Signal flares in emergencies: de-camouflage or rescue?

In their design, signal and lighting flares are almost identical. They differ only in the so-called stars, which contain pyrotechnic compositions appropriate for their intended purposes. Flares consist of cardboard cartridges with a metal bottom filled with expelling charges, stars and wads. The stars are fired using special pistols-rocket launchers or launched from hands using the devices available at the bottom of the cartridges. They burn for 5-7 seconds and provide an illumination radius of 100 m. Depending on the chosen color of the rocket, the signal is visible at a distance of up to 7 km at night, and up to 2 km during the day.

Signal flares of different years and systems

Classification according to conditions and methods of use

Light warning devices, depending on the conditions of use, are:

  1. At night - when they burn, colored lights are formed.
  2. During the day - during the combustion process, colored smoke is released. It is visible at a distance determined by the characteristics of the pyrotechnic product.
  3. Combined - combine sound and light effects.
  4. Air, ground, surface - depending on the location of application (on land, on water, in the air).

About flat seal cartridges

In the market of signal pyrotechnic products, cartridges containing a flat seal are rare. considered the main manufacturer of such ammunition. In the manufacture of anvils, steel is predominantly used as a material.

According to owner reviews, shooting with a 12-gauge signal cartridge equipped with a flat shutter is almost always carried out without misfires.

Various types of cores are available for such products. In the line of pyrotechnic products, a cartridge with a wide flange is also a rarity. According to some owners, misfires do occur when firing these cartridges. This fact is explained by the presence of a low-quality seal. However, such cases are rare. In addition, the disadvantages of this pyrotechnic product include its susceptibility to dampness and significant weight. The cartridge weighs 12 g, which, according to experts, is a lot for a signal product. However, unlike Sterling cartridges, Comet products are characterized by an increased lift height. Using ammunition with a flat shutter, the star can be launched at 85 meters.

Color and composition

Alarm systems use multi-colored pyrotechnics:

  • 3-color – red, yellow, green lights;
  • 4-color – white, red, green, yellow;
  • 5-color – blue, white, red, yellow, green.

One or more red stars fired singly at short intervals from a flare gun, or a long red light from a parachute flare, are considered distress signals. The lights of other devices, released in series of three units at short time intervals, can be interpreted similarly.

Manufacturers include luminescent substances in signal pyrotechnics to color the flames, gases and vapors in a bright color during the combustion process:

  • red – the result of introducing strontium salts into the composition;
  • green – barium salts give the effect;
  • yellow - obtained by adding sodium salts.

The burning rate of pyrotechnic compositions is minimal - a few mm/sec. Even during World War II, signal ammunition was actively used in battles and other military operations and contributed to the effective solution of problems in the field.

Jet cartridge

This type of alarm looks like a regular cartridge. The design includes:

  • launch tube;
  • rocket;
  • igniter primer;
  • pressure tube;
  • cap and lid.

The cylindrical launch tube is made of thick cartridge paper. Inside it there is an igniter and a rocket, in the lower part there is a metal base. The pyrotechnic composition is compressed and placed in a signal star. The sprocket is covered with an aluminum shell.

40 mm extended range rocket illumination cartridge with parachute

To fire a jet cartridge, you need to sharply pull out the cord, which will activate the primer. The rocket will fly out of the tube - after a few seconds the star will ignite and separate from the rocket part.

The type of cartridge (single or multi-star) and color of fire are usually indicated on the case along with other information. Multi-star devices at altitude disintegrate into three fires.

For convenience, bulges are applied to the cap - by their number and shape, you can determine the color in the dark by touch:

  • red corresponds to one bulge;
  • green - two hemispherical bulges.

Ground cartridge (NSP)

Using ground signaling, firing positions, forward lines, lanes for military aircraft and other positions are designated. The cartridge design includes:

  • paper body;
  • rubbing primer;
  • signal star;
  • metal cover;
  • pens.

NSP (ground signal cartridge) yellow light

The capsule is installed in a plastic diaphragm - there are four holes in it through which combustion products are discharged. A star is a pyrotechnic bomb of red, yellow or green fire. It is attached to the housing using cardboard stops and a washer - the igniter is also fixed in a similar way.

