F-1 grenade, or simply “Limonka”: a weapon of defensive combat

Garnet is a semi-precious stone that has strong energetic power and dazzling beauty. It got its name due to its similarity to pomegranate seeds. Most people are accustomed to thinking that a gem can only be colored in bright red shades, but this is far from the case. Nature has not been greedy for the mineral of flowers, so you can find orange, pink, green, yellow, brown, purple and even black varieties of the crystal.

Due to the fact that garnet is a fairly common mineral, and even belongs to the group of semi-precious stones, they have learned to fake it very well and sell it at the price of natural stones.

To know how to distinguish a natural stone from a fake or synthetic one, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our recommendations and the basic properties of the mineral.

External differences

A characteristic feature is a ribbed body, cast from a special type of cast iron.
It is divided into exactly 32 segments. Theoretically, this should mean that during an explosion the same 32 fragments are formed, but in practice this does not always happen. Together with the fuse, the lemon grenade weighs as much as 0.6 kg. TNT acts as an explosive. Weight - 60 grams. The fuse is characterized by its versatility, as it can be used simultaneously with RG-41, RG-42, RGD-5 grenades. Its index is UZRGM. It should be remembered that combat grenades are painted strictly green, which can vary from khaki to dark olive. The training version is black; in this case, there are two white stripes on the surface of the “projectile”. In addition, the training “limon” grenade has a hole in the lower part

Important! The combat fuse does not have any indicating coloring

The training grenade is different in that its pin and the entire lower part of the pressure lever are painted scarlet. Since you can make a training “limon” (grenade) from a combat one by unscrewing the fuse and “frying” the body over a fire (the explosive will simply burn out, without an explosion), then when making an “ersatz” you don’t need to forget about this feature. Otherwise, someone might have a heart attack during a training exercise.

What's the best way to throw a grenade?

The explosion of an F-1 grenade is so powerful that even a bulletproof vest will not help at close range. The fragments will damage your face, legs and arms. And if it hits the neck, death occurs. Small fragments cause damage up to 100 m and 250 m for large ones. In enclosed spaces, a shock wave also appears, causing concussion.

There are several ways to throw a grenade:

  • Without swinging, they throw exactly at the target and far. The throwing hand is above the head. It must be well designed. This technique is used in closed spaces, during fights on the streets.
  • Throw from the belt or grenade bag from below to forward. Used in buildings when it is necessary to throw several grenades at once.
  • Throw from around a corner or any cover that has a vertical position. Throw from the waist and below.
  • In a lying position, they are thrown from the waist along a slot in a horizontal position.
  • From the kneeling position. The technique is used when you need to throw far.

After throwing a grenade, you should hide behind cover. There is no need to be curious and see how it worked. After the explosion, count to 22, during which time the fragments will settle down, and you can make a dash, moving to the side.


  • Shunkov V.N.
    Infantry weapons 1939-1945. - Minsk: Harvest, 1999. - 624 p. — ISBN 985-433-803-7.
  • Description of the F.1 hand grenade with a Koveshnikov fuse.. - M.: Publication of the Artillery Directorate of the Red Army., 1931. - 16 p.

A. A. Blagonravov, M. V. Gurevich. Small arms ammunition. Cartridges, hand and rifle grenades. Their structure.. - L.: Publication of the Military-Technical Academy of the Red Army named after Comrade. Dzerzhinsky., 1932. - 210 p. — 1000 copies.

A brief description of the design and use of hand grenades of the F-1 brand with a fuse of the F.V. Koveshnikov system.. - M.: Artillery Directorate of the Red Army., 1937. - 6 p.

B.V. Pribylov, E.N. Kravchenko. Hand and rifle grenades.. - M.: "Arctic 4D", 2008. - 776 p. — 3000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-902835-04-2.

Manual on shooting (NSD-38). Hand grenades.. - M.: State military publishing house of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR., 1939. - 47 p.

Shooting manual. Hand grenades. / Under the supervision of D. I. Kozlov. - M.: Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense., 1965. - 65 p.

About the scattering of fragments and luck

It is difficult to talk about the maximum throwing range: if a soldier is a master of sports in discus throwing, it can exceed 100 meters. A physically developed person will throw it (on average) 30-35 meters. The fragments (in practice) scatter approximately 30 meters

An important digression must be made here

Almost all instructions say that the lemon grenade “scatters” fragments over 150-200 meters. This is not entirely fantasy: indeed, individual “scraps” can fly to such a distance. But in this case there is no talk about the zone of guaranteed destruction.

Moreover, in other situations, fragments even from the RG-42 fly 200 meters, the creators of which did not even mention such records. This is not an indicator. The experience of participants in real combat operations says that the guaranteed destruction zone for mines, grenades and similar “goods” is approximately 35-40 meters, no more. If further, then everything depends on individual luck. If you’re really, really lucky, there’s a chance you’ll survive even a meter away from the exploding lemonade.

Self-defense with a dummy grenade: psychological pros and cons

If we ignore the damaging and crippling effects of defensive weapons, why not classify an ordinary dummy grenade as a means of self-defense? Albeit psychological.

They snatched it, showed it, and... on the count of five they “defended themselves” from everyone. Nobody for half a kilometer around.

Moreover, the end here does not simply justify the means. Surely there will be no statements to the police “about exceeding permissible limits.” And is there any “self-defense” today that is cheaper than a fake grenade? In any store without any license.

Subject? Subject!

Meanwhile , a careful study of real-life cases on specialized forums and online groups showed that one should be extremely careful when using a dummy grenade as a “scarecrow”.

It is important that the brain of the owner of the dummy is not “dummy” itself.

No matter how negative, and even dramatic, your moment of communication with the security forces may have been, these people will not understand your sudden escapades with the “toy”. Only someone completely devoid of self-preservation instincts would snatch a dummy at the front of servicemen equipped with combat guns.

And even if you remain alive, the security forces will probably take out their fear on you later, which, of course, they will not admit.

This means that we will reject armed servants of the law in any case.

