"Affordable main battle tank" based on the M60 Patton (Türkiye)

Performance characteristics of M60 in World of Tanks

Let's start our review with the strength indicator of the American armored car. With a result of 2000 units, it outperforms the T-22 Medium. – 1900 units, and 121-B – 1950 units. As you can see, the indicator has not gone far ahead, which corresponds to an indicator slightly above the standard for this type.

The hull armor is 93/73/25 mm, the turret armor is 177/76/50 mm. The armor is not bad, but can be penetrated by level ten vehicles. It’s better not to show the side projection to the enemy at all, and the commander’s cupola completely kills that large indicator of the tower’s armor, because it will penetrate without any problems with any vehicle.

A visibility of 420 meters is a very good indicator. Of his classmates, only 121-B, which has a similar result, can compare with it.

Maximum speed – 60 km/h. Not the best indicator in principle, but the highest value among classmates. High maneuverability also adds to the advantages of this technology. The hull rotates at a speed of 52 degrees per second and the turret rotates at 42 degrees per second.

The weight of the special equipment is 46.27/49.50 tons and the engine power of 950 horsepower makes the specific power of 20.53 hp. per ton of weight. Thus, of all classmates, only T-22 Sr. outperformed our tank with a difference of 0.3 hp/t.

"Affordable main battle tank" based on the M60 Patton (Türkiye)

The M60 Patton tank was developed by American designers back in the late fifties, but still remains in service in many countries. Almost two dozen armies around the world operate several thousand of these armored vehicles. Despite the large number, these tanks have long been outdated and have insufficient combat capabilities. Since not all countries using M60 tanks can afford new equipment, armored vehicle modernization projects regularly appear to improve its capabilities and extend its service life.

In 2011, the Turkish company StandartBio joined the number of companies and organizations working to improve the outdated tank. Her project to modernize the M60 tank was codenamed The Affordable Main Battle Tank. As the name implies, the goal of the project was to bring the characteristics of the updated tank to the highest possible. At the same time, the modernization had to have a price acceptable to customers. States that still have a large number of vehicles of this model in service were considered as potential customers for the modernization of the M60 tank. In particular, the Turkish army still uses over 800-850 obsolete American-made tanks.

One of the most important characteristics of a tank is mobility. To improve performance, the Turkish company proposes to equip the tank with a new 1200 hp diesel engine. With the help of such a power plant, the modernized M60 tank, even though it is heavier due to a number of new equipment, has higher characteristics in comparison with the base vehicle. In addition, an auxiliary power unit is provided to supply the tank with electricity when the main engine is turned off. The chassis has been updated and the suspension has been strengthened. As a result, it is claimed that the updated tank has mobility no worse, and in a number of parameters, better than that of the basic version of the vehicle.

During modernization, the armored hull of the base tank should undergo minor modifications. The frontal and side parts of the hull are covered with additional armor modules. The sides and rear of the tower are equipped with anti-cumulative grilles. Taking into account the protection parameters of older modifications of the M60 tank, we can say that the installation of additional modules can significantly increase the survivability of the combat vehicle in a real combat situation. An interesting update to the vehicle's protection was the original commander's cupola. It is proposed to mount a characteristic armored dome with observation devices and mounts for installing a machine gun above the commander's hatch.

Almost all modifications of the M60 tank were equipped with a 105 mm rifled gun. The characteristics of such weapons have not met modern requirements for a long time. In this regard, the StandartBio company carried out a deep modernization of the entire complex of weapons of the outdated tank. First of all, it is necessary to note the modification of the turret and turret equipment, allowing the use of modern 120 mm caliber guns. The updated tank is equipped with an M256 smoothbore gun. Having the ability to use all existing 120-mm NATO standard rounds, such a weapon significantly increases the combat potential of the modernized tank. The stowage compartments of the fighting compartment can accommodate up to 40 unitary shells.

During the modernization, it was planned to increase the effectiveness of fire against enemy personnel and unprotected equipment. Like the base vehicle, the updated tank is equipped with a rifle-caliber machine gun coaxial with the cannon. The second 12.7 mm machine gun is mounted on the commander's cupola mounts, allowing the weapon to be aimed in a vertical plane. For horizontal aiming, the tank commander must rotate the turret. A significant increase in the capabilities of auxiliary weapons was achieved through the use of an automatic cannon. At the rear of the turret roof there is an additional remote-controlled turret with a 25 mm ATK LW25 cannon. The automatic cannon's ammunition capacity is 300 shells.

LW25 gun

During the modernization, it is planned to completely replace all sighting devices and other equipment intended for fire control. The M60 tank, modernized according to a project by StandartBio, receives modern digital components of the fire control system, as well as a developed sighting system. It is alleged that the sights used allow the crew to monitor the situation and aim weapons at any time of the day and in any weather conditions. In addition, the new equipment makes the crew’s work easier.

