Aerosol and flare pistols for self-defense

What types of self-defense are there and which are the best?

Contents Izh 78 gas pistol This is the first thing that comes to mind. The advantages are obvious - an impressive toy that can easily pass for a real “gun”, solid, heavy, which you can show off to your friends... And in general, a cool thing.

Moreover, in some cases it is capable of quickly and effectively disabling the enemy. However, a gas pistol or revolver has many more disadvantages.

  • Thirdly, although most gas pistols shoot at about three to five meters, a sudden gust of wind can decide the outcome against you. In addition, the “gas gun” cannot be used, for example, in an elevator, on a narrow staircase, etc. - you will also get pretty bad. Another very dangerous point is that an attacker may mistake this weapon for a combat weapon. Fortunately, if this is a simple gopnik, he will most likely just run away. But if you are faced with an armed robber, the sight of a weapon in your hand can provoke the robber to take active action. He will use a knife or a pistol, but not a gas pistol.
  • Secondly, to purchase a gas pistol. Yes, you must obtain permission. And this is a tedious and rather long run around the authorities for papers. It takes time, effort and extra money.
  • Firstly, the price. The simplest domestically produced revolver costs at least one and a half thousand rubles. It seems not so expensive, but for this money you can hardly find anything worthwhile.

Osa pistol The most common version of such weapons is the Osa complex, consisting of a barrelless pistol and special non-lethal cartridges with a traumatic, light-sound, illumination or signal charge.

Tactical and damaging characteristics.

Judging by the manufacturer’s information, in terms of performance characteristics, you won’t find any equivalent to the Dobrynya aerosol pistol in St. Petersburg. The device demonstrates a more than decent range - 5 meters, it is completely resistant to meteorological conditions, and has high accuracy and shooting accuracy.

It must be said that in this case, the A+A marketers did not lie at all. In field tests, the five-meter range of the Dobrynya gas pistol turned out to be quite tough; the scattering of drops at such a distance did not exceed the rated accuracy - no more than 30-35 cm. In the wind and in calm weather, shooting is equally accurate.

As for reliability, when shooting on the “branded” a+a-sh BAM 18x51, the device was shot accurately, without a single misfire. But when using ordinary 13x50 mm supplies (for self-defense, the Dobrynya pistol can use different cartridges, for this a set of adapters is attached to it), everything turned out to be not so simple.

Misfires occurred, but due to the fact that the BAM itself did not work - the firing pin of the device left a clear notch on the capsule, so we will leave these failures on the conscience of the ammunition manufacturers. It should be noted that even if it misfired, the device properly ejected the unfired cartridge, and fed the next supply into the barrel - self-defense could continue.

And one more interesting point - in St. Petersburg, the Dobrynya aerosol device has no analogues in terms of the power of the ammunition itself. “Native” BAMs are filled with a very substantial dose of “pepper” - 4 cm3, which causes a more effective, faster and painful effect.

What is better - “Dobrynya” or “Premier”?

We will try to immediately answer the question that interests many self-defense specialists - we will compare the Premier-4 and Dobrynya aerosol pistols. For the sake of analogy, it was the fourth version of the Premiere that was chosen, since it is more similar to the Dobrynya in appearance, dimensions, and magazine capacity.

Let’s say right away that neither one nor the other model had any significant advantages. Yes, these devices are fundamentally different - “Premiers” run on electricity, and “Dobryni” are gas pistols with a classic impact trigger. But this had little effect on the characteristics and user interface - the pistols have the same range, practically do not differ in accuracy, and their clips are almost the same: “Dobrynya” can be shot five times, “Premier-4” - four.

But the muzzle-cage reloading system led to some minor advantages of the Premier - this device reloads faster, and the absence of a cartridge case evacuation system speeds up shooting somewhat. On the other hand, the Dobrynya self-defense pistol is simpler; it does not need anything other than cartridges to fire. In the Premiere, you need to change the batteries, and even this laser sight complicates the design - not all users find it useful.

In general, the choice between “Dobrynya” and “Premier” is purely a matter of your taste; it is not possible to directly answer which of them is better.

Charging/recharging system, ergonomics, etc.

