Rating of stun guns 2022 - review of the best stun guns of this year

We present an updated rating of stun guns for 2022, including the most popular stun guns among Russians.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the publication on the Internet of numerous unprofessional, and more often, simply customized ratings that do not correspond to reality, on various sites that do not specialize in the sale of stun guns, such as: oxko-ru vyborexperta-ru markakachestva-ru expertvybor-ru techcovet -ru and others, the owners of some similar sites themselves send us letters with offers to place the rating we need for money, there are also biased ratings of the manufacturers themselves (for example: rating of thunder-shok stun guns), which indicate only their products and do not inform that this is a rating specifically their products/their store, which makes it completely biased. The rating below is based on sales statistics from our store and includes the most popular models, that is, what most Russians choose in 2022. On the Internet you can find ratings of stun guns broken down by segment: rating of female models, men's, stun guns against dogs, rating of baton stun guns, under a flashlight or the most powerful models. Our material presents a general selection by popularity, that is, stun guns for both self-defense and from dogs and for other purposes.

Secondly, it is definitely worth drawing the attention of citizens intending to purchase a stun gun that there are many fraudulent sites on the Internet that pass off counterfeit goods as originals, copying names, characteristics, photographs, in other words, everything possible, and selling only outwardly similar models, Most of these sites are included in the Black List of Stores of the Association for Stun Guns. The difference between fakes and genuine goods is that they are produced in completely different factories, from different materials, contain different fillings, in other words, instead of a good battery there is a cheap one or instead of real factory transformers there are fake ones, as a result, a replica is obtained 10 times cheaper, ineffective, short-lived, moreover, it can cause harm to the owner or simply explode when charging, to verify this, you can find a video review, for example, of the Jaguar-9 stun gun (according to the words: fake Jaguar-9 stun gun video), where various variants of fakes and their differences from the genuine one are clearly demonstrated. We recommend that future buyers be careful and check the store at least for availability on the specified list.

Place No. 1: Stun gun SPECNAZ-Classic

The most popular stun gun among buyers in 2022 is the SPECNAZ-Classic stun gun. An analysis of purchasing power, as well as statistical surveys, showed that the reason for choosing this model by the majority of citizens was the versatility of this stun gun model, as well as its high efficiency compared to others. Moreover, this shocker does an excellent job of scaring away dogs, so a significant part of the market applies specifically to those who want to protect themselves from harmful dogs. As for the neutralizing function in relation to people, then in this case “Special Forces” shows itself superbly. Overall, a well-deserved first place, not only according to the statistics of our store, but in the country as a whole.

Variety of stun guns

Manufacturers of stun devices offer a large selection of stun guns, so each client will be able to choose the best option depending on their requirements and budget. You can purchase reliable and proven high-quality stun guns in Moscow at optimal and competitive prices in our online self-defense store. If you can’t decide on a model or have any questions, call, qualified specialists will help you make the right choice.

The assortment includes a wide variety of models of stun guns of class 1 protection, which are capable of neutralizing a person or animal who has attacked you for at least 10-15 seconds. This time will be enough for you to take further radical measures.

Depending on your level of training and dexterity, you can choose the optimal stun gun model. A high level of protection and self-confidence is provided by a powerful shooting Taser stun gun . It allows you to neutralize the enemy at a preferred distance, since when you press the trigger, it releases damaging diodes. The difference between this type and a contact shocker is the presence of a cartridge with electrodes and wires, as well as the possibility of exposure at a significant distance.

The compact device will allow you to protect yourself from attack in open areas, indoors and in small spaces, such as an elevator. This category includes such shockers as Jaguar, Groza 2 M, Gepard-3 Power, Impact 2 y, Impact pro stunner.

The stun gun is the optimal solution for the self-defense of drivers, truckers, and security guards. The device provides double protection as it has a powerful charge. The convenient grip allows you to use the shocker as a baton when repelling an attack from intruders. The assortment includes such models as Lightning YB-1119 V , Lightning YB-1120 , Lightning X-8 Mega Volt .

