Modular shooting complex - American assault rifle FN SCAR

The FN SCAR assault rifle is designed and manufactured in the USA. This is a full-fledged modular shooting system, consisting of two basic versions, several sniper modifications, models that are designed to arm the crews of tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as several versions for arming special forces. According to some experts, this rifle is the best small arms in the world today.

How the FN SCAR assault rifle was created

The beginning of the creation of this weapon can be considered 2003. It was this year that a competition was announced in the United States, the goal of which was to create a new assault multifunctional small arms. Several well-known arms companies from around the world took part in the competition.

A year later, the results of the competition were summed up. Three versions of the new assault small arms reached the finals: the German-American rifle XM-8, designed by the American branch of the German arms company Heckler-Koch, another German rifle - NK 416, as well as the American FN SCAR assault rifle, designed by the American branch of the famous Belgian arms company FN Herstal. So it would be more correct to call the FN SCAR rifle a Belgian-American weapon.

To test the weapon in action, in 2005, American special forces operating in Iraq and Afghanistan were armed with a rifle. If tested successfully, this rifle was supposed to replace the M14, M4, M16 carbines in service with the US Army. In the conditions of the Iraqi and Afghan deserts and mountains, the rifle performed remarkably well.

This was the first stage of testing a new weapon. In 2007, decisive tests were carried out on the three above-mentioned models of assault rifles. The final victory went to the American-Belgian model - the FN SCAR rifle. Since 2009, American military units began to be massively equipped with the rifle. It is expected that this rifle will gradually become the main small arms of the American armed forces.


Last edited by Pabblo; 05/01/2013 at 20:04.

Make it possible to change the position of objects in the warehouse, from many weapons, armor, etc. and what I use is at the very bottom.

I suggest introducing a weapon modification menu. I will describe this function. Let's say I want to upgrade the SVD: a bipod so that I can install it and or make an enlarged magazine. So I’m carrying out a certain mission, for example, killing 2500 people from the SVD from a prone position and I can buy, yes, buy and install it on the SVD. If this option does not suit you, then you can enter this as a new supplier. Please also enter the XM-8 for the attack aircraft and engineer. introduce “rare” modules into the branch with a standard sight: handguard, barrel.

Why not do Landing instead of a helicopter. and hovering on domes and also shooting opponents (I’m not for China at all) In new PVE Missions. since China let the Classes not change, but the Skins could have been slightly altered

1. Introduce an additional function into the room settings (weapons for BB and nothing more; weapons for credits and more and nothing; weapons for BB and credits and nothing more; etc. at your discretion.) Let me explain, some players don’t like play against credit weapons, they will simply select the function of only weapons for wb. This will help a lot on KV because not all clans agree to play with credit weapons. I myself am not against donations, I just think that it would help, and I think many people will like it!

Main versions of the FN SCAR rifle

American weapons designers have developed several versions of this weapon. However, today the most widespread are two modifications: Mk. 16 SCAR-L (light), as well as Mk. 17 SCAR-H (heavy), that is, if translated into Russian, a light and heavy version of this weapon.

The “light” rifle is designed to use 5.56x45 mm cartridges. It was assumed that it would replace the M4 carbine and M16 rifle. For reasons that are not fully understood, soon after the rifle arrived in American army units, the command of these units announced that they were abandoning the rifle and intended to continue to use the old proven M4, as well as the M16. The same copies of the new rifle that had already arrived were ordered to be disposed of by the American command.

A different fate awaited the “heavy” rifle. Its design allows the use of 7.62x51 mm cartridges - this is a very powerful charge. Having abandoned the “light” version of the rifle, the command of the American Armed Forces did not abandon the “heavy” rifle. Perhaps the reason for this was the fact that the “heavy” version is more versatile than the “light” version. In particular, the “heavy” modification can be quite easily converted to accept ammunition not only of “branded” calibers, but also of other calibers. In particular, a “heavy” rifle can even fire ammunition from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Special versions of the FN SCAR rifle

The basic models of these weapons have already been mentioned. In addition to them, several special models have also been developed:

  • Model FN SCAR Mk.20. This is a sniper version of the rifle. The rifle fires single shots, but can also fire in short bursts (2 shots);
  • Model FNAC. Carbine. The main versions of the weapon have an original design feature: a quick change from a barrel of one caliber to a barrel of another caliber. The barrel of a carbine cannot be changed. Currently, this model has not yet entered service with the American Armed Forces;
  • Model FN HAMR. Quite an unusual version. It is also called a “rifle adapted to changes in temperature.” The rifle first fires with the bolt closed. Shooting in this mode is much more accurate. If the barrel overheats, you can fire with the bolt open (this is exactly the principle of firing from machine guns). Thanks to the open bolt, the barrel and other parts of the mechanism cool down, after which it is possible to fire again with the bolt closed;
  • Model FN SCAR PDW. This version is planned to equip the crews of ground armored vehicles, as well as pilots. The model has a shorter barrel;
  • Model FN CSR-20. Another option for a sniper rifle. It has a shortened barrel and a caliber of 7.62x51 mm.

At the moment, most of the listed versions of the rifle have not yet been adopted by the US Army and special forces.

Review of the design features of the FN SCAR rifle

Some principles of operation of this weapon model are quite traditional, but at the same time the weapon also has innovations:

  • The rifle's receiver is made of aluminum (its upper part) and polymers (its lower part);
  • The barrel of the weapon is bolted to the receiver and can be swapped out. It doesn't require a lot of tools or time;
  • The weapon is made for right-handers and left-handers: the handle with which the bolt is cocked can be installed on both sides. For this purpose, there are special slots on both sides of the box;
  • For the same purpose, the weapon is equipped with two buttons that lock the magazine on the right and left sides;
  • The rifle has four Picatinny rails for mounting aiming devices: one on top, two on the sides and one more on the bottom. You can optionally install any sights on the rifle (for day and night shooting);
  • The butt of the rifle folds to the side. The material from which the butt is made is heavy-duty plastic. Due to the design features, the butt can be lengthened or shortened, that is, the fighter can independently adapt it to suit himself;
  • The weapon has an attachment for an under-barrel grenade launcher.

