflects the impact of a sharpening point or a bullet from a TT, and PSM. This same variant of subclass “A” is already characterized by protection from a knife to a light burst from an AKM, and can hold back a charge from a 12-gauge hunting rifle.
  3. Such elements of 6-9 kg are worn over the uniform and successfully resist AK machine gun fire;

  4. Ten-kilogram, intended for law enforcement agencies or professional security.
  5. Designed for SVD rifle cartridges and 5.45 – 7.62 mm caliber installations. Protection class 5 also has a subcategory “A” with an average of 11-20 kg. This is due to the presence of aramid armor panels supplemented with ceramic plates with an appropriate level of defense. Additional equipment is also possible in the form of special screens for the neck, groin and an anti-ricochet layer.
  6. This protection class holds back a shot from an SVD rifle. This model has a branch of armor-piercing “A” class. Such gadgets are supplemented with ceramic plates capable of withstanding the corresponding bullets, including the popular models of SVD sniper rifles. The big disadvantage of these two groups is their significant weight, which affects the activity of its carrier. Therefore, they are used only for small assault raids.

Extra options

    1. According to the method of wearing, they are divided into hidden and external types. In the first case, it is the best option for representatives of private security companies. However, it does not cope so effectively with the function of preserving human life. The situation is completely different with open models; such options are optimal for military intelligence officers, where the basis is not external data, but the level of security.
  • The basic materials used to create NIB can be divided into two categories:
  • With a soft construction - has 15 - 30 levels of durable, weightless fabrics made of aramid fiber (Kevlar, Terlon, Nomex, SVM).

The main advantage of such variations is their lightness and adaptability to convenient use, at the same time they have a low level of protection and are affordable;

  • In models with a rigid structure, titanium and aluminum alloys are found, as well as steel and manganese. This also includes options with ceramic or high-modulus polyethylene inserts (UHMWPE). Despite its 100% bulletproofness, this option is considered disposable. Therefore, the best companies offer a combined analogue, in which UHMWPE is removable. This also affects how much the model will cost.

An equally important nuance of the ISS is the degree of vulnerability, which equally affects its security. And here we can distinguish as many as 3 subcategories:

  1. Types of armor with a maximum permissible degree of damage (PD) are matter that cannot be penetrated by bullets. However, the charge presses the tissue itself into the body, leaving a painful sensation.
  2. With an average level of vulnerability (C), the advantage of this option is that when hit, the charge does not affect the tissue in any way, but can provoke a strong recoil.
  3. Model of the maximum degree of destruction (M), this means of protection guarantees complete bulletproofness and eliminates unpleasant consequences.

Domestic or imported?

Let's not keep the intrigue and answer right away - domestic. And that's why.

Body armor is made according to state standards. In most countries of the world, the American NIJ standard is used. But not in Russia - in our country, manufacturers of armored clothing are guided by GOST R 50744-95.

American and Russian standards are very different. One of the most significant differences is the permissible amount of armor injury. In America, if after a bullet, from which it is supposed to protect, hits a bulletproof vest, a deflection of 44 mm remains on the “body” (testing block), the product is recognized as meeting the standard and allowed for sale. But with such values, the probability of human death is 10%.

Why is that? Firstly, they rely on emergency services personnel, who must arrive at the scene of an incident within a few minutes and save the victim. Secondly, the standard is made so low so that the manufacturing company will not be sued if the person dies. The deceased will simply be written off as “10%”.

Russian GOST is much stricter: the deflection should not be more than 21 mm. With such a deflection, only a hematoma will remain on the body of a person wearing a bulletproof vest. This means that after an attack he will be able to quickly get to his feet, defend himself, and run away.

There is a stereotype that American body armor is better because it is lighter and thinner. In fact, their weight and thickness are less than those of Russian ones, precisely because of the difference in GOST and, accordingly, less reliability. Lightness in this case is not an advantage.

One more point needs to be taken into account. The characteristics of Russian and American weapons, speed, and weight of bullets differ significantly. Manufacturers take this factor into account. NIJ standards are developed taking into account the characteristics of American weapons and ammunition, while the domestic GOST standards take into account the characteristics of Russian weapons and ammunition.

If you are planning a trip to America, it makes sense to buy foreign-made body armor. But if you need protection in Russia, it is better to choose armored clothing designed to be fired from a TT or other weapons common in our country. In this case, there is simply no point in buying vests from foreign manufacturers.

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Pre-purchase recommendations and care tips

Before ordering armor online from an online store, you should determine the following selection criteria in advance:

  • weight of the structure - can you tolerate the regular gravity of extra pounds;
  • composition of the model - you have to decide whether amide fiber is suitable or something more dense will be better;
  • level of threat - if an everyday conflict does not require a particularly powerful weapon, then an entrepreneur who fears competitors should have a completely different class, and the SIS for military operations will have completely different characteristics.

