[Offtopic] Not only the sword. Top 10 exotic bladed weapons from games

Which hand should I use to kill you, my left or my right?
Or both? One way to make a tough fighter even tougher is to show that he is equally skilled with both his right and left hands. And if he knows how to handle a weapon with both hands at the same time, then the coolness begins to go off scale. In the end, such a dexterous person causes envy, many would like to have such nimble hands, and in general the word “ambidextrous” itself sounds cool (not everyone can pronounce it) [1]. So, the authors of various works “teach” their characters this art, handing weapons to the secondary hand (well, don’t hold a shield in it, that’s not cool). This article will talk about this use of edged weapons, not necessarily swords. If you are interested in the option with two long-range guns, you can read about it here.

The advantage of using two melee weapons at the same time is the ability to strike from both sides, and both parry the blow and immediately counterattack with either hand. The downside is that it is still easier to parry a blow with a shield, and if arrows are flying around, it will protect better than a sword. In addition, fencing with two long swords requires considerable skill so that they do not touch each other, so the non-dominant hand will have to be properly trained, otherwise the weapon in it will only get in the way. In reality, there were masters of two-sword combat, but more often the trope was embodied with two knives or hatchets, or with a knife and something longer (a rapier, a flail, or even a club). Some types of bladed weapons are traditionally used in pairs - for example, fork-shaped sai daggers, which are convenient for intercepting swords and delivering a counter blow.

As for fictional worlds, the possibilities of the heroes are limited by the author’s imagination. There is fencing with some non-existent or completely incredible types of weapons, there are creatures with more than one pair of arms, there are incredibly strong characters swinging unimaginably large swords, and the like.


This Indian sword is called the "whip sword" and "twist blade", indeed, the blade of this ancient weapon is so thin and long that it can be used as a whip. Such a sword is ideal for slashing, because it is very difficult to defend against because it bends when it hits a shield or other obstacle. The urumi is also a good defensive weapon because it can be rotated around the head for protection, but it is very difficult to handle and dangerous, even for the owner.


Also known as "tiger hook swords" or qian kun ri yue dao

(literally "sword of Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon" [1]), this weapon has a sharp blade similar to a jian, although perhaps thicker or sometimes unsharpened, with a prong or hook (similar to a shepherd's crook) near the tip . The guards are solid, in the style of butterfly swords. Weapon hooks, often used in pairs, can be used to grab or deflect other weapons.

The hook sword consists of five components:

  • A back that is often used as a regular sword.
  • A hook that is used to disable enemies, catch weapons and cut.
  • The end of the hilt, sharpened.
  • A crescent moon that is used for blocking, grappling, and slashing.
  • The link that is used when using the pair. The two hooks can be freely connected, and the wielder swings one hooked sword in such a way that the second one extends further, almost six feet. While the second one is in the air, the dagger on the hilt cuts the target. In this way, the wearer can extend its reach from three feet to six.


A legendary saber of the medieval east, scimitars had strong but lightweight blades, as they were usually made of Damascus steel. Thanks to this, the weapon was very sharp and also incredibly flexible for its time. On the battlefield, scimitars were especially valued because of their curved shape, which allowed the rider to cut opponents from shoulder to waist at full gallop; simple straight swords, in this case, usually got stuck.

Ngombi Ngulu

This strange sword of a tribe of zombie cannibals from the Congo was used for ritual killings. The blade had a shape convenient for decapitating victims, it was very heavy and very sharp, and thanks to its thoughtful bend, the executioners could cut off the head with just one blow. The decorated interior made it possible to carry the sword on the shoulder, because, as already mentioned, it was heavy. And after the execution ceremony, the tribe ate what was left of the poor victim.


A long sword with a one-sided sharpening, used in battles by various peoples of the Philippines. It had a strong blade that was made in much the same way as Damascus steel. The end of the blade was much thinner than its base, the sword needed a heavy forked handle for balance, it depicted a mythical creature. The sword was used not only in battle, but also for headhunting. For example, the leader Lapu-Lapu killed the Portuguese navigator Magellan with a capilan.

In popular culture[edit]

In the film " The One-Armed Swordsman"

a modified version of the hook sword is used.

Kabal from the Mortal Kombat

wields a pair of hooked swords. They were packaged with 6-inch figures of Liu Kang, Scorpion, Jade and Shao Kahn as common weapons in a toy line created by Toy Island.

In Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jet wields a pair of hook swords.

In The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars

the character Tokuga also wields a pair of hook swords.

In the 2001 film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Michelle Yeoh's character wields a set of hook swords as one of the weapons she uses in her duel against Zi-Yi Zhang's character.

In the video game For Honor

, Nuxia owns a pair of shuangou.

In the video game Path of Exile

this weapon can be wielded by the player and exists under the name "Tiger Hook".

The Killer Kiss of Death uses a pair of hooked swords in the Lois Lane


In the video game Dynasty Warriors

the character Yue Jin uses a pair of hooked swords in Dynasty Warriors 8, 8 Xtrem Legends and Empires.

In the video game Piofiore: Fated Memories

the character Yang uses a pair of shuangou in battle.

In shadow fighting games, you can get shuangou. (in sf3 you get it at the beginning of chapter 2, in sf2 you enter LVL 11 with 52 gems, in sf1 you don't have it.)

In the manga Tekken Chinmi

Shiba's character "Headhunter" uses a double sword hook.


This is another sword originally from the Philippines, it was used both as a tool and as a military weapon. It featured a long hardwood handle and a curved blade, which was especially convenient for striking. Therefore, this sword was often used to finish off wounded enemies, although it was rarely used in the battles themselves. Nowadays it is still used, but for clearing dense vegetation and cutting large pieces of fish.


These swords were versions of the Greek kopis, they were used in ancient Iberia, present-day Spain. Like the kopis, the falcata had a curved blade, ideal for chopping. The weight of this sword was distributed so that a blow could be delivered with the momentum of an axe. The peculiarity of the falcata is the hilt in the shape of a hook, without a pommel, in the shape of a horse or a bird; usually this shape better protected the hand. The sword was very effective not only because of its shape, but also because of the quality of the iron and the manufacturing process, the steel was buried in the ground, which corroded weak elements.


