SVD - Dragunov sniper rifle cal. 7.62 mm.

92 readers, 33 topics

Homemade products for hooligans. Everything about slingshots, shooters, scarecrows, pipes, firecrackers, school wars, etc., etc.

  • Created October 27, 2010
  • Topikov 33
  • Subscribers 92
  • Rating 2.26

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There are no moderators here How to make a spinning cork on a thread - entertainment from childhood.

Remember this super smoker, buzzer, mower, or just a cool plug on a string - a little thing that you could spin during breaks. How many copies of these things were made, and how many were selected by strict teachers! There were a ton of options for making these super buzzers, from buttons to Pepsi caps. I liked the latter more, because they are more beautiful, more massive and there is room for imagination and options...

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How to make your own arsenal of weapons from cardboard

So we all read, write, discuss the topic of trash for business... But it can be different - you can make a postcard from a used box, you can build a decoration from a half-ruble.

Or you can make a whole military arsenal from ordinary sheet cardboard, which is used in packaging and boxes. A pistol, an assault rifle, a machine gun, a grenade launcher, a large-caliber sniper rifle, and this is not a complete list of weapons made from ordinary cardboard ...

Read more → How to make a target for pneumatics like in a shooting gallery with your own hands.

One day I decided to buy an air gun, aka pneumatics, aka an air rifle. I dreamed of it since childhood, but somehow it didn’t work out. Friends had one, but they only let me shoot. And finally it happened, my child demanded my help and swore an oath to take care of the rifle from his mother.

But we quickly got tired of shooting at cans, bottles and trees; we wanted something like a personal shooting range so that, like the “Voroshilov shooters,” we could hit the target exactly.

By the way, I have the “TRP Badge” (I got it from my grandfather), so I needed to confirm its possession of effective shooting.

It was also important that my son needed to learn to shoot in a safe environment.

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Dedicated to the freaks who tore off the spoiler from “The Raging Anti-Virgin”.

If you don't have a dog... ...then your neighbor won't poison it. Or something like that. But if your neighbor is a goat, then this needs to be treated. Especially if he is a goat motorist, arrives at night without a muffler, carelessly leaves the car at the entrance, or loudly listens to cheap crap like “Seraphim Udavkin - disc of the year “You me not you.” I probably bought myself a super-duper maza-fakin re-tuned and fancy constipation with a spoiler, and even a hypersensitive alarm that reacts to breathing and screams almost with good obscenities, set it and painfully cums at her first scream. You know what I mean? Exactly! He urgently needs to prescribe twenty sessions of unprecedented auto-Western construction. Well, if your neighbor, in addition to being a goat, is also a dumbass, and is not on friendly terms with himself, then all 20 methods given below are exactly for you and for him.

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