Installation of the LW25 gun on the turret of the modernized M60 tank

Like all other companies involved in the production or modernization of armored vehicles, StandartBio was actively promoting its “Affordable Main Battle Tank” project. It should be noted that in the project to update an outdated combat vehicle, Turkish engineers used several interesting technical solutions. First of all, this is a strengthening of the weapons complex due to an automatic cannon. Thus, the upgraded M60, if necessary, can attack three targets simultaneously: with the main gun or coaxial machine gun, the commander's machine gun and the automatic cannon. In the context of urban fighting, typical of modern conflicts, such an opportunity will be useful.

Yet the M60 modernization project does not allow this combat vehicle to achieve the capabilities of modern main tanks. For example, despite the installation of additional modules, the overall level of protection for the hull and turret remains insufficient. A modernized tank may not be a very difficult target for modern anti-tank weapons.

Lattice screens are installed on the sides of the turret to protect against RPGs

However, we should not forget that the main goal of the Turkish project was to create a set of measures that would increase the characteristics of the outdated M60 tank to an acceptable level, as well as reduce the cost of updating armored vehicles. Such an approach to creating a project could allow small, poor countries to update their armored forces without the large costs of purchasing new tanks. Taking this feature into account, the StandartBio project looks interesting and promising.


Based on materials from the sites: https://standartbio.com/ https://globalsecurity.org/ https://army-guide.com/

M60 gun

This tank is equipped with weapons that cause damage of 390/390/480 units. The rate of fire is also not disappointing: 6.82 rounds per minute. The aiming time is 1.60 seconds, and the dispersion per 100 meters is 0.33 meters. The damage per minute is 2,659 units. Good stabilization.

Armor penetration: 364/330/50 mm. This is a good result for medium vehicles, but to attack heavy vehicles, you should either use golda or, thanks to your maneuverability, approach the enemy from the side.

The M60 has comfortable vertical aiming angles with a value of -9...+19 degrees.

Crew training

The vehicle has a crew of four people: a commander, a gunner, a driver and a loader (radio operator).

It is worth paying special attention to the choice of crew skills, because this is an indicator that greatly influences the outcome of the game.

We propose to train the crew in the following order:

  • Commander – “The Sixth Sense”, “Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Gunner – “Repair”, “Smooth rotation of the tower”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Driver - “Repair”, “Smooth ride”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”;
  • Loader (radio operator) – “Repair”, “Radio interception”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Disguise”.

M60, Medium Tank

Tank M60

The M60 tank, created in 1959, was a development of the M48 tank and differed from it in armament. The shape of the bow of the hull and the configuration of the turret were slightly changed and the thickness of the armor in the most vulnerable places was increased. The tank's hull and turret are cast. The 105-mm gun of an English design is equipped with an ejector. It is significantly more powerful than the 90 mm gun of the M48 tank. Its ammunition includes sub-caliber shells with a detachable tray, with a plastic explosive, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation. The gun guidance and turret rotation mechanisms are electro-hydraulic with manual override. The tank is equipped with a rangefinder sight and a ballistic computer. The chassis and suspension remained the same as on the M48, but with some improvements - for example, the support and support rollers and drive wheels are made of aluminum alloy. The M60 is equipped with a diesel engine (for the first time on a post-war American tank), a hydromechanical power transmission, an engine starting system at low temperatures, as well as equipment for fording a depth of up to 3.5 m. The tank uses an automatic fire-fighting equipment system. The tank is equipped with night vision devices and a night sight. The driver has an infrared periscope, illuminated by headlights mounted on the front hull. Since 1962, an improved modification of the M60A1 was produced (the turret armor was strengthened, a weapons stabilizer and additional infrared night vision devices were installed). In 1968, on its basis, the M60A2 modification with a 152-mm gun was created - a launcher for the Shillela anti-tank guided missiles. The M60A2 had a laser rangefinder sight and an electronic ballistic computer. In 1975, a new modification of the M60A4 tank appeared. It was equipped with a laser sight-rangefinder, a ballistic computer and non-illuminated sights and night vision devices. In total, more than 12 thousand cars were produced. By the beginning of 1990, over 9 thousand were in the American army. In addition, they are in the armed forces of Israel, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Austria, Turkey and South Korea. Production of the M60 in the United States ceased in 1980 with the start of production of the Abrams tank. The M60 was a well-armed and armored, reliable, easy-to-use second-generation tank. On its basis, the M728 engineer tank, the M88A1 ​​repair and recovery vehicle and the bridge laying vehicle were created.

