Load 12 gauge ammunition. Instructions for loading hunting cartridges for a shotgun (for beginners)

Characteristics of Sokol gunpowder

The gunpowder is based on a one-component structure, smokeless pyroxylin, made from nitrocellulose. A particle of gunpowder is a square petal with dimensions from 1.28 to 1.7 millimeters. The thickness of the petal is 0.13 millimeters. The Sokol grains themselves are gelled and graphitized. This prevents the grains from sticking to each other, and prevents them from becoming electrified during storage or when poured directly into the sleeve. Gunpowder is produced and sold in two grades - highest and first.

When ignited in a weapon barrel, it creates a pressure of 630-650 kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/sq.cm.). Burning speed is 2.2 meters per second. The manufacturer recommends that the bulk density in the cartridge be 0.510 kilograms/liter.

Experienced shooters and hunters do not recommend using the Falcon with semi-automatic self-loading weapons, for example, gas-operated ones. The fact is that when fired, sparks and unburned powder particles are ejected from the barrel box, which leads to clogging and possible jamming of the reloading mechanism.

Sokol gunpowder is ideal for novice hunters who have begun to equip their own cartridges. It forgives small mistakes and inaccuracies in hanging and weighing. Also on the Internet there are video instructions for handling this type of gunpowder, which is also a good help for a novice shooter.

Preparatory stage

A good hunting cartridge consists of high-quality components that match each other’s characteristics. Therefore, before starting mass production, it is worth deciding on the materials used.

Also remember that you need to hang any type of gunpowder with great precision, using special weights. An increase in weight of even 0.1-0.2 grams can lead to excess pressure in the chamber or other more serious consequences.

It is best to use brass or plastic sleeves. In this case, loading cartridges will be easy and calibration will be accurate. However, remember that it is best to choose hard plastic. Folder cartridges are quite capricious - they do not tolerate moisture and excess gunpowder, and you should only use felt or, in extreme cases, wood-fiber wads with them.

You can use soft capsules, for example, KV-21 or KV-22.

A loose wad, a weak gasket and a carelessly or insufficiently clamped cartridge case lead to a weak shot. To increase the penetrating power of a cartridge, it is best to use imported (Italian, for example) 10- and 12-gauge felt wads for buckshot and bullets or wood fiber wads for shot. In this case, the wad should fit tightly into both the brass and plastic sleeves. Such wads are reliable, do not lead to jamming, perfectly maintain pressure in the barrel and prevent breakthrough of powder gases.

The use of plastic wad containers is not always justified. In summer they create a lot of noise, and in winter, in severe frosts, they can leak powder gases.

Gaskets should be selected according to the size of the sleeve so that the edges do not bend. Also make sure that they are tightly seated - this is how loading the cartridges will ensure effective shooting.

The shot must be hard and selected solely by appearance - so that there is no deformation. Its weight depends on the weight of the weapon itself. For example, for a gun weighing 3.2 kg, this is no more than 34-35 g. If the value increases, a shoulder bruise or barrel breakage is possible.

Test results

Little is known about the recommendations from the manufacturer, because since the advent of this gunpowder, many types of weapons have appeared. Therefore, bullet and/or shot velocity testing must be carried out for each individual gun.

Through shooting and experimentation, the following reference values ​​were identified:

  • charge weight 1.6 grams. Shot mass 24 grams - speed from 348 meters/second to 356 meters/second.
  • charge weight 2.3 grams. Shot mass 32 grams - speed from 384 meters/second to 389 meters/second.
  • cartridge with a bullet. Charge weight 2.2 grams. The speed ranged from 362 meters/second to 513 meters/second. The best results were obtained with the Mayer bullet. The worst result was shown by the Brenneke bullet.

Powder weights Sokol

Weight standards are a fundamental factor in the performance and serviceability of the cartridges and gun used. Unfortunately, the factory information written on the Falcon label has long been inconsistent with the requirements of current weapons. The latest standards were calculated back in Soviet times, and of course, the standards over the past decades have long been outdated. The recipe for making gunpowder, as well as the process of making weapons, have gone far ahead, so the manufacturer’s motives for using outdated recommendations remain unclear.

However, hunters and shooters, through experimentation and testing, were able to accurately determine the correct proportions.

Important! When weighing powder mass, always use digital specs. scales, standard powder marks can have an impressive error.