It’s not for nothing that this European sword is called a “sword with a fiery blade”; it really does look like a flame. And for the 16th century, this shape was very unusual, but the blade was not like that for beauty. The wavy blade inflicted more severe wounds than the flat blade, and the sharp edges cut through the target like a saw. The flamberge also protected the owner by adding friction. Due to the shape of its blade, the enemy's sword could not slip and injure the owner, who was parrying the blow. The flamberge was usually used by experienced fencers who demonstrated their skills.

[Offtopic] Not only the sword. Top 10 exotic bladed weapons from games

The sword has long become a symbol of fantasy along with the winged dragon. The sword gained the status of a noble, knightly weapon. True, robbers used the same swords to slaughter merchants on the highway, but that’s another story.

The sword looks familiar in the hand of a video game hero, and many gamers are happy to wave the virtual blade. But among the developers of games in the action and slasher genres, there are such masters who are not used to following the well-trodden paths. To our delight, they display all sorts of piercing and cutting exotic things on the screen, and hide the boring sword in its sheath.

And the magic of weapons works properly, such games become hits. We have collected the top most memorable examples of exotic video game weapons. And even though the listed weapons [defending Good and Justice] do not at all look like a classic straight sword, any gamer would happily decorate the wall of his den with such a weapon.

10. Kusarigama, Nioh

Kusarigama in reality : the Japanese islands throughout their turbulent history have given rise to many types of bladed weapons that are strange to us Europeans. Kusarigama is a small scythe by our standards, more like a sickle, connected by a chain to a weight (fundo). Our ancestors, among the most dashing, called such a chain with a striking part a flail - however, no one tied it to a scythe.

The chain was great for entangling the enemy's legs

The kusarigama, like many unique military weapons like the tonfa, appeared in the 15th-16th centuries, when the disarmament of peasants was actively underway in Japan. The peasants were not happy about disarmament and began to make deadly contraptions from the tools of rural labor, displaying the ingenuity characteristic of Asians. This is how the kusarigama appeared, a weapon with a very wide range of applications. Particularly zealous inventors even attached a live snake instead of a shock load. The snake, understandably dissatisfied with its fate, had to bite the enemy. This infernal instrument was called mamusigama.

In Nioh : Souls-like about the European samurai William, he distinguished himself with a deep combat system. Along with the traditional katana, we were offered to pick up oriental exotics such as the odachi sword, tonfa batons and kusarigama. Developer Team Ninja disappointed with its cluttered interface and cumbersome control scheme, but when push came to shove, Nioh's creators were all forgiving. With the mentioned kusarigama, the hero demonstrated very cool animation, it looked fresh and unusual in a good way. And William used the weapon itself, as in real military history, for a variety of purposes. In Nioh, you could control a significant part of the arena by unwinding a chain, or deal fatal blows to unwary demons in the back with a sickle.

Where else can you see kusarigama : in any movie and anime about ninjas, in the Samurai Warriors .

In anime they often fight with exotic weapons.

9. Death Scythe, Dante's Inferno

Battle scythe in reality : another example of peasant ingenuity. This time it was the villagers from Eastern Europe who distinguished themselves. The length of the shaft and blade of an ordinary scythe gave them the idea of ​​using the tool in combat. The blade just needed to be straightened as an extension of the shaft. The glory of the battle scythe thundered in several wars of past centuries. The Polish rebels under the leadership of Kosciuszko were called "Kosiniers". The Czech Hussites successfully used battle scythes against the heavy cavalry of the Crusaders, and both horses and riders suffered damage. The Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Sich willingly used these weapons. Rebellious peasants in Rus' immediately converted scythes into weapons, as was the case during the uprising of Pugachev and Razin. Napoleon's army also felt the full force of the people's anger and the sharpness of the scythe.

Polish cosigners

In Dante's Inferno : Here the scythe's blade is not straightened like a pike. After all, this is the scythe of Death itself, and it is not intended for war, but for, hmm, mowing. Death showed up for a crusader named Dante and soon regretted it: the embittered knight took away the scythe. Dante needed the Weapon of Death on his way through all the circles of hell, where he was looking for the soul of his beloved Beatrice. Dante’s attacks had nothing in common with the actual tactics of using a scythe in Europe in the 15th–18th centuries. In the best traditions of slashers, the knight wrote out unimaginable combinations with his scythe, spending a significant part of the time in the air and throwing the enemy into the same place. Such techniques are a tribute to the slasher tradition; there is no escape from them.

Who will come to us with a scythe...

Where else can you see a battle scythe the Ninja Gaiden series , in the game Darksiders 2 .

8. Amicia's Sling, A Plague Tale: Innocence

Sling in reality : one of the oldest types of throwing weapons. It was widely used in war and hunting long before our era. The reason for this was ease of manufacture and high efficiency. A leather or rope device made it possible to launch stones or special metal projectiles over a long distance with more or less high accuracy.

Deadly simplicity

The sling is clearly underrated in popular culture. This is an outwardly modest weapon; it should not be used by noble heroes. None of the Marvel or DC superheroes are chasing villains with a slingshot. There is no such Olympic sport as sling shooting.

At the same time, it was the sling that largely determined the successes of the armies of Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome. The biblical brave David, for a moment, unpleasantly surprised Goliath with precisely this weapon.

In A Plague Tale: Innocence : the heroine of the excellent Action-Adventure about the cruelty of the Middle Ages, at the age of 15, learned to deftly handle a sling. When the Inquisition massacred Amicia's family, the girl went on the run, saving her younger brother. The trusty sling saved her more than once. Only the stones did not fly at hares, as when hunting in the ancestral forest, but at marauders, thugs of the Inquisition and other vile comrades. Stealth tactics and a light, invisible sling led Amicia to victory, and gave players a lot of interesting experience.

