1st Separate Rifle Regiment Semenovsky (military unit 75384)

05/07/2018 Category: Motorized rifle troops

  • 2 Eyewitness impressions
  • 3 Instructions for Mom
  • 4 Parcels and letters
  • 5 Calls to the unit
  • 6 Phones
  • 7 Regiment location
  • 8 Your visit

    8.1 Drive to the Semenovsky regiment (Chernyshevsky military town):

  • 8.2 Drive to the village. Mosrentgen:
  • 8.3 Drive to the training center (Zyuzino village):

    8.3.1 Train+Bus

  • 8.3.2 Machine
  • 9 Where to stay in Zyuzino
  • The 1st Separate Rifle Regiment Semenovsky (military unit 75384) was created for the defense and protection of facilities of the central military command authorities, the main headquarters of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces (in Moscow), the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense, and a number of other military facilities.


    On April 16, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree: “In order to revive the glorious military historical traditions, I decide to assign the honorary name “Semenovsky” to the 1st separate rifle regiment and henceforth call it: the 1st separate rifle regiment Semenovsky.” The Semenovsky regiment (military unit 75384) included rifle battalions of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade (MSBR) of the Western Military District, which previously performed the same tasks as the regiment. The history of the “Semyonovtsy” began on June 5, 1683, when Peter I decided to create a “funny” army near Moscow, in the village of Semenovskoye. By 1691 it had grown into a real regiment, called the Semenovsky Regiment in 1687, and the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment in 1700. He became famous in the Northern War, the capture of Ochakov, and the Battle of Borodino.

    Our Semenovsky regiment (military unit 75384) is not its direct successor. In 2012, military unit 75384 was considered “a new large military police formation of the Western Military District”: the direct predecessor of the regiment in the protection of important state and military facilities is the Security Company, created under the administration of the commandant of the RVSR (Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic) on October 7, 1919. This is - birthday of military unit 75384. On May 3, 2014, military unit 75384 Semenovsky Regiment received a new type of Battle Banner.

    Battle banner of the Semenovsky regiment

    Reviews about the service

    On social networks you can find informal reviews of soldiers who served in the regiment:

    Sergey: It's time for demobilization. The security forces are bombarded with offers. What shoulder straps? Long live the citizen!

    Vitaly: DMB autumn 2022. Every day and night it’s the same. You are sitting in an iron cage of the statute. God forbid you do something not your own way. If you build a new farm, it’s the end of the world. You can’t even take a step outside the rules. Yearning.

    Andrey: Squad commander. This is an exemplary part. Everything is according to the regulations. Everyday life is polished: buffet, shower, vacuum cleaner. The snow on the parade ground is cleared not by a soldier with a shovel, but by a tractor. Vending machines with chocolates and Coca-Cola. To be honest, it’s like in kindergarten. The regiment is stationed in Moscow near the Tulskaya metro station. I personally wanted to continue to serve in Zyuzino’s training camp. There is still something left of the real army there.

    Anton: Conscription spring 2016. The Semenovsky regiment throws a big spoon at the soldier with the hardships, worries, and deprivations of military service. When all this is in the past, you remember your native battalion and company with warmth. And sometimes thoughts come to mind - I wish I could serve for a couple more days. Let your loved ones not worry. I heard from friends how they serve in other units. Today, service in the Life Guard is a lucky lottery ticket for a recruit. Young, everything will be fine. Loved ones - don't worry. And for a soldier, demobilization is inevitable, like the collapse of capitalism.

    Ruslan: DMB spring 2022. Guys! The Semenovsky regiment is the beauty and pride of the Russian army. In order to be proud later, you first need to grit your teeth and learn military science. Everything will come.

    Eyewitness impressions

    Every day, one battalion of the Semenovsky regiment (about 400 people) goes on duty in 30 guards. On average, a fighter receives up to 100 outfits per year. The selection criteria for the regiment are special. Height from 170 cm, proportional build, etc. Higher education, good reputation and plans to work in law enforcement agencies are desirable. Most recruits remain in the regiment's training center until the Oath, then depart for their permanent location. Some - future sergeants - remain for training. They take 4 tests from a psychologist (neuropsychic stability, communication skills, memory, physical condition) and 7 exams: special training, drill, physical, fire training; tactics, Charters, RCBZ (radio, bio- and chemical protection). Those who pass the exams receive the rank of junior sergeant and are sent to their posts; some remain in training as platoon commanders and squad commanders. Those who do not pass will receive a record of “attended the training course” and will become privates.

