Return of the Aufklärungspanzer Panther tank at the World of Tanks super test

Updated: May 4, 2022 at 11:15 World of Tanks BlitzGuides

The P .44 Pantera is one of the most interesting medium tanks at tier 8. It is interesting primarily because of the mechanism for recharging the drum. You don't have to fire all 3 shells - reloading will begin as soon as you fire at least 1 time. Moreover, you can interrupt it and continue shooting if necessary.

But don’t be fooled into thinking that the P.44 Pantera is an “imba” that’s easy to play. Due to the cardboard armor and mediocre speed characteristics, this tank does not forgive mistakes. One wrong step and the entire enemy team will open fire on you.

Top equipment

Price1.380.000 kr.
Strength1300 HP
Weight/max.45.25/48 t.
Power700 hp
Speed55/20 km/h.
Agility32 °/s
Frame85/50/40 mm.
Tower120/60/60 mm.
Ammunition80 pcs.
Damage135/135/175 HP
Breakthrough198/244/38 mm.
Reload4.4 sec.
GN speed30°/s
Angles VN-8…+20°
Review380 m.
Connection710 m.

Panther Guide

Good day, comrades! I continue to write guides, and as planned, today there will be a guide on the German level 7 medium tank Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, or simply “panther”.

This miracle of German tank building costs 53,000 experience and 1,380,000 silver

As usual, let's start with the performance characteristics of the tank:

  • Durability (stock/top) - 1200/1300 HP
  • Overview - 370/380 meters
  • Engine power - 650/700 hp.
  • Maximum speed (forward/backward) - 55/20 km/h
  • Agility - 30/32 °/sec
  • Hull armor (front/sides/stern) - 85/50/40 mm.
  • Turret armor (front/sides/stern) \ (stock/top) - 100/45/45 \ 120/60/60 mm.


  • ​Accurate, rapid-fire and penetrating gun (7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100)
  • The highest safety factor among ST7 (1300 hp)
  • Good visibility (380 meters)
  • Excellent combination of mass, speed and engine power, with which you can ram enemies
  • Good forehead armor (stands up well against attacks from 5 or some 6 levels)


  • Vulnerable location of the ammunition rack
  • Frequent engine damage (due to the location of the transmission in the lower frontal part)
  • Tall silhouette (you're easy to hit and flash)
  • Poor maneuverability
  • Weak armor on the sides and stern
  • High fire hazard (again due to the transmission in the NLD)
  • Low one-time damage
  • Poor stabilization of the top gun 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100

Tank armor (collision model):


1) Aggressive tactics (for medium and close ranges):

  • Rammer (for even greater DPM and better reloading)
  • Reinforced aiming drives (as I wrote above, the panther’s stabilization is quite poor)
  • Improved ventilation (again higher DPM and other parameters)

Also, instead of ventilation, you can install coated optics (380+10%=418 meters view)

2) Ambush tactics (for medium and long distances):

  • Rammer
  • Camouflage network
  • Stereoscopic telescope

The Panther is well suited for both tactics.


According to the standard: repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher (required! You can even have an automatic one, if you have the money, the panther often burns)


In general, penetration 198 is quite enough for level 7, so we load most of the ammunition with armor-piercing ones:

BB-70, BP-5, OF-5

Tank research:

  1. First of all, we examine the 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun (the previous one should already be researched from the previous tank, if not, then first. The top gun is installed without a turret and tracks)
  2. Then we place the turret (it can also be researched without tracks, but gives +10 meters of vision, and + 20/15/15 to armor)
  3. Then the tracks (without them the engine will not be installed)
  4. Engine (+50 hp)
  5. And finally, the walkie-talkie (if it has not been researched and installed before)


Ambush tactics:

  • Commander - 1) Sixth Sense, 2) Camouflage, 3) Eagle Eye
  • Gunner - 1) Camouflage, 2) Smooth turret rotation, 3) Sniper
  • Driver - 1) Camouflage, 2) Smooth ride, 3) Cleanliness and order
  • Radio operator - 1) Masking, 2) Radio interception, 3) Repair
  • Loader - 1) Camouflage, 2) Desperate, 3) Non-contact ammo rack

