Top 5 strongest fleets in the world in 2022: quantitative composition, firepower, development dynamics

Each army must have soldiers, small arms, tanks, aviation and, of course, naval forces. Moreover, they play a huge role in historical battles, the future of states and demonstrate their power. After all, where it is difficult or impossible to reach by land, only the strongest and largest fleet will help, and it will play a decisive role. Every year, positions in such rankings change; some countries invest all their efforts and resources for the sake of progress, while others begin to lag behind. If last year the country with the largest fleet was the United States, today they are not even among the top three. Now let's move on to the rating specifically.


The naval forces of the People's Republic of China are the largest today, and the gap from competitors is significantly large. According to the Chinese government, the main threat to them comes from the sea. Today the largest navy has 777 assets. In addition, the Chinese Navy has the largest submarine fleet of any country on the planet, with 79 submarines in service today. An equally significant role is played by aircraft carriers, among which the Liaoning stands out.

  • Fleet composition: 777 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 2
  • Destroyers: 50
  • Frigates: 46
  • Corvettes: 72
  • Submarines: 79
  • Patrol vessels: 123


The Navy of the Italian Republic (Marina Militare) has a full range of vessels - aircraft carriers, submarines, landing ships, destroyers. The country's fleet is present in the Black and Red Seas and in the Indian Ocean, performing tasks of combating terrorism, resolving conflicts and emergency situations.

Submarines of the Sauro class and Project 212A protect the country’s borders and are ready to operate in foreign waters. And although the Europeans are gradually losing their advantage under the pressure of Asian countries, the Italian Navy remains a formidable naval power.


One of the three main directions of the Russian Army. Many, when asked which fleet is the strongest , answer that it is the Russian Navy. One of the most complex military units in terms of structure and combat composition, in which the main ones are the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Caspian and Baltic fleets. The state's total assets include more than 600 weapons, but only 1 aircraft carrier called Admiral Kuznetsov, which is often modernized. That is why the Russian Navy is currently a little short of the title of the strongest fleet in the world.

  • Fleet composition: 603 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 1
  • Destroyers: 15
  • Frigates: 11
  • Corvettes: 85
  • Submarines: 64
  • Patrol vessels: 55

Royal Navy of Great Britain 1815 - 1918

At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the British Royal Navy became the largest and most powerful in the world. It was the fleet of an island power. The maintenance of such a fleet was very important for ensuring the safety of sea routes to the overseas colonies of Great Britain, which were located in North America, India, and Africa.

At this time there was a period of relative peace throughout the world. This fleet consisted of 52,000 ships. It was considered the so-called roof of the world. Its size was kept from calculations of the size of the fleets of the two great powers combined. Such superiority ensured Great Britain dominance in the world's oceans.

Other powers could not challenge London. During the Crimean War, Great Britain destroyed the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The Royal Navy also participated in land-based military operations in other parts of the world and against pirate robberies in North Africa and the South China Sea. He contributed to the opening of new foreign markets in Japan and China.

North Korea

A leading country with the largest fleet in the world at the moment. The North Korean Navy obliges its citizens to serve conscripted service in these forces for at least 5 years, the maximum period reaches 10. In terms of divisions, everything is simple for them, these are the Western and Eastern Fronts. They don’t have aircraft carriers or destroyers, but they have a lot of patrol ships, which is how they beat the rest.

  • Fleet composition: 492 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 11
  • Corvettes: 0
  • Submarines: 36
  • Patrol vessels: 250



SO "Admiral Kuznetsov"

This giant cruiser with a maximum displacement of 58.6 thousand tons is also in the Russian Northern Fleet. It has twenty airplanes and seventeen helicopters, and these are not the only aircraft - there are about fifty of them in total. The aircraft carrier is well armed, which cannot but amaze: it carries the Dirk, Granit, and Kinzhal missile systems, as well as sixty deep-sea bombs.


America is a few units behind, one of the countries with the largest fleet in the world today. They are leaders in the number of aircraft carriers; it is unlikely that in the near future anyone will try to compete with the US Navy on this issue. The army has abandoned frigates; they do not have a single one in their arsenal. The main ones are the Atlantic (today the US Naval Command) and the Pacific fleets. The most powerful fleet in the world of aircraft carriers has 11 of them in service. The main one is Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), absolutely all of them belong to the Nimitz series.

