American M-16 rifle: capricious weapon or unfairly undermined authority

The M16 rifle was created by American aircraft engineer Eugene Stone during the US-Korean War. Before her, the United States troops were armed with the M1A1 Thompson assault rifle and the M1 Garand carbine.

“In Korea, we encountered such combat tactics as a human wave, when a huge crowd of Koreans pours into your positions. Under these conditions, firepower was needed to counter such a large amount of enemy manpower...” This is how the story about the M-16 rifle begins in one of the American programs about US weapons.


The peculiarity of the product is that it contains natural ingredients that act comprehensively, ensuring effective use. They are well tolerated and rarely lead to side effects.

Composition of spray M-16:

  1. Guarana in extract form. It has a complex effect, stimulates performance, and helps get rid of fatigue. Normalizes blood flow through the vessels, tones and improves overall blood circulation. Positively affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. L-arginine. It is believed that this substance increases sexual desire, it also improves the quality and quantity of sperm. At the moment of contact, the amount of lubricant released increases, which leads to increased sensations during sex.
  3. Glycine. The substance affects the functioning of the brain; with prolonged use, it strengthens the erection, helps to prolong it, and make it stable. Glycine calms and helps to quickly overcome the effects of stress.
  4. Magnesium. A useful microelement for men that improves the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. Magnesium helps relieve fatigue and stress, increases sexual desire, helps prolong sexual intercourse, and improves erectile function.

These are the main components of the spray that affect the penis, improve the quality of sexual relationships and help get rid of psychological uncertainty.

Directions for use and dosage

The instructions for the M-16 potency spray indicate that it should be sprayed onto the penis or vaginal area right before sexual intercourse. 3-4 presses on the sprayer are enough for a stable erection to occur within 5-7 minutes. This time will be spent on foreplay, and when the spray takes effect, you will not be afraid that a long-term erection will weaken or disappear. A small bottle of the product allows you to use M16 spray unnoticed by your partner.

A spray to increase potency will not help if diseases of the cardiovascular system, androgen deficiency, prostatitis or adenoma are detected. If a lubricating gel is used for sexual intercourse, it should be applied no earlier than five minutes after using the spray. At the end of sexual contact, the product should be washed off the mucous membranes and skin to avoid irritation.

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Indications for use

Spray M-16 for increasing potency has a number of indications for use. The product is used not only for problems with erections, but also in the presence of other indications. Indispensable for representatives of the stronger sex who experience self-doubt and often make misfires even with stable potency.

According to doctors, the main indications for the use of M-16 are:

  • decreased potency and erection;
  • reducing the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • psychological difficulties and tension (inability to conduct PA due to psychological discomfort);
  • frequent stress (against the background of which problems with potency may arise).

You can add other items to the list of indications:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Addiction to bad habits.
  3. Lack of sleep and rest.
  4. Lack of self-confidence.
  5. Lack of regular contacts.
  6. Overweight.

There is an opinion that men rarely resort to the help of such means; in fact, this is a myth. Many representatives of the stronger sex use aerosols, fearing to “fall in the face” in front of a woman.

Characteristics of the M-16 rifle

Caliber – 5.56 mm Type – gas vent (direct gas vent to the receiver) Weight – 2.88 kg (M-16 excluding magazine and belt), 2.97 kg (M-16 A1) Length – 99 cm (M16A1 ) Rate of fire – 650–750 (M16A1), 700–950 (M-16 A4) shot/min Muzzle velocity – 990 m/s (M16A1) Muzzle velocity – 1000 m/s (M16A2) Magazine capacity – 20 or 30 rounds Sight - diopter Dispersion when shooting at 300 m - 15 cm horizontal, 22 cm vertical.

Positive points in comparison with predecessors:

  1. Relatively small cartridges made it possible to reduce the recoil force and reduce the weight and size of the assault rifle. In addition, the accuracy and accuracy of fire has increased.
  2. The lightness of the bolt mechanism (due to the absence of a piston) results in low recoil and good stability. The quality of the powder and low gas emission provide good muzzle energy of the cartridge.
  3. Stoner borrowed the idea of ​​a “linear” layout for his M16 from the German FG.42 automatic rifle: the bolt and butt were placed along the axis of the barrel with a muzzle brake. There is an opinion that such a design unmasks the shooter when fighting from cover with the forearm resting on the parapet. Like, the shooter's height has been increased. In fact, the difference, for example, between a shooter with an AK-74 and an M16, in this case, is less than 2 cm. But such a solution increases the accuracy of fire.
  4. The gentle pitch of the barrel rifling is 305 mm. In other words, this approach ensures minimal stability of the projectile during flight. When hitting a living target, stability was reduced to zero and the bullets began to “tumble.” And when trees and even reeds hit the branches, the penetrating force was significantly reduced, and the bullets bounced off as a ricochet. Therefore, the rifling pitch was reduced to 178 mm (M-16 A3) and the SS 109 bullet began to be used: the penetrating power doubled. Stability has increased by increasing the speed of rotation of the bullet in flight.
  5. Thanks to the diopter type of sight, aiming is easy and accuracy is high. But the view is significantly limited, so problems arose when shooting at moving targets and fighting in the dark.