However, it is possible to choose the right workwear only by class, which indirectly reflects other indicators. And in order for the NIB to last much longer, it is worth remembering the following:

  • If possible, it is better to care for your equipment by dry cleaning;
  • if washing is unavoidable, do not completely immerse it in water;
  • do not use chemicals, with the exception of Kevlar models, which are subject to such requirements as optimal tolerance to detergents. For this purpose, they are treated with various impregnations that increase resistance to such factors.


The softness and flexibility of the materials used in the manufacture of class Br1 and 2 body armor allow the product to be adjusted to any figure. This is the type of armor that is recommended for women with large breasts.

What's the result? When choosing a body armor class, you need to take into account both the weapon that is most likely to be used and the likelihood of an attack. In most cases, it is better to purchase soft, lightweight body armor that can be worn constantly than heavy armor, which a person will tire of after a few days. However, if there is every reason to be afraid of a shot from a sniper rifle, you cannot do without body armor of the maximum Br5 class.

Top Popular Outdoor Wearing Options


The tactical model combines several successful solutions aimed at improving comfort and quality indicators. The main advantage of the NIB is the additional 2 armor elements at the front and rear, which are placed one above the other with an overlap. Thus, giving the opportunity to easily lean over or wait for a long time in the car. This property is most valuable for immediate response teams, as well as collection services.

body armor Segment-2


  • It has beveled edges at the top, which greatly facilitates movement;
  • has orthopedic properties;
  • high quality materials;
  • long service life;
  • It is possible to install additional side protection, as well as MOLLE system straps for devices.


  • Price.
type of wearingexternal
colorblack, multicam, olive, blue
element materialarmored steel
How much does it weigh4.2 kg
why will he saveSerdyukov self-loading pistol
a countryRussia
average price14900 rubles


The product is intended to protect its owner from simple small arms. There are different types of this body armor, with differences in size, shade of fabric or volume of pockets. The most current optimizations are used as components in Fagor-1, which do not detract from its characteristics. The size of the vest is adjustable, allowing people of different sizes to wear it. And this makes it a budget option for private organizations that order protective equipment online immediately in bulk.

body armor Fagor-1


  • In reviews, users note the good quality of the vest;
  • the prospect of independently choosing the configuration of pockets;
  • the ability to adjust the size according to your needs;
  • presence of anti-corrosion coating of protective elements.


  • Not found.
type of wearingexternal
colorblack, multicam, olive, blue
element materialarmored steel
How much does it weigh4.2 kg
why will he saveSerdyukov self-loading pistol
a countryRussia
average price14900 rubles

Hagor 203 Security

The basis of this option is high-quality multi-layer fabric. With countless pockets for armor plates, which greatly facilitates their replacement in case of damage. This approach makes it possible to reduce the strength of the charge impulse at the moment of a direct hit. In addition to the SIB, it is also recommended to purchase an apron with a rigid collar, which provides more reliable protection for the chest and neck areas.

body armor Hagor 203 Security


  • Comfortable operation;
  • produced in five variations;
  • pockets for attaching polycarbonate plates;
  • ample scope for change;
  • easy to use;
  • easy;
  • good shock-absorbing properties;
  • pleasant weight category;
  • high-quality performance.


  • High price.
type of wearingouter
colorgreen, black, blue
element materialnew generation armid fibers
How much does it weigh2.4 kg
why will he savesmall-caliber pistol bullet
a countryIsrael
average price53,000 rubles

Giordano Ballistic "Nero-Br4"

What is special about this model is the ability to quickly and easily remove it within 2-3 seconds, as well as maximum protection for the chest and back. The armor element makes it possible to attach parts to cover the sides, neck and groin as needed. And reliable covers located over the entire surface allow you to quickly replace damaged elements.

body armor Giordano Ballistic "Nero-Br4"


  • Instant reset system;
  • easy to use;
  • good coverage area;
  • very durable inserts;
  • many pockets;
  • does not restrict movement;
  • presence of side gaskets;
  • relevant for urban conditions;
  • The set includes pouches;
  • protective elements have anti-corrosion impregnation.


  • The cover gets wet;
  • heavy;
  • price.
type of wearingoutdoor
colorgray, black, olive, beige
element materialsteel plates
How much does it weigh11 kg
why will he savepistol, AKM, SVD,
a countryRF
average price35700 rubles

Body armor for all occasions

Anything can happen in our lives, and sometimes we need to protect ourselves from various threats. In such cases, two bulletproof vests are purchased. One of them is a casual, light type, and the other is reinforced. If necessary, they can be combined.

When traveling around the city, you should wear two vests.

And upon arrival at the office, take off the reinforced clothing and remain in a light fabric one. You can buy an additional set of armor protection. It includes panels of various protection classes.

The lightweight version can be used daily, and if necessary, additional elements can be added to the design of the body armor. This is done quickly and will be useful in case of information about a possible assassination attempt.

