Pepper spray: how to use it, what are the consequences of its use and how to provide first aid

What is pepper spray

Gas cartridges for self-defense are sealed metal or plastic containers that contain the active substance in high concentration under high pressure. An aerosol cloud or stream of liquid pepper extract is similar in principle to tear gas and causes severe irritation, leading to the incapacitation of the enemy. The harmless effect of the irritant in most cases guarantees the absence of criminal or administrative liability for the defender. Remember that the shelf life of weapons is limited to 36 months.

In what cases is it used?

Pepper spray is used at close range when there is a threat to the life or health of the defender. The effective range of a gas self-defense device depends on the principle of operation of a particular cylinder and is 1-4 meters. The obstacles to spraying pepper spray or aerosol are strong winds, being inside an enclosed space, and low temperatures. These 2 factors will turn the defender’s weapon against himself or neutralize the damaging effect. It is better to spray an opponent with pepper spray in the following cases:

  1. The beginning of a conflict with an aggressive person, a group of people, if a fight is inevitable.
  2. Pursuit of the Defender - Spray a cloud of gas behind your back into the faces of the aggressors.
  3. Attack by a pack of stray dogs, large wild animals. Remember that in particularly large specimens, a jet of gas will only cause an increase in aggressiveness.

⚖ Example from judicial practice

What happens when pepper spray is used unlawfully can be seen in the example of the decision of the Khabarovsk District Court dated February 14, 2018 in case No. 12-22/2018.

The crux of the matter

Natalya (*names have been changed) had a long-standing conflict with a relative of her husband’s ex-wife from his first marriage, Anastasia. The latter repeatedly spoke obscenely at her, sent messages on the phone with curses and threats, however, she never actually attacked her or came close.

One day, when Natalya and her husband were returning home, Anastasia came to pick up her husband’s daughter from her first marriage for a visit. Having put the child in the car, she began to insult Natalya and moved towards her. Natalya, who was pregnant at that moment, was afraid that they would beat her, so she took out a can and from a distance of about 2 m sprayed pepper spray into Anastasia’s face.


At the request of the victim, the district commissioner drew up a protocol on an administrative offense, and the case was transferred to the magistrate. The judge came to the conclusion that Natalya committed an offense under Art. 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely violent actions that caused physical pain, and imposed a penalty of a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Natalya did not agree with the judge’s decision and appealed it to the district court.

What did the court decide?

On appeal it was established:

  1. The victim was not harmed. The forensic medical examination did not confirm the initial diagnosis of “Chemical burn of the eyes”: by the time the burn was carried out, it had completely disappeared.
  2. Anastasia suffered harm in the form of physical pain.
  3. Natalya was not in a state of necessary defense, since there was no real attack, there was no threat of harm to life or health, and a stream of pepper in the face in response to abuse was a clear violation of the law.
  4. Natalya’s arguments that she fired the jet from two meters and clearly could not hit the victim were refuted by medical documentation: doctors confirmed that there were traces of the aerosol on the victim’s eyes.

As a result, the initial decision of the magistrate was upheld and the fine was not cancelled.

Mechanism of action

Pepper spray, located inside a small pressurized can, is thrown forward at high speed, hitting the skin and mucous membranes of the attacker. In case of successful application, the so-called Blepharospasm is a natural reaction of the brain to an external stimulus that causes the muscles that close the eyes to contract. The enemy completely loses his sight for a short period of time, and the accompanying powerful irritating effect will make the aggressor forget about his previous intentions. If the active substance gets into your eyes, rinse the affected area with water.

Pepper gas oleoresin capsicum

It is designated by the standardized label OS, which means Oleoresim Capsicum - a mixture of irritating effects, which consists of esters, fatty acids, pepper extracts and resins. The OS substance causes severe irritation of human mucous membranes. The upper respiratory tract, eyes, and mouth are most affected. A stream of gas containing this mixture is one of the most effective means of self-defense against a single enemy. Irritation from pepper spray provokes profuse lacrimation and severe coughing in the attacker.

Types of pepper spray cans

Pepper sprays are classified according to two characteristics: the method of spraying and the composition of the active substance. According to the method of gas emission, weapons are divided into:

  1. Aerosol spray. The substance is ejected in a large cone in front of the nozzle. Minimum range, greatest effectiveness at close ranges.
  2. Aerosol-jet. Differs from the previous one with a smaller angle of attack. It is considered universal. The effective distance is longer.
  3. Jet. The liquid is shot out in a tight, directed stream. Not recommended for people who doubt their own accuracy.
  4. Foam. Similar to the previous one, but the irritant is more difficult to wipe off from the affected areas.
  5. Gel. This type of pepper spray has the longest effective range (3-5 m). The gel adheres well to the skin and mucous membrane.