  • Fleet composition: 490 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 11
  • Destroyers: 92
  • Frigates: 0
  • Corvettes: 21
  • Submarines: 68
  • Patrol vessels: 13

Great Britain. Tradition is still strong

In Britain they like to say that “it takes 30 years to build a fleet, but it will take at least 300 to acquire traditions.” Since the mid-18th century, the Royal Navy was the most powerful in the world, playing a key role in the creation of the British Empire, but after the Second World War it was eclipsed by the US and Soviet navies. Due to funding cuts, it continues to gradually decrease, but even now it remains one of the most advanced, with the most powerful weapons in Europe.

The Royal Navy has approximately 33,000 personnel. It includes one aircraft carrier, and a second ship of this class is planned to be completed in the coming years. Although they are significantly smaller than their American counterparts, they are distinguished by their speed and maneuverability.

The British Navy operates 6 anti-aircraft destroyers, which can patrol large areas, and 13 frigates, designed to combat submarines. It consists of a 7,700-strong Marine Commando brigade. 5 logistics landing ships are used to land military personnel.

The UK has 10 nuclear submarines, with another 4 submarines currently under construction. Each of them carries a stockpile of ballistic missiles sufficient to wipe out entire countries. At least one submarine is always on combat patrol and is ready to use its weapons at any time.

The British Navy uses a variety of helicopters for search and rescue operations, anti-submarine warfare, and support functions. Close support aircraft were retired more than 10 years ago, and replacement fighters have yet to enter service.


The Colombian Army is in the top five rankings as the largest military fleet , consisting of more than 453 units. The basis for the national naval power of this state is the fleet itself, aviation, and marines. They do not have aircraft carriers in service; the bulk of them are patrol vessels. The underwater part of the army consists of 11 submarines, mainly created according to the type 209/1200 and SX-506.

  • Fleet composition: 453 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 4
  • Corvettes: 2
  • Submarines: 11
  • Patrol vessels: 285

TARK "Peter the Great"

Belongs to the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation, several years ago it was named the largest attack cruiser on the planet. And there was a reason: its length is more than 250 meters, and its width is almost 30 meters! Main technical indicators: two nuclear reactors (by the way, they can be safely operated for half a century); speed up to 31 knots. A team consisting of a thousand people can safely go on an independent voyage for a period of sixty days. The Peter the Great's armament is impressive: gun mounts with a range of more than twenty kilometers, a variety of missile weapons that can easily destroy targets within a radius of seven hundred kilometers. There are also three helicopters on the Petra. This is why the nuclear giant is such an impressive ship.


In 1923, the Iranian Navy was officially formed, which today is part of the largest fleet in the world 2022, and this was not achieved in the longest period of time. They have 29 submarines, which is 5th position in the world ranking. They are based on Soviet diesel-electric submarine projects 877EKM. All others are only local developments.

  • Fleet composition: 398 units .
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 6
  • Corvettes: 3
  • Submarines: 29
  • Patrol vessels: 20


The French fleet (La Royale) successfully competed with the British for several centuries and helped create a colonial empire. Now, in addition to bases in the country, the French Navy has 5 foreign home ports and a presence in the UAE.

The fleet's flagship is the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which has been in service since 2001. The French Navy includes Triumphant-class nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles, landing and patrol ships, frigates, and destroyers.

French shipyards build ships equipped with the latest military engineering, which are purchased by many countries. Over the years, the French fleet has not lost its glory as one of the most reliable and formidable in the world.


It may not be the strongest fleet in the world, but it is among the largest. It is extremely rare today to find helicopter pilots in the naval armies, but the Egyptian one has them, in two units. They also include frigates, submarines, corvettes, missile, torpedo, patrol and patrol boats, anti-submarine vessels and landing ships. If we consider Africa as a whole, then Egypt is the country with the largest fleet .

  • Fleet composition: 316 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 9
  • Corvettes: 7
  • Submarines: 8
  • Patrol vessels: 50

Greek navy 480 BC

The Greek fleet, when the Second Persian invasion took place, was not one of the largest and most famous. But he defeated the Persians, thereby preserving the civilization of the Western world. The Persian Empire was a land power. But she managed to create her own fleet from captured ships of other conquered states. Phoenicians, Egyptians, Cypriots and sailors from other Greek city-states and countries of Asia Minor served in its fleet. In total there were 1207 oared triremes. But the Persians lost 250 ships before Salamis during a storm and skirmishes in Artemisia.

