New tanks in WoT that are fun to play with - Skoda T 56, Vz 55, AMBT

Disclaimer: the author does not claim to be the ultimate truth and in general there will be a lot of subjectivity here. The author's objectivity was greatly affected by the great love for the T29 VII


I’ll tell you right away if anyone suddenly thought, “Stop! Why is it now the best - did I miss something in the 9.22 putnotes? No, but another factor played a role here.

A small lyrical digression. Now in many team games, we can observe an interesting phenomenon - an indirect nerf of a character/tank/strategy.

This is again most clearly expressed in MOBA games. Here, in the next global patch, the conditional character “X” can receive a couple of small enhancements, but instead of starting to bend, he becomes unplayable.

Simply because the metagame changed, other strategies began to be used, characters against whom “X” is strong were no longer taken, and they began to more often take an item (let there be equipment) against which “X” would suffer. Or the battles have become more protracted/cautious, when “X’s” natural element is fast, aggressive battles.

And here a reasonable question may arise from the reader - As in the changed random T29 VII

could I start tanking better and become the “best tower in the game”? The penetrations are growing, a bunch of ST8 appeared with a penetration of 200+?

But the point is that my personal top 1, IS-7 X

, has seriously lost ground lately. And the point is not that the Ded7 turret no longer tanks, no, it still repels cumulatives/PT-X lightly.

But the point is that the “alcotank” beloved by many, aka Type 5 Heavy X

I received a high-explosive bomb with 1500 alpha on gold and in addition
the FV4505 X and also do not forget that, in connection with the withdrawal of the FV215b 183 X with its transfer to promotional stock, almost everyone from whom it was pumped bought it back.
Moreover, considering that in this case they gave a “badger” for free as a load. I think it’s already clear to everyone that now the IS-7 in the current randomization, to put it mildly, doesn’t matter.

Let's look at one illustrative situation:

IS-7 X
at Himmelsdorf .
If earlier Grandfather could aggressively press himself into the middle of the banana, he stands from the tower (that same imbued mound, playable from both spawns) and felt almost invulnerable, which in 80% of cases led to victory if at least a couple of tanks support you from behind. Now this is possible in 1/5 of the battles, at best, if you are in the top/two-level battle and there is no Type/British “bagger” against you. In ranked games, my favorite push has become completely unplayable, despite the fact that the art that punishes in ranked games does not throw a banana. In 10 out of 10 ranked battles in Khimki you will meet, at best, one full-gold type who will take 400-600 off you with each shot. And in the worst case scenario, if you were lazy and didn’t look at the team setup (which in ranked games, as a rule, almost always leads to a “failure”), then you can come, for all intents and purposes, to the pressure and find 2 types + a woman in front of you. And this is almost a guarantee of flying into the hangar with ~1 successful shot.

IS-7 X

- no longer a king among strong towers.

The king is dead. Long live the king!

If you missed the armor in this game and the battles at level X, for obvious reasons you are no longer happy in this regard - T29 VII

will definitely suit you. (Damn, with such slogans, it looks like they should immediately hire me to sell headphones to the Euronet..)

So, why does the autistic author claim that this tank, unlike the legendary Grandfather, does an excellent job of tanking:

  1. It would seem that there are enough high-explosive tanks at any level. The T29 will face the same O-Ni VII , O-Ho VIII , KV-2 VI and eventually the Type 4 Heavy IX . But in practice, with the current balancer, we suffer much less from high-explosive tanks. The first 3 of the above with their 900 landmines, in good situations, if they don’t hit the cover, can knock out ~100 from us per shot. Because of the formula for calculating the damage of land mines with thick armor, it is still possible to somehow neutralize land mines of 900 damage. If we greatly simplify the formula, then approximately we rake in case of non-penetration: Half of the dropped alpha minus the value depending on the armor (at the point of contact, not the given one) and penetration of the landmine. That is, we can sometimes get 50 damage from the KV-2 with well-pumped luck, when the same Type 5 Heavy X or FV215b 183 X will tear off good pieces from any TT.
  2. Besides the fact that we simply encounter high explosives that are not so evil and not so accurate, in the end (there is less chance that we will be sent to the thin cover of the tower). We simply see fewer high-explosive tanks at our levels. While at X levels there is a dominance of high-explosive log launchers, at our levels there are significantly fewer alcohol machines, and besides, not every driver of O-Ni VII , O-Ho VIII plays a high-explosive weapon.
  3. Yes, we may well come across some T-54 IX with 330 Kamuls in the random pool, but again, how many people getting into the three-level top will shoot at sevens in gold? The question is of course rhetorical. And not every nine can beat us on gold. The M46 Patton IX, even in gold, will not even penetrate us with every second shot, if we came out correctly from the tower, without particularly trading the turret (which you can also try to hit with the final accuracy of the 46th python). And this is a nine on gold, and so, if you don’t count the completely noob, that is, fights at the top, then the average in the hospital is ~225 breakdowns for twenty-nine are frivolous numbers (we are, of course, talking about tanking with a tower, substituting the body, we snatch it over and over again)
  4. Well, again, an obvious factor plays in our favor - at our levels V-IX the average skill of players is much lower than at the same dozens. And the orange/yellow players will overwhelm us with tanked damage more than once.

