Air pistol ZORAKI HP-01 ULTRA - powerful, accurate, functional

Every current or potential owner of a signal weapon constantly thinks about the effectiveness of its use as a means of self-defense. Let us immediately note that we do not now mean constructive modifications that turn a weapon for giving a signal into a traumatic pistol or something similar. We are talking about the most common version of a pistol or revolver, which can be legally purchased on the Russian civilian weapons market without a special license.

The popularity of signal weapons is due to two simultaneous factors.

  1. On the one hand, the peculiarities of Russian legislation prohibit citizens from carrying short-barreled firearms, and special permission is required to purchase and store LLCs.
  2. On the other hand, against this background, models of signal pistols and revolvers with a caliber of up to 6 mm look quite attractive, since they are on free sale.

Review of the Zoraki HP-01 Ultra air pistol

There are two versions of Zoraki HP-01: Light (an earlier and less powerful development) and Ultra. The latter has a longer rifled barrel and the ability to make a maximum of not three pumps, but four. Caliber - four and a half or five and a half millimeters. The internal design of both modifications is identical. Shooting is done with lead bullets, the speed of which (when pumped four times) can reach 225 meters per second.

By the way, at the factory, each pistol is shot and checked, and then a test target is placed in the package, showing the results of accuracy and accuracy. And a receipt with speed test data.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of the Zoraki HP-01 Ultra air pistol:

  • Adjustment of the trigger trigger according to four parameters, making it possible to optimally fine-tune the weapon for your hand.
  • Adjustable aiming devices, Weaver rail.
  • High bullet speed, the ability to vary it by changing the number of pumps.
  • Quite weak recoil.
  • High-quality assembly and manufacturing materials, good equipment, convenient and practical packaging.
  • The air reservoir is equipped with a safety valve to prevent the permissible number of pumps from being exceeded.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • The price of the product is above average.
  • Loading a bullet is not very convenient - especially for those whose fingers are not very thin.
  • The model is only suitable for right-handed people.
  • Low contrast of sights.

Photo of the air pistol Zoraki HP-01 Ultra

Where is it used?

Plinkers enjoy using this pistol, enjoying the ability to effectively break thick glass bottles after four pumps from 20 meters. As well as novice pneumatic gun enthusiasts and those who prefer to engage in targeted shooting at targets. There is even experience in hunting small pests (feathered and four-legged animals). In general, everyone who is not bothered by the single-charging device does not regret purchasing it later.


Technical characteristics of the Zoraki HP-01 Ultra air pistol:

CharacteristicsIndicatorsUnit measurements
Pneumatic typemulti-compression
Chargeone bullet
Fuseautomatic type, lever
Trunkmade of metal, with 12 grooves
Chargeslead bullets
Handle width5,1cm
Caliber4.5 or 5.5mm
Velocity of an ejected bullet weighing 0.5 g (with four pumpings)up to 225m/s
Barrel length (rifled)26cm
Gun length (entire)37,6cm
Gun width3,9cm
Shot poweruntil 3J


The outside of the device consists of carbon fiber, the quality of which has no complaints. There are no sagging or traces of rough processing. All details fit perfectly. The handle (right-handed) is equipped with ergonomic grooves and fits well in the palm.

The internal structural elements - a rigidly fixed barrel, a compressed air tank, a frame, a valve mechanism - are made of metal. Inside the housing, in addition to the compressed air tank, there are two valves - exhaust and safety. And also two rods that dampen the movement of this tank. The long (26 centimeters) barrel has 12 grooves. The bullet is loaded directly into the barrel, from its rear side. The first time you have to puff - it’s not so easy to do.

The release hook is blocked by an automatic lever safety device, which is located directly in front of it.

The manufacturer has provided ample opportunities for adjusting the trigger: by force (with a screw in the heel of the handle), by the length of the free stroke (by a screw on the back of the handle), as well as along the longitudinal and transverse axes relative to the barrel (with screws on the trigger). For adjustment, use the key included in the kit.

The open front and rear sights are also adjustable. The latter is done in two axes using micrometric screws. As for the front sight, it is made rotating. In one position (higher) it has a red dot, in the second there is no marking. However, in low light the dot is still noticeably bad. There is a Weaver rail on the top of the pistol where many people mount red dot sights. Under the barrel there is a second strap for a flashlight or laser laser.

Video review of the Zoraki HP 01 Light and Ultra air pistol:

Stalker, general information

The Stalker signal pistol was developed by the Turkish company Zoraki. The model that is entering the Russian market is the Stalker 906. This model can be purchased without special permission, since it uses 5.6 caliber noise cartridges. These are regular construction chucks with a brown or gray tip. It is forbidden to use cartridges with a different coloring, since firing may lead to failure of the device. The pistol is made of silumin, with the exception of plastic linings on the handle.

When talking about the ergonomics of a weapon, it is necessary to evaluate the comfort of holding a pistol in your hand. Not the least role in this is played by the distribution of mass and the shape of the handle. Since a signal pistol is much lighter than a traumatic one, there are no problems with manipulation. The mass of the Stalker pistol is 460 g. Special recesses are made on the handle of the pistol in order to ensure a strong grip.