This rifle is designed in such a way that a fighter is able to change the characteristics of the weapon to a more suitable one for a specific combat situation in a matter of minutes.

Combat characteristics of the FN SCAR rifle

To get acquainted with the performance characteristics of the rifle, let's look at the characteristics of one of its versions - Mk. 16 SCAR-L:

  • Weapon caliber – 5.56x45 mm;
  • Total length (depending on the length of the barrel) – 653-900 mm;
  • Weapon weight – 3.5 kg;
  • Rate of fire – from 500 to 650 rounds per minute;
  • The rifle's magazine holds 30 rounds.

Other versions of this weapon may differ in caliber and rate of fire, but such differences cannot be called fundamental.

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Assessing the advantages and disadvantages of FN SCAR

It was already mentioned above that the rifle received quite flattering reviews from the American military, who tested it in Afghanistan and Iraq. Another condition that the rifle is in many ways superior to similar weapons from manufacturers of other arms companies is the fact that it turned out to be the winner in competitions with other similar models. The third condition is that many units of the regular American army, as well as American special forces, are already armed with the new rifle. If we characterize the specific advantages of the rifle, then they are as follows.

The rifle has excellent versatility. It is designed in such a way that in a very short time it can be transformed into almost a completely different weapon - more suitable for a specific combat mission. It comes with a bipod, an under-barrel grenade launcher, and a variety of tactical and sighting devices.

The weapon is remarkable in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire. The rifle fires bursts and single shots equally well. Similar samples from other arms companies are significantly inferior to the rifle in this sense.

In many ways, the rifle resembles a Kalashnikov assault rifle. It is also easy to disassemble and assemble, it can be repaired in combat conditions, and it is not afraid of clogging. In addition, the rifle is highly ergonomic. It has a specially designed stock that easily adapts to the anatomical features of the fighter. The weapon is equally comfortable for left-handers and right-handers to shoot. Compared to other automatic weapons, the rifle has little recoil.

The FN SCAR has far fewer disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, it is quite heavy. Secondly, in hand-to-hand combat it is completely useless. Thirdly, it has a relatively low rate of fire.

Game with SCUR L

We will now look at the most key points for playing with a whip. And if you are a beginner player, we advise you to get practice immediately after reading. When playing with this tool, try to adhere to all the tactical and technical tips provided below.

  • We recommend training your aim with this weapon. Adjust your mouse and its sensitivity well. With good aiming and without letting go of your fire, keep the enemy in the center of your sight and demolish it. Since the recoil is not so significant, and the subsequent bullet flies smoothly. It is especially effective to do this with 3-4 rounds;
  • Don't shoot while moving. At the time of movement, shooting accuracy drops by more than 50%. No dependency with or without zoom on;
  • Always with a whip in hand take positions as far as possible from the enemy. The further you are from him, the more chances you have of winning the duel. Example of a good position on dust2:

  • Due to the advantage of playing at long distances, try to kill the sniper first among a large number of opponents. Otherwise he will kill you;
  • The whip has a fairly accurate shot without a sight. If you are in close combat with an enemy who has AWP , then you can try to hit him by shooting without zoom. Since in his case he has no right to make a mistake, in case of a miss he will have to take out a pistol since the cooldown of the bishop is very large;
  • Shoot through cover. In fact, many of the nuances of tactical play can be borrowed from vintorez . Due to the great penetrating power, the result of destroying the enemy through walls will be an effective undertaking;
  • Headshot = frag! If possible, try to shoot in the head. It is precisely this kind of hit that gives a good effect when working with such a weapon. It is this style and the idea of ​​​​targeting the head that can somehow become a competitor to AWP. Otherwise, you may have big problems with statistics, and the team may consider it necessary to exclude you from the game altogether;
  • Beware of a lot of grenades. Due to poor dynamics, it will be difficult to take good cover in the blind (being blinded by a flash drive). In the event of such a situation, it is necessary to change position in order to meet the opponent in an unexpected position;
  • Shoot through the smoke. If the terrorists have laid down smoke in order to pass through it and your base is occupied, then you must randomly (randomly) try to shoot into the smoke. Here is an example in a nuke where you can reap a good harvest by following this advice:

Gamers often google and look for what is the difference between the G3SG1 and Scar-20. But in fact there is not much difference between them. You can create large pages and tables with these minor differences. This doesn't make any sense. The playing style, technical characteristics, and capabilities of these two barrels have minimal differences. Everything that we wrote in the recommendations for playing with a screw cutter can also be used with SCAR 20.

Presumable future of the FN SCAR rifle

Of course, no one can now say with certainty whether the rifle will enter service with the US Army and American special forces in the form in which it is now, or whether work will continue to improve it. In all likelihood this is an American military secret. The near future will tell.

For now, one thing is certain. Currently, the US military is already armed with some versions of these weapons. In addition, special forces of more than 20 countries of the West and East have long been armed with this weapons complex. In addition, experts speak positively about the rifle. Therefore, FN SCAR has a future.

The most popular skins for SCAR:

Directly from the factory, scar paint stains the price reaches $250 (more than 15,000 rubles, 6,500 UAH):

A favorite of many is Cyrex. There is the same series of Colts m4a1-s. The price of this handsome guy is $10-15 (~600 rubles, 300 UAH):

Scarel Cardio is not far from Cyrex in price. It fluctuates in the same range of $10-15 (~600 rubles, 300 UAH):


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