Tactical and technical collations of the Metis M1 anti-tank missile. ATGM "Metis": the most powerful of the lightest. Photo of the launch of the Metis-M anti-tank rocket


  1. [izvestia.ru/news/613105 The Metis-M1 anti-tank rocket system was put into service after many years of testing abroad] Izvestia
    , 05/11/2016
  2. The Military Balance 2016, p.180
  3. [vpk-news.ru/articles/29699 Army of one war | Weekly "Military-Industrial Courier"]
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 International Institute For Strategic Studies.
    The Military Balance 2016 / James Hackett. - London: Taylor&Francis, 2016. - ISBN 9781857438352.
  5. [www.military-informant.com/index.php/army/3349-1.html#.UgTB_CvZd8E Bangladesh will receive about 120 Russian Metis-M1 anti-tank systems]
  6. The Military Balance 2016, p.81
  7. 12
    The Military Balance 2016, p.203
  8. The Military Balance 2016, p.84


  • Azerbaijan Azerbaijan - 10 units 9K115 as of 2016[2][3]
  • Algeria Algeria - in service with 9K115-2 "Metis-M1" as of 2016[4]
  • Bangladesh Bangladesh - the contract for the supply of about 120 units of 9K115-2 "Metis-M1" is being fulfilled[5]
  • Belarus Belarus - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[4]
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[6]
  • Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[4]
  • Malaysia Malaysia - in service with 9K115 and 9K115-2 "Metis-M1" as of 2016[4]
  • Republic of Korea Republic of Korea - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[4]
  • Russia Russia - in service with 9K115 "Metis" and 9K115-1 "Metis-M" as of 2016 [7]
  • Syria Syria - in service with 9K115 and 9K115-2 "Metis-M1" as of 2016
  • Turkmenistan Turkmenistan - in service with 9K115 as of 2016 [7]
  • Croatia Croatia - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[8]
  • Yemen Yemen - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[4]
  • South Sudan South Sudan - in service with 9K115 as of 2016[4]

Other operators

  • Islamic State Islamic State - used by 9K115 as of 2016[4]
  • Hezbollah

    Hezbollah - used by 9K115-2 "Metis-M1" as of 2016[4]

  • 9K115 as of 2016, on the side of the rebels in the Armed Conflict in eastern Ukraine [4]


  • Angelsky R.D.
    Domestic anti-tank systems: Illustrated reference book. - M.: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2002. - 192 p. - (Military equipment). — 10,000 copies. — ISBN 5-17-011744-2.
  • Alexandrov S.,
    The most powerful of the lightest (Russian) // Weapons: magazine. - 2010. - September (No. 09). — P. 16-19. — ISSN [www.sigla.ru/table.jsp?f=8&t=3&v0=1728-9203&f=1003&t=1&v1=&f=4&t=2&v2=&f=21&t=3&v3=&f=1016&t=3&v4=&f=1016&t=3&v5 =&bf=4&b=&d=0&ys=&ye=&lng=&ft=&mt=&dt=&vol=&pt=&iss=&ps=&pe=&tr=&tro=&cc=UNION&i=1&v=tagged&s=0&ss=0&st=0&i18n=ru&rlf=&psz =20&bs=20&ce=hJfuypee8JzzufeGmImYYIpZKRJeeOeeWGJIZRrRRrdmtdeee88NJJJJpeeefTJ3peKJJ3UWWPtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzzvzzpy5zzjzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzztzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeyTjkDnyHzTuueKZePz9decyzzLzzzL*.c8.NzrGJJvufeeeeeJheeyzjeeeeJh*peeeeKJJJJJJJJJmjHvOJJJJJJJJfe eeieeeeSJJJJSJJJ3TeIJJJJ3..E.UEAcyhxD.eeeeeeuzzzLJJJJ5.e8JJJheeeeeeeeeeeeyeyeK3JJJJJJJJ*s7defeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSJJJJJJJZIJJzzz1..6LJJJJJJtJJZ4….EK*&deb ug=false 1728-9203].


