MTR PLA. What are the features of Chinese special forces (1 photo)

China takes the creation and equipping of special forces units with everything necessary very seriously. This is due to many reasons, not least of all separatist sentiments in Tibet, as well as the problem of Taiwan. Special forces are available in all law enforcement agencies. The police, for example, even have female combat units designed to fight drug couriers. Some units involved in protecting the state border include the famous Tiger companies. There are five such companies on the border with Russia.


But still, the most trained and combat-ready are the special forces units of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). Currently, there are 11 such units in the ground forces (by the number of districts) with sonorous names like “Black Panthers”. The number of personnel in the units, which are currently 100 percent staffed, is about 150 soldiers and officers. Most of the military personnel are long-term conscripts. The organizational detachment consists of a control unit and four combat groups, each of which can be divided into 5-10 subgroups capable of acting independently.

The Black Panther squad is a typical special forces unit and is located in the Nanjing Military Region. Officers and soldiers undergo a complex selection system and even more complex training in many specialties. This is primarily hand-to-hand combat, communications, demolition, confident control of armored vehicles, automobiles and water-motor vehicles, airborne and mountaineering training, survival in various natural and climatic conditions. Great importance is attached to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. According to some reports, special forces soldiers receive skills in controlling motorized hang gliders and other special equipment.

Particular attention in training programs is paid to conducting combat operations at night using silent weapons and maintaining maximum sound and light camouflage. Personnel are learning how to target adjustable aircraft ammunition (CAM) used from N-5 (IL-28), N-6 (Tu-16), Su-27 and J-8-II carriers using laser target designators.

The most interesting thing is that the detachment has a special computer countermeasures unit, armed with the most modern means of infiltrating enemy computer networks on its territory and transmitting the captured information to its command via tropospheric and satellite communication channels. The detachment has the ability to spread viruses into enemy computer networks that can disrupt the operation of its automatic troop control systems. The computer countermeasures unit can also be used to conduct psychological warfare.

bobot 11/28/200905/12/2015 Category CountriesTags army, China, soldiers Comment.

The Chinese army is considered the largest in the world, but in addition to the regular army, China also has special forces. It calls the physical training course “the road to hell”; only a third of candidates pass the selection.

Chinese special forces are a young phenomenon. It has been around since 1988. Before this, the country did not feel the need for special forces. The reason for their creation was the analysis of conflicts in Vietnam and Korea. China has moved from the concept of a people's war to the concept of a local war, when they win not by numbers, but by skill.

The simple Chinese army also has enough skills, several regiments of which also undergo almost a full special forces course. Many ordinary Chinese also have enough skills: the culture of physical health there is incredibly strong.

The Chinese army is the largest in the world. Including reserves, this is 40 million people.

The Chinese army does not experience a shortage of personnel, as do special forces, service in which is equated to the highest mission of serving the country. Therefore, special forces can screen candidates in such a way that only 30-40% make it to the second round of selection.

How Chinese special forces are trained

The main thing for a soldier is to complete the assigned task. To do this you need to survive. Chinese special forces pay special attention to survival. Training, forced marches, landing and sabotage exercises are carried out in all climatic zones.

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Special forces soldiers must have good mountaineering and skiing training and be able to survive in conditions of lack of food and nutrition. And also in conditions of lack of oxygen: the training plan of some special forces units includes training to survive in water with tied hands and feet.

The training of each fighter includes a basic and professional course. The basic course is the same for all units (in total there are 7 special forces groups in China), professional courses are adapted to the location and combat missions of each unit.

As with all troops, one of the stages of preparation is forced marches. As a rule, a week is given for one forced march. Each fighter receives a machine gun, a helmet, a knife, a kilogram of rice, five pieces of cookies, salt and matches. The group includes 6 people. In a week they must cover 200-300 km, while completing the assigned combat mission. The forced march route, as a rule, is laid out in such a way that at least half of the way the soldiers will be in high mountain conditions, without sources of food and water. There is so much food that you have to eat pasture for half of the route. Therefore, the diet of a Chinese special forces soldier on a forced march therefore includes both snakes and ants.

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But these are not just survival courses - this is war. As already mentioned, during a forced march a combat mission is carried out. Usually this is an assault, seizure of “tongues”, sabotage work. Forced marches are carried out frequently - from 3 to 6 months a year.