    Sleeve patch for military unit 75384

    Military unit 75384 loves sports. If the temperature is above “-10” in the morning, exercise outside. Each company has a corner of sports equipment, access is free. Sports events - Tuesday and Thursday from 17.00 to 17.50. Both officers and private Semyonovites regularly participate in various army sports competitions. Living conditions are good everywhere. In Mosrentgen there is a stadium, a swimming pool, an ice rink, a sports town, a museum, a park of wheeled combat vehicles and a shooting range, and nearby there is a town for contract soldiers with their families. All barracks of the Semenovsky regiment are newly renovated. There is a store on the training grounds in Zyuzino. In addition, on Sundays the children have an official “quiet hour” - from 16:00 it is time to relax. However, in military unit 75384 there are also complaints - about the relationship between soldiers and command, “grandfathers” and “spirits”. That is, hazing...

    Today's day

    The combat unit is entrusted with the task of ensuring the protection and defense of the locations of key military command structures. Under protection are: the main headquarters of the branches and branches of the military, the central directorates of the Ministry of Defense.

    Every day, over 400 soldiers take up military duties, weapons in hand. To disperse the military to their posts, vehicles travel through the streets of the capital for more than 1,600 km. The responsibility that lies with the soldiers of the Semenovsky regiment leaves an imprint on the criteria for selecting conscripts.

    A young man with a height below 170 cm, disproportionately built, and with a negative characteristic will not be included in the team. Preference is given to persons with higher education and who wish to connect their lives with work in law enforcement agencies.

    Parcels and letters

    Mosrentgen, military unit 75384: the parcel will be delivered to the regiment; translation - receive at the post office (800 m from the part). Zyuzino: tell the soldier when the package was sent, and most importantly, when it arrived. He will contact the unit commander, who will submit the relevant lists for approval. With an issued pass (and an accompanying officer), the fighter goes to the post office, usually on Saturday. Check the postman's phone number with the Parents Committee. Postal addresses:

    • Semenovsky regiment (3rd and 4th rifle battalions + separate companies): 115093, Moscow, Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya street, 35, building 1, military unit 75384, battalion, company. FULL NAME.
    • 1st, 2nd rifle battalions: 142771, Moscow region (New Moscow), Leninsky district, village. Mosrentgen, military unit 75384, battalion, company, full name. (These battalions are stationed here, on the territory of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade, in connection with the renovation of the Chernyshevsky barracks.)
    • Training battalion: 140142, Moscow region, Ramensky district, village. Zyuzino, military unit 75384, training battalion, company, full name.

    Combat units

    The Semenovsky regiment is dispersed to different addresses. Young soldiers sent to serve in the 1st and 2nd rifle battalions will be located at the address: 142771, Moscow region. (New Moscow), Leninsky district, pos. Mosrentgen. The location has everything necessary for comfortable living and improving the combat training of young soldiers.


    • pool,
    • sports town,
    • museum,
    • shooting range

    Military personnel serving under contract live on the territory of the military camp with their families. You can get to the town by going from the Teply Stan metro station by bus No. 804. Stop “Poselok Mostrentgen”. Alternative route: Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station – minibus No. 1011.

    The 3rd and 4th battalions are located in Moscow at the address: 115093, st. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, 35, building 1. Separate companies are also located here:

    • 1st Motorized Rifle (Special Purpose),
    • management,
    • automotive,
    • material support.

    There is a medical center. The most convenient way to get there is by metro (Tulskaya station), and then by trolleybus (No. 1.1k, 8, 71) or bus (No. 25, 700) to the Danilovskaya Ploshchad stop.

    Calls to the unit

    By order of the commander of the Western Military District, the following is prohibited: the use of devices with geographic location (GPS), photo and video communications, and the Internet. The “funds” found are confiscated and studied by a commission, and the military prosecutor’s office can initiate a case. They give out the phone on weekends after 15.00, hand it over at 18.30 - 19.00, more often on Sunday. If there is no news for a long time, call the platoon commander. If a guy has just been called up, it’s still difficult for him to make calls. Try calling him on weekends yourself.

    This is what “Military Beauty” is like

    What does a soldier know?

