What perks to download on gw panther. GW Panther - express delivery of suitcases. Research and leveling

GW Panther5 su5basata su14 utenti.


GW Panther is a German artillery self-propelled gun that has the sixth level in the game. This armored vehicle has a unique set of characteristics that provide comfortable conditions for the game. The main advantages of GW Panther can be seen in such moments:

such as the presence of the widest possible horizontal aiming angle, high accuracy when shooting, increased range and rate of fire. At the same time, the high speed of the projectile largely compensates for the small damage. In addition, excellent mobility will allow you to successfully retreat from enemy fire. The GW Panther model is the predecessor of the German artillery self-propelled gun Gw-Tiger.

Swedish medium tanks

Update 1.5 will introduce three new vehicles - high-tier Swedish medium tanks. World of Tanks already has researchable vehicles of this type and this nation, but only up to level VII. We are now expanding the presence of Swedish STs to levels VIII, IX and X. Research into this branch will begin at level VII with Leo.

Starting from Tier VIII, Swedish medium tanks will have a unique gameplay feature - hydropneumatic suspension. They will be able to change the clearance height and the inclination of the hull to increase the declination angle of the gun. The suspension is activated automatically as soon as the tank's speed drops below 10 km/h. When the car accelerates over 19 km/h (for levels VIII and IX, for the “ten” - 23 km/h), this system is turned off and the body is leveled. That is, an additional increase in gun declination angles will work at speeds of 10 km/h and below, and this mode will turn off at speeds above 19 km/h (for levels VIII and IX, for “ten” - 23 km/h).

The suspension of the new tanks works similarly to the suspension of the Swedish tank destroyers, but does not give them any other gaming advantages besides the additional tilt of the hull.


If you're in the middle:

In the middle of the list, fighting is a little harder. Most opponents have an armored tower, forehead, if you get there, it will cost about 250 units. — 600 units level. But if you get into the rear of the tank, there is a very high chance of setting the enemy on fire, thereby taking away almost all of his HIT POINTS. Much also depends on the type of tank; if it is an ST, it can be swanshoted regardless of the location of the hit. TT only in the side or stern. And if a shell fell next to a light tank, you can fill it with shrapnel. If you hit the stern or side, the damage will be approximately from 600 units level - 1200 units. ur. Most often, one-shots are done with open cuts.

Rebalance of Swedish heavy tanks

With the advent of a new branch of Swedish medium tanks, we want to reconsider the characteristics of the high-level heavy tanks of this nation:

  • Emil I (VIII level);
  • Emil II (level IX);
  • Kranvagn (X level).

All these tanks now have an automatic loader for four rounds. We plan to re-equip them with three-shell automatic loaders and thus reimagine the gaming experience on these machines. Now these will be “fast drummers” with high one-time damage and an emphasis on melee combat. As a result of the changes, the damage per minute inflicted by Kranvagn will be able to increase to 3000 units.

Emil I

The vehicle received an updated loading magazine with a focus on increased one-time damage of projectiles and faster reloading between them. This change makes the gameplay of "Emil" individual and different from other "drum" tanks. His element is short-range fights with periodic magazine discharge. An increase in ammunition also contributes to this. For the new “fast” drum, you will have to part with one projectile and get used to changes in aiming and stabilization parameters and slightly reduced maneuverability.

Emil II

The older "Emil" receives weapon modifications similar to its predecessor. Increased one-time damage of shells, reduced reload time, minus one shell in the magazine and expanded ammunition capacity. In addition to increased firepower, it will receive an increase in engine power density. And, accordingly, improved driving characteristics.


The Kranvagn, as a top-end vehicle, will be the pinnacle of the updated branch: a fast-reloading magazine, three shells with a single damage of 440 units each, and improved aiming time will significantly increase combat effectiveness. Damage per minute will reach almost 3000 units! The vehicle's driving performance and turret traverse speed will also improve.

Technical characteristics are indicated for machines in the maximum configuration.

Rebalancing Type 4 Heavy, Type 5 Heavy and FV4005

Changes to three vehicles will also be sent to the general test: Type 4 Heavy, Type 5 Heavy and FV4005. The goal of the "Japanese" changes is to reduce the share of high-explosive damage caused by these tanks, without changing the basic concept of the vehicles and maintaining the choice of play style - be it with an armor-piercing or high-explosive weapon. In addition, the top-end “Japanese” will become more comfortable, and the stabilization of its gun will improve.