Place No. 2: Stun gun ELECTRO-PROTECTOR

An excellent option for those who want to save money. That is why this model takes second place in our rating. Those who could not afford the Spetsnaz-Classic or Jaguar-9 purchase the ElectroProtector. Of course, it has some nuances, but those who wanted to get a cheaper shocker do not pay attention to them. The main thing is that the effectiveness of this model is at a level, certainly not the same as that of “Special Forces” or “Sceptres”, but it will work against average people and average dogs. Anything cheaper than Protector is either fake or very weak; even greater savings in this case are meaningless.

Best lists

We invite you to get acquainted with the best devices in the following categories:

  • budget price;
  • The most powerful;
  • flashlight.

Budget price

VIPERTEK VTS-98 is one of the most popular shockers with an LED flashlight, capable of scaring off an attacker with its sound alone. The design is made of quality materials. The body contains electrodes with spikes, thanks to which the discharge passes through clothing and reaches its maximum value. The steel coating of the handle guarantees that a bandit will not be able to snatch the ESA from your hands. By touching this part, the attacker will receive a shock.

Cost: from 1200 to 2300 rubles.

shocker VIPERTEK VTS-98

The most powerful

Avatar K.111 is capable of temporarily neutralizing the attacker and scaring away the animal. The device belongs to the first efficiency class with a power of 3 W. The charge penetrates a thick layer of clothing even in winter. The device is a contact type, so it is well suited for defense in tight spaces. The electrodes are carefully disguised under the body and do not attract attention, which allows you to create the effect of surprise.

Average price tag: 6800 rubles.

stun gun Avatar K.111


Flashlight - stun gun 1101 POLICE LIGHT FLASHLIGHT is designed for professionals. A bright beam of light blinds the enemy at a distance of up to 200 meters, and the electric shock completely neutralizes. The body is made of impact-resistant metal. The device is powered by a built-in battery that guarantees long-term performance. The stun gun uses innovative SUPER TORCH technology, which measures the resistance of the human body upon contact.

Price: from 1000 to 2300 rubles.


Place No. 3: Scepter-Light stun gun

An excellent option for third place. Almost the same characteristics as the winner of our rating, only smaller. The Scepter-Lite stun gun adequately copes with the main tasks - neutralizing aggressors and scaring away dogs; unlike Special Forces, it does not have the same rate of penetration of clothing and sound decibels, however, according to reviews from customers who wanted a smaller model, they are quite happy with everything. Therefore, this model deservedly stands on the pedestal of our rating, taking third place among professional stun guns.

Features of stun guns: how do they differ from conventional stun guns?

It is worth remembering that the most powerful stun guns for self-defense do not exceed the permitted threshold of 3 watts. This indicator can be either constant or user-configurable. Stun guns have several significant differences from other classes of stun guns.

The stun gun is distinguished by:

  • large dimensions with low weight. Most models weigh around 350-400 grams. At the same time, they have a rather aggressive design. The high power of stun guns also contributes to the appearance of a loud “crack” during the discharge. Therefore, to scare away most of the hooligans, it is enough to show a “weapon”;
  • Built-in high capacity battery. On average, a full charge is enough to perform two hundred short strokes. The capacity of the battery is also directly related to its power. The higher it is, the more effective the shocker;
  • high power. A blow with a knockout stun gun will with one hundred percent probability lead to prolonged loss of consciousness and paralysis of the enemy. The discharge easily copes even with thick winter clothing.

At the same time, stun guns are completely legal. Their use on the territory of the Russian Federation does not require special permits.

A stun gun cannot be fatal. Contrary to rumors, they are safe even in cases where the blow was delivered to the heart.

Place No. 4: Stun gun JAGUAR-9 (branded)

This is number one in 2020, while in 2022 it occupies only 4th place in our ranking of the best stun guns, the reason is banal, according to buyers, you can add a little and buy Spetsnaz-Classic, which has become a little cheaper than last year, namely Therefore, recently the Jaguar-9 began to be slightly inferior in sales volume to the above-mentioned bestseller. However, the best stun gun of last year still holds its position and is the best in terms of compactness/efficiency - this is the most powerful of the smallest stun guns! Combined with ideal quality, lightness, and convenience, it becomes the main protector for tens of thousands of Russians. Therefore, if you choose it, you are making absolutely the right choice.