A sling is a good weapon for a fragile girl

The setting of A Plague Tale: Innocence is France of the 14th century, and here, as expected, there is some alchemy. Amicia loaded her trusty sling with a variety of fancy ammunition. For example, a projectile with a stinking slurry had to be launched straight into the helmet of an armored knight. The poor guy began to choke from the stench and took off his armor to catch his breath. And the young lady at the same moment pierced the defenseless skull with a stone...

Where else can you see a sling : in the action game Heavy Metal: FAKK 2 , in the strategic series Age of Empires and Total War .

7. Shengbiao assassin Radunhageidu, game Assassin's Creed 3

Shenbiao in reality : an achievement of Chinese design thought. In essence, it is a spear in which the wooden shaft is replaced by a rope. The Western version is called Rope Dart for this reason. The tip is a relatively heavy point. Shengbiao allows you to use a wide range of techniques. Without preparation and perfect coordination of movements, it can cripple not only the enemy, but also everyone who is unlucky enough to be nearby, including the owner of the shenbiao.

The tip could be faceted

In modern times, shenbiao can be seen at demonstration performances by martial artists. And in the old days, these weapons were used by such tough guys as Shaolin monks and caravan guards - the elite of their kind.

In Assassin's Creed 3 : Radunhageidu used the shenbiao as a weapon to quietly eliminate the enemy. The assassin's signature trick was an ambush in the branches of a tree. The patrolman passing below received a dart in the neck, and the assassin jumped from the other side of the branch, not letting go of the rope from his hands and hanging the unfortunate man in the air with his weight. Absolutely unrealistic, but goosebumps spectacular. The real feelings of a hunter in the forest, nothing less.

Where else can you see the shengbiao : In several other games in the Assassin's Creed , in the Mortal Kombat , the Scorpion harpoon is a fantasy version of the shengbiao.

Scorpio is a veteran of the MK franchise

6. Chakra from the kingdom of Amalur, game Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Chakra in reality : this time the Indians distinguished themselves. It was in India that this unusual throwing weapon appeared, which was a ring the size of a soup plate or a tea saucer, sharpened on the outside. The chakra (or chakram) was spun on a finger, on a special stick or on the hand; the projectile launched at the enemy flew far and inflicted terrible wounds due to the force of rotation.

No, the chakra does not fly back like a boomerang. And the boomerang doesn't fly

The ancient Hindus valued this weapon, because according to legend, such honored gods as Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva worked on its creation. According to the people of India, if you kill an enemy with a throwing weapon from a distance, this will not spoil your karma. Therefore, chakras were very popular in the early Middle Ages. Young men from noble families were trained to use these weapons without fail, much the same thing happened with fencing in Europe during the Renaissance. And the military elite from the Sikh group used chakras even during the advent of firearms.

In Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning : The world of Amalur was imbued with elven magic. Therefore, warrior-wizards here performed the most incredible tricks with chakras. The chakras launched into the next herd of monsters flew along bizarre trajectories, struck enemies with lightning and ice, and, having shredded the enemy, returned to their owner.

The fire chakram is a strong argument in a dispute with elves

Where else can you see chakra : in the cult 90s television series “Xena - Warrior Princess”, in the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India .

5. Thor's hammer Mjolnir, Marvel's Avengers game

Hammer in reality : another peaceful weapon, “called up” for military service. One step was taken from creation to destruction. In ancient times, when there were no traces of regular troops, it was the blacksmiths who marched in the front ranks against the next mischievous nomads. The blacksmith took his hammer with him to war. Later, with the advent of armor, the war hammer again proved its effectiveness: in order to calm a knight, it was not necessary to pierce the armor; the shock-crushing effect of the hammer was transmitted to the enemy’s body through chain mail and armor.

A real war hammer did not have as large a striker as Mjolnir.

With the development of weaponry, the striking part of the hammer became smaller, lighter and sometimes took the shape of a beak - to pierce armor. As for Mjolnir, the too short handle and heavy pommel were Loki’s tricks, so he wanted to make the hammer useless. But Thor did an excellent job with such weapons.

In Marvel's Avengers : in the action game from the famous studio Crystal Dynamics, Thor demonstrated the entire arsenal of techniques invented for him by comics guru Stan Lee in the 1960s. With his hammer, Thor caused electrical storms, with the help of Mjolnir he flew no worse than Tony Stark, and when thrown at the metal head of another aggressive robot, Mjolnir regularly returned to the owner’s hand. That is, Thor wielded his hammer in the most unrealistic way possible. And that's cool, because despite the criticism it deserved, Marvel's Avengers had a ton of excellent combat animation.

Thor can hit an opponent from a long distance

Where else can you see a war hammer : in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance , in Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide , in the Diablo and in several hundred other RPGs.

4. Cerberus Nunchakus, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Nunchakus in reality : the origin of this impact weapon is still controversial to this day. According to one version, this is a Japanese modification of a household grain flail. According to another, it is a product of Chinese weapons thought. Some researchers even claim that nunchucks appeared when riders defended themselves from robbers with wooden bits from horse harnesses.

Possession of such a weapon required considerable training, and those readers who have tried to twirl nunchucks at least once know that the main task here is not to injure yourself. But in the hands of a master, this is a terrible weapon, breaking bones and eliminating any recoil into the fighter’s hand (unlike a stick or bat).

Today, nunchucks have become training equipment and souvenirs.

The popularity of nunchucks came into popular culture with the films of Bruce Lee.

In Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening : the weapons of the half-demon Dante in no way resembled those sticks with which racketeers from the 90s walked around the ex-USSR. In DMC 3, the hero received “Cerberus” after defeating, in fact, the monstrous dog Cerberus (Cerberus, in our opinion). The defeated beast turned into a formidable flail with three shock segments. Dante showed a lot of spectacular combat choreography with such nunchucks. And taking into account the demonic setting, “Cerberus” in Dante’s hands also launched ice blocks at the enemy and could put up an ice shield.

