Killer rifles that can even penetrate a tank (11 photos + 1 video)

CheyTac Intervention (USA)

When it comes to creating sniper weapons, the recognized leaders are the United States.
In any case, their products are the most advanced. A kind of quintessence of achievements in the field of creating high-precision rifles was the CheyTac M200 “Intervention”. Before us is a large-caliber sniper rifle, designed for special cartridges .408 CheyTac and .375 CheyTac. The main purpose of this weapon is to combat manpower at long distances. Like many sniper rifles, the M200 is manually loaded and bolt-action. Such rifles are traditionally considered more accurate than automatic and semi-automatic rifles. A distinctive feature of the M200 is that it is part of the CheyTac LRRS complex. It also includes a ballistics computer to which you can connect wind sensors, temperature sensors and barometric pressure sensors. All this allows you to effectively hit a target comparable to a human figure at a distance of up to 2 thousand meters. True, the price of the complex cannot be called low: the rifle will cost the buyer 50 thousand euros. Perhaps this is why it is used by a limited number of countries, including Argentina, Jordan, Turkey and Poland. The complex is also quite heavy - without an optical sight, the rifle weighs more than 12 kg. This is slightly less than the weight of the Barrett M82 large-caliber rifle (we'll talk about it later).

CheyTac Intervention / ©Weapon

Gepard M1

The good old large-caliber Hungarian rifle not only hits 2000 meters, but also the accuracy of the weapon is perfect (0.7MOA). And this despite the fact that the rifle is already four decades old! True, despite its key advantages, the M1 is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, this is literally a king cannon: the weight of the rifle without cartridges is 17.5 kilograms (the total weight with a cartridge and scope approaches 19 kilograms) - the heaviest of our five. There was even a super heavyweight (modification M1A1) weighing 21 kilograms, but to the delight of the snipers, the military considered its use inappropriate. Secondly, the M1 is single-shot and its recoil is colossal. Subsequently, self-loading lightweight versions appeared, but they could no longer boast the same accuracy as the M1.

M2010 (USA)

No less technologically advanced is the newest M2010 rifle intended for the US military. In fact, it is the result of a deep modernization of the legendary M24, which has faithfully served the American army since the late 80s. The rifle inherited the sliding bolt from its ancestor, but switched to the new .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge (M24, among other things, used the usual 7.62).

Compared to the old cartridge, the new one should provide a 50% increase in firing range. The basic M24, by the way, also has good accuracy: the effective firing range of 7.62x51 mm cartridges is 800 m. So with the new rifle, an ordinary US Army sniper will feel even more confident in the mountains or desert. True, there was a price to pay for increasing the range. The recoil has increased slightly compared to the standard M24, and in addition, the ammunition began to weigh more. Other innovations include a folding stock and improved ergonomics. Let us add that the rifle has a modern Leupold Mark 4 6.5-20?50mm ER/T M5 optical sight. So the potential of the modernized M24 is very high.

The advantages of the M2010 are obvious: it is relatively light (5.5 kg), high accuracy, and accuracy of fire at distances up to 1200 m, as well as mobility and advanced optics. The standard M24 is used by more than a dozen different countries, but the M2010 is currently used only by the US Army. In total, in 2011–2015, the military was supposed to receive more than 3.5 thousand new complexes. The contract amount was 28 million US dollars.

M2010 / ©Guns

Top 10 Best Sniper Rifles in the World

Increasingly, in various local conflicts, partisan detachments are appearing, trying to turn the tide of hostilities in their favor with targeted strikes, for which the ideal weapon is a sniper rifle. This type of weapon also does not go out of service with the world's leading armies, and remains an indispensable tool for solving problems by special forces .

Although progress has a significant impact on the defense industry, most of the contenders for the Top 10 best sniper rifles in the world have been in service for about fifty years, but still they have to give way to new, more ergonomic and accurate options.

10.L42 Enfield (UK)

This model of sniper rifle appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, quickly proving the convenience and reliability guaranteed by the use of a magazine, which is why the L42 became an indispensable tool both in the Boer War and in the two largest battles of mankind. Despite the fact that the rifle is over a hundred years old, snipers from the British Commonwealth countries still prefer it, because the target range is a full kilometer, and the maximum range is almost two.

9.SR-25 (USA)

The semi-automatic rifle, which entered service with the United States Army a quarter of a century ago, ranks ninth in the ranking of the 10 best sniper rifles in the world. Despite the fact that the destruction range is only 800 meters, the SR-25 has proven its effectiveness in all hot spots: Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor. A 10-round magazine gives the shooter an advantage and allows him to single-handedly repel an attack from several enemy units, even if they are attacking from different flanks. However, it is unlikely to be able to penetrate even armored glass if the target range exceeds the norm by a couple of meters.

8.AS50 (UK)

It was produced by order of the United Kingdom Defense Department, so it immediately became popular among various specialized units. The main highlight is five shots in one and a half seconds, without the need to jerk the shutter, which makes it possible to deal with terrorists or criminals who are moving at high speed, sometimes even hiding behind hostages, because amazing accuracy will allow you to avoid civilian casualties. There is also the possibility of using incendiary supplies, and the targeting accuracy is about two kilometers.