    The bulk of the soldiers in the regiment are from 18 to 24 years old. There are, however, also older recruits - as a curiosity, they remember the school director, who in “civilian life” was responsible for one and a half thousand students and teachers. But the oath is the same for everyone: it begins with the words: “I solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation.”

    “Taking the oath is a very important moment,” says Hero of Russia, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Moscow Youth Army, Major General Gevork Isakhanyan . “Before that they were just boys, but after that they became adults.” There is not a person in Russia who does not remember how he took the oath. I remember my oath as if it were yesterday.”

    the commander of the Semenovsky regiment, Colonel Sergei Potapov , shared his impressions after everything went “excellent” and the tension subsided . – In my opinion, soldiers who perform military duty mainly in the center of Moscow should take the oath in one of the iconic Moscow places. I hope that the solemn ceremony of taking the oath of allegiance to the country, flag, and people of Russia on Poklonnaya Hill will become a good tradition of the Semenovsky regiment.

    Military personnel of the highest category of fitness, both physically and morally, are selected for our ranks. This helped us today to swear in young people just 3 weeks after being drafted. They had just graduated from the young fighter course. In this short period of time, they learned to hold themselves firmly, deliver the text of the oath in a loud voice and confidently march in the parade formation.”

    Question answer

    What new position “chief sergeant” has appeared in the Russian army?
    Children are sent to the army in the form in which their parents raised them. After the word “I swear,” the Armed Forces get down to business in order to return their sons in a slightly “corrected” form a year later. The deputy regiment commander for work with personnel , Major Sergei Kuryshev, told the parents gathered to take the oath about what skills their children would acquire after service :
    “Do you know how many pages are in your civil passport? Most likely you don't know. This is of no use to you. And any of these soldiers, when they get the right to take up a post, will tell you for sure that there are 20 pages. And they will also tell you what marks can be on which page of the passport and how to distinguish a real document from a fake. And so - for any document, including numerous passes from the Ministry of Defense. Each of them gives the right of access to strictly defined places. So our soldiers sometimes have to say: “Sorry, Comrade Colonel General, but according to this document I have no right to let you through.” Have you ever said that to a Colonel General? That's it! And at combat posts, our soldiers may encounter both Defense Minister Shoigu and Putin himself! It is no coincidence that after demobilization, literally all security forces are hunting for them.”

    In the cult novel by Vladimir Bogomolov, the final scene is entirely built on the procedure for checking documents. Remember: “Identity card... Cover texture... Embossing font... Content details...” This is how documents were checked 70 years ago. Since then, both the technology of counterfeiting and the technology of exposing them have made great strides forward. But attentiveness is not the only advantage of the Semenovites. For duty at the National Defense Control Center, for example, they try to select guys at least 185 cm tall.

    Taking the oath against the backdrop of the Church of St. George is doubly honorable. Photo: AiF/Sergey Osipov

    Your visit

    Visits to the Semenovsky regiment are mainly on weekends. Dismissals on Saturday 14.00 - 21.00, Sunday 10.00 - 21.00, in Moscow - on Saturday 16.00 - 19.00. To dismiss, you need a telegram with a request to release the fighter on such and such a day, in connection with your arrival. Send it to the company commander at least 10 days in advance. Find out if your fighter is planning to go on guard duty that day: they won’t let you go from there. You can meet at the checkpoint. You call the fighter’s name and wait for him to be called. It is unknown how much time they will be given.

    Go to the Semenovsky regiment (Chernyshevsky military town):

    Moscow, Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya street, 35, building 1, military unit 75384. The nearest metro stations are Tulskaya (950 m) and Serpukhovskaya (1 km 150 m). Travel from "Serpukhovskaya": by bus No. 41, your stop is "Children's Clinic". Travel from Tulskaya: by trolleybuses No. 1, 1k, 8, 71 or buses No. 25, 700. Your stop is “Danilovskaya Square”. With all these types of transport you can get back from the unit to the Serpukhovskaya metro station.

    Go to the village. Mosrentgen:

    Despite the fact that it is a suburb, you can get there by metro. The nearest metro stations are Teply Stan and Yugo-Zapadnaya. From the Teply Stan metro station - take bus No. 804. From the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station - minibus No. 1011. You can also get there from the city by direct minibus No. 46. In all cases, your stop is the Mosrentgen village.