Where else can you see nunchucks : in any game, movie or cartoon about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Michelangelo won't part with his nunchucks

3. Sai "Dystopia", the game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Sai in reality : a kind of dagger that came from the Asian region. It was essentially a reduced trident, where the middle prong was longer and resembled a dagger blade, although only the tip was sharpened. The side teeth were also sharpened and adapted for piercing blows. The purpose of the sai is to confront a more heavily armed opponent, a swordsman or a spearman. The shape of the trident made it possible to block and even snatch weapons from the hands of attackers.

Sai - dual weapon

Since the sai is good primarily for defense, police officers in Japan served with such weapons. In some ways, the sai is similar to a non-lethal object: the main, blunt part of the blade could be hit like a club. But modern laws of the Russian Federation clearly define such a half-meter stiletto-trident as a bladed weapon. You shouldn’t walk through the streets with a sai and shout “Kawabanga!” This won't end well.

In Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance : Cybernetic ninja Raiden unlocked a fantasy version of the sai after defeating the level boss Monsoon. Sai "Dystopia" converted the cyborg's energy into electric shocks. Raiden threw his sais at the target and could pull himself up after him. Real sai masters also used these weapons for throwing and even took a third one in addition to paired sais, for throwing. Raiden got by with just his sais; cyborgs have their own approach to martial arts.

We had to tinker with Monsoon and his sais

Where else can you see sais : in the Mortal Kombat . And in any game about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

2. Ivy's chainsword, Soulcalibur series

Reality Chainsword : May also be called a segmented or snake sword. It bears some resemblance to the urumi, an Indian flexible sword or belt sword. Parallels can also be drawn with the so-called “tooth chain”, where the links of an ordinary chain were sharpened.

But there is an important nuance here. If the urumi at one time was a real terrible murder weapon, a strip of flexible steel, then the chainsword by its design can exist and be used only in the space of mass culture - cinema and video games in the first place.

Such a sword could be worn as a belt

In the world of modern myths and fairy tales, the chainsword has fantastic qualities: its sharp segments stretch to incredible lengths, wrap around and attract the victim, and can carry the owner through traps and abysses. Gunsmiths in the real world do not claim such achievements, but Hollywood and game developers are haunted by the idea of ​​a chainsword: a flexible blade that divides into parts and comes back together appears on screens with enviable frequency.

In Soulcalibur : Ivy has become one of the most popular characters in the series. She even embarrassed many critics and forced them to write angry petitions - the lady looked too provocative with all her barely covered feminine charms. Such a fighter needed a unique weapon, and the elastic segmented sword became it.

Ivy distracts the enemy. With a sword? Yeah, with a sword

Considering that many Soulcalibur characters swung heavy, sharpened objects, while losing speed and mobility, Ivy looked especially advantageous with her blade. A set of fast attacks at a decent distance made Ivy popular among fans of the genre.

Where else can you see a chainsword : in the film “Brotherhood of the Wolf”, in the cartoon “Raya and the Last Dragon”, in the games Collapse and Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones .

1. Ax “Leviathan”, game God of War (2018)

Battle ax in reality : since in the old days a regular army did not appear immediately and not for everyone, feudal lords and other warlike citizens quickly recruited ordinary peasants for war. A sword for such soldiers was an unimaginable luxury, and the men armed themselves with spears and axes. An ax could be found in any farmstead, so they appeared very often during the war.

Purely military versions of the ax were often “pumped up” by adding a beak-peck to the butt for breaking through armor or a hook for pulling off horsemen.

The ax as a tool for all occasions appeared at the dawn of civilization, when stone was considered the coolest material. Over the course of its evolution, the battle ax has taken many forms: two-handed and one-handed, with one blade and two, and a throwing version.

Nowadays, some companies manufacture and successfully sell tactical axes and tomahawks with plastic handles; these can be used to chop firewood and ward off a wolf.

Modern tomahawks

In God of War : Kratos went into Scandinavian mythology for permanent residence. Buried the Blades of Chaos for the time being and mastered the axe. The legendary dwarven blacksmiths Brok and Sindri forged this unique magical weapon called the Leviathan. The aged Kratos liked the ax: a heavy weapon for powerful blows. Cold magic helped defeat enemies and solve puzzles by freezing cunning mechanisms. But the Leviathan throwing mechanics were especially well implemented. The ax flew right to the target, and with the press of one button it returned to Kratos’ hand. Moreover, on the way back he could kill the monster that survived the first throw. And of course, the Scandinavian magic runes endowed the Leviathan with new qualities, for example, the ability to launch a deadly ice shaft in the direction of the enemy.

Kratos gives frosty freshness

Where else can you see a battle ax : in films about Middle-earth, in the games Golden Ax , Desperado , Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice .


Zweihander means “two-handed” in German, it was huge, so it was held with two hands. It was more than two meters long, weighed a couple of kilograms and was worn on the shoulder. These huge swords appeared at a time when the size of weapons greatly increased, they were mainly used against spears and other sharp weapons. Although the zweihander's blade was sharp on both sides, its main advantage in battle was its great weight.


Katanas are one of the strongest and sharpest blades, they were primarily the weapons of samurai, they can be called “samurai swords”. But in fact, there are several types of katanas. One way or another, they are especially famous for their quality, this is the result of centuries-old Japanese traditions, which remove all unnecessary impurities from the steel and, accordingly, make the blade stronger. The design of katanas depends on the purpose, but in general, they all have a sharp edge, and the core of the blade is usually softer and more flexible. These katanas are strong and flexible enough to withstand even the heaviest blows and are often very fast, taking more than two weeks to polish.



Fencing with two rapiers against a rapier and a shield.


  • Fencing with rapiers and daggers was described by Shakespeare in Hamlet. It is mentioned that Laertes' weapons are a rapier and a dagger, but it is not said whether Hamlet himself has a dagger, so its presence depends on the director.