What can’t be taken away from the Dobrynya gas pistol - it’s really easy to use! In addition to the trigger, the system has only one element for manipulation - a lever that presses the spring and allows you to unload the clip manually - it is recommended to store the device unloaded. And so - no fuses for you, no laser sights, no bolts - you just take it and shoot if necessary! By the way, the trigger of the device is pressed with force so that there are no accidental clicks - this must be taken into account.

Aerosol pistol for self-defense Premier, models number 2 and 4

— — Contents Everyone thinks about their safety, but it is unlikely to be possible to ensure it without using an effective means of self-defense. You must have sufficient physical development or have hand-to-hand combat skills.

And even in this case, a favorable outcome of events is not guaranteed in the event of aggression on the part of the attacker. We need a means that is guaranteed to scare away or stop the enemy for some time. This can be a stun gun, a gas spray, a traumatic pistol or an aerosol weapon.

Trauma lovers buy various models for themselves, mostly for collection or for the very fact of availability. At the same time, they are ready to go through all stages of weapons licensing, including obtaining a purchase permit and a license to carry a gun.

If you need to ensure self-defense in the most affordable way, you can purchase an aerosol weapon. This is a type of pistol that shoots a non-lethal substance, but hits the enemy, deactivating him for a sufficiently long time. A representative of aerosol weapons is the Premier pistol, or rather its two modifications - Premier-2 and Premier-4.

The manufacturer is the city of Tula.

This company gained popularity after the release of such models as Ataman, Dobrynya and Charodey. The Premier device is designed to provide self-defense in emergency situations, as the manufacturer indicates on the packaging. The essence of the application is to spray caustic liquid substances.

Aerosol and flare pistols for self-defense

In this article we will talk about aerosol and signal pistols intended for self-defense; we will consider the operating principle of these types of weapons, their characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Today in Russia there is an economic crisis and a direct consequence of instability in the economy is a decrease in living standards and an increase in crime.

How to protect yourself in an increasingly complicated criminal situation in the country?

You can, of course, sign up for martial arts courses, but it’s a long journey, sports results will appear in at least six months, but you want to feel safe here and now.

There is another way - to purchase a self-defense weapon. It takes a long time to get, but gas (aerosol) and flare guns are possible.

This article will look at some of them and also find out which gun is best for self-defense.

The most prominent representative of aerosol pistols designed for self-defense is the Dobrynya pistol. Externally, the weapon resembles a small-sized combat pistol and is equipped with special cartridge cartridges (BAM) filled with a damaging mixture.

Loading occurs from above into a magazine built into the handle of the device and holding 5 aerosol cartridges.

The best aerosol gun for everyone


Katerina 391 0 best aerosol gun 0 Protective equipment is something that everyone should have today, regardless of gender and age.

When you press the trigger, irritants are released through the barrel, after which the discharged BAM is removed automatically.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of crime, hooligans and bandits on the streets, so it is very important to be able to protect yourself. Of course, you can buy real weapons, but this is very problematic. You will have to draw up documents, get certificates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fill out certificates. It is much easier to buy approved self-defense means that do not require documents and can simply be carried in your purse or even pocket.

One of the most popular options for such products is an aerosol gun.

What to look for when choosing a pistol?

Firstly, the aerosol gun must directly hit the enemy's eyes, otherwise it will not work.

We recommend reading: State duty on second smooth-bore weapons

Direct contact with the pores and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth is necessary, otherwise there will be no effect.

It is important to correctly calculate your strength, from what distance you can hit the attacker’s face.

Depending on this, we choose a pistol; the characteristics always indicate the hitting distance.

We pay attention to the design and how it was made.

It is best to choose a small metal model.

Most often they look like a regular pistol, which adds even more fear to the attacker.

General characteristics of aerosol guns

Aerosol gas guns (devices) are weapons adapted to fire tear gas

, artificial or natural pepper concentrate, as well as their mixture in certain proportions. The cartridge used is a small-sized cartridge (BAM) with pyroelectric detonation of the charge.

