Army self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system "Buk"

SAM "Buk"

"Buk" (according to the GRAU index - 9K37, according to the codification of the NATO and US Defense Ministry - SA-11 Gadfly (translated as Gadfly) and its modifications) is a self-propelled air defense system designed to combat maneuvering aerodynamic targets at medium and low altitudes (from 30 meters 14-18 kilometers) in conditions of intense radio countermeasures.

Damage zone, km: - range - altitude - parameter3.32..35 0.015..20-22 to 22
Probability of hitting a target - fighter type - helicopter type - cruise missile type0,8..0,95 0,3..0,6 0,4..0,6
Maximum target speed m/s800
Reaction time, s:22
SAM flight speed, m/s850
Rocket mass, kg685
Weight of warhead, kg70
Channel by target2
SAM channel3
Expansion (collapse) time, min5
Number of missiles on a combat vehicle4

Since the late 70s, one of the main means of military air defense has been the Buk series anti-aircraft missile systems. To date, several modifications of this technology have been developed and adopted into service by the Russian Federation. They have been successfully used to this day and occupy a worthy place in Russia’s arsenal.

The creation of new Buk anti-aircraft systems began after a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of January 1972. The resolution identified the companies involved in the project, as well as the main requirements for it. The first technical specification stated that the new air defense system was supposed to replace the existing 2K12 “Cube” complex in service. In addition, it is necessary to create a missile that could be used both in the Buk kit and in the M-22 Uragan naval anti-aircraft system.

The new, more advanced anti-aircraft complex was intended to improve the equipment of military air defense, which could not but affect the requirements for its development. The specialists were required to mount all components of the complex on a self-propelled chassis, as well as ensure the ability to work together with tanks and other armored vehicles in the same combat formations. The complex must hit aerodynamic air targets moving at speeds of up to 800 meters per second at medium and low altitudes at ranges of up to 30 km. In addition, it was necessary to ensure the ability to hit a target using electronic countermeasures and maneuvering with an overload of up to 12 units. In the future, the developers planned to “teach” the complex to resist operational-tactical ballistic missiles.

The main developer of the 3RK9K37 Buk air defense system is the Research Institute of Instrumentation. In addition, many other companies were involved in the project, including the Start Machine-Building Design Bureau and the NPO Fazotron of the Ministry of Radio Industry.

  • The chief designer of the anti-aircraft complex is A.A. Rastov.
  • G.N. Valaev is the head of development of the complex’s command post. Later his position was taken by V.I. Sokiran.
  • V.V. Matyashev was responsible for the development of a self-propelled firing system.
  • I.G. Hakobyan - led the process of creating a semi-active homing head.
  • Employees of the Research Institute of Measuring Devices, headed by A.P., were involved in the development of the detection and target designation station. Petoshko (after some time he was replaced by Yu.P. Shchetkov).

Work on the development of the 9K37 complex was going to be completed by mid-1975. But in the spring of 1974, the developers decided to divide all types of work into 2 separate areas. The development was to take place in two stages. First of all, it was necessary to bring the 3M38 missile, as well as a self-propelled firing system, to mass production. Moreover, the latter was supposed to use the existing 9M9M3 missiles of the Kub-M3 system and is being built using components of the existing system.

According to forecasts, the complex will begin testing in the fall of 1974, and the creation of a full-fledged 3RK 9K37 using new components will continue according to a pre-planned schedule. This approach to the development of new anti-aircraft systems should ensure the earliest possible start of deliveries and production of new equipment that would significantly increase the combat potential of the ground forces.

The composition of 3RK 9K37 included several main elements. To monitor the air situation, it was planned to use the 9S18 “Dome” detection and target designation station, and to launch missiles it was planned to use the 9A39 launcher-loader and 9A310 self-propelled firing system. Coordination of actions should be carried out using the 9S470 command post. The means of hitting targets is the 9M38 anti-aircraft guided missile.

SOC 9S18 “Dome” is a self-propelled vehicle on a tracked chassis, equipped with a three-dimensional coherent-pulse radar, which is designed to monitor the situation in the air and transmit information about targets to the command post. On the surface of the base chassis there was a rotating antenna with an electric drive. The maximum target detection range is 115-120 km. In a situation with low-flying targets, this figure was significantly reduced. For example, a flying plane at an altitude of 30 meters was detected by the complex only from 45 kilometers away. The SOC equipment allowed automatic adjustment of the operating frequency in order to maintain operability when active interference was used by the enemy.

