Karambit - claw knife: what is it for and how to hold it

What is the origin of karambit?

Household elements and various objects that are decades old have their own stories of origin. For example, the legend describing the origin of karambit is associated with buffalo fights.

Different tribes resolved their conflicts with the help of buffalo fights, and accordingly, the tribe whose buffalo won won. In the next conflict, a tribe from the islands of Java and Sumatra fought for victory.

Thus, the inhabitants of the island of Java chose a powerful and aggressive animal for the competition, and the inhabitants of the island of Sumatra approached the choice of an opponent from a completely different angle - a small calf was chosen for the competition.

The peculiarity of the calf was that small broken-shaped blades were tied to its horns, like those of a modern karambit.

In addition, the little calf was not fed before the fight. But an adult and aggressive buffalo did not see a threat in the calf standing opposite, so it did not even attack it. And the hungry baby mistook the buffalo for a buffalo and rushed towards him in search of milk, inflicting cutting wounds on the buffalo, which led the baby to victory.

But there are other versions of the appearance of this weapon. So, seven centuries ago, on the Indonesian island of Java there lived a population who believed in the transmigration of souls. After the death of King Pak Makan, local residents decided that his respected spirit was distributed in all types of tigers, since they personified a collective image of power and strength.

And in honor of all the tigers, the aborigines began to create knives shaped like a claw, which is the prototype of the modern karambit.

Black Karambit knife.

After some time, such weapons were used on the island of Sumatra and were used for various purposes:

  • for hunting;
  • Agriculture;
  • self-defense;
  • cockfights, where curved spurs were tied to the paws, which in appearance resembled karambit.

In the Malay Archipelago, a statue of one of the kings of the tribe is represented with such a knife in his hands. The symbolism of the karambit knife is used on the emblem of the Malayan detachment.

The history of “karambit”

The first mentions of karambit were from the 14th century. Who created it and for what purposes is unknown. There are only a few references that the creation belonged to the Minangkabau people. The knife was used during the battle with neighboring settlements for land.

In addition to combat operations, the knife was widely used for domestic needs. It was convenient for them to remove skins from animals, cut up carcasses, and clean fish, vegetables and fruits. Could also be used for cutting bushes and small branches. Combat and household karambit had different shapes and sizes.

There are other versions of historians about where this knife came from and what served as the prototype.

  1. One option is that the knife was created in India and was one of the varieties of brass knuckles.
  2. The second option is the sickle, which was used in agriculture by the Malays.
  3. The third version says that the prototype of modern karambit was the spurs that were put on the paws of a rooster.

What does a knife look like and what are its features?

The main function of karambit is self-defense; it was created in this particular form exclusively for inflicting piercing, cutting wounds and blows.

What shape does the blade and its handle have?

The unconventional shape of the handle and blade attracts attention with its unusualness. The blade is curved so much that it resembles the claw of an adult predator. The blade is of medium length and is sharpened on one side only. It is extremely rare to find a blade whose length is 10 cm.

The ring on the handle makes this knife stand out from others. You can find models that have a hole for your fingers, which allows you to use a more secure grip. The unusual shape makes it possible to twist it, take it with a reverse grip, placing the little finger or index finger in the hole, or simply hold it straight.

The tenacious grip leaves no chance for the enemy to knock the weapon out of his hand, and thanks to the securely fastened hand, there is no danger of getting hurt.

The handle of the knife is made of wood, fastened with one or a series of rivets. In improved versions of the model, you can see a small spike, which is used as a poking weapon.

Karambit claw knife with wooden handle.

How to make karambit?

Maxim Potashev

Summary of the article:

This type of bladed weapon has been legendary for thousands of years. Curved like the claw of a terrible beast, the blade worked wonders in the hands of eastern warriors. That's why so many people want to know the answer to the question of how to make karambit - an attribute of a real man.

Information about edged weapons

Karambit is a specific knife that was created by one of the peoples of Indonesia. Among the distinctive features of the weapon:

  • The blade is crescent shaped;
  • The edge is sharpened on one side only;
  • The presence of one or more rings for a more comfortable grip with your fingers.

The honor of discovering this instrument belongs to the population of one of the islands in Southeast Asia.

According to legend, local residents, who deeply revered their king, believed that his soul had a tiger incarnation. And then they created a knife similar in outline to the claw of a bloodthirsty predator.

Years passed and the Indians conquered the island. They perfected the technology and spread it to many other countries.