The Greek army, led by Athens and Sparta, assembled 381 triremes. Although during the Battle of Salamis the Greek fleet was half the size, it was able to inflict very significant losses on the enemy. The Persian ships were forced to leave the battlefield. This Greek victory had important results. The Greeks were able to protect the flank of their army. They did not allow Xerxes' fleet to bypass them with an amphibious assault. The second meaning is that Persia’s military losses were very large. Therefore, Xerxes ordered his ships to be withdrawn from the battle. Thus, the invasion was stopped.


The Royal Navy, which cannot cope with the threat without support from the water, is therefore actively developing this area. Frigates are armed with surface-to-air missiles, so in Southeast Asia the Royal Thai Navy of which fleet is the strongest There is even an aircraft carrier of the Chakri Narubet type in service with the number 911, which was commissioned in 2009, but it is no longer combat-ready. The ship belongs to the light class and was built by the Spaniards. If we compare the aircraft carrier with others, it is the smallest in the world. This country is not among the countries with aircraft carriers only because it most likely serves as a huge royal yacht.

  • Fleet composition: 292 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 7
  • Corvettes: 7
  • Submarines: 0
  • Patrol vessels: 49




The Japanese fleet is called the "Self-Defense Forces" and has not yet freed itself from restrictions after cooperation with Nazi Germany. The country's maritime doctrine states that the Navy is called upon to defend its own islands and liberate them from invaders.

Japanese shipyards build the best destroyers in the world, distinguished by a high-tech air defense system capable of intercepting low-flying targets. The flagships of the Navy are 4 helicopter carriers, aimed at conducting operations to destroy surface and underwater vessels of any class and landing troops.

Submarine fleet - diesel submarines of the Soryu and Oyashio class, which are not inferior in combat and performance characteristics to nuclear ones. The naval forces also include destroyers, landing ships, combat boats, and unmanned target control ships. The country's navy is the same as everything Japanese - reliable, original, high-tech.


A very powerful country in South Asia, which has the largest navy , officially appearing in 1830. The army of this state is developing very quickly and is rising higher in many rankings, including as one of the strongest armies. They even have a carrier-type aircraft carrier in service with their Navy, built according to type 1143 of the INS Vikramaditya project and it is in service, by the way, it was previously called “Admiral Gorshkov” and belonged to the USSR. At the same time, another aircraft carrier of the Vikrant type is being built in India; it is unknown when it will be launched.

  • Fleet composition: 285 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 1
  • Destroyers: 10
  • Frigates: 13
  • Corvettes: 23
  • Submarines: 17
  • Patrol vessels: 139

BOD "Kerch"

The Varyag, second in size and armament after the Moskva GRK, belongs to the Black Sea Fleet. It can reach speeds of up to 33 knots and set off on independent voyages for up to a month. Its armament includes two installations of the Metel anti-submarine complex, the Storm anti-aircraft missile system, respectable super-artillery and torpedo tubes, by the way, there is also a helicopter.


Rounding out the top ten is another of the strongest and largest fleets in the world , belonging to Indonesia. This army has 282 units, most of which are patrol ships. As for the submarines, there are 5 of them, 2 of which are diesel, built according to Project 209, and the other 3 are newer and more modern. The Navy will soon have to add as many more submarines.

  • Fleet composition: 282 units.
  • Aircraft carriers: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Frigates: 7
  • Corvettes: 24
  • Submarines: 6
  • Patrol vessels: 179

UK: 14 submarines


According to the Royal Navy's website, its submarine force is an important part of its fleet due to its flexibility and ability to operate around the world. With two different classes of submarines and three sub-categories in service, the British Submarine Force can take on missions of any complexity!

"Queen Elizabeth"

Aircraft carrier "Queen Elizabeth".

The Queen Elizabeth is a 2 aircraft carrier currently under construction for the British Royal Navy. The first, Queen Elizabeth, will be ready for use in 2022, and the second, Prince of Wales, is scheduled for completion in 2022. The length of the ship is 284 meters, and the displacement is about 70,600 tons.

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