So, ready-made examples of attachments:

  • 12 gauge – (shot 28 grams, gunpowder 1.9 grams), (shot 32 grams, gunpowder 2.1 grams), (shot 35 grams, gunpowder 2.25 grams), (shot 40 grams, gunpowder 2.4 grams) ;
  • 16 gauge - (shot 28 grams, gunpowder 1.6 grams), (shot 29 grams, gunpowder 1.7 grams), (shot 30 grams, gunpowder 1.8 grams);
  • 20 caliber - (shot 22 grams, gunpowder 1.4 grams), (shot 23 grams, gunpowder 1.5 grams). (shot 24 grams, gunpowder 1.6 grams).

Step-by-step instruction

So, we continue to study further how to load 12 gauge cartridges. The measure is checked by weighing the scooped gunpowder. When the measure exactly corresponds to the intended mass of the charge, this weight is indicated on its handle.

By the way, the funnel for filling cartridges is glued together from paper, plastic or made from a thin metal sheet. The cone, which is used to straighten the muzzle of spent cartridges, is machined either from durable wood or metal.

In general, loading 12-gauge buckshot cartridges consists of the following steps.

  1. The hunter removes the spent primers to re-use the cartridges.
  2. He inspects, sorts and prepares cartridges for loading.
  3. Next, the capsules are pressed in.
  4. The hunter weighs and measures the charges of gunpowder and pours them into the cartridges.
  5. Then he adds powder to the wads.
  6. Weighs or measures shot shells. He puts them in the cartridges.
  7. Then he tops up the shot wads.
  8. The latter are then properly secured.
  9. The cartridges are marked.

The ratio of the mass of the shot and the charge

The charge ratio is the ratio of the mass of the shot to the mass of the charge. For “Falcon” gunpowder it is at around 15 to 18 points. The average value is 16.5 points.

  • with a ratio around 15, the sharpness of the weapon’s shooting increases due to accuracy;
  • with a ratio around 18, the accuracy of fire increases, but the sharpness of fire worsens.

Thus, by changing this value, a person is able to fine-tune the weapon to suit his specific needs and shooting conditions. Adjustments must be made based on personal feelings, recoil when fired, and the amount of destructive power. Each hunter makes a cartridge personally for himself; there is no need to zealously follow the instructions of his neighbor Uncle Vasya.


  1. Oleg 10/17/2016 at 22:57 I’ll say right away that I am a novice hunter. Please advise briefly, without water, which gunpowder is better to buy?
    Reply Gennady 10/17/2016 at 23:21

    Oleg, what caliber weapon do you have? I've been loading my 12-caliber with Falcon all my life. The main thing is to make the correct ratio of shot mass and charge. For example, for my 12 gauge, the weight of the gun is divided by 94, and for example, for a 16 gauge - by 100, and a 20 gauge - by 106. The value of the coefficient (K) fluctuates for Sokol smokeless powder in the region of 10/150–10/180. Something like that.


  2. Oleg 02/04/2017 at 12:47
    Read how to calculate gunpowder and shot without weighing the barrels.


  • Gennady 10/17/2016 at 23:23
    To calculate the optimal mass of the powder charge, use the formula: C x K = P.

    C is the mass of the shot shell, which correlates with the mass of your gun.

    P – sample (mass) of gunpowder.

    K – charging ratio coefficient.


  • Oleg 02/04/2017 at 12:45
    2.3/35 = 0.06571428571 And multiply by the weight of the bullet or buckshot + weigh the spacers and wads, dividing by 2, add to the weight = if we say the Bullet weighs 32g + 2g of wads = 34x0.06571428571 = 2.23 This is based on Falcon gunpowder


  • SLAVKA 02.24.2017 at 16:51


  • Herzen nNikolai 07/23/2018 at 10:57
    Where did you get the idea that Sokol is nitroglycerin gunpowder? He has been pyroxylin all his life.


      klenov Post author07/27/2018 at 00:12
      According to GOST ’77, nitroglycerin was added to Sokol. The guest is valid. Life is changing.


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    Independent loading of 12, 16 and 20 gauge cartridges

    Despite the fact that Sokol gunpowder is friendly to inexperienced hunters, when assembling ammunition yourself, you must adhere to general recommendations. They are relevant not only for Sokol gunpowder, but in general for the independent production of ammunition.

    “Falcon” is a universal gunpowder, equally well suited for almost all common calibers. Among them, the most popular are discussed above - 12, 16 and 20 gauge. It goes well with both shot and bullets, there are no contraindications.

    When weighing, it is highly recommended to use modern electronic scales - they will accurately indicate the mass down to the gram. An accurately loaded cartridge will have good ballistics, will not misfire and will not damage the weapon mechanism. Scales must be special, not household or pharmacy scales; they can also cause errors.

