Silent special forces weapons: “Val” assault rifle and “Vintorez” sniper rifle

Gyrojet MkI

The Girojet Mk I jet pistol was created by the American company MBA as a new generation of individual weapons - minimal recoil, the ability to shoot even under water, noiselessness.
Perfect. It would seem, what could go wrong? No, with low noise, everything was really in order - a shot of a reactive bullet instead of the “bang!” characteristic of conventional pistols. sounded like the short hiss of a punctured tire. But the problem is that at a short distance the rocket bullet did not have time to gain enough energy to reliably hit the target. Maximum speed could only be achieved at a distance of about 20 meters from the shooter. At a greater range, the stabilization of the micro-missile by rotation due to the nozzles beveled in the radial direction was frankly insufficient, and the shooting accuracy was, to put it mildly, disappointing.

Girojet Mk1 Model B 13 mm

Add to this a high percentage of misfires... as a result, the Girojet very quickly moved from the category of “weapons of the future” to the category of “curiosities of the recent past.”

The history of the creation of “silent” weapons

The very first attempts to create a device to reduce shooting noise were made a couple of years after the invention of smokeless gunpowder. Since the appearance of the shot had disappeared, it became necessary to reduce the sound. The first suppressors came out at about the same time. Registered in Sweden in 1894. In 1898 it was invented by France. In 1899, Denmark patented its multi-chamber suppressor. But for mass production, a device was used that was patented by British gunsmiths at the beginning of the 20th century.

Scout Shooting Knife

The Soviet shooting knife NRS is a rather mysterious phenomenon. Of course, it is quite reliable and almost silent - thanks to the use of special cartridges with cut-off of powder gases in the cartridge case. But in what situation was it supposed to be used for shooting?

As the American Marines say, “everything worth a shot is worth two.” In the USSR, by the time the NRS was created, double-barreled pistols MSP (small-sized special silent) chambered for a similar SP-3 cartridge had already appeared, and the improved NRS-2 knife was created for the SP-4 cartridge, which was used in the six-shot PSS pistol. To be honest, the NRS, even as a knife, was so-so, but as a shooting device it was even worse: it’s inconvenient to aim, reloading after each shot is long and inconvenient, and the cartridge is quite weak for reliably hitting the enemy (so that “without noise and shouting” ) requires a very precise hit in place.

Silent special forces weapons: “Val” assault rifle and “Vintorez” sniper rifle

This program became one of the last successful developments of domestic gunsmiths of the Soviet period - and it is already being used in Russian reality.

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The beginning of the 80s of the last century was accompanied by a large number of military conflicts, in which Soviet military experts officially and secretly took part. Every Soviet person knew about Afghanistan, but very little was said about the wars in Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and other countries in Africa and Asia.

The Soviet Union actively helped developing countries gain independence from their former metropolises, supplying them with small arms and other weapons. Until now, in these countries, even a child knows about the Kalashnikov assault rifle, and some countries and groups have even placed this legendary weapon on their official flags.

Replacement legend

Nevertheless, the experience of combat operations in populated areas demonstrated a number of shortcomings of the AK-74, which were expressed in a large number of ricochets and low penetrating power - because body armor appeared everywhere. The Soviet leadership prepared an order for the production of more powerful weapons that would provide the soldiers of Soviet units with an advantage in direct confrontation with the enemy.

Development dragged on for several years, as those in charge delayed for a long time with the technical specifications for the designers. They wanted to simultaneously receive a sniper rifle, a machine gun and a pistol, which would be unified to use the same cartridges; at the same time, customers could not decide on the minimum power of ammunition.

The fact is that it was during this period that the passive protection of body armor was constantly being strengthened, and every year it was necessary to deal with more durable armor. If the technical specifications for the sniper rifle were determined back in 1983, then for the assault rifle - only by 1985.

Serdyukov's integrated approach

The development of a new weapons project was entrusted to the famous designer of TsNIITochmash Pyotr Serdyukov , who, in the shortest possible time, presented the VSS “Vintorez” silent sniper rifle, as well as the “Val” silent special machine gun and the PSS “Vul” special self-loading pistol.