The variation of weapons that is in use in the modern world has little in common with the crafts of medieval artisans. There is a wide range of products on the market - from expensive, almost souvenir items, to extremely cheap products made from improvised raw materials. The device can also vary - even folding modifications.

Versions of origin

Today, karambit is used exclusively for offensive or defensive purposes. However, there is no consensus in the scientific community regarding the origin and original purpose.

Among the most popular hypotheses:

  1. Agricultural implement
    . At first glance, the object has an unambiguous resemblance to a sickle. The widespread use of their manufacturing technology could prompt blacksmiths to improve them in a completely different direction.
  2. Melee weapons
    . Some researchers speculate that this knife was originally brought from the Hindustan Peninsula at the beginning of the second millennium to the territory of modern Indonesia. There it was slightly modified by local residents. For example, there is a legend about the use of poisonous blades in battle.
  3. Perhaps this was an element of spurs
    during competitions involving fighting cocks. This version is considered by some experts to be the most plausible. During fights, one bird inflicted such wounds on another that people could not help but think about using this terrible weapon for their own purposes.

In this video, edged weapons expert Eduard Morozov will tell you why people buy karambit and how to use this knife:

How much does karambit cost?

Modern karambits are extremely high-tech products. They are manufactured from the best raw materials and using advanced technology. The world's leading arms companies sell these products all over the world.

Among the most famous brands of this type of knives:

  • "Elemental Knives";
  • "Warren Thomas"
  • "Mantis Knives";
  • "Emerson Knives";
  • "Spiderco";
  • "Craig Camerer";
  • United Cutlery;
  • "Mike Snody";
  • Cutters Knive & Tool.

For their high-quality product, these manufacturers ask a lot of money for the average Russian - about 150 US dollars, which is almost 10,000 rubles at the current exchange rate. Obviously, few people can decide to give three-quarters of their salary for a chic, but still trinket.

Therefore, you can turn to numerous Chinese stores or free classifieds sites. Of course, the quality of crafts from unknown brands is not amazing, but you can buy “the same” karambit for a ridiculous 1,000, 800 or even 300 rubles.

How to make a karambit knife?

Anyone who is not looking for easy ways can try to make a legendary knife themselves. To do this you need to adhere to the following technology:

  1. First of all, you need to find steel. It is desirable that it be good quality material. You can find something as a raw material at the nearest construction site or landfill. As a rule, chains, wire or cables will do the job for an amateur knife. In any case, each master has his own favorite material. Therefore, it is worth practicing a little before you risk forging your own knife.
  2. In order to determine whether the found material will be suitable for forging, you need to conduct a series of experiments with it. First you need to turn on the abrasive wheel for sharpening knives and bring the metal to it. If the flow of hot dust turned out to be quite dense and, moreover, had a fiery hue, then everything is in order.
  3. Then you need to modify the metal at high temperatures. After it softens a little, you need to cool it.
  4. The next step is to create a blank. The raw materials are properly pressed and the reinforcement holder is welded.
  5. After heating in the oven to 850 degrees, you need to add reagents that protect the metal from severe oxidation. Only now can welding be done.
  6. As soon as the previous stage is completed, you can proceed directly to forging. During the procedure, you need to ensure that the crescent shape is maintained.
  7. Then heat treatment and hardening are carried out, after which the blade is lowered into a vat of oil for cooling.

Next is a slightly simpler video tutorial on how to make this knife yourself:

What types of karambit are there?

As a rule, there are two main types of these weapons:

  1. With a fixed blade.
  2. Folding.

It is more convenient to carry a folding karambit knife; the clip adds convenience; with its help you can carry the knife on your belt. For folding karambit, special small and lightweight plastic holders are made.

And for a non-folding model, the manufacture of a unique sheath is required. The knife case is made of soft leather so that it can be easily and firmly put on. While the blade is inside the case, the ring remains on the outside.

Karambit-like knives

Year after year there are masters who try to improve the karambit knife. Of course, after modernization, the knife acquires new elements and becomes more of a karambit-like knife, the functions of which are not actually changed, but the appearance is different.