    Here are some more useful tips:

    • Use only high-quality capsules. Any hunter knows that a successful shot depends on a reliable primer. A leaky cartridge element will, at best, simply jam the barrel; at worst, it will cause damage to the weapon or your health;
    • Take the manufacturer's recommendations as a starting point. Do not risk yourself and your weapon, do not exceed the specified values! The consequences can be very severe;
    • check and double-check the accuracy of the hitch! If there are deviations or doubts, it is better to redo everything from scratch. Mistakes are not acceptable;
    • always take aim! Don't skimp on a few rounds of quality control. Only through practical application can you test the quality and characteristics of the fruits of your work;
    • equipping a cartridge is a labor-intensive process in which concentration and accuracy in every action are important. Make sure there is enough free space on the table. Keep cartridges, tools and primers in different corners of the table, do not mix them;
    • calibrate the sleeves. To do this, you can use the gun for which you make cartridges. It will be very disappointing when it turns out that you did not make the caliber that you need.

    Brief instructions for manually assembling the cartridge:

    1. Decapsulate the case, then insert a new primer by hand without tools. After this, use the UPS tool (Universal Device Sidorenko) to tamp the capsule to the end.
    2. Weigh the components with precise electronic scales - a high-quality measurement of the powder weight is the final mass of wads, gaskets and shot. It is better to place the scales in front of you. When hanging gunpowder, do not forget to take into account the weight of the container in which you are hanging it. You can add gunpowder with a folded sheet of paper or a small funnel - this way nothing will spill.
    3. Carefully place the wad device inside the chuck. This should be done carefully, do not puncture the primer - this will lead to the ignition of gunpowder! Let the sleeve stand on a stand. In the case when the wad is greasy, the gasket is made of cardboard material, and when the wad is plastic, the gasket is not installed at all.
    4. After this, the sleeve is covered with a container. It is not recommended to press hard; gunpowder does not tolerate it well. Over time, you will push with the right force automatically. With the proper experience and knowledge, you can make measurements for cartridges from scraps of cartridges. This will save you time.
    5. Now you can finally fill the shot into the future cartridge. After backfilling, press it well with a hammer. When loading shot, it must be compacted, otherwise the accuracy and pellet of the shot will suffer.

    Finished cartridges should be stored in a specially designated place and container. For calibers 12, 16 and 20, the center of gravity is shifted to the top of the cartridge, which means their position is unstable. No need to scatter them in corners, store them carefully!

    Form a “star” at the end of the cartridge and seal the cartridge with a matrix. A correctly pressed “star” tightly seals the cartridge without gaps and fuses with the edges. You can also check by placing the “star” cartridge on the table - if assembled well, it fits tightly to the table.

    Attention! If the star has a bump, it means there is too much shot; if it falls in, it means there is too little.

    The final touch is to place the cartridge in the twist. Make a side of 1.5 millimeters. Without it, the cartridge may open up over time. Congratulations, your first cartridge is ready! Over time, making cartridges will become commonplace and simple for you, the most important thing is to be careful and careful!

    How to choose shot cartridges?

    The choice of 16-gauge cartridges for hunting should be approached with great responsibility, since the success of this event will depend on the correctly selected ammunition. To do this, you should take into account many features and nuances, one of which is the accuracy indicator. The larger it is, the longer the shot will retain its original shape after firing. It seems that you should always try to choose ammunition with maximum accuracy? But no! When hunting for flying birds, it is necessary to use ammunition with a good spread of shot so that you have the opportunity to hit a moving target. In addition, too much grouping can reduce the trophy quality of the prey.

    It is also necessary to take into account the weight of gunpowder and shot in the ammunition. The more gunpowder is contained in the case, the further the ballistic projectile will fly, maintaining its accuracy

    If you are not very knowledgeable about attachments, then pay attention to the recommended shooting distance indicator. You need to know the approximate distance from which you will shoot at your prey while hunting

    For example, for duck hunting, it will be enough to choose ammunition designed for shooting from a distance of 20 to 30 meters. And when hunting a large animal, you need to stay away from it, so you should purchase cartridges with a large amount of gunpowder or those loaded with a bullet.

    Advantages and disadvantages of gunpowder

    Sokol gunpowder has been on the market for a very long time. During this time, hunters have long noticed all its pros and cons.