Place No. 5: SPECNAZ-SIGMA stun gun

Sigma takes a good 5th place in our ranking. The sales success of this model of stun guns in our country is due to its durability and high noise effect. Buyers purchase it both for repelling dogs and for personal self-defense. A beautiful gift case-chest makes the SPECNAZ-SIGMA shocker an excellent gift either for anyone or for the buyer himself. Very durable, impact model, unpretentious to use. A real special forces stun gun! Despite its price, it outperforms its competitors due to its efficiency and impact resistance. Taking 5th place among more than 100 positions of stun gun models in Russia is a great success, the merit for this is the result of the successful use of Sigma by thousands of Russians. Naturally, as stated at the beginning of this publication, this rating deals only with genuine copies; useless counterfeits from the sites magnad, fonarimarket, economshoker, decu, shopshoker and others from the black list who sell stun guns suspiciously cheaply do not apply to this rating.

Stun gun - buying guide and rating

If you're looking for a self-defense stun gun to make you feel safer, be sure to check out our ratings. The rating of stun guns describes effective devices that can be used legally. An example is the Saber GS1000SF , which also serves as a flashlight. It can be used both to illuminate the road in the dark and to blind an attacker. The stun gun produces a voltage of 1,000,000 volts, it is durable and lightweight.

We also recommend the Phazzer Enforcer , which allows you to hit an attacker from a distance of up to 7.5 m. It is equipped with a practical laser sight and LED flashlight. This is an easy to use device that has received many positive customer reviews.

Location #6: MARINE-9 Taser

The next top place on our chart is occupied by the amazing shocker Marine-9. In design it is very similar to the superior Sigma, while it is cheaper and quite powerful. The similarity is also manifested in the presence of an impact cone in the end part and the shape of the electrodes (in the form of spikes); in addition, the Marine has a very bright flashlight and has a flashlight zoom, so it is a little longer. Such a high position relative to sales of stun guns on the Russian market is due to the fact that this is the number one stun gun in terms of price/effectiveness ratio; for such a price you cannot buy anything more effective. Therefore, this stun gun is becoming the choice of numerous owners of country houses, dog walkers, cyclists, and simply people who want to buy something that is both cheap and powerful.

The best contact stun guns

These models are very common and require direct contact with the object to cause pain or temporarily paralyze it. Which stun gun is best for self-defense will be determined by each individual based on the parameters described below.

OBERON "Phantom" DK.111

This is the best stun gun for dogs and people, since it differs from other models in its versatility and adaptation of the arc to a living object. As standard, the product belongs to high power class 1, but it can still be used at a distance if you additionally buy and install an adapter. Device power 3 W, voltage 90 kV.

Phantom has one of the best prices on the market. The product is very good for self-defense, despite the cost, there is a high degree of effectiveness. The manufacturer has made a model that is protected from external factors, so dust, moisture and water will not become an obstacle to work. In addition, you can select a wide temperature range for operation in hot or cold conditions, the result is preserved.

The dimensions are small, weight is 210 grams, which has a positive effect on operation. The product fits into a woman's pocket or purse. The product is supplied with a battery, a charger, a wrist strap, instructions with a detailed description, documentation and a one-year warranty.

When exposed to the body, neuromuscular tissue is blocked. The effect will be noticeable even in people under the influence of drugs, alcohol or painkillers.


  • Small and convenient dimensions 13.6x6x3 cm.
  • Can operate over a wide temperature range ranging from -15 to +50 degrees.
  • The electric arc adapts to the target, so the device can be used against humans or animals.
  • There is an indicator that indicates the condition of the fuse.
  • The battery is sufficient for 80 charges or 240 warning starts.
  • Full charge in 40 minutes.

Among the disadvantages are the sharp edges of the electrodes, which can tear clothing and often get caught on it.


This is a good stun gun for self-defense with the highest power. Visually it looks like a classic flashlight, but can have a significant impact on the person who is threatening since its power is 3 watts. This characteristic allows it to penetrate the densest fabrics, winter jackets. The shocker is effective for a person of any shape.