Equipment and perks

Each tank has its own effective combinations of equipment and perks that can be installed on it. What can this T29 guide advise you? Amway, a well-known WoT player, says that ventilation can be very useful for this car, and this is true. But there are also much more useful pieces of equipment, such as a pipe, a toolbox, and a rammer. From these four equipment options, you can choose the three that seem most important to you. As for perks, you need to add them gradually. But it is important to remember that in the final version, repairs and camouflage must be well upgraded, which will be useful to you on any World of Tanks map. The T29 guide will also give you some useful tips and tell you exactly what not to do.

T29 penetration zones

And yes, we can also dance with PT9 on gold with far from zero chances. If we correctly come out from behind the hill, trading the turret, as if looking down at the tank a little from above (due to the fact that the hull is not standing on a flat surface, but is raised up by 10 degrees).

In principle, in the correct position we have at least 270 mm of adduction. Rotate the collage model yourself in the hangar and make sure that if we stand slightly with our nose up, without showing the turret/holey cover, most of the “eights” have nothing to catch against us.

Even in the old days, on this tank I could go crazy and go at a guy, fight from the armor with nines, “WELL, WHO PUPPIES ARE AT ME?” And with the current balancer where we can meet a maximum of 3 nines in battle - we strictly don’t care about everything except our favorite artokats :3

And by the way, if anyone didn’t know, in the screenshot we can see that the “ears” are screens and do not knock out damage from below. It is taken into account only when firing, for example, into the side of the tower through these very ears.

Changes in patches


  • T29, T32, T34, T30: a bug with a discrepancy between the displayed and actual hull armor has been fixed. The actual hull armor has been reduced by 20% and is now equal to the displayed one.
  • T29: visibility has been increased, the influence of movement and rotation on dispersion has been increased by 5%, 105mm_Gun_T5E1 - reload (in seconds) 9.5->10, the rotation speed of the top turret has been reduced by 10%, the display of the frontal armor of both turrets has been corrected, the ammunition load of the guns has been changed.

Update 0.6.4

  • T29: The rate of fire of the 105mm Gun T5E1 gun in the top turret is set to 6 rounds per minute.

Update 0.7.0

  • T29: transfer to new booking system (16 groups + screens).

Update 0.7.2

  • T29: transfer of the 105mm Gun T5E1 gun from Tier IX to VIII, reload time has been changed. Damage and armor penetration remain the same.

Equipment T-29

There are actually two options here:

  1. comfortable:
  2. sighted:

I myself am playing with the first option because, after all, the tank, although generally good in terms of characteristics, is still a little “underperforming”. It lacks a little maneuverability, a little accuracy, and visibility. The valve will give us all this. Well, of course, I highly recommend playing on stake .

This is still a tank for bending down and resting, so you shouldn’t skimp on it and try to farm it. The latter is problematic due to BBsheks of 1000 silver. The option with optics also has the right to life. Firstly, WoT as a whole is a game about disguise. Secondly, we are somewhat of a serviceable firefly. Yes, yes, don't be surprised, this is so.

29 is a cool firefly. You just haven't tried ;)


Sandy river. Storm. We're on def. Here, as a rule, LTs in defense periodically stick their nose out of the river for half a second in order to highlight those riding along the “crown”/all sorts of greyhounds and immediately dive back/highlight/surface again, periodically snatching a p**k from the tanks playing on the “crown”. T29 VII

in such situations, he can more confidently place his turret (see blue arrow on the map), without risking almost being snatched from the tanks above.

Of course, no one canceled the artillery, but unlike the LT, we can stand for 2-3 seconds, buying a couple of foolish anti-tank guns for a shot in which we will illuminate them and roll back to a relative save from the artillery. We can get it if the art has moved to line 1. In this case, the save will not save us much, but as we know, 80% of artogenians do not even consider playing art with two hands.

And if we were lucky and the battle was without art/with only one weak one. We can simply position ourselves from the tower and use optics to highlight everyone in a row, while simultaneously giving a couple of nearby tanks BDSM. Sandy River is one example; on many maps we can find a role-playing position in the style of a “wildly skinny/fat firefly”, especially if we are lucky with the art.


The tank's gun turret was built on the basis of a unit from the T-26-4 and was distinguished by an expanded diameter of the shoulder strap. The machine gun turrets were completely identical to those used on the T-28. In addition to the 76 mm PS-3 (later L-10) gun, the cannon turret contained 2 machine guns (coaxial and additional in the rear wall). A turret was mounted on the roof of the turret for an additional DT machine gun, which was used to combat aircraft.

Inside the tank there was space for 67 shells, some of which were stored in a ring around the shoulder strap. For machine guns there were 6930 rounds of ammunition, which were in the stores.

The hull of this medium tank is welded from steel sheets up to 30 mm thick; sheets no more than 20 mm thick are used to protect the turrets.

The power plant consisted of a 500-horsepower M-17F gasoline engine and a 4-speed gearbox. Tanks designed to hold 600 liters of gasoline were located around the engine.