In a meeting with obvious bandits. Well, it's a little warmer here. But again, thugs with self-propelled guns can neutralize you just as well as the police before you finish playing your role as a desperate kamikaze who has nothing to lose.

But there are also happy stories. A certain guy from the “weapons” thread on the Internet described how a training mock-up of a deactivated grenade saved him from big trouble. According to the classics of the genre, he was walking late at night in a back alley, and was met by a crowd of drunken teenagers, a violent collision with which, as he understood from their boorish remarks, could not be avoided.

Worked proactively. He tore a dummy grenade from his pants pocket and screamed in such a wild voice and with such a brutal expression on his face that additional energy was no longer needed for the unequal fight. Got through safely. And this is not the only example.

So if you still decide in favor of purchasing the “to have or not to have” dilemma, be aware of the differences between the dummy and the original. They are visible only upon close examination; it is wiser to avoid rough, eye-catching dissimilarities on very cheap fakes.

The rings on dummy garnets are somewhat smaller in diameter than on the original models, thinner in the rim, and lighter in density.

The bracket on fakes is often made of a thinner alloy whose composition is not always clear, which bends easily, which is not observed on real combat models. But the case is the opposite, although in appearance it is almost identical to the original, but it is much heavier.

You can also distinguish a neutralized mock-up of a real grenade from a fake one by the carvings. For a fake it is much wider.


The F-1 grenade is equipped with:

  • housings;
  • explosive (bursting charge);
  • fuse (fuse).

The body of the “lemon” is cast from steel cast iron in the shape of an oval hollow vessel. Its outer surface is corrugated, i.e. divided into segments by longitudinal and transverse grooves.

This shell design:

  • designed to facilitate crushing of metal during an explosion;
  • has an ergonomic function, improving the grip of the grenade by hand;
  • during installation of the guy line, the “ribs” prevent the cord from slipping when tying the ammunition to the support.

F-1 design

Through a hole in the top part, an explosive is placed into the body and the fuse is screwed in.

F-1 design

The modernized UZRG (UZRGM) differs from its predecessor in the shape of the trigger lever and the design of the impact mechanism, which makes it possible to reduce the number of ammunition misfires.

UZRGM grenade fuse

The main elements of the fuse include:

  • safety pin - a ring that prevents an accidental explosion; the pin is protected from falling out by the wire ends that secure it to the fuse;
  • striker - a metal rod with a pointed end, held by the trigger lever and loaded with a spring;
  • trigger lever - a metal plate, after removing the pin, in a position pressed against the body, blocks the firing pin, and at the moment of throwing it releases it;
  • igniter primer;
  • powder explosion retardant;
  • detonator capsule with a detonating mixture.

The NVP teacher must distinguish a combat grenade from a training one - expert November 17, 2014, 18:26

Retired lieutenant colonel and current teacher of basic military training at Almaty school-gymnasium No. 6, Viktor Mager, told the correspondent about what is included in the NVP course program, and whether a live grenade could have gotten into the lesson at the college where the explosion occurred.

According to the interlocutor, teachers of initial military training receive only dummies and models of weapons and ammunition, which differ significantly from combat ones. Training grenades are now made from rubber. Previously, he said, they were made of metal, but painted black. The color of the combat grenade is green.

“This is a terrible, out-of-the-ordinary case. This could not happen in NVP lessons. Well, it shouldn't have. We don't have such weapons. We receive dummies - wooden blanks of weapons. A live grenade in class is out of the question. We have a mock-up of the AK-47. It is very similar to the real one, but it is a blank. We never had military weapons. Layouts are purchased through the Ministry of Education. Our school recently received a fully equipped NVP office. As a teacher, I also received models of grenades - they are made of rubber. (...) We study grenades for one lesson. We tell you what types of grenades there are, their use, and range of action. Practice can only be in field classes, which are conducted with 10th graders after completing the CVP training process,” Mager said.

He finds it difficult to guess who is responsible for the emergency that happened in Almaty. However, he believes that the NVP teacher is obliged to take all necessary measures to ensure safety in the classroom. If, somehow, a teacher comes into possession of a weapon, in particular a grenade, the origin of which he is not sure of, the teacher is obliged to call the special services. “We can also assume that the children themselves took a live grenade from somewhere and brought it to class. But the teacher himself should not have confused. This is out of the question. He couldn’t think that it was for training, but it turned out to be real. All educational equipment is taken into account and marked. But anyone can bring such an object into the office: both a teacher and a student,” the interlocutor added.

Let us remind you that the explosion of a live grenade occurred at the Almaty College of Fashion and Design at 08.40 during a NVP lesson on November 17. As a result of the emergency, 16-year-old Svetlana Yakovleva died from her injuries, 12 people were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds to the chest and head, as well as concussion. Five of them underwent surgery. They are in intensive care, the condition of the victims is still serious. A criminal case has been opened into the incident under the articles “Causing death by negligence” and “Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices.” The prosecutor's office, the military prosecutor's office and the Department of Internal Affairs will study the causes of the explosion of a military grenade.

Meanwhile, according to the health department, the NVP teacher was not admitted to the hospital after the live grenade exploded. According to college students, the teacher was not in the classroom when the live grenade exploded. The media also reported that after the incident he was taken to the police department for questioning. Meanwhile, Almaty akim Akhmetzhan Yesimov ordered an inventory and examination of all teaching aids, ammunition simulators in the subject “Basic military training” and to suspend their issuance in educational institutions of the city. In addition, the mayor ordered the withdrawal of already issued benefits within the framework of current legislation. Yessimov also ordered to provide financial assistance to the family of the deceased student and to all those injured as a result of the explosion of a live grenade.

Combat use

Tactical features of combat use

In open areas, the effective range of destruction of the enemy when a grenade explodes directly from the high-explosive action of the ammunition is 3-5 meters. The radius of continuous damage to manpower by shrapnel is 7 meters. The chances of being hit by grenade fragments remain at a distance of up to 200 meters, but this statement is only true for large grenade fragments. As a rule, these are fuse elements, less often - fragments of the bottom of a grenade; During an explosion, the main part of the cast iron body (more than 60%) is sprayed into small, harmless fragments. The larger the fragment, the higher its potential damage range. The initial speed of grenade fragments is 700-720 meters per second; The mass of fragments is on average 1-2 grams, although both larger and smaller ones are found.