The changes to FV4005 should reduce the excessive efficiency of the vehicle, while maintaining the main feature - the ability to inflict colossal one-time damage.

Type 4 Heavy

Type 5 Heavy


Playing style:

In many ways it is similar to the previous self-propelled guns.
The same mobility allows you to quickly and often change position and fire at the enemy from the most unexpected places. In case of danger, you can quickly change your location. Large aiming angles allow you to keep almost more than half of the map in the firing sector. When choosing a target (if it is within your firing radius, then you do not need to tighten the hull), the presence of a turret gives you a huge bonus since the circle of aiming will not be reduced from the very beginning, but only from about half of its aiming, and if you pump in the perk “smooth rotation of the turret” time until complete information about the rotation of the tower will be significantly reduced. Like all self-propelled guns, it is very difficult to fight in tank mode, especially against maneuverable light tanks, but you have the advantage of all artillery in that you have a turret, although it is not completely rotating.

Self-propelled gun rebalance

During the general test of update 1.5, we plan to revise the following values ​​for self-propelled guns:

minimum duration of stun;

duration of stun from artillery hits on vehicles already under the influence of stun;

duration of stun when a self-propelled gun shell re-hits an already stunned vehicle, if this vehicle is equipped with Heavy or Super-Heavy anti-fragmentation lining;

distribution of damage inflicted within the circle of projectile fragments.

We also plan to change the combat parameters of individual self-propelled guns in order to more accurately adjust their effectiveness after these changes take effect.


Tank premium account

In update 1.5 we are going to introduce a separate premium tank account only for World of Tanks players.

The general premium account will remain exactly the same as it is now for the entire Wargaming trilogy (World of Tanks, World of Warships and World of Warplanes). At the same time, a separate tank premium account will provide additional features and privileges, including another slot for card exclusion. This means that you will be able to block two maps for random battles, rather than just one.


The tank premium account is still being tested, so specific values ​​may change.

Tanks for bonds

With the release of version 1.5, it will be possible to purchase equipment using bonds. During the general test you will be able to check how this innovation works. In the “Items for Bonds” section of the Premium Store you will find the “Vehicles” tab, in which the first tank for Bonds, the T2 Light Tank, is on test sale. During the general test, its cost will be 1 bond.

The T2 Light Tank will be available for purchase using bonds only during the general test. When it is completed, the car will disappear from the store. We are currently compiling a list of equipment that can be purchased using bonds. These are tanks of different levels. We will announce their names and prices with the release of update 1.5. Follow the news!

GW Panther tank: historical background

The full name of the self-propelled gun is Geschutzwagen Panther. The GW Panther model is developed on the basis of the PzKpfw V Panther tank chassis. The design work was entrusted to the Krupp company and was carried out throughout 1943-1944. However, after the development of the layout, all work stopped, and the GW Panther was never built.

It is worth noting that the chassis of the Panther tank was developed in order to serve as a good carrier of artillery systems in subsequent modifications. The GW Panther self-propelled gun did not work out right away. Before this, various chassis options for the howitzer were developed. So in 1942, Krupp proposed an excellent project for creating an effective self-propelled gun. However, the cost of creating the vehicle was high, and the project was not approved by the German armed forces. This was followed by a whole series of projects that were also not accepted: the thin layer of circular armor and, of course, the cost caused criticism.

In December 1943, an order appeared on the need to create self-propelled guns based on the Panther chassis, which would be equipped with a 37-mm and 50-55-mm gun. This time the project was developed by Krupp and Daimler-Benz. The company proposed an option in which the turret had a 60 mm armor layer and was equipped with a pair of 37 mm FlaK 44 cannons. This self-propelled gun was to be called Flakpanzer “Coelian”. But almost immediately the main drawback was revealed: the tower was too complex. The designers tried to simplify it. The updated turret mock-up was placed on the Ausf D2 Panther chassis and demonstrated to Hitler in the fall of 1944. The project received approval, it was planned that from the beginning of 1945 this version of the self-propelled guns would begin to be produced immediately by companies. However, Germany's position on the military fronts was shaken, and the project was not implemented. The same fate befell the 55-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Full list of changes

Tank premium account

A new type of premium account is being added - tank, the bonuses from which will only work in World of Tanks.