The destructive power of these devices is high. At a distance of 3-5 meters you can hit the aggressor by hitting him in the head. The irritating effect of irritate will be expressed in active tearing and salivation, burning. The enemy, whether human or dog, will be neutralized for 20-30 minutes

. At the same time, no harm is caused to his health.

Pistols of this type have the appearance of a real weapon, but without a barrel. They are called “barrelless weapons for self-defense.”

Depending on the design, pistols are divided into:

  • single-shot and multi-shot;
  • single-barrel and multi-barrel;
  • with laser sight;
  • shooting pepper and tear gas, as well as noise and signal cartridges.

Pistol for self-defense: selection criteria and rating of the best weapon

Effective self-defense will be relevant at all times. No matter how civilized a society is, there will always be a person who decides to step over the boundaries of what is acceptable.

And in order to protect themselves and their loved ones, many people purchase a pistol for self-defense. Thanks to its relative compactness and good firepower, the pistol is the most popular type of weapon. However, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits to store and carry it. Contents

    1 Legal basis
      1.1 Obtaining permission to carry and store weapons 1.2 Consequences of using a pistol

    2 Requirements for a pistol for self-defense3 Types of pistols for self-defense

    3.1 Gas revolvers and pistols 3.2 Traumatic pistols 3.3 Pneumatic pistols

4 Selection criteria5 Review of popular models

Legal framework Regarding the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, any type of weapon can be classified into one of two categories: Service, that is, used in security, police, army, etc.

d. It is used in special-purpose units, and even if we are not talking about firearms, but about traumatic pistols, their destructive ability is significantly improved compared to civilian prototypes. Civilian, which is allowed for use by ordinary people. Most often these are revolvers and pistols intended for self-defense.

The best aerosol gun for self-defense

When there is no way out.

Choosing a knife for SELF-DEFENSE (remember a knife is a last resort) The most important thing when buying a knife is to make sure that it is not a bladed weapon. Knives sold in stores must (demand!) have a certificate confirming that they are not edged weapons. Check whether the certificate you received (the certificate must be given to you along with the knife) corresponds to the knife you are buying (the seller may mistakenly give you a certificate for another knife).

Laminate the certificate and ALWAYS carry it with you: Pooch-daggers and more from Viking Norway.

They cost pennies, but at the same time they have a certificate that they are furrier’s knives (really funny). And you don’t mind throwing it away. Professional advice can be found here. Smooth-bore long-barreled weapons In order to understand what this is, it is enough to remember the end of the film “Terminator 2”, where Sarah Connor shoots the evil T-1000 robot with a pump-action shotgun.

We must immediately warn that this type of weapon is suitable for self-defense only in very rare cases: one can imagine what will happen to the attacker even if he is hit by a traumatic bullet from a standard distance for self-defense of 3-5 m. Therefore, such weapons can be used only in cases of an immediate threat to life, which will then have to be proven.

Despite its high efficiency, this type of weapon has many disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks lies in the word “long-barreled”.

Attention The revolver also has a special fuse (type of a safety lock).

Which aerosol gun to choose

Every person wants to feel as protected as possible. More than others, this applies to residents of large cities with a large number of residents, where there is a high chance of becoming a victim of an attack. The most important thing is to choose the right means of self-defense.

It is very important that it is as effective as possible and does not require a permit.

In such a situation, you should opt for aerosol devices. There is only one question left: which aerosol gun to choose, how to handle it and what to pay attention to. Currently, there are many models of aerosol guns on the Russian market. They are similar in principle of operation, but still have certain differences.

We remind you that in Russia you can purchase and use only domestically produced aerosol devices.

This is due to the current regulations.

The most popular models of aerosol guns. Before you start choosing a specific model, you should understand the general assortment.

It is necessary to choose a certain category of manufacturers that have proven themselves to be the best in the eyes of their customers.

Especially for you, we have identified three main models of aerosol devices that are widely used among most users, namely:

  1. Pioneer
  2. Premier 4
  3. Dobrynya

The choice of these models was made for a reason. These devices are characterized by a high level of build quality, good reliability, efficiency and durability.


When choosing which is better - the Pioneer aerosol gun or the Premier 4 model, you need to pay attention not only to the technical characteristics or dimensions, but also to individual points related to the use of the gun.