    Travel to the training center (Zyuzino village):


    We leave for the Kazansky railway station. Option 1. All electric trains to the Malakhovka station (47th km, Ramenskoye, Fabrichnaya, Bykovo, etc.). Go in the direction of the train, into the passage and to the left. You will reach the bus stop (it is the only one) and take minibus No. 37 to the village of Kopnino. Flights from 05:51 every half hour (may be delayed), travel time is about 20 minutes. Zyuzino is the penultimate stop. At the stop, look to the other side - 30 m away you will see the checkpoint of military unit 75384 Semenovsky Regiment. Option 2. The same station - all trains to the Rodniki station (Gzhel, Kurovskaya, Shatura, etc.). It's better to sit in the first carriage. At Rodniki, go to the opposite side of the tracks - to Yegoryevskoe Highway; Without crossing the highway, you will see a bus stop on the right. From there, take the same minibus No. 37 to the same village of Kopnino.


    From Moscow: Ryazan direction, 22 km from MKAD to Zyuzino. You drive through the city of Lyubertsy. Behind it, where there is a traffic police post on the right and McDonald's on the left, at the traffic light turn left - onto Yegoryevskoe Highway. Follow it straight to the large inscription “Ramensky District”, from there also straight, to the village. Vyalki. We drive through the entire village. Then, at the red brick church, turn left and go straight along the forest - to the concrete fence on the left (behind the fence is our military unit 75384). Continue driving along this fence and you will see a turn to the left. Around the bend there will be our checkpoint in 50 m.

    Start of service

    The new recruits are greeted by the training battalion. The conscript receives his first combat skills in the regiment structure located at the address: 140142, Moscow region. Ramensky district, village. Zyuzino. When communicating with loved ones, a young man drafted into the army will probably talk about the excellent educational and sports facilities and spacious sleeping quarters.

    The fact that the level of outlook and cultural development of the individual does not go unnoticed. Amateur activities, regular excursions to the best metropolitan museums help young soldiers adapt to new army conditions.

    Service in the Semenovsky regiment is brightened up by the store located in the unit, tea rooms, music centers and televisions, corners of sports equipment. A soldier can find peace of mind in a temple located near the training battalion.

    The training unit is the foundation for training a warrior whose motto is “What is good for others is not enough for Semyonovtsy.” Experienced commanders pass on their experience and develop the necessary strong-willed qualities. They instill a sense of pride in the honor of serving in the elite unit of the Russian army.

    After taking the oath, young soldiers are ready to perform service and combat missions

    After taking the oath, young defenders of the Fatherland are distributed among rifle battalions guarding key leadership centers of the Russian army. Conscripts who have proven themselves to be the best continue their training as junior commanders. After successfully passing 4 psychological tests and 7 exams, the soldier is awarded the rank of “junior sergeant”.

    Parents and friends of recruits can get to training on electric trains departing from the Kazansky railway station to the Malakhovka or Rodniki stations. In both cases, not far from the stopping points there will be bus stops along the route of minibus No. 37 (to the village of Kopino).

    Having made a transfer to motor transport, before reaching the stop to the end of the route, we find ourselves in the village of Zyuzino. The checkpoint of the military unit is located next to the bus stop. From the point “intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Novoryazanskoye Highway,” the navigator will lay out a road route to the village of Zyuzino, length from 23 to 36 km and duration from 30 to 41 minutes.

    Daily ritual

    Literally every day at exactly nine o'clock in the morning the guards are changed, regardless of the weather, holidays or weekends. For people attending a divorce for the first time, this majestic and beautiful ritual is impressive in its scale. Five companies of a rifle battalion are simultaneously lined up on a large parade ground, led by their commanders. In addition to the soldiers, nineteen buses are parked along a flat line, which are intended for transportation to guard duty stations.

    After the obligatory report to the commander, a check of readiness begins, including the weapons and appearance of each soldier, as well as his knowledge of his duties, etc. After the commanders of the intervening guards are given passwords, all personnel, accompanied by a military orchestra, march through and arranged in their buses. Then the transport in a column and with a clearly observed distance passes along the parade ground to the accompaniment, and then goes on its routes.

    The clarity of the commands and the absolute coherence of the actions of the personnel are simply amazing. The simultaneous marching and striding of several hundred people is so synchronized that it seems as if the warriors had served together all their lives.

    They say that for many units, preparing for such a “parade” requires a lot of effort and time, but for Semyonovtsy it is a familiar daily ritual, which residents of neighboring buildings and local children who constantly gather on the other side enjoy watching from their windows fence

    What can a soldier do?