  • Self-propelled "Phalanx" • "Bumblebee"
    Artillery "Centimeter" • "Daredevil"
    Aviation "Phalanga-N"
    Second generation
    Portable“Bassoon” • “Metis”/“Metis-M” • “Cornet”
    Self-propelled “Konkurs”/“Konkurs-M” • “Chrysanthemum” • “Sturm-S”
    Artillery “Kastet” • “Krasnopol” • “Gran” • “Kitolov”
    Aviation “Sturm-V” • “Attack-V” • “Whirlwind” • “Threat”
    Tank "Dragon" • Bastion • "Sheksna" • "Fable" • "Cobra" • "Reflex"/"Reflex-M" • "Invar"/"Invar-M" • "Svir"

    • “Arkan” • “Zenith” • “Rupture” • “Falcon-1”

    Third generation
    Portable "Autonomy" • "Kornet-MR"
    Self-propelled "Hermes" • "Cornet-LR"
    Artillery "Beta" • "Firn-1"
    Aviation "Hermes-A"
    Pistols APB • APS • SME • • PL-14 • • PMM • PSM • PSS • • P-96

    • GSh-18 • SPS • Strizh • OTs-21 • OTs-23 • OTs-27

    Submachine gunsOTs-02 • PP-19 • PP-2000 • PP-90 • PP-90M1 • PP-91 • PP-93 • SR-2 • AEK-919K • TKB- 0247
    Kalashnikov assault rifles • AKM • AKMSU

    • AK74 • AKS74U • AK-101/102/103/104/105 •
    • AK-9 •

    • AK-12

    Other machines 80.002


    • AN-94 •
    • ADS • APS •

    AO-38 • AO-46



    • -

    • Val • SR-3 •



    • 9A-91

    Rifles and carbines SKS • KS-23
    Sniper rifles SVK

    • SVD • SVDS • SVU • SVDK •
    • Vintorez • VSK-94 • SV-98 • SV-99 •

    • VS-8 • OSV-96 • KSVK • ASVK • VSSK •


    Machine guns 6P62




    • DShK • SG-43 •
    Slostin machine gun
    • RPD • RP-46 • RPK • RPK-74 • Pecheneg •

    • •




    • KPV • Kord • NSV-12.7

    Grenade launchers and rocket-propelled grenades AGS-17 • AGS-30 • AGS-40 • Bur • GM-93/94 • RG-6 • RGS-50 • RPG-1 • RPG-2 • RPG-4

    • RPG-7 • RPG-16 • RPG-18 • RPG-22 • RPG-26 • RPG-27 • RPG-28 • RPG-29 • RPG-30 • RPG-32 • SG-82 • SPG-9

    Flamethrowers LPO-50 • Lynx • Bumblebee • RShG-1 • RShG-2
    ATGMMalyutka • Bassoon • Metis • Cornet
    MANPADS Strela-2 • Strela-3 • Needle • Willow
    Guns RMB-93
    Hand grenades F-1 • RG-42 • RGD-5 • RPG-43 • RPG-6 • RKG-3 • RDG-2 • RGN • RGO
    Weapon cartridges 5.45×18 mm • 5.45×39 mm • 6×49 mm

    • 7.62×39 mm • 7.62×41.5 mm (
    ) • 7.62×54 mm R • 8.6×70 mm • 9×18 mm • 9×19 mm • 9×21 mm • 9×39 mm • 9.3×64 mm • 12.7×55 mm • 12.7×108 mm • 14.5×114 mm