  • looks like a weapon;
  • multi-caliber - easy to combine ammunition;
  • fast recharge;
  • reliable mechanical escapement;
  • shoots rockets, as well as "THUNDER";
  • small, convenient.


  • USM is tight;
  • no fuse;
  • 2 shots before reloading;
  • less amount of irritant;
  • smaller lesion spot.

In practice, the Pioneer gas pistol has proven its effectiveness more than once, but is it worth dwelling on it or is the Premier also capable of offering its owner an advantage? Let’s compare.

Aerosol pistols for self-defense, which is better?

Aerosol pistols The most prominent representative of aerosol pistols designed for self-defense is the Dobrynya pistol. Externally, the weapon resembles a small-sized combat pistol and is equipped with special cartridge cartridges (BAM) filled with a damaging mixture.

Loading occurs from above into a magazine built into the handle of the device and holding 5 aerosol cartridges. When the trigger is pressed, irritants are released through the barrel, after which the discharged BAM is removed automatically.

Moreover, to throw a damaging aerosol, you can use not only standard ammunition, but also BAMs of reduced power. You may be interested in an article about the Premier gas pistol for self-defense. Gas sprays The best means of self-defense for women are aerosol-gas devices.

Gas cartridges are very affordable and widespread, sometimes they are even sold in supermarkets. The principle of operation of such a device is the damaging effect of a special gas on human mucous membranes.

The gas is harmless to human life and has only a temporary effect, namely: lacrimation, pain, disorientation, and respiratory rhythm disturbance. With this method, coordination of actions is important, since if the gas jet does not hit the target (eyes, mouth), the enemy will not receive proper damage and may become even more angry. Telescopic baton Some means of self-defense at first glance are completely harmless.

Which aerosol gun is better to choose for self-defense?

>> The minimum price of a good model is $125, but the maximum limit can be $400. e. and higher. The cost of one shot reaches 1 USD.

e. Most models of gas pistols are manufactured in exact accordance with their combat prototypes.

And since it can be quite difficult to distinguish such weapons from firearms, just one type of pistol can stop an unarmed enemy. If we are talking about an armed attacker, then the use of such pistols in such situations is not advisable. Another disadvantage of such pistols is the rather complicated procedure for registering them and obtaining the appropriate permits.

These are the so-called “traumas”, which are more effective means of self-defense than the previous type of weapon. The operating principle of such a pistol is based on a powder charge in a cartridge case, just like in firearms.

However, it shoots with special rubber bullets.

A traumatic pistol for self-defense is not capable of killing a person, but can cause significant damage at a distance of up to 10 meters. If the shot is fired from a distance of less than two meters and hits the head, heart or abdomen, then it is quite possible that a fatal outcome will occur.

Which aerosol gun is best?

✔ Choosing a pistol for self-defense Currently, the choice of weapons for self-defense is quite large and it takes a lot of effort to figure it out correctly

Aerosol (gas) pistol Dobrynya

  • Price:
    3,000 RUB
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Delivery in Penza: by courier - 350 rubles. Pickup in Penza: free - st. Kirova, 54 Delivery throughout Russia: by Russian Post and transport companies

  • Manufacturer: A+A
  • Article: pdobr
  • Description
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  • Question answer
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  • Along with this they buy

Anyone who values ​​their life and health is simply obliged to buy a Dobrynya aerosol device. If you frequent dark city alleys in the evenings, self-defense is a vital element of your bag.

One of the best devices from Tula is the Dobrynya gas aerosol gun. Why he?

  • No need to buy licenses or permits;
  • Very similar to a firearm;
  • Capable of dealing with five opponents in one conflict;
  • Damage distance – 3 meters;
  • Reliable and does not misfire.

There are hardly any attackers who would rush at a person with a gun. But, even if one is found, a shot in the face area will cause profuse tearing, burning and itching, and will relieve aggressive symptoms for at least 10-15 minutes.

The clip contains 5 charges of BAM 18x51 caliber. The Dobrynya gas pistol for self-defense has no recoil and shoots effectively even in strong gusts of wind.

