How to correctly beat off a suture beret. How to beat off a seamless beret? Receiving an insignia

The beret is often a very important piece of military equipment. Many troops use it because the hat is really comfortable and stylish. But some berets come out in the form of a pancake, so they look ugly. They need to be repulsed. You can do this yourself.

Headdresses differ in color, depending on the affiliation of the troops. For example, special forces wear maroon, infantrymen wear black, and paratroopers wear blue. But in order for the beret to look neat, you should work on its appearance. To create military berets, flexible and lightweight material is used. Usually there are no difficulties in shaping the headdress.

Subtleties of beating a suture headgear

A suture beret is more difficult to beat, but this does not mean that it is completely impossible to achieve the desired result. If the accessory does not fit tightly, it should be sutured. After this, the fabric needs to be moistened and creased in the required direction. In the process of beating, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. The fabric is carefully ironed from the side of the future crease of the beret.
  2. A towel folded into a ball is placed inside the product.
  3. The opposite side of the beret is smoothed out.
  4. The shape is created using your fingers.

Additionally, it is recommended to equip the cockade with plastic. This part is fixed between the lining and the main part of the beret.

“Guards Corner” - a band on the Airborne Forces beret

Red badges were attached to the paratroopers' berets, which were worn on the left side of the berets in everyday life, and during parades they were tilted to the right side. Later, such a badge - a band on the Airborne Forces beret - began to be worn in all formations and units of the Airborne Forces. However, there were no standardized sizes.

And since 1989, the mandatory wearing of uniform badges by all airborne troops has been enshrined at the legislative level. These badges were flags made of brass or rondole.

Since 1995, the band began to be made for the first time with the image of the Russian coat of arms. Subsequently, he was accepted along with a modified military uniform, and this was recorded at the legislative level. Corresponding changes to the military uniform of the paratroopers were made retroactively. This was the decision of the Head of the Central Clothing Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense in July 1995.

Such beads are of great value to their owners. Especially those that were created by skilled soldiers with their own hands even before 1989. Moreover, most of the bands made before 1989 are rare works of folk craft and are highly valued by collectors.

Batting target

Beating is an extremely important process that must be performed strictly according to the instructions. The technology largely depends on the type of headdress and the desired result. True, before studying the basic methods of performing such manipulations, you should first of all understand why they engage in beret beating in the first place.

This headdress, as already mentioned, is used not only by civilians. The military beret is part of the equipment in almost all armies on the planet. True, over time it loses its original shape and begins to look like a pancake. Naturally, the appearance becomes significantly worse. This is why the beret is beaten.

You will be able to perform such actions yourself. In the manufacture of such products, as a rule, pliable, lightweight materials are used. It is quite easy to give them the desired shape. You just need to understand the intricacies of performing such manipulations with a beret.

Berets in Russian and other security forces

Currently, blue berets are the most recognizable attribute of airborne troops, along with the blue and white vest. Recently, berets in general have become widespread, and the legendary maroon berets have also become especially popular. Military personnel of only a few special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to receive the latter.

In addition, maroon berets are worn on the left side, and blue berets are worn on the right. The only exception for blue berets is parades, when absolutely all military personnel have to wear their hats on the left side, in accordance with the event protocol. You should also know that berets with blue colors are present in the armed forces of other states. For example, blue berets are worn by UN military personnel, although the shades of berets of the Russian Airborne Forces are different from all others.

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Berets are popular headdresses worn not only by military personnel, but also by civilians. With their help, it is possible to create very original images, and in the army such products are a source of pride. True, in order for such an accessory to look as attractive as possible, it should be given the correct shape. Therefore, you need to figure out how to beat off the beret, study all the existing methods of performing this task, and watch this process on video.

Tips for wearing an army cap

An army cap also tends to lose its “starched” appearance. Due to their intense contamination, such items have to be washed quite often. This means that every self-respecting soldier should have the skills to return to his former form. And even more so as an officer. There are two methods you can use.

  • We dry it on the ball. Having removed the hat from the drum of the washing machine, it must first be dried properly. This can be done by wearing the product on your head. However, this is not always comfortable. Alternatively, you can place it on a ball, an upside-down 3-liter jar, or other suitable frame.
  • We use starch. You won't be able to knock off an army cap, but you can easily starch it. To do this, mix 100 g of starch and 130 g of cold water in a spacious vessel. Add another 900 g of hot water to the mixture and mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. Then we dip the headdress in the starch solution, avoiding getting it on the visor. We thoroughly soak the cap and, without squeezing the product, put it on the frame until completely dry.

Be sure to pay attention to the material used to form the visor of the cap. Products with a plastic visor can be machine washed

But the cardboard base will not withstand even hand washing. Such a cap will have to be cleaned from dirt and dust using dry cleaning mode.

Returning to shaping the beret, do not despair if it does not suit you the first time. Remember a simple thing: manufacturers use a special pliable fabric, like plasticine, to create berets. If you can't get it into the desired shape, then most likely you are doing something wrong. Check that the algorithm is running correctly and try again.

