"Osa" - a traumatic pistol

The history of the existence of traumatic weapons goes back only a few decades. And although the production of non-lethal active personal protective equipment is largely based on developments that were implemented long ago in combat firearms, the first release of trauma equipment to the general public was frankly unsuccessful - the products were subject to serious criticism from specialists and buyers. Some were not satisfied with the short sighting range of “devices for shooting rubber bullets”; others, on the contrary, were frightened by the destructive potential of the weapon when used at close range. The situation was changed in 1998.

When the Osa traumatic pistol appeared on the domestic market, flattering reviews of the “non-standard products” increased significantly. The subsequent modernization of the design provided the “stinging defender” with the image of an effective and reliable defensive device.

Copyright patent and geography of manufacturing plants

“Osa” is a traumatic pistol - the creation of designers from the Research Institute of Applied Chemistry (Sergiev Posad). The immediate manager of the project was G. A. Bideev, a leading employee and candidate of technical sciences. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the idea regarding the choice of a striking element - a large-caliber rubber bullet with a steel core.

The Osu was launched into serial production at its native research institute, and its variations were subsequently developed there. However, the geography of the production of improved models was not limited to the walls of the research institute - in addition to the Moscow region, assembly lines for traumatic pistols of this brand began to function in the regions (local branches got involved in the business). In turn, the Low-Voltage Equipment Plant, located in Novosibirsk, received a patent for the production of “wasp” ammunition, and a little later the Tula Design Bureau of Complex Instrumentation occupied a niche in the technological process.


The Osa set consists of several types of cartridges intended for self-defense (traumatic and light-sound) and illumination.

  • 18 × 45T
    18 × 45T
    ) - a traumatic cartridge equipped with a 15.3 mm rubber bullet in an aluminum sleeve. The traumatic cartridge contains a bullet weighing 11.6 g, made of rubber and having a metal reinforcing core. [21] This bullet has a muzzle velocity of about 120 m/s and a muzzle energy of about 85 J. When the bullet hits the target it causes shock.
  • 18 × 45 O
    18 × 45 O
    ) - white flash (105 candelas)
  • 18 × 45 S
    18 × 45 С
    ) - signal cartridge in an aluminum case with a colored (yellow, red or green) shutter.
  • 18 × 45 СЗ
    18 × 45 СЗ
    ) - a light-sound cartridge in an aluminum case containing a special charge that provides an extremely loud and bright shot, produced since 2004.
  • 18 × 45 I
    18 × 45 I
    ) - a canister of tear gas (capsaicin + CN), produced since 2005 [22]
  • 18 × 45 Ave.
    18 × 45 Ave.
    ) - an inert version of the cartridge in an aluminum case, used for training and practice during training.
  • 18 × 45 SM
    18 × 45 SM, “firework cartridge”
    ) - an air fireworks cartridge in an aluminum case.
  • 18 × 45 РШ
    18 × 45 РШ
    ) - a traumatic cartridge with a 12 g rubber bullet, produced since 2010. The traumatic cartridge contains a 22 mm caliber bullet made of rubber without a metal reinforcing core in an aluminum sleeve, with a muzzle energy of about 100 J [23]
  • 18 × 45 "A + A"
    - a traumatic cartridge with a 15.3 mm rubber bullet in a plastic sleeve. The traumatic cartridge contains a bullet made of rubber and having a metal reinforcing core. [24] This bullet has a muzzle energy of approximately 91 J. [25]
  • 18 × 45 RG
    18 × 45 RG
    ) - a traumatic cartridge with a rubber bullet in a composite sleeve. The traumatic cartridge contains a bullet weighing 11.6 g, made of rubber and having a metal reinforcing core [26].
  • 18.5 × 55Т
    18.5 × 55Т
    ) - traumatic cartridge with a 15.7 mm rubber bullet in an aluminum sleeve. The traumatic cartridge contains a bullet weighing 13.2 g [27]

The gun's launcher itself generates an electrical impulse to ignite the gunpowder charge.

Evolution of the model

In the minds of most people, the image of a “device for shooting rubber bullets” was formed at the start of sales of the “stinging firstborn”. Therefore, in reality, few people know that the Osa is a pistol with a pedigree. Over its short history, the model has undergone more than one transformation, and the existing range of assemblies today is capable of satisfying the needs of even the most spoiled buyer.

The direct successor to the basic configuration of the “defensive device” PB-4 was the “smart” analogue PB-4M, created in 2002. Unlike its predecessor, the 4M was able to analyze the current situation: it ignored those cartridge slots in which there was no ammunition, and also checked the cartridge for malfunctions before firing. A special microcircuit was responsible for the “ability to think,” which replaced the obsolete mechanical switch.

The photo below shows the Osa M-09 pistol.