The ShockerShop24 online store will offer you the best price for self-defense pistols in Penza and fast delivery throughout the city. We are waiting for your calls!

Belt pouch for 5 BAMs (18X51, 18X55 MM.)

You use one of the large-caliber aerosols and would like to always have the maximum possible...

Idle (noise) BAM-X.000 A+A 13X50

Do you want to use your “UDAR-M2”, “Dobrynya”, “Sorcerer” or “Pioneer” not only as the most powerful...

Adapter kit for BAM 13x50

As you know, both “Dobrynya” and their followers “Pioneers” are multifunctional and multi-caliber weapons.

Belt holster for Dobrynya aerosol pistol

An excellent solution for all Russian self-defense fighters who have given preference to such a powerful, effective...

The most powerful BAM 2.000-04 (CR+OC) 13x50 mm. "Black Widow"

One of the most powerful irritant cartridges in the world, in its striking characteristics close to...

Cartridges for aerosol devices “BAM-OS.000” 18Х51 mm

Some of the best large-caliber aerosol ammunition in the Russian Federation and the world, the latest pepper cartridges for...

Cartridges for aerosol devices BAM-OS.000 13Х50 mm

The best pepper cartridges for medium-caliber arosols, manufactured by renowned domestic manufacturers..

Operational holster (shoulder) for aerosol pistols Dobrynya

Due to the large dimensions and rather aggressive appearance of the Dobrynya aerosol, many...

Lethal cartridges "BAM-CR+OS" 18x51 mm for aerosol devices

New for all fans of large-caliber aerosols with a mechanical trigger - “Pioneers” and “Dobra..

Bag for concealed carrying of aerosol guns

Not all owners of large-caliber aerosols like to ostentatiously carry their weapons in a holster..

Butterfly holster for aerosol devices (universal)

A holster of universal design, providing comfortable carrying of any large-caliber aerosols..

Belt holster for Dobrynya (with bracket)

“Dobrynya” is a fairly large and powerful pistol, which requires a special...

The most powerful BAM (CR+OC) 13x50 mm “Cobra”

A new product from the Tula factory “A+A”, which will delight all owners of medium-caliber aerosols! ..

Maximum engagement range (m)5
Effective range (m)up to 4
Caliber of used BAMs (mm)18x51, 13x50
Shot firing mechanismMechanical
Magazine capacity (clips), BAM (pcs)5
Housing materialPlastic
Device Dimensions (mm)140x120.5x28
Device weight (g)175
Guaranteed number of operations (shots)1000


  • Device — 1 pc.
  • Adapters for Bam 13x50/13x60 - (5 pcs)
  • Passport - 1 pc.
  • Packaging - 1 pc.

Aerosol pistols for self-defense, which is better?

But signal flares designed for military purposes are not available for free sale, and those “signals” that can be bought in a hunting or self-defense store are practically useless against a serious enemy. Moreover, the signal cartridge charge can bounce off thick clothing (jackets, sheepskin coats).Advantages:

  1. A loud sound of a shot and a flash.
  2. Psychological effect.
  3. Serious military models are very effective in self-defense.


  1. When firing from an army rocket launcher, there is a high probability of death for the enemy.
  2. Weak samples of “signals” are unsuitable if the enemy is not afraid.
  3. Powerful samples are not available for free sale.

Airsoft weapons Another prominent representative of purely psychological self-defense weapons is a weapon designed for playing airsoft.

Attention Silence occurs only when the plug is returned to its place.

On a pleasant note: the keychain is waterproof, so neither rain, nor puddles, nor even bodies of water will interfere with it, and it will ring even under water. Personal alarm for motorists - Vigilant 130 dB Personal Alarm with Backup Whistle This personal alarm for ~$16 is similar in design to a car alarm key fob - therefore it is designed specifically for motorists.

Important If you press a button unnoticed, a deafening sound is immediately heard.

The key fob passed crash tests successfully - you can throw it on the ground without fear of breaking or jamming it.

Flare pistols

Flare pistols may look like an exact copy of some combat models, or have a different appearance from them.