The characteristics of the damaging factors of grenades naturally determine the areas of application in modern conflicts. Grenades have the greatest effect indoors and confined spaces. This is due to the following factors. Firstly, in a relatively small room, up to 30 meters in size, the entire space is in the destruction zone of fragments, and fragments can also ricochet off the walls, ceiling and floor, which also increases the chances of hitting the enemy, even if he is in cover. Secondly, the high-explosive effect of a grenade in a closed room is multiplied many times over, causing concussion, barotrauma, disorienting the enemy, which allows one to take advantage of the moment to enter the room and use other weapons to destroy it.

The F-1 grenade is more effective compared to offensive grenades when storming confined spaces and premises, since due to its higher mass it produces a larger number of fragments and has a more pronounced high-explosive effect. All this makes it more likely to incapacitate the enemy.

Tactical features of sabotage use

Also, F-1 grenades are often used when setting tripwires, which is due to the number of fragments, which increases the chances of hitting the enemy, and a reliable fuse, which will not be damaged by prolonged exposure to unfavorable conditions before the trap is triggered. A combination of 2 F-1 grenades creates a tripwire that also has some anti-sapper properties - it explodes when the cable (wire) is cut. In special forces, the fuses of F-1 grenades are “modified”; before installation as a tripwire, the detonating charge is cut off and the retarder fuse is removed. You can also equip the grenade with an instant mine fuse of suitable size. Thus, they achieve an almost instantaneous explosion and deprive the enemy of 3-4 seconds to escape.

Application in military conflicts

At the beginning of World War II, grenade bodies were filled with explosives available instead of TNT; Searchers find grenades filled with black powder in the St. Petersburg area. A grenade with this filling is quite effective, although less reliable.

During the Great Patriotic War, the F-1 was widely used on all fronts.

In the late 1930s and early 1940s, tactical manuals for infantry units recommended the F-1, including as an anti-tank weapon. Several grenades were tightly tied into a bag so that the detonator of one of them remained outside, the bag was thrown under the tracks or wheels of enemy armored vehicles in order to disable the chassis. Subsequently, this method was not widely used due to its relatively low efficiency.

In service

The F-1 grenade is in service in all armies of the CIS countries, and it has also become widespread in Africa and Latin America. There are also Bulgarian, Chinese and Iranian copies.

Artificial garnet stone

Garnet stones artificially grown in chemical laboratories are not considered fakes.

Hydrothermal garnet

Such specimens are cultivated from small particles remaining after processing natural stone. The obtained grains differ from natural grains in their larger size, uniform, without inclusions, color, and high-quality cut. Artificial growth of crystals leads to such characteristic features of growth lines as arcuate and ring-shaped segments, straight lines. Synthetic stones are identified by them. And they are not magnetized or electrified, unlike natural ones.

Growing pomegranate in specialized laboratories of the Soviet Union began in the 50s of the last century. Russian synthetic gem - pink, purple, yellow. Production is still common today. Hydrothermal technology is expensive, so the cost of an artificial analogue is close to natural.

Synthetic garnet is widely used in jewelry, either as pyrope itself or as an imitation of ruby.

The most popular artificial materials, especially used in technology, are yttrium-aluminum (YAG), gallium-gadolinium (GGG), gadolinium-gallium-scandium garnets (GGSG), and lithium niobate.

It is yttrium-aluminum garnets that imitate jewelry stones. Without the addition of impurities, they are colorless and strongly resemble diamond. Adding chromium gives green, manganese gives red, and titanium gives yellow. Green YAG is difficult to distinguish from natural demantoid. However, it is not difficult to check the authenticity of synthetic grenades, including YAG.

Monocrystalline gadolinium gallium synthetic garnet is transparent, has a brownish tint, and is highly shiny. But it is not hard enough to gain fame as a jewelry material. GGG has special physical characteristics, due to which it is used in quantum paramagnetic amplifiers and high-power lasers, in magnetooptics, microelectronic technology and other areas.

Sitall garnet - what is it?

Sitall is a material obtained by volumetric crystallization of glass under hydrothermal conditions. In other words, super-strong glass. Here is the answer to the question: is sital garnet a natural stone? Used in construction, industry and jewelry.

Sitall is beautiful, durable, resistant to acids and ultra-high temperatures. It is transparent, can be of any color, and is almost not damaged mechanically. At the same time, it is cheaper than natural analogues.

If the label of a piece of jewelry is marked “sitall garnet,” this means that you are dealing with an artificially produced stone with high quality characteristics and the appearance of a natural mineral. Instead of the word “ceramic glass”, the designation “GT” is possible. This is what the natural garnet stone is called in the certificate of conformity for jewelry.

Nano garnet - what kind of stone is it?

This man-made material is similar in properties and composition to natural material. Produced in laboratory conditions. To grow pomegranate, ideal temperature and pressure are created here, and all the necessary chemical components are taken. Since accidents are excluded under carefully observed laboratory conditions, nano stones have virtually no inclusions.

The price is significantly lower. At the same time, the appearance is impeccable, without the slightest defect. And they sparkle brighter because harsh natural conditions have not harmed them.

A truly documented miracle

In 1987, in military unit 74292 there was a real case when an F-1 exploded inside (!) a T-62 tank. And the hatches were open. “Stand-up” exercises were carried out, a young soldier took the place of the tank commander, and a company commander with the rank of captain acted as the loader. So here it is. The commander did not receive any damage at all, but a tiny fragment flew into the soldier’s hand. But the entire internal tank “offal” was literally riddled with shrapnel.

The case resembles a fairy tale, but it is actually documented. So hoping to “mow down” an entire company of enemies with a grenade is a rather futile idea. In mountainous or wooded areas, the enemy (if he is at least somehow trained) will almost certainly be able to hide from the damaging factors of the explosion.

