Škoda T 45 – how to get the first heavy premium tank of Czechoslovakia in WoT for free?

Hello everyone and welcome to aces.gg! Friends, today we will talk about a sandbox vehicle, that is, a low-level tank, in front of you is the T-45 guide.

Information about this baby has appeared quite a long time ago and now it has become known that perhaps this light tank of the second level of the USSR will be presented to all players in August, in honor of the birthday of the World of Tanks company. We will now find out what the T-45 tank is, whether it will be pleasant and fun to ride on, or for most players it is just another free slot in the hangar.

TTX T-45

So, from the screenshot it is clear that this unit was not given the best safety margin, because at low levels every 10 units of HP mean quite a lot, and we are not very rich in visibility, only 300 meters, and this is below average.

If you look at the T-45 armor characteristics, then everything is relative. The strongest places, as often happens, are the front of the hull and the turret, and given the fact that the VLD is located at a good angle, we will confidently hold off various tanks with machine guns, but otherwise we shouldn’t rely heavily on armor.

The same goes for the turret; the T-45 World of Tanks has a fairly large gun mantlet; it can sometimes be used to deflect shells, but again, one shouldn’t hold high hopes.

By the way, this unit has a preferential level of battles; it is thrown into battles only at the second and third levels, so perhaps our armor is capable of something.

Regarding mobility, the T-45 WoT tank is also far from a favorite. There is a good, but also not good maximum speed and 12.5 horsepower per ton of weight. This tells us that the dynamics of this baby are not very good, but it is endowed with excellent maneuverability.

How to get

You can buy it for in-game currency (without investing real money) - the tank has been added to the Ranked Battles store and is sold for 12,500 bonds .

In theory, you can get a discount of up to 60% , then the cost of the tank will drop to 5,000 bonds . The amount still comes out to be decent, so let's take a closer look at this tank. So if you want, you can get it, even if you missed the previous stages of Ranked Battles.

Another 3000 bonds can be obtained for the Referral Program; now is the time to take slots in the last season so as not to burn out).


If before this the characteristics of this light vehicle did not cause much pride, then with weapons the situation is changing a little in a more positive direction.

The fact is that the T-45 gun has excellent armor penetration with the basic projectile. Add to this a small alpha strike with a good rate of fire and we get about 1100 damage per minute, which is quite good by the standards of our classmates.

With accuracy, everything is somewhat simpler. The T-45 World of Tanks tank does not have the most pleasant dispersion and poor stabilization, but it comes down pretty quickly. By the way, the gun declination angle is -6 degrees, this is not good and not bad, the average value with which you can successfully fight.



Lv.TowerArmor (mm)Rotation (deg/sec)Review (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
IIT-4535/35/35343001 000650

Compatible weapons:

Lv.gunPenetration (mm)Damage (HP)Rapid fire (rounds/min) Spread (m/100m)Mixing (c)BCWeight, kg)Price (credits)
II45 mm 20K(l)51/84/2347/47/6216.670.42.4662502 530


Lv.EnginePower (hp)Fire probability (%)Weight, kg)Price (credits)
IIZIS-1685203601 040


Lv.ChassisMax. load (t) Turning speed (gr/sec)RminWeight, kg)Price (credits)
IIT-458.652B/22 000600

Radio stations

Lv.Radio stationCommunication range (m)Weight, kg)Price (credits)

Equipment for T-45

In order to choose the right additional modules for this tank, you don’t need to think too hard, since the choice is really very limited due to the low level. Thus, on the T-45 we install the following equipment: 1. – the only way to improve accuracy is to further speed up the aiming. 2. – due to the fact that our car has poor visibility, but there is mobility, this choice is quite justified. 3. – another good option that allows you to raise several important parameters at once.

Historical reference

Škoda T 45 is a further development of the Škoda T 40 project. It was decided to abandon the Soviet direction in favor of the German one; it was planned to use developments such as an electromechanical transmission with a diesel engine. The armor has been strengthened and the weight of the tank has been increased. However, post-war conditions dictated new rules of war and requirements for tanks. The Škoda T 45 did not match them due to too weak armor and mobility. The project was canceled. The tank was never realized in metal.

Crew training

In terms of choosing skills for the crew, the situation is ambiguous, since we have only two tankers at our disposal and the commander simultaneously performs several roles. Taking this into account, if you are planning to upgrade the crew, then on the T-45 the perks look like this: •Commander (radio operator, gunner, loader) – , , , . •Driver mechanic - , , , .