By the way, there are several more folk ways of fixing the beret disk, which were not mentioned above. For example, the use of non-woven fabric - a semi-synthetic paper-like material that is glued under the lining on the inner surface of the beret so that it holds its shape better. For the same purpose, cardboard is used, and sometimes even paraffin or candle wax, poured inside for fixation.

Now you know how to hit the beret correctly and what methods should be used for this purpose. By the way, owners of ordinary (non-military) disc-shaped headdresses can from time to time shape them in a new way - in order to slightly change the image or dilute a boring image. Molding makes it possible to obtain fundamentally new variants from the same product.

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How to care for baseball caps so that they retain their shape and color for a long time

In order for the cap to last as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully care for it from the moment of purchase. Basic techniques:

  • a new cap must be treated with any water-repellent spray (sold in shoe stores or hardware departments);
  • After each wear, the baseball cap should be shaken out to get rid of the dust accumulated during the day;
  • the surface of the fabric should be regularly cleaned with a sticky roller - this will help get rid of lint;
  • when the smallest stain appears, you should immediately use wet wipes - the less contamination, the easier it is to deal with it without resorting to washing;
  • The cap should be stored in a closed closet, flattened.

Recommendations for Beginners

For newcomers who have just entered the service, it is quite difficult to provide the beret with proper care. The following recommendations will help simplify this task:

  • when performing beating, it is easier to cope with the work if you use sugar syrup rather than ordinary water;
  • soft berets fit much better on the head. Naturally, it turns out to be much easier to give them the correct, beautiful shape;
  • The razor will help remove pellets, as well as get rid of excessive fluffiness, which often appears as a result of beating the accessory. If it is not eliminated, the beret will look very unattractive;
  • Drying the accessory can be done not only on the head. For this purpose, you can use a globe and a ball, as well as a three-liter jar that is turned upside down;
  • To prepare a starch solution, it is initially recommended to dissolve one hundred grams of this powder in half a glass of cold water. After this, you should wait until all the lumps dissolve and add the remaining hot liquid. The liquid should be stirred as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, the starch simply will not dissolve. Accordingly, it will simply not be possible to achieve the desired result.

If none of the above methods work, don’t despair. There are many other methods for giving the beret the desired shape. For example, you can glue non-woven fabric onto it; you can use paraffin, candles, as well as cardboard and the most common laundry soap.

Not everything always works out perfectly the first time. Experience comes with time. You just need to not give up. In the manufacture of such hats, fairly pliable and dense fabric is used, so you can safely experiment with it. Even with frequent beating, the risk of damaging it is minimized.

In addition, you can always ask your colleagues for help. More experienced soldiers know very well how to perform such actions with a beret. It is possible that they managed to come up with some special and simpler method. Surely they will share this information and give a number of other valuable recommendations. Naturally, in this case, beating the headdress will not cause any difficulties.

...and difficult for demobilization

It is not always possible to beat off a suture beret beautifully using the methods described above. It all depends on the quality of the fabric and the circumstances of use of the product. If plan “A” does not work, move on to plan “B” - more complex, but at the same time more effective methods.

Shaving foam

Peculiarity. To implement this method, you will need a small “arsenal” - a bottle of shaving foam, an iron or ceramic bowl with hot water, a razor, hairspray and tailor's scissors. Each stage of the algorithm described below must be implemented in practice strictly according to the instructions. If you manage to fulfill all the requirements exactly, then the beret will fit on your head like a glove - as if it was made especially for you. But mistakes can lead to damage to the headdress, so try to avoid them.

What we do

  1. Using small tailor's scissors, carefully rip off the lining.
  2. Dip the headdress into a vessel with hot water and leave it to soak for a few minutes.
  3. We squeeze the beret thoroughly, not twisting it, but pressing the product against the terry towel.
  4. We insert the cockade into the wet beret and put it on the head.
  5. We begin to smooth the product and give it the required shape.
  6. You need to hit the beret on the right side. To do this, the crown of the headdress must be directed to the right with your hands. As a result, the coveted half-disk will appear.
  7. At the next stage, we hold the arch on which the cockade “sits”, and with the other hand we smooth the top of the head forward. This action must be performed assertively and strongly. Otherwise, the beret will not give way, and its shape will remain the same. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the fabric. It is strong enough and it is unlikely that you will be able to tear it apart with your hands.
  8. After the beret has finally acquired the required shape, we take shaving foam and apply it to its surface. We do this without removing the headdress. We use a mirror for convenience.
  9. We wait a few minutes, and then we begin to rub the product directly into the fabric, doing it evenly - to avoid the appearance of white stains on woolen fabric.
  10. We wear the beret for about an hour and a half until it dries completely.
  11. Then we remove it and carefully go over its surface with a razor, thus eliminating the pellets formed from the foam.
  12. Apply hairspray over the entire inner surface. The more the better, ideally a whole bottle.
  13. From a piece of thin plastic we cut out a shape resembling a cockade and insert it under the metal element - into the space between the cockade and the lining.