  • “Archmage” by A. Rudazov - Logmir Two-Armed It was precisely for the ability to fight with two swords at the same time that he received his nickname.
  • “The Lord of Mars” by E. Barrows is the signature style of the Martians of the yellow race, fighting with two swords, curved and straight. Four-armed green Martians, at least in illustrations, are often depicted with several swords.
  • “Wolfhound” - covering the Knesinka’s retreat, the main character confronts several dozen robbers, armed with a sword and knife, and even helps himself with his feet and elbows. It turns out so deadly that enemies are not sure whether the person in front of them is even human.
  • “The Carp and the Dragon” by H. L. Oldie - after the merciful (perhaps too merciful) Buddha Amida granted Japan fukkatsu, the instant reincarnation of the murdered in the body of a murderer, military weapons became a thing of the past forever. Now the samurai's weapon is not a katana and a wakizashi, but two whips, a long and a short one. “Raised from Paradise” (cycle “The Abyss of Hungry Eyes”) by the same authors - Bax, a karate master, uses paired European sickles in the manner of Okinawan kama to protect himself and his companions. And the attackers understand why Sensei Baksa once used to say: “Kama is the blade with which death is shaved when it is planning a holiday...”
  • "Tolkien's Legendarium" - Balrogs use a multi-tailed fiery scourge as their main weapon, and can also hold a sword, ax or mace in their second hand. In The Lord of the Rings, the Balrog, for example, used a fiery sword as a second weapon.
  • "A Song of Ice and Fire" - It is mentioned that the mercenary Bronn can fight with a sword in each hand. As the chieftain of the Stone Crow clan, Shagga carries a club in his right hand and an ax in his left (later two axes and another spare).
  • "The Malazan Book of the Fallen" - Silkas Ruin, brother of Anomander Rake. Tiste Andi is an albino who uses twin swords as weapons.
  • “River Kui. A violent strongman who fights with two axes.
  • "The Saga of Drizzt" by R. Salvatore - the title character, the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden, is a master of combat with two scimitars (they have names - Flickering and Ice Death).
  • “It’s hard to be a god” - Don Rumata, aka the earthly scientist Anton, who collects materials about the life of society on an alien planet, does not just carry two swords. He also uses Earth fencing techniques, which are much more advanced than those known in Arkanar.
  • “The Secret City” by V. Panov - four-armed chameleon marshals of the Great House of Chud go into battle with a sword in each hand. At annual tournaments they also fight with a blade in each hand. When they work as hired killers, they sometimes replace swords with other weapons, even firearms, but they invariably use all their hands.
  • “Tina Headis” by Anton Orlov - for the final battle with the remnants of the Igrek Office, the main character came out with two large swords made of awesomely durable plastic - just the thing against the combat cyborg and psionic Marshal. Since Tina Hadis herself was an even cooler combat cyborg (and also a bit psionic [2]), the rest of the Office’s fighters were cut to pieces so quickly and bloodily that the Marshal himself, instead of fighting, fled in horror, taking one assistant.
  • Comics[edit]

    • “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” - of the turtles, only Donatello does not use dual weapons, because his weapon is two-handed.
    • Marvel: Nightcrawler can fence not only with both hands at once, but also help himself with his tail, in which a dagger is clamped.
    • Deadpool is a big fan of using a variety of weapons in duplicate.
    • Electra uses two sais as weapons.


    • "V is for Vendetta." V can both cut with two daggers at once, and throw them from both hands in twos, or even more.
    • “The Lord of the Rings” - in the film, many characters can fight like this, including those whose similar skills were not mentioned in the books. Gandalf fights against the orcs in Moria with a sword and a staff, Aragorn defeats the highly flammable Nazgul with a sword and a torch, Legolas sometimes trades his bow with two daggers, Gimli is seen with two axes, and even Sam once successfully wielded not only a sword, but also... a frying pan. The situation is the same in The Hobbit: Thorin with a sword and an axe, Dwalin with two axes, Fili with two swords. This doesn't seem to be the case in the book.
  • “Another World” - vampires fight against werewolves with two chopping whips.
  • The “Forbidden Kingdom” is actually the Golden Sparrow and is depicted in the illustration for this article.
  • “Defenders” are sickle-shaped blades with which Khan masterfully cuts. They can also be combined into one double-edged sword.
  • “Star Wars” - some craftsmen can use branded Jedi lightsabers this way. There is even a style for wielding two swords called Jar'Kai. Anakin cannot be called a special skill in such a fight, but in “Revenge of the Sith” he beheads Dooku with two swords at once, like scissors. And General Grievous can fence with four hands at once, according to the number of hands.
  • “The Matrix Reloaded” - during a fight with the Merovingian guards, Neo manages to use many of the weapons hanging on the walls, including two sais and two swords.
  • “Mongol” - Temujin’s riders rush into a victorious attack with sabers at the ready in both hands, and while they get to the enemy this way, it looks very cool and ominous - but when the warriors of this very enemy behave like suicides, charging at these sabers, the scene turns into distilled Baphos-Nezhdanchik triple distillation.
  • "The Mummy Returns" - a scene of fencing with dual sais. In ancient Egypt, if anything, sais were never found, either as a pitchfork or as a weapon.
  • “Three Hundred Spartans” - “Immortals” fight with two scimitars (this was not the case in the comics - they were armed with spears and shields).
  • Hellboy - Karl Ruprecht Kroenen uses two strange blades with perpendicular handles, like a tonfa or a police baton.
  • “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” - the White Witch, aka Jadis, in the final battle first wields a sword and a magic wand (which turns to stone when touched), and then bravely wields two swords.
  • TV series[edit]

    • “Xena, Warrior Princess” - this happened a few times. I immediately remember the sais that Gabriel wields in the fifth and sixth seasons (for Greece, no less exotic a weapon than for Egypt), as well as Xena’s fight with the evil queen of the Amazons, Melosa, using small twin clubs.

