Pistols of movie characters. Great overview of cold weapons in our new video

Cooled PM what does this mean? This means pistols that have been written off due to wear or defects and are intended to fire only with blank cartridges. As a result, the buyer receives an interesting example of a military weapon, which, unlike a model, can not only be assembled and disassembled, but also fired.

Keep such products out of the reach of children and treat them like weapons!

Is it worth taking a cold PM? If you are a collector or just a gun lover, then of course it’s worth it! And yes, it's better to buy a new one. There are various types of cooled PM, we will look at the most interesting PM r-411 and PM SO.

Review of quenched MAKAROV PM pistols

In our online store you can purchase the following types of cooled PM at the best price:
Pistol PM (Makarov pistol) cooled (Makarov-SO, Kurs-S)

Today, there are several samples of cooled MAKAROV pistols on the market - produced by Molot Arms, Kurs-S, KK, and TOZ.

Review of Chilled PM-SKh Hammer Arms

» data-medium-file=»https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24- toz-10h24.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp -pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?fit=980%2C735&ssl=1″ loading=”lazy” src=”https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru /wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=980%2C735&ssl=1″ alt=»» width=»980″ height=”735″ srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24- toz-10h24.jpg?resize=1024%2C768&ssl=1 1024w, https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm -pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj- skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=768%2C576&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads /2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=1536%2C1152&ssl=1 1536w, https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp. ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=2048%2C1536&ssl=1 2048w, https://i1.wp .com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?resize=416%2C312&ssl=1 416w, https://i1.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24.jpg?w= 1960&ssl=1 1960w» sizes=»(max-width: 980px) 100vw, 980px» data-recalc-dims=»1″/>

» data-medium-file=»https://i2.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24- toz-10h24_5-e1611958591231.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i2.wp.com/mag-shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj -skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24_5-e1611958591231.jpg?fit=980%2C735&ssl=1″ loading=”lazy” src=”https://i0.wp.com/mag -shp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/oholoshchennyj-skhp-pistolet-makarova-pm-pm-so-24-toz-10h24_5-e1611958531547-768×1024.jpg?resize=768%2C1024&ssl=1 ″ alt=”» width=”768″ height=”1024″ data-recalc-dims=”1″/>

The first thing a potential buyer pays attention to is the price. For Makarov SO it is lower than for PM SKh and PM R-411. What is the reason?

Changes to the Federal Law “On Weapons” dated July 1, 2011 left some donors out of work. Some of them were eventually converted into SPM-A sports pistols, the other part was cooled into PM SKh.

The main difference between modern PMs and Makarov pistols produced in the 1960s-80s is an even greater simplification of the technological process. For example, the frame and slide of a modern PM are not milled from solid blanks, but are cast and processed. The frame of modern PMs has a matte (phosphated) bluing, the trigger guard does not have a smooth cutout in the front part, the safety box is also cast, the bolt stop is stamped with a flat platform for the thumb. The pistol trigger parts (trigger, trigger, part of the trigger rod, sear) are also made using the casting method.

However, the operational strength of Makarov SO is very different from that of PM-SKh. The PM-CX barrel post is slightly weakened, as is the bolt. Therefore, the superiority of the PM-SKh over the Makarov-SO in terms of structural strength is significant.

If the “history” of the pistol and its donor in the person of the PM from the last century are important to you, then choosing the PM-SKH and PM-SO/24 will allow you to get a model that was used in military units.

To be continued

In our online store you can purchase the following types of cooled PM at the best price:

If you could not choose which Cooled PM to buy, then leave a request below, we will contact you and help you choose the best PM SHP for you.

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Comparison of the cooled Makarov pistol PM R-411 and PM-SO

The picture shows the P-411 with a technical passport.

The characteristics of the ammunition are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 – Characteristics of the 10TK cartridge

Cartridge caliber 10TK, mm10
Blank cartridge length, mm24
Diameter, mm9,8
Place of production, countryRussia
Number of cartridges per package, pcs.20

The figure below shows an image of 10TK cartridges produced by Tekhkrim

To comply with PM R-411 legal requirements, the following changes were made to the design:

Technical characteristics of R-411 are given in Table 2.

Table 2 – Technical characteristics of PM R-411

The R-411 differs from the combat pistol only in the presence of a plug in the barrel. This is a powerful argument for collectors.

The figure shows the PM SO delivery box

Structurally, donors for LLCs were created on the basis of PMs produced in the 90s. What influenced the simplification of the technological process of pistol production, for example, the frame and bolt are not milled from solid blanks, but are produced by casting and after grinding. In addition, trigger parts are also cast, for example, the trigger, the trigger. This collectively reduced the cost of the pistol, but at the same time the service life also decreased.

