Is brass knuckles banned or not in Russia? What kind of brass knuckles will there be in Russia?

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If the administrative article for brass knuckles in Russia (for carrying and storing this type of weapon) provides for rather mild sanctions, then this does not at all mean a call to action. It is imprudent to purchase brass knuckles, which are prohibited for sale throughout the country, in the hope of minor consequences. Moreover, the legislation may change, as well as the criminal liability provided for the acquisition and carrying of bladed weapons, including brass knuckles. A clear proof of this is that literally until 2003, these actions were actually punishable by law.

Of course, purchasing brass knuckles assumes that the owner will at least keep this self-defense item at home. The question logically follows from this: if no tangible punishment has been established for the purchase, then is brass knuckles prohibited for storage or not? In Russia, as is already known, criminal liability arises only for the sale of such items. But the Code of Administrative Violations specifies the reasons and amount of punishment for those who keep such weapons in their homes. What awaits those who have brass knuckles at home? Article 20.8. Part 4 states that violation of the rules for storing any weapons by an individual will entail:

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This is punishable by a fine of up to 200 MCI, or correctional labor in the same amount, or community service for up to 180 hours, or arrest for up to 50 days. Article 288 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Illegal production of gas weapons, bladed weapons, including throwing weapons.

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Legal basis

The word “brass knuckles” came into Russian from French, where it is literally translated as “I’m racking my brains.” And this phrase conveys with maximum accuracy the damage that can be caused by such weapons. Therefore, it is quite difficult to overestimate the reliability of brass knuckles in a real fight. On the other hand, the use of such structures can lead to severe bodily harm, often incompatible with life.

Brass knuckles for self-defense are put on the fingers like rings or clamped in the palm. This weapon can have either a smooth or spiked surface. A special type of brass knuckles also includes special combat gloves, the outer part of which has protruding metal elements applied to them.

A classic brass knuckles, made of a durable metal alloy, can greatly enhance the effect of a fist strike. Being in a state of passion, a person may not realize the degree of destructiveness of the blows inflicted, which subsequently leads to very disastrous results.

Do you need a license to carry brass knuckles?

The sale of brass knuckles and the presentation of these weapons as a gift provides for criminal liability under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
. According to Russian law, brass knuckles are classified as impact-crushing bladed weapons. Regarding Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the sale and storage of brass knuckles in the country is prohibited. This indicates a ban on this type of weapon at the legislative level. At the moment, the law does not provide any exceptions to this resolution.

Such weapons cannot be used as civilian, hunting, and even more so, service weapons. And if the law provides for the issuance of licenses for other types of bladed weapons, then brass knuckles are completely deprived of this privilege.

Important! The fact of violating the absolute ban on the use of brass knuckles as a bladed weapon may imply administrative and even criminal liability.

In Russian legislation, the degree of responsibility for illegal arms trafficking is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. In particular, Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for the sale of any types of brass knuckles and the presentation of these weapons as a gift.

Ban on brass knuckles: is it really possible to get a license?

Two thousand seven hundred dollars one way. The communists evacuated. Those who did not prove themselves were left home. And those who have shown. A squad was formed.

It is simple to avoid such consequences - to purchase weapons permitted by law to protect yourself and your loved ones, and only after obtaining a license. Article 222 of the Criminal Code establishes only liability for illegal sales. Article 223 of the Criminal Code establishes liability only for illegal production. This is imprisonment for up to two years, including arrest for up to six months, and correctional labor.

Brass knuckles are made in a factory, homemade or homemade way from metal, hard plastic (often from textolite), bone or other hard material. Usually holes are made in the plate for the fingers. Classically shaped brass knuckles have a common part (with or without spikes), a stop and a stop stand.

Brass knuckles: the history of the appearance of edged weapons from gladiators to the present day

Brass knuckles (from the French Casse-tête - “to break heads”, called “puzzle”) is considered a cold weapon with a shock-crushing effect, clamped with the hand before striking. Brass knuckles can be made in factory, homemade or homemade ways. They can be metal, plastic, wood, plexiglass or other materials. In essence, it is a plate with holes for fingers.

It is known that brass knuckles were standard weapons issued by the Abwehr. They were intended for Abwehr operatives who operated behind enemy lines. So, in addition to the weapon itself, the kit included one brochure. In this book it was written about the method of murders using brass knuckles. The products were of English as well as French industrial manufacture.

Types of brass knuckles

Fact. The simplest option is a piece of lead, clamped in the palm of the hand, the so-called “lead”.

There are several groups or varieties:

  • brass knuckles;
  • brass knuckle-like weapon;
  • combined devices made on the basis of brass knuckles.