    Animated series[edit]

    • RWBY - quite common: Blake from the title four wields a sword and a sharpened scabbard; her friend's sister Winter uses classic paired swords (in the 3rd season - a sword and a dagger); the henchwoman of the main villain, Cinder, summons obsidian blades (and in the flashback she was armed with paired sabers that fold into a bow).
    • Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Asajj Ventress always fights with two lightsabers. In the 2008 series, Anakin's padawan, Ahsoka, uses the so-called as a second weapon from the middle of the series. shoto (short light blade). In Rebels, Ahsoka carries a full sword instead of a Shoto. In some episodes, Anakin (against Barris Offee) and Darth Sidious (against Darth Maul, also armed with two swords (his own and the Mandalorian Dark Sword) and Savage Opress) easily wield two swords. Separately, we can mention the four-armed besalisk Pong Krell with two double-bladed swords.

    Anime and manga[edit]

    • Alderamin of the Sky - Yatori Igsem fights with a saber and dagger: this is the heirloom fighting style of the noble Igsem family.
    • Black Butler is a traditional demon butler martial art. In the right hand there are three table knives held between the fingers, in the left hand there are forks, everything is according to etiquette (forks block the enemy’s weapon, like a saiami).
    • Claymore - Ondine is armed with two awesomely large swords. For a second - two heavy pieces of metal approximately the size of the two-handed knights from the city behind the wall in the third Dark Souls.
    • "Hellsing" - Father Alexander Anderson, paladin and captain of the Catholic death squads. This one also manages to hold several knives in each hand.
    • Kikou Kai Galient - The mech of the captain of the guard of Emperor Marder Hai Shallata is armed with two huge axes, and the captain wields these weapons very deftly.
    • Re Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Devil swordsman Wilhelm van Astrea prefers to use dual swords in battle. And he usually carries a lot more weapons with him.
    • Sword Art Online - in fact, Kirito received the lion's share of fame among SAO players precisely because he was able to fight with two swords at once, thanks to a unique skill.
    • "Demon Slayer Blade" - Oni hunter Inosuke Hashibira uses two katanas with jagged blades as weapons. Hunter Tengen Uzui, Pillar of Sound, also uses two massive blades connected to each other by a chain through the handles.
    • “Princess Mononoke” - while fighting the wolf princess, Lady Eboshi confidently works with a sword and a small dagger. Although, first of all, she is still a shooter.

    Video games[edit]

    • Bloodrayne - the main character's wrist blades. By the way, since you don’t need to hold them with your fingers, you can also pick up a pistol in each hand.
    • Bloodborne - although it is assumed that the player character will fight mainly with a sword and a pistol, a couple of weapons are the subject of this article. These are the burial blades in the main game and the rakuyo from the expansion. Both of these weapons split into two blades in their alternate form.
    • Dark Souls - in the second part, a fighting stance appeared that allows you to strike with both blades at once, but requires significant investments in strength and dexterity. In the third part, paired blades appeared instead of a stand.
    • Diablo II - the barbarian can fencing with at least two two-handed weapons, and the assassin in the add-on uses two wrist blades. In the third game, the barbarian's abilities became more modest; he still uses two weapons, but only one-handed ones. And the wrist blades were given to the monk.
  • Dragon Age - In the first part, fencing with two swords is one of the abilities of a warrior and a robber that can be developed. Starting from the second part, the developers removed it for warriors.
  • Dragon Quest XI - Most characters have this ability in their skill tree.
  • Dungeon Siege II - Princess Evangelina has this ability from the very moment she is taken into the squad, which increases her survivability (alas, in other respects she is not the best fighter, if we compare with Sartan, Lothar, and even more so the main character, if he decided to become an expert melee).
  • Heroes of Might & Magic:
      Among six-armed nagas, ordinary individuals use two sabers, and queens use all six. Apparently, in order not to get confused in them, truly royal coordination is required.
  • Thieves (or Robbers, depending on the translation) are armed with a sword and a dagger.
  • In the Five there are dwarven berserkers with paired brass knuckles with blades.
  • Kingdom Rush - typical for local elves (especially twilight ones). The latter also have blades of wildly unique shapes.
  • Kingdom Hearts - Roxas uses two key swords at once in battle. And in the second part, the main character Sora himself can do this by activating the drive form of Courage.
  • Mortal Kombat is not uncommon: for example, Kabal uses wrist blades, Mileena uses sais, and Kitana uses battle fans (exotic but real weapons).
  • Nioh - it is possible to use the “nito-ryu” technique and fight with two katanas.
  • StarCraft - wrist psi-blades of the Protoss Zealots.
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - After losing his first lightsaber, Jaden Korr gains the ability to use both dual lightsabers and a double-bladed saber. And in general, many students of Luke Academy and followers of the cult of Mark Ragnos use twin lightsabers as weapons.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dovahkiin can fight with two swords and develop this skill (requires a fair amount of stamina).
  • “The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings” - many witchers from the school of the Snake use twin blades, unlike witchers of other schools.
  • Board games[edit]

    • 7th Sea - among the numerous fencing schools, Valro and Amborgia teach simultaneous use of a sword and a dag (and the latter hold a sword in the left hand and a dagger in the right).
    • Dungeons & Dragons - you can fencing with two weapons at once, however, with a penalty on the attack (however, the penalties can be eliminated by properly “leveling up” the character). One of the options for developing the ranger class allows you to fencing with two blades without penalties (the aforementioned Drizzt was a ranger of exactly this type). Other characters can take feats to mitigate or remove penalties for dual-weapon combat.
    • "Warhammer Fantasy Battles" - many people. Dwarven Assassins and Norsca berserkers use two axes, Dark Elven witches, some shadows and wood elf war dancers use two swords. Ushebti and the guards of the tombs of the Tomb Kings too. Etc.


    • Amon Amarth — “Valhall Awaits Me”: “I drop the shield and grub me axe, / A weapon in each fist”…
    • "Va-Bank" - "Black Banner". The anarchist protagonist fights off both the Reds and the Whites with both hands at once: “In his right hand he plays with a saber, / In his left hand his tassel cuts through the air”...