This is a significantly later version of the defensive traumatic product (assembled in 2013). Its external and functional similarity with the improved “four” is very conditional: the M-09 is stronger, more accurate, and more ergonomic.

How the Osa barrelless pistol works: design features

"Osu" is often called a "pistol-cartridge" complex. The reason for this is the original design of the case: the absence of a barrel is compensated by the presence of four special slots for ammunition, each of which is activated at the right moment. In the process of pressing the trigger once, the electronics engage only one of the compartments, that is, cartridges No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 remain in their places during the first shot.

The sequence of bullets ejected: for the first "Wasps" - in compliance with the order in the chamber, for modifications - arbitrary (selective) detonation. The principle of operation of the trigger mechanism in the PB is based on the potential of a magnetic pulse generator - it is the MIG that forms the electric charge that ignites the gunpowder. Regarding the algorithm for replacing already fired ammunition with new ones, we can say that the Osa traumatic pistol acts as a “backup” to a classic smoothbore gun. The cassette with the used charges must be removed, and another “clip” suitable for firing is installed in its place.

In modern modifications of the pistol, the emphasis is on reducing recoil and increasing shooting accuracy by making changes to the basic design. First of all, we are talking about the cassette fixation scheme. In addition, some adjustments to the tactical and technical indicators were made due to the functional gradation of cartridges.

Barrelless pistol PB-4-2 "Osa"

The barrelless pistol "Osa" is familiar to many Russian citizens today. This is an excellent example of a non-lethal civilian weapon. The development of this pistol was completed at the turn of 1997-1999 at the Research Institute of Applied Chemistry. Since 1999, this pistol has been mass-produced. Today it is produced by (NOT), located in the town of Sergiev Posad near Moscow. The modern weapons complex "Osa" is a multifunctional system of civilian firearms with limited destruction. “Osa” is intended for active self-defense, as well as for giving various signals and illuminating areas of the area. Five types of cartridges were developed specifically for this pistol: traumatic, light-sound, signal, lighting and aerosol.

The Osa complex includes firearms, barrelless self-defense devices of various modifications and a set of various cartridges. Today, this is one of the most advanced examples of personal civilian self-defense weapons presented on the Russian market. "Osa" embodies the unique developments of Russian defense enterprises, which have no analogues in the world. Well-developed ergonomics of the weapon in combination with a built-in laser designator allow even an untrained person to conduct targeted shooting with the efficiency and speed of an experienced shooter. At the moment, a fourth-generation modification of the Osa barrelless pistol is in production, the representative of which is the PB-4-2 barrelless pistol.

A distinctive feature of the PB-4-2 barrelless pistol from its predecessors is the increased caliber and new ammunition. The manufacturer increased the caliber of the cartridges used in it by half a millimeter, most likely so that cartridges from the old “Wasp” could not be used in the “new” one (and vice versa, accordingly). At the same time, the use of a new elongated sleeve made it possible to increase the powder load in the cartridge, which, in turn, had a positive effect on the initial kinetic energy of the bullet.

The PB-4-2 barrelless pistol uses a new 18.5x55TD traumatic cartridge, which has increased efficiency. It is reported that the stopping power of the new cartridge is comparable to the stopping power of the 9x18 mm PM pistol cartridge, which is very common in Russia, and its penetration power (the likelihood of causing serious bodily harm to a person) is lower than that of its predecessors. The control board has also been improved, using a special integrated circuit. This increases the reliability of the weapon by significantly reducing the number of elements on the board.

However, the main difference is precisely the traumatic cartridge used, which is equipped with a large-caliber heavy bullet with a reinforcing metal core. When using the 18.5x55T traumatic cartridge, its bullet has a stopping effect due to its strong pain effect. The painful effect occurs when a rubber bullet hits the target. In this case, the bullet does not cause severe bodily harm to the object if the shot is fired from a distance of more than one meter from the open end of the cartridge case to the object. It is worth noting that the previous Osa pistol had a muzzle energy of 85 J, while the new PB-4-2 barrelless pistol already has 93 J.

An additional advantage of the new cartridges is that the tail of the bullet is no longer rolled in the gas generator of the cartridge, as was the case on previous models. This made it possible, in particular, to get rid of the “tumbling” of the bullet in flight. Currently, the bullet is made separately from the gas generator, which allows for free release of the bullet from the cartridge case. In addition, in the new ammunition the weight distribution of the bullet and its length were changed, which also helped to stabilize the flight of the bullet.

