How to properly make shoulder straps for a junior police sergeant

What is the distance on the junior sergeant's shoulder straps?

Appendix No. 1. The procedure for wearing shoulder straps (epaulets) and insignia by military personnel

Military rankNumber of wide (30 mm) stripes on the shoulder strapDistance
from the bottom edge
of the shoulder strap
to the first stripe (mm)
Sergeant Major1
Staff Sergeant125
Lance Sergeant25

Conditions for awarding titles

Russian police.
All police ranks are assigned in a certain sequence. To obtain the next position, you need to serve in one status for the required time according to the regulations.

In the Russian Federation, all ranks are divided into first and second. The first ones are assigned upon employment. The next employees of the police station receive in the course of their service.

To rise to the next position, a police officer must receive professional education. All successes at work bring you closer to career growth, all movements follow the approved schedule.

When receiving the next special rank, the following is taken into account:

  • employee qualifications;
  • increasing professionalism;
  • attitude towards job responsibilities;
  • length of service in one position;
  • the employee’s consent to the appointment in the form of a report addressed to the boss;
  • last rank.

It is necessary to note one feature of working in organs. The last special rank received during service is retained by the employee for life, even after retirement. Employees who have retired to the reserve are also referred to with the addition of the phrase “retired.”

The appointment of general officers according to the protocol is carried out exclusively by the President of the Russian Federation.

How to sew galloons correctly?


sewn on uniforms, jackets and blue jackets on the outside of both sleeves, parallel to their lower edges, 80 mm long (Fig. 150-152).
The distance from the top line of the cuff of the uniform and jacket to the bottom edge of the lower braid
is 7 mm;
The braid
on the jacket is sewn in the same place as on the uniform (tunic).

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Features of length of service in the police

The length of service in special police ranks is strictly regulated by law, but this does not mean that it is impossible to speed up or slow down certain processes. The “carrot and stick” method is also applicable in the case of assigning titles if there are grounds for rewards/punishments.

For example, the possibility of early receipt of a title (including “in one second”) is allowed if you have an academic degree and for special merits.

Only for a police rank such as “lieutenant” is it regulated that the length of service is reduced to one year if the rank is awarded after receiving a diploma confirming graduation from a higher educational institution.

For individual ranks, the length of service is not established at the legislative level at all (sergeant major, senior warrant officer, colonel).

It is important to note that if a police officer moves to another unit, he can be assigned a similar rank only if he successfully completes recertification. After dismissal, the rank is retained only by commanding officers (as opposed to ordinary police officers)

In this case, “retired” is added to the rank (lifetime)

After dismissal, the rank is retained only by the commanding staff (as opposed to the rank and file of the police). In this case, “retired” is added to the title (lifetime).

Upon dismissal or disciplinary action (due to various circumstances, but mainly in case of violation of law and order and official duties), the assignment of ranks is suspended.

In addition, police officers can be stripped of their rank by a court if a serious crime is committed.

Moreover, in the case of rehabilitation, the calculation of the period of service in special police ranks continues from the moment when it was suspended or terminated.

Rank attributes

Each type of special rank has its own attributes, expressed in insignia and shoulder straps. Among ordinary employees they do not have any distinctive features. At the same time, cadets of educational institutions have the letter “K” as their identification mark on their shoulder straps. Sergeants are distinguished by the presence of rectangular stripes of metallic or golden color. On the shoulder straps of warrant officers, stars are placed vertically - the warrant officer has two, the senior warrant officer has three, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Russian police shoulder straps in 2022

The average command staff has small stars on the vertical stripe. The senior management team has two gaps and large stars, while the senior staff has no gaps on their shoulder straps, and the large stars are located vertically. In addition to the standard attributes, the shoulder straps use removable emblems in the form of a sword pointing downward and covered with a shield. They are usually attached to the collar of a jacket or winter coat.

From the history

A form element similar to shoulder straps appeared during the reign of the kings. At first it was necessary to secure a bag with a strap, which was worn on the shoulders; it often slipped off. Later, insignia began to be sewn on them to determine whether a soldier belonged to one or another branch of the military. In tsarist times there were many different shoulder straps, but after the 1917 revolution they were abandoned. They were returned only in 1943, again for all branches of the military. Based on them, the rank of an employee was and is determined today, and without them it is no longer possible to imagine any military uniform.

System of military ranks in the Russian Imperial Army

And although sewing on shoulder straps is not a difficult task, it is still necessary to understand some points. During the period of their service, soldiers and officers master this skill exactly.

Different types of Soviet shoulder straps for different structures

Shoulder straps and titles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Police ranks are divided into four groups (compositions). Also, the police have ordinary employees. Their shoulder straps are easy to recognize - they have no stars, no stripes, no edgings. Those who do not have a higher education fall into the rank and file. Service in this rank is only one year.

Civil service employees are awarded titles for life. After retirement, the prefix “retired” is added to the rank. For example, a retired major. The title can be revoked according to federal law. Even while retired, a person can be deprived of his rank if he commits a crime or renounces Russian citizenship.