    Real life[edit]

    • Ancient Roman gladiators of the "dimacher" class, who fought with two short swords and in armor, were considered very dangerous opponents. There were also retiarii with a trident and a net and laqueators with a spear and lasso - the second weapon of these classes was used to confuse the enemy.
    • In European sword fencing, the dagger dagger at some time replaced the previously used fist shield. Daga was used mainly for parrying blows and pinching the enemy blade. But, if the fight turned into a clinch, in which you couldn’t really swing the sword, then they beat you with a daga. A type of daga is a dagger-sword. The blunt side of the blade looked like a comb, between the teeth of which the enemy’s sword was caught.
    • The Florentine fencing school practiced fencing with two swords!


    Helicopter people. Many wield one saber, but there are also plenty of illustrations for the topic of the article. Including women's versions.

    • Among various Cossacks, flanking with two sabers is common. It looks cool as a dance, but how applicable it is in battle is unclear. Most likely, it is not applicable in any way: in any case, combat flanking was not mentioned in any historical sources about real Cossacks until the fashion for twirling with sabers began in the 2000s. Strictly speaking, the current flanking is an overly overcomplicated conventional training technique for cutting weapons, known in fencing as moulinettes (aka floss, aka “mills”). And the real historical Russian Cossack technique of the saber is akin to the Japanese yai-jutsu: a quick grab and a decisive blow, without any torsion (it was the Caucasians who loved fencing with a saber, and usually with a steel fist shield-brass knuckles in the left hand).
    • In the east there was this too - samurai fencing with a katana and wakizashi called "nito-ryu", founded by the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. By Japanese standards, Miyamoto Musashi was a big guy, and therefore could afford it. True, there is still a lot of controversy about whether the short sword (or long dagger - the European classification for weapons of East Asia “stretches” poorly) was a full-fledged dual weapon, or was used even by masters more as a “weapon of last chance.”
    • Paired sai, paired jutte and sai-jutte combination. This type of weapon is convenient for capturing an enemy blade, so they used two of them - one caught the sword, the second counterattacked.
    • Paired kama sickles in Okinawa were used as paired claws - both identical and of different sizes. In Japan itself, this option was not popular, but they loved the gusari-kama version - made from a chain with a sinker attached to the handle of the kama.
    • Paired tonfas - in the same Okinawa.
    • Paired butterfly swords in the South China Sea are two short heavy cutlasses with guards, very convenient because, unlike long swords, they do not interfere with each other, and very practical in boarding combat, where a long sword cannot be swung. Well, paired swords and falchons - paired jian and paired dao in China, as well as in Korea and Southeast Asia. There are also all sorts of exotic things, like paired brass knuckles with blades of varying degrees of pretentiousness.

    Executioner's Sword

    Until the 16th century, ordinary swords were used for executions, until special swords for executioners appeared. They spread throughout Europe, and only in England did they use axes. The swords were two-handed, with mutually sharp blades blunted at the end. These instruments of justice were decorated with symbolic signs, including images of Christ and moralizing inscriptions. On one German sword it was written: “By raising this sword, I wish that this sinner would be given eternal life!” The three holes at the tip are also very curious, either they prevented the execution sword from being turned into a regular military weapon, or they were needed to add weight and a heavy blow, or they emitted a whistle for added effect.

    Steel arms. Chinese shuangou paired swords

    As a rule, this weapon was associated with the traditions of northern wushu schools, but today it is studied and practiced also in southern styles. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the time of the appearance of the sword. At the same time, the range of periods most often mentioned in connection with the appearance of shuangou is quite large: the period of the Warring States is also mentioned, that is, as far back as the 5th-3rd centuries BC, but the period of the Song Dynasty is also noted, and this is already the 10th-13th centuries. ad.

    Paired hooks with a “phoenix beak”
    At the same time, most of the available examples of these weapons and their images date back at the earliest to the end of the Qing era (XVII - early XX centuries), or even later. However, it was rarely used for its intended purpose, judging by the fact that there are quite a few swords on which traces of real battles remained.

    Shuangou (tiger head paired hooks)

    It is assumed that the shuangou appeared as some modification of the famous straight sword jian. First, a hook was added to the straight blade near its end, after which a closed guard was formed. The sharp end of the sword was then replaced by the hook itself, and the sword was called the "tiger head twin hooks", while its predecessor was compared to the beak of a phoenix. Shuangou is a rather large sword: it was about a meter long - 92.64 cm, while the length of the guard (crescent) was about 22 cm.

    Shuangou rather appeared as a modification of the jian straight sword

    The hook of a sword, sharpened, as a rule, only on the outside, makes it possible to deliver not only chopping and cutting blows. Its internal part (blunt) can be used to cling to the enemy, to capture his different parts of the body; block and completely pull out the weapon, well, and if the inner part of the blade is sharpened, then, like a sickle, cut off the legs. At the same time, using blades in pairs allows you to effectively alternate a series of blocks and attacks with different hands. Therefore, mastering shuangou requires excellent dexterity, coordination and flexibility.

    Moreover, by fastening the hooks together, an experienced master can, like an ax, attack the enemy with a sickle-shaped guard or a knife perched at the end of the handle. The guard, in turn, is ideal for striking in close combat and serves as a replacement for brass knuckles. The knife at the end of the shuangou is also very effective for delivering a stabbing blow if the enemy comes to a distance that is inconvenient for attacking with a long blade. At the same time, they could, for example, finish off an enemy who was knocked to the ground with a hook.

    Shuangou, however, had a noticeable drawback. Due to its shape, this sword did not have a sheath. He had to be carried simply in his hands, at most - on his back with the help of various belts and brackets. Armed, as a rule, with several types of weapons, the soldiers did not have paired hooks in their arsenal, preferring a dao attached to their belt.

    Due to their shape, the paired hooks did not have sheaths; they were worn in the hands or behind the back

    But in the list of the main classical weapons of the Shaolin monks, shuangou found a place. Indeed, this sword was more of a monk's weapon than a soldier's. However, it is interesting that it was considered one of the most variable, allowing for various combinations of attacks. Therefore, it is not surprising that today performance with shuangou is one of the most spectacular types in sports wushu.