What are the famous karambit-like knives:

  • Taji is the common name for knives that are intended for cockfighting. This “amusing” business dates back to Indonesia, where knives were attached to the paws of roosters using red string. Taji knives are razor-sharp and their length is from 10 to 15 cm. Craftsmen make entire sets of 6-12 knives in a set of different lengths, designed for different sizes of roosters. Taji knives are considered not only sports, but also sacred equipment. It is customary to clean Tajis only at night and only for men; women are prohibited from touching them;
  • Kuku Mahan literally means “Claw of the Great Tiger”. Its difference from a traditional blade is that it has less curve in the blade;
  • Karambit Lavi Ayam is also intended for “cockfighting”. The second name of the blade is “cockspur”;
  • Kembar - its difference is that this blade has two blades that are directed in one direction;
  • Renkong - has a slight bend in the blade, a small protrusion near the handle;
  • Panjang - has a slightly curved blade, with a sharp protrusion on the outside;
  • Minang is a sickle-shaped knife with a tiger on the handle or sheath.

Minang sickle knife.

Advantages of a karambit knife

The first thing that is worth considering is, of course, the advantages of a karambit knife for self-defense , and this list begins with a reliable, unbreakable grip.

As already mentioned, the knife is fixed in the hand and it is impossible to knock it out. Using a weapon of this design increases sensitivity, and therefore makes control more convenient.

Due to the fact that it is small , the knife is comfortable to carry, and it is easier to use it without the enemy noticing.

The big advantage is that the karambit knife can be used with a straight or reverse grip. The combination of this advantage with a unique shape leads to the fact that karambit in action, when conducting close combat, makes it possible to deliver quickly and more dangerous blows to the enemy.

Thanks to the hole in the handle, the owner of the knife has the opportunity to twist the karambit , this is used not only in combat tactics, but also as a psychological influence.

And yet, the main advantage of this weapon is that the combat karambit, due to its unique shape, shows fantastic abilities in terms of inflicting stab wounds (first - enormous pressure from the tip, then moving the curved blade, and at the same time adding force to the blow the use of a ring that holds the weapon firmly in the hand).

Advantages and disadvantages, practical application of karambits

All types of bladed weapons have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of karambit include :

  • compactness;
  • can easily be hidden unnoticed under clothing;
  • when using, the knife can be held with a forward or reverse grip;
  • the originality of the shape of the blade gives a certain superiority during the battle;
  • a ring on the handle, with its help you can easily rotate the weapon (for combat tactics or psychological influence).

But where there is originality, there is also specificity, since in order to wield this edged weapon, you need to gain experience and get used to it.

The disadvantages of karambit include:

  • it is difficult to sharpen;
  • quite uncomfortable to wear;
  • it takes a lot of strength to strike directly;
  • It's hard to take out and put into the sheath.

Karambits: what are they?

Karambits are a type of knives most often used for self-defense . Their design features are ideal for inflicting piercing blows and cutting wounds that injure tendons, muscles, tissues, and arteries. Such knives are widespread in their homeland - throughout the Malay archipelago, and now - they have begun to actively expand the territory of their use, and are finding fans in other countries. This weapon is already seven centuries old and it is not known exactly why it was originally invented, but more on that a little later.

Structurally, karambit knives , like all other types of knives, consist of a blade and a handle, but the blade is crescent-shaped and has the shape of a claw, and is sharpened only on one side. The blade is small in length and can be between five and nine centimeters.

A unique feature of this knife is that the handle is equipped with a special ring, which is designed to provide a strong grip and prevent the hand from slipping. The shape of the handle allows you to twist and hold it with both a direct and reverse grip, and a finger (little finger or index finger) is threaded into the ring. Thus, the hand is fixed and, with any blow, will not slip onto the blade and will not be injured, and also, the enemy simply has zero chances that he will be able to knock the weapon out of the owner’s hands.

The handle of the knife itself is overhead, it is traditionally made of wood, and is fastened with one or more rivets.

Many modern karambits are produced in slightly different types from the classic version. For example, some of them are made in the form of a folding device, and there are also those that are equipped with a small spike on the handle, which can also be used as a thrust weapon.

In addition, today the knife is available in two types: non-folding and folding karambit . In the second case, it becomes comfortable to wear, but its service life is slightly reduced. The folding knife is equipped with a special clip, thanks to which it can be attached to a belt, making it convenient to carry. It happens that holders are also produced for them (these are special plastic holders).

Despite its small size, this type of weapon, especially the classic awkward model, requires mandatory equipping with a sheath for carrying it, which is properly sewn in accordance with the shape of the weapon (the ring, as a rule, remains outside). The material from which the sheath is made is best suited to leather (it is soft, easier to put on the blade, and quite durable).

Is karambit a bladed weapon?

According to existing Russian standards, the blade is not classified as a bladed weapon. It is worth noting that using it while hunting or hiking is not very convenient. The most common use is self-defense.

