Please tell me what the penalties are for wearing plastic brass knuckles? And does such brass knuckles belong to edged weapons?

They say that in the process of self-defense, all means are good. Indeed, if you are attacked, your only desire will be to avoid unpleasant consequences. But is it possible to use brass knuckles for self-defense on the territory of the Russian Federation?

This means of self-defense has a very controversial reputation in our country. Due to its compactness, it is very convenient to carry, and when used, it gives even an untrained person a significant advantage over an experienced opponent. However, the legislation provides for a number of prohibitions on the use of such means.

The other day I tried to cast brass knuckles from scrap materials. Sorry for the ugly background :C

No duplicates found

Lead Brass Knuckles: +2 to enemy lead poisoning, -2 to health, 35% fragility, 40% chance of hand damage.

Article 6. Restrictions established on the circulation of civilian and service weapons

The following are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation:

1) circulation as civilian and service weapons:

flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other objects of impact, crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment;

“Impact (melee) weapons: Melee weapons, the warhead of which is a concentrated mass. GOST R 51215-98 “Melee weapons. Terms and Definitions"

An examination is possible to bring to justice. An examination of bladed weapons is prescribed to resolve questions about whether the seized object is a bladed weapon, its type, type, method of manufacture, and intended purpose.”

You just came across kind employees on the frame) I also used to wear a telescopic camera (before universal frames), the teaching staff and comrades in the departments themselves look at this very askance.

I didn’t come up with this definition, it’s GOST, which authorities will rely on when using the unit for its intended purpose. And if in the case of a loaf (even a month ago) everything is still within reason, then with a telescopic camera a completely different dance will begin, even a certificate carefully printed in the basement on an inkjet printer by Uncle Liao will not help, because the examination recognizes that this product falls under GOST.

Take my word for it, that’s how I parted with mine. Here the situation is basically the same as with knives - you can carry and buy freely, but successful use is already an article of guilt and automatic guilt.


Brass knuckles are a harsh weapon that has passed through centuries

Brass knuckles are a weapon that, by its very appearance, can intimidate and force into submission. Brass knuckles are the weapon of choice for criminals past and present. In many movies and books you can see bad guys beating people up with them. Ingenious in its simplicity, yet stunningly effective, this weapon has a rich history, and today we will look at it.

History of brass knuckles

The “progenitor” of brass knuckles were cestus – leather strips wound on the hands of Roman gladiators. Their task was to increase the damage when striking, for which purpose metal plates were subsequently sewn into the skin.

Brass knuckles are made both by handicraft and factory methods. During handicraft production, lead is mainly used as a material for these weapons. The advantage of lead is that it melts easily, hardens and does not require any technological excesses during the manufacturing process. However, the downside is that lead is a very soft metal, and once made from it, brass knuckles can “collapse” upon impact, leaving the owner with broken fingers. Factory production involves the use of more durable alloys and, as a result, greater reliability and durability during use.

Brass knuckles were one of the favorite weapons of the Italian mafia in the 1930s, along with baseball bats and stilettos. Simple and effective, it helped achieve its goal, be it attacking opponents, torturing people, or defense. In the second season of The Invincible Warrior, which compared the gangs of Jesse James and Al Capone, tests were carried out on the force of a blow with brass knuckles on a human skull. It only took one blow to fracture the skull and crush the bones into it. This is a terrible weapon in the right hands.

Brass knuckles were also loved by criminals in other countries. For example, they were appreciated by Dave Courtney, whom we already wrote about on the pages of our portal, as well as the Kray brothers. In Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space in the 90s of the last century, this edged weapon gained unprecedented popularity. Every boy in those years knew how to get lead from a found battery and melt it into a deadly toy.

They also created brass knuckles from wood, textolite, plastic and other materials. They were lightweight and did not add additional heaviness to the hand, however, they caused additional damage due to the hard surface. There are many photographs of similar homemade products on the Internet. What is noteworthy is that there are many stories about the sad consequences of using these crafts.

Application for self-defense

Are brass knuckles allowed in Russia as a means of self-defense in a situation where there is a threat to life and health? In fact, the practice is that brass knuckles used in everyday “fighting” are never considered by the court as a “weapon of self-defense.” Legally, a citizen does not bear responsibility for damage caused by the use of bladed weapons in self-defense, only if the weapon was in his possession legally. Brass knuckles cannot be legally purchased, much less used.