    Butterfly swords

    They are sometimes called knives because of their short length, but in reality they are much worse than knives. Butterfly swords are as long as a human forearm and are usually used in pairs, which is probably where their beautiful name comes from. They are also easy to hide and are used in Chinese martial arts for close combat. Traditionally, swords are sharpened from the middle to the tip, while the lower part remains blunt and can be used to strike. The guard is made in such a way that it protects the owner’s hand and, if necessary, can replace brass knuckles, and on the inside it has a protrusion that can be used to hook an enemy’s weapon.

    Use [edit]

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    "Hook Sword" - news
    (September 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

    Hook sword techniques are taught in northern schools such as Northern Shaolin and Seven Star Mantis, as well as some southern arts schools such as Choy Lei Fut. Modern methods of using hook swords are often very flamboyant and can include techniques such as linking dual weapons together and using them as one long, flexible weapon. Most procedures are performed by one person. Some Baguazhang schools also teach similar weapons, which are often called "deer antler knives" or "mandarin duck knives." These weapons typically have a much shorter or no main hook, and instead focus on various cutting and piercing blades located around the guard. Due to the varying projections and high likelihood of accidental snagging or stabbing, they are almost never used in sparring and are rarely used in two-person exercises.

    Cane sword

    The cane-sword is a thing with a curious history; such swords appeared at the end of the 18th century and were a fashion accessory. At that time, it became indecent to carry a sword even at court, and many found an ideal hiding place for their blades. Elegant walking sticks are more than just an accessory. Sword canes were and are used as weapons of self-defense and, by the way, they are still popular. For example, you can now find many sword canes on the Internet, despite the fact that they are banned in many countries.

    Background [edit]

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    "Hook Sword" - news
    (September 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

    It is difficult to find reliable information about hooked swords. [ citation needed

    ] Although sometimes referred to as ancient weapons and described as dating to the Song Dynasty and Warring States era or even earlier, most ancient examples and artistic depictions are from the late Qing era or later, suggesting that they are in fact a relatively recent design. They were also exclusively civilian weapons and did not appear on any of the official lists of Chinese weapons. Surviving pointed examples indicate actual use as weapons, but their rarity and the preparation required to use them strongly suggest that they were rarely used as such.

    Sword gun

    They have been trying to combine firearms and bladed weapons since the days of muskets; both types of weapons were used simultaneously, so these attempts are not surprising. The first swords and pistols appeared already in the 16th century; they were especially loved by pirates, who used them during boarding. However, such weapons were liked not only by pirates, but also by aristocrats. True, pistol swords also had disadvantages; the blade interfered with the barrel and vice versa. The result was an awkward sword and a very heavy pistol.

    Shuang-gou - hook sword

    Probably only China can boast the largest variety of swords. In medieval Europe there were also plenty of swords, only according to Oakeshott’s typology there were more than twenty types and subspecies. But the European sword is a straight double-edged blade, a simple crosshair and a straight hilt. With slight variations in proportions, without much change over several centuries.

    And China? Jiang Sword, countless Shaolin swords and Wu-Shu family schools. But the most characteristic, the most memorable is probably the Shuang Gou - the hook sword . In addition to the fact that the toe of this sword was bent by a hook, its hilt itself was a multi-bladed weapon. Instead of a pommel, the handle was crowned with a dagger blade, and the handle itself was covered, like a guard, with a sickle-shaped blade. All this variety of blades made it possible to work both at a long distance and up close. With a dagger handle you can hit with reverse movements, with a sickle - with a guard, you can not only cut the enemy, but also hit with brass knuckles. Such a complex handle did not allow intercepting the shuang gou , and there was no need for this - many blades, even without interceptions, made it possible to strike the enemy in any direction, with any part of the weapon. The toe - hook of the sword made it possible not only to hit with chopping or cutting movements, but also to catch the enemy, grab limbs, cut, clamp and block the weapon, or even pull it out. The result is that you have not one, but three weapons in your hands. But all this required excellent coordination and flexibility. Here are some options for using Shuang Gou : The enemy strikes (vertical upward or downward, side). Having caught the enemy's weapon in the cross of blades, you continue moving, crossing them and pulling them towards you. As a result, the enemy’s weapon breaks or, at the very least, flies out of his hands. And it’s scary to imagine what will happen if a hand gets caught in such scissors. Another option is to attack the enemy again. Slide the enemy steel along the shuang gou and with a quick circular motion catch it in the clamp of the hook and the main blade and pull it down. This allows you to change position (if necessary) and attack with your second hand. Again, pushing through the enemy, holding his weapon, you, with a counter movement, expose the pommel of the handle with a dagger blade. Your target becomes the throat, and when squatting on your knee - from the groin to the enemy’s foot. Or a blow with a sickle handle while pulling the hook across the ribs.

    Naturally, such a sword did not have a scabbard as such. Swords - hooks were simply carried in the hands, but sometimes there was a staple-like clamp secured to the back with straps or a silk belt. Placed into it with the handles up, the shuang gou was taken out with a simple sideways movement. Almost flat swords - hooks (of the protruding parts of swords, only the rag or leather wrapping of the handle can be called) could be held in one hand at the beginning of the fight, and during the battle, take a blade in each hand.

    To this day, Shuang Gou is one of the weapons of sports Wu-Shu. The most striking of the entire variety of the U-SHU arsenal. Performances with them are captivating with their entertainment and complexity of movements.

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    This sword is the Muslim Excalibur, the most famous of the nine swords of the Prophet Muhammad and the only one lost. The zulfiqar was probably a scimitar with a forked blade; the origins of this design are not exactly known, but a forked edge does not benefit the sword. According to one legend, the blade is shaped like a snake's tongue, always aimed at the enemy's eye. The name of the sword can also suggest the answer; in Arabic, zulfiqar means “splitter of ridges.” There are several options for what this famous sword could have looked like and they all look very unusual.

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