“Safety measures when conducting fire training classes. Material part of AK-74m, AKM. Purpose, design and operation of parts and mechanisms of the AK-74m"

Categorical prohibitions

Security measures represent not only certain rules of conduct, but also some prohibitions. Thus, shooting participants are strictly prohibited from performing the following actions:

  1. Without a command from the leader, start firing. This rule also includes a prohibition against loading a weapon, opening it, etc., without the appropriate command.
  2. Removing the weapon from the holster. It is forbidden to uncover the pistol without a command.
  3. Keep your weapon away from possible people. It doesn’t matter whether the gun is loaded or not, any employee is prohibited from pointing the gun at people.
  4. Transfer the assigned pistol to other persons, including employees not related to the classes being conducted.
  5. Open fire after a command is given to stop. It is prohibited to use faulty weapons or ammunition. You cannot shoot while the white flag is raised or the flashlight is on.

These actions are purely imperative; violation or neglect of the above rules is unacceptable.

Typical shooting stop situations

The general picture of non-standard situations in which the trainee is obliged to stop shooting is as follows:

  • In the event of the appearance of people, cars, animals and other objects within visibility on the target field. Failure to cease fire threatens the life and health of humans, animals, damage to transport or other machinery. This rule also applies to low-flying aircraft within the shooting range.
  • Similar to the given command “Stop, cease fire!” is an action such as raising a white flag in the area of ​​a command post or from behind cover. At night, in this situation, the responsible person will use a flashlight.
  • The third situation, which is reflected by safety measures during shooting, is the occurrence of a fire. In this case, additional explanations are unnecessary, since if the fire continues, you can provoke not only a greater territorial spread of the fire, but also expose yourself and others to immediate danger. In a fire, shells and other ammunition may explode, causing adverse effects.

Techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun

Techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun

A machine gun can be fired from various positions and from any place from which the target or the area of ​​terrain where it is expected to appear is visible.
When firing from a location

The machine gunner assumes a shooting position while standing, kneeling, or lying down, depending on the terrain conditions and enemy fire.

In move

The machine gunner can fire on the move without stopping and from a short stop.

For firing from a machine gun, a place is selected that provides the best view and fire, protects the machine gunner from observation and enemy fire, and allows him to carry out shooting techniques quite conveniently.

Depending on the situation and the nature of the terrain, the machine gunner moves in battle by running, at an accelerated pace, and by dashing or crawling. Before moving, the machine is put on safety. When moving at a run, at an accelerated pace and when dashing, the machine gun is held with one or two hands, as is more convenient. When crawling, the machine gun is held with the right hand by the belt at the top swivel or by the forend (Fig. 20).

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Holding the machine gun while crawling on your belly

Firing from a machine gun consists of preparing to fire, firing (shot) and stopping shooting.

Getting ready to fire

Preparation for shooting includes taking the position for shooting and loading the machine gun.

To assume a prone shooting position, you must:

1) if the machine is in the “belt” position,

move your right hand along the belt slightly upward and, removing the machine gun from your shoulder, grab it with your left hand by the trigger guard and receiver, then take the machine gun with your right hand by the receiver lining and the forend with the muzzle part forward. At the same time, take a full step with your right foot forward and slightly to the right. Leaning forward, lower yourself onto your left knee and place your left hand on the ground in front of you, with your fingers pointing to the right (Fig. 21, a), then, leaning successively on the thigh of your left leg and the forearm of your left hand, lie on your left side and quickly turn onto your stomach, spreading legs slightly to the sides with toes out; At the same time, place the machine gun with the fore-end on the palm of your left hand (Fig. 21, b);

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Procedure for taking a prone shooting position

2) if the machine gun is in the “chest” position.

With your left hand, take the machine gun from below by the fore-end and the barrel guard and, lifting it slightly forward and up, remove your right hand from under the belt, and then throw the belt over your head and take the machine gun with your right hand by the barrel handguard and the hand-guard with the muzzle part forward. In the future, the prone shooting position is assumed in the same way as from the “on the belt” position with the machine gun.