Self-loading special pistol PSS "Vul". wikipedia

All these three types of small arms had the same caliber and used special 9x39 mm cartridges for firing. Depending on the charge power, the ammunition was named SP-5 and SP-6 (armor-piercing). At one time, a cheaper armor-piercing cartridge PAB-9 was also produced, which had to be abandoned due to design flaws. As a bonus, Serdyukov presented the NRS-2 “Vzmakh” reconnaissance shooting knife, capable of hitting enemies with 7.62 mm ammunition.

NRS-2 “Vzmakh” reconnaissance shooting knife. wikipedia

All presented weapons were highly appreciated by experts and are currently used in various units of the Russian Armed Forces, the FSB, the Russian Guard and the FSO.

Particular attention was paid to Vintorez and Val, whose designs turned out to be 70% similar to each other. In combat conditions, this is very important and allows you to quickly assemble a weapon hybrid from available spare parts, capable of effectively firing at the enemy. If the magazine of a sniper rifle is designed for 10 rounds, then the “Val” assault rifle is designed for 20. At the same time, the fighter has the opportunity to use both types of magazines when shooting.

High destructive power of the bullet

Already in 1987, new types of small arms began to enter service with the special forces of the USSR, and with its collapse, the Russian Federation. A certain number of AS "Val" and VSS "Vintorez" are still in service with the armies of Kazakhstan, Armenia and Georgia.

A bullet of a special cartridge with a steel core SP-5 at a distance of 100 meters easily pierces a steel sheet 6 mm thick, and for the armor-piercing cartridge SP-6 even 8 millimeters of steel will not be an obstacle. There are known cases when shots from Vintorez using the SP-6 cartridge stopped and disabled even lightly armored vehicles.

Special sniper rifle VSS “Vintorez”. wikipedia

Effective shooting from both types of weapons can be carried out from a distance of up to 400 meters, which is not a particularly high indicator, but more than enough for special operations in the city.

That is why “Val” and “Vintorez” gained enormous popularity among special forces soldiers. They went through both Chechen wars and the conflict in South Ossetia, demonstrating high efficiency due to the ability to conduct silent shooting. The built-in silencer simultaneously functions as a flame arrester, making rifle and machine gun shots fired at night completely invisible to the enemy.

Weapon problems

The main disadvantage of this weapon - besides the relatively short firing range - is the use of special cartridges, the number of which is limited, according to experts. But this does not play a special role when conducting special operations, since they, as a rule, are fleeting.

A much bigger problem was the difficulty of aiming due to the large steepness of the bullet’s flight path. It is because of this that we had to abandon the use of the super-powerful armor-piercing cartridge PAB-9, which has a bullet mass of about 17 grams (in standard SP-5 and SP-6 16.1 grams).

But the designers have provided for the possibility of installing various optical devices on the Vintorez, including collimator sights, which makes the use of these sniper rifles very effective when carrying out operations to free hostages and in ensuring the security of the country's leadership during public events.

AS "Val" assault rifle with folded stock. wikipedia

Tactical flashlights are connected to the Val machine guns, allowing targeted fire at the enemy hiding in dilapidated buildings and basements. A powerful beam instantly picks out the target, first blinding it with its powerful light. The Russian special forces soldier can only neutralize it with accurate fire.

Today, 9-mm Val assault rifles and Vintorez sniper rifles are the basis of the small arms of Russian special forces, although they are already beginning to be replaced by the more powerful ASh-12 and VSSK Vykhlop, which have a caliber of 12.7 mm.

Roman Zablotsky

machine gun voenkor Interesting history Russian weapons

Performance characteristics

The table shows the main parameters and potential of the Vintorez sniper rifle

Weight without attachments. kg 2,5
Weight of night vision sight, kg2,1
Weight of the optical sight, kg0,58
Caliber, mm9
Length VSS, mm894
Length of optics with eye device and lens hood, mm375
Length of night optics with aperture, mm340
Shooting modesautomatic, single
Amount of ammunition in the magazine, cartridges pcs.10
Starting bullet speed m/s300
Maas cartridge, g23,5
Bullet weight, g16
Chuck length, mm56
Penetration capacity of steel sheet 4 mm/m400
Penetration ability of body armor 6B2/m400

Lethal force and effective range

The striking force of the 6P29 weapon is capable of penetrating a steel shelter more than 2mm thick from a distance of 500m and defeating a hiding enemy. The SP5 cartridge is capable of this.