A tank premium account allows you to earn more combat and free experience, crew experience, credits, and also opens up access to new features:

  • Backup storage. With its help, you can get up to an additional 750,000 in seven days. At the end of each battle, 10% in excess of the amount earned will go into the reserve storage. After seven days it will open and the savings will be credited to your account. Please note: the indicated 10% is not deducted from the amount earned in battle.
  • Platoon bonus to credits. The owner of a tank premium account receives an additional 15% bonus to credits earned when playing in a platoon. The bonus does not depend on the number of platoon members. At the same time, they also receive a 10% credit bonus (even if they do not have a premium account).
  • Managed experience bonus. Allows you to apply an additional bonus to the last victorious battle in the “Random Battle” mode. This x3 bonus can be applied on the post-battle statistics window five times a day to one or more vehicles.
  • Premium tasks. The owner of a tank premium account has access to a chain of three simple sequential tasks, which is reset daily.
  • +1 excluded card. All players can exclude one unwanted card from the rotation, and owners of a tank premium account will receive a slot to exclude the second one. While the Tank Premium is active, you will not be included in both maps excluded from random battles (only for the “Standard Battle” type).

Features of the release of a new premium account

At the time the update is released, all players will be credited with as many days of tank premium account as they had in total premium account before the update.

The general premium will continue to work on the account in parallel with the tank one, but the latter will be displayed and active in the game client. The general premium will be activated if the account does not have a tank premium account.

Related client changes

  • The player profile interface has been redesigned. Now, by clicking on his nickname in the Hangar, the account status interface will be displayed, in which you can see the current status of the premium account, as well as go to the interfaces of new options for the tank premium account. In this interface it will also be possible to manage personal reserves.
  • Added an explanation and description of all the new features of the tank premium account, as well as tools for managing them.
  • The platoon bonus from a tank premium account is now cumulative with the existing bonus from playing in a platoon.
  • In the game store you can only buy a tank premium account.
  • A general premium account can no longer be purchased or obtained in the game client. In all tasks, events, promotions and personal combat missions, only a premium tank account will be issued.

Ranked battles

  • The “Role-playing experience” functionality has been added, replacing experience for active combat operations. An additional indication of the execution of role actions in informing in combat has been implemented.
  • The player progression has been reworked, divisions and bonus battle mechanics have been added.
  • The interface of the home screen of the “Ranked Battle” mode has been redesigned to take into account the appearance of divisions.
  • Added the “Annual Reward” mechanic. The rewards screen interface has been redesigned.
  • Damage to allies from shots and rams has been disabled. The sounds and effects of direct hits from allied vehicles have been reworked. The system of penalties for damaging modules and stunning allies has been improved.
  • The interface of the “Season Leaders” rating has been redesigned. The conditions for entering this rating have been revised.

Card exclusion

  • The player gets the opportunity to exclude one or two cards from the rotation in a random battle.
  • A basic account allows you to exclude one card, and a tank premium account allows you to exclude two.
  • Card exclusion works for Tier IV vehicles and higher.
  • Maps are excluded only for random battles and only for the “Standard battle” type. A player who has excluded, for example, the “Siegfried Line”, will continue to fall into it in an assault or oncoming battle, if the appropriate checkboxes are checked in the settings.
  • Pitched battle cards cannot be excluded.
  • You can change the selection of an excluded card only after the freezing period has ended (4 hours).
  • When playing in a platoon, those cards that are excluded from the platoon commander are considered excluded.

Appearance of the equipment

  • Now you can apply paint to equipment of any level.

Stun Mode

  • All stuns inflicted on a vehicle that is already stunned are reduced in duration by half.
  • Extra Heavy Splinter Lining further reduces the time of repeat stuns by 20%, and Heavy Splinter Lining by 10%.
  • The minimum stun time of all self-propelled guns in the game has been reduced by 5% of the maximum stun time.
  • The amount of damage from a shock wave (the so-called splash) at the edge of the radius of dispersion of fragments changes from 0.15 to 0.05 for all high-explosive fragmentation shells (both for self-propelled guns and for all other equipment that fires HE). This leads to a change in the distribution of damage from the splash over the entire radius of the scattering of fragments. Damage from indirect hits from high-explosive fragmentation shells is reduced. The time of the inflicted stun is also reduced. This change has little effect on direct hits from high-explosive fragmentation shells.
  • The performance characteristics of some self-propelled guns are changing.


Repair kit
- very often from artillery shots (more precisely from its specials), heavy tanks, medium, light tanks, sometimes even anti-tank guns hit the caterpillar (thus knocking it down) while the enemy is reloading, we can go behind cover and wait for him there.
First aid kit (small or large)
- since we have self-propelled guns with an open wheelhouse, we often have crew members brought out with a simple splash.
Fire extinguisher (manual or automatic)
- oddly enough, we need it since the GW Panter has a transmission located in the front; we often get set on fire.