The main task of the “Kupil” station is to search for targets and transmit information to the command post. With a review period of 4.5 seconds, 75 marks were transmitted. The 9S470 command post was built on the basis of a self-propelled chassis, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment for processing data and issuing targets to launchers. The command post crew is 6 people. For this purpose, the command post was equipped with communication and data processing equipment. The equipment of the command post made it possible to process messages about 46 targets during 1 period of the SOC review. In this case, targets could be located at altitudes of up to 20 km and ranges of up to 100 km. Data on 6 targets was issued to the firing installations.

The main means of attacking enemy aircraft was to be the 9A310 fire self-propelled gun. It was a subsequent development of the SOU 9A38 of the Buk-1 complex. The tracked self-propelled chassis housed a rotating launcher with 4 guides for missiles, as well as a set of all the necessary electronic equipment. A tracking radar was installed in front of the launcher, which was also used for missile guidance.

To transport the loading of the self-propelled gun and additional ammunition, the Buk air defense system included a 9A39 launcher-loader. Such a vehicle on a tracked chassis was used to transport 8 missiles, as well as reload the SOU 9A310 launcher. The missiles were transported on 4 fixed cradle and a special type of launcher. Depending on the situation, the crew of the vehicle could launch it independently or reload the missiles from the launcher to the launcher. But due to the lack of its own tracking radar, it was impossible to do without external target designation. A special crane was responsible for reloading the missiles.

The 9M38 rocket is made according to a single-stage design. It was distinguished by a cylindrical body of high aspect ratio and had an ogival head fairing. In the middle part of the hull there were X-shaped wings of small aspect ratio, and in the tail there were rudders of exactly the same design. The missile, with a length of 5.5 meters and a launch weight of 690 kg, was equipped with a dual-mode solid fuel engine, a semi-active radar homing head and a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. To prevent changes in alignment as the charge burns out, the engine was specially placed in the central part of the housing and additionally equipped with a long nozzle-gas duct.

The new 9K37 Buk air defense system made it possible to hit targets at altitudes of up to 20 km and ranges of up to 30 km. Reaction time – 22 seconds. It took about 5 minutes to get ready for work. The probability of hitting a target with a missile that accelerates in flight to 850 meters per second is up to 0.9. The probability of hitting a helicopter with one missile is up to 0.6. The probability of hitting a cruise missile with the first missile defense system is up to 0.5.

Modern tests of this air defense system began at the Emba training ground in the fall of 1977 and continued until the spring of 1979. During the tests, it was possible to check the combat performance of the complex in different conditions and against different conditional targets. For example, standard equipment and other similar stations were used to monitor the air situation. During test launches, training targets were attacked using a warhead radio fuse. If the target was not hit, a second missile was launched.

During the tests, it was established that the new 3RK 9K37 has many important advantages compared to the equipment that was already in service. The composition of the electronic equipment of the SOU and SOC ensured high reliability of detection of air targets due to the presence of its own equipment for self-propelled combat units. The updated composition of the equipment of various components of the complex, including the missile, contributed to greater noise immunity. In addition, the missile carried a heavy warhead, which made it possible to increase the accuracy of hitting a target.

Based on the results of modifications and tests, the 9K37 Buk air defense system was put into service in 1990. New complexes began to be used as part of missile brigades. Each formation included 1 brigade control center from the Polyana-D4 automated control system and 4 divisions. The division had its own command post 9S470, three batteries with 2 SOU 9A310 and 1 ROM 9A39 in each, a detection and target designation station 9S18. In addition, the brigades had a communications, maintenance and support unit.

In 1974, due to the urgent need to re-equip the air defense units of the ground forces, it was decided to create a simplified modification of the 9K37 complex, developed using existing units and components. It was assumed that such air defense systems, designated 9K37-1 Buk-1, would complement the existing Kub-M3 systems in the troops. Thus, each of the 5 batteries of the regiment included a new SOU 9A38, which is part of the Buk-1 complex.

According to calculations, the cost of one 9A38 self-propelled gun will be about 1/3 of the cost of all other means of the battery, but in this case it will be possible to provide a significant increase in combat capabilities. Thus, the number of target channels of the regiment would double from 5 to 10, and the number of ready-to-use missiles would also increase from 60 to 75. Thus, the modernization of air defense units with new combat vehicles absolutely paid off.