The technical characteristics of the SP6 cartridge increase this figure by 20-25%. A long sighting range was not pursued by the designers; the main goal was to ensure the rifle was silent. Silent shooting is necessary for the stealth of scouts and attack aircraft. The maximum engagement distance in special operations usually does not exceed 300 meters.

Although it seems possible to hit the hull with Vintorez from a longer distance. Additional sighting systems are designed for a maximum distance of up to 500 meters, which is confirmed by tests.

Does this project have a future?

Most likely the project has a future; the Vintorez folding sniper rifle does. There are no worthy analogues in terms of cost and simplified automation scheme yet. We are talking specifically about close combat, since at long range the primacy remains with the SVD.

Despite its small ammunition capacity, the silent rifle firmly occupies the niche of sabotage and reconnaissance weapons. Participation in military conflicts over the past 30 years characterize the rifle vehicle as very reliable. The fighters who used it more than once even gave it a nickname - silent death.

When leaving on a mission, a scout will most likely want to take the Vintorez VSS with him.


The VSS received its first baptism of fire in the Afghan War, where it gained a reputation as a reliable small arms for reconnaissance and attack aircraft. Soldiers' stories tell of the miracles of a silent liquidator during close combat.

In one of these clashes, a special forces group eliminated five Mujahideen, having previously eliminated the patrolmen. After completing the task, the group quietly left.

Taking down a sentry with a silent rifle is much more effective than throwing a knife or shooting a crossbow.

After the end of the war in Afghanistan and a short four-year break, the rifle took part in two Chechen military campaigns that took place from 1994 to 2000.

Not only special forces soldiers, but also motorized rifle soldiers spoke well of the rifle. One of the commanders of a motorized rifle unit, with the rank of major, considers the VSS a good addition to the main armament based on personal experience.

The major said that he carried the VSS on his back and, if necessary, could destroy the enemy with a silent shot without detecting the entire group. In one of these situations, he managed to eliminate six enemy personnel.

The rest fled, abandoning 10 Kalashnikov assault rifles, a Dragunov sniper rifle, zinc with ammunition and mines.

Despite positive reviews, the silent machine is unable to outperform all analogue small arms. "Vintorez" is a rifle designed for assault, sabotage and reconnaissance operations.

It will ideally preserve the fighter’s secrecy without giving away his location. The potential of the weapon is not designed for prolonged combat.

Vintorez is not used in civilian life, as it is a special-purpose weapon. On its basis, game analogues were created for fans of this weapon and military-style outdoor activities.

There are several types of tactical competitions where you can see the BCC layout in action:

  • Paintball
  • Airsoft
  • Laser tag

You can view and purchase the most similar version of the BCC in specialized sports stores.

Rifle equipment

Each unit of the BCC small arms includes a kit for caring for the body and cleaning the barrel.

The ZIP-0 kit includes the following items:

  • Ramrod
  • Oil can
  • Scraper
  • Knife
  • 5 magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds each
  • Belt
  • Accessory (case for listed objects)

The silent VSS has a tactical set of equipment for carrying. When disassembled, it fits into a backpack, which is equipped for a fighter.

The dismantled Vintorez does not take up much space in the equipment of a soldier preparing to carry out a mission. The components are easily removed from a portable backpack or case, after which the weapon is assembled in a matter of seconds.

Carrying and stowing kit consists of:

  • VSS carrying backpack
  • Optical backpack
  • Belt for carrying stores.

History of development

In Russia, the first patented suppressor appeared in 1916, thanks to the developments of the gunsmith-engineer A. Ertel. But it couldn’t get much demand, since it was used preferably for an artillery gun. But the device gained its greatest popularity around 1920, due to its popularity not with the military, but with hunters. They were the very first to realize the importance of silent shooting. And literally 10 years later this device was banned for use by civilians. Due to high demand not only in hunting, but also in criminal cases of citizens.

In the modern world, many countries have allowed the use of a suppressor in hunting and sport shooting. This is what increases the demand for new models. All production is aimed at minimizing the sound of firing, while improving the quality of accuracy and speed of fire. But still, to purchase this device, you need a purchase permit with a medical examination.

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