  • The durable body is made of aluminum alloy.
  • Can pass through fabrics up to 4 cm thick.
  • Effective impact with a short interval of 0.1 seconds.
  • The presence of a flashlight, which is built into the body.
  • If you simply carry the model with you without using recharging and the shocker itself, the device will be operational for up to six months, after which it requires charging.
  • Sold immediately in a small and high-quality case.


  • High cost at 12,000 rubles.
  • When buying, you need to be careful, because there are many fakes.

MARCH Karakurt-Mini

This is a compact device that can be a good friend for a girl and for protecting herself. The main dimensions of the model are 13x6.6x3.5 cm, light weight and at the same time a high degree of efficiency. The maximum discharge is 70-90 kV. On sale, the stun gun immediately comes with a pair of combat cartridges and one signal cartridge.


  • 6 different colors.
  • Excellent lithium polymer battery with long service life.
  • Sturdy case made of ABS plastic.
  • Can pierce fabrics up to 1.5 cm.
  • Minimum weight, only 165 grams.


  • Not everyone likes the appearance and the model is not suitable for exerting psychological pressure.
  • The high cost of the product is around 13,000 rubles.

Place No. 7: Stun gun Scepter “X” v.2

Number one among the most powerful and number seven in the overall ranking of sales of stun guns in Russia. An impeccable stun gun model with two batteries. Indeed, unlike all the 10-million dollar models listed above (two “Spetsnaz” and Scepter-Lite), this model is equipped with two capacitive batteries, which means it has greater current potential and efficiency, and also has twice the noise effect, which, in in particular, it has a better effect on scaring away wild animals or fighting dogs. Well, there’s no need to talk about the function of self-defense against aggressive people; honest immobilization of a person 100 kg in 1 second is all that is needed today to protect yourself from any type of threat, without causing any harm to your opponent. A well-deserved place in the top 10 of our rating and definitely the best means of self-defense at the moment.

Civilian weapons in Russia. Stun guns


The first samples of electric shock weapons (electric shock guns, electroshock devices - ESD) called “electric whip” appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were intended to control livestock. Subsequently, stun guns were developed for use by law enforcement forces, who were initially skeptical of them, but gradually stun guns became an integral part of police equipment in many countries. The next stage in the development of stun guns occurred in 1974, when former NASA researcher Jack Cover developed and patented the TASER TF-1 stun gun (patent entitled "Immobilization and Detention Weapon"), capable of hitting a target at a distance.

Jack Cover and his TASER TF-1 remote stun gun

Currently, TASER International can be considered a world leader in the production of remote electroshock devices (RASD). The main models produced are the two-charge DASH TASER X2 and TASER X26P. A compact single-shot TASER Pulse+ model is also available.


TASER Pulse+

Despite the declared non-lethality of the TASER International DASH, there have been hundreds of fatal cases when they were used by US police.

Civil ESAs in Russia

In Russia, the first samples of stun guns began to be produced in 1992 for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In civilian use, stun guns were in a “gray zone” for some time, until amendments were made to the updated “Weapons Law” in July 1997, with the active assistance of the same. Most likely, it was commercial interest that led to the fact that only domestically produced stun guns are allowed to be sold on the Russian market; the traumatic weapons market came to the introduction of protectionist measures much later. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the Chinese pseudo-electric stun guns that have proliferated in huge quantities in the form of telephones, flashlights, powder compacts and other household items. Despite the beautiful spark discharge they provide, the real effectiveness of Chinese pseudo-ESA tends to zero; at best, you can try to scare away a not very aggressive animal. Most likely, it is the low efficiency, which does not allow Chinese ESAs to be formally classified as weapons, that is the reason for the lack of interest on the part of the authorities in the free circulation of such uncertified devices.

According to GOST R 50940-96, three classes of stun guns are installed in Russia: - 1st class - devices with a voltage of 70-90 kilovolts (power 2-3 W). The maximum achieved effect is temporary paralysis and loss of consciousness. - 2nd class - devices with a voltage of 45-70 kilovolts (power 1-2 W). A noticeable pain effect that appears within 2-10 seconds after the cessation of exposure, loss of orientation and coordination. - 3rd class - devices with voltage less than 20-45 kilovolts (power 0.3-1 W). They have minimal effectiveness, providing slight numbness of the limbs and slow reaction. Can be used to scare away animals.