The transmission had an automobile-type differential used when driving on wheels. Torque was transmitted to the drive sprockets by final drives with additional clutches. To distribute the power flow when driving on wheels, final drives are used.

3 additional rollers were added to the chassis of the reference T-29, which supported the upper branch of the caterpillar. The track rollers were installed on spiral springs, and a 500 mm wide track was used to reduce the specific pressure on the ground. A special feature of the tank's chassis was the ability to move with one track.

Crew on T29:

Then I already noticed that I had mixed up the driver/gunner positions, but here is an article for advanced benders, you’ll figure it out, of course ;)

Two nuances:

  • Most crew members reach almost maximum condition with 3 perks, the 4th is luxury. Masking with the 4th perk generally gives a weak advantage. By increasing camouflage by an average of 30% for the crew, we will get a smaller increase than from camouflage, which now costs a ridiculous 750 silver per battle. It is better for the last 3 crew members, when reaching the 4th perk, to simply leave the experience undistributed, which will allow you to transfer, if necessary, some loader to another tank and immediately receive 100% of the main ability.
  • A mechanical driver , for good measure, needs 5 perks . The author did not find a way out of this situation, so he stupidly took the female driver for the LBZ on the Americans and methodically rocked it on the pilot. In fact, it would be possible to take the 4th or even 3rd perk of the “king of off-road” because the resistance to hard breasts is disgusting . I couldn’t think of anything better than to ignore the perk and just try not to go to all sorts of swamps/in the gorge of Lassville. Lassville Gorge is a separate topic. With our resistance of 11.5 horses, you can go to the gorge and not get there, we are very sluggishly riding through all sorts of shit. In general, it’s a matter of style; no one forbids you from combining “virtuoso” / “king” / “smooth move” to suit your playing style from the third perk. My choice is definitely a virtuoso. A smooth move gives only 7.5% of the “body movement” only; it does not affect the “body rotation” in any way.

What challenges does T29 face?

It’s best to start the T29 guide by identifying specific tasks that can be assigned to this tank in battle. You always need to be realistic about the situation - this tank is not that strong, it is unlikely to be able to defeat a more powerful enemy if it just goes straight at it, so you need to develop a really impressive strategy that will not allow the enemy to eliminate you quickly , but at the same time you can bring maximum benefit to your team. Speaking of the team, it is your main priority. On this tank you shouldn’t even think about farming or getting frags. Initially, play the role of a defensive tank, but when the advantage gradually passes to your team, you can go on the attack. Your main task is to suppress scouts and occupy key positions from which you can systematically deal with your opponents. At the end of your task list should be rescuing your partners. Unfortunately, your tank will not allow you to heroize, so you are better off standing back, because one living tank will be more useful than two destroyed ones. The T29 guide, naturally, does not claim to be unique, because everyone can come up with their own strategy. But this tactic works, that's a fact, so you can either use it entirely or build your strategy around it.

Finally, let’s go over the pros/cons of the T29 tank.


  1. Every explosion from the tower is a terrorist attack. We tank the nines lightly (if we don’t trade the hatch, which is not difficult in general).
  2. A good gun with the ability to install a stabilizer. 198 mm at BB.
  3. Plays great at the bottom of the list.


  1. Low dpm ~2100
  2. Poor dynamics, maneuverability. The maximum speed back is only 12. The soil resistance is clearly depressing - we drive into the water like we’re going to a funeral.
  3. Our hull is still leaky t29 penetration zone, unlike the turret. And not to set him up at all is another quest. And all because the T29 is a long, bitch, limousine. Throwing Art into the MTO cover periodically is very painful.
  4. Far from a record strength of 1250. (Tiger1 at the same level has 1500)
  5. At the top of the list it plays rather sadly. We stupidly don’t have time to shoot properly. Fighting with 5 is the worst option for the balancer. Previously, until platoons were redesigned, the T29 was great to play in a platoon with benefits, for example FCM 50 t VIII .

Useful tips

First, you need to occupy heights, which are key points on the map. If the height is already occupied by the enemy, you need to smoke him out from there from the bottom of the slope. Secondly, you need to try to attack from the flank - this way you can destroy enemy tanks much faster. Thirdly, avoid battles with tanks as heavy as yours - leave them to the artillery, and you yourself bring maximum benefit to the team by fighting the enemy’s light and medium tanks.


The health reserve is 250 hit points, which is normal for level 3. The tank does not have special armor, but for its level it will be able to tank some shots from machine guns/cluster guns. The thickest place is the frontal projection of the body, its thickness is 30mm. The remaining places of the tank in a circle are 20mm. This is really not much, but as was said a little earlier, it will still allow you to tank at least something. The overview is 300 meters, which is not much.

What not to do

Under no circumstances should you hide behind the backs of your partners, since it is you who can divert the fire to yourself, and not vice versa. Be sure to return to base if it is attacked, even if you have taken the most convenient strategic position, but do not stand there all the time - you will not benefit the team. Well, most importantly, never give up, even if you are in the minority against powerful opponents - you can still fight in such a tank, take a couple of opponents with you and earn points.

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