Old newspapers

Peculiarity. If you don’t have the desire or ability to wear a wet beret on your head, resort to the method with an old newspaper. To do this, you need to crumple up the shapeless spherical elements and stuff them into the inside of the headdress. In addition to newspapers, you will also need plastic clothespins or women's hairpins that can secure the woolen fabric well.

What we do

  1. Using a spray bottle, we moisten the beret by spraying water over its surface.
  2. We stuff the old press inside the beret.
  3. We use clothespins and hairpins to give the headdress stuffed with newspapers the required shape.
  4. Leave the woolen “disc” with newspapers inside until completely dry.
  5. Then we try it on and, if necessary, adjust the resulting shape by re-wetting it.

From the history of blue berets

This fashion reached the Soviet Union only in the 60s. Interestingly, the Marines were the first to wear this headdress. Berets appeared in the Airborne Forces in 1967. Few people know that the original berets were not blue, but crimson. Although the color blue was available in the landing uniform even then (edgings and shoulder straps). The crimson color of the berets was proposed by the artist Zhuk, who borrowed this color from paratroopers of other countries.

The crimson color was not the only one. The artist demonstrated two versions of color schemes to General Margelov. In addition to crimson, there was also a protective color. Berets of this color were planned to be worn as everyday wear, although this remained just a project. Raspberry berets seemed to “Uncle Vasya” more suitable for parades, but he did not approve the everyday version.

In 1967, airborne troops were given the chance to appear at the parade in crimson berets. However, the paratroopers did not wear this color of berets for long. For unknown reasons, the high command decided to change the color of the berets. It is possible that official party leaders were suspicious of the crimson color, and perhaps did not want to have anything to do with the color of the berets of the airborne forces of capitalist countries.

In addition, there is another version that says that the blue color is associated with the sky, which in turn could be most suitable for paratroopers. In general, there is no exact information about the reasons for such sudden changes in the color of the beret.

In 1969, the color was changed to the one seen today, blue. In addition, there was no casual and formal version of berets, which could differ in color.

Final processing

After processing the product, it is necessary to properly remove the pellets and lint, otherwise the headdress will lose its appearance and will not look as intended. This is done when the beret is completely dry. To remove stray hairs, you need:

  1. Remove the suture beret from the head (other options are possible - drying on a ball, jar, mannequin).
  2. Carefully process the entire surface with a disposable razor, from the edges to the middle.
  3. Carefully blow off pellets, dust and debris.
  4. Treat the inside of the product with hairspray.

At the final stage, you should not skimp on the fixing agent. It's better to use the whole bottle. To remove the pellets, you can purchase a special machine. It will help solve the problem of protruding wool fibers that constantly come out during the beating process.

All military personnel are trained on how to properly attach a badge. The easiest way is to make perforations using any thin sharp object, insert two parts of the clamp into the holes and bend them all the way in opposite directions. The flag is fixed in the same way, only on the side. The cockade is attached to the front, clearly in the center.

Before wearing a seamless or drop beret, the employee is advised to once again carefully read the provisions of the charter on wearing a headdress. Each type of military has its own nuances. The main thing is to know in which direction the cap should bend, then the work will be successful. Don't forget about your hair: it shouldn't stick out from under the beret.
We put the beret on the mannequin Using a razor we remove the pellets From the inside we treat it with hairspray

Types of berets and rules of wearing for different branches of the military

A blue, orange or black beret is the most common military headdress. There are other types of this product, for example, which are part of the official uniform of some civilian professions (stewardesses, conductors on long-distance trains). The beret is a favorite headdress of various patriotic and paramilitary organizations.

Type of armyColorPeculiarities
Ministry of Internal AffairsMaroon
Only particularly distinguished employees have the right to wear berets
Ministry of Emergency SituationsOrangeSeamless, made of felt
Airborne forces and GRU special forcesBlueConveniently adjustable in size
MarinesBlack beret with emblemCompact

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There are no flags or other decorative elements on the maroon beret with a seam, but the logo of the troops can be placed. It is received only by those who have successfully passed the tests and demonstrated the required level of physical fitness. In the parade, it is worn tilted to the left side so that the uniform of all participants in the event is uniform.

This headdress is made from wool. It is a disc without a visor with the addition of a cockade and a flag; it comes in two types: suture and seamless (droplet). The first sewing method is used when the product consists of a single piece of fabric. The second manufacturing method is used if the hat needs to be made from several fragments of material. A military beret with a seam is more convenient to beat off. The droplet is easier to adjust in size.

Wearing rules require that a military beret sit vertically on the head. To do this, it is given a form. More information about the proper appearance of a branded hat can be read in the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2011 No. 1500 “On the rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The bottom border of the cap should be strictly parallel to the forehead line. Bend to the right side is required. The edge should rise 3 cm above the eyebrows. To position the hat correctly, pre-treatment of the fabric is necessary. This is why you need to know how to hit the beret.

Maroon Orange beret of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Blue berets of the Airborne Forces Black beret of the Marine Corps

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