Story. Application This weapon is a licensed copy of the Israeli TAR-21 assault rifle (Tavor Assault Rifle-21) or
The balisong knife, better known as the “butterfly” knife, was originally invented in the Philippines. There it is used
Posted by Mr.Adamson February 02, 2015 01:49 pm Tags: interesting future science weapons technology 106189
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The US Air Force Generation Fleet has the world's largest number of aircraft of all classes
Visits of world leaders and celebrations on public holidays today are not complete without the participation of the honorable
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In the USA, the best assault rifles of the year were named, the AK-47 is among them. In the USA, where
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The Vepr-12 “Molot” carbine (VPO-205) is a smooth-bore self-loading carbine that is part of the Vepr carbine family.