Changes in vehicle parameters

Great Britain

Conqueror Gun Carriage

  • Projectile speed HE Mk. 18 reduced by 9%.
  • Projectile speed HE Mk. 19 reduced by 9%.
  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.

FV4005 Stage II

  • The chassis turning speed has been changed from 30 to 26 degrees/s.
  • The gun spread has been changed from 0.38 to 0.42 m.
  • The gun aiming time has been changed from 3 to 3.7 s.
  • The maximum forward speed has been changed from 35 to 32 km/h.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 12 to 8 km/h.


GW Panther

  • The spread of the 15 cm sFH 18 L/29.5 gun has been changed from 0.66 to 0.68 m.
  • The dispersion of the 15 cm sFH 18 L/29.5 gun when rotating the barrel has been increased by 4%.
  • The spread of the 15 cm sFH 43 gun has been changed from 0.62 to 0.64 m.
  • The dispersion of the 15 cm sFH 43 gun when rotating the barrel has been increased by 5%.
  • The reload time of the 15 cm sFH 18 L/29.5 gun has been changed from 27.2 to 28.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 15 cm sFH 43 gun has been changed from 26 to 27 s.
  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.

GW Tiger P

  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.

GW Tiger

  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.

GW E 100

  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


Object 261

  • Ammunition changed from 18 to 20 shells.


  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 18%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 18%.
  • The gun spread has been changed from 0.43 to 0.41 m.
  • Gun dispersion when rotating the turret has been reduced by 12%.
  • Aiming time changed from 3.4 to 3 s.
  • The view has been changed from 370 to 380 m.
  • The turret rotation speed has been changed from 48 to 42 deg/s.
  • The gun declination angle has been changed from –4 to –5 degrees.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


Added car:

  • T78 (for testing by supertesters)

Changing equipment parameters:


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


  • The radius of scattering fragments has been reduced by 5%.


Added car:

  • M4A1 FL 10 (for testing by supertesters)


Added car:

  • Škoda T 27 (for testing by super testers)


Added equipment:

  • UDES 14 Alt 5
  • UDES 15/16
  • UDES 16

Changing equipment parameters:

Emil I

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Emil Alt 1 chassis has been increased by 12%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Emil Alt 2 chassis has been increased by 4%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Emil Alt 1 chassis has been increased by 12%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Emil Alt 2 chassis has been increased by 4%.
  • The turning speed of the Emil Alt 1 chassis has been changed from 27 to 24 deg/s.
  • The turning speed of the Emil Alt 2 chassis has been changed from 30 to 26 deg/s.
  • The reload time of the 10.5 cm lvkan m/42 gun has been changed from 37 to 22.7 s.
  • The reload time of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 34 to 27 s.
  • The spread of the 10.5 cm lvkan m/42 gun has been changed from 0.38 to 0.39 m.
  • The aiming time of the 10.5 cm lvkan m/42 gun has been changed from 3 to 3.2 s.
  • The number of shells in the magazine for the 10.5 cm lvkan m/42 gun has been changed from 4 to 3.
  • The number of shells in the magazine for the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 4 to 3.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/52 B shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 320 to 360 units.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/52 shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 320 to 360 units.
  • The damage caused by the sgr m/52 shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 420 to 460 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 10.5 cm lvkan m/42 gun has been changed from 52 to 57 shells.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 52 to 57 shells.

Emil II

  • The reload time of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 30 to 22 s.
  • The reload time of the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 40 to 25 s.
  • The rate of fire inside the magazine for the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been increased by 11%.
  • The number of shells in the magazine for the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 4 to 3.
  • The number of shells in the magazine for the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 4 to 3.
  • The damage caused by the sgr m/52 shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 420 to 460 units.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/52 shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 320 to 360 units.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/52 B shell of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 320 to 360 units.
  • The damage caused by the psgr m/51 shell of the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 400 to 440 units.
  • The damage caused by the sgr m/51 shell of the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 515 to 530 units.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/51 shell of the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 400 to 440 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 10.5 cm TK 105-9 gun has been changed from 40 to 60 shells.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 12 cm akan L/40 gun has been changed from 40 to 48 shells.
  • AV-1195 engine power has been changed from 400 to 420 hp. With.
  • AVS-1195 engine power has been changed from 520 to 550 hp. With.