Aerosol spray

Pepper sprays with this type of active substance spray are better suited for close-range use. The gas cloud spreads over a distance of 1-1.5 m in a wide cone. This feature makes it possible to create an effective protective gas curtain. To pass through it, the aggressor must inhale the irritant. A significant disadvantage is the danger of spraying indoors or during rain or wind. A strong air displacement will lead to the neutralization of the screen, blowing it away from the enemy or onto the defender.


The damaging cone narrows, the effective range increases. Can be used to repel an attack by a group of people, a single enemy, or stray dogs. The reduced affected area allows for targeted spraying of the irritant. The versatility of the pepper spray distribution method has made it popular among manufacturers of civil self-defense equipment. The disadvantage is that it is dependent on the wind, like all aerosols.

Jet Spray

Pepper spray releases a powerful, directed stream of liquid. In composition, it resembles or corresponds to standard pepper powder. It features excellent accuracy at a distance of 3-4 meters. The obvious disadvantage is the need for precise aiming. Copes well with single opponents, incapacitating them for a long time. Liquid irritant is difficult to wash off, and reflexive rubbing of the substance will increase the irritant effect.


Pepper spray emits a powerful stream of thick foam that sticks to the enemy. The foam composition is difficult to wash off; when wiped, the affected area increases. The advantages are similar to jet spraying: good effective range, the possibility of targeted shooting, eliminating accidental hits on passers-by. Disadvantages - difficulties with aiming at moving targets, long flight time of heavy foam, low trajectory flatness.


Pepper spray equipped with gel provides excellent protection against a single target. The sticky, watery composition cannot be washed off with simple improvised means: water is not afraid of it, a cloth will smear it even more. A significant disadvantage is the impossibility of use against animals. The likelihood of the gel getting into the mouth or eyes is very low. The effective firing range is 2-3 m.

Treatment of lesions

Usually no treatment is required. To remove OC more quickly, it is recommended to immerse your face in a container of water without closing your eyes[49] or simply rinse your eyes under running cold water. If symptoms of damage to the eyes, respiratory tract and skin do not disappear within several hours, or occur as an allergic reaction, symptomatic treatment may be necessary.


To remove OC from the skin, it is sometimes recommended to use vegetable oil, baking soda, and even honey, but the effectiveness of these products needs further study. Cold milk or yogurt may be slightly more effective in treating OS. For example, special “OC First Aid” wipes produced in the USA for removing OC are impregnated with an aqueous-alcohol solution of milk protein. In recent years, topical use of drugs such as Maalox has been increasingly recommended for the treatment of OS lesions. This medicine in the form of a suspension is used to treat high acidity of gastric juice and can be freely purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. To treat skin and eyes, it is diluted half and half with water.

At the same time, a study conducted in 2008 convincingly proved the complete uselessness of such products as Maalox, 2% lidocaine gel, baby shampoo, milk and water for relieving pain caused by OS[30].

The recommendation of scientists from the University of Michigan to use alcohol or any other alcohol to deactivate capsaicin also seems controversial. The fact is that the TRPV1 receptor is also sensitive to alcohol and acids, and therefore the use of alcohol, vinegar and even carbonated drinks can increase the burning sensation. But solid, coarse foods such as crackers or even regular sugar can help put out the fire in the mouth after eating too spicy foods[19].

Special formulations are available abroad that effectively neutralize most known irritants. Thus, “Bio Shield Tear Gas”, made on the basis of medicinal herbs, as stated in the instructions, is 100 times more effective than ordinary water when washing off the remains of an irritating substance. Confidence in this product, which has been produced for 12 years, is so great in the United States that many government agencies and hospital emergency rooms purchase it. In Europe, neutralizing sprays such as “Cool It”, “EHS-01”, “TIW” are more popular; the latter can be used for degassing indoor air.

Examples of successful (in the center) and not so successful (right) homemade respirators made from a plastic bottle


But the simplest, most accessible and effective way to relieve pain from capsaicin is cold. Since capsaicin does not activate TRPV1 receptors, but only lowers the threshold of their temperature sensitivity, therefore the most effective method of combating burning would be to apply cold compresses, ice, or simply irrigate with a stream of cold water [19].