The SOU 9A38 in its architecture was not much different from the 9A310. A rotating platform with a 9S35 detection, tracking and illumination radar station and a launcher was made on a tracked chassis. The 9A38 self-propelled gun launcher had replaceable guides designed for the use of 2 types of missiles. Depending on the situation, available resources and combat mission, the complex could use new 9M38 or 9M9M3 missiles already in service.

State tests of the air defense system began in August 1975 and took place at the Emba training ground. The new SOU 9A38 and existing machines of other types took part in the tests. The target was detected using the 1S91M3 self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance system, which the Kub-M3 complex had, and the missiles were launched from the 2P25M3 and 9438 SOU. Missiles of various types were used (from all available).

During the test, it turned out that the 9S35 SOU 9A38 radar can itself detect targets at distances of up to 65-75 kilometers (at altitudes of 3 kilometers). If the target height was no more than 100 meters, then the maximum detection range was up to 35-45 kilometers. Moreover, the actual target detection indicators directly depended on the limited capabilities of the Kub-M3 equipment. Combat characteristics such as target engagement altitude or range depended on the type of missile used.

In 1978, the new 9K371 air defense system entered service as part of the 9M38 missile and the 9A38 self-propelled firing system. As a result, the Buk-1 complex received a different designation. Since the missile and self-propelled gun were only an addition to the already existing means of the Kub-M3 complex, the air defense system using the 9A38 vehicle began to be designated 2K12M4 “Kub-M4”. Thus, the 9K37-1 air defense system, a simplified version of the Buk, was formally classified as part of the previous Kub family, although at that time it was the main air defense system of the ground forces.

In the fall of 1979, another resolution of the Council of Ministers was issued, according to which it was necessary to develop a new modification of the Buk air defense system. This time the task was to improve the combat characteristics of the air defense system, increasing the level of protection against anti-radar missiles and interference. By the beginning of 1982, the organizations participating in the project had completed the development of new, more advanced elements of the complex, thereby increasing the main indicators of the system.

Experts suggested modifying the on-board equipment of the vehicles in order to improve their performance. At the same time, the complex did not have any significant differences from its predecessor. Thanks to this, different vehicles from the Buk and Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile systems were interchangeable and were part of the same unit.

In the new project, all the main elements of the complex were finalized. The Buk-M1 air defense system was supposed to use the upgraded SOC 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 to detect the target. Now it was proposed to install a new radar station with a special phased array antenna on a tracked chassis. In order to increase the degree of unification of the complex's machines, it was decided to create the Kupol-M1 station based on the GM-567M, similar to that used in other components of the complex.

To process data received from the SOC, it was proposed to use an updated command post, namely 9S470M1 with a new set of equipment. An improved command post could ensure simultaneous reception of data from the division's air defense control center and from the complex's SOC. In addition, it was planned to introduce a training mode that would allow training in the calculations of all existing means of the complex.

SOU 9A310M1 SAM "Buk-M1" has now received an updated tracking and illumination radar. Thanks to the new equipment, it was possible to increase the acquisition range of an air target by 25-30%. The probability of recognizing ballistic and aerodynamic targets has been increased to 0.6. To increase noise immunity, the self-propelled firing system had 72 letter frequencies of illumination, which is 2 times more than that of the base 9A310.

The introduced innovations affected the combat effectiveness of the air defense system. While maintaining the general altitude and range of hitting the target and without using a new missile, the probability of hitting a fighter with one missile was increased to 0.95. The probability of hitting a helicopter remained at the same level, but the same indicator for ballistic missiles increased to 0.6.

From February to December 1982, tests of a new modernization of the 9K37 Buk-M1 air defense system were carried out at the Emba training ground. Testing showed a significant increase in key indicators compared to existing systems, thanks to which the system was adopted for service. The official adoption of the air defense system took place in 1983. Mass serial production of improved equipment took place at enterprises that had previously participated in the creation of the Buk complexes of the first 2 models.

A new type of serial equipment was used in anti-aircraft brigades of the ground forces. The components of the Buk-M1 air defense system were distributed over several batteries. Despite the modernization of individual air defense systems, the standard organization of anti-aircraft units remained unchanged. In addition, if necessary, it was allowed to use two Buk and Buk-M1 complexes in the same units.

