"Ratnik" equipment set. Feedback from an Airborne Forces serviceman


Conventionally, the “Ratnik” equipment is five subsystems assembled into one whole: the destruction subsystem, which includes small arms; protection subsystem - all armor; life support subsystem - headphones, filter, clock, flashlights, etc.; control subsystem - optical-electronic aiming and reconnaissance means; power supply subsystem.


At the IDEX-2019 arms exhibition, which will be held in the United Arab Emirates, a new Russian set of combat equipment “Ratnik-2” is planned to be shown. The creators claim that such armor allows a fighter to survive even after being hit by armor-piercing sniper bullets from a distance of 10 meters.

As stated by Viktor Kladov, director for international cooperation at the Rostec state corporation, this equipment, which was developed at TsNIITOCHMASH, was created using special technology, which involves the presence of special armor panels placed in the body armor. It is capable of withstanding sniper armor-piercing incendiary bullets fired from the SVD rifle. After such a load, the panel does not even deform on the reverse side, thereby providing the fighter with protection from concussion injuries.

The Ratnik-2 armored helmet also demonstrates a high level of protection. Having a fairly light weight (1 kilogram), it protects the soldier’s head from shrapnel, mines and grenades. It is believed that a fighter wearing such equipment will be able to act more effectively and perform the most difficult tasks without fear of receiving mortal wounds.

Today the troops use second generation equipment. The press service noted that based on the results of combat use, not a single penetration of armor protection was recorded.

In the near future, Ratnik-2 will include additional elements being developed for the next generation of kits. These include medical sensors, an electronic visor that allows you to shoot at the enemy from around a corner, and mine-resistant boots.

"Ratnik" equipment set. Feedback from an Airborne Forces serviceman

To begin with, it should be noted that “Warrior” is a large set of equipment, including a wide variety of equipment. Therefore, the set can look completely different from part to part. In addition, issuance is carried out through various services - communications service, RAV, clothing, etc. In addition, the “Ratnik” kit is constantly being modernized, new samples are delivered, and replacements are made from time to time.

Another problem with “Ratnik” is that the management is not eager to give it away, so as not to be lost/snatched/resold/broken, and also to have something to please at the “show off”. Unit commanders don’t want to receive all this stuff, so that it doesn’t weigh on them with financial responsibility - and so for each officer, millions of rubles, if anything, will be deducted from their salary. It’s even more difficult to ask a contract soldier than an officer, and even more so from a conscript. That’s why “Ratniks” are lying in warehouses, waiting for power supply or ostentatious exercises, in order to please with a new and beautiful appearance. It is cheaper and easier to buy Ratnik elements on various Internet sites (where they apparently come from these very warehouses) than to receive them.

Question 1
: Some time ago there was a negative article about “Warrior: https://www.vz.ru/columns/2017/7/4/877092.html (we recommend reading it so that below it is clear what it’s about) I would like find out your opinion.
a) Doesn’t the “Warrior” kit apply exclusively to the Ministry of Defense? b) Does the Defense Ministry really send you on business trips to the North Caucasus? Isn’t this a job for the FSB/Rosgvardia, who don’t get out of there anyway? 1. There are a lot of emotions in the article, but there are also many sensible comments. I'll explain it below. In principle, one can even guess from which department the colleague wrote. 2. “Ratnik” and “Sagittarius” are used by units of the Defense Ministry in the North Caucasus Region.

According to the nuances in the article: If the author does not see the correction of shortcomings, this does not mean that work is not being done. It’s unfortunate that we, who operate the equipment, are hard to hear, but there are progress. There are units where Ratnik is supplied first and they work with them. Unfortunately, this is not us.

— Zippers on clothes. I didn’t notice that the fabric was torn because of them. Yes, the Velcro on the demi-season uniform was completely destroyed in two years; I had to sew it on with thread. It happens when zippers break. But it never happened that many people had their fabric torn constantly.

— Velcro for stripes. This is not a problem with the mold manufacturer.

— VVZ. I recommend getting a size larger. The VKPO form is not included in the “Warrior”; there was no goal to test them together.

- “Small assault backpack”... which doesn’t exist. There are only RP and RS from the 6B46 kit, there is RR from the 6B38 kit (poor quality, I agree). But there is a common problem here: they don’t want to read the instructions, they wear them the way the factory packaged them.

— Individual Armor Protection Equipment. Read the instructions! There is no need to carry out breeding experiments on crossing. An extended set of SIBZ is needed for short assault operations, and not for long-term marches on vehicles, which is why it is inconvenient to sit in an infantry fighting vehicle!

- “Sugarka.” Can't you hang it on your back? So there is no place for it there - back, read the instructions. Its place is on the belt, under the RP, which is located in the place where there are no slings (that’s why they are absent). Then the RP can be reset and left with what is needed in the “cooker”.

Understand - the instructions were invented for a reason, you need to read them! Let me also remind you that the “GENERAL ARMS” kit ! That is, it is universal for all tasks and specialties. For this purpose, the TTZ MO was drawn up, which often does not coincide with your desires. Yes, specialists need more choice; fortunately, they can purchase more according to need and purpose.

Question 2: Is all the equipment used? How did the knife, watch and other small items perform in the case?

Set 6B38: — Clock. They lie and stop. It's better to use something simple like a Casio.

- Flashlight. It works, but there is no head mount like the original, and the IR mode is replaced by green. Often you have to take it upon yourself.

— Multitool. Big and heavy. Whoever needs it uses Leathermans or cheap Chinese ones. It would be nice to get the NS-2 engineer, but it is prohibited even to buy it on your own.

- Spatula. Worker, let's go.

— Filters. Rarely used, Aquatabs tablets from the Individual Diet are sufficient.

— Active headphones 6M2. Polarman has already gone through everything, everything is on point. “The stone flower did not come out” (c) from our manufacturers, i.e. it is acceptable to make a copy from "Pelthora" and "Sordina". There is not enough 6M2-1 in the kit for "Excitement", but these are sold only at flea markets.

— The shelter is universal. You can’t figure it out without instructions, but the instructions are such that you need something strong inside in order to understand. Most people also don’t know that you should look for instructions on the inside of the case. A poncho would be much better.

— Knee pads and elbow pads. They look cool, especially for “show off” and photo shoots “I Serve the Fatherland!”

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