Aggressive Tactics:

  • Commander - 1) Repair, 2) Sixth Sense, 3) Discretion (eagle eye possible)
  • Gunner - 1) Repair, 2) Sniper, 3) Smooth turret rotation
  • Driver mechanic - 1) Repair, 2) Ram master, 3) King of off-road (smooth ride possible)
  • Radio operator - 1) Repair, 2) Radio interception, 3) At discretion (fire extinguishing is possible)
  • Loader - 1) Repair, 2) Desperate, 3) Non-contact ammo rack

Conducting the battle:

  • Aggressive Tactics:

If we are at the top of the list, then you can not be afraid to go on the attack with heavy tanks, BUT do not go in front of them, only next to or better yet BEHIND them. As I wrote above, even though we are a medium tank, it will be very difficult for the same T-34 to penetrate us, so we become a diamond and tank shells from the levels below, but don’t get carried away, levels 6 are already easily penetrating us, but again not everyone . Thanks to a good DMP gun and the largest amount of HP at the level (among STs), we will feel comfortable at close range against other STs.

If you get to the bottom of the list, then it is better to stick to ambush tactics, but this is lower, it also has its own nuances. We keep our distance from the heavy weapons and drive leisurely after them; when a firefight breaks out, we carefully move out from behind our ally and begin to bite the enemies (but we don’t play “swing”; we have a quick reload) as soon as we see that someone wants to shoot at us , we hide back. A gun with a penetration of 198 will help to penetrate even 8 levels head-on, but with 9 it will be difficult.

  • Ambush tactics:

Here I think there is no point in saying anything, but still we stand 15 meters from the bush, turn on the network and pipes and shoot the enemies. If we get to the bottom of the list, then thanks to the rapid-fire cannon we knock down the tracks of very “thick” enemies whom we cannot penetrate (fortunately, they also give experience for this now), and whom we can penetrate, we simply bite.

Again, a pretty fun tank, with unusual gameplay. Personally, I really liked it.

This is purely my opinion on this tank and on pumping, if you disagree with something, write your options below.

Good luck in battle, and good allies to you


Panther I is a medium tank for combat at medium and long distances. At close range the tank is very vulnerable due to weak armor. The Panther I's ride quality is mediocre.

The main advantage is the weapon, which has amazing armor penetration, accuracy and rate of fire, but extremely low one-time damage, which is compensated by a high rate of fire.

It is best to take a comfortable “sniper” position and deal damage to several targets from afar. Good aiming speed and high rate of fire will make it possible to transfer fire from target to target. You can also go on the attack with your allies, acting as support and highlighting your opponents.

Farming on P.44 Pantera

In terms of farming, the tank is simply no good. With 2 thousand damage (which a beginner still needs to shoot!) under a premium account in a victorious battle, the tank brings only 50-51 thousand silver, of which the net income will be 20-25 thousand. It’s clearly not worth farming on the Italian Panther.

Is it worth buying

The Bretagne Panther represents the typical German "Panther" with all its advantages and disadvantages. The specific gameplay is not suitable for restless players who constantly want to be in the thick of battle. This machine does not forgive mistakes, so it is more suitable for more experienced players than for beginners.

If you set yourself the goal of purchasing a medium premium tank of tier 6, then the Bretagne Panther is a good option, which is suitable for training the crew (there are all the necessary roles, but you will have to additionally train two tankers) and, due to its sufficient armor penetration, can farm well.

Tank Aufklarungspanzer Panther guide World of Tanks

Review of video guide tank Aufklärungspanzer Panther World of Tanks

The Aufklärungspanzer Panther is a representative of level 7 of the German development tree and qualifies as an armored vehicle. For the Aufklärungspanzer Panther guide, which we will consider further, is purely informative; act in battle strictly based on the current situation.