M60A1 Main battle tank. Years of production: 1962—1968. The hull and turret of the M60A1 tank are cast, the rear part of the hull is extended. The thickness of the frontal armor of the hull was 109 mm, and the thickness of the turret (without the gun mantlet) was 254 mm. The new turret (the angles of inclination and the thickness of the frontal parts have been increased) has a commander’s cupola that rotates 360°. Eight glass blocks are located along its perimeter, providing all-round visibility. A periscope sight (can be replaced with an IR sight) and a 12.7 mm machine gun for firing at ground and air targets are mounted in the front part. The driver is located in the control compartment located in the center of the bow of the tank hull. For driving at night, an IR device is installed. The weight has increased to 52.6 tons. The tank is equipped with a filter-ventilation unit that supplies purified air to crew members, an X-ray meter, an automatic fire-fighting equipment system, an air heater, a radio station and a tank intercom. Overcoming water obstacles up to 2.4 m deep is carried out after preliminary preparation, and up to 4 m - with the help of special equipment for underwater driving.

M60A1E1 M60A1E1 and M60A1E2 - modification with a 152-mm tank gun, a completely new turret, night vision devices, a new fire control system and a tank guided weapon system for firing Shilleila anti-tank guided missiles. It was produced in several experimental prototypes for testing. Combat weight - 57 tons, range - 450 km. Tested at Fort Knox, Kentucky[.

M60A2 M60A2 or “Starship” (Starship) was produced from 1972 to 1974, the total number of vehicles produced was 526. A new turret with a 152-mm gun was installed - a launcher that allows firing both conventional artillery shells and anti-tank guided missiles "Shilleyla" (at a range of up to 3000 meters). The gun is stabilized in two guidance planes. The fire control system includes a laser sight-range finder and an electronic ballistic computer, passive night vision devices, and tracks with removable asphalt pads. M60A2 tanks were in units of American troops in Germany. Judging by reports in the foreign press, they showed insufficient efficiency and especially reliability of weapons, so it was decided to convert them to other options.

M60A3TTS In the process of further modernization of the tank, in addition to the gun stabilizer, a new fire control system was introduced, including a laser range finder and an electronic ballistic computer, non-illuminated night vision devices were installed (now the gunner's sight is being replaced by a thermal imaging device), a more reliable diesel engine was used, a tubular-rod suspension and a new rubber-metal track, a coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun was replaced, and a heat-insulating casing was put on the gun barrel, a more effective high-speed fire extinguishing system was used, and six-barreled grenade launchers were mounted on the sides of the front part of the turret to set up smoke screens. M60AZ ERA (1988, Explosive Reactive Armour) - M60AZ tanks equipped with mounted dynamic protection. Each set consists of 49 metal boxes MI and 42 boxes M2 filled with explosive. Combat weight 54.4 tons. 170 tanks were converted to the ERA modification.

M60120S Project to upgrade the M60 to the M1A1 Abrams level using components from the Abrams, including the gun, turret and AGT-1500 engine.

Based on the M60 model, the AVLB tank bridge laying vehicle was created to overcome obstacles up to 18 m wide, the M728 CEV engineer tank (has a 165-mm short-barreled gun, bulldozer and crane equipment, and a traction winch) and a roller mine trawl for high-speed crossing of minefields (the width of the track being made passage 2x1.2 m). Produced in the USA from 1978 to 1980, under license in Italy - until 1987.

Production of the M60A1, A2, A3TTS ceased with the start of production of the M1 Abrams main battle tank in February 1980; the 120S variant was not produced.

M60A3E1 Cristobita Spanish modernization by strengthening the armor

“Super M60” The main battle tank “Super M60” is experimental. Created by Teledyne Continental in cooperation with the West German company Renck. It is distinguished by the installation of a more powerful diesel engine and a new transmission, individual hydropneumatic suspension, and enhanced armor protection due to the hanging of armor plates on the hull and turret.

Length – 9.5 m Height – 2.7 m Width – 3.6 m Weight – 50.8 t Engine diesel engine “Continental” AVDS-1790 V-12 Power – 750 hp Maximum speed – 48 km/h Highway range – 500 km Obstacles to be overcome: – embankment height – 1.2 m – water obstacle depth – 3.5 m – ditch width – 2.6 m Armament: 105 mm M-68 cannon, 12.7 mm machine gun , 7.62 mm machine gun Ammunition supply - 63 shells, 900 rounds of 12.7 mm and 5950 - 7.62 mm caliber Crew - 4 people Year of adoption - 1960

Combat tactics

When choosing a line of battle, you should choose the second or third. The M60 is the ideal covert sniper. Of course, it won’t be possible to hide behind a small uneven terrain or a stone due to the size of the vehicle, but standing behind a bush and remaining invisible to the enemy is quite possible.

Another way to play the American is to act as a passive light, shining through the enemy for your allies and not participating in the attack.

Of course, the best tactic for playing any tank is the ability to combine different game modes, creating your own unique style. So, you can first enlighten the enemy, and then act as an invisible sniper, shooting at him from the second or, better, from the third line, thereby preventing the enemy from reaching you.

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