    • massive and popular gunpowder on the domestic market. You can buy it in almost any gun store;
    • high burning rate. Capable of satisfying most shooter needs;
    • satisfactory indicators of powder gas pressure;
    • ballistic stability and chemical inertness;
    • reasonable price. Which ultimately gives a pleasant cost price for the finished cartridge;
    • does not require high precision when hanging. Because of this, it is ideal for novice collectors who have just started collecting their own ammunition;
    • being not the most powerful gunpowder on the market, Sokol deforms less the shot and the barrel of the weapon used, which has a positive effect on the service life of the gun and the efficiency of the charge.


    • muzzle resistance is above average, which results in a loud shot by weapons standards;
    • When fired, a lot of flame erupts from the barrel, and there is also noticeable recoil. This is especially noticeable with calibers 16 and 20, while with 12 gauge it is not so critical;
    • “dirty” shot – the remains of gunpowder and its gases greatly contaminate the mechanism of the weapon;
    • The powder is not suitable for use with semi-automatic weapons. And also with self-loading.

    As we can see, the disadvantages are quite typical for not new and not the most expensive gunpowder, despite the fact that there are many more advantages, and they outweigh the disadvantages of the Falcon.

    How to choose shotgun ammunition

    The choice of shot cartridges is based on many features. First of all, this concerns the parameters of the shot when firing such ammunition. One of the main indicators is the radius of the circle into which the shot falls. Obviously, it will be better if this figure is small. This characteristic is similar to the bullet dispersion and shooting accuracy.

    If you need to choose cartridges for hunting weapons, you should consider the following characteristics:

    • Type of gunpowder. It can be smokeless or smoky. In general, this does not have a significant effect on shooting at game, but it may cause some discomfort due to the fact that gunpowder smoke leaves a residue on the parts of the weapon.
    • Type of sleeve depending on composition. Shot cartridge cases can be made of metal, cardboard, plastic, and less commonly of wood fibers. When choosing suitable cartridges, it is necessary to take into account what kind of weapon is used for hunting. Metal cartridges are more convenient to use and reliable, but most often have a high cost and get very hot during a shot.
    • Fraction number. The choice of number must be made based on what animal is being hunted. For example, for hunting wild duck, you should choose cartridges with numbers 7-11. If you are choosing ammunition for a hare, it is recommended to purchase hunting ammunition with shot number zero. For winter hunting of small animals, you should choose ammunition for hunting with number 3 or 4. For hunting large animals, for example, deer and wild boars, you should give preference to buckshot.
    • Price. The question of how much cartridges cost interests many hunters. In this case, the cost will be influenced by the manufacturer, as well as the materials used for manufacturing, the quality of the product and its power.

    When choosing caliber cartridges for shotguns, it is recommended to purchase products from well-known manufacturers in order to eliminate the possibility of purchasing low-quality ammunition.

    Why should you consider ammo caliber?

    Unfortunately, many novice hunters do not always understand the need to choose a specific caliber. It’s quite simple to explain. When hunting small animals or birds, such as ducks, the caliber should also be small. If, when hunting, when you need to use a cartridge for a goose or duck, large-caliber shells are used, this will inevitably lead to the fact that the appearance of the hunted game will be greatly damaged

    This is of particular importance when hunting hares and fur-bearing animals and other small game, where it is important to keep their skins in good condition.

    Contrary to popular belief, caliber is an indicator not of the size of the bullet, but of its energy. When a large-caliber bullet hits the body of a large animal, it begins to rotate, causing severe damage, preventing through flight. Otherwise, an animal with a through wound may run away from the hunter.

    Choosing the right caliber is also important for reasons of economy.

    Without a doubt, it is important for any hunter to consider how much he plans to spend on purchasing ammunition. And more powerful cartridges (larger caliber) have a high cost, unlike small-caliber ammunition, whose cost is much lower

    It is also worth remembering that the caliber affects the weight of the projectile, and, consequently, the weight of the weapon as a whole. In addition, small-caliber cartridges have better flatness during shooting, which allows you to more accurately hit a target at a long distance even in adverse weather conditions.

    Packing and storage

    Standard powder packaging is made of metal. Net weight 200, 250 grams of gunpowder. From the factory, gunpowder is placed in “zinc” and transported in wooden boxes weighing about 50 kilograms.

    In factory packaging, gunpowder is stored for about 6 years. If the packaging is galvanized on the inside, the shelf life is already 25 years. The powder completely retains its characteristics and structure throughout its declared shelf life.

    Gunpowder and cartridges loaded with it should be stored in a dry, warm place. In winter, the storage area must be heated. Unstable temperatures impair its combustion.

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