What consequences will the use of brass knuckles have if harm is caused to life and health? Even if the owner of the brass knuckles was not the initiator of the fight, he will bear criminal liability in accordance with the severity of the harm he caused in self-defense. Causing harm with the help of an illegal bladed weapon - brass knuckles - will act as an aggravating circumstance and may well lead to a real prison sentence.

It is simple to avoid such consequences - to purchase weapons permitted by law to protect yourself and your loved ones, and only after obtaining a license.

Types of brass knuckles

Nowadays, there are many varieties of brass knuckles. There are classic ones, which have a palm rest and holes for all fingers, there are brass knuckles with and without spikes, with knives, for one, two or three fingers, stylized as items of clothing or paraphernalia (for example, a belt with a plaque in the form of brass knuckles or a case for smartphone with finger holes). It has become common to depict brass knuckles as a tattoo. Such tattoos are especially often done on the back of the hand.


Brass knuckles are an illegal weapon that can hardly be made at home. The components of a brass knuckle are: stop, stand, warhead (frame), holes for fingers and spike-like protrusions.

There are other forms of brass knuckles, the components of which are:

  1. Fire hydrant valve. This type is called "chamomile".
  2. Knife + brass knuckles. Often, weapons are equipped with additional impact elements - spikes and sharp protrusions.
  3. Plate + blade.
  4. Metal in the shape of a cylinder. This device is called a screw. A sharp protrusion resembling a spike is often soldered into the middle of such brass knuckle-like weapons.
  5. Sharp sharpened curved blades + metal plate. The number and length of blades is 5 pieces, 5-10 cm each. The weapon appeared in China and was called “Claws”.
  6. A metal round rod with a length of 13 cm and a radius of 1 cm. The ends of the rod are smooth and flat. This is the main component of javara.
  7. Wooden base in the form of a stick with a diameter of 3 cm + 3 sharp spikes or nails. This weapon is considered an improved javara. In China the device is called "tekko". The nails are driven into the wooden base exactly half their length. It is forbidden to use such a device, as it has great destructive power, especially for the human body.

Prohibited Weapons

Being such a dangerous weapon, brass knuckles are banned in many countries. In Russia, in accordance with Article 6 of the Russian Law “On Weapons,” the circulation of brass knuckles as civilian weapons (that is, weapons intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation) is prohibited. Brass knuckles are similarly prohibited in Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia and the Netherlands, Ukraine. Due to the fact that brass knuckles are freely sold in Turkey, Thailand and China, many Russian tourists buy them as souvenirs (as well as shurikens, stun guns, spy pens and some other items) and take them home. Those who are unlucky enough to smuggle them in unnoticed will face administrative liability. Many online stores act as intermediaries between Chinese manufacturers and domestic consumers.

However, for wearing factory-made brass knuckles, administrative liability is imposed, and for making homemade brass knuckles, criminal liability in the form of imprisonment is assumed. So think carefully and don't make mistakes. Brass knuckles are a beautiful and lethal weapon, but the best thing is to live in such a way that you don’t need it.


In what cases is it legal to carry bladed weapons?

According to Law No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996, carrying bladed weapons is permitted:

  • hunters on the hunt;
  • officials on duty;
  • during cultural events - we are talking about antique weapons;
  • athletes at competitions;
  • those who have permission to permanently carry weapons.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, carrying bladed weapons for self-defense is prohibited. If a person has a weapons permit, he must carry it along with his documents.

Permission to carry knives in Russia

If you are seriously thinking about buying a knife that falls into the category of edged weapons, then you need to obtain special permission. It can be obtained at your place of residence at the police department.

What documents need to be submitted to the Department of Internal Affairs? To receive such a document, a person must submit:

  • application completed accordingly;
  • medical expert opinion that the applicant has the right to use bladed weapons;
  • original and copy of passport;
  • standard size photo in duplicate;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for the service.

When the ATS authorities issue a permit to carry bladed weapons, it will be necessary to certify the purchased item with the certification authorities.

When receiving permission to carry a knife, you cannot say that you will use it for self-defense.

Who is prohibited from purchasing edged weapons?

A license to carry will not be issued in the following cases:

  • if the person is under 18 years of age;
  • the person will not provide a medical certificate confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a weapon;
  • the person has an outstanding conviction for a crime that he committed intentionally;
  • the person was brought to administrative responsibility twice in a year;
  • the person does not have a permanent place of residence;
  • by a court decision, a person is prohibited from buying edged and other weapons;
  • the person has previously been punished for drug use.

