TOP 10 most unusual weapons in games: a gun that makes enemies dance, a depressed sword and a fork created by God

Gamers are used to shooting at enemies with boring machine guns, shotguns and sniper rifles. However, sometimes developers manage to create weapons that surprise and remain in the memory for a long time. For example, no matter how gamers feel about Cyberpunk 2077, Skippy’s smart gun was loved by many - fans even recreated it in reality. In this collection, we have collected the most unusual weapons from games that will impress even an experienced gamer. Go!

Skippy from Cyberpunk 2077. Cold Blooded Killer mode

The long-suffering Cyberpunk 2077 is still full of problems: bugs are still encountered, Night City is depressingly lifeless, and there has been no variability. However, there were things in the game that worked great from the very beginning: take Skippy’s smart gun, for example.

Walking around the neon-lit city, you can find a lot of interesting things. For example, in one of the alleys there is a corpse, and next to it an unusual cannon. As soon as you pick it up, a hologram of a funny bullet will fly out of it and start chatting.

In the heat of battle, the gun shares information about how long the brain can survive, being cut off from the body, threatens to tear enemies to shreds and gets satisfaction from killings - there will be no dull moment in a shootout. In peacetime, Skippy sings songs, finds out why you maim people and not kill, and changes the “Cold-Blooded Killer” mode to “Pacifism and Puppies.”

“I am opening frequently asked questions. “Why can’t I kill more than 50 people?” Answer: “Chumba, are you completely fucked? Go to a shrink and get some wheels."

- Skippy gun

Skippy is full of sarcasm and makes cruel jokes at V's expense more than once, but this is what makes him come alive. By the end, the gun will become a friend, and giving it back to its owner will be sad.

Knives and claws

The most unusual bladed weapon from Japan is tekko kagi, which means “tiger claws.” It may seem that the shape is too unusual for a weapon, and this item is more reminiscent of a prop from a superhero movie. How can we not remember Wolverine? But with the help of tekko kaga, the warrior of the Land of the Rising Sun could easily tear the enemy’s flesh into shreds and even repel the blows of the sword. By the way, an analogue of metal claws was also familiar to the ancient kshatriyas.

We can say that the katar, which combines the features of brass knuckles and a knife, and even with a blade sliding into three parts, is the most unusual edged weapon. But in the modern world there are many of its analogues. An expert in knife fighting is unlikely to take such a weapon seriously, but the brass knuckle knife is common among street gangs.

Some ancient peoples had an even more unusual knife, worn on a finger. It was used not only in fights (to damage the eyes and neck), but also in everyday life.

Reducer from Duke Nukem. “My boot, your face is a perfect match.”

Duke Nukem, whose best game recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, has a lot of cool guns in his arsenal. In Duke Nukem 3D, a brutal man could smash enemies with a freezer, radio-controlled grenades, homing missiles, or, ultimately, a leather boot. But the hero's most famous weapon is the Shrinker aka Shrinker.

The alien invaders look impressive: tall, bulging biceps, a creepy face and a huge machine gun in their hands. However, as soon as you shoot from the Shrinker, they will turn into small and harmless crumbs for 11 seconds. Duke will only have to come closer and crush them like a rat. With such a weapon, it’s interesting to mock enemies even in the disastrous Duke Nukem Forever.

In the Plutonium PAK add-on, the Microwave Inflator modifier has been added to the cannon. On the contrary, he enlarged the monsters to such an indecent size that they simply exploded. It would be more likely that Duke would return and again please gamers with luxurious weapons.

Interesting facts about weapons in the world


After Australia banned the ownership of most firearms in 1996, armed assaults and robberies increased by nearly 60 percent in just the 8-year period the law was in effect.


The law of this state officially allows the carrying and storage of almost any type of firearm. After the Bulgarian authorities introduced such a law, an incredible decline in the number of serious crimes was recorded in a very short period of time.


In a 2005 referendum held in Brazil, the vast majority of Brazilian citizens voted against banning the sale of firearms. According to the results of the referendum, every Brazilian over 25 years of age can own a firearm for hunting or self-defense. It is known that the most pressing social problem in the country is street crime. Through the referendum, according to the media, the government wanted to shift the solution to this problem onto the shoulders of ordinary citizens, disarming them.