How to recognize a fake

Despite the fact that garnet is counterfeited everywhere, there are some ways that will help you distinguish a fake even at home.

Visual analysis of natural mineral

Examine the stone carefully. A magnifying glass will help you in this matter: it will make it much easier to evaluate some indicators. So, a natural gem has the following characteristics:

  1. Shine. It can't be too bright and clean. It is rather a little muted, even a little matte. The fake shines brightly, perfectly and has no dull areas.
  2. The sizes of natural gemstones are often small. The large dimensions of the crystal can arouse suspicion, especially if it is green in color - a rare variety of natural garnet.
  3. Color. It is not homogeneous. If you have a gem with ideal saturation and depth of color, then in most cases it is either synthetic or glass.
  4. Inclusions. It just so happens that all natural minerals, in one way or another, contain small cracks, chips, stains, gas and air bubbles. This is the main feature of a stone that was formed under natural conditions. This is not considered a defect at all, but rather indicates the authenticity of the unit.
  5. Sparkle. Natural garnet transmits sunlight unevenly through itself. It seems to be playing with shades from within, shimmering. This is impossible for a fake.

Mechanical impact

These methods involve influencing the stone:

  1. Rub the specimen with a woolen cloth and bring fluff or a thin sheet of paper to it. A natural gem will immediately, like a magnet, attract the material to itself, as it has pyroelectric properties. Glass can't do this.
  2. Hold the stone in your hands. The natural unit will heat up gradually, remaining cool for some time. The fake will immediately become warm, just like the mineral grown in the laboratory.
  3. The hardness of genuine garnet is quite high. It will easily scratch glass or mirror. If there is no trace left, we have to disappoint you: this is not a pomegranate.

Now you know exactly how not to buy a fake pomegranate. If you have too much doubt about the methods, contact a specialist. With the help of simple manipulations and reagents, they can easily identify the deception and you will not become a victim of fraud.

Structure of a grenade

The lemon grenade, like most anti-personnel grenades, contains three main parts:

  1. Frame. It has an oval shape with a ribbed surface made of thick cast iron. When ruptured, the rib layer scatters into fragments of a certain mass and size, which have an initial speed of 730 m/sec. Total weight 600 g.
  2. Substance for explosion. TNT with a mass of 60 g is used. Trinitrophenol is sometimes used. In this case, the ability to destroy increases, but the shelf life in warehouses decreases; if the period expires, an explosion may occur. The explosive is separated from the metal casing by paper, varnish or paraffin.
  3. Fuse. His UZRGM brand has a universal structure and is suitable for other types of grenades. The fuse hole is covered with a plastic plug during weapon storage.

About tactical features

According to experts, due to their characteristics, F-1 grenades pose a danger at a distance of up to 200 m. Complete destruction of manpower by shrapnel occurs within a radius of seven meters. At such a distance, even small fragments can be lethal. If the object is located at a distance (over a hundred meters), only the largest fragments of the body can catch it. The damaging elements move at a speed of 720 m/s. The optimal weight of one fragment is 2 g. When operating grenades in a combat situation, the following nuances are taken into account. F-1 is especially effective in small spaces, since fragments can ricochet off the floor and ceiling. In this case, the enemy will have no chance of salvation, even if he manages to take cover. In addition, the enemy can receive concussion and barotrauma from a grenade explosion. The disoriented enemy is then destroyed using another weapon.


French F-1 grenade model 1915

In 1922, the artillery department of the Red Army began to restore order in its warehouses. According to the reports of the artillery committee, the Red Army at that time had seventeen different types of grenades in service. There were no self-produced fragmentation defensive grenades in the USSR at that time. Therefore, the Mills system grenade was temporarily adopted for service, the stocks of which were in large quantities in warehouses (200,000 pieces as of September 1925). As a last resort, it was allowed to issue French F-1 grenades to the troops. The fact was that French-style fuses were unreliable. Their cardboard cases did not provide tightness, and the detonation composition became damp, which led to massive failures of grenades, and even worse, to bullet holes, which was fraught with an explosion in the hands.

In 1925, the Artillery Committee stated that the need for hand grenades of the Red Army was satisfied by only 0.5%. To rectify the situation, Artcom decided on June 25, 1925:

  • The Artillery Directorate of the Red Army to carry out a comprehensive test of existing samples of hand grenades currently in service.
  • It is necessary to make improvements to the 1914 model grenade in order to increase its lethality.
  • Design a Mills-type fragmentation grenade, but more advanced.
  • In F-1 hand grenades, replace Swiss fuses with Koveshnikov fuses.

In September 1925, comparative tests of the main types of grenades available in warehouses were carried out. The main criterion tested was the fragmentation damage of grenades. The conclusions made by the commission were as follows:

In 1926, tests were carried out on F-1 grenades from those available in storage (at that time there were 1 million grenades of this system in warehouses) with a Koveshnikov fuse developed in 1920. Based on the test results, the design of the fuse was modified, and after military tests in 1927, the F-1 grenade with the Koveshnikov fuse was renamed the F-1 hand grenade with the fuse of the F.V. Koveshnikov system

in 1928 it was adopted by the Red Army.

All grenades available in warehouses were equipped with Koveshnikov fuses by the beginning of the 1930s, and soon the USSR established its own production of grenade bodies.

In 1939, engineer F.I. Khrameev modified the grenade - the lemon body became somewhat simpler and lost the lower window.

There is another version of the appearance of the F-1 grenade. In 1999, retired colonel Fedor Iosifovich Khrameev said in an interview with Kommersant Vlast magazine that in 1939 he designed the F-1 grenade.

As F.I. Khrameev said in an interview, preliminary tests of the grenade were minimal, only 10 prototypes were made, which were soon tested, and then the design was put into mass production:

In 1942-43, the Koveshnikov fuse was replaced with a standard unified UZRG fuse; After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the fuse was improved, the reliability of operation was increased, and it received the designation UZRGM.

Pomegranate substitutes

Garnet, or pyrope, began to be counterfeited hundreds of years ago when it became popular and fetched good money for it. The scammers who counterfeited the Czech variety of pyrope became more famous than others. They achieved heights in imitation, and the manufacturing technology, spreading throughout the world, helped flood the market with cheap goods.