    experimental (not accepted for service) samples have been identified

    Pistols • • • TKB-023 • TKB-160 • TKB-205 • TKB-263 • TKB-412 • • APS • APB • PSM • • OTs-35 • TKB-506 • OTs-21 • OTs-23 • OTs-27 • OTs-33 • P-96 • GSh-18
    Submachine guns PPT-27 • LAD • PP-90 • PP-90M1 • TKB-0247 • PP-93 • TKB-0102 • TKB-0104 “Bouquet” • TKB-486 • OTs-02 • OTs-22 • OTs-36 • OTs -39 “Baksanets” • OTs-53 • PP-2000 • OTs-69
    Slot machines TKB-03 • TKB-09 • TKB-010 • TKB-011 • TKB-022 • TKB-059 • TKB-060 • TKB-072 • TKB-0106 • TKB-0110 • TKB-0111 • TKB-0116 • TKB- 0136 • TKB-0144 • TKB-0146 • TKB-408 • TKB-415 • TKB-497 • TKB-454 • TKB-517 • TKB-590 • TKB-790 • OTs-12 • 9A-91 • OTs-14 • A-91 • ADS • ASH-12
    Rifles and carbines SVT-38 • SVT-40 • TKB-270 • TKB-392
    Hunting rifles and carbines MTs18 • MTs-30 • MTs-106 • MTs-109 • MTs-110 • MTs-111 • MTs-200 • MTs-255 • OTs-18 • OTs-25 • OTs-31 • OTs-51 • OTs-63
    Combat and service rifles RMB-93 • OTs-28 • OTs-62
    Sniper rifles SVU • VSK-94 • MTs-116M • TKB-386 • TKB-0145K • TKB-579 • OSV-96 • OTs-44 • OTs-48 • OTs-95
    Grenade launchers GP-25 • GP-30 • SPG-9 “Spear” • RG-6 • RPG-16 • AGS-30 • TKB-0249 “Crossbow” • TKB-048 “Iskra” • TKB-075 • MRG-1 “Ogonyok” » • DP-61 “Duel” • TKB-0134 “Kozlik” • DP-64 “Nepryadva” • RPG-22 • RPG-27 • TKB-0217 “Avalanche” • GM-94 • PUS-7V • ​​RPG-29 • Boer
    Machine guns • ShKAS • ShVAK • Sibemas • • TsKVSV-19 • YakB-12.7 • TKB-01 • TKB-015 • TKB-020 • TKB-041 • TKB-061 • TKB-67 • TKB-138 • TKB-149 • TKB-160 • TKB-440 • TKB-458M • TKB-464 • TKB-481 • TKB-516 • TKB-521 • TKB-523 • NSV-12.7 “Utes” • GShG • A-12.7
    Aircraft guns and guns SHVAK • B-20 • Sh-3-23 • VYA-23 • AM-23 • TKB-0105 • TKB-180 • TKB-198 • TKB-199 • TKB-369 • TKB-385 • TKB-437 • TKB- 446 • TKB-447 • TKB-494 • TKB-495 • TKB-499 • TKB-500 • TKB-501 • TKB-504 • TKB-505 • TKB-507 • TKB-508 • TKB-513 • TKB-515 • TKB-529 • TKB-532 • TKB-539 • TKB-540 • TKB-564 • TKB-567 • TKB-577 • TKB-700 • TKB-701 • TKB-717 • AK-630 • GSh-23 • GSh- 6-23 • GSh-30-2 • GSh-30-1 • GSh-6-30 • 6K30GSh • 2A28 • 2A38 • 2A70 • 2A72
    Missile systems2A28 "Thunder" • 9K111 "Bassoon" • 9K111-1 "Konkurs" • 9K115 "Metis" • 9K116 "Kast" • 9K119 "Reflex" • 9K121 "Whirlwind" • 9P132 "Grad-P" • 9K135 "Cornet" • 9P163 “Quartet” • “Hermes”
    Air defense systems ZPRK "Sosna-A" • ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" • ZRAK "Kortik" • ZRAK Kashtan-M • Pantsir-S1 • 2S6 "Tunguska"
    Ammo 9×18 PBM • 9×19 PBP • 4.5×19 • 5.45×39 mm PSP • STs-115 • 7.62×26 mm • 12.7×55 mm • 7.62×70 mm • 8 ,6×70 mm • 23×115 mm • 30×165 mm
    ATGMs and rockets 9M111 • 9M113 • 9M119 • 9M133 • 9M311K • TKB-715 • “Krasnopol” • KM-3 “Kitolov” • TKB-574 • TKB-602 • TKB-642 • KM-8 “Gran” • 3UOF19 • 3OF70
    Combat modules Bakhcha-U • Cleaver
    Flamethrowers RPO "Shmel" • RPO "Lynx" • "Varna"
    Combat knives OTs-04 • OTs-54
    Other 1030 “Drozd” • Meteorake “Mera” • TKB-06 • TKB-012 • TKB-026 • TKB-040 • TKB-047 • TKB-049A • TKB-069 “Torch” • TKB-076 • TKB-0166 “Launch” » • TKB-0183 “Crystal” • TKB-450A • TKB-451 • TKB-871 • TKB-881 • KSAUO “Malachite” • KUVT “Redut” • B05Y01 • KAUPP “Komandirsha-E” • OTs-06 • OTs- 15
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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