It is also worth considering the fact that this is a premium vehicle and you can transfer tankers from another Soviet tank here without penalties, in which case the perks will be different, but this will not play a big role at a low level.

More detailed information about the technique:

The T-45 battle tank is externally similar to another premium LTP tank, but the weapons differ significantly. The 45 mm 20K(l) gun has high penetration and high one-time damage. The armor of the frontal part is capable of withstanding a large number of often enemy guns that are encountered in battles. Therefore, thanks to such a weapon and armor, it is better to be closer to the main battlefield. Overloading the commander makes it vulnerable to the entire crew being incapacitated, which will result in the tank being destroyed with a safety margin.

In summary : The T-45 tank does not allow you to earn a lot of credits and experience, but such a combat unit is more suitable for enjoying the game. The crew can also be used as a trainer for other combat vehicles.

Tactics for playing the T-45

So we come to how to play on this machine. Of course, you always need to remember the advantages and disadvantages of this unit, trying to take advantage of every little thing.

On the T-45, combat tactics are ambiguous, but still, taking into account not the best accuracy and good armor for our level, we are quite capable of positioning ourselves on the first line.

You should play carefully, hiding behind buildings and obstacles, driving out, making a shot and rolling back. A good option would be to show only your turret, because the T-45 WoT light tank is best able to withstand attacks with this element.

Otherwise, try to look at the mini-map and not be left alone; team play, even if not very coordinated, can bring great results. If the enemy is distracted and takes care of your ally, there will be an excellent chance to realize damage without receiving damage. In any case, the T-45 tank World of Tanks is focused on a fun game that will distract you from the battles at the top.

To sum it up, I want to say that this device may not be really strong at its level, but it has enough advantages that it does not feel left behind.

Light tank T-45: upgrade option for the T-60 tank

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army had more than 23 thousand tanks of various types. The technical condition of these machines was also different. The catastrophic beginning of the war for the USSR and a series of defeats in the summer-autumn of 1941 seriously devastated the Soviet tank fleet. By the beginning of the counteroffensive near Moscow, the Red Army managed to assemble only 774 tanks, of which only 222 were heavy and medium. The T-60 light tank, on the basis of which they later tried to create a modernized version of the T-45, did not appear out of a good life. The military’s plans included launching mass production of the T-50 light tank, which was a very worthy combat vehicle in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, but during the war, Soviet industry was unable to master its production. In peacetime, after spending some time, the tank would definitely be put into production, but the country no longer had peacetime.

In such a situation, when the T-50 never went into production, and Soviet tank units suffered huge losses in battles with the aggressor, the T-60 light tank was born. This light tank was developed after the start of World War II. It was the result of a deep modernization of the T-40 light tank, which was carried out by the design bureau under the leadership of N. A. Astrov. The tank differed from its “donor” in better armor protection and more powerful weapons - 20 automatic cannon (TNSh-20 or ShVAK). For the first time, a device was used on a tank to heat engine coolant in winter.

Light tank T-40

In conditions of an acute shortage of tanks, the main advantage of the T-60 light tank was its ease of production in Soviet automobile factories with the widespread use of automotive mechanisms and components. The tank was produced simultaneously at four factories. In addition, on its basis, the BM-8-24 multiple launch rocket system with 24 guides for launching 82 mm caliber rockets was created and mass-produced. In a short time, the Soviet industry produced almost 6 thousand of these tanks, which played a very important role in the battles of the initial period of the war and in the battle for Moscow, when every armored unit counted.

During the serial production of the T-60 light tank, attempts were made repeatedly to improve the characteristics of the combat vehicle - everyone was well aware that the combat value of the tank was very low. Soviet tank crews often called these vehicles BM-2 (mass grave for two people), “suicide bombers” and even “coffins”. Tankers did not favor them for their weak armor and weapons, considering them easy prey for German tank crews and anti-tank artillery. So already in August 1941, the design bureau of plant No. 92 in the city of Gorky, on its own initiative, began designing a new ZIS-19 gun, which was intended to arm the T-60 light tank. The new gun was a 37-mm cannon with a 66.7-caliber barrel, with an initial projectile speed of 915 m/s and ballistics from a 37-mm anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model. In this case, the ammunition used was the same as with the anti-aircraft gun. In October 1941, they also began developing a version of the ZIS-19BM gun - a 45-mm cannon with a 46-caliber barrel length and an initial projectile speed of 757 m/s. This gun was a further modernization of the 45 mm 20K tank gun.