In skillful hands, karambit will become an excellent assistant in everyday situations. In narrow specializations, such as the police service in the United States, such a knife is used during training, and the American Drug Enforcement Administration also uses it as self-defense during work.

This type of weapon is good to use in attack and counterattacks; it can inflict cutting wounds on the enemy’s limbs, which will allow you to quickly neutralize him.

What is "karambit"?

There are a huge number of knives. Some are produced for everyday use, while others are in service. One of the most versatile products is the karambit knife. It can be used by civilians, although some models are in service with various armies.

What does a karambit knife look like? What is the price? It is very difficult to find answers to such questions, since manufacturers use different metals to produce the product.

“Karambit” has a slightly curved blade, as well as sharpening on one side, usually on the inside. On average, the length of the blade varies from 5 to 9 centimeters. It is very rare to find one and a half sharpening of such a product.

The main feature of “karambit” is a small ring. It makes the knife stand out from all other products. The ring is located on the back of the handle. It is designed to prevent your hand from slipping onto the blade, as well as to provide a more comfortable and secure grip.

It is quite convenient to hold the karambit knife with a forward or reverse grip, while the little finger or index finger is threaded through the ring, as with a reverse grip. Currently, the production of this type of product is on a large scale, and newer models appear every time.

Thanks to this, you can now find not only knives that have a ring near the heel of the blade, but even products with two rings located on both sides of the handle.

For greater carrying convenience, a folding karambit knife was created - this option does not require the purchase of a sheath and is more convenient for everyday use. It is worth noting that folding “karambits” are no longer what is meant by the classic name of this cutting product. There are no limits to the fantasies of masters.

History of "karambit"

The islands belonging to the Malay Archipelago are considered to be the birthplace of this legendary knife. Some historians and researchers geographically more accurately determine the place of origin of this element - this is the island of Sumatra.

It was the Minangkabau people, who inhabited mainly the western part of the island, who used such curved knives in their wars with the rest of the islanders. The oldest image of “karambit” dates back to the fourteenth century.

Versions of occurrence

There are several different versions of the origin of “karambits”. It is worth noting that none of them can be accepted as 100% true. The first version says that “karambit” is a kind of derivative of a tool that was used in agriculture by the people of Malaysia.

To put it simply, according to this version, the product is based on an agricultural sickle, which was used for harvesting rice fields. In favor of this version, a certain parallel can be drawn between a modern knife and a combat sickle called “kama,” which was popular in the territory of modern Japan.

The second hypothesis says that the karambit knife was used during the formation of the Malaysian archipelago for cockfighting. To give greater dynamics and drive, small knives were tied to the paws of the fighting birds, which had a curved shape, reminiscent of a cock’s spur.

Based on this, there are two translation options for the word “karambit” itself: “cock spur” and “rooster tail feather.” There is a third version, which says that a military weapon was originally created, and its ancestor was a certain brass knuckle knife equipped with special claws. This device was widespread in the territory of modern India.


In the modern market of knife products, there are several varieties of Malay “karambits”, which are considered classic. These are the so-called “fathers” of all modern knives, from which further improvement of products began.


This knife can be considered a classic “karambit”, which has the form of a weapon of the Minangkabau people. This product is distinguished by a characteristic ring, which is made of wood and is used to hold the weapon with a finger. Another feature that the karambit knife had was a strongly curved blade.

Based on the appearance and analysis of the shape of the blade, the researchers came to the conclusion that the ancestor of the “minang” is the sickle, which was used in agriculture.

Knife "karambit" in service

Thanks to all its almost unique properties, this product is used by many police officers. Such a knife acts as a kind of addition to the main firearm. Recently, police officers have been attacked very often in the United States, so many officers preferred a folding “karambit” and began to carry it with them.

Marshals who accompany planes under the guise of ordinary passengers also have folding versions of knives. This is necessary to prevent terrorists from hijacking the aircraft.

Although some people carry firearms, the specifics of air transport are such that they cannot be used during a flight, only in exceptional cases.

Operating technique

The karambit knife is a personal weapon. In terms of its size and diameter, the ring must correspond as closely as possible to the anatomical characteristics of the owner.

Application technique

Each weapon has its own characteristics and techniques of use. So, when using karambit, for greater efficiency you should adhere to the following techniques:

  • it is important to create a distracting maneuver in time and, in the meantime, duck under the enemy’s arm and, with quick movements, deliver several cutting blows to the thigh;
  • in this maneuver the ring plays the main role - if you hold on to it with your finger and quickly scroll, you can unexpectedly strike your opponent;
  • it is necessary to quickly grab one of the attacker’s hands and with a quick blow inflict a wound in the forearm muscle.