"Road to hell"

The physical training course of Chinese special forces is respectfully called “the road to hell.”

Wake up at half past five in the morning, then half an hour of general and Dian Tian Qigong. After that - long-distance running with a load of ten bricks over rough terrain. a fighter must cover five kilometers in twenty-five minutes. The Chinese special forces prepare the impact surfaces of the body with special care. The physical training course includes, for example, the “iron palm” exercise. In one approach, the fighter delivers 300 blows to the bag (first with beans, then with iron filings). Knees, elbows and heads undergo no less serious preparation. This makes Chinese special forces similar to Russian ones - breaking a brick with your head is one of the exemplary practices.

In addition to general physical training, each fighter also undergoes a sabotage course, radio training, masters explosives, camouflage, scuba diving skills, and also learns foreign languages.

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At competitions between special services held in Estonia, special forces groups from China have repeatedly taken first place. The Islamabad Times also wrote that Chinese special forces "Falcon" took part in the release of hostages in Afghanistan. The hostages were released without firing a shot.

Author: Cyrillic

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The detachment has its own training and residential complex, consisting of a well and comfortably (by PLA standards) equipped barracks and training classrooms, where training is constantly conducted with military personnel (various army and military-industrial specialists are widely involved in training) in the following areas:

  • patriotic education and constant improvement of the general educational level of soldiers and officers (90% of the detachment’s military personnel have diplomas of higher and secondary specialized education and 100% are proficient in computer equipment, many received corresponding diplomas in the detachment);
  • analysis and study of combat operations in local conflicts, modeling the actions of one’s squad in various conditions (the experience of operations “Desert Storm”, “Desert Shield”, combat operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya is especially carefully studied);
  • studying and collecting information about the latest foreign developments in the military field (the detachment’s database contains detailed information about equipment, weapons, and the organizational structure of the armies of more than two dozen states).

The detachment's military personnel are not engaged in household activities. These functions are assigned to the personnel of the infantry unit. Therefore, special forces have the opportunity to devote 10 to 12 hours a day to combat training.

A characteristic feature of the practical training of squad members is constant monitoring by the command over the effectiveness of the training. A detailed analysis of the actions of each student is carried out using video recording equipment. When conducting classes, for example, in fire training, this gives high results with relatively low ammunition consumption. The detachment's military personnel are trained in basic drill techniques and commands of some armies and can easily carry out “masquerade” actions. In everyday activities, a distinctive feature of the squad’s uniform is a blue helmet, which gave the special forces a reason to joke: “We are almost UN troops.”

The tactics of the units' actions were called "non-linear combat", which means actions without a front line, in isolation from the main forces, relying on complete autonomy and secrecy. Military personnel have several sets of uniforms for the armies of a potential enemy. The detachments are constantly improving such combat tactics in various PLA exercises, where special forces can act for both the “red” and the “blue”. As a rule, regardless of the conditions, saboteurs emerge victorious after spending many days in extreme conditions, without normal food, sleep or rest. The authority of the detachment's officers is evidenced by the following fact: despite their low ranks, they are constantly invited to sum up the results of major exercises. Communication with the military personnel of the detachment leaves a pleasant impression. The fighters, as a rule, are tall, physically well prepared, with an average age of 24 - 26 years.

Information for your information: many special forces soldiers get a tattoo on their left shoulder in the form of a black panther preparing to jump. Watching the special forces, you note their dexterity and confidence in their actions. By the way, team sports are popular in the unit. The food and order in the dining room, general living conditions are clearly better than in other parts. In conversation, the fighters do not have complexes; they clearly know with whom and what to talk about.

In communication, many interesting things are revealed that could easily be applied in domestic practice. For example, during shooting, not plywood targets are used, but three-dimensional ones made of light porous rubber or polyurethane foam. Such a target can withstand hundreds of hits and does not fall apart. In addition, such targets provide a three-dimensional perception of the target, which is important for preparing for real combat operations in different lighting conditions. They allow you to easily attach various items with a stapler or tape, simulating standard wearable equipment. For example, if the task is to destroy a radio operator without damaging the radio station planned to be captured, a cardboard box is simply attached to the target. The abundance of portable communications equipment is amazing - even when inspecting targets they take a Motorola in order to dictate the results of shooting.

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