German tank destroyer tier 8 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger WOT

Hello everyone and welcome to! Today our guest is a rather famous and, what is there to hide, powerful car, inspiring fear with just its appearance. We are talking about tank destroyers of the ninth level of Germany, here is the Jagdtiger guide


Despite the fact that the car really looks very formidable, in reality everything is not as good as it seems at first glance. In the realities of combat Jagdtiger World of Tanks

is capable of a lot, but even knowing all its strengths, the gameplay is not so simple, since the car also has enough weaknesses, as you can now see for yourself.

TTX 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

Let's start the review with the viewing radius. Here it is 390 meters. A good result, and considering the preferential level of the tank, due to which you will not end up in the same battle with vehicles of a higher level, it is simply excellent.

The weight of this equipment is 69.68/74.85 tons, it is equipped with an engine with a capacity of 700 horsepower. According to these indicators, we obtain a specific power equal to 10.05 hp/t.

Motility results are controversial. On the one hand, we have a good top speed of 38/12 km/h. On the other hand, weak dynamics and very poor maneuverability. Moving on solid ground in one direction, you can develop a good, comfortable speed.

Turning speed - 32 degrees / s, horizontal guidance - 26 degrees / s.

Historical facts Jagdtiger (H)

In 1942, by personal order of Hitler, the development of the latest powerful self-propelled gun, which later became known as the Jagdtiger, began.
It was armed with a 128 mm gun, and the chassis was taken from a heavy tank of the Tiger II model. In October 1943, Hitler assessed the model of a new assault vehicle, and then a hundred such vehicles were ordered, the production of which was undertaken by Porsche (11 vehicles were produced before the end of the war) and Henschel (70 vehicles). Jagdtigers were also used in battles: in March 1944, they were armed with the 512th battalion under the command of Major Scherf, which inflicted heavy damage on the allied forces - the new self-propelled guns moved enemy tank forces from a distance of 2.5 km, which was a record achievement for that time. In addition, the Jagdtigers took part in the battles for Vienna and made their mark in southern Germany. Practice has shown that the new technology is more defensive in nature than offensive - it turned out to be too heavy for attacks.


The armor of this tank is what can really impress. The characteristics here look like they come from a tier 9 tank. This is a preferential technique, so having such armor for it is a very big advantage over the enemy. The strength of the vehicle is 1,500 units, and the hull armor is 250/80/80 mm.

The frontal projection of the cabin with a reservation of 255 mm will be difficult to penetrate for everyone this tank meets on the battlefield. There is also a gun mantlet with excellent ricochet capabilities.

The frontal hull is not as strong as the turret, but still shows excellent results. 233 mm upper part, which will be excellent protection against tanks of the eighth level and below, but will not withstand gold.

It is worth paying attention to the poorly protected NLD. In battle, it is better to hide these 187 mm armor plates.

The side projection, like most equipment, is very poorly protected. There is 80 mm of armor and the danger posed by any tank. The German tank destroyer Jagdtiger 8.8 is not suitable for playing from the side; standing up in a diamond formation is also not safe due to the inability to shoot due to limited angles of attack.

Jagdtiger tank guide World of Tanks

Jagdtiger video guide review

After a short break, we continue to look at Jagdtiger WoT military equipment. In this issue we will examine one of the most dangerous machines - the great and terrible Jagdtiger. The Jagdtiger, or Yaga as it is affectionately called, is the top German tier 9 tank. From today's guide you will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle, what equipment and equipment should be installed on it, how to upgrade the crew, how this tank differs from its classmates and how to realize the main advantages of the Jagdtiger?

Let's start with analyzing the performance characteristics of this PT. The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the huge margin of safety, almost like the level 9 1800, this is the best indicator among all level 9 tanks. For comparison, the T-95 has 1700, the T-30 has 1760, and the Object has 704 and Foch are only 1600. Again, YAGI has the best visibility among its classmates - 393 meters without modules. Despite our monstrous mass of 70 tons, the Yak Tiger has very good acceleration dynamics; our PT vehicle reaches a maximum speed of 28 km/h very quickly. But this is with a top-end engine; in stockers, unfortunately, everything is much sadder.