This unique tank was created based on the famous Panther combat unit. This combat unit did not take part in real combat due to a failed test for combat potential. Upgrading this car will take a little time, since the main experience will be credited for “lighting up”.

The next development is presented in a single variant in the form of Indien-Panzer.

General information

For the Aufklärungspanzer Panther, World of Tanks became the only arena where this combat unit was able to fully realize itself, although not very successfully. The main combat power is provided by a 75 mm gun with a penetration of 157 mm and damage of 165 HP. The rate of fire of this weapon reaches 12 rounds per minute.

The maximum speed reaches 60 mph, and the reverse gear reserve is 22 mph. The engine power is 900 hp, which accounts for the weight of 45 tons. The overview is 390 meters.

The armor of the tank is:

  • Body: forehead - 85 mm, sides - 50 mm, pocket - 40 mm.
  • Turret: front – 50 mm, side – 30 mm, rear of the turret – 30 mm.

Recommended modules for the tank

The following set of additional modules is recommended:

  1. launcher – allows the gun to fire a little faster;
  2. Anti-fragmentation lining - allows you to adequately withstand a ram and saves you from splashing and high-explosive shells;
  3. Coated optics – increases maximum visibility when active.

It is recommended to install the following equipment:

  • repair kit;
  • Lend-Lease oil;
  • first aid kit

The following set of skills for the crew is recommended.


  • Commander: light bulb, repair, camouflage, military brotherhood;
  • Driver mechanic: repair, camouflage, king of off-road, military brotherhood;
  • Gunner: repair, camouflage, combat brotherhood, smooth rotation of the turret;
  • Loader: repair, camouflage, combat brotherhood, non-contact ammunition rack;
  • Radio operator: repair, camouflage, military brotherhood, radio interception.

Weak spots.

For the Aufklärungspanzer Panther, it makes no sense to consider weak points, since this vehicle is thrown very high and the equipment encountered in battle easily penetrates the armor of this combat unit.

Comparison of equipment

Despite the fact that this model is quite interesting and versatile, in terms of competition it is unlucky, as it occupies the last position in terms of effectiveness in battle. The first line belongs to the American miracle called T71, the second position went to the French AMX 13 90, and the third place went to the Chinese WZ-131.

Battle tactics.

For the Aufklärungspanzer Panther, the review discussed above should already make it clear that this tank will have to deal exclusively with spotting the enemy and destroying artillery. Speed, dynamics and visibility - all these indicators make it clear that you will have to use an active style of play.

In addition, you will have to try to destroy enemy tanks so that they cannot break into your base. Knowing the main purpose for combat, it will be possible to make excellent use of the full combat potential of the Aufklärungspanzer Panther.

This vehicle is not intended for passive illumination, since the dimensions of the vehicle are slightly exaggerated.



The safety factor is 840 units, which is the highest among the listed equipment. The frontal armor of the hull is 80 mm, even taking into account the reduction, 150 mm will be enough to consistently cause damage.

The side and stern are 40 mm each, so landmines will hit with full damage.

The turret is more armored with 100 mm in the front, so in the top it will be possible to tank with a gun mantlet, but at the slightest turn of the turret, absolutely everything will penetrate it.

World of Tanks Supertest 9.21: Aufklärungspanzer V Details – Updated

The “Awful” Panther has received a small update today on Supertest. The concept stays the same, a large lightweight tank with a comfortable gun. I've updated the article with the new stats and variance.

A project for a heavy reconnaissance vehicle based on the Panther tank. The use of the hull and chassis of the existing tank would have significantly facilitated the mass production of the new vehicles; a small turret would have decreased the weight and improved the manoeuvrability of the vehicle. However, the project was discontinued at a development stage.

Aufklärungspanzer might be making a return, but according to some Russian sources, it won't be as sold as Premium vehicle but there isn't any confirmation if this will be some sort of Reward tank.