The classic brass knuckles are four rings welded together, which rest on a T-shaped stand with a palm rest. Also, instead of rings, it is possible to make a frame in the form of a plate, which has one hole for all four fingers, or a stand with a stop, having spikes passing between the fingers.

In the last decades of the twentieth century, the so-called semi-brass knuckles (mini-brass knuckles) gained great popularity. Their main difference is their small size and weight. The skeleton covers one or two or three fingers. Sometimes small items can be made in the form of belt buckles.

There are also varieties of combined or national type, united by the method of retention. They have a common name - brass knuckle grip weapons, which include:

  • Indian Qatar;
  • Japanese yawara, tekko, kubotan, tekachi, shuko.



An ordinary brass knuckles consists of a common part (frame), in which holes are made for the fingers, a stop and a stand connecting it to the frame. In homemade production, the last components are most often missing.

The brass knuckle knife additionally has a short blade, which adds piercing and cutting damage to the powerful striking force.

Some models may be equipped with spikes.


Is it possible to buy brass knuckles in Russia?

There is an unambiguous and categorical answer to the question about such a “self-defense weapon” as brass knuckles: “Is this item in any of its forms prohibited in Russia or not?” Yes, brass knuckles are prohibited by law in our country. There are no exceptions similar to those provided for in the Federal Law for other types of edged weapons for brass knuckles.

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Application for self-defense

Since the carrying and possession of this impact device is prohibited, its use as a defense against an attack will only constitute an aggravating circumstance. If damage is caused to the attacker (even of moderate severity), the actions of the defender will be classified as an excess of self-defense and may entail criminal liability.

The death of the attacker from his injuries will be regarded as “homicide by negligence.” In this case, criminal liability is also provided (imprisonment for a certain period).

In any case, for protection it is better to use items that are not prohibited by law.

“Handmade”: if the brass knuckles are made by hand

Quite popular are devices that have a brass knuckle grip and are made in an artisanal way. Some of them look like completely harmless household items, others look like dangerous knuckle knives or other combined weapons.

The huge variety of modern materials has made possible the emergence of original combat instruments made of light alloy metal and plastic. Despite the fact that they may look like works of art, it should be remembered that these are items prohibited from circulation in Russia.

Handicraft production of weapons with a brass knuckle grip entails criminal penalties, in particular imprisonment for a certain period. Therefore, before you get carried away with making such items, you should think carefully about whether it is worth such serious problems that may arise in life.


Production of brass knuckles:

  • artisanal;
  • factory.

In handicraft production, cheap materials are most often used, in particular lead. This easy-to-use, low-melting material has a major drawback: it is easily deformed upon impact and can cause traumatic injuries to the owner.

In mass production at factories, stronger alloys are used, which make it possible to produce reliable and durable weapons that are easy to use.

Recently, quite often metal is replaced with plastic or textolite, which is more convenient for processing.

Punishment for illegal carrying, storage, manufacturing of weapons

If a citizen illegally acquired a pistol, rifle, etc., parts from them, ammunition, and moves with it, carrying it, for example, in a pocket or bag, according to Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is classified as illegal carrying of weapons. Moving in the premises of one apartment is not carrying; in this case, storage is involved. For carrying without an appropriate document intended for self-defense, only administrative punishment is applied; criminal prosecution is threatened in case of attempted or actual sale.

The case discussed above, when a person walks around with an illegally obtained weapon in his apartment, falls under the same article. 222. In addition, illegal possession of weapons at home, in a hiding place, at work, or in other places, if there is no permission, is also criminally punishable.

Do you have brass knuckles? And if I find it; What are the risks for a Russian citizen of wearing and storing this item?

Brass knuckles, like a knife, fit this description. He makes the punch much stronger. This means that where an ordinary fight without brass knuckles can only end in bruises and a trip to the traumatologist, a fight with brass knuckles can be fatal.

If the police can prove that the seized brass knuckles were made by the person on whom it was found, then this lover of hand-to-hand weapons faces criminal liability and a prison term of up to two years. Article 223 part 4 applies here. Illegal production of bladed weapons in Russia is punishable by correctional labor and imprisonment.

How did brass knuckles appear?

It is believed that the ancestor of brass knuckles was the cestus or cestus - a leather belt that Roman gladiators wrapped around their hands. This leather band (sometimes with attached iron plates or spikes) not only helped protect the hand from damage, but also significantly increased the force of the blow. Sometimes the stripes could cover not only the hand, but also the elbow and shoulder areas.

At a later time, these combat devices came into use in many countries as a convenient and compact device. They were made from a wide variety of materials (wood, stone, metal) and were used by the poor population who could not afford to purchase expensive weapons.

Fact. The name of the weapon comes from the French word “casse-tete” (to break or pierce the head).

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