Underground jewelers use glass and plastic to fake garnets. Cheap minerals are also suitable, but in this case they are rarely used, because natural pyrope is relatively cheap.

For the mass production of fake garnets, the so-called “garnet glass” was even invented. Cut glass replaces natural gems and is used in jewelry. Some fakes are high quality and sell for the price of a natural mineral.

Advantages of F1

Why is it that this weapon, which actually appeared a hundred years ago, is still actively used not only in our army, but also in the armed forces of other states of the former USSR? The most important circumstances are simplicity, manufacturability and low cost of production. The process of the latter was extremely simple: the body was cast, molten TNT was placed in it, cooled...

And the grenade was ready! Compare this with the production of the same Russian Geographical Society, when steel, plastic, and other materials are used. “Limonki” could be produced by any enterprise that had at least some kind of foundry.

In addition, the weight of the grenade allows it to be used effectively in urban environments: if thrown with sufficient energy, it will easily fly through glass, branches, and other obstacles. In addition, the detonation does not depend in any way on the force with which the F-1 collides with the surface. It can fall on a tree, rock, steel, swamp or river, but it will still explode (usually).

In addition, the F-1 lemon grenade is quite powerful and lethal. What else does the military need? Oddly enough, a lot. These grenades also have disadvantages.

Grenades are not a toy for children. Even dummies

Emergency in Moscow: a schoolboy blew himself up on a toy grenade that his father gave him. After the boy pulled the pin, the shell exploded. The child was taken to the hospital with injuries and abrasions on his body. Investigators are now preparing to seize dangerous goods from stores where the dummies are sold as toys. The man freely bought a grenade at a gas station. The label says: “This is a pyrotechnic product.” And no warnings about its dangers. There are no instructions either. The power of the combat “toy” was tested by Vesti FM correspondent Maria Skorodilko.

In Moscow, a father gave his son a model of a grenade. The man bought an impressive, but not at all toy, at a gas station. The boy pulled the pin and a bang sounded. The result is a blast injury, abrasions on the face, arms and body. The child was urgently hospitalized. Now investigators will look into the non-children's toy. Police are preparing to seize fake grenades from stores where they are sold as toys. We also checked whether it is easy to buy a dangerous thing. It turned out that such grenades are freely sold throughout Moscow. No licenses or permits. Just pay.

CORR.: I need training grenades. Can you sell? And tell us what kind there are in general?

SELLER: Of course we can. They are different. They cost 2-something thousand. Do you need these?

CORR.: You have some 380 rubles on your website.

SELLER: No, these are not training ones, these are ordinary pyrotechnic ones. And these are educational simulations.

CORR.: Which of them are generally sold freely?

SELLER: Everything is for sale.

CORR.: Can I buy both?

SELLER: Of course. The pyrotechnics will go off. Fragmentation, with paint, airsoft.

No difference. Everyone is dangerous. We buy the one that exploded in the hands of a schoolboy. It's inexpensive. It is indistinguishable from the real thing. Only by touch you understand: it is plastic, but inside there are pyrotechnics. No instructions, no warnings.

CORR.: How can I transport her now?

SELLER: If you don’t pull the pin, nothing should happen

CORR.: And what is all this for? Is it for those who do something like this?

SELLER: For those who play war games.

At none of the points did they even hint to me how to use such a purchase.

CORR.: Can I buy imitation grenades from you?

SELLER: Of course you can.

CORR.: Are they safe for transportation? Nothing will happen? What about them?

SELLER: Oh, of course. There's paint or pyrotechnics. These are not live grenades. There are also acoustic grenades.

CORR.: And I don’t need any permissions?

SELLER: No, of course not. Nothing.

The toy is dangerous. Social networks are full of videos that are not for the faint of heart. This summer in the Moscow region, a shell fell from the hands of a participant in an impromptu battle and flew into a car with other players. As a result, 2 people received concussion. In the video there is literally blood coming from the ears. The explosion caused the membrane of one to burst.

We will also conduct our own experiment with purchased grenades.

CORR.: We are now looking for a safe place where we can detonate these training grenades, which we bought very simply in the store today. We need a quiet place where we can conduct this loud experiment.


This is all that remains of this grenade. A bag of paint. In fact, there was no paint there, but there was a very loud explosion!

And if after the explosion of the first grenade everything was just noise and smoke, the second one was more serious. We're trying to blow up an airsoft gun. Externally, it cannot be distinguished from a real one - a combat one. There should be plastic balls inside. But no one knows the exact composition. No instructions. The danger of such a “lemon” depends on the speed at which the projectile flies. And if the deceleration time of a combat grenade is known - 3 - 4 seconds, then it is not clear how this dummy will behave.

CORR.: This is what happened to the box. Here it is - black soot, holes. The impression was that they were shot from a trauma weapon. If this happened in the hands, there would definitely be scratches and bruises.

Going out into the street with such an arsenal can easily scare anyone. But grenades are sold as dummies. This means that, despite the danger, they are not weapons. Sellers also do not need any licenses or registrations. However, in reality, not everything is so simple. When selling such dummies stuffed with pyrotechnics, manufacturers are required to attach a certificate to them. In addition to the characteristics and instructions for the product, it must contain the following explanation: “This dummy is not dangerous to society.” And also - oh. Everything is similar to aerosols and medicines, says lawyer Evgeny Kharlamov.

KHARLAMOV: If a product is sold without accompanying documents that describe what kind of product it is and what is included in it, then in principle we can talk about liability under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And it reads: “Transportation, storage and sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements is punishable by law.” Well, entrepreneurs in pursuit of profit still break the law.

So far, there is nothing like this in the package with grenades. And people buy dummies, often without knowing the subtleties. It is quite possible that some sellers offer this same certificate from the manufacturer separately for money. After what happened, people on the Internet are wondering: were there atomic bombs in stores back then?

Now the police are looking for manufacturers of such grenades. It is also necessary to find out how the weapon models ended up on the shelves of ordinary stores. A criminal case has already been initiated on this fact.