Please Note: All details are from Supertest and are subject to change. Values ​​presented are with 100% Crew without Skills/Perks and Equipment.




Tier VIII Light Tank
Hit Points1,100
Gun7.5/5.5cm Kw.K. 44L/53
Shell TypeAPCR/HE
Shell Velocity1,260 / 925 m/s
Shell Avg. Penetration 204 (221) -17 / 38 mm
Shell Avg. Damage 180 (165) +15 / 280
Shells in MagazineN/A
Reload Time5.2 (4.67) +0.53 s
Magazine Reload TimeN/A
Rate of Fire11.54 (12.77) -1.23
Aiming Time1.44s
Average Damage per Minute2,077 (2,107) -40
Accuracy0.33 (0.288) -0.042
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles-10 / +20
Chassis/Turret Traverse Speed44 / 48 (45.9) +2.1 deg/s
Top Speed ​​/ Reverse Speed65 (60) / -25 (-22) +5/-3 km/h
Terrain Resistance
Hull Armor85 / 50 / 40 mm
Turret Armor50 / 30 / 30 mm
Weight / Max Load41.75t / 45.00t
Engine Power1,200 hp
Specific Power28.75 hp/t
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle16.9%
Concealment of Moving Vehicle16.9%
View Range410 (400) +10 m
Signal Range740 m

Review of the advantages and disadvantages of the tank. Results


  • high armor penetration of the gun;
  • rate of fire and accuracy;
  • outstanding dynamics;
  • impressive margin of safety;
  • good review for its level;
  • good forehead armor and the ability to tank sideways;


  • small caliber gun and one-time damage;
  • engine and ammunition crits are not uncommon;
  • tall silhouette;
  • poor maneuverability in place;
  • danger of tank fire.

To summarize, I want to say that the Panther is a unique and interesting tank in its own way. This is not just a passable vehicle that you will want to quickly forget, but such a fun and “fun” tank that you will want to leave it in the hangar. Personally, after completing the upgrade, I was sorry to part with it. Both at the top and at the bottom of the list you can find your opponent in the teeth. “Panther” can be mastered by both a beginner who decides to upgrade the E 50M, and an experienced player with thousands of battles. It’s very nice that our game has such original and interesting tanks that leave an extremely positive impression of themselves. Download “Panther”, you won’t regret it!

Good luck on the battlefields!

Aufklarungspanzer V review and characteristics

With update 9.20.1, a tank with a very difficult to pronounce name returns to the game - Aufklarungspanzer-v. The tank will not be sold en masse, but will become a premium one.

The characteristics are not final yet, but we can already say that the tank will be interesting.

For the LT8 it has excellent gun performance, suitable for comfortable shooting and high damage. Alpha here is only 135 units

, obviously you will need to brew coffee in capsules and more, however, the reload of the gun is just under 4 seconds, which ultimately allows you to produce 2111 XP of damage. Firing accuracy can also be considered a plus.

To be precise, the spread at 100 meters is only 0.28. The aiming time here is so low that you can shoot as soon as you switch to sniper mode. For playing off the terrain there are good angles of 10 degrees. Among the advantages of the tank, one can also note its good armor, as for a light tank.


An 85 mm VLD at a slight angle can tank fireflies and some enemy medium tanks. The tank also has excellent visibility for a range of 390 meters.

But the tank pays for its armor with mobility. With a powerful engine of 900 l/s, the tank has a low speed for a firefly of 60 km/h. In addition, the heavy weight of the tank results in poor mobility: the chassis traverse speed is only 44 degrees. The chassis resistance here also leaves much to be desired: on soft soils the car will literally get bogged down.

The disadvantages of the tank include its enormous size for a tank. The tank will be a convenient target for the enemy. In addition, a large silhouette also affects camouflage: the coefficient of this indicator is lower than that of its peers.

Thus, before purchasing a tank

, you need to think about how to play it. Аufklarungspanzer v is very contradictory.