The top of the NSP is closed with a lid; a ring and a cord are attached to it on the inside. When pulled sharply, the primer is triggered, igniting the sprocket - the principle is the same as in jet cartridges. The color of the lid matches the color of the fire.

Ground signal orange smoke

This type of pyrotechnics is designed for daytime use. Two compressed smoke bombs are built into the paper body. The composition is selected so that when burning it produces orange smoke - hence the name. Inside are two igniter tablets. The ring is built into the top cover.

Smoke fountain orange

For the device to work, you need to rip off the cover with a sharp movement and carefully remove the cord from the housing. After this, take the cartridge by the handles and sharply pull out the cord. With a sharp jerk, friction occurs, as a result of which the primer ignites, followed by the tablets, and lastly, the smoke bombs ignite. Thick orange smoke rises into the air through holes in the diaphragm.


Pyrotechnics in this category are designed to transmit short commands, notify about the location of an object, indicate targets, call fire, transfer it or stop it. To launch it, special pistols are used.

The missile is equipped with a cardboard case with a brass bottom - it contains a built-in capsule, charge, signal stars or smoke composition - this depends on the type of alarm.

Signal pyrotechnic flare

In good weather, a smoke signal is visible for several minutes, a light signal for several seconds. Models with a parachute glow much longer.

Parachute rocket

It usually notifies of distress on a ship, boat, raft and other vessels. The design consists of two main parts: a plastic launch tube and a rocket. The charge in parachute products is a powder bomb and a torch.

To activate the device, you need to pull out the cord - when the combustion reaches the torch and ignites it, the rocket with a parachute will be thrown out of the body. Having reached the top point - which is 300-400 meters in height - the rocket will release a parachute. Its rate of decline is maximum 5 m/sec. Uniform bright burning will last 40 seconds on average.

Parachute distress missile PRB-40

False flare

A flare is a signal torch in the form of a cardboard or ebonite sleeve, inside of which there is a flammable composition. The device is used at sea - it is otherwise called an emergency candle, a disaster candle.

All marine torches are produced in a waterproof case and are equipped with their own ignition mechanism. When burning, they are held in the hands - for convenience, the design includes a handle. False flares are safe to use; the wind does not blow them away.

Thick colored smoke is visible at a distance of 8 km. The duration of combustion depends on the color of the fire:

  • white – 30 seconds;
  • red and blue – 60 seconds or more.

Japanese red fire flare with glass breaker

Floating smoke bombs

A floating smoke bomb is used during daylight hours. It is shaped like a tin box and contains a smoke mixture and an igniter inside it. The saber is launched into the water - it emits a thick orange house for 3-5 minutes. The visibility range of the “orange signal” is 8 km.

About the K-12 capsule model

Judging by numerous consumer reviews, there is great demand for 12-gauge signal cartridges equipped with a K-12 type capsule. The lifting height when using this product is 70 m. It is advisable to buy such a cartridge taking into account the type of its core. Most samples of signal products are characterized by the presence of stabilizers. The cores in such cartridges are located near the shell. Anyone who wants to save money can purchase products without anvils. According to reviews from owners, such products are much cheaper and practically do not misfire. One pack worth 1,300 rubles contains 10 rounds of ammunition. During firing, a muzzle energy of 20 J is generated. The weight of flat anvils is insignificant. Since the cartridges have a stamped type of cartridge case, dampening of the ammunition is not observed, which is highly appreciated by the consumer.

Launch time and place

The visibility of pyrotechnic alarms depends on the place and time of their launch. Smoke bombs are used during the day, and lighting devices are used in the late evening and at night.

  • It is advisable to launch flares and smoke bombs from elevated areas of the area. It is important that there is an open area or body of water on the side where the wind will direct the smoke.
  • Any pyrotechnics is held at arm's length, with the nozzle facing away from you. Do not point explosive objects towards moving or standing objects. When launching, you need to take into account the strength of the wind, which can blow away a burning parachute rocket.
  • The cartridge case should be held tightly so that it does not slip out of the palm when fired. Most flare cartridges and flares are disposable, so you should use them with confidence, carefully checking the distance, direction and strength of the wind. There may not be a second chance.