One of the main criteria for effectively incapacitating an aggressive enemy is the power of the stun gun. The lower the power, the longer it is necessary to hold the ESA electrodes on the object of influence. The power of over 25 watts realized in American TASER stun guns allows you to “turn off” the target with almost one touch.

In Russia, due to the power limitation of 3 W for the civilian market and 10 W for the special equipment market, the effectiveness of stun guns as self-defense weapons tended to zero. In fact, they could only be considered as a kind of instrument of torture (electric stun guns are banned in some countries of the world precisely because of the possibility of their use in this capacity).

In the early 2000s, the author tested a domestic stun gun on himself - two attempts at fairly prolonged contact in the arm and body did not produce any effect other than mild pain and slight muscle twitching. It is clear that such weapons are absolutely unacceptable for self-defense.

Despite the restrictions established by Russian legislation on the characteristics of stun guns, it is necessary to understand that in many countries of the world they are generally not available to the population, like many other types of self-defense weapons. Stun guns are completely or partially prohibited for civilians in Australia, Germany, Hong Kong (up to 14 years in prison), Sweden, and the UK. Even in the United States, the purchase and use of stun guns is not permitted in all states.

At the same time, research into technologies for electrocuting people has made it possible to significantly reduce the required power of stun guns without loss of effectiveness. In 2003, Taser International filed a patent application in the United States for a new discharge pulse generation circuit, “Shaped-Pulse Technology.” With this scheme of work, the duration of individual impulses is significantly increased, and the longer the impulse duration, the greater the effectiveness of electrical stimulation of muscle contraction. This made it possible to create a TASER X26 ESA with a power of 7 W with an efficiency 5% greater than that of the TASER M26 with a power of 26 W. Thus, the frequency, duration and shape of the electrical pulse in the ESA are no less, and possibly more important, than simply the electrical power supplied to the combat electrodes.

Currently, Russian manufacturers also use technologies similar to “Shaped-Pulse Technology”, in particular, JSC “Oberon-Alpha” uses a high-voltage pulse formation technology called “neuromuscular blockade”. The product line of domestic manufacturers includes relatively large baton-shaped models and more compact models for carrying in a pocket or case.

ESA "Scorpion", "Karakurt" and "Karakurt-Mini"

ESA "Zeus", "Phantom" and "Avatar"

In continuation of personal testing of electric shock weapons, the author purchased and tested the Phantom ESA on himself; a discharge was applied to the leg for less than 1 second. The sensations are very painful; it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to hold the ESA on your own and apply a shock for more than 0.5-1 seconds.

Both Russian and Oberon-Alpha have released their versions of stun guns with remote influence on the enemy, provided through the use of special cartridges. The MART GROUP cartridge is called the “Electric Discharge Transport Unit” (“BTER”), the Oberon-Alpha cartridge is called the “Remote Cartridge” (CD).

“Electric discharge transport unit” from “MART GROUP” and “Remote cartridge” from “Oberon-Alpha”

High-speed video of a shot of the “Remote Cartridge” product

Cartridges for remote destruction can be used in conjunction with some ESAs from the line produced by the corresponding manufacturer. Also, both Russian manufacturers have released pistol-shaped DASH, primarily designed for remote target destruction. MART GROUP has an AIR M-140 stun gun, capable of hitting one distant target.

DESHU AIR “M-140” and the same with an extended handle, Picatinny rail and a spare “BTER” cartridge under the barrel

released a two-charge DESH "Hybrid", which includes two power modules, which provides the possibility of simultaneous remote destruction of two targets and contact destruction of a third target with four combat electrodes. At the moment, the “Hybrid” DASH is available only to representatives of law enforcement agencies, and therefore there are no reviews about its real operational effectiveness; however, according to some reports, certification of the “Hybrid” DASH for the civilian market is still planned.