On the one hand, he has the most excellent weapon for a light infantry, but on the other hand, he is huge. Based on its characteristics, you can play as follows. By illuminating other LTs, quickly take a position and deal damage based on the initial illumination. Thus, play the role of a sniper. A lot of damage can be done, as the parameters of the weapon allow.

You can also play more actively, becoming a firefly yourself and causing damage.

However, you need to remember your size and choose your directions carefully. In this style of play, you can start with passive spotting before the enemy tanks are positioned, and then find a suitable bald spot in the defense and penetrate the rear. And from there, due to its rate of fire, inflict a large amount of damage.


Spahpanzer 1 C: a worthy replacement for the Aufklärungspanzer Panther

Update 9.

9 caused considerable excitement among the players - no joke, the developers decided to replace two cars at once! And if the beloved “Slipper B” was rejected (“The Mouse” turned out to be downright bad), then the unloved Aufklärungspanzer Panther will definitely be replaced with the new Spahpanzer 1 C.

Such a replacement has been talked about for a long time, and the new Spepanzer has been known for several months, but only with the release of the patch 9.9 test was this car available to everyone to try. We also did not stand aside and examined the new German LT-7 from all sides.

General look at Spahpanzer 1 C

Spahpanzer 1 C is a new Tier VII light tank of the German development branch, which replaced the clearly unsuccessful Aufklärungspanzer Panther (or, as it was often called, “Reconnaissance Panther”). One of the features of Aufkl.


Panther is its hard-to-pronounce name, which has given rise to a lot of offensive nicknames and memes.

Recommended reading: AT 15A guide

However, things were much worse with the functions of a light tank - the tank has neither speed, nor small dimensions, nor a good weapon, so pumping it up brings pure suffering and pain in the lower back.

Crew skills and abilities

Tank crew: 5 people.

It is necessary to understand that the Bretagne Panther is more of an ambush fighter than an assault medium tank, so it is better to start by increasing the stealth of the vehicle by studying Camouflage.

The BC has a high chance of crit, so the non-contact ammo rack will increase the strength. The loader's second skill, Desperate, will speed up reloading by 9.1% when the tank's HP drops below 140 units.

By combining the Smooth Move and Smooth Turret Rotation skills, you can significantly improve the stabilization of the gun in motion.

The Off-Road King will help you reach top speed faster, and the Virtuoso will improve maneuverability.

Radio interception at 11.1 meters and Eagle Eye at 7.4 meters will help increase visibility.

It is better to learn the Brotherhood of Battle by resetting skills that are valid from the moment of learning. At the same time, it is important to equip all tankers with the perk 100% studied.

Given the tank’s high rate of fire, the Sniper perk will increase the chance of inflicting critical damage on enemy modules.

Considering that the tank has a tall silhouette and weak armor, it is better to use a repair kit than to wait for repairs. At level 5, you can already learn Repair or, alternatively, Fire Extinguishing to free up an equipment slot from a fire extinguisher.


Installing additional modules will increase the combat effectiveness of the vehicle. As for Bret. Panther, then it is best to use equipment to increase its strong qualities:

Medium caliber gun rammer - will increase the rate of fire and, accordingly, the average damage per minute;

Improved ventilation Class 2 - a 5% increase to all crew skills will slightly increase all the characteristics of the tank;

The choice of the third slot depends on your preferred playing style:

Stereo tube - when stationary, it will increase visibility by 92.5 meters;

Coated optics will give a permanent increase in visibility of 37 meters.


The Bretagne Panther is armed with a 75 mm gun with one-time damage of 135 units and armor penetration of 150 mm. Good accuracy of 0.34 and acceptable aiming time of 2.2 seconds.

Good vertical guidance angles -8...+15° and fast reload time of 4 seconds. help deal about 2012 units of damage per minute.

As a special projectile - a sub-caliber projectile with a penetration of 194 mm.

In general, in terms of firepower, this tank does not stand out from other premium STs of its level, but at the same time, it is one of the most balanced.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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