The Buk-M1 air defense system is the first system of its series that was offered to foreign customers. The air defense system was supplied to foreign armies and was called “Ganges”. For example, in 1997, several complexes were transferred to Finland as part of the repayment of debt from Russia.

At the end of the 80s, the creation of an updated anti-aircraft missile system of the Buk family with a more advanced 9M317 missile was completed. Then it received the designation 9K317 Buk-M air defense system. Thanks to the new guided munition, it was expected to significantly increase the height and range of hitting the target. In addition, the performance of the system should be positively affected by the use of new equipment that was installed on various machines of the complex.

But the difficult economic situation that existed in the country at that time did not allow the new complex to be put into service. This did not happen either in the late eighties or early nineties. As a result, the issue of updating the equipment of air defense units was resolved due to the “transitional” air defense system “Buk-M1-2”. At the same time, improvements to the 9K317 system continued. Moreover, work on the updated Buk-M2 project, as well as its export modification Buk-M2E, did not stop until the mid-2000s.

The most important innovation of the Buk-M project is the new 9M317 guided missile. The main differences between the new missile and the 9M38: shorter wing length, starting weight of about 720 kg and a modified hull design. By changing the design and using a new engine, it was possible to increase the firing range, its maximum value being up to 45 kilometers. At the same time, the maximum flight altitude of the target increased to 25 kilometers. To expand the combat capabilities of the hull, another innovation was introduced - now the rocket has the ability to turn off a remote fuse with detonation of the warhead at the command of a contact one. This mode of operation is suitable for using the missile against surface and ground targets.

The air defense missile system received a modified 9A317 type self-propelled gun based on the GM-569 tracked chassis. Despite the fact that the general architecture of the firing installation has not changed, the new vehicle is built on the basis of new equipment and modern components. As before, the SOU can itself find and track an air target, launch a missile and track its trajectory, and, if necessary, make adjustments through the radio command system.

SOU 9A317 has a tracking radar and illumination with a special phased array antenna. The station can track targets in a sector at an elevation angle of up to 70° and a width of 90°. The target is detected at ranges of up to 20 kilometers. The target, while in tracking mode, can be within a sector with a width of -5° to +85° in elevation and 130° in azimuth. The station is capable of detecting up to ten targets simultaneously and provides simultaneous attacks on four of them.

To increase the characteristics of the complex and ensure normal operation in difficult conditions, the self-propelled firing system is equipped with an optical-electronic system with night and day valves.

The Buk-M2 air defense system is equipped with 2 types of launcher-loading installation. The self-propelled vehicle was developed on the basis of the GM-577 chassis and is towed with a car tractor. At the same time, the general architecture is the same: 4 missiles are on the launcher and can be loaded onto the launcher or launched. Another 4 are transported on special transport cradles.

The new modification includes a new command post 9S510 on a towed semi-trailer or based on the GM-579 chassis. The automatic control unit can receive data from surveillance equipment and track up to sixty routes simultaneously. It is possible to issue target designation for 16-36 targets. As for the reaction time, it does not exceed 2 seconds.

The main target detection device in the Buk-M2 complex is the SOC 9S18M1-3, which is a subsequent development of the family’s systems. The new radar is equipped with a phased array antenna with electronic scanning and can detect targets at ranges of up to 160 kilometers. There are operating modes that ensure target detection when the enemy uses passive and active jamming.

It is proposed to include a missile guidance station and target illumination into the towed/self-propelled vehicles of the Buk-M2 complex. The new 9S36 vehicle is a towed semi-trailer or tracked chassis with an antenna post on a retractable mast. Thanks to such equipment, it is possible to raise the antenna to a height of up to 22 meters and thereby increase the characteristics of the RSL. Such a high altitude makes it possible to detect air targets at ranges of up to 120 kilometers. In terms of tracking and guidance characteristics, the station does not differ from the radar of self-propelled fire vehicles. It provides tracking of ten targets and allows simultaneous firing of four of them.

All changes and innovations in the composition of the complex made it possible to significantly improve its characteristics. The maximum altitude for intercepting an air target is 25 km, and the maximum range is 50 km. When attacking non-maneuvering aircraft, the greatest range is achieved. Interception of operational-tactical ballistic missiles is carried out at altitudes up to 16 km and ranges up to 20 km. It is also possible to destroy helicopters, anti-radar and cruise missiles. If necessary, the air defense missile system crew can attack radio-contrast or surface ground targets.