DASH "Hybrid"

It should be noted that ESAs from Russian manufacturers are very expensive. On the one hand, the market is closed to foreign competitors, on the other hand, the cost of high-quality foreign DASH devices such as TASER X2 and TASER X26P exceeds $1000-1300, so their appearance on the Russian market would hardly force domestic manufacturers to change their pricing policy. Much worse is that cartridges for remote shooting are quite expensive. On the one hand, a stun gun is not a pneumatic weapon intended for recreational shooting, on the other hand, we can talk about the possibility of effective use of any weapon only based on the results of regular training. In this sense, manufacturers should consider the possibility of both reducing the cost of “combat” cartridges and producing their training analogues, with a simplified design (for example, fishing line instead of wires, etc.). It may also make sense to consider returning used cartridges at a discount when purchasing new ones.

Promising Russian power steering units

Speaking about domestic electroshock devices, one cannot fail to note one interesting development. At the Interpolator-2013 exhibition it demonstrated a five-charge remote stun gun PDG-S5. Its distinctive feature was the automatic supply of cartridges (KTR-1 discharge transport cartridges), with an electrode and wire placed in them, from the pistol clip. Thus, ten cartridges allow you to fire five shots (the cartridges are fired in pairs). Currently, the DESHU PDG-S5 is the most multi-charge device of all stun guns produced in the world. The TASER International company announced a three-charge model TASER X3 in 2009, but it could not be found on the manufacturer’s website; apparently, this DASH has been discontinued. The disadvantage of the PDG-S5 can be considered the impossibility of simultaneously hitting several opponents, as can be done with the “Hybrid” DASH and its analogues, since after the next shot is fired, contact with the ejected cartridges will be lost. For some time, the PDG-S5 DASH could be purchased for civilian use, but there is no information about its certification. Currently bankrupt, the PDG-S5 DASH is occasionally found on the secondary market at completely inhumane prices, however, in the absence of the possibility of purchasing cartridge cartridges, the point of purchasing it is unclear.


The concept of a multi-charge remote stun gun is not dead and is actively developing under the GARD brand. Even by its appearance one can understand that the DASHU “GUARD” is a direct successor to the DASHU PDG-S5. The product is intended for law enforcement agencies; it has not been announced for the civilian market, however, given that business always requires expanding the sales market, and the license of RTECH-NO JSC applies not only to service products, but also to civilian products, this possibility cannot be excluded. At the beginning of 2022, before a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the DASH "GUARD" was demonstrated to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and it was reported that it would soon be adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Presentation of DASH "GUARD"

Prospects for the development of ESHU/DASHU

Unlike traditional firearms, which largely exhausted development directions back in the 20th century, weapons with electric weapons are only at the initial stage of their development.
Of course, it will not replace firearms, but it can effectively complement it. How can ESHU/DESHU develop? First of all, an increase in battery capacity will make it possible to reduce the size of the ESA, increase the “ammunition” while maintaining power, or increase the number of simultaneously hit targets (for the ESA). A huge number of high-current batteries with a fairly large capacity have appeared on the market thanks to the vaping industry. We can expect that a significant incentive for further improvement of batteries will be the rapidly growing market for electric vehicles, as well as small electric unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - quadcopters and the like.

High-current batteries KeepPower IMR18350 1200 mAh 15A and SONY US18650VTC6 3000 mAh 30A

For example, the use of KeepPower IMR18350 1200 mAh 15A batteries in the Phantom ESA battery pack will double the battery capacity, from 600 mAh to 1200 mAh, while maintaining the same dimensions.

The electrical nature of the ESA implies the possibility of widespread use of auxiliary devices - built-in laser target designators (LTC), flashlights, video recorders, audio signal devices and similar components that can turn the ESA/DASH into a kind of “harvester”.

The luminous flux of powerful small-sized flashlights can range from 1500 lumens (ZebraLight SC600 Mk IV 18650 XHP35) to 3000 lumens (ZebraLight SC700d 21700 XHP70.2), light of such brightness is quite capable of disorienting the enemy in the dark, simplifying the use of ESA, and the compactness of the design ( Most of the flashlight is occupied by the battery) allows it to be integrated into the design of the ESD/DASH

It is obvious that multi-charged cartridges for DASH will receive further development. Normal ammunition capacity will be about 3-5 rounds, and for large police models it is possible up to 10 rounds. The ejection of contact electrodes (harpoons) in cartridges can be carried out with compressed gas, while placing a gas cylinder separately from the cartridge may be considered to reduce the cost of the latter. A more effective solution can be considered the ejection of harpoons using a compact powder charge, initiated by an electric igniter primer (ECP), similar to those used in cartridges for Osa traumatic pistols.