Junior staff

Shoulder straps are distinguished by the presence of stars, red stripes and stripes. The larger the star, the higher the rank.

The junior command staff includes:

  1. Lance Sergeant. The shoulder straps have two transverse stripes, golden in color. The gap between them is 2 mm.
  2. Sergeant: three transverse strips, with a gap of 2 mm.
  3. Senior Sergeant: one wide transverse stripe. Wide - that is, 2-3 times wider than narrow.
  4. Foreman: one wide short longitudinal stripe of golden color and rectangular shape. Previously, the strip was along the entire shoulder strap, but now it is made short. It is impossible to confuse the foreman with someone else, because only he has a badge of this shape.

Middle management

On shoulder straps of medium composition there are three red edgings: 2 on the sides and 1 in the middle. Middle management includes:

  • Junior lieutenant: one small star on the middle edge, distance from the edge 50 mm;
  • Lieutenant: two small stars on either side of the middle red stripe. The distance of each star from the edges of the shoulder strap is 25 mm;
  • Senior lieutenant: three stars - one on the edge, two on the sides;
  • Police captain: four stars - two on the edge, two on the sides.

Senior command staff

On the shoulder straps of senior commanding officers there are two longitudinal red stripes that stretch along the entire shoulder strap. The stars are larger than the previous lineups, but smaller than the top ones. It's simple: the major has one star, the lieutenant colonel has two, and the colonel has three (one between the stripes, two on them).

Senior management

The shape of the shoulder straps of the senior command staff is slightly different: the edge is not rounded, but with corners. There is no red edging in the middle. The stars are large in diameter.

  1. A major general has one star on his shoulder straps.
  2. The lieutenant general's shoulder straps contain two large stars.
  3. The Colonel General has three stars.
  4. The highest rank is Police General of the Russian Federation. He has four stars on his shoulder straps. This title is awarded by decree of the President of the Russian Federation for special services to the state.

What kind of shoulder straps do warrant officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have?

The shoulder straps of warrant officers do not differ in appearance from the shoulder straps of junior commanding officers, only instead of stripes they have small stars. A police warrant officer has shoulder straps with two stars located lengthwise in the center, the distance between which is 25 mm. The senior police warrant officer is awarded three stars. Ensigns belong to the middle ranks.

Basic wearing rules

In Russia, employees of the following organizations wear shoulder straps on their uniforms:

Despite the fact that the insignia of the departments of the governing bodies is different, they also have something in common: shoulder straps need to be sewn only on a peacoat, tunic, uniform jacket or coat made of thick cloth.

RF Armed Forces Prosecutor's Office Police EMERCOM Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service State Environmental Inspectorate Maritime Inspectorate Distinctive marks are not sewn on the shirt. This is because the outer uniform can be worn on top.
But in the summer, shoulder straps on a shirt are a mandatory attribute, because when warm days come, coats and jackets are taken off. During this period, temporary stripes are used. They just need to be fastened with a button located on the shirt using a small loop attached to the wrong side of the shoulder strap. Rules for sewing shoulder straps:

The most important thing is that before washing you should always tear off or unfasten the sewn insignia.

Determine the type of shoulder straps and the type of fabric to which the sign needs to be sewn. Position it evenly, press it against the fabric as much as possible. Sew with small stitches, maintaining distances.

What is the prosecutor's office called?

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a single centralized system on a federal scale, which, on behalf of the state, oversees both the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and compliance with all laws adopted on the territory of Russia. The powers and activities of this structure are regulated by the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation”. It is independent from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and does not belong to any of them.

Since, by law, this infrastructure is state paramilitary, and the activities of its employees are federal civil, military or law enforcement services, then, among other things, this organization involves wearing the shoulder straps of the prosecutor's office.

What tools will you need?

The work requires endurance, the ability to concentrate and a place with daylight. You also need a set of tools:

A thimble is necessary to protect the finger from a prick, because the material of the military attribute itself is quite dense, and the needle is difficult to push through it. When attaching such a product to outerwear, pliers and tweezers will be excellent helpers. They are necessary to pull the thread with a needle through the resulting hole. You may also need other tools for work (depending on the chosen method): pin, paper clips, match, tape, cutter.

Preparation of insignia

Before attaching the shoulder strap, you need to take care of its design. The stars are attached using various tools. To do this, you need to measure the required distance specified in the charter and make a hole using an awl. Then you need to insert a star into the resulting hole, having previously bent the legs and secured it to the surface of the shoulder strap. The field uniform has false shoulder straps. Stars on this type of shoulder straps are not attached; they are made and embroidered in a factory way.

How to attach the tabs to shoulder straps? The number of stripes on shoulder straps depends on the rank. A corporal should have one narrow stripe, a junior sergeant two, and a sergeant three narrow stripes. The senior sergeant is required to have one stripe 15 millimeters wide. All of them are attached similarly to the stars using legs and an awl. Before making holes in the chase, you need to mark the future attachment location with a pencil.

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