The average dispersion diameter in five group shots of 4 rounds in each group from a given pistol at a distance of 25 meters from the open end of the cartridge case is 200 mm. At the same time, the use of the new 18.5x55T cartridge makes it possible to achieve higher accuracy of fire, for example, in comparison with 20.5x45 cartridges, which are used in the Shaman pistol. At the same time, in 18.5x55T traumatic cartridges, the bullet is no longer held in the case by anything other than the elastic deformation of the rubber coating, compared to the old 18x45 cartridges, which made it possible to achieve higher hit accuracy and stability of the bullet in flight. At the same time, shots from the Osa are very loud, and the recoil of the PB-4-2 pistol is sensitive even for people accustomed to a service pistol.

There are also 18.5x55 caliber cartridges for the pistol, which are equipped with a special charge, which, when fired, creates a powerful sonic boom and a flash of light, which causes a temporary, up to 30 seconds, loss of orientation, as well as visual and auditory sensations in the attacker. In order to give a distress signal if necessary and indicate your location, you can use special signal cartridges, which can be equipped with pyrotechnic elements in green, red and yellow colors. They are shot to a height of 100 to 120 meters. In this case, the burning time of pyrotechnic elements is at least 6 seconds.

Also, the OSA PB-4-2 barrelless pistol is distinguished by its greater length and the presence of a special horizontal groove on the sides of the chamber block. In addition to the installation of large sighting devices, it is distinguished by the presence of a more powerful laser designator. The shape of the safety bracket has also been changed, along with its enlargement, making it possible to fire the pistol even while wearing gloves. Otherwise, the PB-4-2 pistol is practically indistinguishable in its design from the PB-4-1ML model. The PB-4-2 pistol is equipped with a block of four chambers; this block is made of a light alloy based on aluminum. A cartridge case is used as the barrel of a pistol.

The frame of the barrelless pistol is made of special impact-resistant plastic. In this case, the chamber block is connected to the frame using a special hinge unit located in the lower rear part of the block. The loading process of the OSA PB-4-2 pistol is carried out strictly one cartridge at a time. The process of reloading the chamber block itself is carried out by tilting it down, like a conventional double-barreled hunting rifle. In this case, the cartridges are partially released from the chambers using a spring-loaded ejector. Then the cartridges are removed one by one by the shooter manually. The pistol uses an electronic trigger mechanism, which is powered by a magnetic pulse generator. He, in turn, produces energy by pressing the trigger. The laser designator mounted on the pistol is powered by a lithium battery. The laser center can be controlled using a switch located above the pistol grip located on the left side of the frame.

From a visual point of view, the PB-4-2 pistol has lengthened significantly, which is further emphasized by the addition of horizontal grooves to its design. Perhaps the use of such a solution is intended to lighten the overall weight of the weapon. The safety bracket of the start key has also acquired a more interesting shape. Thanks to these visual changes, the pistol has become more impressive, now it is unlikely to be called “like a rocket launcher.”

Another positive aspect of the change in the design of the Osa PB-4-2 pistol was the installation of an open sighting device on it, which consists of an adjustable front sight and rear sight. In addition, the aiming process is facilitated by special contrasting white dots, which are applied to the rear sight and front sight. Another useful innovation is the placement of a special swivel on the lower part of the handle of a barrelless pistol, which is designed for possible attachment of the pistol to a safety belt.

Main performance characteristics of the PB-4-2 pistol: Caliber: 18.5x55. Dimensions: length - 130 mm, height - 119 mm, width - 39 mm. Weight of weapon without cartridges - 350 g. Capacity of cartridges - 4 pcs. Trigger force - 3.5-4.5 kgf. Technical accuracy - no more than 220 mm for a series of 4 shots. Temperature range of application: shooting - from -30° to +50° C, with a laser target designator - from -10° to +40° C.

Main performance characteristics of the 18.5x55T traumatic cartridge: Bullet caliber - 15.6 mm. Bullet mass - 13.3 g. Cartridge mass - 29 g. Maximum initial kinetic energy of the bullet - 93 J. Maximum initial bullet speed - 120 m/s.

Sources of information: https://www.all4shooters.com/ru/glavnaya/pistolety/2015-statyi/NOT-OSA-PB-4-2/?p=1 https://www.armoury-online.ru/articles /traumatic/PB-4-2 https://parabellum-spb.ru/?product=pistolet-osa-pb-4-2-not-rossiya https://tnwt.ru/kompleks-samooboronyi-osa/#pistolet -pb-4-2 (manufacturer)

Specifics and range of ammunition

As mentioned above, “Osa” is a pistol that is designed exclusively for non-capsule type ammunition. Consequently, firing with standard hunting cartridges or using charges of a different type is not possible. The model developers deliberately took this step in order to minimize the potential threat of fatal injuries.

For active protection, cartridges of four different designs are offered: a traumatic charge (effective at a distance of up to 10 m), its gas analogue (up to 5 m), as well as light-noise and dyeing ammunition (5 m). In addition, the range also includes a signal charge - it is forbidden to use it for defense, but it is excellent for attracting attention from a distance (multi-colored rockets soar into the sky to a height of up to 150 meters).