Already in December 1941, Plant No. 92 received the T-60 light tank at its disposal. In the shortest possible time - from December 20, 1941 to January 13, 1942, the company developed final installation drawings, and in just a week - from January 12 to 19, the 37-mm ZIS-19 gun was manufactured in metal and installed in the turret of the T-60 tank . After the modification of this gun in April 1942, comparative field tests were carried out on the second version of the 37-mm ZIS-19 gun in the T-60 tank and the 45-mm tank gun of the 1938 model installed in the serial T-70 light tank.

T-60 tanks during a parade on Red Square

According to the results of the tests (826 shots were fired from the ZIS-19 gun), it was noted that the accuracy of the gun at a distance of 2000 meters was unsatisfactory, at a distance of 1000 and 500 meters it was better than the table values ​​​​for a 37-mm anti-aircraft gun. A good rate of fire was also obtained - up to 10 rounds per minute without correcting the gun's aiming and 6-7 rounds per minute with adjusting the aiming. Along with this, the ZIS-19 gun was found to have low barrel survivability, as well as a number of shortcomings in the operation of the knurl and impact mechanism. In addition, it was very difficult to fire from a 37-mm gun placed in the standard turret of the T-60 tank due to the cramped turret and the poor placement of the aiming mechanisms. In conclusion, it was noted that the ZIS-19 gun could not withstand a series of tests.

Attempts to strengthen the armament of the T-60 tank were also made at other Soviet factories. For example, the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ) produced the T-60 light tank, armed with a 45-mm gun mounted in a new turret, but with an old shoulder strap. At the end of 1941, a prototype of the tank was made and tested by fire, after which an order was issued for the construction of a similar tank, but from armored steel. However, in connection with the work on creating the T-70 light tank, further work on placing a 45-mm gun in the T-60 tank at GAZ was stopped.

We also worked on our project for a more advanced tank in the design bureau of plant No. 37. Here, simultaneously with testing the ZIS-16 engine (an uprated ZIS-5 engine with an aluminum piston and an aluminum head), they were able to quickly prepare a project for a new light tank, which received the designation T-45. The combat vehicle, based on the T-60 tank, was offered as an alternative to another light tank, the T-70, produced by the GAZ plant. The explanatory note to the T-45 tank project, sent by the director of plant No. 37 Frezerov and the chief engineer Martirosov to the GABTU KA dated May 20, 1942, contained the following information:

A prototype of the T-45 tank, top left view. Sverdlovsk May 1942

“In order to significantly improve the combat characteristics of the T-60 tank, maintain the mass production of this tank, facilitating the immediate transition to its production without reducing production volumes, plant No. 37, based on the T-60 light tank, designed and built a prototype called T-45 . As a result, the company managed to create a single-engine tank with a more powerful power plant and resolution of the issue of installing a reinforced version of weapons with almost equal tactical and technical characteristics with the T-70 tank and saving metal consumption by 2500 kg.”

The new tank had the same ammunition as the T-70. It was equipped with a new, larger turret with a 45 mm cannon and a coaxial 7.62 mm DT machine gun. The turret was installed on the existing chase of the T-60 light tank. Although the tower was increased in size, it was still a single turret. It was not possible to place a two-man turret on the hull of a T-60 tank, even with the use of a more powerful ZIS-16 engine. At the same time, a simplified rotating mechanism for the turret of the T-60 tank and a standard lifting mechanism for the gun with a trigger device were used in the installation of weapons. The successful arrangement of the controls and mechanisms of the new turret on the T-45 tank, as tests have demonstrated, made it possible to significantly increase the rate of fire of the 45-mm gun, bringing the rate to 7-8 rounds per minute, versus 4-5 rounds per minute for the T-70 tank ( shooting was carried out from the spot). At the same time, the turret design underwent simplifications: instead of 233 parts that made up the turret of the T-60 light tank, in the turret of the T-45 tank their number was reduced to 141, and there were only 46 new parts. At the same time, the thickness of the turret armor plates increased from 25 to 35 mm.

The hull design of the T-45 light tank remained almost unchanged compared to the T-60 tank. Only the thickness of the upper frontal plate of the hull was increased from 15 mm to 25 mm, and the design of the mechanical drive hatch was also changed. The modified hatch allowed the driver to leave the combat vehicle in any position of the turret. At the same time, the chassis of the T-45 light tank migrated to it from the T-60 tank without changes. It consisted of 4 support and 3 support rollers, a idler wheel and a front drive wheel (on each side).