The first version of the 9K317 project appeared back in the late 80s, but due to the difficult economic situation of the state, it was not accepted for service. The use of this complex in military operations began only in 2008. By that time, the air defense system had undergone many improvements, which made it possible to improve its characteristics.

Numerous political and economic problems did not allow the new 9K317 air defense system to be adopted and put into mass production. Therefore, in 1992, they decided to create a simplified, so-called “transitional” version of the complex that would not only use some components of the Buk-2, but would also be cheaper and simpler. And a solution was found - Buk-M1-2 and Ural.

The modernized Ural anti-aircraft missile system combined several improved vehicles that were represented by the further development of older technology. To launch missiles, as well as target illumination, it was necessary to use the 9A310M1-2 SOU, which works together with the 9A38M1 launch-loading machine. As for the SOC, it has not changed - Buk-M1-2 was supposed to use the 9S18M1 model station. The auxiliary means of the complex did not receive significant changes.

In order to increase the secrecy of operation and survivability, as well as to expand the range of tasks, the self-propelled fire installation received the ability to passively find a target. This meant the use of a laser rangefinder and a television-optical viewfinder. Such equipment should have been used when attacking surface or ground targets.

The modernization of various elements of the complex and the development of a new missile made it possible to significantly increase the size of the target firing zone. In addition, the probability of hitting a ballistic or aerodynamic target with one missile has increased. It became possible to fully operate the 9A310M1-2 SOU in the role of an independent air defense weapon that could detect and destroy air targets without outside help.

The Buk-M1-2 air defense system entered service with the Russian Army in 1998. In the future, several contracts were concluded for the supply of this equipment to foreign and domestic customers.

The export version of the Buk-M2E air defense system was presented in the second half of the 2000s. It received the designation 9K317E “Buk-M2E” and was an improved version of the basic system, which had some differences in the composition of the computing and electronic equipment. Thanks to the modifications made, it was possible to improve some characteristics of the system, primarily related to its operation.

The main differences between the export version of the complex and the basic one are the modernization of electronic equipment, carried out using modern digital computers. Thanks to its high performance, such equipment allows you not only to carry out combat missions, but also to work in training mode to prepare crews. Data on the air situation and the operation of steel systems is displayed on liquid crystal monitors.

Instead of the teleoptical viewfinder that was previously available, a tele-thermal imaging system was introduced into the surveillance equipment. It allows you to find and automatically track targets in any weather conditions and at any time of the day. The equipment for documenting the operation of the complex, communications equipment and many other systems were also updated.

The RZK 9K317E self-propelled fire vehicle can be built on a wheeled or tracked chassis. Several years ago, a version of such a vehicle was presented based on the wheeled chassis of the M3KT-6922 model. Thus, a potential customer will be able to choose the chassis option that would completely suit him.

The creation of a new anti-aircraft missile system of the Buk series was announced several years ago. The 9K37M3 Buk-M3 air defense system should become an impetus for the subsequent development of this family with increased combat capabilities and characteristics. It was proposed to fulfill the requirements for the system by replacing the equipment of the Buk-M2 air defense system with new digital equipment.

The complex's facilities will receive a set of new equipment with better characteristics. The combat qualities are going to be improved through the use of a new missile along with a modified self-propelled gun. Instead of the open launcher that existed before, the new self-propelled firing system should receive special lifting mechanisms with fastenings designed for transport and launch containers. The new 9M317M rocket will be delivered in containers and launched from them. Such changes to the air defense system will increase the amount of ready-to-use ammunition.

If you look at the photo of the Buk-M3 missile launcher, you will see a vehicle based on a tracked chassis that has a rotating platform, where 2 swinging packages with 6 missile containers are mounted on each of them. Thus, without radically reworking the design of the self-propelled gun, it was possible to double the ammunition load ready for firing.

Unfortunately, the detailed characteristics of the Buk-M3 complex have not yet been disclosed. Domestic media, citing their sources, reported that the new 9M317M missile will be able to attack targets at ranges of up to 75 km and destroy them with one missile with a probability of no less than 0.95-0.97. In addition, it was reported that the experienced Buk-M3 air defense system will soon undergo a whole range of tests, after which it will be put into service.