The flag-type fuse is located on the left side of the bolt body and rotates 180° degrees. It also serves as a pin that secures the structure. Before partially disassembling the pistol, you should turn the flag to the state corresponding to setting the safety and pull it towards you with a little force. Disassembly does not require the use of tools. The shutter-casing must be installed in the rearmost position and pulled up.

The advantage of the model is the possibility of semi-automatic shooting. The first cartridge is sent into the chamber by cocking the bolt. Manipulations must be carried out with a sufficient degree of sharpness. Otherwise, the ammunition may become jammed. During the firing process, reloading occurs due to the action of powder gases. After firing the last cartridge, the bolt is automatically set to the delayed position in the rearmost position.


The model comes in a high-quality plastic case, the lid of which is attached to metal canopies, and the latches are protected against accidental opening. Inside there is a thick layer of dark foam rubber with recesses for a pistol and necessary accessories.

The kit includes:

  • gun;
  • oiler with gun oil;
  • brush for cleaning the barrel;
  • key for adjusting the descent;
  • manual in two languages ​​(English and Turkish);
  • test target with accuracy data and receipt with speed measurement data.

Signal weapon capabilities

It is necessary to objectively evaluate the capabilities of any preferred means of self-defense before deciding to purchase it. In this regard, signal weapons are no exception. The signal pistol is capable of firing special cartridges that have light, sound or combined effects. At the same time, a solid bullet does not fly out of the gun barrel, so such a weapon is not aimed at causing harm to the enemy’s health.

The only factor a defender can rely on is the appearance of the pistol. The presence of a weapon in the hands of the victim can significantly change the plans of the attackers. That is why manufacturers try to achieve maximum external resemblance to real military weapons. Every little detail is important here.

Many amateurs can easily distinguish a pneumatic or traumatic pistol from a combat pistol by the muzzle alone. But if in these models it is impossible to hide this nuance, then the diameter of the signal pistol is almost the same as that of its combat counterpart. There are classic tuning techniques that allow you to “modify” the appearance of the device so that it becomes even more threatening.

Unfortunately for the owners of signal weapons, most citizens understand that it is unlikely that they will meet an ordinary passerby with a combat pistol, therefore, the potential robber/hooligan is deliberately determined that nothing significant will be used against him. In this case, the sight of a pistol may not cause fear in the enemy, but even increased aggression. As a result, the likelihood of achieving the desired effect is negligible, and the conflict will most likely take on a spontaneous character.

If the appearance of the pistol does not make any impression on the attacker, then there is still hope that the shot itself will cool the enemy’s ardor. But there is one psychological nuance here. By demonstrating a weapon, you are inadvertently preparing the enemy for the sound of a shot, so you are sure to use the second factor immediately, bypassing the first.

Drawing a pistol and immediately following the next shot will be a surprise. The attacker will be forced to analyze the situation to determine how to proceed. As a result, you have a few seconds of time that you can use for your own purposes. In any case, you have already attracted attention by giving a signal. This means the gun has fulfilled its function.

The device is designed to ensure that the shots will attract the attention of others, and there is a high probability that someone will call the police. Given the capabilities of modern gadgets, an attacker may retreat, not wanting to fall into the hands of law enforcement agencies, or become the object of photo or video filming on a mobile phone. It is already possible to cite the results of preliminary statistics, which indicate that the criminal prefers to retreat. In extreme cases, no matter how funny it may seem, a pistol can become a kind of brass knuckles if physical confrontation is necessary.

Experts recommend pointing the gun at the enemy when firing, and shooting from a minimum distance. However, the owner of a signal pistol must remember that if it is loaded with .22TC cartridges or a mortar for signal cartridges “Hunter's Signal” is used, then the opponent may receive serious burns. This recommendation should not be taken as standard, since it can only be used as a last resort. That is why, in some respects, even air guns will be more effective than signal guns.

Operating principle

The energy source is compressed air from a reservoir located under the barrel box cover, which is raised by pressing the locking levers on the sides. Having folded the lid along with the barrel, insert a bullet into the barrel and put it all in place, thereby pumping.

This process can be repeated up to four times. If the shooter gets carried away and continues to pump air, then the safety valve is activated, releasing the excess amount of air.

During pumping, the pistol automatically engages the safety lock, preventing the trigger from being pressed. To shoot, you need to move the safety lever forward (which is convenient to do with your index finger). By pressing the trigger, the shooter allows the valve to open, pushing the bullet out of the barrel.

By the way, about bullets: their skirts should under no circumstances stick out. Otherwise they might get stuck in the trunk. Based on experience, owners recommend bullets from 0.4 to 0.57 grams. For example, the following:

  • Gamo Hunter;
  • JSB Exact (Czech Republic).

The video shows a shooting test of the Zoraki HP-01 pistol:

Conflicting Expertise

Experts from the Nikolaev Scientific Research Forensic Center, apparently, decided not to bother themselves too much and followed the beaten path of their colleagues. Just like experts from other Ukrainian Research and Experimental Centers, they recognized the Zoraki-914 S pistols as firearms.