To assume a position for shooting from the knee (Fig. 22, a), you need to: take the machine gun in your right hand by the barrel lining and fore-end with the muzzle forward and at the same time, putting your right leg back, lower yourself onto your right knee and sit on your heel; the shin of the left leg should remain in a vertical position, and the hips should form an angle close to a right angle. Place the machine gun with the fore-end in your left hand, pointing it towards the target.

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Kneeling (a) and standing (b) shooting positions

To assume a standing shooting position (Fig. 22, b), you must:

1) if the machine is in the “belt” position,

turn half a turn to the right in relation to the direction towards the target and, without placing your left leg, set it to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner, while distributing the weight of the body evenly on both legs. At the same time, moving your right hand along the belt slightly upward, remove the machine gun from your shoulder and, picking it up with your left hand from below by the fore-end and receiver lining, vigorously push the muzzle forward, towards the target;

2) if the machine gun is in the “chest” position,

With your left hand, take the machine gun from below by the fore-end and the receiver lining and, lifting it slightly forward and up, remove your right hand from under the belt, and then throw the belt over your head. At the same time, turn half a turn to the right and, without placing your left leg, move it to the left approximately shoulder-width apart, as is more convenient for the machine gunner, then vigorously move the muzzle of the machine gun forward, towards the target.

When taking a shooting position with a machine gun “on the chest,” it is allowed not to remove the belt from the neck, but to use it to more firmly hold the machine gun when shooting.

To load the machine you need:

• holding the machine gun by the fore-end with your left hand, attach the loaded magazine to the machine gun with your right hand, if it was not previously attached to it;

• put the translator on automatic fire if the machine gun is on safety;

• with your right hand, use the handle to pull the bolt frame back as far as it will go and release it;

• put the machine on safety if there is no immediate opening of fire or the command “Fire!” is not followed, and move your right hand to the pistol grip.

Finding strangers

Security measures during shooting practice prohibit the presence of unauthorized persons on the shooting range. If there is a dangerous object in the area where shots or explosions are regularly heard, it must be marked with bright signs. For example, the attention of a person unfamiliar with the territory may be attracted by signs such as “Stop, they’re shooting!” or “Shooting range!”, “Traffic prohibited!”. As soon as you see signs of this kind, you must leave the boundaries of the object and stay away from it in the future. As a rule, shooting ranges are organized in open and clearly visible areas; accordingly, signs are installed at the intersection of paths, roads, passage points, and so on. The presence of a trench also indicates possible shots.

General personal safety measures during shooting require the need to notify residents of nearby populated areas that entry and entry into the shooting range is prohibited.

Prohibited movements

Safety measures during shooting also prohibit the following actions:

  • If you opened fire while wearing noise-cancelling headphones, then adjusting, putting on, removing, or performing other actions with them while holding a weapon in your hands is strictly prohibited! At such moments, the shooter’s attention is focused directly on the headphones themselves, which can cause an accidental shot.
  • Until the moment of opening fire, the weapon is always on safety. When performing somersaults, turns, jumps, swings, the weapon must be safe for you and others - another requirement that regulates the safety measures during shooting by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. RB (Hand-to-hand combat) is one of the most popular techniques of fighting with weapons in the hands, since all law enforcement officers must master it.

Actions on the command “Fire!”

When conducting fire training sessions, you will encounter this small, but very colorful and significant command, which indicates the opening of fire. It is submitted exclusively by the manager or an authorized assistant. It is allowed to open fire only after voicing this command - another rule that was proclaimed by safety measures during shooting.

In a shooting range, this command is heard better than in the open air, but in any case, the leader must give “Fire!” loud, clear and clear, taking into account wind, weather conditions, and the fact that the shooters are wearing headphones. In the field, this team is indicated by a red flag on the territory of the shooting range command post, and at night a lantern is lit.

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