Rating of quality concealed carry models


This armor option was created in full compliance with the current GOST conditions and specifications of the tested sample. Ordering this model online is beneficial not only for security companies, but also for personal use.

body armor Sfera-5


  • Insensitive to temperature changes;
  • can hold back the flame for a short time;
  • convenient fastening;
  • with the ability to adjust the size according to body circumference;
  • undemanding in everyday life.


  • Price.
type of wearingunder clothes
element materialsteel
How much does it weigh8.5 – 10.5 kg
why will he saveSechkin pistol (APS), revolver system gun, Makarov (PM)
a countryRussia
average price11850 rubles

Comfort 1U-1U Barrel

SIB can not only save its owner from a knife, a feature of this model is its excellent side cover, since the fabric armor packages are evenly distributed over the entire area. In addition, the gadget can easily be transformed from a class 1 product to a class 2 product with the help of additional armor packages.

body armor Comfort 1U-1U Barrel


  • Easy;
  • large protection area;
  • repeats the shape of the body;
  • you can adjust the size;
  • Suitable for people of different sizes;
  • It is easy to put on and comfortable to wear.


  • No.
type of wearingunder clothes
element materialarmored steel
How much does it weighfrom 2 kg
Class1 – 2
why will he saveAPS/PM
a countryRussia
average price6590 rubles

Cossack 4M S-01

This design is designed to protect the body from light knife attacks. The main feature of it is considered to be ease of wearing, and since the element does not protrude from under the top layer of clothing and has a lightweight design, it can be worn throughout the day.

body armor Cossack 4M S-01


  • The base is made of mesh, to which armored packages are attached;
  • easy;
  • Suitable for continuous wear;
  • retains its properties even when placed in a humid environment;
  • immune to sweat secretions;
  • Can be made to order;
  • Includes storage bag with quality certificate
  • there is a chance to increase the class of defense capability.


  • No.
type of wearinghidden
element materialspecial fabric Tvaron
How much does it weigh2.9 kg
Class1 — 5
why will he savetypes of short-barreled weapons
a countryRF
average price17350 rubles

Torus-2 Vip

An improved model of the most popular and lightweight vest from a long-known manufacturer - the Avangard company. The SIB is equipped with a class 2 protection element based on the latest generation fabric, which is not inferior in strength to variations made of steel, with pressed polyethylene. The main advantage of such ammunition is its small weight category and protection from piercing weapons. It is a two-level cover with adjustable stretchable straps secured with Velcro, ensuring maximum protection fit.

body armor Torus-2 Vip


  • Pass metal detectors and metal detectors;
  • high quality materials;
  • reliable fastenings;
  • practically invisible;
  • the size can be customized.


  • Price.
type of wearinghidden
element materialKevlar, compressed polyethylene (PP)
How much does it weigh2.3
why will he savepistols (PSM) and (TT)
a countryRussia
average price62800 rubles

Product characteristics

Modern models of body armor will stand in the way of bullets, shrapnel, bladed weapons and other foreign objects entering the human body.
It is mainly designed to protect the torso. They are made from a popular material - Kevlar. Inside, to increase reliability, there are metal or ceramic plates.

Body armor can be adjusted according to size and body girth, all products are certified. Today, the production of such clothing has been put into production.

Products for police and army special forces are made with gaskets made from shock-absorbing inserts. They are used to perform complex and dangerous tasks. Some of them are quite bulky, weighing up to 32 kg. But no manufacturer can guarantee one hundred percent protection against damage.

The Best of All-Purpose Special Purpose Options

Comfort 2-2 form UNI "ST"

A protection element that does not require additional reinforcing structures like previous analogues. The main advantage of this model is the ability to adjust the nuances of your torso as accurately as possible, reliably fixing the result using the available fasteners. There is a package of documents confirming its compliance with all the requirements of the standard, as well as the ROSS RU.S313.V71232 certificate.

body armor Comfort 2-2 uniform UNI "ST"


  • Adapts to body curves;
  • as many as 2 adjustment options;
  • easy to take off and put on;
  • inexpensive;
  • Replacement plates included.


  • Heavy weight;
  • shades (except black) to order;
  • metal detectors respond.
type of wearingexternal or hidden
colorcan choose
element materialfabric (SVM), steel
How much does it weigh5 – 7 kg
why will he saveTT or PSM caliber 9 mm
a countryRussia
average price11500 rubles


The Berezka “6a” model is classified as an assault protection class; it is resistant to high temperatures from -40 to +40 °C, and also does not lose its protective properties in a humid environment. The vest is equipped with a number of special shock-absorbing elements, which guarantees the protection of the body from the impulse consequences of a hit.

body armor BKZ Berezka "6a"


  • Unpretentious in operation;
  • reliable;
  • anatomical structure;
  • fits the torso well;
  • sections are attached with Velcro;
  • large coverage area;
  • easy to maintain;
  • Can be used in extreme climates.


  • Heavy;
  • Some components are sold separately.
type of wearingover clothes
element materialsteel armor panels
How much does it weigh10 kg
why will he savepistol and machine gun bullets
a countryRussia
average price23800 rubles
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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