About the manufacturers

Among the companies engaged in the production of signal cartridges for 12-gauge shotguns, the leading positions are occupied by Comet, Record, Berling, Geko, Wulf, Sellier and RWS. The cartridges they produce differ from each other by different types of cores. Some models contain seals. There are also models with stabilizers on the ammunition market. When purchasing 12-gauge signal cartridges, in order to prevent misfires, experts recommend paying attention to the type of capsule. Capsules of different series are provided for signal products.

About Berling

Judging by consumer reviews, high quality is typical for signal cartridges from. Stabilizers are provided for the products. The cartridges are filled with Suner brand gunpowder. The weight of one product is 10.5 g. Some models contain flanges with grooves. According to customer reviews, Burling signal cartridges are not susceptible to dampness and have a stable working primer. The signal star flies out at a speed of 150 m/s. According to experts, this indicator is considered very high for a pyrotechnic signaling device. One pack holds 15 rounds. The cost of the goods is 1400 rubles.

About signal ammunition "Geko"

Judging by consumer reviews, signal cartridges are less in demand today. This is due to the fact that only red color is provided for the warning star. In addition, cartridges are characterized by the absence of stabilizers. The design contains cores and seals. The shell of pyrotechnic products contains a nickel-plated coating. Since the durable lead-based case is equipped with aluminum anvils, the cartridges weigh little, which is appreciated by consumers. The cartridges are packaged in packs of 10 pieces each. The cost of one is no more than 900 rubles.

About Sellier

According to users, signal cartridges of this brand are not moisture resistant. In addition, their sleeves have very thin walls that are easy to damage. They are fueled with Kreno gunpowder. The star's lifting height does not exceed 80 m. Judging by the reviews, problems with stabilization often arise during operation. Only cartridges with a red star are available for sale. The sleeves are equipped with bimetallic cores. The above factors explain the low demand for these products in the pyrotechnic signaling products market. The pack contains 15 rounds. Their price is 900 rubles.

About pyrotechnics "Wulf"

Reviews from owners about 12 gauge cartridges are predominantly positive. For ammunition, flat seals are provided. The cartridges are light in weight. When the Sunera powder charge burns, a muzzle energy of 25 J is generated, which is enough to lift the star 80 meters. In the production of signal cartridges, the company uses a stamped type of sleeve with an aluminum base. When installing cores, stabilizers are not used. The disadvantage of the product is that the price is too high. One pack contains 20 rounds. You can buy them for 2100 rubles.

How to make a 12 gauge signal cartridge?

Judging by numerous reviews, some consumers use homemade pyrotechnic products. These are mainly those who want to save money. If you have the necessary raw materials and tools, making a signal cartridge is not difficult. In addition, it is important to know the manufacturing technology and follow safety regulations.

Before you begin, you need to purchase a sleeve. It is desirable that it has an aluminum base. For a homemade signal cartridge, a capsule of the PP20 series is suitable. The pyrotechnic mixture can be made from potassium nitrate (50%), powdered sugar (25%) and magnesium or silver powder, ground into powder. Then soak 20 grams of Sokol brand gunpowder in 0.5 liters of acetone. It should brew for 5-6 days until it reaches the consistency of green jelly. In the future, the pyrotechnic mixture will be soaked in it. Then you need to glue a cup from paper. The thickness of its walls must be at least 1 mm. After drying, the mixture is placed in this container.

It is necessary to cut off the seal and the glass from the wad container. Then you need to make one hole in them, which should be aligned with each other. After this, the seal and the glass are glued together. After filling with gunpowder, it is installed in a 12 gauge cartridge case. The shutter should be turned down. Black powder is then poured into the hole. The paper structure in the sleeve should be positioned upside down. After this, the homemade product is equipped with a gasket, a twist and a ring, with a diameter and thickness like a cup.

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