Since 1997, the UK has banned the ownership of firearms. As a result, over 6 years, rape increased by 105 percent, murder increased by 24 percent, armed assault and robbery by 101 percent, and violent crime by 88 percent. Thus, the crime rate simply skyrocketed, and the UK took the top lines in the crime rankings among the 18 most developed countries.


10 million German citizens carry legal weapons. At the same time, despite the fact that the number of gun owners is growing every year, the number of crimes related to the use of weapons has sharply decreased.


This state introduced a ban back in 1974 and confiscated a huge number of firearms and small arms. Since then, the number of murders in Ireland has increased 5-fold.


7 years ago, in 2006, the Italian authorities approved a bill according to which citizens were allowed to use legally registered weapons in order to protect their lives and property.


Until some time, guns were sold freely in Canada. Then sharp restrictions began on the sale of weapons to ordinary citizens, moreover, some were even confiscated. All this led to crime increasing by 45 percent.


The Mexican Constitution allows its citizens to own weapons and use them to protect themselves and their property. In addition to this, in 2004, a law was passed making it possible to have no more than two firearms at home. However, perhaps Mexico is one of the few countries in which permits to carry weapons have failed to protect ordinary citizens from the wars constantly waged between drug cartels.


In many American states (31), as you know, carrying weapons is legal. There is a regular decline in murders, robberies and other types of criminal activity in these states. It is worth adding that in those American states where weapons are banned, the crime rate is much higher.

Kayfotron from Ratchet & Clank. Shall we dance?

The series about the adventures of Ratchet and Clank has been impressing gamers with unusual guns since 2002. In Ratchet & Clank for PS4, gamers were given the opportunity to go all out. You can ruin your enemies' plans with the help of the Pixelizer, which turns enemies into two-dimensional creatures, the Ovcenator, which turns the target into a sheep, or Quack-o-ray, which replaces villains with cute ducks. But the funniest gadget was the Kayfotron.

On the way, Ratchet had to make his way more than once through crowds of dangerous creatures. It will be easier to fight if... you light them up with dance. Throw a disco ball onto the battlefield and watch your enemies start dancing. Each opponent has their own movements - this made gamers curious to find out how robots, frogs or humanoids dance.

In the luxurious Rift Apart, you can use the GROB cannon to open portals and summon creatures from other Sony universes into Ratchet’s world. Even the mighty Thunderbird from Horizon Zero Dawn can drop by for a look.

Silencer from Postal 2. Genocide of cats

Fighters for morality can criticize Postal 2 as much as they want, but no one forced gamers to organize a massacre on the streets of Paradise. If the Dude came to the bank for money and got into a long line, it is not necessary to pour gasoline on citizens, shoot employees and take the money from the vault by force. To complete the task, you can just... wait. Has anyone done this? Hardly. It's much more fun to piss on passers-by, blow off a couple of heads with a shovel, and then put a cat on a machine gun. What can you do, these are the silencers in Postal 2.

The silencer itself is not an unusual weapon, but it made any gun original. Not long ago we interviewed the creators of Postal and found out who came up with this trick with cats.

“The person who was most inspired by the idea was Steve Wik. By the way, he is a big cat lover. People think we hate cats, but we don't. In general, when I was little, strange animals were constantly running around the area (in the spring they went completely crazy), so putting something up a cat’s ass was completely normal for us... Now, of course, I think differently: I’m probably older and wiser..."

— Postal creator Vince Desi
There were also other strange weapons in Postal. You can use a cow's head, a dirty sock, a frying pan, or even... the Dude's penis against enemies and civilians. I wonder what the developers will surprise gamers with in the fourth part?

Interesting weapon

5) Chakra

Chakra is the throwing disc of an Indian warrior, the outer edges of which were pointed and also had a rounded shape. Depending on the size, these weapons were hung on the wrist or neck and then, at the right moment, thrown at the target.

6) Khopesh

The Khopesh was an Egyptian sickle sword that was an "advanced" version of an older Assyrian weapon.
Initially it was made of bronze, then iron became the main material for its creation. Super - a weapon that never existed
Thanks to its sickle shape, the khopesh made it possible to disarm an enemy in a short time by deftly picking up his shield. At the same time, only the outer edge of this weapon was sharp, which, nevertheless, could easily cope with chain mail.

7) Chu-ko-nu

This unique weapon was a Chinese repeating crossbow that was used as early as the 4th century BC. With its help, it was possible to fire 10 arrows at a distance of up to 60 meters in 15 seconds.