During the manufacture of PS SM, the following changes were made to the pistol design:

Since traumatic pistols were used to manufacture the PM SO, it does not bear traces of use, which is typical for the P-411, which, as a rule, was used in combat units and has abrasions on the bluing. Which may be the decisive reason for purchasing it for the collection.

The characteristics of PM RM are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 – Characteristics of PM CO

Advantages of PM R-411:

Course-S Brother-2

Brat-2 is made on the basis of the IZH-43 smoothbore hunting rifle. The weapon got its name from the film of the same name. This model reproduces as closely as possible the appearance and design features of its firearm counterpart.

A sawn-off double-barreled shotgun is a classic “criminal” weapon in many regions of the world. The Sicilians call it lupara. This name comes from the word “lupus”, which means “wolf”. Such guns were used by shepherds to protect themselves from wolves, and then began to be used by the Sicilian mafia (Cosa Nostra) to eliminate people. Lupara is found in the cult video game Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.

Decommissioned weapon Kurs-S Brat-2 7.62x54R cold 35,999 ₽

Weapon decommissioned Kurs-S Brat-2 7.62x54R cold

Licensed product Not delivered to TC

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Ammo for cold weapons

Ammunition can be divided into two groups:

The first is cartridges that are sold freely;

The first group of ammunition includes:

The picture below shows 10x31 cartridges produced by Tekhkrim

The picture below shows 10x24 cartridges

10TK and 10x31 are produced by Tekhkrim CJSC, 10x24 "Fortuna". 10TK and 10x24 are suitable in size for PM and 9x19 Luger ammunition. Which makes them suitable for equipping pistols of the corresponding calibers. 10x31 is used in cooled weapons that previously used 7.62x25 caliber shells.

Light-noise ammunition 10TK and 10x31 are produced by cutting a 5.45x39 AK cartridge case using an asterisk twist. 10x24 is rolled and equipped with a plastic plug, which, when fired, breaks into 4 elements.

The second group of cartridges is represented by the following types:

I spent a long time choosing among cooled pistols; I like the PM form factor. In the end, I chose the R-411. The mechanism works well, I fired two magazines without a single delay. The shutter is delayed. It bangs loudly! I'm happy!

I saw a review on YouTube and liked the way it shoots. Found it in the online store Gunsleaders.ru

, ordered, delivered the next day. The toy is beautiful, heavy, the shutter clangs deliciously when reloading. I'll buy some ammunition this weekend and shoot it.

Our area is not the calmest, so I thought about self-defense weapons so that I could buy them without unnecessary hassle. I don’t trust gas cans, so I bought R-411. Shoots like a cannon! And the fire matches! In addition, there is almost a kilogram of steel in your hand, which will not be superfluous if something happens.

The boys chipped in and bought it for a clean shoot. Cool stuff!

The work involves frequent travel to not the most pleasant areas, I’m a signalman if that’s the case. It’s too lazy to apply for a license for an injury, and it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I bought the R-411, let it stay in my pocket. Pah pah pah, so as not to be useful.



vendor codePM_R-411
EquipmentPistol/magazine/technical passport
Material of manufactureSteel/ polymer materials
Weapon length, mm165
Weight without cartridges, kg0,79
Firing modeSingle
Type of ammunition usedStun cartridge 10TK (10mm x 24mm)

Price is the most important trump card of Makarov-SO in comparison with its competitors.

After all, all pistols shoot equally loudly, providing a full cycle of automatic operation. All pistols have weight and dimensional characteristics close to the standard ones. This, by the way, is sometimes blamed on Makarov SO: it is lighter than the “reference” 730 grams. The loss of approximately 20 grams occurs due to the absence of anti-stall ridges on the internal surfaces of the shutter, as a result of which the thickness of the walls of the shutter has decreased and, as a result, its weight has decreased. However, not all firearms satisfy the mass specified in the characteristics. Only PMs produced before 1973 weigh 730 grams (the weight of a pistol with an empty magazine). Since 1973, the weight of pistols has increased by about 25-35 grams due to an increase in the weight of the bolt. PM produced in the 1960s often did not reach the “standard” of 10-20 grams. That is, exactly as much as Makarov-SO does not reach 730 grams. By the way, many buyers are of little interest to the numbers and years of manufacture.

And, what is not unimportant, it does not need to be blued again, or sharpen the crooked “fencing” with a file and sandpaper.

Makarov-SO is often blamed for the lack of clearance in the bore.


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