Now you see the dynamics of all level 9 tanks, the Jagdtiger is far behind the Object and the French tank, from the T-30 and ahead of the T-95. With the Yaga’s armor, not everything is so simple, the technical specifications indicate 250 mm, but such armor is only in the mask and the surrounding wheelhouse, which is at an angle of 75 degrees. The body of the Yaga is almost completely borrowed from the Royal Tiger. Unfortunately, its protection already for 9 levels is insufficient. The upper frontal sheet has a thickness of 150 mm, with an inclination of 40 degrees, the lower - 120 mm with the same inclination. The thickness of the sides and karma is significantly less - only 80 mm, but the armor on the roof is completely ridiculous - only 45 mm. The given armor is as follows: in the wheelhouse 250 mm, in the upper part of the hull - 195 mm, in the lower part - only 156 mm. As a result of the shot tests, the following was revealed. At a right zero angle, the lower armor plate can be penetrated by guns of the 7th level and higher, the upper one - from the 8th, but the area with the mantlet and wheelhouse is given only to guns of the 10th level, and even then not always.

Now let's look at the Berry from an angle. Here is an example of how to properly stand on this machine in relation to the enemy; the angle is 15-20 degrees. With such a position, the enemy cannot penetrate us in the side even with top guns, but our frontal projections receive a bonus in armor, which means the anti-tank gun lasts longer. If we encounter a not very skilled player, we can use the same tactic as on Ferdinand: twist the body extremely tightly, while looking at the enemy’s barrel, as a result we have an almost guaranteed chance of not taking damage. Although it is worth remembering that if the enemy is smart, then he can simply knock down our caterpillar and then life will become much more difficult. Let's also note the vulnerable spots of the Yak Tiger, for example, this machine gun, which even penetrates Chafee, and it is also very easy for Yaga to break the engine, to do this you need to hit the lower armor plate. By the way, the ammunition rack of this AT is located in this place, it is quite strong, so it can only be damaged, let alone broken, by level 8-10 guns, and the gunner and loader are also located in this area. Our next item is, of course, the gun. First, we are given a weapon from Fedya, which we talked about in the previous guide, it is good, but only until you try out the top gun for 65 thousand experience. It's simply excellent, one of the best weapons in the game. Just look: excellent rate of fire, the best DPM in the game, even without equipment and military brotherhood it is 2940, the rate of fire is 11 seconds with a rammer 9.9 seconds, with a fan 9.6 seconds, armor penetration of 276 mm, according to this parameter we surpassed only by the Object 704. And finally, our gun has simply excellent accuracy. The enemy is 600 m away, no problem, in 8 cases out of 10 we will hit the target. And already at a distance of 200-300 m you can safely target weak points of enemy tanks. There's just one problem with the gun compared to the Object 704 and T-30 - the Jagdtiger does less damage per shot - 560, but we still have more alpha strike than Foch. Well, since we are talking about accuracy, we will give a little advice on firing: when shooting at long distances - 300 m and further, the force of gravity of the earth suddenly begins to act on the projectile, so in such cases it is better to aim at approximately the upper third of the enemy tank. As for the tank's stealthiness, everything is bad here; the Jagdtiger is one of the largest vehicles, and it has one of the highest visibility coefficients, except that the Mouse glows better. A Jagdtiger with an unpumped camouflage at rest shines from Patton with optics at a distance of 435 m; when shooting and moving, the visibility is the maximum possible - 445 m. With a pumped camouflage, Patton sees the Jagdtiger from a distance of 415 m, and when moving or shooting, again the same 445 m Yaga has one more “minus”: due to our super-cannon, size and weak armor in the body, we are one of the enemy’s most desirable targets, especially for artillery. In fact, even if the Mouse is larger than us, then at least she has armor, but thanks, as was said earlier, to our extremely low armor on the roof, sides and karma, the enemy’s artillery has a very good chance of inflicting monstrous damage on us, breaking through with his landmine.

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Now let's find out which modules should be installed on our death machine. I would like to immediately warn you against installing such modules as a camouflage net and a lining. The first module gives an extremely small bonus to camouflage - only a few meters, and the second not only makes our AT tank heavier, but also does not help in battle, because the armor on the sides and rear is extremely weak. Note: anti-fragmentation lining reduces damage not from a direct hit by a landmine, but from its splash. If you like city life, then you should install the following modules: a rammer, a fan and a third module if desired; a toolbox would be better, especially if your crew is not trained in repair skills, because we will often get the tracks knocked down, or you can install optics so that our considerable review has grown even more. Reinforced aiming drives will be useless because at close distances our anti-tank gun is reduced extremely quickly. However, if city life is not to your liking and you want to be a sniper, that is, shoot from afar, then your equipment will be as follows: a rammer, a stereo tube and again a fan or reinforced aiming drives, in this case they may come in handy. And finally, an option for all occasions: a rammer, optics and reinforced aiming drives. The consumables are all quite standard: a repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

Now let's talk about the crew skills. The commander should first upgrade his sixth sense, then his eagle eye, everyone else should upgrade first of all to repair, and their second skill will be the gunner – sniper, the driver selects the virtuoso skill, the radio operator takes radio interception, it is advisable for the loader to upgrade the non-contact ammunition rack and intuition. Let everyone have the third skill - brotherhood. The camouflage skill on Jagdtiger is practically useless; even with maximum leveling, the gain will be only 15-20 m, so you can safely not level it up. These skills give our Yaga a good combat bonus. As already mentioned, a Jagdtiger with a fan and rammer charges in 9.6 seconds, the combat brotherhood reduces the reload time to 9.4 seconds, the difference of a fifth of a second is not so great, but do not forget that the brotherhood improves all the characteristics of our AT . That's it, we're done with the tests, let's go into battle.