However, its penetration power was comparatively poor compared to modern single-shot crossbows, but its speed and poisonous arrow tips made it a very fearsome weapon, which was used until the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

Fabricator from Borderlands 3. A cannon that shoots cannons

What kind of instruments of death have not the developers from Gearbox come up with? For example, in Borderlands 2 there is a Morgenstern sniper rifle, which, although it doesn’t rap, also hurts. During the shooting, she scolds the hero and calls on him to stop. “Do you feel remorse? And I - yes! As soon as you kill the enemy, the rifle will say: “Someone is now orphaned because of you.” In Borderlands 3, the authors went even further: as a reward for completing the quest, you will receive a cannon... that fires cannons.

You got it right: instead of bullets, the fabricator shoots with another weapon. For 10 units of eridium, it spits out ten cannons. You can also switch it to “legendary” mode and pay 250 eridium per shot with a particularly powerful weapon. The perfect way to diversify your arsenal!

Gypsum gun from Prey. An Indispensable Ally

Prey is a great game in which the treasured pack of ammo on the table can turn into a mimic monster, the Nightmare darting around locations is no less frightening than the Tyrant, and the story intrigues until the very end. And there is also a GIPS gun, which has become an indispensable ally of Morgan Yu.

The enemy will not pass! The enemy will not pass! With the help of a GIPS gun, you can immobilize any enemy and calmly hammer him with a wrench or pave the way to the far corner of the map. With the help of weapons it is not difficult to build a bridge, stairs or other structure - without this thing the hero would be stuck in the first locations.

Another interesting innovation from Prey is the disposal grenade. It turns trash, a closet blocking a passage, or even enemies into useful craftable items. The main thing is to stay away from her, otherwise the hero will also turn into a handful of materials. Trophy hunters also know that self-disposal is rewarded with an achievement. Sorry Morgan, it's nothing personal!

Talking sword Modvir from Pillars of Eternity 2. A blade with fine mental organization

Walking around the huge city of Nikitaka in Pillars of Eternity 2, you can wander into a mysterious dungeon. There, not only quests and powerful enemies await the heroes, but also the unusual talking sword Modvir. Modvir doesn't talk much at first, but the more you use him, the stronger and more talkative he becomes. It soon turns out that the previous owner threw away the blade and caused him severe pain. Now the sword is depressed...

It turned out that the former owner was once an animator and was involved in bringing things to life. One day she gave Modvir a soul. Alas, soon the horrors of animantics shocked her, and the lady began to fight with her former comrades - but the shame of her past life and the shed blood burned from the inside. Then she threw away the sword in the hope that with it all the atrocities committed would be forgotten.

Modvir will tell you a lot of interesting things about your companions Modvir will tell you a lot of interesting things about your companions There are many interesting quests in Pillars of Eternity 2, but Modvir's task is one of the most touching. And the characteristics of the weapon are so good that you can forget about other blades.

Theropod from Half-Life 2. Gordon Freeman - king of the ants

The gravity gun and crowbar are considered the centerpiece of Half-Life 2's arsenal, but there were other interesting weapons in the game. After Gordon kills a large antlion, he receives a feropod, referred to as a "bait" by the resistance fighters. A feropod is a sac of glands that attracts antlions. At the Sand Traps location, the silent hero receives an endless supply of such shells. Now he can safely throw them at the alliance fighters and admire how the enemies are attacked by deadly creatures. This is much more interesting than throwing boring grenades at villains.

It is curious that the weapon only works until the end of the Nova Prospekt chapter. Even if you use the console to call antlions to other locations and throw feropods, they will not react to it and will attack Gordon. But the item will always be able to immobilize Alliance soldiers, making them vulnerable - an accurate throw will make them brush off the emerging cloud while the hero takes aim.

Rare weapon

2) Tepostopili

This weapon was very similar to the previous one, however, it was shaped like a spear. The tepotopile had the same obsidian ribs along the wooden grooves, however, the length of the handle was approximately the height of a person, which allowed for a better grip on the spear and gave it better “pushing abilities”.

3) Kpinga

Kpinga is a multi-bladed throwing weapon used by the warriors of the Azande people who inhabited ancient Nubia.
The length of the knife was about half a meter, with three iron blades protruding at different angles, which caused maximum possible damage to the enemy. The Americans almost created the weapon of the future
In addition to the fact that the kpinga was considered an indicator of status among the Azande, and could only be the property of proven and valiant warriors, it also acted as part of the ransom that the man had to give to the bride's family.