Their main task, as self-defense weapons, is to have a psychological effect on the aggressor, and also to attract the attention of passers-by or the police using the sound of a shot and a flash of flame. Also, using the sound effect of a flare gun, you can disperse a pack of stray dogs.

Flare pistols vary greatly in caliber and appearance, as well as in purpose. And if a starting pistol can only scare the enemy, then an army rocket launcher can kill a person outright.

From this article you will learn which weapons for self-defense do not require permission and a license.

But signal flares designed for military purposes are not available for free sale, and those “signals” that can be bought in a hunting or self-defense store are practically useless against a serious enemy. Moreover, the signal cartridge charge can bounce off thick clothing (jackets, sheepskin coats). Advantages:

  • Psychological effect.
  • A loud sound of a shot and a flash.
  • Serious military models are very effective in self-defense.


  • When firing from an army rocket launcher, there is a high probability of death for the enemy.
  • Powerful samples are not available for free sale.
  • Weak samples of “signals” are unsuitable if the enemy is not afraid.

Selecting an aerosol device and BAMs for it


Thank you for attention

I'll start, I guess. Axiom. Not a single composition will work without getting into the mucous membranes of the eyes. No matter how cool he is. Part 1.

BAM. BAMs are represented on the market in the following calibers: a) 13*50/60. Produced by 2 and A+A LLC.

Fortuna produces BAMs in a steel sleeve, the plug is a membrane, namely: “Black Widow” (irritant cr + OC), “Tarantula” (irritant cr), “Mister Pepper” (irritant OS), “Holiday” and “Pugachok”. “Celebratory” ones release a sheaf of silvery confetti, “Pugachok” makes a fairly quiet clap, the other 3 contain irritants, and accordingly, are capable of hitting the enemy.

All BAMs from this company are characterized by the fact that their capsule can be knocked out, jamming the device at the most inopportune moment, underfilling and crooked fit of the plastic capsule containing the active substance, and therefore the jet can go into a cloud, which is why the efficiency of the device sharply drops , the jet also constantly goes to the side, not hitting the place where it was aimed. At a distance of 1-1.5 meters from the muzzle, the devices work normally. Of the above, it is recommended to take BAM “Black Widow”, as it has the most effective composition.

A+A produces only 1 type of BAM - pepper. The plug is a separate plug, which ensures excellent shot integrity. There is no sealing of the piston and no protection of the capsule from leaks,


A unique self-defense device developed by Tula gunsmiths in 2016! “Dobrynya” is a powerful, efficient, extremely reliable and convenient pistol for shooting liquid irritants, a leader in its segment in terms of reliability, ease of control and combat qualities! “Dobrynya” is a civilian modification of weapons that does not require accompanying certificates or permission!

  • The most reliable mechanism! “Dobrynya” is a classic striker-type device. The designers managed to maximize the accuracy of the mechanism by using a super-strong aluminum-based alloy to create its parts, scrupulously fitting all working parts, as well as an innovative design chuck with a special anti-skew threshold!
  • Five super-powerful poison shots! The device operates on the latest generation mini-gas cylinders - 18x51 mm BAMs. Each of these supplies contains 4 cc of ultra-potent 95% pepper extract! Even a touching hit with this amount of irritant will be enough to incapacitate the most threatening target!
  • Ability to fire all existing BAMs! In the box with Dobrynya you will find special adapters that allow you to charge the device with 13x50- or 13x60-caliber supplies, including training, sound, Tarantula or Black Widow.
  • Excellent combat parameters! When working with proprietary 18x51 mm cartridges, the device is capable of throwing irritant 5 meters, with an accuracy of 25-30 cm, with complete independence of the trajectory from wind gusts. Also, “Dobrynya” remains completely safe when used indoors.
  • The simplest control system! The design of the Dobrynya is not overloaded with elements that complicate the handling of weapons. For self-defense, you just need to press the trigger button - the cocking is done automatically, as is the ejection of empty cartridges. The design also includes a lever that allows you to unload the magazine without firing.
  • Convenience and aggressive design! The device has a shape typical for injuries and firearms, which provides an additional psychological advantage to the defender and makes it easier to carry.
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