How to choose a gas spray for self-defense

The purchase of pepper spray should be thoughtful, based on verified information, someone else's, personal experience with civilian non-lethal self-defense weapons. Study the characteristics and factors based on which pepper is selected:

  • Number of uses. Choose reusable pepper sprays if you are not sure of the success of using them. Volumetric aerosols are capable of creating a full-fledged gas curtain.
  • Spray method. Situational indicator: it is better for drivers to keep a gel, foam spray inside the glove compartment. An aerosol is suitable for pedestrians.
  • Dimensions, volume. A small cylinder is easier to reach and bring into working position.


Various companies sell their own versions of pepper spray. The main distinguishing features are the concentration of OC, the type and range of spraying, its duration, and the number of applications. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Chiton. Makes Shock aerosols with 23% hot pepper extract. The effect of application lasts up to half an hour; designed for 7 seconds of continuous spraying.
  • Tyumen aerosols. Among them, the Control-UM model is very popular. It contains additional additives designed to suppress animal aggression.
  • Techkream. Much attention is paid to improving the Black and Torch 2 cans with a wide spray cone designed to stop a large number of opponents.
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Effective range

Depends on the method of spraying and the pressure inside the housing. For foam, jet and gel spraying, the effective range will be 3-5 m, but the affected area will be narrow, corresponding to the width of the jet at the moment of contact with the surface. Aerosols have a shorter attack distance (1-2 m), but create a protective curtain over a large area, helping to defend against a group of opponents. Examples include:

  • Epee – 3-3.5 m, jet;
  • Hot pepper – 1.5 m, aerosol;
  • Lady Black – 2 m, jet-aerosol.

Continuous use time

This parameter determines how many opponents and how hard it will be possible to hit before the irritant is completely used up. Remember that the duration of use does not always depend only on the volume of the capsule. Spray pepper spray will run out faster than spray pepper spray. Choose a self-defense weapon based on the intended circumstances of use. Consider options with different durations of use:

  • C360 gel – 4-5 seconds;
  • Black jet – 3-4 seconds;
  • Torch 2 – 7-8 seconds.


Determines how much active suspension is placed inside the metal capsule. The duration of continuous operation and compactness are directly dependent on the volume. It is worth ordering a large cylinder for transportation and use from the car. In this case, purchase a gel or foam pepper spray that will not harm the defender. For pedestrians, small models designed for 1-2 uses are better suited. Manufacturers offer the following volume options:

  • Lady Black aerosol – 25 ml;
  • Epee, jet – 100 ml;
  • Dragon, foam – 650 ml.

Minimum operating temperature

Cold climates pose a serious threat to the performance of many appliances. Peppercorns are no exception - inside the capsule there is a liquid under pressure that can freeze. The threat is posed not only by the failure of the device, but also by the expansion of the suspension during freezing - this can lead to the rupture of the container with splashing of volatile contents. Manufacturers dilute the caustic liquid with special compounds that prevent freezing. The minimum operating temperature of the pepper grinders is:

  • Pepper spray – -40 degrees;
  • Hot pepper – -10 degrees;
  • Epee – -20 degrees.


Select the dimensions of the peppercorn according to your own convenience and storage location. Remember that a compact capsule is easier to grab from a bag or pocket than a large liter cylinder. The size is related to the volume of active substance that the metal shell may contain. The small pepper will run out after 4-8 seconds of continuous use. The capsules produced are divided into 3 categories:

  • 25 ml. 1-2 uses, fits easily in the palm of your hand.
  • 65-100 ml. A universal means of self-defense that requires repeated use.
  • 100-1000 ml. Personal protective equipment for a vehicle, home. The number of uses reaches 15-30.

Buying a can - an expert's choice

Of course, it is better to choose cans with a small capacity, and also pay attention to the shape of the bottle. In this case, there will be no problems with how to transfer the product. The best option would be a volume from 25 to 100 ml.

Experts recommend choosing aerosols; they can create a gas cloud. It can poison the air. With other options, you may have trouble aiming accurately at your attacker's face. This takes time. Please note that the spray contains red hot pepper extract. In this case, the jet will be better visible.

As for the price, gas products are cheaper, which cannot be said about inkjet options. Today there are a lot of worthy options on the market that demonstrate excellent efficiency and do not pose a danger to human life.

For example, the SHOCK can be used even in sub-zero temperatures outside, but the Epee has an instant effect, which is important in the event of an attack. The Hot Pepper is compact and light weight, and the Black has a long range of influence.

Where to buy pepper spray

Individual non-lethal civilian weapons with a stopping effect that do not cause direct harm may be sold freely. You can buy a gas canister for self-defense in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities on the counters of military stores, where it is an integral part of the assortment. You can order goods with delivery from a certified manufacturer through a specialized online store that sells civil self-defense weapons.