If we managed to get into a city map, such as Ensk, Khimki, Ruinberg, we should immediately take a position where we would meet the enemy at medium-long distance, and it would not be easy for him to enter your flank. Stay on narrow streets, for example in Ensk these are the first and third lines, in Khimki - the third, also there you can climb into a banana and upset the enemy several times with your domag. Use the terrain and tank corpses to cover your hull from enemy fire. Don't forget that our mask can only penetrate the most powerful weapons. Situations constantly occur in the city when the Yak Tiger exchanges fire with the enemy’s heavies; if the enemy is alone and has a cannon of level 9 and above, then you should go into a clinch with him, if the terrain and combat distance allow. A random enemy loses the chance to hit our lower armor plate and for some reason often tries to break through our mask, as a result, we do not receive damage, which means we live longer. On open maps, such as Malinovka and Prokhorovka, we stand behind double bushes or behind one bush at a distance of 15 meters from it. Don't forget to make sure that the bushes reliably hide your huge carcass. Try to take a position from which you can shoot in several directions at once. Elevations are best suited for this. If your team is going to penetrate the enemy, try to stay in the second wave, at a distance of 200-300 meters from the enemy, so that it is more difficult for him to penetrate you, while we ourselves will be guaranteed to hit and cause damage. On maps like “neither fish nor fowl”, that is, where there are no bushes worthy of us, nor a large city, such as Cliff or El-Haluf, it is difficult to say how to play. Try to take a position that is safest from artillery, use your high accuracy, meet the enemy from afar and in places where he is especially vulnerable, for example, on the bridge on the Erlinberg map. In battle, it is especially important not to run away from your team. Yaga alone in the field is not a warrior, anyone who comes from behind or can quickly shorten our life, try to stay close to our allies. But at the same time, do not forget to implement high DPM to the fullest, otherwise you risk losing the battle. A wise decision would be to look after the start of the battle where most of our team is going and go in the opposite direction, but not where no one went. With the support of a couple of tanks, Jagdtiger is able to hold off even a very powerful rush. It’s very good to play in a platoon and not necessarily together with a PT, the main thing is that you are able to help each other in some direction.

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Analysis of the game on different maps is completed. However, since quite often we will be randomly thrown against other 9th level PTs, we should tell you how to kill them most effectively. You don’t even have to consider the T-30; this anti-tank missile penetrates into any area of ​​the hull. With the T-95, everything is more complicated; the frontal armor of this combat vehicle is very strong, but it also has its weak points. For example, the lower armor plate and the two commander’s turrets, the turrets have priority, they have the least weak armor, although they are more difficult to hit. The next opponent is Object 704, its lower armor plate is very thin, but you can only aim there at close ranges; the projectile can simply fly under the Object. At medium to long distances, it is better to hit the sprocket on the body - this is the most convenient place to penetrate the 704. And finally, the French Foch. For our gun, penetrating a Frenchman is not a problem at all; you shouldn’t just hit a seam or a mask, there is a high probability of not penetrating. Now let's look at the weak points of the cords. Everything is simple here, for almost all TTs it is the lower armor plate and the commander’s turret. They also have some distinctive places where you should shoot. For example, on the IS-4 and ST-1 this is the driver's hatch; with our gun it can be easily penetrated. Slipper has a machine gun nest, Mouse has cheeks, and so on. Well, you shouldn’t have any problems with the French at all; their armor can only hold up our landmines. It’s better to just hit the turret with them, we’ll break through and send someone from the crew to the next world.

To summarize, we can say that the Jagdtiger is a powerful AT with an extremely effective weapon that has the best DPM, excellent accuracy, armor penetration, damage, and also, despite its considerable weight, has quite tolerable mobility. The Jagdtiger is able to influence the outcome of the battle, and with the skillful use of the proposed tactics, he is able to win victories even in hopeless situations. But on the way to the proud title of “Bending Stick” of all times and peoples, we have such things as large size, high visibility, rather weak hull armor, and also extremely high priority among enemies.