Having quickly grabbed the attacker's hand, you need to hit the forearm muscle.

We became familiar with the techniques, and there are also two most common combat grips: forward and reverse.

The reverse grip is called characteristic, since the main interaction is associated with this grip. With it, the handle of the weapon is wrapped around all the fingers of the main hand, the ring is tightly placed on the index finger, and the blade is placed at the base of the fist.

The direct grip is used differently - the blade comes out of the hand from the thumb, the ring is located on the little finger.


Naturally, the original purpose of karambits was to use them as the main weapon in battle. The most effective techniques were developed in the homeland of weapons in the Malay Islands. But it’s not only there that karambits are used. American intelligence officials also have such knives in their arsenal. True, only as additional ones. Well, in the homeland, a knife is not just a bladed weapon, but a source of national pride. And it is used very widely by all segments of the population.

Historically correct knife grip, reverse. The blows he delivers are fast, sharp and must be accurate. Survival depends on it. Many techniques for using karambit are tied to getting as close as possible to your opponents. The blows delivered by the karambit are cutting and it is absolutely impossible to stab the enemy with it, with such a bend of the blade. This is not a bayonet.

The historically established methods of using karambit as a bladed weapon specifically for strikes in close combat are not accidental. These are not throwing knives. However, it is still possible to throw such a blade, but the effectiveness of hits will be much less due to the strong bending of the blade.

The knife shows perfectly when it is used in everyday life. Experts say that we still need to look for a more convenient blade for cutting hunted animals, fish, skinning and peeling vegetables. And this is not surprising if we take into account one of the versions about the origin of the first karambits, from the sickles of ordinary farmers

It is stated above that karambit does not recognize the laws of cold weapons. This made it popular as a weapon for self-defense. There are schools for teaching how to use it for these purposes, because without training it is impossible to use it effectively. But even for a skilled person, such a knife will not help much in case of danger. If there are many opponents and they are wearing jackets (especially in winter), the knife will not be able to harm them. The other extreme would be too high a probability of death or damage dangerous to health and life, which does not fit very well with the term “self-defense,” at least according to the laws in force in the Russian Federation. That is, in any case, using karambit for self-defense is quite risky.

If you still want to use a karambit knife for self-defense. Be sure to enroll in appropriate self-defense courses.

What is the price of karambit

It is not possible to definitively answer the question about the price of karambit, since manufacturers choose different metals to create it. Also, the price depends on the technique in which it is made.

On average, you can count on 35-40 dollars, for this price you can get a small folding knife, but if the buyer is willing to pay 450-500 dollars, then you will receive a high-tech and branded product. Often the price varies depending on the company and brand that creates it, as always - the more popular the brand, the more expensive the knife will cost.

Karambit knife in hand.

DIY production at home

If you have found the courage to create this knife yourself, then you must understand at least a little about the topic of metal processing. You can try using blades from a pendulum saw for the workpiece. Using a grinder and an emery wheel, you need to cut out a blade that matches the shape of the knife. Heat treatment may not be used, but it is important to remember that overheating the steel is not recommended.

You can try to create karambit knives using another option - from a spring, which is drilled along the boundaries of the future knife, and then we give it its original shape using a metalworking tool. This technique requires heat treatment and hardening of the blade.

When purchasing or creating a knife yourself, you should remember that it should be used for self-defense or for domestic purposes. Karambit is an exclusively personal weapon, so it is necessary to carefully select the size of the handle and the diameter of the ring.


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How to make karambit: model manufacturing technology and general recommendations

Karambit is a short knife with a curved blade. It has a sharpening on the inside and a special shape of the handle with a special ring for the index finger. As a rule, this weapon is taken with a reverse grip, which is most convenient for carrying out ripping movements. Due to its unusual shape, this knife is very popular not only among bladed weapon lovers and collectors, but also among gamers who will not confuse it with any other knife. How to make karambit with your own hands?

What is karambit?

Karambit has a small (approximately 3 to 10 centimeters) sickle-shaped blade, the blade of which is sharpened along the internal curve, and a handle in the head of which there is a hole for a finger
. The homeland of this knife is Sumatra, where it was often compared to a tiger claw, due to its unusual shape. Not only the appearance, but also the blows inflicted by a karambit resemble cuts from the claws of an angry beast.