4) Qatar

The Qatar seems to have been the most unique type of Indian dagger. It is characterized by an H-shaped horizontal grip, similar to brass knuckles, so that two parallel bars created support for the hand.

When used correctly and skillfully, this weapon could even pierce chain mail. It is worth noting that, like the kpinga, the qatar was a status symbol among Sikhs and was also used at ceremonial occasions.

Tickler's Fork from The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. With a fork on creepy creatures

The mighty Daedra are some of the most mysterious creatures in the Elder Scrolls universe, and Sheogorath is the craziest of them all. He once created a Tickle Fork, which seems useless, but crowds of followers fanatically dream of finding it.

You can find a fork in other games in the series: in Skyrim, Oblivion, Blades and Legends. You can also find a fork in other games in the series: in Skyrim, Oblivion, Blades and Legends. In Morrowind, you can take a quest from the statue of Sheogorath, in which God tells the hero to take the fork and rush into battle with a giant animal netsch. The fork does little damage, and the enemy's health is great. The Prince of Madness can be outwitted if you fight with nothing with a mighty sword, and finish it off with cutlery. The Daedra will repay the feat with truly powerful weapons.


The French Revolution not only brought the spirit of democracy. In the wake of violence and unrest, street gangs, the so-called Apaches, emerged. They were christened after one of the Indian tribes for their cruelty. Ordinary townspeople were forced to defend themselves on their own, since the state at that time could not ensure their safety. It was at this time that various self-defense weapons appeared, as part of the Belle Epoque (Belle Epoque) phenomenon.

One of the typical representatives of such weapons is the Le Centenaire (Century) brass knuckle pistol. This brass knuckle pistol was released for the centenary of the storming of the Bastille.

The weapon has a fairly simple design, consisting of brass knuckles and a firing device mounted in its thrust handle. The brass knuckles consist of a body with four holes for holding. The outer holes are round, the inner ones are oval. The firing device is located at the base and consists of a barrel and a trigger mechanism, which also performs the function of a bolt.

The barrel is 68 mm long, smooth, without rifling. The barrel is a hollow tube designed to accommodate 22 caliber cartridges.

The shutter, as a separate part, is simply missing. Its function is performed by a spring-loaded drummer, which has a rounded shape. It locks the barrel when firing.

The trigger mechanism is closed with a removable cover and consists of a hammer (striker), a trigger with a spring and a mainspring. Like many other combined weapons, the brass knuckle pistol does not have a safety catch. To fire, it was necessary to pull the trigger by the head, and the trigger would be cocked. When the hammer was cocked, the trigger protruded from its groove. After placing the cartridge in the chamber of the barrel, the weapon was ready to fire. After the shot, the spent cartridge case was removed using any rod of suitable diameter or the included brush. The Le Centenaire brass knuckle pistol has a total length of 105 mm, a height of 70 mm, and a weight of 150 grams.

The surface of the weapon is nickel plated. The Le Centenaire brass knuckle pistol is marked on its surface: “LE CENTENAIRE” COUP DE POING PISTOLE Bte. S.G.D.G. FRANCE 1789 - 1889 AMERIQUE 1789 - 1889 DEPOT de PARIS 5 BD de Strasburg.”

There are similar inscriptions on the lid of the original box for the weapon. The brass knuckle pistol was supplied with a box covered on the outside with leather and inside separated by velvet or corduroy. The box contained brief illustrated instructions for using the weapon, compartments for storing cartridges and a brush for cleaning the barrel.

Despite the fact that the brass knuckle pistol is single-shot, the pistol in combination with the brass knuckles becomes quite a formidable weapon.

The brass knuckle pistol Le Centenaire (Pistol - knuckle duster Le Centenaire) is in demand among collectors as a very unusual combined weapon. In good condition and in the original box, its value reaches approximately $1,600.

Forty years later, thanks to its popularity, the brass knuckle pistol was revived again, made of brass.

The weapon had markings dedicated to the First World War, in the form of the text “1914 - 1918 LE POILU” and an image of a cannon against a background of crossed banners on the surface of the frame, a serial number on the surface of the barrel on the front side.

On the front surface of the striker there was the inscription “MODELE”, on its reverse side “DEPOSE”.

The Le Poilu brass knuckle pistol has almost the same design as the Le Centenaire, with only slight differences in the shape of the striker and the overall geometry of the weapon.

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