Standard ammunition is shown in the photo.

The Osa pistol can be equipped with a combined cassette, that is, different types of cartridges can be loaded at the same time (in all assemblies released after 2005, the selective firing option is available).

"Osa" - a pistol for active defense: operational nuances

The described model of traumatic weapon does not have a mechanical fuse (due to the absence of a primer in the design of the charges). Safety is ensured due to the structure of the trigger mechanism - the trigger is pulled with a force of at least 4 kgf, which eliminates the involuntary detonation of gunpowder in the cartridge.

In some models, the cassette discharges only clockwise. Information about which charge will go off in the next moment is displayed in a special window on the pistol handle (on the right side).

Advantages and disadvantages of Osa brand barrelless pistols

Among the main advantages of the first configuration, it is especially worth noting the strength of the body - the secret lies in the use of light alloys and in the absolute optimization of the design. In addition, the traumatic pistol PB-4 “Osa” boasts of its “unpretentiousness” to operating conditions: both at 30 degrees of frost and at 50 degrees of heat, all important components of the firing mechanism work flawlessly.

Of the “four’s” shortcomings, the recharging process causes the most criticism. Setting up the mechanical controller of the powder charge activation unit cannot be called convenient either.

The “Osa-2” pistol, also known as the “Osa – Aegis PB-2” pistol, on the contrary, is extremely easy to use. However, the presence of only two cartridges in the cassette largely neutralizes its excellent characteristics.

Series production models

The fourth generation of the barrelless complex is currently in serial production:

  • PB-4-2 - 4-charged version. The cartridge used is comparable in impact power to a Makarov pistol. The color of the laser target is red.
  • PB-4-1ML is the most produced 4-charge model made of aluminum alloy for caliber 18 x 45. In this modification of the Wasp, a system is installed that determines the serviceability of the cartridge. In the event of a defect, the impulse is sent to the next good one, which provides a 100% guarantee of a shot. The model is equipped with a red laser sight.
  • PB-2 "Aegis" - 2-charge version of the "Wasp". The cartridge cassette holds 18 x 45 caliber. The color of the sight is red. The most budget option from the entire line.
  • M09 is a barrelless 4-round version with an increased caliber. This model uses a traumatic type of cartridge. The stopping power of this specimen is comparable to the capabilities of the 9 X 18 cartridges used in Makarov pistols, but the ability to cause severe damage to a person is lower, due to the absence of a steel filler. The color of the sight is green, which makes it clearly visible at night and in bright light. The most expensive copy under the Osa trademark.

Brief overview of the Compact version

A new era in the history of the creation of domestic traumatic weapons was marked by the appearance of such a defensive device of limited destruction as the Osa-Compact. The pistol of this model debuted in October 2013. Moreover, the name was not chosen by chance: the new product was able to be adapted to a cartridge with a smaller diameter, which, naturally, led to an overall reduction in the dimensions of the structure.

The revolutionary breakthrough of the Compact version was not limited to purely design solutions - the Osu was equipped with a powerful laser target designator and a bolt mechanism similar to semi-automatic pistols. The model, in fact, lost the trigger guard - its function was assigned to a switch connected to two fuses.

Legal status and operators[edit]

  • Armenia - law enforcement agencies [14]
  • Czech Republic - law enforcement agencies [14]
  • Israel - law enforcement [14]
  • Kazakhstan - The use of non-lethal weapons in Kazakhstan is permitted to civilians [15] [16] and is also used by private security guards.
  • Russia [14] - The use of non-lethal weapons in Russia is allowed to civilians, they are also used by private security services [17] [18] and law enforcement agencies. [19]
  • Saudi Arabia - Law Enforcement [14]
  • United Arab Emirates - Law Enforcement [14]
  • Germany [14] - after the Enforce Tac-2013 exhibition (Nuremberg, March 7–8, 2013), several Osa pistols were ordered for the German police.
  • USA - Arizona police [20]

Conditions for obtaining permission

Many ordinary people believe that the complexity of purchasing a traumatic weapon is comparable to buying bread in a nearby store. Alas, the reality is somewhat different. In particular, it is not so easy to obtain permission for the Osa pistol. Unpleasant incidents that occurred as a result of the forced use of the “stinging protector” led to the fact that devices of this brand were included in a kind of “black list” of officials from licensing authorities.

According to the law, local police departments must give the go-ahead for the purchase and operation of Os. A minimum package of documents, a safe installed at home and a modest state fee - that, it would seem, is all that is needed in order to feel like the owner of a trauma vehicle. However, in practice, applicants have to take an exam on their knowledge of federal weapons laws, and not everyone is able to answer the test questions correctly.

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