About correct use

Before use, the soldier must straighten the safety tendrils, and then take the grenade so that his hand completely fixes the clamping lever to the body. Just before throwing (!) you need to pull the pin. You can keep the “lemon” in this position for an indefinitely long time, since when the lever is compressed, the capsule is not initiated, and therefore an explosion will not occur.

Once a target is selected, you should vigorously throw a grenade at it. At this moment the lever will turn, releasing the firing pin, and fly off to the side. The firing pin initiates the primer (by puncturing it), and after three to four seconds an explosion occurs.

Do you remember how in films they repeatedly showed an episode when a desperate sailor (soldier, revolutionary, partisan, etc.) in a last, desperate jerk pulls out the pin with his teeth? If you decide to repeat this trick, make sure you have a good dentist in advance, since you will 100% have to change your front teeth. Even with his hand, if the fixing tendrils are not straightened, such a feat can only be accomplished by Schwarzenegger in his youth, so what kind of teeth are there... In a word, don’t even think about tearing out the pin in this way!

"Limonka" in the Afghan war

The F-1 grenade also contributed to military operations in Afghanistan. In the mountains, during close combat, she was the most effective. Among the stones that served as cover, it was used in direct combat with the enemy. In open areas, using a grenade is dangerous due to the large scatter of fragments, and when the spooks are on the slope of a mountain, using lemons is much more convenient than artillery or mortars. Combat in the mountains was based on the rule “whoever is higher is stronger.” Even with the actions of one unit below, those located on the ridge helped him from above. In some cases, due to the flight range, the fuse pin was tied to the body of the grenade so that it would not explode in the air before reaching its destination.

Where did the “limonka” come from on Russian soil?

Most likely, the prototype was the Mils grenade from the First World War. At that time it was the most advanced weapon in its class. This assumption is probably not without a grain of truth, since the shape and design principle of the fragmentation jacket are surprisingly similar. However, there is another point of view.

F. Leonidov believes that the immediate model for assembly was the French F-1 (!), which was put into service in 1915 and... the English Lemon grenade (one of the versions is why the F-1 grenade is called “lemon”). But no one can prove whether this is really so.

In principle, this is not so important, because the design of the fuse is originally domestic, and the high technology of production is a tribute to the Soviet weapons tradition. Both English and French samples from WWII are much more difficult to manufacture and more expensive

Review of the F-1 "Limonka" fragmentation grenade

A selection of photos with the F-1 grenade

The F-1 fragmentation grenade was based on the French F-1 grenade of the 1915 model and the English Lemon grenade (according to another version, the Mills grenade was taken as the basis), hence the second name “Limonka”, and the soldiers also called it “Fenyusha”. In 1941, a simpler UZRG fuse (unified hand grenade fuse) of the E.M. system began to be used on grenades. Viceni instead of fuse F.V. Koveshnikova. The F-1 grenade was put into service in two stages. The Red Army needed a domestic grenade, and in the warehouses there were many foreign grenades from the period of the First World War of the Lemon system, the fuse for these grenades was not reliable and in 1928 the fuse of F.V. Koveshnikov was tested for them and adopted for service, and since 1930 The Soviet Union itself began to produce these grenades. In 1941, a simpler UZRG fuse (unified hand grenade fuse) of the E.M. system began to be used on grenades. Viceni instead of fuse F.V. Koveshnikova. And after the war, the fuse was replaced with an UZRGM (modernized unified hand grenade fuse).

The F-1 grenade is a defensive grenade, since the lethal dispersion of fragments is 200 meters, and the mass of fragments is several times greater than offensive grenades. A scattering of 200 meters does not mean that within a radius of 200 meters everything will be in fragments, since half of the fragments will go into the ground, most of the fragments have insignificant weight, which does not allow them to have the energy to cause harm beyond 50 meters, and to “catch” a fragment is (and) at a distance of 200 meters it is unlikely, since the density of fragments will be very small. When throwing, a soldier must take cover from shrapnel.

of F-1 “Limonka” grenades in the army: training and combat. The simulation training room serves to teach throwing and its equipment, since some individuals, due to psychological characteristics, cannot throw it further than 5-10 meters, while the throw of an ordinary person should be at least 25-30 meters. The training grenade is painted black, the lever from the training fuse is painted scarlet.

Grenades are stored in wooden boxes (

) 20 pieces each with an ebonite cap in a grenade, fuses are stored in two sealed jars of 10 pieces each. They are equipped before use. Before throwing a grenade, you need to press the fuse lever, straighten the antennae of the safety pin and pull it out, then throw the grenade towards the enemy, immediately after the throw the lever flies off and releases the firing pin, which pierces the primer, igniting the retarder, which after 3.5-4.5 seconds produces an explosion the detonator and the grenade itself. During the Second World War, grenades were often carried on equipment belts or in pouches for 2 grenades. After the war, grenades are often carried in unloading vests of 2-6 pieces.

Thanks to the movie, people have the opinion that the pin of a grenade can be pulled out with your teeth - this is very difficult to do in reality, as well as the power of the explosion when a grenade blows a car into pieces. The grenade combined low-cost production, equipment with many explosives, and the possibility of making a homemade body made of cast iron and other metals, the grenade also had good damaging properties.

The F-1 "Limonka" grant has a ribbed body, but this action was not done to produce fragments of a certain shape, but for the convenience of throwing a grenade, as well as the use of a grenade as an anti-personnel trip mine, since the body is easy to fasten with wire or rope to the tree. if you do a “stretch” according to your mind, then it is advisable to eliminate the retarding fuse in the UZRGM so as not to give the victim the saving 4 seconds, because during the flight of the safety lever, the firing pin hits the ignition capsule with a ringing bang and the enemy soldier will have time to react in order to jump to a safe place .