The tactical and technical characteristics of the American M-16 are worthy of respect, and on forums dedicated to military weapons you can often find very flattering reviews about it.

But no less often one comes across statements about its more complex, and therefore inconvenient (especially in field conditions) design, with many small details. As well as sensitivity to pollution. Therefore, the majority of votes, as a rule, are cast in favor of Kalashnikov.

Instructions for use

The drug has a specific scheme of use, it is indicated in the instructions. Correct use can increase the effectiveness of therapy.

How to use the product in the form of a spray to improve potency M-16:

  • it is necessary to carry out standard hygiene procedures;
  • dry the skin with a towel;
  • apply the product to the excited organ in 2–3 sprays.

M-16 is applied directly to the skin of the penis, it is quickly absorbed, and a few minutes after spraying you can begin to have sex.

Composition and principle of action

So, how does M16 spray affect the appearance of an erection? It turns out that the whole point is in its unique composition. When the active substances enter the blood, a certain hormone is produced that helps increase male potency. There is an incredibly large number of positive reviews about this drug on the manufacturer’s official website and various forums, based on which we can conclude that M16:

  • Increases libido;
  • Prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • Increases the quantity of seed and improves its quality;
  • Gives new sensations.

Also, many couples note that M16 for potency affects sperm activity, since after its use, a replenishment occurred in their family. It should be emphasized that the manufacturer has carefully thought out the composition of the spray, because it includes important vitamins and minerals that are selected in the correct proportions. But what does this product consist of?

M16 contains the following ingredients:

  • L-arginine. It is a special amino acid, which is a therapeutic and preventive component. It promotes the production of testosterone and regulates the formation of enzymes that prevent erectile dysfunction;
  • Guarana extract. A medicinal plant that grows in South America. Stimulates blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, thus ensuring blood flow to the genital area. Allows you to increase libido and ensure a stable erection;
  • Glycine. This element removes emotional stress, which is often the cause of lack of erection. A man will not experience excessive anxiety and fear of failure before sexual intercourse, but on the contrary, he will be ready for it;
  • Magnesium. This component is vital for the human body. As part of the M16, it is one of the important elements. In combination with other ingredients, it affects the duration of erection by dilating blood vessels in the penis.

Divorce or truth

Having decided to place an order on the official website and purchase a spray to increase potency M-16, the question arises about its effectiveness.

On the Internet you can find various information that confirms the opinion that a long-acting aerosol is not a scam, but a truly effective remedy that doctors prescribe for men. But to form your own opinion, you need to purchase the spray and try it out. This will help dispel all doubts and ensure the effectiveness of the drug.


The M-16 assault rifle became famous during the hostilities in Vietnam, where in addition to it, the US and South Vietnamese army units used the XM-16E1 modification. About a million Eugene Stoner American assault rifles were captured by North Vietnamese soldiers.

In 1969, the M-16 A1 almost completely replaced the M-14 in the US Air Force.

The M-16 rifle and other models of this family were used by the United States in military operations in Cambodia, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.

To this day, the M-16 rifle and its modifications are in service in addition to the United States in 80 countries around the world: Guatemala, Mexico, Taiwan, etc.

Advantages of the product

The original copy has a number of advantages, they are associated not only with the form of release of the drug, but also with its characteristics. Manufacturers claim that its action is similar to Viagra, but it does not have a harmful effect on the body and does not lead to addiction.

Main advantages of the spray:

  1. It is not addictive, unlike many other stimulants.
  2. It has a delicate action.
  3. Allows you to quickly achieve the desired result.
  4. Has a prolonging effect.
  5. Economical packaging and ease of use.

But the main advantage is considered to be the ability to achieve a stable erection, maintain it and maintain it for the required time. This means that there should be no misfire at the most important moment.