There are rumors that the domestic defense industry plans to continue developing the Buk air defense system. The next air defense system of the family, according to unofficial data, may receive the designation “Buk-M4”. But it’s too early to talk about the characteristics of this system. At the moment, even the general requirements for it are unknown.

History of creation

Initially, there was controversy about the development of only the 9K37 project, but over time, military engineers proposed more powerful modifications. Their goal was to hit up to 24 targets simultaneously. The Buk M2 project (photos of the complex can be seen in this article) was launched. During the first year of development, Russian designers managed to achieve amazing results. The once invulnerable F-15 aircraft became an easy target for the 9K317, even at a distance of 40 km. The range of destruction of cruise missiles has increased to 26 km. One of the main advantages of the complex was the time it took to deploy and fire. The first indicator was only 5 minutes, and the rate of fire was 4 seconds for 1 projectile at a speed of up to 1100 m/s. This complex was immediately adopted by the Soviet Union. However, since the early 1990s, widespread production has been stopped due to the difficult economic situation in the country after the collapse of the USSR. In 2008, the air defense system joined the ranks of the Russian air defense.


The 9M317 missile is the most formidable weapon of the Buk M2 air defense system. The missile attack range is 50 km. Moreover, the missile is capable of destroying a target hovering in the air at an altitude of 25 km. The installation integrates an inertial control system with a semi-active radar seeker version 9E420. The rocket itself has a mass of 715 kg. The flight speed is 1230 m/s. The wingspan reaches 0.86 m. The explosion covers a radius of 17 m. The complex also includes a 9A317 tracked unit. It allows you to timely detect, recognize and monitor an air target. After analyzing the type of aircraft, 9A317 develops a solution to the destruction problem and launches the missile. During the flight, the installation not only transmits commands to the warhead, but also preliminarily evaluates the results of the attack. Fire can be conducted autonomously in a given sector or as part of an air defense system after indicating the target from the command post. The radar station of the 9A317 installation has a phased array antenna with electron beam scanning capability. This allows you to detect targets at a distance of 20 km with a maneuver angle of up to 70 degrees. The station is capable of scanning 10 objects simultaneously. Shelling can be carried out on 4 highest priority targets. The installation is also equipped with an optical system for television and matrix channels. This allows you to monitor the airspace under any climatic conditions and radio interference. The weight of the installation is 35 tons. The combat configuration includes 4 missiles.

The 9A316 launching and charging system is based on a tracked chassis. During transportation, it is towed on a wheeled trailer. Its mass is 38 tons. The package includes 8 launch rockets. The system has a built-in self-charging device.

Development Features

The Buk M2 complex is a highly mobile and multifunctional air defense system with a medium range. It is designed to destroy strategic and military aviation objects (airplanes, helicopters, missiles and other aerodynamic devices). The 9K317 is capable of withstanding enemy forces even under continuous fire attack. The main developer of the impact machine is the famous designer of the Research Institute of Instrumentation E. Pigin. Under his leadership, the air defense missile system received an independent implementation project. Previously, the development of the complex was intended to partially replace the unusable Kub mobile anti-aircraft installations. The fundamental difference from the Buk M1 was the introduction of the new universal 9M317 missile into the BC. For a long time, the M2 model remained without modification. And only in 2008 the complex was improved. Gradually, export variations with the letter “E” at the end of the codification began to appear.

Comparison of upgrades

The Buk M1 version entered service in 1982. The air defense system could shoot down aircraft with an accuracy of up to 60%, ALCM class cruise missiles with up to 40%, and helicopters with up to 30%. Soon it became possible to intercept ballistic warheads. During the finalization in 1993, the 9M317 installation was introduced. For a long time, M1 devices remained out of reach in the international military space.

The newest version of the Buk M3 air defense system should be put into service only in the fall of 2015. After the success of the M2 model on the international stage, the Russian government allocated a large sum for the implementation of the modernized project. It is expected that the Buk M3 will be able to attack up to 36 targets, piloted at a speed of 3000 m/s. The recognition range will vary up to 70 km. Such results will be possible thanks to the updated 9M317M launcher and improved seeker.