It was planned to use the ZIS-16 engine, which developed a power of 85 hp, as the power plant for the T-45 tank. This engine was a souped-up version of the ZIS-5 engine. In the explanatory note, which was sent to GABTU KA, Fr. However, in reality, the production of the ZIS-16 engine in Miass, where the ZIS engine production was evacuated, was never mastered.

The transition to serial production of the T-45 light tank, which had improved characteristics compared to the T-60 and was not much inferior to the T-70 tank, could be carried out at plant No. 37 in a short time, without reducing the tank production program, since the technological The production equipment for the T-60 tank was preserved almost in full. However, as a result, the T-45 tank remained a project. The lack of a ZIS-16 engine and the impossibility of installing a two-man turret on the tank had an impact. At the same time, according to GAZ designers, they were just completing the development of a design for the T-70 tank with a double turret, which the military preferred. And the T-70 light tank itself was already in mass production and was well mastered by industry.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-45 tank:

Overall dimensions: length - 4.1 m, width - 2.39 m. Combat weight - 6800-7000 kg. Reservations: turret front - 35 mm, hull front - 25 mm. Armament: 45 mm gun and 7.62 mm DT machine gun. Ammunition - 90 rounds. The power plant is a carburetor 6-cylinder ZIS-16 engine with a power of 85 hp. Maximum speed is up to 45 km/h (on the highway). Power reserve - 300 km. Crew - 2 people.

Sources of information: Kolomiets M.V. Suicide tanks of the Great Patriotic War T-30, T-60, T-70. Moscow: Eksmo, 2010. 160 p. https://strangernn.livejournal.com/1375990.html https://www.aviarmor.net/tww2/tanks/ussr/t-45.htm https://tank.uw.ru/articles/sowetskie/sovet1/ lite https://wowar.ru/tank-t-60

Skoda T56

  • When appeared in the game:
    August 2022
  • Vehicle type:
    heavy tank
  • Nation:
  • Level:
  • How you could get it:
    premium store / during the event

Let's be honest, Czechoslovakia is not the most advanced country in terms of tanks. And not the most popular among players. But lately, developers have been working best with cars from this particular nation. One of such successful solutions was the Czechoslovak premium-heavy level 8 Skoda T 56.

Not to say that this heavy weight is super-imba and will suit everyone. And you can’t call it a “nine” at the eighth level, as some bloggers might think. This is just a great premium with obvious pros and cons. If you like leisurely gameplay on heavy tanks, play full gold and love to deal out a lot of damage in a matter of seconds, then you will like it.

It has excellent damage - 460. And a drum for two shells, which charges quite quickly. In total, in 3.5 seconds you deal almost 1000 damage. It also boasts good stabilization and normal mobility - a faster tank than the same “Defender”. Mediocre accuracy and poor armor penetration can slightly spoil the overall impression of playing on it.

Czech will bring you pleasure if you understand something about this game and play sober (just kidding, but it’s not easy to hit). If you are ready to shoot mostly gold and do not skimp on silver. And if you have all the necessary set of mechanisms and consumables for bonds.

Vz. 55

  • When appeared in the game:
    August 2022
  • Vehicle type:
    heavy tank
  • Nation:
  • Level:
  • How you could get it:
    at any time, pumpable

Simultaneously with the tier 8 premium tank, a “ten” appeared in the Czechoslovakia branch. And gameplay on Vz. 55 is roughly similar to that of the Skoda T 56. If you have one of these tanks in your hangar, you won't notice a noticeable difference in their playstyle. The “ten”, like the “eight”, has obvious pros and cons. This is clearly not a Chieftain without pronounced shortcomings.

Firstly, Vz. 55 cardboard sides, too large lower armor plate and not the strongest turret, which, however, can withstand shells from time to time. Secondly, his weapon does not shine with accuracy.

But this Czech, like the Skoda T 56 at level eight, has powerful damage due to the drum for 2 projectiles, each of which deals 490 damage. Add here excellent stabilization and good mobility - and you get an almost ideal heavy for dealing a large amount of damage.

This tank performs well especially in capable hands. A player with shaky hands and stats of 46-48% will most likely not be able to realize his full potential because Vz. 55 does not forgive mistakes. Every shot on this tank must be confident and prepared in advance.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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