M-16 assault rifle modifications

  • The M16 is the first assault rifle model.
  • M16A1 - an improved version of the M16 with a bolt chambering mechanism, a reduced rate of fire, an improved flash suppressor, a chrome-plated bolt coating, a reduction in the rifling pitch to 305 mm, and a lug for mounting a bayonet.
  • M16A1 HBAR Model 621 - experimental, with a thicker barrel for intensive shooting.
  • M16A1 Model 655 Special High Profile - experimental, sniper, with a thicker barrel and a rail for an optical sight.
  • M16A2 - modification with a more durable barrel, new sights, fore-end and butt made of impact-resistant polyamide, a new flash hider with slots only in the upper part, lightweight plastic magazines for 30 rounds.
  • The M16A2 LMG Model 750 / Diemaco C7Light Support Weapon (LSW) was a heavy-duty light machine gun offered to the Canadian Army.
  • M16A3 - Navy variant of the M16A2 with continuous fire mode.
  • M16A4 - M16A2 without a carrying handle (it is removable on this model), but with a Picatinny rail in its place.
  • M231 – (1979) an automatic rifle based on the M16A1, designed for mounting in ball mounts on armored vehicles.
  • M4 is a shortened version of the M16A2. The barrel is shorter, the muzzle brake is reinforced, the stock is telescopic, the carrying handle is removable, on a Picatinny rail.

Source: compilation based on publicly available information on the Internet


Potency spray, like any other medicinal product, has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use if you have:

  1. Inflammatory or infectious diseases of the genital area.
  2. Damage to the skin in the intimate area.
  3. Individual intolerance to the components or the aerosol itself.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the product.

Spray M-16 is not recommended for use by men under the age of majority. Undesirable side effects may also occur during use:

  • decreased sensitivity of the head of the genital organ, inability to achieve orgasm;
  • the appearance of allergic rashes on the skin;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of swelling and signs of inflammation in the genital area.

There should be no other side effects, since the aerosol has a local effect and does not penetrate into the general bloodstream.

History of creation

Armalite engineer Eugene Stoner created the AR10 rifle, an automatic weapon with a caliber of .30 or 7.62 mm. The model applied the principle of direct action of powder gases on the bolt frame. The result was a fairly light weapon thanks to the pistonless system (there was no gas piston) and a number of parts made of plastic and light alloys.

The AR10 turned out to have many shortcomings. As a result of the improvements, an AR-15 assault rifle chambered for 5.56 mm (.20) caliber was created. During testing, it turned out that it was unreliable and the shooting accuracy left much to be desired.

The American company Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing bought the patent for the rifle from Armalite management, who, dissatisfied with the results, quickly agreed to the deal.

A new cartridge with a 5.56 mm caliber and an M193 bullet, the “Cartridge 5.56 mm Ball M193,” was used for the AR-15 rifle.

By reducing the weight of the rifle itself and ammunition, it became possible to significantly increase the ammunition load.

A fighter armed with another rifle, such as an M-14, could carry 100 rounds of ammunition. Soldiers with Armalite weapons were equipped with 250 rounds of ammunition. At the same time, the initial speed of the bullet increased, and the recoil, oddly enough, became significantly weaker.

For reference. A fighter armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, for example, carried with him 4 magazines of 30 rounds each, so the total number of ammunition carried was only 120 rounds.

After modification, the military purchased a test batch of rifles (1000 pieces) for field testing in South Vietnam. And already in 1963, 94,000 rifles were produced under government orders from the United States leadership. But they were somewhat different from their predecessors: the weapon was equipped with a device for manually locking the bolt.

The modification received the number M-16 and was put into service with the US Air Force in 1964.

Reviews from men

Real reviews from men confirm the effectiveness of the M-16; it’s worth reading them before making a purchase.

Alexey, 43 years old.

Having passed the 40-year mark, I encountered the problem of poor erection. Everything seems to be normal: I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, only sometimes. I turned to the doctor, he said that this condition would soon go away, and so that his wife would not go “to the neighbor,” as he put it, he prescribed M-16 spray. The recommendations turned out to be quite adequate.

Oleg, 37 years old.

I had problems with potency after drug treatment. Apparently due to stress. I didn’t go to the doctor, I consulted with my brother, and he recommended using the M-16. I purchased the spray and tried it out at the first opportunity. The result pleased me. Sex became brighter and longer, the partner was also satisfied!

Interesting Facts

By 1962, Stoner had eliminated the existing shortcomings in the design of the rifle, and a large batch was purchased for the Vietnam War. The results of using the improved M-16 “exceeded” all expectations: the weapon too often did not work, which caused massive losses.

To clarify the circumstances, a special investigation was organized, during which horrific facts were revealed:

  1. The gunpowder purchased for weapons was of poor quality.
  2. Parts subject to chrome plating were not treated with chrome.
  3. Mandatory cleaning kits were not supplied.
  4. The soldiers did not know how to assemble and disassemble weapons, simply because they were not taught this.

If we take into account the conditions of high humidity and the peculiarities of the functioning of the M-16 (carbon formation), it becomes clear why the weapon did not work. Dead soldiers were often found next to dismantled rifles.

The maintenance manual, which was intended for American soldiers in Vietnam, recommends cleaning the rifle 3-5 times a day.

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