Controls and controls

Fundamental to the air defense system is the command post with codification 9С510. It is based on the GM597 series tracked chassis. Transportation over long distances is carried out by a KrAZ tractor on a wheeled semi-trailer. The checkpoint serves up to 60 destinations. The maximum number of targets under investigation is up to 36. The point includes 6 controlled sections, the reaction time of which varies within 2 seconds. The weight of the 9S510 is 30 tons when fully equipped. The crew includes 6 people. The 9S36 radar is equipped with an antenna installation rising to a height of 22 m, which ensures localization and identification of targets even in wooded areas. The radar is based on an electronic phased array scanner. The station moves on a tracked chassis. Target detection is possible in a range of up to 120 km. It is worth noting that the tracking radius is up to 35 km. Simultaneous tracking of 10 objects at wind speeds up to 32 m/s. Crew capacity is up to 4 people.

The 9S18M1-3 radar is a 3-coordinate pulse-coherent centimeter range surveillance unit. Based on an electronic beam scanner of a vertical plane. The radar is designed to study airspace. The received data is instantly transmitted via telecode line to the command post for subsequent processing. A waveguide phased array antenna is used. Target detection azimuth is 360 degrees at a range of 160 km. The installation is based on tracked chassis. Weight – 30 tons.

Performance characteristics

The total combat weight of the vehicle is 35.5 tons. At the same time, the crew is limited to only 3 people. The complex is lined with bulletproof armor. In terms of performance characteristics, the Buk M2 is, first of all, distinguished by its engine power, which is 710 hp. This makes it possible to travel at speeds of up to 45 km/h over rough terrain. The transport part is represented by wheeled or tracked chassis.

The characteristics of the combat configuration of the Buk M2 are surprising. The air defense system can fire both under the control of operators and autonomously. In turn, the command post processes data on the air situation simultaneously for 50 targets in a matter of seconds. Detection and identification are carried out by special stations SOC, RPN and SOU. When fully equipped, the air defense system provides simultaneous fire at 24 aircraft at altitudes from 150 m to 25 km. The range of hitting targets at a speed of 830 m/s is up to 40 km, at 300 m/s – up to 50 km. Ballistic and cruise missiles can be easily neutralized at a distance of up to 20,000 m. One of the shock advantages of the complex is its shooting accuracy. The probability of hitting aircraft is 95%, missiles – 80%, light helicopters – 40%. The response time of the air defense system is also noted - only 10 seconds. Defensive means include aerosol curtains, laser sensors and radiation screens. Data exchange between SAM stations is provided via two-wire lines or a radio signal.

Applications and capabilities

Modern 9K317s are capable of delivering intense strikes against unmanned high-speed warheads from several directions at once. The complex meets such important criteria as mobility, versatility, fire performance, instant response, attack variability, and autonomy of detection and defense systems. Most often, air defense systems are used to protect particularly significant facilities and troop locations. 9K317 is capable of solving a wide range of tasks. This makes it indispensable for reconnaissance or attacking the enemy from the air, even at extremely low altitudes. The tasks of the air defense system include keeping enemy targets at the maximum distance from protected objects, eliminating interference, risk analysis, constructing an algorithm for a possible attack, etc.

Characteristics of hitting targets

The Buk M2 air defense system is capable of neutralizing enemy aircraft moving at speeds of up to 830 m/s. However, according to experts, the optimal indicator of damage with the highest probability is 420 m/s. As for the minimum speed threshold, it varies between 48-50 m/s. The modernized model of the complex, produced in 2008, integrates a strike system capable of destroying ballistic missiles flying at speeds of up to 1200 m/s.

An important characteristic during an attack is the identification of the enemy. Thus, the Buk M2 can detect reflective surfaces of aircraft with an area of ​​2 square meters. m., rockets - from 0.05 sq. m. During a maneuver, the air defense system is capable of attacking 10 aerodynamic units at once.

Combat and tactical means

The base is equipped with one 3S510 command post, a target designation and detection station with the 9S18M1-3 codification, from 4 to 6 upgraded 9S36 guidance and illumination radars, up to 6 9A317 self-propelled strike systems, 6 or 12 9A316 launch-charging systems. The 9M317 series anti-aircraft guided missile received special attention. The Buk M2 provides the possibility of using shock sections based on SDA, ROM and on-load tap-changer. They provide simultaneous shelling of 4 objects at a terrain height of up to 20 m. The basic and export configuration of the air defense system contains 2 such sections, and the modernized version has 4.

Changing the home position requires no more than 20 seconds. In this case, the readiness time for each section varies from 5 to 15 minutes.

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