During an explosion, the rifling on a grenade does not affect the number of fragments; during the explosion of the F-1 Limonka , it creates 270-300 large fragments with an expansion speed of 700-730 m/s.
The power of the explosion is achieved due to the fact that the body of the grenade is durable and during the explosion of the explosive there is an accumulation of energy in the grenade for thousandths of a second and a sharp explosion when the body cannot withstand the energy of the explosion, for example, the RGD-5 immediately has a thin-walled body, the thin body does not can accumulate the force of an explosion. The grenade was actively used during the Second World War and in many military conflicts and for this reason has not become obsolete and is in service with many countries of the world. Technical characteristics of the F-1 "Limonka" grenade

Explosion speed700-730 m/s
Scattering of fragments200 meters
Radius of continuous damage10 meters
Fuseremote 3.2-4.5 seconds
Weight of explosives60-90 grams, usually TNT
Weight0.6 kg
Dimensions55x86 mm

Cons of lemons

Firstly, weight. As much as 0.6 kg! In combat conditions this is a very significant mass. Secondly, “blurred” fuse action: from 3.2 to 4.2 s. Moreover, in practice there are constantly samples that can explode in both a shorter and longer time. In one part of Transbaikalia, this circumstance almost led to tragedy when a grenade exploded after eight seconds!

At that time, the soldier had already leaned out from behind the cover, and only by a lucky coincidence he was not chopped into shrapnel. In addition, in combat conditions, the prolonged action of the fuse can lead to the fact that a particularly “nimble” enemy will simply throw away the “gift” that has flown to him.

Thirdly, there is no grenade option that would explode immediately after contact with the target. These are the so-called mountain models. In Afghanistan, this has repeatedly led to tragedies when a thrown projectile bounced off a rock and flew back. All these shortcomings were absent in the RGO and RGN grenades. But they were much more expensive and more difficult to produce, and their release occurred during the collapse of the USSR. So the same “efka” remained on guard.

The F1 lemon grenade, having many positive qualities, will in any case be in service with our army for many years to come.

What does a gem look like?

Before assessing a specimen for authenticity, it is necessary to understand what a natural garnet is. He is the model for comparison.

Firstly, the mineral is very similar to pomegranate seeds. It is just as shiny and has the same small size. And in its shape it is very similar to the fruits of a tropical pomegranate tree.

The classic shade of the gem is dark burgundy. However, due to impurities, crystals of various shades are found in nature. There are, perhaps, only blue ones.

The color of natural garnet is always heterogeneous. It contains spots, inclusions, blurred areas, smooth or sharp transitions in shade. Therefore, if you are looking at a stone with exceptional color saturation, then most likely you are looking at a 100% fake or synthetic mineral.

How does the F-1 grenade fuse work?

In the normal state, the striker is loaded with a mainspring and secured with the fork of the safety lever, which is associated with its shank. The upper end of the mainspring rests against the chamfer of the guide washer, and the lower end rests against the chamfer of the firing pin washer. Fixation of the safety lever is ensured by a safety pin inserted into the holes of the housing and lever.

Limonka in section

After removing the safety pin, the fighter must hold the lever with his hand. When thrown, the spring forces the lever to rotate, resulting in the release of the firing pin. The mainspring pushes it, and it punctures the body of the igniter primer, which causes the moderator to ignite. After the latter burns out, the fire reaches the detonator charge, which causes the F1 grenade to explode.

RGD-5 hand grenade

The development of the RGD-5 remote-action hand-held fragmentation grenade began in the 1950s. In 1954, the RGD-5 grenade was adopted by the Soviet army.

In appearance, the RGD-5 grenade resembles the French OF grenade of the 1915 model, the Polish offensive grenade Z-23 and the German M-39 grenade.

The RGD-5 grenade is intended to destroy enemy personnel in close combat (during an attack, in trenches, shelters, populated areas, in the forest, in the mountains, etc.), both on the offensive and in defense.

The RGD-5 grenade consists of a body, a bursting charge and a fuse.

The grenade body serves to generate fragments when the grenade explodes, in which the explosive charge is placed.

The body has two parts: upper and lower, connected by seaming.

The upper part of the body consists of an outer shell called a hood, a hood liner, and a tube.
RGD-5 grenade device: 1 - explosive charge;
2 - body; 3 - cap; 4 — cap liner; 5 — tube for igniter; 6 - cuff; 7 - fuse; 8 - pallet; 9 — pallet liner. The tube serves to connect the grenade to the fuse and seal the explosive charge. It is connected to the cap using a cuff, ensuring the tightness of their connection. To protect the tube from contamination, a plastic plug is screwed into it. When preparing a grenade for throwing, the plastic plug is replaced with a fuse.

The lower part of the housing consists of an outer shell, called the pan, and a pan liner.

Markings are applied to the body of the grenade in black paint: the abbreviated name of the grenade (RGD-5), batch number, equipment year code, plant number and explosive designation (T).

The explosive charge consists of TNT and is intended to crush the grenade body into fragments. The weight of the bursting charge is 110 g.

The reduced dispersion area of ​​fragments is 28 - 32 m2. The radius of dispersion of lethal grenade fragments does not exceed 20 m.

Initially, the RGD-5 grenade was equipped with a unified UZRG fuse, which was also used on the F-1 and RG-42 grenades. The burning time of the powder retarder fuse is 3.2 - 4.2 seconds.

The UZRG grenade fuse (unified hand grenade fuse) is intended to explode the explosive charge of the grenade.
It consists of two main parts: the ignition mechanism and the fuse itself. The igniting mechanism serves to ignite the primer-igniter of the fuse and consists of the following parts: an igniting mechanism tube, a connecting sleeve, a guide washer, a mainspring, a firing pin, a firing pin washer, a trigger lever and a safety pin with a ring. The igniter tube serves as the basis for assembling all parts of the igniter. UZRGM fuse: a - general view;
b - in section; 1 — impact mechanism tube; 2 - guide washer; 3 - drummer; 4 — igniter primer; 5 — retarder bushing; 6 — trigger lever; 7 — detonator capsule; 8 - moderator; 9 — connecting sleeve; 10 — striker washer; 11 — mainspring; 12 - safety pin. In the second half of the 1950s, the modernized UZRGM fuse began to be used on the RGD-5 grenade.