There are still many hypotheses regarding the historical origin of the knife:

  1. The first of these suggests that the knife was previously used in cockfighting, tied to the bird's paws instead of spurs, which allowed the rooster to wound his opponent.
  2. The second hypothesis suggests that this combat knife was a formidable weapon of the Malaysians. They often used it in battles, possessing a unique technique.

None of the hypotheses have been proven, and therefore the origin of this knife, as well as its original purpose, remain unknown for certain.

Model manufacturing technology

A model of such a knife will be a wonderful gift for any gamer or lover of adventure films. You can do it yourself.

Material selection

Using a jigsaw you can easily cut the blade and handle of a knife out of wood.

Since our knife will only be a model, the requirements for it will relate exclusively to appearance. Therefore, karambit can be made from the following materials:

  1. Paper or cardboard. Since a model made from a thin sheet of paper will not be attractive, it is best to use thick cardboard. This material has sufficient rigidity and is very easy to process, which is why absolutely any model can be made from it.
  2. Plywood. Having a jigsaw, you can easily cut the blade and handle of expanded clay from wood. As a result, you will get a beautiful model, which, after painting, will become an excellent shelf decoration.
  3. Plasticine. This option is suitable for making by young children. Externally, karambit made from plasticine is unattractive.
  4. Lego. With a little imagination, you can easily assemble such a knife from Lego parts.


The basis of any model is a drawing. Therefore, before you make karambit from paper, you need to have a diagram of the future knife. You can do it yourself or use a ready-made option from the Internet. The following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. An A4 sheet is taken, on which the drawing is drawn or printed.
  2. Next, the drawing should be cut out using sharp scissors.
  3. The diagram is applied or glued to the base from which the parts will be cut. When working with wood or plywood, it is best to use PVA glue to fix the drawing.
  4. Using a jigsaw or scissors (depending on the base material), the parts of the future knife are cut out.


The hilt is usually made of hardwood and attached to the blade with a copper rivet, the sheath (if equipped) is made of wood or leather and sometimes plastic

If we are talking about a plywood, cardboard, plasticine knife or a model assembled from Lego, then in these cases the knife handle is made of the same material as the blade. Often the model itself is one-piece, but if desired, you can create it from two elements: a handle and a blade.

In this case, the handle should consist of two identical parts, between which the blade will be placed, like a real knife.

Having finished cutting the handle along the contour, you need to carefully cut a hole intended for the index finger. It is a mandatory element of such a knife.

Advice! If, as a result of cutting out the model, excess material or uneven edges arise, they should be processed using sandpaper.


As mentioned above, the blade is cut from the same material as the handle. It should be smoothly curved like a cat's claw. There should be no nicks, cuts or uneven edges here. It is advisable to eliminate all defects with fine sandpaper, which will allow us to “sharpen” our knife from the inside. This will make the model attractive.

Model assembly

As a result of cutting, you should have three parts: two identical parts of the handle and one part of the blade. Now all that remains is to connect them together. For this, it is best to use PVA glue. The model should be assembled using the following algorithm:

  1. Apply glue to the inner surfaces of the handle parts.
  2. Glue is also applied to the hidden part of the blade, which will be located between the halves of the handle.
  3. We place the blade on one part of the handle and press it tightly with the other.

When making karambit from Lego or plasticine, the model will be solid.

How to make a karambit with a metal blade?

For a karambit with a metal blade, it would be useful to make a leather sheath

The simplest models of karambit were described above, which anyone can make. But what if you want more and are interested in an exact replica of the legendary knife? Then the following algorithm will help you realize your dream:

  1. To make the blade you will need a circular saw blade. It should be cleaned of grease and rust using sandpaper.
  2. After this, the surface is completely degreased using any modern solvent. Degreasing is necessary to ensure that the protective layer does not fall off during electrical corrosion of the workpiece.
  3. Carefully cut out the drawing of the knife.
  4. Using undiluted nitro varnish, the cardboard drawing is glued to the disk.
  5. Then the drawing is outlined with tin wire connected to the negative terminal of the power supply and the disk itself. The wire is fixed with superglue.
  6. An electrochemical reaction is carried out, the purpose of which is to separate the blade from the steel disk.
  7. When the workpiece is separated from the disk, you can use sandpaper and a file to sharpen it, or sharpen the future knife on a power tool.
  8. Using a grinding tool, the blade is ground on both sides.
  9. Wood or plastic can be used to make the handle. A wooden handle, as a rule, consists of two parts glued together. Metal rivets can also be used as fastening.
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