It is noteworthy that Vladimir Matyushchenko learned about this from the investigator - no one gave him the result of the examination. Doubting the correctness of the conclusions of the police experts, Vladimir and his lawyer Dmitry Besprozvanny ordered another examination to be carried out at a branch of the Odessa Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The conclusion of specialist Pavel Repeshko, who conducted the examination, was unequivocal - the eight “Zoraki-914 S” pistols provided for the study are starting-signal pistols, and accordingly are NOT classified as firearms.


In principle, if there are no problems, then there is no need for this. Indeed, already during pumping, almost the entire internal “filling” of the device is visible: the barrel, the reservoir, the exhaust and safety valves. There is a special recess on the cylinder where oil is dropped in (after 500 shots, about a couple of drops).

The bypass sleeve can also be unscrewed without disassembling the device in detail. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hexagon and insert it into the hole with the screw. On the inside there is a rubber ring that can be cleaned and lubricated with silicone grease for a tight seal.

To detach the upper part of the pistol, you must first remove the front sight, as well as the spring and ball that secure it. After this, it becomes possible to pull out the inner barrel.

If you need to unscrew the valve, remove the split washer located on the axle, and then pull out the axle (being careful not to lose the two springs). Now you need to remove the bushing (usually it sits tightly) and the firing pin. The valve is unscrewed using a spanner.

Explosion diagram of the Zoraki HP-01 air pistol

It's easy to make money

When the handcuffs clicked on the wrists of 28-year-old Vladimir Matyushchenko (name changed) on January 17, 2011, he was at first terribly confused. The business he had recently been involved in and which promised such good benefits, suddenly turned into a source of trouble for him.

And those 18 thousand 200 hryvnia that he earned from a simple “buy-sell” transaction, and which he had already managed to mentally spend, migrated from his pocket to the police diplomat.

Although everything started out much more optimistic. In September 2010, he sold a Zoraki-914 S starting pistol

, which I bought shortly before. A few months later, a friend called and asked to get him another one just like it.

Matyushchenko found a way to do this: he purchased a pistol through an online store and resold it to a friend with a slight markup. A few days later, a friend called Vladimir Matyushchenko and asked him to get seven pistols: an acquaintance of his, who is engaged in fish farming, asked for the favor. For security purposes, he supposedly needs weapons.

Vladimir took out a loan from a bank and used the money received to purchase the specified number of pistols. The exchange took place at the intercity bus station: Matyushchenko gave the pistols to the messenger who had arrived from Ochakov, and he gave him the money.

Immediately after this, the weapons tycoon was detained by employees of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and charged under Article 263 Part 1 “Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives,” the sanctions of which provide for 2 to 5 years of imprisonment freedom.

A day later, senior police investigator V. Ryabchenko opened a criminal case under this article.


Most owners of this model prefer not to improve anything - the manufacturer thought through the design very well, carefully processed the barrel and all other parts. Moreover, it provided four adjustments for the descent. In other words, trying to improve, you can, on the contrary, worsen the characteristics.

You can only make small things to make the gun more comfortable to use. For example, increase the contrast of the sights by using bright nail polish and markings. In addition, it is a good idea to install an external sight (optimally a collimator, closed, with a small magnification).

Some people put a silencer (sound moderator) on the barrel. But, in principle, the barrel is already quite long, and very well processed. And to install the moderator, either a re-barrel or the manufacture of a special adapter sleeve is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

A barrel review based on passport data cannot give an objective idea of ​​a specific model. When determining the pros and cons, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of real owners who were able to test the weapon in action.

The advantages include relatively low cost. The average price for a Stalker pistol is approximately 13,000 rubles. Of course, for this money you can buy a more effective means of self-defense, but for this particular class of weapon the cost is more than acceptable.

The gun is great for protecting against dogs. When the .22NC round is fired, a flame shoots out of the muzzle. Light and sound together can scare off even a few angry four-legged animals. The combination of the plastic coating of the handle with the metal of the body gives the optimal weight of the barrel. The weapon allows you to fire with a quick change of targets. Semi-automatic significantly reduces the pause between shots. A series of loud bangs is likely to produce the intended effect. The ability to install a tip for light ammunition increases the range of applicability of the pistol.

The disadvantages of this model are associated, rather, with the shortcomings of the entire class of signal weapons.

  • Despite the high energy levels, the shot is not capable of causing noticeable damage to the enemy. If the sound effect does not affect the attacker, then the consequences of using a weapon can be unpredictable.
  • The barrel of the pistol has protrusions, which means that it cannot be used to fire cartridges containing solid bullets.
  • The use of higher power cartridges has a detrimental effect on the integrity of the pistol.

This is where the list of shortcomings ends, but they play a decisive role when choosing a means of self-defense. Indeed, if you do not rely on your own physical training, then perhaps a remote-action shocker is more suitable for you, although there are many nuances in its operation.

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