  • The gun reload time has been changed from 33 to 21.5 s.
  • Rate of fire inside the magazine increased by 9%.
  • The number of shells in the magazine has been changed from 4 to 3 shells.
  • The turret rotation speed has been changed from 25 to 28 deg/s.
  • The damage caused by the psgr m/51 projectile has been changed from 400 to 440 units.
  • The damage caused by the sgr m/51 projectile has been changed from 515 to 530 units.
  • The damage caused by the slpprj m/51 projectile has been changed from 400 to 440 units.
  • Ammunition changed from 40 to 48 shells.
  • Engine power was changed from 700 to 810 hp. With.


Type 4 Heavy

  • The armor penetration of the Common Type 0 Kai shell for the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 75 to 192 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the 14 cm Capped Common Semi-AP Kai shell for the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 282 to 290 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the 14 cm Capped Common Semi-AP shell for the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 249 to 252 mm.
  • The damage caused by the Common Type 0 Kai shell of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 1400 to 900 units.
  • The damage caused by the Common Type 0 shell of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 1100 to 900 units.
  • The order of the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type and 15 cm/45 41st Year Type guns has been changed in the study.
  • The cost of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 332,000 to 330,000.
  • The cost of the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 330,000 to 332,000.

Type 5 Heavy

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 20%.
  • The chassis turning speed has been changed from 17 to 20 degrees/s.
  • The armor penetration of the 14 cm Capped Common Semi-AP shell for the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 249 to 252 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the 14 cm Capped Common Semi-AP Kai shell for the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 282 to 290 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the Common Type 0 Kai shell for the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 75 to 192 mm.
  • The damage caused by the Common Type 0 Kai shell of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 1400 to 900 units.
  • The damage caused by the Common Type 0 shell of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 1100 to 900 units.
  • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 11 to 15 km/h.
  • The order of the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type and 15 cm/45 41st Year Type guns has been changed in the study.
  • The cost of the 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun has been changed from 330,000 to 332,000.
  • The cost of the 15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun has been changed from 332,000 to 330,000.

How to take part in testing

Participation in testing

  • If you are using a launcher: .
  • Make sure that the test client is installed in a separate folder on your computer, different from the one where the files of the main World of Tanks client are located.
  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the client 1.5 (12.4 GB for the SD version and 20.5 GB for the HD version). If you have the previous test version installed, then in this case you will download: 1.53 GB for the SD version and an additional 2.1 GB for the HD version.
  • Launch the test client. The launcher will download all additional files.
  • Log in and start playing.
  • If you are using Game Center:
      Use this link. Game Center will download any additional files.
  • Start playing.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before April 2, 23:59 (Moscow time) can participate in the test.
  • general information

    • Due to the large number of tankers on the test server, there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to participate in testing the update will be placed in a queue and will be able to log onto the server when it is free.
    • If the user changed the password after April 2, 23:59 (Moscow time), authorization on the test server will be available only with the password that was used before the specified time.


    • Payments are not processed on the test server.
    • This testing does not increase experience and credit earnings.
    • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main one.
    • During testing of version 1.5, scheduled technical work is carried out on the test servers (25 minutes on each server starting at 7:00 (Moscow time)).
    • Please note: the same rules apply on the test server as on the main game server. Consequently, there are penalties for violating these rules in accordance with the License Agreement.
    • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
    • We remind you: the most reliable way to download the World of Tanks client, as well as its test versions and updates, is in a special section on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.

    Now go into battle and test all these innovations! We are waiting for your feedback!

    Better is the enemy of good: abandoning Panther II

    On May 4, 1943, a conclusion was made that it was inappropriate to deploy the serial production of the Panther II. All the experience gained while working on the Panther II was taken into account in the design of the production Panther.

    On June 3, 1943, Henschel management received notice that the deployment of serial production of the Panther II was cancelled. At the same time, it was decided that all companies that were supposed to produce the Panther II were obliged to organize the production of regular Panthers.

    After the war, questions arose more than once about whether the Panther II prototypes participated in battles. MAN management responded to one of the requests as follows: “Only two Panther II prototypes were ordered.” We released one chassis. There is a possibility that this single prototype saw action."

    The only Panther II chassis with an Ausf turret. G after the war fell into the hands of the Americans and was sent to the States to the Aberdeen Proving Ground. The car was later transferred to the tank museum at Fort Knox, where it currently resides.

    Source: compilation based on information publicly available on the Internet, incl. books: Panther is the best tank of Panzerwaffe. Part 1, Military-technical series.— Kirov: Kirov Society of Military Equipment and Modeling Lovers.

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