In addition to cartridges for remotely electrocuting an enemy, light and sound cartridges, cartridges with irritating substances (tear gas), similar to those used in cartridges for aerosol pistols such as “Udar” and “Premier”, and marking cartridges (paint) can be used.

Small-sized aerosol can (BAM) with a pepper composition for “Premier” aerosol pistols, the shot is carried out by EKV, similar to those used in cartridges for traumatic pistols of the “Osa” type

Much of what has been proposed has already been implemented or is planned for implementation, in one form or another, in ECS/DACS of domestic and foreign production.

From time to time, information appears about DASH using fundamentally new principles of electrical discharge transmission - liquid, powder (metal powders or graphite), channels ionized by an ultraviolet laser or microwave radiation. At the moment, all of these developments are in the initial stage, have huge dimensions and do not provide any acceptable reliability of discharge transmission, so it is premature to talk about them.

Application of ESHU/DASHU

How effective are ESH/DESH for use by citizens as self-defense weapons?
First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the use of a stun gun does not guarantee the incapacitation of the enemy. In principle, this is true for both gas-aerosol and traumatic weapons. But their advantage over ESA is that there is no need to come into direct contact with the enemy. If we are talking about DASH, then, as mentioned earlier, the high cost of cartridges does not allow you to train and feel confident with weapons, this is especially true for single-shot DASH, which is still the majority. In general, now ESHU and DESHU are suitable for self-defense against one enemy, preferably an unarmed one. What can change the situation? The emergence of relatively compact multi-charge (3-5 shots) DASH with cartridges, with an acceptable cost of 100-200 rubles per shot.

How can ESHU/DESHU be used now? Primarily as a second weapon along with an aerosol gun or gas can. In a situation where the enemy is previously disoriented, a shock with a stun gun will help “consolidate” the resulting effect. This is preferable to the use of physical force, which could inadvertently lead to injury or death of the opponent, with subsequent imprisonment for the defender. It is hardly worth recommending the ESA/DASH for use in self-defense for people who are unsure of themselves, since, as already mentioned, the ESA requires direct contact with the enemy, and the presence of one shot in the ESA suggests a high probability of a miss in a stressful situation. A gas canister in this case can be considered the optimal choice.

In general, it can be assumed that the improvement of stun guns in terms of increasing the number and reducing the cost of shots for remote destruction of the enemy can make DASH comparable in effectiveness to weapons of limited destruction (traumatic), but more accessible to citizens due to the absence of the need to obtain a license.

Location #8: Stellar Stun Gun

An affordable stun flashlight under the cosmic name Stellar, the choice of many buyers for its similarity to the Marine-9 stun gun and its more compact dimensions. However, it is worth noting that one of the sites (see video fake stellar stun gun) sells a replica, and attaches fake documents to this stun gun, if such fake documents come to the attention of government agencies, then their owner will be fully responsible as if I would fake them myself. In the case of a genuine copy, everything is much simpler, an excellent, effective stun gun, maybe not as powerful as the Spetsnaz-Classic, but for those who want to buy cheaper and then buy better, giving Stellar to friends, then this is a very good option . Solid 8th place in our rating.

Place No. 9: Electroshock gun Udar-9

Another representative of two-battery stun guns like Scepter X. Accordingly, it is identical in characteristics and efficiency, differing only in the shape of the body. This device is ideal for self-defense against any type of human aggression, as well as even against wild animals of any size. Let us note the highest quality of assembly and external coating of the shocker, including that buyers loved it for its unpretentiousness and reliable design of switch buttons. Very popular in Russia, it ranks second in sales among electric shock batons, especially among car enthusiasts and owners of country cottages.

Place No. 10: Stun gun POLICE 1101 (v.2019)

The classic model called Polis 1101 closes the hit parade of the most popular stun guns. Yes, this is not the most, so to speak, powerful stun gun, but the price suits citizens of retirement age or those who can sacrifice the price factor to the detriment of efficiency. This is the very first shock flashlight released at all, modified, version 2022, considering that the model range is updated every 5 years. Therefore, among the most affordable non-counterfeit stun guns, it certainly takes first place as the most affordable stun gun.