Brass knuckles are a harsh weapon that has passed through centuries

Brass knuckles are a weapon that, by its very appearance, can intimidate and force into submission. Brass knuckles are the weapon of choice for criminals past and present. In many movies and books you can see bad guys beating people up with them. Ingenious in its simplicity, yet stunningly effective, this weapon has a rich history, and today we will look at it.

History of brass knuckles

The “progenitor” of brass knuckles were cestus – leather strips wound on the hands of Roman gladiators. Their task was to increase the damage when striking, for which purpose metal plates were subsequently sewn into the skin.

Brass knuckles are made both by handicraft and factory methods. During handicraft production, lead is mainly used as a material for these weapons. The advantage of lead is that it melts easily, hardens and does not require any technological excesses during the manufacturing process. However, the downside is that lead is a very soft metal, and once made from it, brass knuckles can “collapse” upon impact, leaving the owner with broken fingers. Factory production involves the use of more durable alloys and, as a result, greater reliability and durability during use.

Brass knuckles were one of the favorite weapons of the Italian mafia in the 1930s, along with baseball bats and stilettos. Simple and effective, it helped achieve its goal, be it attacking opponents, torturing people, or defense. In the second season of The Invincible Warrior, which compared the gangs of Jesse James and Al Capone, tests were carried out on the force of a blow with brass knuckles on a human skull. It only took one blow to fracture the skull and crush the bones into it. This is a terrible weapon in the right hands.

Brass knuckles were also loved by criminals in other countries. For example, they were appreciated by Dave Courtney, whom we already wrote about on the pages of our portal, as well as the Kray brothers. In Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space in the 90s of the last century, this edged weapon gained unprecedented popularity. Every boy in those years knew how to get lead from a found battery and melt it into a deadly toy.

They also created brass knuckles from wood, textolite, plastic and other materials. They were lightweight and did not add additional heaviness to the hand, however, they caused additional damage due to the hard surface. There are many photographs of similar homemade products on the Internet. What is noteworthy is that there are many stories about the sad consequences of using these crafts.

Article 223. Illegal manufacture of weapons

Responsibility for illegal carrying or storage At the moment, for violation of the rules for carrying or storing edged weapons, liability is provided with administrative liability. Before the advent of Law N 162-FZ of 2003, Article 222 of the Criminal Code could be used. A fine is imposed on the citizen with or without the confiscation of weapons. Paid seizure involves the seizure of weapons and sale in accordance with the established procedure. The proceeds, in addition to the costs incurred, are returned to the former owner. Article 222 of the Criminal Code establishes only liability for illegal sales. Article 223 of the Criminal Code establishes liability only for illegal production. This is imprisonment for up to two years, including arrest for up to six months, and correctional labor. Every year, the illegal possession of bladed weapons is gaining momentum. Unfortunately, the criminal situation in the country provokes the need to be able to protect oneself. The presence of illegal bladed weapons in the possession of many citizens is no longer surprising. Disputes over the correct definition of the concept of edged weapons and the legality of carrying them are still ongoing. Content

  1. Features of edged weapons
  2. Prohibited types of bladed weapons
  3. Tools permitted for use
  4. How to buy edged weapons correctly
  5. Penalties for illegal possession of weapons and provisions of the Criminal Law
  6. Administrative penalties

Features of edged weapons Buying edged weapons is not prohibited by law; the range of products offered is varied and diverse.

InfoBut is it possible to wear brass knuckles in Russia without being subject to criminal prosecution? There is no criminal liability for this, but administrative liability, which arises under the above-mentioned Article 20.8, also applies to carrying brass knuckles on oneself. The penalties for possession and carrying are absolutely identical. Brass knuckles in a car It is also worth considering this common situation when the brass knuckles are not, say, in a citizen’s pocket or in a bag carried with them, but lie in the glove compartment or any other place in a personal car. Moreover, the owner is completely law-abiding and does not use this dangerous “accessory” for anyone does not threaten, holding brass knuckles, as they say, “just in case.” Are brass knuckles banned in Russia as such a “motorist’s companion”? You cannot carry brass knuckles in vehicles.