7.M21 (USA)

The weapon, ranked seventh in the list of the best sniper rifles in the world, was used by the Americans during the Vietnam War, moreover, it was specially developed for it. The M21 rifle entered service in 1969. You may have noticed the similarity with the M14 assault rifle, and it is not accidental, it was this that served as the prototype. It is still in service with the army, because the magazine holds 20 rounds of ammunition, standardized for NATO troops, which allows you to avoid shortages of ammunition or quickly replenish them. Effective firing range is nine hundred meters.

SVD (USSR/Russia)

The legendary Dragunov sniper rifle is not the most accurate, not the most powerful and not the most convenient. However, thanks to its low cost and reliability, it has become one of the most popular sniper rifles in the world (if not the most popular in general). An experienced sniper will never choose the SVD as his weapon, but for an inexperienced fighter it remains the best “Marksman” rifle. A clarification needs to be made here: in the West, this term is used in relation to high-precision rifles that are used by infantry snipers, operating not separately, but as part of an infantry unit. Such rifles are often not considered as full-fledged sniper weapons, but their rate of fire allows them to effectively hit targets at medium and relatively long distances. Thus, we are talking about a kind of “long” arm of the infantry on the battlefield. Like all kinds of modern analogues, the SVD is self-loading.

The SVD PSO-1 optical sight, which has a recognizable sighting reticle, assumes firing at a range of up to 1300 meters, but at such a distance the accuracy of hitting a single target will be low. So in this case, you can only shoot at a group of soldiers or just fire suppression. The effective firing range of the SVD is 800 m. At the same time, the rate of fire (in combat conditions) is 30 rounds per minute. This is a good indicator, although in terms of its characteristics, the Dragunov rifle is already noticeably inferior to analogues such as the M110. Much more expensive and difficult to master.

SVD / ©Guns

"Hunter" of snipers

You must understand that the DXL-4 is not intended to specifically destroy militants or terrorists in hot spots - there are simpler systems for this. DXL-4 and, naturally, DXL-5 are designed to combat enemy snipers. This is the same option when you can move a kilometer away with the enemy and, when you find yourself outside the affected area, open targeted fire. Also, the creators of the SVLK-14S “Twilight” claim that their rifle is one of the most accurate and “accurate” in the world. From a distance of one hundred meters, even a novice shooter can hit the target with five bullets with a distance of 13.5 millimeters between holes.

Well, the capabilities of DXL-5 are yet to be determined. And it doesn’t have a proper name, unlike DXL-4, called “Twilight”. I haven't earned it yet.

L96A1 (UK)

The Accuracy International L96A1 rifle has become a symbol of a sniper weapon. It is distinguished by high accuracy and accuracy of fire, excellent ergonomics and high reliability. It was from this weapon that the longest combat sniper shot in history was fired: the target was hit at a distance of 2475 m.

The rifle has a bolt action and can use 6.2, 7.62 and 8.6 mm cartridges. Such a wide range is made possible thanks to a replaceable barrel made of stainless steel by cold forging. The effective firing range is 1.5 km. Some cartridges allow, using the basic model, to place five shots from a hundred meters in a circle from 11.6 to 20.3 mm. I must say that this is a very good indicator. In total, the magazine can hold five or ten rounds.

With all this, the rifle has a very reasonable price: it can be purchased for 10–12 thousand dollars. Thanks to this (as well as its high characteristics), it was purchased by dozens of countries, including the UK, where it, in fact, was developed. The lack of worthy domestic samples of sniper weapons also prompted Russia to purchase a batch of L96 for special forces. True, in recent years the situation with Russian sniper weapons has become better: for example, the high-precision ORSIS T-5000 appeared, which was quite warmly received by experts.


Most Important Features to Consider

The best rifle for long range shooting should provide you with great performance and the accuracy should be outstanding. The most important design features that determine effectiveness are: barrel profile, stock, gauge and margin.

Barrel Profile This is one of the most important considerations when you want to buy the best long range hunting rifle. The barrel must be cold hammer forged, made of high quality stainless steel...

It should float freely, which simply means that the stem and barrel are not touching each other along the entire length of the barrel. This improves accuracy and certainly makes the gun very accurate. Usually the barrel is combined with the receiver.

The recipient is usually associated with the action. However, the trunk floats freely and does not come into contact with any other area except the view.

action This is the mechanism that handles long range rifle ammunition. Common action types are bolt action, semi-automatic action, lever action, burst action, and pump action. Most one-off models tend to be made with screws or rips.

On the other hand, repeating models work with semi-automatic action, pump, lever and bolt. When operated with a bolt or lever, the gun will eject an empty shell and then store new ammunition before re-arming the weapon. Therefore, choose a weapon with the action you need.

caliber This is one of the most important determining factors to consider. There are usually several factors that affect your long-range performance: the ballistic coefficient of the bullet's velocity and the muzzle. The ballistic coefficient of a bullet refers to the measure of the bullet as it moves through the air; while snout speed is the speed at which the bullet exists.

This means that bullet selection is very important when it comes to long-range shooting. You should choose bullets with the highest ballistic coefficient. On the other hand, the speed of the snout should not be too low. If you get the correct ballistic coefficient, you will choose a caliber that will not wear out the barrel faster.

Values : The best model should have stock made to suit your personal needs and should be able to adapt to your design, style and pose. The best stock is one that is reinforced with a durable material such as aluminum. The design must take into account the needs of left-handers and right-handers.

The rear cylinder head must be modifiable in cast iron/height and height, and must be installed with a jaw that can be laterally adjusted. The locking plate must be modifiable for angle and distance.

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