This is the result of our rating of the most popular stun guns, we note that if some stun gun from our range is not included in this rating, for example, the Raketa, Stinger or Armata stun gun, this does not mean that it has any nuances regarding efficiency or quality , this means that it simply is not in the top 10 in terms of sales, perhaps it turned out to be not so attractive in price or size in relation to other models, however, we note that all models of stun guns collected in our assortment are of high quality, professional stun guns, the best that currently exist in the industry of production and sale of stun guns.

Buying Guide - Which stun gun to buy?

The information from the rating is supplemented by a short guide below. This is a collection of tips to consider when purchasing a stun gun. This will allow you to find effective equipment that will allow you to protect yourself from an attacker.

Which stun gun to choose?

There are several types of stun guns available in stores: standard stun guns, stun guns, flashlights, and batons. Which one should you choose to protect yourself in a dangerous situation? In fact, any piece of equipment can be effective in a robbery, the main differences being in their design and operation. Standard stun guns are compact, lightweight and convenient, so they can be carried in a trouser pocket or purse.

To hit an attacker with a stun gun, you need to attach the tip of the equipment with electrodes to his body. Tasers are professional devices that typically have a range of several meters. This means that we can disable an attacker even in a situation where he has not yet approached us. A stun gun shoots electrodes with hooks that stick into the body or clothing; replace the cartridge after use. A stun gun with a flashlight will help protect you in two ways: not only from electric shock, but also from strong light (its intensity is several tens or several hundred lumens). A flashlight is also useful when walking after dark, as it provides additional illumination to the road.

Among devices designed for self-defense, we can also find models that resemble everyday objects, such as lipstick or a bottle of perfume. Women readily choose them, in particular because they do not take up much space in their purses and do not arouse suspicion. Also worthy of attention are stun guns equipped with pepper spray, which provide highly effective protection in the event of an unexpected attack.


The current voltage produced by stun guns is typically in the range of 20,000 to 2,000,000 V. The effectiveness of the equipment depends largely on this, but remember that the thickness and number of layers of clothing worn by the attacker is also important. To know which stun gun is the best, you also need to check the average current in the circuit. It should be less than 10 mA, such equipment is 100% permitted for adults.

Easy and safe to use

The stun gun you choose should be easy to use. Typically, all you have to do is release the device with a special slider and press a button to generate current at a specific voltage. If you decide to use a stun gun, be sure to check whether it has a laser pointer. Then it will be much easier to hit the attacker with the electrodes, because the laser will indicate the place where the hooks will be stuck.

Since the stun gun is most often carried in a pants pocket or purse, it should be protected from accidental electric shock. Very often, manufacturers indicate that the devices they offer also provide protection against so-called reverse shock, which can occur when an attacker suddenly touches us.

Method of action

Stun guns typically shock your opponent for a specified amount of time. The 1 second effect is mostly shocking and a bit inconvenient, but takes a little longer to successfully stop the attacker. After 3 seconds, he should lose his balance and fall, and he will begin to feel pain at the point of contact with the electrodes. Five seconds of contact causes paralysis and temporary disorientation, the effect can also be enhanced by a bright flashlight or pepper spray. The best stun gun can temporarily stun an attacker enough to allow the victim to escape or quickly seek help from nearby passersby.

Dimensions and weight

Self-defense equipment should not be large or heavy, because then it will be uncomfortable to carry it with you all the time.


Stun guns are basically battery-powered devices that need to be plugged into a charger from time to time. There are also models powered by regular batteries, you just need to remember to replace them. Which solution is best depends largely on individual preferences.

The purchased device must not only be effective and convenient, but also reliable. It would be good if the case was resistant to mechanical damage and dustproof. Typically, stun guns are made from aircraft-grade aluminum. This is a very light but durable material that guarantees the longevity of the equipment.

Stun guns at good prices

A stun gun costs from 1,500 rubles, especially for traditional models. If you want to buy more advanced equipment, such as a teaser that shoots at a distance or is additionally equipped with a gas cartridge, you should know that it will be more expensive. Professional stun guns cost several tens of thousands of rubles.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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