That's all and see you in new releases!


If we compare one-time damage with other premium vehicles, we get a fairly standard result: 240 units. The rate of fire here is pleasing - 11.76 rounds per minute. From here we get an excellent result of damage per minute - 2,823 units/min.

Always remember that this is a premium tank, then the armor penetration indicator will not seem weak - 212/237/44 mm. Here you should always target the weak parts of the enemy’s equipment and carry some gold with you - it will never be superfluous.

The gun is accurate, and that's a fact. Ignoring stabilization, which is poor in all tank destroyers, we get an excellent spread of 100 meters - 0.31 m and aiming time of 1.80 seconds.

After the joyful accuracy indicators, we remember about the uncomfortable UVN and UGN. The gun here drops only 7 degrees, you can live with this, you can still play comfortably, but with the UGN things are worse. Only 20 degrees are available, as well as poor maneuverability and large dimensions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger is not an easy vehicle. In order to enjoy playing this tank destroyer, you need to clearly know all the strengths and weaknesses and behave competently in battle.


  • tank strength;
  • viewing radius;
  • damage per minute;
  • frontal armor;
  • UVN;
  • preferential level;
  • scattering and mixing;
  • armor penetration indicator.


  • dimensions and camouflage coefficient;
  • booking of aircraft and NLD;
  • dynamics and maneuverability;
  • UGN.


To enhance the best characteristics of this tank destroyer, we install the necessary modules. The comfort of playing the 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger will depend on this stage.

  • The rammer will increase the amount of damage per minute. With our excellent results, we will get a fast machine for destroying enemies and farming.
  • Reinforced aiming drives will ensure the fastest aiming. We need this because of poor UGN - we will have to move the body more often and re-adjust.
  • Coated optics are necessary to maximize the viewing radius. This is a definite plus in any fight.

The third point, if necessary, can be replaced with “improved ventilation”, which will strengthen all the crew’s skills.

Jagdtiger (H) crew equipment and skills

The choice of equipment for the Jagdtiger (H) will help partially offset the serious shortcomings of this machine. We recommend this choice:

1. Rammer – we increase the DPM. 2. Stereo tube – improving viewing range. 3. Camouflage net - getting rid of the shed. One of the modules can be replaced with improved ventilation to get a minor bonus to all characteristics. Crew perks for Jagdtiger (H) are best learned in the following order:

Our choice is also based on improving the basic characteristics of the machine. When choosing combat consumables, we are not offered much choice, so we fill the slots with the usual gentleman's set.

Crew training

The vehicle has a crew of six people. This is very good, because with the help of perks you can increase the parameters of the tank, and therefore the comfort of the game.

We propose to train the crew in the following order:

  • Commander – “The Sixth Sense”, “Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Gunner – “Repair”, “Smooth rotation of the tower”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Driver mechanic – “Repair”, “Smooth ride”, “Combat brotherhood”, “King of off-road”;
  • Radio operator – “Repair”, “Radio interception”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Loader – “Repair”, “Non-contact” ammunition rack, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Loader – “Repair”, “Desperate”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”.

Equipment for 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

The choice of consumables is a responsible matter, but it operates according to an almost universal scheme. If you feel a lack of silver, take a set consisting of:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • hand fire extinguisher.

If we have the opportunity to take premium consumables, we take them:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • chocolate (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher if you are afraid of not protecting the NLD and the stern)

Tactics for playing on the 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

Discomfort on open maps is a common occurrence for large and sluggish cars. Our PT is no exception here.

If the map is open, you need to try not to appear in the light and fight from the second line. Here you play the role of good support with the powerful 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger gun.

If your tank is caught in light, you need to urgently move to cover. Faster, so that artillery and tanks do not penetrate the roof and sides. Provided that there is no nearby cover around you (which you should always monitor and calculate your strength), you just need to move randomly until the enemy radars stop highlighting you.

When playing on a city map, you have a great advantage in the corridors (narrow streets). By hiding the NLD, you can easily hit the enemy’s weak spots with ease, while remaining intact.

If the enemy has charged gold, urgently either leave him or destroy him first. Under no circumstances allow enemy vehicles to bypass you. Try to always remember your vulnerabilities and monitor the progress of the battle.

How much does JagdTiger farm?

The Jagdtiger 8.8 chip is a huge DPM. The result is a very high shot and high farm. This is if you shoot. For example, a few fights.

1 fight

This is not even a master - just a first degree. Successfully took the point, hid the NLD and held half of the enemy team.

2 fight

An example with a small shot.

3 fight

The fight is like a master, but with the fulfillment of a combat mission. See farm details

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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