    Currently, the Armed Forces have a territorial recruitment principle. Unless absolutely necessary, conscripts from the Far East are not sent to Central Russia, and vice versa. There are 35–40% Muscovites in the regiment. There are many guys from the Moscow region, from Kaluga, Tver...

    “We are from Kursk ourselves,” says Tatyana Alekseevna , the mother of a soldier who has just taken the oath. “My son Maxim entered a military school, but was a little lacking in physical training. I decided of my own free will to serve in the army, although I studied at the institute. Took academic leave. I ended up in the Semenovsky regiment by accident, I hope he will make a good soldier. Today I had a meeting with the deputy commander for personnel relations. Thank you, the major clearly explained where his son will serve, what to do, when you can come to him, what to bring and what not. The three of us came to the oath: me, his godmother and his girlfriend. There they are, whispering in the corner.”

    Article on the topic

    “A complete refusal is not practical.” Conscription into the army in Russia will be maintained. In the first weeks, recruits experience “withdrawal”. Not even from separation from home, but from the lack of a smartphone. They are prohibited in the Armed Forces. Push-button phones without a camera, Internet access and geopositioning are allowed (for about an hour a day). There are other restrictions associated with the service. On the day of taking the oath, dismissal until the evening (as weapons were handed over) was given only to those whose parents came to see them. This will happen in the next six months. After all, the regiment is stationed in Moscow, where there are too many temptations. After 6 months of service, you can earn individual dismissal, but you need to try for this. This applies to everyone.

    “My boyfriend graduated from university, he is 25 years old,” says the beautiful Sveta . “We met recently, and now it’s time for him to repay his debt to the Motherland. Thanks to his sports background, he ended up in the Semenovsky regiment. We are Muscovites, I am glad that my beloved will serve next to me. Here it is, look: the second group of soldiers. The tallest man in the ranks is my Ivan .”

    and Patriotic War

    In 1702, the Semenovsky regiment sent a small detachment to storm Noteburg. After thirteen hours of fighting it was taken. All participants were awarded, and the detachment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Golitsin, was awarded the rank of colonel of the guard. Six years later, in September 1708, as part of the corvolant, the Semenovsky regiment successfully fought in the Battle of Poltava, and in June of the following year.

    During the War of 1812, the regiment was in reserve, but immediately after the French captured the Raevsky Battery, it was transferred to the center of Russian positions to repel attacks by the enemy’s heavy cavalry.

    New address

    A little more than a year has passed since this legendary military unit was recreated. And just recently it finally found its permanent and, most importantly, its own premises. The barracks are now located in Moscow, in a military town. The Semenovsky regiment, whose address is Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya Street, 35, building one, today moved to the so-called “Chernyshevsky barracks”. They were overhauled and prepared for commissioning by specialists from the State Institution of Spetsstroy of Russia for the Central Federal District.

    Construction work here began in January 2013. A major overhaul was carried out not only in the sleeping quarters, but also in the living quarters, as well as offices and all rooms that were intended for storing weapons or ammunition. All barracks facilities underwent a complete reconstruction of facades, interior finishing work, engineering systems were replaced, fire and security alarms were installed.

    And today the location of the Semenovsky regiment is radically different from the conditions in which the first soldiers and command lived, when the guards units of the elite tsarist troops transferred from Moscow to the Northern capital were moved beyond the city limits - beyond the Fontanka River. This is where the rather characteristic name of Zagorodny Avenue came from, not far from which the military were stationed. Gradually, Semyonovtsy began to populate the main area between what is now Moskovskaya and Zvenigorodskaya streets from the west and east, and Fontanka and Obvodny Canal from the south and north. There was also a regiment's parade ground, which in history became known as the place where the Petrashevites were executed in 1849.

    First battle

    In November 1700, the Russian guard, which included the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, stood firm in an unsuccessful battle with the Swedes near Narva and were able to miraculously avoid defeat. Appreciating their valor, the Swedish king agreed to keep the soldiers of both regiments with their weapons. The Russians crossed the crossing with drums beating and banners flying.

    For courage and in memory of the fact that they stood knee-deep in blood, the Semenovsky regiment began to wear red stockings. Seventeen officers died in this battle, including the commander, Lieutenant Colonel Kuningham, as well as four and a half hundred lower ranks.

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