What is better pneumatics or electro-pneumatics - let's understand the differences

Airsoft is constantly evolving, and at the same time new types of airsoft drives are appearing - exact copies of real small arms, designed to fire balls. Each of the available types has pros and cons that must be taken into account when purchasing and using. Airsoft equipment store AirSoft-RUS has prepared types of airsoft drives with their advantages and disadvantages.

Which is more dangerous and painful?

Pneumatics are not much different from airsoft weapons. Together they work according to the same operating principle. Be it a pistol, machine gun, sniper rifle, machine gun or other types of weapons.

Airsoft models are often called soft pneumatics (from the English “air” - air and “soft” - soft). The reason is that when plastic balls enter the body, they do not seriously injure the player.

If an airsoft player is wearing a light jacket or no protection at all, the player will feel an unpleasant sensation when hit. Even if they shoot at him from a pistol at a long distance. If good protection is used, the hit feels like a simple mosquito bite. Unpleasant, but tolerable.

If you use traditional pneumatics, then such models are capable of causing serious damage when hit. Standard airguns are intended for specialized purposes: for example, target shooting. Therefore, the damage here is much higher than from airsoft balls.

To better understand the features of each type of weapon, let’s make a comparison by:

  • goals;
  • operating principle;
  • consumables;
  • danger of entry;
  • caliber;
  • shot range;
  • weapon material;
  • appearance;
  • permissions.

At the end we will provide a comparison table.

Spring weapon

Spring airsoft drives are known among airsoft players as spring drives. The operating principle is completely identical to spring-piston pneumatic weapons. To launch a spherical projectile, impact potential energy stored in a compressed spiral spring is used. When a person presses the trigger with their finger, a spring activates the air pump. The pressure in the cylinder increases sharply and pushes the airsoft ball towards the muzzle.


The main advantage of spring drives is their low price and availability in stores. These qualities are due to the simplicity of the design and production of spring weapons. Other advantages:

  • no consumables in the form of batteries and gas cylinders;
  • simple maintenance that needs to be performed quite rarely;
  • unpretentiousness to operating conditions and air temperature.

A spring airsoft drive is an excellent option if you are undemanding when it comes to comfort while shooting, and price is not the least important issue.


The spring drive does not support semi-automatic and automatic firing modes, since after each shot the shooter manually cocks the spring using muscle force. Because of this, the rate of fire is low, so this type of airsoft weapon is represented mainly by sniper rifles and shotguns, much less often by pistols.

Principle of operation

Both options work the same. High air pressure is created inside the structure, or gas is applied when the ball flies out of the barrel under high pressure. There are models in which gas is pumped mechanically. Then it enters the working piston - this is how the pump works.

Other models have a separate gas cylinder. Airsoft versions often use an electric drive, which cocks the trigger spring and increases the speed of shots.

Gas weapon

Gas airsoft drives are many times more common than spring drives. Depending on what consumables are needed for shooting, weapons are divided into 2 types.

Gas drive

The potential energy of compressed gas is used to launch airsoft projectiles. Usually this is carbon dioxide or a mixture of propane-based gases - the so-called green gas. In the first case, standard cylinders weighing 12 grams are used for refilling; in the second, large-capacity cylinders are used, which are not installed in the drive magazine. When the shooter pulls the trigger, gas from the cylinder is dosed through a series of valves and sets the projectile in motion. Sniper rifles and pistols, and less often machine guns, are built on the basis of the gas valve (GGB).

High pressure pneumatics

These airsoft drives use compressed air to launch spherical projectiles. For its storage, a separate cylinder is allocated, the hose from which is connected to a pneumatic motor installed inside the weapon. An electronic fire control unit is used to turn on the engine. It allows you to adjust the rate of fire and shutter speed - the volume of air released with each shot. High-pressure airsoft pneumatics are represented mainly by machine guns, rapid-fire sniper rifles, and less often by other types of weapons.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shooting from a gas-powered airsoft gun feels more natural compared to spring-type guns. This is especially true for models based on the GGB gas valve - it implies recoil after each shot (blowback). There are also NGG models on sale without recoil.

  • option to fire in semi-automatic and automatic modes;
  • high rate of fire and range, which expands the scope of application in combat;
  • a large assortment of weapons - pistols, sniper rifles, machine guns;
  • Realism - loud shots, limited ammunition, noticeable recoil.

The main disadvantage of gas drives is that their operation at low air temperatures becomes ineffective and sometimes impossible. Reason: in cold weather, gas loses a large share of its potential energy. The disadvantages include the relatively high price of the drives. We must not forget about the need to regularly purchase gas or compressed air. Even despite its negative qualities, gas weapons are often used by airsoft fans.


Manufacturers produce airsoft drives that are as similar as possible to firearms. It’s like a player in a real war or performing a special operation. Even professionals will not immediately be able to find the differences between the drive and the combat product.

Traditional pneumatics have a different goal - to shoot as efficiently as possible. Weapons are varied in appearance. Additionally, manufacturers monitor the restrictions set by law so that pneumatics do not cross the line between conventional target shooting models and real military weapons.