Prices for a can

Combined with maximum efficiency and the ability to be used even in windy conditions, as well as in a wide range of temperatures, the Pepper Jet gas spray also has a cost advantage.

Thus, its price is considered quite affordable in comparison with most similar drugs. A 65 ml can can currently be seen on sale at prices ranging from 295 to 420 rubles.

Below we will present some reviews about the standard 65 ml pepper spray can.

Which gas canister is the most effective?

Product name and manufacturer Spray type Irritant and area of ​​application Volume (ml) a brief description of Advantages and disadvantages Price (rubles)
Heaton, Shock aerosol oleoresin capsicum, up to 2.5 meters 1000 A good option for self-defense with a decent range. Excellent at stopping a group of people and can create a gas curtain. Low price, small size, long range. 580
Techkream, pepper spray aerosol oleoresin capsicum, up to 2 meters 65 A popular product on the non-lethal civilian weapons market. It differs favorably in the width of the lesion cone. Great price, frequent discounts from the manufacturer. Low flight speed of the gas cloud. 240
Techkream, Black aerosol-jet OS 20%, 2 meters 65 Frequent selection of police units is capable of creating a wide curtain of tear gas. It differs from analogues in its increased spray radius. Excellent accuracy, wide operating temperature range. 410
Hot pepper, Techkream aerosol-jet OS 20%, 2 meters 25 A compact version of a non-lethal civilian weapon, very comfortable to carry. Can be quickly grabbed from a jacket pocket, bag, etc. Small size, easy to spray. Disposable, small radius of destruction. 260
Dragon, Techkream foamy OS 95%, TC 3.1%, 2.5 meters 100 The duration of spraying is one of the most important characteristics of pepper spray. The dragon is far ahead of its analogues in this parameter. Wide contact patch, long-lasting spray. Increased cost, decent weight. 550
Peretz 11-A, Tekhkrim aerosol OS 95%, 2 meters 65 Reusable device designed for 8-10 short sprays. Due to the large contact area, one short-term splash is enough to neutralize the enemy. Large spray cone, decent spreading speed of the substance. Small operating temperature range. 270
Fakel2, Tekhkrim aerosol OS 95%, 3 meters 100 The increased range ensures greater safety of use, the addition of a special police irritant CS prolongs the effect. Large contact patch, small size, increased effective distance. Fast consumption of contents. 450

List of manufacturers

When studying the market where the best self-defense spray cans are presented, it will be important to find out which manufacturers produce these products, which of them is most respected and in demand by buyers and specialists.

We decided to present to you the TOP 3 companies that are distinguished by extremely positive recommendations from users, and are also recognized as effective specialists in the field of self-defense.

Clever Ballistol

The organization specializes in the production of products that will be useful in self-defense. The company's product range also includes weapons. There are many gas cans from Clover Vallistol on the market. With their help, you can suppress a person’s aggression, as well as discourage him from continuing the attack.

The manufacturer’s line meets all standards and safety standards that are known in Europe and the Russian Federation. The use of spray cans is legal in Russia. Moreover, the company was able to establish itself as one of the best in the field of producing pepper self-defense options. They can be used both outdoors and indoors.

If we analyze the cost, then there are average options that will suit many people in our country.


The organization differs from its competitors by producing several types of inkjet cans for self-defense. The spray range is up to 15 meters. All options have a shelf life of up to 3 years. They are not dangerous to humans. The products are simple to use. Everyone will be able to use a spray can in case of an attack from the outside. The dimensions are compact, and therefore it will fit even in a woman's bag.

The composition contains tear-producing natural substances that are not prohibited by state laws in our country. According to the price analysis, the cans are affordable for many, and you can buy them at different points of sale. There will be no problems with this.


Another manufacturer that is distinguished by its scientific and technical base. This is an enterprise where self-defense products are produced. The cans are available in an aerosol spray version. The company produces models that are safe for consumers. In fact, they will not harm the health of the aggressor. NTC-Heaton products are of high quality. In terms of cost, this is an average price category. To buy such a self-defense product, you do not have to obtain special documents authorizing its use. In our country, such cans are allowed for official use.

Rules of application

You should use pepper spray with extreme care, following a number of rules:

  1. Do not spray the aerosol inside enclosed spaces to avoid being hit by your own weapon.
  2. Follow the instructions and use this civil self-defense weapon strictly for its intended purpose.
  3. Remember that administrative or criminal liability will arise in case of unjustified use of pepper.
  4. Don’t waste the can’s lifespan during an attack—one press may not be enough.

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