The igniter body is made of metal. It houses the trigger mechanism. A washer is fixed inside the body to guide the movement of the striker. A threaded bushing is placed on the fuse body, with which the fuse is screwed into the grenade.

The trigger mechanism includes: — Safety lever; — Safety pin with ring; — Drummer with mainspring.

The detonator has a metal body, inside of which there is an igniter cap, a powder moderator and a detonator cap.

In official use, the striker is loaded with a mainspring and secured by a fork of a safety lever that engages with its shank. The mainspring rests with its upper end against the guide washer of the housing, and with its lower end against the striker washer; the safety lever is fixed using a cotter pin passing through the holes of the lever ears and the holes in the walls of the fuse housing.

When the safety pin is removed, the lever is held at the moment of throwing, then the lever rotates under the action of a spring and releases the firing pin. The firing pin, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the igniter primer, a beam of fire from which is transmitted to the moderator, and after the moderator burns out to the detonator charge, which leads to the explosion of the grenade charge.

Subsequently, the UZRGM fuse underwent modernization - its retarding composition was replaced with a more stable one, and the fuse received the designation UZRGM-2.
(It also became the main one for the RGD-5 and F-1 grenades.) URG-N
The weight of the finally equipped RGD-5 grenade is 315 g.

The relatively light weight of the grenade allows a well-trained soldier to throw it at a distance of 50 - 60 m.

To use the RGD-5 grenade you must: 1. Take the grenade in your hand so that the safety lever is pressed tightly against the body; 2. Unclench the antennae of the safety pin; 3. Pull the pin from the fuse and throw the grenade at the target.

RGD-5 grenades are delivered to the troops in wooden boxes. In the box, grenades, handles and fuses are placed separately in metal boxes. There is a knife for opening boxes. There are markings on the walls and lid of the box indicating: the number of grenades in the box, their weight, the name of the grenades and fuses, the manufacturer's number, the batch number of the grenades, the year of manufacture and the danger sign. All supplies of grenades and fuses, except for portable ones, must be stored in factory seals.

Soldiers carry grenades in grenade bags. The fuses are placed in them separately from the grenades, and each fuse must be wrapped in paper or a clean rag.

In tanks (armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery units), grenades and fuses separately from them are placed in bags.

To carry hand fragmentation grenades, a canvas bag for two grenades with a pocket for fuses is used. However, in recent years, troops in combat conditions prefer to carry grenades in their vest pockets.

Based on the RGD-5 grenade, the URG-N training and simulation grenade has been developed and is being manufactured.

Training and simulation grenades URG-N are designed to train personnel in the techniques and rules of throwing hand grenades. In terms of shape, weight and handling rules, they do not differ from combat grenades, and when dropped, the sound and smoke effect simulate their explosion. Training and simulation grenades can be used repeatedly. The training and simulation grenade URG-N consists of a body and a simulated fuse. The body of the URG-N grenade is the body of the RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade. A hole was made in the bottom of the body to enhance the sound effect when the imitation fuse explodes and to allow the release of powder gases. In order to distinguish training grenades from combat ones, their body is painted black and marked accordingly.

Grenade weight, g315
Charge mass, g (explosive type)110 (TNT (TNT))
Grenade length, mm117
Grenade body length, mm76
Grenade diameter, mm58
Damage radius, m15 — 20
Throwing range, m35 — 40
Deceleration time, s3.2 — 4.2

The RGD-5 grenade was in service with the Soviet army from the mid-1950s until the collapse of the USSR, after which it continued to be in service with the Russian army, the armies of the CIS countries and a number of foreign countries.

The RGD-5 grenade was produced under license in Poland and Bulgaria with the designation RGD-5 (RGD-5).

In the 1970s, Bulgarian designers installed a new DVM-78 fuse on the RGD-5 grenade and the defensive grenade received the designation RGO-78 (RGO-78) with a weight of 450 g. and explosive weight - 85 g. Somewhat later, the RGN-86 offensive grenade (RGN-86) with a weight of 265 grams was developed for the same DVM-78 fuse. and explosive weight (TNT) - 57 g.

In Poland, on the basis of RGD-5, they created the RGO defensive grenade, on which the explosive was replaced with A-IX-1, where the charge was simultaneously reduced to 60 g.

Of the foreign copies of the RGD-5, the most famous is the Chinese Type 59 grenade, the production of which was mastered by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO).

RGD-5 grenades were used in many military conflicts and wars of the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries. In particular, the Soviet army used RGD-5 grenades in Afghanistan. During anti-terrorist operations in Chechnya by Russian troops, RGD-5 grenades, in addition to their main purpose, were used for mining and as booby traps.

Fighter training

When hit by grenade fragments, there is a high degree of randomness: for example, in some cases, detonating a grenade in close proximity to a fighter can only stun him; however, there are cases where a single fragment of a grenade hit a soldier located in cover at a distance of 70-80 meters from the place where the grenade was detonated.

For recruits, throwing a grenade often poses a psychological problem: based on ideas received from militants, they consider the grenade to be a weapon of monstrous destructive power and experience panic, which leads to stupid and absurd actions that may actually pose a threat to their lives. So, for example, they can throw a pin instead of a grenade, and leave the grenade in the trench; drop an activated grenade at your feet and, paralyzed by fear, stand waiting for the explosion instead of running away and lying down

It is also important to observe safety precautions when throwing grenades in winter: when thrown, a grenade can get caught on protruding parts of clothing and fly in a direction dangerous for the fighter, or even roll into the sleeve.

About the real use of grenades in battle

Experienced soldiers say that throwing grenades are extremely capricious and unpredictable. Nobody knows what to expect from her. Cases were repeatedly recorded when people died from a fragment of their own grenade, while the enemy did not even have scratched people. This is especially true in the mountains, where the bayonet is really the best weapon, since in some situations it can even be dangerous to shoot there.

Of course, in the movies, Hollywood heroes can destroy up to and including a platoon of villains with one offensive (!) firecracker. In reality, the F-1 lemon fragmentation grenade can cause a lot of problems for the person who threw it, and not for his opponents.

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