Electro-pneumatic weapons

The most common type of airsoft drives, the operating principle of which is based on charging a spring by an electric motor. Portable batteries are used to power the engine. Otherwise, the weapon works almost identically to spring models. The force from the electric motor is transmitted through the gearbox to the pump spring, which sets the balls in motion and maintains their cyclic loading into the barrel. The rate of fire of some models in automatic firing mode exceeds 1000 rounds per minute.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electro-pneumatic models are most widespread due to the advantages:

  • low price compared to gas airsoft weapons;
  • record rate of fire and good firing range;
  • a large selection of models offered by famous brands;
  • all kinds of weapons - pistols, machine guns, rifles.

The serious disadvantage of electro-pneumatic weapons is the same as that of gas weapons. At low air temperatures, firing efficiency decreases due to a decrease in the capacity of the battery that powers the electric motor. At the same time, electric models cope with frosts somewhat better than gas ones, which largely influenced the higher demand among shooters.


You do not need a permit for airsoft weapons. You can carry it quietly around the city, store it in any places inaccessible to children and surrounding areas, and transport it without additional permits. It is enough to have a certificate for the product, which is issued in the store.

Some pneumatic models also do not require a permit. For others, you need to obtain special documents if the weapons are too powerful. Typically, such options are intended exclusively for use by professionals.

Hybrid weapons

Relatively recently, hybrid airsoft drives have appeared on the market. They are a logical development of standard gas and electro-pneumatic weapons, but are more powerful. They also create a more realistic shooting experience. This quality is loved by combat reenactors - they often arm themselves with such models of airsoft weapons.

Electric drive with hybrid mode

The weapon magazine is loaded with cartridges, each of which contains one airsoft ball. The electrical control system is configured according to the principle of “number of shots per projectile”, due to which each shot corresponds to a realistic loud sound and smoke effect. These weapons are the rarest in the airsoft field and are used mainly by collectors.

Gas drive with hybrid mode

The principle of operation is in many ways similar to a hybrid electric weapon, but the shot uses compressed gas, which is stored in a tank inside the drive magazine. A scheme with a reverse bolt has been implemented - when it is pulled back, the projectile enters the chamber. When the trigger is pulled, the bolt releases a small amount of gunpowder and pushes the bullet down the barrel.

Do I need permission to carry, transport and store?

Buying airsoft pneumatics brings great pleasure to a gun connoisseur. If there are no restrictions on the purchase of this type of weapon, then there are certain rules for its carrying, transportation and storage.

There are no specific instructions in legislative acts on this matter. However, there are certain moral and social principles that must be observed when using pneumatics. Otherwise, you can easily scare people and cause confusion among the police.

Moreover, if even a light pistol is stored incorrectly, the latter is capable of firing a shot that will cause trouble for the owner. Which? Up to and including criminal liability due to accidental damage to health. Therefore, we list the features and recommendations.

How to store without causing damage to others and your own home?

Here are the basic rules for storing air guns:

  • Remove the magazine and remove the plastic balls;
  • If the model is electromechanical, disconnect the battery;
  • Store the drive in a case in an upright position in a dry place and out of reach of children and others;

Let's take a closer look at the important points.

Store the weapon only in a case and out of the reach of children. If you accidentally fall and touch the trigger, the pneumatic gun will fire and cause accidental bodily harm, or damage furniture, walls, lamps, chandeliers and other items and accessories in the house.

The battery must be disconnected for storage.

There are no legal requirements to store pneumatic weapons in specialized places. For example, in the safe of a country house or apartment. But for greater reliability, especially if the weapon is powerful enough, it is recommended to install and store the safe there. Also, it is advisable to wrap the component parts of the structure in a cloth, a cloth, so that not a single part or element of the weapon is visible in the open. Otherwise, it can lead to a lot of questions.

How to transport and avoid showdowns with the police, traffic police and border guards

Transport pneumatics disassembled. The rules are the same as for storage. If there is a case with special storage spaces. If not available, wrap parts of the component structure to cover visible elements.

When transporting weapons around the city and being stopped by the police or traffic police, when the officers decide to check the car and conduct a search, it is recommended to warn them about the presence of airsoft weapons. Say that the model is permitted for transportation, indicating the characteristics that are noted in the weapon certificate issued upon purchase.

When crossing the Russian border with other countries, no questions arise either. It is enough to indicate that you are transporting airsoft weapons, which do not require a license. Have a certificate with you to prove your words. Such models can be exported and imported. However, before crossing the border, familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting pneumatics to another country. The requirements there may differ from Russian ones.

How to carry a weapon and not scare people?

Pneumatics should only be carried when closed. When displaying weapons in public, it will cause shock and panic. There will be calls to the police, right up to the plan of interception and alarm of special forces. No one will guess that you have an ordinary pneumatic gun in your hands for a fun game. Especially if you are carrying a large-caliber machine gun with you. Carrying weapons openly without cases or covers is allowed only in a limited area for games.

Thus, it is recommended to store the weapon in a cover or case so that all structural elements are covered. In a country house or city apartment, it is advisable to store it in a safe and any other places inaccessible from strangers and children. The weapon should also be transported in a case or cover. Have a purchase certificate with you to prove that this is not a military model or a firearm.

Structural elements should not stick out from under the cover. Carry your air gun closed. Take out weapons only in specially designated play areas. Following these recommendations will allow owners to avoid troubles with airsoft weapons.

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