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Brass knuckles

(French casse-tête - lit. “break my head”) - a contact impact-crushing weapon for fist combat made of hard material, put on the fingers or clamped between them, with a smooth or spiked warhead. Despite the simplicity of the design, it is a very dangerous weapon: a strong blow with brass knuckles can cause injuries of varying severity, even fatal.

Brass knuckles are made in a factory, homemade or homemade way from metal, hard plastic (often from textolite), bone or other hard material. Usually holes are made in the plate for the fingers. Classically shaped brass knuckles have a common part (with or without spikes), a stop and a stop stand. Homemade brass knuckles can have a simplified design (without a stop, with one hole for four fingers, etc.). The simplest brass knuckles made of lead (or simply an oblong lead weight clamped in a fist) is called lead

. As an option for brass knuckles, you can consider gloves with sewn-in metal weights.

Knives with a handle in the form of brass knuckles are known (for example, American trench knives from the First World War, English knuckle knife). Some models of combat knives (for example, the V-42 stiletto) have a sharp spike on the head of the handle, intended for striking the head (English skull-crusher - literally “skull breaker”).

Types of brass knuckles

Nowadays, there are many varieties of brass knuckles. There are classic ones, which have a palm rest and holes for all fingers, there are brass knuckles with and without spikes, with knives, for one, two or three fingers, stylized as items of clothing or paraphernalia (for example, a belt with a plaque in the form of brass knuckles or a case for smartphone with finger holes). It has become common to depict brass knuckles as a tattoo. Such tattoos are especially often done on the back of the hand.

Import into the country through a customs point

As for the situation when brass knuckles are not transported in vehicles, but are transported through customs at the airport. Most often, this happens when brass knuckles are brought back from trips abroad as a souvenir.

Carrying brass knuckles is completely excluded in hand luggage, that is, in a bag that is allowed to be taken with you into the cabin, because the passenger undergoes a security check before boarding. However, someone manages to carry brass knuckles in their luggage. If such a “souvenir” is discovered at customs, the brass knuckles are subject to Russian legislation, which provides for negative consequences for the owner of the luggage in the form of confiscation of the brass knuckles, a fine and the loss of several hours to draw up a protocol on the administrative violation.

However, the situation can become much worse for those who do not import, but export brass knuckles abroad. In a number of countries, possession and wearing of brass knuckles is still subject to criminal prosecution, including imprisonment.

Prohibited Weapons

Being such a dangerous weapon, brass knuckles are banned in many countries. In Russia, in accordance with Article 6 of the Russian Law “On Weapons,” the circulation of brass knuckles as civilian weapons (that is, weapons intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation) is prohibited. Brass knuckles are similarly prohibited in Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia and the Netherlands, Ukraine. Due to the fact that brass knuckles are freely sold in Turkey, Thailand and China, many Russian tourists buy them as souvenirs (as well as shurikens, stun guns, spy pens and some other items) and take them home. Those who are unlucky enough to smuggle them in unnoticed will face administrative liability. Many online stores act as intermediaries between Chinese manufacturers and domestic consumers.

However, for wearing factory-made brass knuckles, administrative liability is imposed, and for making homemade brass knuckles, criminal liability in the form of imprisonment is assumed. So think carefully and don't make mistakes. Brass knuckles are a beautiful and lethal weapon, but the best thing is to live in such a way that you don’t need it.


Responsibility for carrying and storing bladed weapons

What does edged weapon mean?

A household item will never be a bladed weapon due to its use.
An ordinary knife, when used against a person, becomes a crime weapon. But this does not mean that the knife becomes a bladed weapon. Based on their shape, they distinguish between brass knuckles with smooth edges, which are classic, and those with all kinds of notches, spikes, etc. The latter are aimed at inflicting more serious damage on the enemy, but even brass knuckles with a smooth surface are a serious weapon.

Of course, buying brass knuckles rarely involves storing it in a closet. Most often, such weapons are used for self-defense, and therefore the owner always carries it with him. In current legislation, carrying a weapon is generally understood to mean all cases when it was taken outside the owner’s place of residence.

Types of brass knuckles for self-defense

Fortunately, there is no criminal liability for such actions, but the violator can be punished at the administrative level. The corresponding resolution is listed in Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Violations, regarding which a citizen will face the same punishment for carrying such a weapon as for storing it.

In Russian legislation, the degree of responsibility for illegal arms trafficking is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. In particular, Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for the sale of any types of brass knuckles and the presentation of these weapons as a gift.

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